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PICSOU is a general utility website used to locate nearby bars in a radius of 2km
around its users. The app will enable users to view bars in their location on a map, grid , list
view or any other method deemed necessary. Each bar will have details under it like photos,
location etc and every user will be able to comment under a bar, add a bar by giving his
location and filling a simple form.

The realization of the site will be divided into several parts namely

1. Analysis: This phase will allow us to know the objectives of the project, the
offers and services, the functionalities and content of the project.

2. The Design: This phase will give us the structure and the first visual overview of
the site

3. Realization: In this phase we will determine which technology to use according to

the needs

4. Implementation: This consists of carrying out tests, commissioning the site and
ensuring that the elements for its proper functioning (security, user account, staff
training, performance and deployment tools) are available.

5. Maintenance: This phase is used to manage post-deployment aspects such as

updates, establish KPIs(Key point indicators) and resolve site issues.

NB: In our case Mr Tchinda soh will validate each phase of the project

1. Analysis

The website will present the following aspects

• Register&Login: To connect to your account. Google, email will be used

• Home screen: The home screen will directly show nearby bars in a 2km radius
either in a map form or any other view. When a user clicks on a bar on the
map view, the user will see pictures of the bar at the bottom with the details.He
will also be able to choose between being directed by geolocation to the exact
location of the bar (just like the start driving feature of google maps which gets
your current position and directs you to a chosen location) OR just look the
direction been traced from his current location to the chosen bar.

If he chooses a list view, he will see photos of the bar with other details filled in
by the user who added the bar

The user should be able to choose between map or list view

Google maps is a good model for what we want to develop

• A navigation bar will be present at the bottom with 3 buttons as listed from left
to right. Menu(About, contact, Account too if possible), Bars(To view nearbz
bars), Add(To add bars)

• Add: This screen will enable the user to add a bar. When opened the app will
directly take the users current position and show him a form with description,
photos, free or paid, written location. He saves it and its now available on the

• Contact us:This page will contain all the details to contact PICSOU available
like address, phone number and email

• About: Show About info of the app and developing team

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