Edge Computing Resource Allocation Method For Mining 5G Communication System

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Received 18 January 2023, accepted 8 February 2023, date of publication 13 February 2023, date of current version 25 May 2023.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3244242

Edge Computing Resource Allocation Method

for Mining 5G Communication System
1 School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China
2 China Coal Research Institute Company Ltd., Beijing 100013, China
Corresponding author: Liya Zhang (383916452@qq.com)
This work was supported in part by the National Science Fund Subsidized Project under Grant 62071032; and in part by the Special Fund
for Science and Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Tiandi Technology Company Ltd., under Grant 2022-2-TD-ZD001 and
Grant 2022-TD-ZD001.

ABSTRACT In the actual production of coal mines, the transmission needs of existing underground
applications cannot be met due to a lack of strategies and customized equipment for underground
5G application scenarios, which causes increased underground data processing delay and low transmission
efficiency. To solve the problem above, the mobile edge computing (MEC) technology based on the
5G wireless base station is studied, and underground 5G communication capability is improved by edge
caching and dynamic resource allocation according to the actual situation of coal mines. The experimental
result shows that under the premise of maintaining the rated power and transmit power of the existing base
station, the average delay of executing tasks is 15 ms, which is 50% lower than the average delay of all
local execution methods. The average delay is 37.5% lower than all MEC execution methods. At the same
time, the uplink rate of a single base station can reach 1 Gbps and the downlink rate can reach 1.5 Gbps.
Our method can significantly improve the reliability of mining 5G communication systems and the rational
allocation of resources.

INDEX TERMS Mine 5G communication, mobile edge computing, deep learning, intelligent coal mine.

I. INTRODUCTION applications, and innovating applications and services [2],

Intelligent coal mining is a guarantee of high-quality devel- [3], [4]. Therefore, applying 5G communication technology
opment of the coal industry. However, our country is still in to intelligent coal mining is the only way to develop coal
the primary stage of development of coal mine intelligence, mining in the future. The process of intelligent coal mining
faced with the problems of difficult perception, the unreliable will be effectively promoted and the way of ‘‘network com-
synchronous transmission of multiple types of data, poor munication’’ will be built to turn a new page of intelligent
real-time remote control, and low efficiency of intelligent coal mining.
decision-making based on big data integration [1]. With its Compared with 4G communication, the working power
advantages of large bandwidth, low delay, and wide connec- and RF energy of the 5G base station in the mine have
tion, 5G technology opens up a channel for efficient informa- greatly improved its application underground. The general
tion interaction among different application scenarios, which requirement for equipment is that total RF threshold power
is conducive to reshaping the development of the traditional shall be ≤ 6W . Therefore, for 5G technology in mine, not
coal industry, facilitating the digital transformation of the coal only explosion-proof and indigenous safety design but also
industry, promoting the deep integration of cloud computing, the safety of RF threshold power should be ensured in prac-
big data, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and mobile tice. Normal MIMO technology and the high-gain antenna of
5G technology are not suitable for underground conditions,
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and so the advantages of 5G technology are not fully played in
approving it for publication was Tiago Cruz . the application of coal mines. With the increasing demand for

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
49730 VOLUME 11, 2023
L. Zhang et al.: Edge Computing Resource Allocation Method for Mining 5G Communication System

