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DATE 9/11/2016 - 15:33

Cod. Type Index Value Parameter

1 Anl 1 -2 OffsetS1
2 Anl 2 0 OffsetS2
3 Anl 3 0 OffsetS3
4 Anl 4 192 S1
5 Anl 5 0 S2
6 Anl 6 227 S3
7 Anl 7 -249 S4
8 Anl 10 50 Set_SH_Real
9 Anl 13 227 TempEvap
10 Anl 14 192 PressEvap
11 Anl 15 -98 SH
12 Anl 16 325 TempSatEvap
13 Anl 17 0 Apertura
14 Anl 22 50 SH_Set_Cool
15 Anl 23 70 SH_Set_Heat
16 Anl 24 100 SH_Set_Defr
17 Anl 25 50 KP_Cool
18 Anl 26 30 KP_Heat
19 Anl 27 40 KP_Defr
20 Anl 28 90 TI_Cool
21 Anl 29 35 TI_Heat
22 Anl 30 30 TI_Defr
23 Anl 31 25 Tderiv
24 Anl 32 0 DeadBand
25 Anl 33 8 TiLowSH
26 Anl 34 15 TiLOP
27 Anl 35 25 TiMOP
28 Anl 37 2000 MaxTempSHCool
29 Anl 38 2000 MaxTempSHHeat
30 Anl 39 2000 MaxTempSHDefr
31 Anl 43 25 TLowSHCool
32 Anl 44 30 TLowSHHeat
33 Anl 45 40 TLowSHDefr
34 Anl 46 0 OffSHCool
35 Anl 47 0 OffSHHeat
36 Anl 48 0 TDiffCool
37 Anl 49 30 TDiffHeat
38 Anl 50 -70 TS_LOP_CL
39 Anl 51 -250 TS_LOP_HT
40 Anl 52 -300 TS_LOP_DF
41 Anl 53 140 TS_MOP_CL
42 Anl 54 120 TS_MOP_HT
43 Anl 55 300 TS_MOP_DF
44 Dig 1 0 Reset
45 Dig 17 0 DIN1
46 Dig 18 0 DIN2
47 Dig 19 1 VAC
48 Dig 20 0 DOUT1
49 Dig 21 0 DOUT2
50 Dig 24 0 μC2 off line
51 Dig 25 0 50% capacity
52 Dig 26 0 100% capacity
53 Dig 35 0 GoAhead
54 Dig 37 0 uCH_Attivo
55 Dig 38 0 uCH_Libero
56 Dig 41 0 All_LowSH
57 Dig 42 0 All_Eeprom
58 Dig 43 1 All_Probe
59 Dig 44 0 All_MOP
60 Dig 45 0 All_LOP
61 Dig 46 0 All_HITAsp
62 Dig 47 0 All_Valve
63 Dig 48 0 All_Battery
64 Dig 49 0 WarningMOP
65 Dig 50 0 WarningLOP
66 Dig 51 0 WarningHITAsp
67 Dig 52 0 WarningLowSH
68 Dig 58 0 ReleStanby
69 Dig 60 1 EnErrLowSH
70 Dig 61 0 EnErrMOP
71 Dig 67 1 StandAlone
72 Dig 68 0 ManualMode
73 Dig 70 0 ErrValve
74 Int 1 0 Key1
75 Int 14 23797 Key12
76 Int 15 0 Pos_Motor
77 Int 17 0 RegulationType
78 Int 20 50 EEV Ratio
79 Int 21 1 Address
80 Int 22 50 Min Steps
81 Int 23 480 Max Steps
82 Int 24 410 ClosingStep
83 Int 25 20 BackStep
84 Int 26 100 StepRate
85 Int 27 450 PhaseCurrent
86 Int 28 100 StillCurrent
87 Int 29 30 DutyCycle
88 Int 30 0 TypeValve
89 Int 33 1 Cfg_S1
90 Int 34 0 Cfg_S2
91 Int 35 2 Cfg_S3
92 Int 36 5 Cfg_S4
93 Int 37 2 Filter_S1
94 Int 38 2 Filter_S2
95 Int 39 2 Filter_S3
96 Int 40 2 Filter_S4
97 Int 41 0 MinValueS1
98 Int 42 173 MaxValueS1
99 Int 43 0 MinValueS2
100 Int 44 0 MaxValueS2
101 Int 45 0 MinValueS3
102 Int 46 0 MaxValueS3
103 Int 48 3 DelayErr
104 Int 49 30 MOP_Delay
105 Int 50 5 TypeRefrigerant
106 Int 51 60 ToutBlockValve
107 Int 52 100 ToutLowSH
108 Int 53 40 ToutLOP
109 Int 54 40 ToutMOP
110 Int 55 0 ToutHTSH
111 Int 61 2 Baudrate
112 Int 62 0 PosManual
113 Int 66 -16384 StatoEVD
114 Int 67 7 EnableAlarm
115 Int 69 51 Cfg_Probe
116 Int 100 820 Firmware
117 Int 111 -1 GainS4curr
118 Int 112 -1 OffSetS4curr
119 Int 113 -1 GainS4volt
120 Int 114 -1 OffSetS4volt
121 Dig 62 0 ReleErrMCH2
122 Dig 69 0 OutReleOnOff
9/11/2016 - 15:33

