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Smart Guess & Test Papers

Student Name ______________________ Father Name ______________________ Roll Number _______

Class: 2nd /Year - Chemistry Marks : 59 Exam Format : Chapter Wise MCQs
Time : notespk.com_Nauman Sadaf | Date _________________ Examiner Sig __________ Chapter#: 1

MCQ's S/Q L/Q Total

Objective Type

1. Encircle the Correct Option. (1 x 42 = 42) ‫وجاب ےک رگد دارئہ اگلںیئ۔‬ ‫در‬ .1
1) When hydrogen losses its electron to form H+ ion , then it resembles .
a) Semi metals b) Halogens c) Alkali metals d) Noble gases
2) Hydrogen combine with other element through _____ bond .
a) Ionic b) Covalent c) Co-ordinate covalent d) None of these

3) Hydrogen can form bond with _____ element at a time .

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
4) Hydrogen is placed at the top of elements in group _____ .
a) HA b) HB c) IA d) IB
5) Hydrogen is a ________ like most of halogens .
a) Solid b) Liquid c) Gas d) None of these
6) Element of Group IIA are called .
a) Alkali metals b) Alkeline earth metals c) Coinage metals d) Halogens

7) Which is the longest period of periodic table ?

a) 4 b) 5 c) 6 d) 7
8) Number of elements in the first period of the periodic table is .
a) 2 b) 8 c) 14 d) 18
9) 6th period contains the number of elements .
a) 18 b) 32 c) 8 d) 10

10) Lanthanides are present in .

a) 4th period b) 5th period c) 6th period d) 7th period

11) 5th period contains total number of elements .

a) 10 b) 32 c) 18 d) 14

12) Elements of group IB are called .

a) Representative elements b) Rare earths c) Transition elements d) Coinage metals
13) Which one of the following is a non - metal ?
a) Bi b) Sb c) Al d) Br
14) Which is the pair of metalloids ?
a) Na and K b) F and Cl c) As and Sb d) Cu and Au

15) The elements placed on the extreme right of the periodic table are .
a) Transition elements b) Non - metals c) Metalloids d) Metals

16) The modern periodic table reveals that the elements are .
a) Arranged in the order of b) Taken in group of eight c) Arranged in the order of d) Arranged in the order of
increasing atomic weight increasing no . of protons in the increasing no . of neutrons in the
nucleus nucleus
17) The sixth period of periodic table consists of 32 elements which are .
a) Two s - block , six p - block b) Eight normal , ten d - block c) Eight normal , ten transition d) Eight normal & twenty four d -
and twenty four d - block and 14 f block elements and ten inner transition elements block elements
18) The number of elements in fourth Period in modern Periodic table is .
a) 32 b) 18 c) 10 d) 8

19) Elements of group IA are called .

a) Alkali metals b) Metalliods c) Alkaline earth metals d) Coinage metals

20) Which one is not a periodic property ?

a) Ionization energy b) Density c) Atomic radii d) Hydration energy

21) Which of the following elements has lowest - ionization energy ?

a) Beryllium b) Boron c) Carbon d) Oxygen
22) Which elements has lowest melting point ?
a) Beryllium b) Magnesium c) Calcium d) Barium
23) Which element form an ion with charge + 3 ?
a) Chromium b) Copper c) Lead d) Zinc

24) The strength of binding energy of transition elements depends upon ?

a) Number of electron pairs b) Number of neutrons c) Number of unpaired electrons d) Number of protons
25) Alkali metals are .
a) Acidic in nature b) Strong oxidizing agent c) Amphoteric in nature d) Strong reducing agents
26) Element ( cs ) cesium show resemblance with .
a) Ca b) Cr c) Both A & B d) Fr
27) Which of the following has the highest first ionization energy ?
a) B b) C c) O d) N

28) As we go from left to right in 4th period , the shielding effect ?

a) First decreases then increases b) Increases regularly c) First increases then decreases d) Remains constant

