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Modern Indian History

Indian National Movement

Compiled by-Pratik Nayak

Indian National Movement
•Congress Type of Questions?

Place of Session

Year of Session

President of the Session

Indian National Movement


•When it happened? •Non CooperationMovement Starting Date

•Where it happened? •Eg. Bengal or All India aspect

•Who were the leaders •Eg. Name, Social base

& level of participation?
Indian National Movement
•What was the reason •Local grievances, Economic, Other etc.
for the movement to be

•Forms of Protest Strike, non co opearation,

•How the programme
Any other forms
was conceived?

•Why the movement •Reasons for failure due to leadership,

failed? British suppression, any other
Partition of Bengal-
Swadeshi Movement(1905-1908)
Government's decision to partition Bengal had been made public in
December 1903
Partition of Bengal Announced  20 July 1905
Lord Curzon name hain
As a result anti-partition movement started mera....I was the one
Hargiz nahin...Bengal who partitioned
nahin tootne Bengal...yaad rakhna

Leaders ,people
started to oppose the
British decision to
partition Bengal
Q. official reason given by the government?
Yaar bahot bada state
population of 78 million Small States...kya usse hain...if we’ll divide it,
vikas!! then we’ll give GOOD
too big to be administered

Real reason????
Real Reason Gotta do something
about this Bengali
Weaken Bengal nationalists...!!

nerve centre of Indian nationalism

Dividing the Bengalis But How???

1.on the basis of language

reducing the Bengali How By Joining Hindi
speakers to a minority in speaking areas into
Bengal bengal
Bengali 17 million
Hindi+Odiya 37 million
Real Reason
Weaken Bengal
nerve centre of Indian nationalism
Dividing the Bengalis But How???

2.on the basis of religion

western half was to be a Hindu

majority area

eastern half was to be a Muslim

majority area
Starting of Anti-Partition Campaign
By Moderates
Surendranath Banerjee, K.K. Mitra and Prithwishchandra Ray

methods adopted Hum protest karengey

public meetings
memoranda, and propaganda through
pamphlets and newspapers such as
Hitabadi(Dwijendranath Tagore), Sanjibani(KK
Mitra) and Bengalee (SN Banerjee)

Government announced partition of Bengal in July 1905

Anti-Partition Campaign
7 August 1905

passage of Boycott Resolution


massive meeting held in the Calcutta

Town hall

formal proclamation of Swadeshi

Anti-Partition Campaign
October 16, 1905- Day of Partition How it all started?

observed as a day of mourning

through out Bengal
people fasted, bathed in the
walked barefoot in processions
singing Bande Mataram

People tied rakhis on each other's

hands as a symbol of unity
Surendranath Banerjee and Ananda Mohan Bose addressed huge
Swadeshi Movement
Q. Did the movement spread to other parts of the country??
Ans. Partially Yes, but where and are any leaders associated with it.

Poona and Bombay under Tilak

Punjab under Lala Lajpat Rai and Ajit Singh

Delhi under Syed Haider Raza

Madras under Chidambaram Pillai

Swadeshi Movement

Q. What did the congress do? Steps taken.

meeting in 1905
Condemn the partition of Bengal and the reactionary policies of Curzon
Support the anti-partition and Swadeshi Movement of Bengal

After 1905, the Extremists acquired a dominant influence over the

Swadeshi Movement in Bengal
Lal, Bal,Pal & Ghose
Swadeshi Movement
What forms of boycott?

boycott foreign goods

call for passive resistance
boycott of government schools and colleges
government service, courts, legislative councils, municipalities,
government titles
Extremists tried transform movement into a mass struggle and gave
the slogan of India's independence from foreign rule
Swadeshi Movement
What was the technique adopted by new leaders(extremists) & the
fresh ideas at the theoretical, propaganda and programme levels

1.Boycott of foreign goods Be Swadeshi... Buy

What goods were included in
this boycott?

foreign cloth

boycott of foreign made salt or

Swadeshi Movement

Jeans nahin
refusal by priests to ritualise marriages dhoyenge...sirf Dhoti
ko wash karenge....
involving exchange of foreign goods

refusal by washer men to wash foreign

Swadeshi Movement
Bandhab Samiti
2.Public meetings and processions
3. Corps of volunteers or 'samitis
Swadesh Bandhab Samiti of Ashwini Kumar Dutta
Magic lantern lectures
Swadeshi songs
Physical and moral training to their members
Ashwini Kumar Dutta
social work during famines and epidemics
training in swadeshi crafts and arbitration
Swadeshi Movement

4. Imaginative use of traditional popular festivals and, melas

Tilak's Ganapati and Shivaji festivals Ganpati
theatre forms used for this Atma-Shakti Bappa.... Jai

5.Emphasis given to self-reliance or 'atma shakti

Reassertion of national dignity, honour and
confidence and social and
economic regeneration of the villages

social reform
Swadeshi Movement

6. Programme of swadeshi or national education

I established a
Bengal National College Aurbindo Ghose

Bengal Institute of Technology

the National Council of Education was set up to

organize a system of education—literary,
scientific and technical—on national lines and
under national control
Swadeshi Movement

