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Modern Indian History

Beginning of Gandhian Era

Khilafat and Non Cooperation
Swarajists & No Changers
Formation of Congress 1885
Extremists 1900s

Swadeshi Movement 1905

Surat Spilt 1907

Revolutionary Activities- Phase I 1900s to 1912

Ghadar Movement 1913 to 1915

Home rule movement 1916 to 1918
Modern Indian History
Age of Gandhi
Gandhian Era
Q. Type of Questions asked?
Gandhi before India i.e. In Africa
Political organisation
Form of Protest
Novel feature about Protest

Almost each and every thing about Gandhiji is Important

Gandhi Before India Plz come to
Born @ Porbandar 2nd October 1869

Father was the Diwan of the Rajkot state

landed at Durban in 1893 on a

Okay...for a
one-year contract to sort out
the legal problems of Dada
Dada Abdullah

But this one year was

converted into 22 years.
Gandhi Before India
Kaam Meeting
khatam...ab arrange karo
Journey from Durban to Pretoria chala India

Full of racial humiliations

Bundled out of a first-class
compartment by a White man

@ Pretoria convened a meeting of the

Indians there

prepared to leave for India, once work got over but was stopped by
Gandhi Before India Nahi chalega
Q. 1st issue to be raised by Gandhiji in South Africa? aisa bill

Raised the issue of the bill to disenfranchise Excellency....!!
Starting of Political activity in SA
Gandhi in Africa
1894 to 1906 1906 onwards
Moderate Phase Passive Resistance- Satyagrahi
petitioning and sending
Believed that if all the facts of the case were presented to the Imperial
Government, the British sense of justice and fair play would be aroused
and the Imperial Government would intervene on behalf of Indians who
were, after all, British subjects
Gandhi Before India
Starting of Political activity? 1894 to 1906-‘Moderate’ phase
setting up of the Natal Indian Congress

starting a paper called Indian Opinion

Gandhi Before India Lagta hai Dharna
dena padega
1906 Phase II ab...!

Use of the method of passive Satyagraha

resistance or civil disobedience

Q. Satyagraha First used when?

Certificates with
Government Act compulsory for Fingerprints...Only
for Indians
Indians to take out certificates of
registration which held their finger prints
Gandhi Before India Koi certificates
nahi sath

11 September, 1906
Indians resolved that they would refuse to submit to
this law and would face the consequences
Okay...Peace... Aap
fear of jail had disappeared voluntary register
kara dena

Meeting between General

Smuts & Gandhiji
Gandhiji Before India
Smuts had played a trick

Gandhiji retaliated by publicly burning

their registration certificates Ab dekho ye
I’ll burn
Gandhiji Before India
Gandhiji Before India
August 1908
New Legislation Restrict Indian immigration
number of prominent Indians from Natal crossed the frontier into
Transvaal to defy the new immigration laws and were arrested
Gandhiji Before India
Gandhiji’s visit to London at the Invitation of Indian Community
Wrote Hind Swaraj on return Journey
Gandhiji Before India
Set up Tolstoy Farm German architect friend, Kallenbach

Tolstoy Farm was the precursor of the later Gandhian ashrams

Gandhiji Before India Political Developments by
1912-13 Welcome to
In between Gokhale paid a visit to Africa Guruji...

South Africa

Agreement between
Gandhi & Government Okay...No more

Discriminatory laws
against Indians would be
Gandhiji Before India This is

But later on, Satyagraha was resumed in 1913

due to:

1. Resistance to the poll tax of three pounds that was

imposed on all ex-indentured Indians

2. Supreme Court which invalidated all marriages not conducted

according to Christian rites and registered by the Registrar of Marriages

Implication, Hindu, Muslim and Parsi marriages were illegal and the
children born through these marriages illegitimate
Gandhi Before India Andolan...ab
nahi rukenge...