5G communication technology in the intelligent construction extreme value theory, which make users reassociated to MEC
of coal mines, it is necessary to explore how to maximize servers in order to offload tasks using higher rates or access-
the bandwidth utilization rate of 5G communication base ing proximal servers. However, no strategy or customized
stations in mines under the condition of limited resources, equipment is suitable for these underground scenarios in
so as to meet the requirements of low-delay, large-bandwidth actual production. Even after adjusting the existing param-
and high-speed communication for main system data in intel- eters, the advantages of 5G technology cannot be brought
ligent coal mines [5]. into play and the transmission requirements of existing under-
As shown in Figure 1, the current 5G network deploy- ground applications cannot be met [14], [15]. At present,
ment architecture diagram of coal mines shows that the core the mine 5G system submitted for approval in safety cer-
network is installed in the ground central machine room, tification does not have relevant technology for the special
with BBU, RHUB, and RRU installed underground. BBU needs, which carries out explosion-proof transformation on
is connected to RHUB through an optical fiber, and RHUB the ground 5G flameproof products, with large volume and
is connected to pRRU+ directional antenna through optical weight. This raises the following questions:
cable to achieve 5G signal coverage [6], [7]. All 5G net- • Contrary to the ground 5G products focusing on down-
work communication in underground coal mines relies on link rate, the performance advantages of existing mine
small stations. In order to prevent gas explosions caused 5G system can not be fully played in the underground
by high-power wireless emission, the RF threshold power application scenarios, resulting in a waste of most of
(the product of effective output power of wireless emission bandwidth and performance resources [16].
equipment and antenna gain) of wireless emission equipment • At present, there is no optimization strategy for under-
in underground coal mines shall not be greater than 6W. ground application scenarios, such as dynamic resource
Switching the upstream and downstream time slot ratio is allocation strategy, underground edge computing, edge
commonly used to increase the uplink bandwidth. After mod- cache, etc., which leads to the increase of under-
ification, the uplink rate can reach 450Mbps [8], [9], [10]. ground data processing delay and low transmission
efficiency [17], [18].
• The volume and weight of flameproof equipment are
too large to install conveniently, which cannot meet the
application requirements of all underground scenarios.
To solve the problems above, an edge computing resource
allocation method for the mining 5G communication system
is proposed. Based on the mobile edge computing (MEC)
technology of 5G wireless base station and the actual sit-
uation of coal mines, the underground 5G communication
capability is improved by edge caching and dynamic resource
allocation. Under the premise of maintaining the rated power
and transmitting power of the existing base station, the uplink
rate of a single base station can reach 1 Gbps and the downlink
rate can reach 10 Gbps by using edge caching and dynamic
resource allocation technology.


MEC technology is a way to reduce the delay of network
FIGURE 1. 5G network deployment architecture diagram of coal mines.
operation and service delivery, by providing an IT service
environment and cloud computing capability at the edge of
With the construction of intelligent coal mining, the a mobile network, where the industrial control scenario with
application scenarios of 5G network technology in coal ultra-low delay and the transmission demand of large band-
mines are increasing day by day. Chen et al. [11] devel- width are better met. The sensing, interaction, and control
oped a traffic-flow prediction algorithm which is based between things are better realized [19], [20]. The overall
on long short-term memory (LSTM) with an attention framework of the edge computing resource allocation method
mechanism to train mobile-traffic data in single-site mode. of mining 5G communication system is shown in Figure 2.
Zhang et al. [12] designed an energy-efficient computation
offloading (EECO) scheme, which jointly optimizes offload- A. TERMINAL MODEL
ing and radio resource allocation to obtain the minimal energy In the application scenario of multi-server users correspond-
consumption under the latency constraints. Liu et al. [13] pro- ing to the MEC environment in the coal mine, assume that
posed a new system design, where probabilistic and statistical there are M sets of mobile device terminals Di, and the set
constraints were imposed on task queue lengths, by applying is expressed as A = {1, 2, · · · , M }(i ∈ A). The mobile

VOLUME 11, 2023 49731

L. Zhang et al.: Edge Computing Resource Allocation Method for Mining 5G Communication System

is Ti,t r (xi ) = BRi xi i , and the transmission power consumption

of mobile terminal Di is:

Ei,t r (xi ) = pi,t r Ti,t r (xi ) (5)