7. Swadeshi or Indigenous enterprises

Establishment of

Swadeshi textile mills

Soap and match factories bengal

Banks, insurance companies
Tanneries,, shops etc
Swadeshi Movement

8. Impact in the cultural sphere

inspiration from songs written by Rabindranath Tagore, Rajnikanta Sen,
Dwijendralal etc.
Amar Sonar
Rabindra Sangeet Nationalist
Swadeshi Movement

8. Impact in the cultural sphere


Abanindranath Tagore

Nandlal Bose
broke the domination of Victorian
naturalism over Indian art
Swadeshi Movement

8. Impact in the cultural sphere Indian Science

Jagdish Chandra Bose
Indian Science Congress
Indian Chemist

Prafullachandra Ray
Bengal Chemicals
Swadeshi Movement

9. Mass participation



Expansion of social base sections of the zamindars, lower middle

Swadeshi Movement
Q. All India aspect?
in support of Bengal's unity agitation were organized in many parts of
the country
But, not much impact
Rather it created conflict between the Ideologies of the extremists & the

Till 1908 the movement continued but was over by its end.

In between due to ideological & methodical conflict between the

moderates & the extremists some events took place
Resulted into spilt of congress @ Surat in 1907
December ,1905 at the Benares session
Moderate-Extremist differences

Two Issues were there

Method of protest
Presidential Post
December ,1905 at the
Inbetween Benares session
focus on Bengal
All India spread
karo Swadeshi
andolan ko...

wanted to extend the Boycott and

Swadeshi Movement not in favour of extending the
to regions outside Bengal movement beyond Bengal
include all forms of associations (such totally opposed to boycott of
as government service, law courts, councils and similar
legislative councils, etc.) associations
Inbetween December ,1905 at the Benares session
2nd Issue was of Presidential Post
Kya baat...Kya
Humare mein
se koi President

December ,1905 at the Benares session
Moderate-Extremist differences
relatively mild resolution condemning the partition of Bengal
supporting the swadeshi and boycott programme in Bengal was passed

I presided...the
President Whom to make?? 1905 Benares

Dekh lenge agle Wait... Ye lo

saal.....!!! Ekka...!

G.K. Gokhale
Now,December, 1906 Calcutta Session
Inbetween December ,1906 at the Calcutta
I’m the grand time hain
Ab president old man of president k
hamara hoga India liye...

wanted either Tilak or

Lajpat Rai as the
proposed the name of
president SolutionDadabhai Naoroji
Dadabhai Naoroji
presides over the meet
Inbetween December ,1906 at the Calcutta session
Q.Resolution@Calcutta Session?
1.The goal of the Indian National Congress was defined as Swarajya or
self-government like the United Kingdom or the colonies Resolution
hamara pass
2.Swadeshi, Boycott and National education karna padega

Victory for Extremist way of action

Gave a call for wide passive resistance and boycott

Thought that the people had been aroused and the battle for freedom
had begun
Inbetween Where should next session take place?
Extremists wanted the 1907 session to be held in Nagpur
Tilak or Lajpat Rai as the president

Moderates wanted the session at Surat in

order to exclude Tilak from the presidency
Haaha...Good Nagpur mein session
Joke...lekin karo...aur president
Both sides adopted rigid positions, nahi ho sakta bhi hamara
leaving no room for compromise
Inbetween Under this situation

26 December 1907, Surat

I am the
Yayay...Our President... Ab nahi chalega
president... aisa....

Extermists decided to object duly elected president ‘Ras Behari Ghose’

Inbetween 26 December 1907, Surat Sesssion

Shoe was thrown on stage, passing by Ras behari ghose & SN Banerjee
Session was marred with violence, with abuses thrown on each other

Congress was broken up into two pieces Surat Split

What next?
Extremists were thrown out of the party
Government launched a massive attack on the Extremists
Moderates were left with no popular base or support
Swadeshi Movement
Q. Reasons for the failure of the movement?
1.severe government repression
2.movement failed to create an effective organisation or a party
rendered leaderless with most of the leaders either arrested or
deported by 1908
3.Internal squabbles among leaders, magnified by the Surat split
Leadership Crisis
By 1908 Tilak in Jail due to sedition charges
Aurobindo retiring from active politics towards spiritualism
Lala Lajpatrai Going to UK, USA for further study

Bipan Chandra Pal I also quit...VRS

Swadeshi Movement

4.did not know how to tap the newly released energy or how to find
new forms to give expression to popular resentment

5.largely remained confined to the upper and middle classes

6.difficult to sustain a mass-based movement at a high pitch for

too long

7. Non-cooperation and passive resistance remained mere ideas

Swadeshi Movement
Q. Assessment? Positives
1.Turning point in modern Indian history
"leap forward"
students, women, some sections of urban and rural population—
participated All forms & ideologies
2. not confined to the political action only
It encompassed art, literature, science and industry

3.Undermined the hegemony of colonial ideas and institutions

1.Most of the upper and middle class Muslims stayed away
Nawab Salimullah of Dacca Muslim League
Point Moderates Extremists

Zamindars & Urban Rural & lower class

Social base

Western thought
Ideology liberty Indian history, Culture

British are here for Rejected british thought

India’s good of goodness
stayed loyal towards British Crown was unworthy
the British of claiming Indian loyalty
Reforms Swaraj....