Country wide Satyagraha started by Gandhiji

PatternArrested, Released, Arrested

Series of negotiations
Government of South Africa conceded the major
Indian demands Okay...galti ho
gayi..chalo baat
karte hain
•poll tax,
•the registration certificates
•marriages solemnized according to Indian rites,

Gandhiji returned to India, in January 1915

Gandhiji in Africa- Summary Not its turn for

1. Non-violent civil disobedience

2.Gandhian Method Blue print was created
3.South Africa Net practise Experiment
Prepared him for leadership
4. Faith was created, that masses can sacrifice
All India leadership of social classes Muslims, Parsis, Sikhs etc. were
based in Africa

5. Gandhiji learned
the hardest way, that leadership involves facing the ire not only of the
enemy but also of one’s followers
Gandhi in Africa- Summary
SWOT analysis

7. Africa  Net practise  evolving his own style

of politics and leadership

8. Moderate style won’t work, so in India directly Gandhian style

already knew the strengths and the weaknesses of the Gandhian
1916* Home rule movement started
Gandhi in India
1915no public stand on any political issue India lives in its

Spent the year travelling around the country

organizing his ashram in Ahmedabad

Gandhi in India
Q. Why no participation by Gandhi in Homerule movement??

He was deeply convinced that none of these methods of political

struggle were really viable; the only answer lay in Satyagraha

1917-1918 Background political developments

When does Gandhi involves himself in Struggle?
the only answer
Gandhi in India
When does Gandhi involves himself in Struggle?
Champaran in Bihar

Ahmedabad and Kheda in Gujarat

Q. feature of these struggles?

related to specific local issues

they were fought for the
economic demands of the masses
Gandhi in India
Champaran Satyagraha 1917

Commercialisation of Agriculture
Growing Indigo in 3/20th Land .
Tinkathia system
Indigo grow
Ji Huzoor..... karna padega
Gandhi in India Champaran Satyagraha 1917

1910 onwardsGerman synthetic dyes forced indigo out of the market

Bhaav nahi aa
raha hai Indigo
Huzoor, demand nahi
Aila...nahi grow karne k ka
hai...humko force mat
paisa lagega...!!! kijiye Indigo k liye

Okay...don’t grow...but
for that extra rent dena

Planterskeen to release the cultivators from the obligation of

cultivating indigo
Demanded enhancements in rent and other illegal dues as a price for
the release
Champaran Satyagraha 1917
Gandhi in India Aila...nahi grow
karne k paisa

Raj Kumar Shukla, persuade Gandhiji to come to

Champaran to investigate the problem
Champaran Satyagraha
Gandhi in India Won’t go...I am on a
mission here

Gandhiji, ordered by the Commissioner to

immediately leave the district
Started Investigation with other leaders

Leaders of

Rajendra Prasad
J.B. Kripalani
Brij Kishore, Mahadev Desai and Narhari Parikh
Champaran Satyagraha
Gandhi in India
Government appointed a Commission of Inquiry
nominated Gandhiji as one of its members
I have evidence of 8000
evidence collected from 8,000 peasants peasants

tinkathia system needed to be abolished

Champaran Satyagraha
Gandhi inIndia
Recommendation by the Commission
1.peasants should be compensated for the illegal enhancement of
their dues
2.Gandhi’s compromise with the planters
refund only twenty-five per cent of the money they had taken illegally
from the peasants

within a decade, the planters left the district altogether

Gandhi in India 20% se zyada nahi de
Ahmedabad 1918 35% increase chaiye sakta...

dispute between workers

and the mill owners

Why dispute?
Plague bonus
Mill owners

Q. How did Gandhiji

became involved? Mill Workers

When conflict scaled up, the British collector called Gandhiji to resolve
the problem
Gandhi in India Tribunal theek
Ahmedabad 1918

Gandhiji persuaded the mill owners and the

workers to agree to arbitration by a tribunal

Matters in Tribunal Stray strike by workers

Ab 20% chaiye to
lo...warna naukri bhi
Mill owners offered a twenty per cent bonus and
threatened to dismiss those who did not accept
their terms
35% increase sahi hai....
Gandhi in India Workers strike karo...mein
tumare saath hoon

Gandhi on the basis of a thorough study of the

production costs and profits of the industry as well as
the cost of living, that they would be justified in
demanding a thirty-five per cent increase, in wages

Okay bapu... Andolan..