Considering that the edge server is directly powered by

the power grid and has sufficient electric energy in practical
applications, the energy consumption of the edge server will
not be considered. The execution time of the computing task
FIGURE 2. Framework of edge computing resource allocation method.
when the mobile terminal Di is unloaded to the edge server is
as follows:
qi Bi xi
Tes (xi ) = (6)
device Di has randomly distributed in 5G application scenario ki fes
in the coal mine. In the MEC environment underground,
where fes is the counting frequency (period) of the edge
the task unloading ratio of the mobile device terminal Di is
server, assuming that it is fixed in the process of data process-
xi ∈ [0, 1], and fi is the computing frequency of the mobile
ing. ki represents the computing resource allocation ratio of
terminal. Therefore, the local execution time when the task is
the mobile terminal Di. Considering that the task is executed
uninstalled is:
in parallel between the terminal and the edge server, the data
qi Bi (1 − xi ) transmission time of the mobile terminal should be combined
Ti,l (xi ) = (1)
fi with the processing time of the edge server. Thus the total
execution time of the terminal computing task on the edge
where Bi indicates the task data volume of the mobile device
server is:
terminal Di, and qi indicates the constant of the complexity
of the computing task. Let pi,l represents the power of the Ti,e s = Tes (xi ) + Ti,t r (xi ) (7)
mobile device terminal Di, then it can be expressed as:
pi,l = ki,l (fi )3 (2)
In the actual production of underground coal mines, there are
where ki,l is a constant determined by the terminal chip a lot of latency-sensitive applications, such as video-based
architecture, thus the corresponding product of energy con- target detection and pedestrian recognition. Therefore, the
sumption power of terminal and time is: problem of task processing delay minimization is proposed,
which optimizes spectrum resources, edge service computing
Ei,l (xi ) = pi,l Ti,l (xi ) = qi ki,l Bi (1 − xi ) (fi )2 (3) resources and terminal data offloading ratio. Decision vari-
ables xi , µi , ki ∈ [0, 1]. Since the task is parallel between the
B. COMMUNICATION MODEL terminal and the edge server, the total delay to complete a task
Generally speaking, in the process of mobile communication is:
transmission underground, the transmission speed of down-
Ti = m Tij , Ti,e s

link is much higher than that of uplink, and the transmission
volume of downlink data is often smaller than that of uplink Then the total delay of task processing in the MEC system
data. Therefore, ignoring the transmission time of downlink, can be described as:
the transmission speed of uplink data can be expressed as:
X Ti,l + Ti,s s Ti,l − Ti,s s
min Z= + (9)
pi,t r (di )−v |h|2
xi ,P(ui ,ki ) 2 2
Ri = Sµi W log2 1 + (4) i∈N
where 0 ≤ xi ≤ 1, 0 ≤ µi , N i=1 µi = 1, 0 ≤
where W represents the bandwidth of the mobile communi- PN
ki , i=1 ki = 1, 0 < pi ≤ pmax , 0 < f max , 0 < f ≤
i ≤ fi es
cation uplink; σ 2 represents the channel noise power; di i
fes,,max , Ei,l (xi ) + Ei,t r (xi ) ≤ Emax .
represents the distance between the mobile terminal Di and
the edge server; v represents the path loss index; h represents
cyclic symmetric complex Gaussian random variable; pi,t r
represents the transmission power of mobile terminal Di, and After the task unloading ratio is given, the communication
the maximum transmission power of mobile terminal Di is spectrum resources and edge server computing resources are
defined as pmax , and S represents the number of channels, allocated for each terminal. The sub-problem of resource
where: 0 < pi,t r ≤ pmax allocation can be expressed as:
i,t r .µi represents the proportion of the
uplink bandwidth of mobile terminal Di, where N µ
i=1 i = 1. X Bi xi Ci xi
If the data with the size Bi xi of mobile terminal Di is unloaded P : min + (10)
pi,s (di )−v |h|2

µi ,ki ki fes
to the edge server for execution, the data transmission time Ti i=1 µi ∗ W log2 1 + σ2

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L. Zhang et al.: Edge Computing Resource Allocation Method for Mining 5G Communication System

where 0 ≤ µi , N
i=1 µi = 1, 0 ≤ ki ,
i=1 ki = 1. MEC be calculated to represent the attributes of the subfile. For
resource allocation is a convex function of variable sum µi files in image format, each frame image or picture is assigned
and ki , so the Lagrangian function of MEC to deal with the the name of the image as a label to construct the feature
total delay problem can be expressed as: vector. For files in document format, IF-IDF method is used
to calculate the feature vector of the document file. Finally,
L (k, µ, β1 , β2 , θ1 , θ2 )
for each subfile ak in the file Fn , it is expressed in the way of
X Bxi X attribute feature vector, that is ak = {c1 , c2 , c3 , . . . , cn }.
=  + β1 µi − 1
Shannon entropy, also known as information entropy,

