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Modern Indian History

1939 Onwards
Towards Freedom
Gandhi in Jail 1922 Swarajists & No Changers

Political Vaccum Revolutionary Activities

1924 Phase -II
Political Vaccum
1924 Establishment of HRA
Gandhi comes out
from Jail Kakori Conspiracy
Constructive Work 1925 Muslim leagueDelhi
Simon Commission 1928 Proposal (1927)
Establishment of HSRA
Lahore Conspiracy
Civil Disobedience 1930 Chittagong Armory Raid
April 1934 Break k baad
milta hoon
End of CDM 2.0
Strategic Debate
New Swarajists
Government of India Act
Federation & Provincial autonomy

Feb 1937
28 Months of Congress Ministries in provinces

Sep 1939
Resignation of Congress Ministries
Why Resignation of Congress Ministries ?
Congress position before war
Congress' hostility to Fascism, Nazism, militarism and Satyagraha....
We’ll co operate...but
Offer to cooperate in the war effort had two basic only on our conditions
1.After the war, a constituent assembly to be set up

2.Immediately, some form of a genuinely responsible

Background We’ll co operate...but
only on our conditions
Why Resignation of Congress Ministries ?

1. After the war, a constituent assembly to be set

2. Immediately, some form of a genuinely
responsible government What you talking

Q. Government Response?
rejected by Linlithgow

Viceroy Linlithgow
CWC Meeting at Wardha (September 10-14, 1939)
advocated an
the war was an unconditional support
imperialist to the Allied powers
one since both sides

Subhash Bose and the socialists argued

Advantage should be taken of the situation to wrest freedom by

immediately starting a civil disobedience movement
Background Q. CWC resolution @ Wardha
Condemned Fascist aggression
Britain War is for freedom....India But we aren’t getting one.
If Britain is fighting for democracy & freedom, it should give these to
its colonies

The govt. Should declare the aim of fighting this war and also tell how
they gonna implement democracy?

Cong wanted to give chance

October 23, 1939
Resignation of Congress Ministries
No support to government in war

January 1940
Dominion status after war
No support to government in war

March 1940
Congress would resort to civil disobedience

Pakistan Resolution
Grouping of geographically contiguous areas where Muslims are in
Towards Freedom
Towards Freedom ये लो August का latest
offer... अब तो मान
August Offer (August 1940)

• Dominion status

• Expansion of viceroy's executive council

• Setting up of a constituent assembly after the war

• Indians would decide the constitution according to their social,

economic and political conceptions

• No future constitution to be adopted without the consent of

Dominion....ehhh...its time
Towards Freedom for Complete
Q. Congress Response? August Offer
लेककन अब क्या करें ?
Rejected the August Offer
Nehru said, "Dominion status concept is dead as a
door nail

Gandhi declaration had widened the gulf

between the nationalists and the British rulers
सरकार हमको मुर्ख समझती
है क्या..ऊपर से र्ाई बढ़
गई...लोगोों और सरकार के
बीच मे ेँ

Now, Q. what to do next?

Towards Freedom
मैं हेँ ना
लेककन अब क्या करें ?

INDIVIDUAL SATYAGRAHAS/व्यक्तिगत सत्याग्रह

Government had taken the adamant position
Issued ordinance after ordinance
Hence, Gandhi asked to initiate a limited satyagraha on an individual
Towards Freedom This will be our
programme for
चलो किल्ली..
एकला चलो रे व्यक्तिगत सत्याग्रह

INDIVIDUAL SATYAGRAHAS/व्यक्तिगत सत्याग्रह

Demand of the satyagrahi would be the freedom of speech against the
War through an anti-war declaration
If not arrested, he or she would not only repeat it but move into villages
and start a march towards Delhi  चलो किल्ली
Towards Freedom
INDIVIDUAL SATYAGRAHAS/व्यक्तिगत सत्याग्रह

Q. Who was the 1st Individual Free Speech.....


1. Vinoba Bhave
Sent to Jail for
2. Nehru violating Defence
of India Act
3. Brahma Datt

4. May 1941, 25,000 people

had been convicted for
individual civil disobedience
March 1940
Congress would resort to civil disobedience
Pakistan Resolution

August 1940
Dominion status after war lo ek Main Hoon Naa...
Rejected by Congress aur carrot

September 1940
Individual Satyagraha

May 1941
End of Individual Satyagraha
September 1940 Main Hoon Naa...
Individual Satyagraha
पधारो म्हारे िे श
May 1941
End of Individual Satyagraha

December 1941
CWC passed a resolution
Full independence was given after the war Yayay....India
substance of power was transferred immediately

March 1942
Cripps Mission
Towards Freedom I am gonna solve
the issue now
March 1942 Cripps Mission
headed by Stafford Cripps

Q. Why Cripps Mission was Sent?

1. proposals to seek Indian support for the war
Because of the reverses suffered by Britain in South-East Asia

2.Pressure on Britain from the Allies

Indian nationalists had agreed to support the Allied cause
Towards Freedom
Cripps Mission