Advised the workers to go on strike

After some days, the workers began

to exhibit signs of weariness, decline
in attendance
Gandhi in India Now m goin on fast unto
After some days, the workers began to exhibit signs
of weariness, decline in attendance

Gandhiji decided to go on a fast

If the strike led to starvation he would Bapu sab thak gaye

be the first to starve, and the fast was a

fulfillment of that promise

Q. What next?
Gandhi in India Now m goin on fast unto

Fast had the effect of putting pressure on the mill

owners and they agreed to submit the whole issue
to a tribunal

Let the tribunal

Later,Tribunal awarded the thirty-five per cent decide...
Gandhi in India
Peasants of Kheda district were in extreme distress due to a failure of
Appeals for the remission of land revenue were being ignored
No rain...Crop
failure...pls lagaan
maaf kar do
lagaan dena
Gandhi in India Mein grass k upar
bhi tax loonga
Revenue Code If crops 1/4th the normal yield
then total remission
Enquiries by members of the Servants of India
Society, Vithalbhai Patel and Gandhiji confirmed
the validity of the peasants’ case
advised the withholding of revenue, and asked I was also the president of
the peasants to ‘fight unto death against such a Gujarat Sabha
spirit of vindictiveness and tyranny
Gandhi in India Collect only from
those who can
Kheda pay...!!

The Government had issued secret

instructions directing that revenue should be
recovered only from those peasants who
could pay

Public declaration of this decision would have meant a blow to

Government prestige
The movement was withdrawn
Gandhi in India
Moderates, Tilak out of
Arrival in India 1915
Jail, Starting of Home Rule
Champaran 1917
Home Rule Movement
Ahmedabad 1918

Mont-Ford End of Home Rule

Reforms 1918-19
Mont-Ford Reform
Rowlatt Act
Reforms mile
Rowlatt Act na...ab ye naya
act bhi lo...!
Carrot Mont-Ford reforms
Stick New act, extra ordinary powers

March 1919 Rowlatt Act Rule of

Provisions of the act dwara Sashan

authorised the Government to imprison any

person without trial and conviction in a court
of law
No civil liberty for Indians
Rowlatt Act Protest karo...and I need
volunteers from home rule
Q. Indian Response? leage

Gandhiji called for a nationwide protest 6th April se

satyagraha shur
Organised a Satyagraha Sabha and roped in younger karenge
members of Home Rule Leagues

Q. Forms of protest?
Nationwide Hartal (Strike) + Fasting + Prayer
civil disobedience against specific laws
courting arrest and imprisonment
Satyagraha was to be launched on April 6 1919, but........
Rowlatt Act
Q. Forms of protest?
Satyagraha was to be launched on April 6 1919 but.....

before that there were large-scale violent, anti-British demonstrations in

Calcutta, Bombay, Delhi, Ahmedabad, etc

Situation had become very explosive due to wartime repression, force

recruitments and ravages of disease, and the Army had to be called in

The protest continued Jalianwala bagh

Jallianwala Bagh massacre
13 April 1919 Baisakhi Day
PeopleProtesting against the arrest of
their leaders

Satyapal Saifuddin Kitchlew

General Dyer with army blocked the only

exit point and opened fire on the
unarmed crowd killing around 1526
Jallianwala Bagh massacre Sir, ka title vapis de raha

incident was followed by uncivilised brutalities

on the inhabitants of Amritsar

As a mark of protest,
Rabindranath Tagore renounced his knighthood

Gandhi by atmosphere of violence and Band karo..bahot violence

withdrew the movement on April 18, ho gaya
Moderates, Tilak out of
Arrival in India 1915
Jail, Starting of Home Rule
Champaran 1917
1918 Home Rule Movement
Kheda 1918
End of Home Rule
Kheda 1908 Movement

Mont-Ford 1919 Mont-Ford Reforms

Rowlatt Act- Satyagraha
Khilafat & Non 1920s
India in 1919
Inka to kuch karna padega
•People were getting restless
1918 End of WW-I
Economic condition Inflation
The Rowlatt Act, The Jallianwalla Bagh massacre

The Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms Dyarchy

India in 1919
Simultaneously, in background
By 1916, Congress+ Muslim league Common fight
The Lucknow Pact (1916)
Rise of young Muslims who advocated militant nationalism

By 1920 Khilafat Issue.....