g2 2
i=1 µ Hog 1 + 2 i=1
describes the relationship between information and proba-
X X cxi X bility mainly through mathematical formulas in informatics.
− β2i µi + + θ1 ki − 1 Its principle mapped to the resource cache is to calculate
i=1 i=1 i=1 the probability of the occurrence of each attribute value in
X the collection where the user has generated behaviors on the
− θ2i ki (11) file. If the probability value is high, it means the information
i=1 is very large. If the probability value is low, it means the
where θ1 , θ2 = [θ21 , θ22 · · · θ2n ]T , β1 , β2 = [β21 , β22 · · · β2n ]T information is small. By calculating the probability of the
are Lagrange multipliers. If this equation has an optimal solu- attribute value, we can judge the distinguishing ability of
tion ki∗ , µ∗i , it needs to meet the conditions that as follows: the attribute. The calculation formula of Shannon entropy is
described as:
∂L Bi x1
+ = − +2
 + β1 − β2i (12) n

µi W log 1 + σ2
H =− Pi × log Pi (19)
∂L ci xi i=1
= − ∗ + θ1 − θ2i (13) In the subfile ak , calculate its probability of all attributes
∂ki∗ ki fss
! occurring:
|num (cn )|
β1 µi − 1 = 0

pn = (20)
i=1 m
X where, pn denotes the occurrence probability of the attribute
β2i µ∗i = 0 (15) value cn , and num( cn ) denotes the total number of subfiles
i=1 in the attribute set whose attribute value is cn , and m denotes
X the total number of files.
θ1 ki∗ −1 =0 (16) By calculating the Shannon entropy of each attribute in the
i=1 file, the Shannon entropy of the subfile ak can be obtained by
X the following formula:
θ2i ki∗ = 0. (17) n
H (ak ) = − Pi × log Pi (21)
By solving the equation above, the optimal configuration i=1
of spectrum and computing resources can be obtained as The size of the Shannon entropy represents the prevalence
follows: of the subfile. The larger the Shannon entropy is, the higher
√ √
Bi xi Ci xi the popularity will be. The first n subfiles of each file F
µi = PN √
, ki = PN √

i=1 Bi xi i=1 Ci xi
are selected according to the Shannon entropy and stored in
each cache node according to random rules. When users and
III. CACHE ALLOCATION terminal devices obtain file information, they are sent through
If there is an information file in the underground storage each node in parallel, which relieves the pressure on cache
node in the current situation, definite the file as F = nodes and improves the transmission speed.
{a1 , a2 , a3 · · · ak }, where ak is the subfile of each part of the
file. The information in the overall information file F needs to IV. BANDWIDTH ALLOCATION
be sent to different devices and users, so the file needs to be Due to the limitations of the special networking mode and
divided into sub-files and stored in different cache nodes. Not base station design in coal mines, the transmission bandwidth
all the information in the file is needed by the underground allocation between storage nodes and devices is more strict
users and terminals, so it is necessary to divide the popularity and complex. A user-based collaborative filtering algorithm
and interest degree of each subfile, and the Shannon entropy is adopted. User-based collaborative filtering algorithm is
method [21] is used to calculate the popularity division [22]. a recommendation algorithm. The content that a user is
Currently, there are n information files {F1 , F2 , F3 , · · · Fn }, interested in will be recommended to another one based on
and each file is divided into k subfiles. That is Fn = the user‘s similarity. Through the user-based collaborative
{a1 , a2 , a3 · · · ak }. For any subfile ak , its feature vector should filtering algorithm, the underground bandwidth is reasonably

VOLUME 11, 2023 49733

L. Zhang et al.: Edge Computing Resource Allocation Method for Mining 5G Communication System

allocated to ensure communication and stability between the

underground cache node and the equipment.
In the user-based collaborative filtering algorithm, the
underground equipment is taken as the user and the band-
width is taken as the item. In the aspect of calculating the
similarity between the equipment, it is mainly necessary to
extract the features of each device to form the feature vector
for similarity calculation. The characteristics of the devices
are divided into five categories, namely device type, data
type, transmission bandwidth requirement, operation state,
and device location. The five feature vectors of the device are
constituted into the device feature matrix. Specific examples
are described in Table 1 below:

TABLE 1. Features of Five Devices.