29) Electronic configuration of four elements A,B,C,D are as follows , which will be the most metallic ?
a) A = 2, 8, 4 b) B = 2, 8, 6 c) C = 2, 8, 8, 1 d) D = 2, 8, 8, 7
30) Which of the following has the highest melting point ?
a) NaCl b) NaBr c) Nal d) NaF
31) Out of Na , Mg , Na+1 & Mg+2 , the highest ionization energy is of .
a) Na b) Na+ c) Mg d) Mg+2
32) The second electron affinity of oxygen is .
a) -141 kJ mol-1 b) +780 kJ mol-1 c) -337 kJ mol-1 d) +29 kJ mol-1
33) Which one of the following elements can have only negative oxidation states .
a) Br b) F c) I d) Cl
34) Keeping in view the size of atoms , which order is the correct one ?
a) Mg > Sr b) Ba > Mg c) Lu > Ce d) CI > I
35) Mark the correct statement .
a) Na+ is smaller than Na atom b) Cl (ion) and CI ( atom ) are c) Na+ is larger than Na atom d) CI- is smaller than CI atom
equal in size
36) Mark the correct statement .
a) All the lanthanides are present in b) All halogens are present in the c) All the alkali metals are d) All the noble gases are
the same group same period present in the same group present in the same period
37) Which statement is incorrect ?
a) All the metals are good b) All the metals are good c) All the metals form positive d) All the metals form acidic
conductors of electricity conductors of heat ions oxides
38) Which statement is correct ?
a) Hydrogen resembles in b) Hydrogen resembles in c) Hydrogen resembles in d) Hydrogen resembles in
properties with I-A , IV-A and properties with III-A , IV-A and properties with II-A , IV-A and properties with II-A , III-A and
VII-A elements V-A elements VI-A elements VIII-A elements
39) Mark the correct statement .
a) The ionization energy of b) The ionization energy of c) The ionization energy of d) The ionization energy of
calcium is lower than that of calcium is lower than that of calcium is higher than that of calcium is lower than that of
barium magnesium beryllium strontium
40) Mark the correct statement .
a) Electron affinity is a measure b) Electron affinity is a measure c) Electron affinity is a measure d) Electron affinity is a measure
of energy required to remove the of energy released by adding an of energy required to excite an of energy released by removing an
electron electron electron electron
41) Mark the correct statement .
a) Metallic character increases b) Metallic character increases c) Metallic character decreases d) Metallic character remains the
down the group along a period along a group same down the group
42) Mark the correct statement .
a) Metallic points of halogens b) Metallic points of halogens c) Metallic points of halogens d) Metallic points of halogens
decrease down the group increase down the group remain the same through the first increase and then decrease
group down the group
2. Write "T" for a true statement and "F" for a false statement (1 x 8 = 8)
‫) اک اشنن اگلںیئ۔‬X( ‫) اشنن اگلںیئ اور طلغ ےک اسےنم‬ ( ‫وجاب ےک اسےنم‬ ‫در‬ .2
43) In Mendeleev’s periodic table elements Be, Mg, Zn and Cd are placed in the same group.
☐ True ☐ False

44) The second and third periods contain eighteen elements each.
☐ True ☐ False

45) Alkaline earth metals are present in Group IIA.

☐ True ☐ False

46) Metals are present in the top right corner of the periodic table.
☐ True ☐ False

47) Metalloids are present in the lower half of Groups IVA, VA and VIA.
☐ True ☐ False

48) Hydrogen forms uninegative ion like halogens.

☐ True ☐ False

49) Oxidation state of an element is related to the number of period it belongs.

☐ True ☐ False

50) Diamond is a good conductor of electricity.

☐ True ☐ False

3. Fill in the blanks. (1 x 9 = 9) ‫اخیل ہگج رُپ رکںی۔‬ .3

51) Mendeleev in his periodic table, arranged the elements according to their atomic____________.
52) Vertical columns in modern periodic table are called_________and horizontal rows are called_______.
53) Members of group VIlA are called _______ and alkali metals is the family name of________ group members.
54) Hydrogen can be placed above the groups_______ of the periodic table.
55) Shielding effect is actually the_______________ due to electrons in between the nucleus and the outermost
56) Noble gases have the____________ values of ionization energy due to their complete outermost shells.
57) When a second electron is added to a uni-negative ion, the incoming electron is __________ by the already
present negative charge.
58) Due to having partly filled d-orbitals _____________metals usually show variable valency.
59) Melting and boiling points of halogens_________down the group.

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