Khilafat and Non-cooperation movement
Two movements emerged from separate issues
Mein Hoon na....!
Adopted a common programme of action

Nonviolent Non-cooperation

Khilafat issue was not directly linked to Indian politics

It provided the immediate background to the movement and gave an

added advantage of cementing Hindu-Muslim unity against the British'

People were already getting restless, Khilafat provided a base

Khilafat Movement
Allied Powers Vs. Central Powers
Ottoman Empire

May 1920
Treaty of Sevres with Turkey
Completely dismembered Turkey
Protest started in all over the world, by fellow Muslim leaders
Feb 1920
Punjab wrongs Constitutional advance
Khilafat question

June 1920
All-party conference at Allahabad
programme of boycott of schools, colleges and law courts
Gandhi was asked to lead the programme

August 01, 1920

Khilafat Committee started a campaign of non-cooperation and
the movement was formally launched
Khilafat movement
September 1920 Calcutta
Congress approved a noncooperation programme till the Punjab and
Khilafat wrongs were removed and Swaraj was established
Q. What was Programme of Congress??
boycott of government schools and colleges
boycott of law courts and dispensation of justice through panchayats
boycott of Legislative Councils
boycott of foreign cloth and use of khadi instead
renunciation of government honours and titles
the second phase could include mass civil disobedience including
resignation from government service, and non-payment of taxes
September 1920
Approval of Non Cooperation program by congress
Aim: Khilafat, Punjab Wrongs, Establishment of Swaraj

December 1920, Nagpur

Sacchai ke raste par
Endorsement of Non Cooperation Programme chalo...
Changes in Congress Creed
Before,Swaraj through Constitutional means
Now, Swaraj through Peaceful & legitimate means
Changes in Congress Organisation
Khilafat movement
Important organisational changes were made
1. Setting of 15 members Congress Working Committe (CWC)
If the non-cooperation
2. Provincial Congress Committees (PCC) on programme was implemented
linguistic basis were organised completely, Swaraj would be
ushered in within a year
3. Ward and Village committees was organised

4. Entry fee was reduced to four annas

This adoption gave it a new energy, and the years 1921 and 1922 saw an
unprecedented popular upsurge
Khilafat movement
Gandhi accompanied by the Ali brothers-
Mohammad Ali and Shaukat Ali undertook a
nationwide tour
90,000 students left government schools and
Joined around 800 national schools and colleges
which cropped up during this time

Jamia Millia,
Kashi Vidyapeeth, Development of Nationalist
Gujarat Vidyapeeth Education
Bihar Vidyapeeth
Khilafat movement
lawyers gave up their practice

Heaps of foreign cloth were burnt publicly

Picketing of shops selling foreign liquor

and of toddy shops

Congress volunteer corps emerged

local Congress bodies were asked to start civil disobedience

Khilafat movement

No-tax movement against union board taxes in Midnapore (Bengal) and

in Guntur (Andhra)

In Assam, tea plantations,

steamer services, Strikes
Assam-Bengal Railways

Rise of Local Struggles

as Awadh Kisan Movement (UP),
Eka Movement (UP),
Mappila Revolt
(Malabar) and the Sikh agitation for the removal of mahants in Punjab
Khilafat movement What you
wanna talk
Q. Government Response?? about...?

Talks between Gandhi and Reading

Government came down heavily on the protestors

Volunteer corps were declared illegal

Public meetings were banned

Let’s talk
Press was gagged
most of the leaders barring Gandhi were
December 1921
Congress appointed Gandhi the sole authority on the issue
I will start Civil
Disobedience if.........
February 1, 1922
Gandhi threatened to launch civil
disobedience from Bardoli (Gujarat) if
(1) political prisoners were not released, and
(2) press controls were, not removed
Khilafat movement Hahaa....not
gonna do
I will start Civil
Disobedience if.........