Description - RW -
Probes offset S1 RW
Probes offset S2 RW
Probes offset S3 RW
S1 Analog Input Status R
S2 Analog Input Status R
S3 Analog Input Status R
S4 Analog Input Status R
Current SuperHeat Setpoint R
Suction temperature value measured R
Evaporation pressure value measured R
SuperHeat R
saturated gas temperature value calculated in the evaporator R
Valve opening as a % R
Superheat set point RW
Superheat set point in Heat mode RW
Superheat set point in Defrost mode RW
PID proportional factor RW
PID proportional factor in Heat mode RW
PID proportional factor in Defrost mode RW
Integral time for superheat control in Cool mode RW
Integral time for superheat control in Heat mode RW
Integral time for superheat control in Defrost mode RW
PID derivative time RW
Dead zone for PID control RW
Integral time for Low SuperHeat Control RW
Integral time for Low evaporatore pressure Control RW
Integral time for High evaporatore pressure Control RW
Maximum superheat temperature in Cool mode RW
Maximum superheat temperature in Heat mode RW
Maximum superheat temperature in Defrost mode RW
Low superheat value RW
Low superheat value in Heat mode RW
Low superheat value in Defrost mode RW
SuperHeat offset in Cool mode RW
SuperHeat offset in Heat mode RW
Differential temperature in Cool mode RW
Differential temperature in Heat mode RW
Temperature operating pressure (LOP) in Cool mode RW
Temperature operating pressure (LOP) in Heat mode RW
Temperature operating pressure (LOP) in Defrost mode RW
Temperature operating pressure (MOP) in Cool mode RW
Temperature operating pressure (MOP) in Heat mode RW
Temperature operating pressure (MOP) in Defrost mode RW
Reset to default RW
Status of digital input 1 R
Status of digital input 2 R
Alternating current power supply status RW
Output Open collector R
Relay output control R
Active when μC2 is not connected R
Active when the capacity is 50% R
Active when the capacity is 100% R
enable restart following error R
uC2 Active R
uC2 Free R
Low Sh Alarm R
EEPROM memory error R
Error Probe Alarm R
MOP Alarm R
LOP Alarm R
Alarm High Temperature Suction R
Failed valve closing Alarm R
Battery Alarm R
MOP Status R
LOP Status R
Temperature at minimum operating pressure (MOP) in CH mode R
Low SH status R
Status Relè in Stand-by mode RW
Low SuperHeat error enable RW
MOP error enable RW
Stand-Alone mode Selection RW
Enable/disable manual valve positioning RW
Enable/disable Failed valve closing Alarm RW
Enable restore default parameters RW
Generic Value RW
Calculated valve opening position R
Regulation Type RW
Percentage of the maximum capacity managed by the valve RW
Net Address RW
Minimum Steps regolation RW
Maximum Steps regolation RW
Steps completed in total closing RW
Back Step forced RW
Speed motor RW
Peak current per phase RW
Current with motor stopped RW
Motor duty cycle RW
Valve Type RW
Type Probe on S1 Analogue Input R
Type Probe on S2 Analogue Input R
Type Probe on S3 Analogue Input R
Type Probe on S4 Analogue Input R
Time Costant for Digital Filter on S1 analogue input RW
Time Costant for Digital Filter on S2 analogue input RW
Time Costant for Digital Filter on S3 analogue input RW
Time Costant for Digital Filter on S4 analogue input RW
Minimum value of S1 ratiometric sensor RW
Maximum value of S1 ratiometric sensor RW
Minimum value of S2 ratiometric sensor RW
Maximum value of S2 ratiometric sensor RW
Minimum value of S3 ratiometric sensor RW
Maximum value of S3 ratiometric sensor RW
Delay activation probe errror RW
Delay MOP warning RW
Type of refrigerant fluid RW
Low superheat alarm delay RW
Low SH alarm delay RW
Low evaporation pressure (LOP) alarm delay RW
High evaporation pressure (MOP) alarm delay RW
High superheat temperature alarm delay RW
Superviosr Configuration /Tlan RW
Manual Position Motor RW
Driver Status R
Alarm Enable fo to Open Relè RW
Type of sensors used RW
Firmware version R
Gain current S4 RW
Offset current S4 RW
Gain voltage S4 RW
Offset voltage S4 RW
Enabled relè output with MCH2 alarm RW
Output relè ON/OFF RW

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