Talks went on between the Cripss mission and the National leadership
Cripps Mission ये लो एक और
गाजर... रट्टा मार
Q. Main proposals? लेना
1.Indian Union with a dominion status
2.After the end of the war, a constituent assembly
would be convened
3.British Government would accept the new
constitution Conditions
4.Any province not willing to join the Union could have a separate
constitution and form a separate Union

5.Defence of India would remain in British hands

Governor-general's powers would remain intact

Q. Why Cripps Mission Failed?

Cripps Mission
Q. What was the response to the proposal? अरे यार इनको समझाओ...हमको
डोकमकनयन स्टे टस नहीों चाइये...अब
तो कसर्ख पूर्ख स्वराज....हम क्या
Congress objected चाहते आज़ािी
1. Dominion status
2. Representation of the states by
nominees and not by elected
Right to provinces to secede
No immediate power transfer and
Governor General is still supreme

Muslim League idea of a single

Indian Union
Cripps Mission
Q. What next?

This much
हमको डोकमकनयन protest....Bye...m
स्टे टस नहीों चाइये ...अब No Single Union No right
तो कसर्ख पूर्ख स्वराज
leaving for England
of India to secede

Muslim League No Hindu Stafford Cripps

Congress objected Mahasabha No
single Indian Union
dominion status right to secede
Cripps Mission
Q. Failure of Cripps mission
Congress objected
Objected against the
Muslim League proposal
Hindu Mahasabha

Turned out to be merely a propaganda device

Incapacity of Cripps to go beyond the Draft Declaration
Churchill (the British prime minister), Amery (the secretary of state),
Linlithgow (the viceroy) and Ward (the commander-in-chief)
consistently torpedoed Cripps' efforts
UPSC Prelims-2003
An important aspect of the Cripps Mission of 1942 was

A. that all Indian Stales should Join the Indian Union as a condition to
consider any degree of autonomy for India
B. the creation of an Indian Union with Dominion status very soon after
the end of Second World War
C. the active participation and cooperation of the Indian people,
communities and political parties in the British war efforts as a
condition for granting independence with full sovereign status to
India alter the war
D. the framing of a constitution for the entire Indian Union, with no
separate constitution for any province, and a Union Constitution to
be accepted by all provinces
Answer: B
March 1942
िोलन शुरू
Cripps Mission ककया जायें

June 1942
Failure of Cripps mission

July 1942
CWC Meeting @Wardha
Now its time to start struggle
substance of power was transferred immediately

8 August 1942
AICC Meeting @ Bombay
Quit India Movement
Quit India movement
August 8, 1942 AICC Meeting—Gowalia Tank, Bombay Resolution

Why Quit India movement?

1.Failure of the Cripps Mission

2.Popular discontent because of rising prices

3.News of reverses' suffered by the British in South-

East Asia
leadership wanted to condition the masses for a possible
Japanese invasion
Quit India movement
AICC Meeting—Gowalia Tank, Bombay
August 8, 1942
Demand an immediate end to British rule in India
Declare commitment of free India Do or Die... करो या मरो

Form a provisional Government of India

after British withdrawal
Sanction a civil disobedience Slogan
movement against british rule Do or Die
Quit India movement
पहले पीटना कर्र
Q. Government Response? arrest them
August 9, 1942

all the top leaders, of the Congress

were arrested

Viceroy Lithinglow

Q. So did the movement stopped?

Quit India movement
Q. So did the movement stopped? NO.
1.Public on Rampage
Attacked symbols of authority
Bridges were blown up, railway tracks were removed and telegraph
lines were cut

Going on strikes in schools and

Quit India movement
Q. So did the movement stopped? NO.
2. Underground Activity

Rammanohar Lohia, Jayaprakash Narayan,

Aruna Asaf Ali, Usha Sharma,
Biju Patnaik, Chhotubhai Puranik,
Achyut Patwardhan, Sucheta Kripalani
and R.P. Goenka

Underground Radio Usha Mehta

Quit India movement
3. Parallel Governments

West Bengal

Ballia Chitu Pandey

Satara (MH) Prati

Sarkar Nana Patil,
YB Chavan
Quit India movement
Q. So did the movement stopped? NO.
4. Mass Participation

Women Large
Workers Participation
Government officials
No communal clashes took place
Quit India movement
पहले पीटना कर्र
Q. Government Repression arrest them

Lathi Charge,
Tear Gas, Severe
10000 killed Repression

Press was gagged

Severe Government Repression

Viceroy Lithinglow
आों िोलन शुरू
8 August 1942 ककया जायें
AICC Meeting @ Bombay
Quit India Movement

9 August 1942
Govt. Arrests all leadership
Public Rampage पहले पीटना कर्र
Under ground activity, Parallel government arrest them

February 1943
Gandhi @ Fast against violence by the govt.
3 member’s from viceroy’s executive council resigns
Quit India movement
1.Loyalty to Government suffered considerable erosion

2. Movement established the truth

It was no longer possible to rule India without the wishes of Indians

3.Element of spontaneity was higher than before

4.No First level leadership present Leadership vacuum,

Still the movement continued

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