But, the movement had hardly begun before it was brought to an abrupt
Why? Chauri Chaura Incident
Khilafat movement Ahimsa..............
Chauri Chaura Incident Non Violence

Violence prompt Gandhi to withdraw the movement

Police here had beaten up the leader of a group of


Agitated crowd torched the police station with

policemen inside
February 1922 Milta hoon Break k No more protest.....!
Violence at Chauri Chaura

February 1922
CWC meeting at Bardoli
Resolution to stop all activity that led to breaking of law and to get
down to constructive work, instead

March 1922
Gandhi was arrested and sentenced to six years in jail
Khilafat movement
Q. Why Gandhiji Withdrew the Movement??

people had not learnt or fully understoodnonviolence

People have not

signs of fatigue among people understood what is

Not possible to sustain any movement at a high

pitch for very long
Khilafat movement Chun chun k
marunga sabko
Q. Why Gandhiji Withdrew the Movement??
Violent movement easily suppressed

Central theme of the agitation—the Khilafat

question—also dissipated

November 1922
Mustafa Kamal Pasha ,deprived the Sultan of political power and made
turkey into Secular State

Later on, Caliphate was abolished

Khilafat Non-cooperation movement
Q. Assessment?? Positives
1. Involvement of Muslims
2.Nationalist sentiments reached every nook and corner of the
3. Politicised every strata of population—the artisans, peasants,
students, urban poor, women, traders etc.

4.Myth Colonial rule was invincible

It was broken and Challenged by Satyagraha through mass struggle
Khilafat Non-cooperation movement
Q. Assessment?? Negatives
Involvement of Muslims
Q. But why involvement?
Due to Religious issue. Hence Towards Communalisation

Initially Muslims Joined Religious Issue

Role of National leadership Converting Religious issue into Secular
issue for long term approach
Hence, they failed. After the end of this movement, large scale Muslim
participation could not take place
UPSC Prelims 1995
What is the correct sequence of the following events?
1. The Lucknow Pact 1916
2. The Introduction on Dyarchy GIA 1919- July 1918
3. The Rowlatt Act March 1919
4. The Partition of Bengal October 1905

(a) 1,3,2, 4 (b) 4,1,3,2
(c) 1,2 3,4 (d) 4,3,2,1 Answer: B
UPSC Prelims-1996
Consider the following statements:
The Non-Cooperation Movement led to:
1. Congress becoming a mass movement for the first time
2. Growth of Hindu-Muslims unity
3. Removal of fear of the British might from the minds of the
4. British government’s willingness to grant political concessions
to Indians

Of these statements
a) 1,2,3 and 4 are correct
b) 2 and 3 are correct
c) 1 and 3 are correct
Answer: B
d) 3 and 4 are correct
UPSC Prelims-1998
What is the correct sequence of the following events?
1. Tilak’s Homerule league April 1916
2. Komagatamaru Incident September 1914
3. Mahatma Gandhi’s arrival in India January 1915

A. 1,2,3 B. 3,2,1
D. 2,3,1 Answer: D
C. 2,1,3
UPSC Prelims-1998
Assertion (A): The Khilafat movement did bring the urban
Muslims into the fold of the National Movement:

Reason (R): There was a predominant element of anti-

imperialism in both the National and Khilafat Movement

a) Both A and R are true but R is the correct explanation of A

b) Both A and R are true but R is not a correct explanation of A
c) A is true but R is false
d) A is false but R is true
Answer: A
UPSC Prelims-1998
Assertion (A): Gandhi stopped the Non-Cooperation Movement
in 1922.
Reason (R): Violence at Chauri-Chaura led him to stop the

a) Both A and R are true but R is the correct explanation of A

b) Both A and R are true but R is not a correct explanation of A
c) A is true but R is false
d) A is false but R is true

Answer: A
UPSC Prelims-2000
After returning from South Africa, Gandhji launched his first
successful satyagraha in:

(a) Chauri-Chaura (b) Dandi

(c) Champaran (d) Bardoli

Dandi-1930 Answer: C
UPSC Prelims-2008
Who was the Viceroy of India when the Rowlatt Act was
A. Lord Irwin 1926-1931
B. Lord Reading 1921-1916

C. Lord Chelmsford D. Lord Wavell 1944-1947


Rowlatt Act-1919

Answer: C
UPSC Prelims-2007
Which one of the following aroused a wave of popular indignation
that led to the massacre by the British at Jallianwala Bagh?

A. The Arms act B. The public safety act

C. The Rowlatt act D. The Vernacular press act

April 13, 1919 Baisakhi Day

Answer: C Protest by people against arrest of

Saifuddin Kitchlew & Dr. Satyapal

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