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Lead Identification and Research

A) Name: Masud Mehedi

Position: Chief Operating Officer (COO) and Director.
Company: BJIT,

Reason for Selection:

As the COO and Director of BJIT, Mr. Masud Mehedi plays a crucial role in the
company's operations and strategic objectives. As such, he is ideally positioned to
facilitate discussions regarding possible partnerships with Brainstation 23 PLC's
resource augmentation services. His understanding of BJIT's workings guarantees that
he is aware of how Brain Station 23's products may complement and contribute to BJIT's

BJIT's dedication to solving complex issues and value addition through services like
custom software development, DevOps, etc. aligns with Brainstation 23's goals. Mr.
Mehedi's insight into these areas positions him as the ideal contact for a beneficial BJIT
and Brain Station 23 partnership.

B) Name: Ashraf Uddin

Position: Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
Company: Enosis Solutions,

Reason for Selection:

The choice to select Mr. Ashraf Uddin, Enosis's CTO, for outreach is in line with his
extensive management of the business's operations and strategic goals. Because of his
position, he is well-versed in Enosis's technology requirements and joint ventures, which
makes him a strong contender for partnership talks.

The possibility for a cooperative effort is highlighted by the alignment of Enosis's

extensive service offering, which includes bespoke software, online and mobile app
development, and so on with Brainstation 23's need for a partner with these
competencies. Because of his acquaintance with Enosis's capabilities, Mr. Uddin is the
most appropriate person to reach out to.
C) Name: Balaji Venkatraman
Position: Senior Product Manager
Company: Nutanix,

Reason for Selection:

Selecting Mr. Balaji Venkatraman as the primary contact is a strategic move due to his
essential involvement in guiding the development and management of Nutanix's
offerings. As a Senior Product Manager, Mr. Balaji possesses a comprehensive
understanding of the technological strengths, strategic orientation, and specific
challenges that Nutanix aims to address within the marketplace.

Mr. Balaji’s pivotal role makes him a valuable point of contact for discussing how
Brainstation 23's resource augmentation services could support Nutanix's product
development goals, particularly in areas aligning with Nutanix's top services like cloud
infrastructure, hybrid cloud environments, AI / ML, Big Data and enterprise applications.

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