FIGURE 3. The neural network framework in deep learning.

where L(v), L(u) is the bandwidth required by the device u

and v in current state. µ is the compensation factor.
By the neural network framework in deep learning, the
operation state of the underground Device is predicted and
corrected, and the optimal solution of compensation factor µ
is trained to improve the accuracy of bandwidth allocation of
underground equipment [23], [24].
The model is modified by deep Q-network (DQN). The
Next, the features in the table are quantified and the
structure of DQN consists of a full-connected layer and a
devices are marked with numbers instead. The corre-
convolution layer. Each convolution layer is followed by a
sponding quantitative results of the table above are shown
non-linear activation function. After multi-layer convolution
in Table 2. For one device, its form of feature vec-
and full-connected layer, the input data can get the Q value
tor should be:Qu (p1 , p2 , p3 , p4 , p5 ).For example, Device 1:
of all the actions in the front state as the output. CNN is
Qu (1, 1, 4, 1, 7). p in the formula represents the feature type
used to obtain the interrelationship between (s, a) and value
of device u. The bandwidth for device u is recommended by
function Q(s, a). s, and a is the vector of state and action,
calculating the similarity between device u and device v. The
respectively. Q(s, a). s means cumulative discount rewards
similarity calculation formula is as follows:
when performing action a under state s.
Pn min Qiu ,Qiv 
i=1 max (Qiu ,Qiv )
sin (u1 , v) = Q(s, a) = r s, a, s′ + λQ s′ , a′
(22) (24)
where min Qiu , Qiv is the one whose eigenvalue

is smaller where λ represents discounted parameter, r s, a, s′ indicates

than that of user u and user v. max Qiu , Qiv is the one whose

the rewards obtained by performing the action a. The offline
eigenvalue is larger. Sim(u, v) is a value between 0 and 1. structure requires the accumulation of sufficient value esti-
By calculating the similarity of two devices, the bandwidth mation for the sample (s, a), and memory is played back to
required by unknown devices can be estimated and allocated. make the training process smooth. The offline DNN (Deep
The allocation mechanism meets the following formula: Neural Networks) needs to construct a sufficient value of the
L(v) = µ[Sim(u, v) × L(u)] (23) sample and (s, a) to make the DNN accurate enough. The
CNN is mainly composed of the input layer, hidden layer, and
output layer. The input layer is responsible for receiving the
TABLE 2. Quantitative Results of Five Devices.
original high-dimensional data. The hidden layer contains the
convolution layer, the pooling layer, and the full-connected
layer. The convolution layer is responsible for extracting the
features from the input data, and then the generated feature
diagram is passed on to the next pooling layer. After complet-
ing the feature selection and information filtering The feature
diagram is extended to the vector from the full-connected

49734 VOLUME 11, 2023

L. Zhang et al.: Edge Computing Resource Allocation Method for Mining 5G Communication System

layer and passed to the next layer. After the full-connected

layer, the output layer is responsible for all the outputs of a.
The status s is obtained from the environment, and is as
the input to the current Q network at the same time. In the
current Q network, the Q value of all the actions that should be
calculated and selected the argmaxa Q(s, a; θ) of the biggest
Q value. Then the action is executed in the environment, and
the action is a, the status s, the next state s′ and the reward
r are stored together in the memory pool as a set of state
conversion. When the number of samples in the memory
pool reaches a certain number, a batch of status conversion
s, a, r, s′ will be sampled from the memory pool. the loss FIGURE 4. Analysis of system convergence.