Point Moderates Extremists

Constitutional Swaraj

3P Extra constitutional
Prayers, Petition, Boycott, passive
Passing resolution resistance
Q. Assessment

1. Ideology and its functioning lacked consistency

2. different perceptions of their goal Swaraj

Tilak Swaraj meant some sort of self-government
AurobindoSwaraj meant complete independence from foreign rule

3.revivalist and obscurantist undertones attached to their thoughts

Tilak's opposition to the Age of Consent Bill
Q. Assessment

4.Organising of Ganapati and Shivaji festivals as national festivals

Muslims stayed away.

raised patriotism from a level of 'academic pastime' to
one of 'service and sacrifice for the country'
UPSC Prelims-1998
Q. Which one of the following defines the extremists ideology during
the early phase of Indian freedom movement?
A. Stimulating the production of indigenous articles by giving them
preference over imported commodities.
B. Obtaining self-government by aggressive means in place of petitions
and constitutional ways
C. Providing national education according to the requirements of the
D. Organizing coups against the British empire through military revolt

Answer: B
UPSC Prelims-1998
Assertion (A): The partition of Bengal in 1905 brought to an end the
moderates role in the Indian freedom movement.
Reason (R): The Surat session of Indian National Congress separated the
Extremisits from the moderates.
A. Both A and R are true but R is the correct explanation of A

B. Both A and R are true but R is not a correct explanation of A

C. A is true but R is false

Answer: A
D. A is false but R is true
UPSC Prelims-1998

Q. The Indian Muslims, in general, were not attracted to the

Extremist movement because of:

a) influence' of Sir Sayeed Ahmed Khan

b) anti-Muslim attitude of Extremist leaders
c) indifference shown to Muslim aspirations
d) extremists’ policy of harping on Hindu aspect

Answer: D
UPSC Prelims-1999
Q. The congress policy of pray and petition ultimately came to an end
under the guidance of:
A. Aurobindo Ghosh
B. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Answer: B
C. Lala Lajpat Rai
D. Mahatma Gandhi
UPSC Prelims-2000
Assertion (A): The basic weakness of the early nationalist movement lay
in its narrow social base.
Reason (R): It fought for the narrow interests of social groups which
joined it.
A. Both A and R are true but R is the correct explanation of A
B. Both A and R are true but R is not a correct explanation of A
C. A is true but R is false
D. A is false but R is true
Answer: C
UPSC Prelims-2002
Q. With reference to the period of extremist nationalist movement in
India in India with its spirit of Swadeshi, which one of the following
statements is not correct?
A. Liaquat Hussain led the Muslim peasants of Bairsal in their agitation
B. In 1889, the scheme of national education was formulated by Satish
Chandraa Mukherjee
C. The Bengal National College was founded in 1906 with Aurobindo as
the Principal
D. Tagore preached the cult of Atmashakti , the main plank of which
was social and economic regeneration of the villages.

Answer: A
UPSC Prelims-2007
The song ‘Amar Sonar Bangla’ written during the Swadeshi Movement of
India inspired the liberation struggle of Bangladesh and was adopted
the national anthem of Bangladesh. Who wrote this song?
A. Rajnikanta Sen B. Dwijendralal Ray
C. Mukunda Das D. Rabindranath Tagore

Answer: D
UPSC Prelims-2008
Q. Who gave a systematic critique of the moderate politics of the Indian
National Congress in a series of articles entitled New Lamps for Old?

A. Aurobindo Ghosh B. R C Dutt

C. Syed Ahmed Khan D. Viraraghavachari

Answer: A
Question UPSC Pre 2014
Q. The partition of Bengal made by Lord Curzon in 1905 lasted until

(a) The World War I when Indian troops were needed by the British and
the partition was ended
(b) King George V abrogated Curzon’s Act at the Royal Durbar in
(c) Gandhiji launched a Civil Disobedience movement

(d) The Partition of India, in 1947 when East Bengal became East
Question UPSC Pre 2010
Q. Four resoultions were passed at the famous Calcutta Session of
Indian National Congress in 1906. The question of either retention or of
rejection of these four resoultions became the cause of a split in
Congress at the next Congress session held in Surat in 1907

(a) Annulment of Partition of Bengal

(b) Boycott

(c) National education

(d) Swadeshi
Question UPSC Pre 2009
Q. In the context of the Indian Freedom struggle, 16th October 1905 is
well known for which of the following reasons?

(a) The formal proclamation of Swadeshi movement was made in

Calcutta town hall
(b) Partition of Bengal took effect
(c) Dadabhai naoroji declared that the goal of Indian National Congres
was Swaraj
(d) Lokmanya tilak started Swadeshi Movement in Poona

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