function will be calculated, and the current Q network will

be updated based on the loss function. and then the target
Q network will be updated every time. The DQN will keep about 6.6s and tends to be stable. The global optimal solution
training until it reaches the state of convergence. of the number of iterations of the system is obtained, and the
optimal model of the system is determined.
The experiments were conducted at our mining laboratory. After the optimal system model is determined, the time delay
Our laboratory has an analog coal mine underground envi- changes of tasks by all local operation, all MEC operation
ronment, and MATLAB is used as the experimental tool. The and the method proposed on different amount of terminals
resource scheduling of the MEC will be affected by many are verified. The test result is shown in Figure 5. The test
factors, such as the deployment method, user quantity, and devices increase from 10 to 50, and the average time delay of
the physical environment of the base station. In order to all locally executed tasks is 30ms when the number of devices
facilitate verification experimental effects, we assume that reaches 50. The average latency of all MEC tasks is 24ms
other conditions are the same when adjusting the size of the which is still on the rise, while the average latency of the tasks
user and the number of base stations. The users of bandwidth executed by the method is 15ms. When the number of devices
are shown in the table 3 including intelligent patrol system, reaches 50, the average delay of the method is reduced by
security monitoring system, positioning system, broadcasting 50% compared with that of the method executed locally and
system, etc. by 37.5% compared with that of all MEC execution methods.
Therefore, the task execution delay of the method proposed in
TABLE 3. Common types of user system. this paper has significantly improved effect and lower delay
than the other two ways. And with the increase of the number
of devices, increment of delay of the method is also the least
of all, which proves the superiority of the proposed method.


In the system convergence analysis experiment, the optimal FIGURE 5. System delay under different terminal numbers.
solution of the system method is determined mainly by the
number of convergence in this paper, as shown in Figure 4.
In the experiment, the total number of iterations of the edge D. SYSTEM RATE TEST
computing resource allocation system is 200, and the initial The stability of the proposed method in network transmis-
delay is about 7.9s. With the increase in the number of sion is verified by testing the uplink and downlink rates on
iterations, the total delay decreases gradually. Finally, when different equipment in coal mines, as shown in Figure 6.
the number of iterations is about 80, the total delay is at In order to guarantee the effectiveness of the experiment,

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L. Zhang et al.: Edge Computing Resource Allocation Method for Mining 5G Communication System

LIYA ZHANG (Member, IEEE) received the M.S. ZHIFANG YANG was born in Luoyang, Henan,
degree from the China University of Mining and China, in 1994. He received the master’s degree
Technology, Beijing, in 2012. He is currently from the School of Automation, University
pursuing the Ph.D. degree with the School of of Science and Technology Beijing, China,
Electronic and Information Engineering, Beijing in 2022. He is currently working with CCTEG
Jiaotong University. He is also working as the China Coal Research Institute, studying in the
Chief Expert (second-level) at CCTEG China Coal fields of control science and engineering, deep
Research Institute, China, and the Director of the learning, mining, and industrial intelligence.
Smart Mining Institute. His current research inter- He has published an EI conference as the
ests include coal mine 5G communication, coal first author and participated in the publication
mine safety monitoring systems, and emergency rescue communication. of four SCI papers.

WEI YANG received the B.E. and M.E. degrees

in electrical engineering from Liaoning Techni-
cal University, in 1986 and 1988, respectively,
and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering
from the China University of Mining and Tech-
nology, in 2000. From February 2000 to January
2002, he was a Postdoctoral Research Follow with
the National Mobile Communications Research
Laboratory, Southeast University, Nanjing, China.
Since February 2002, he has been with Beijing
Jiaotong University, China, where he is currently a Professor with the School
of Electronics and Information Engineering. His main research interests
include wireless communication systems, semantic computer vision, simul-
taneous localization, and mapping.

BONAN HAO was born in Tangshan, Hebei, QING ZHAO was born in Tangshan, Hebei, China,
China, in 1993. He received the master’s degree in 1992. She received the master’s degree from
from the China University of Mining and Tech- the Renmin University of China, in 2016. She
nology, Beijing, in 2019. He is currently working is currently working as an Intermediate Engineer
as a Research Assistant with CCTEG China Coal with CCTEG China Coal Research Institute. Her
Research Institute. His research interests include research interests include mine artificial intelli-
mine artificial intelligence, including research gence, including research and technology devel-
and technology development in mining machine opment in mining machine vision, big data, deep
vision, big data, deep learning, and other fields. learning, and other fields.

VOLUME 11, 2023 49737

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