Technology - Pros and Cons

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The last hundred years have seen the rapid and dramatic developments of many areas, inlcuding

medicine, transports, manufacturing, and communication. Over that period, lives have changed in ways
that our parents and grandparents could only have dreamed of, but there is a rising concern in relation
to the question of whether the world today is a better place to live in as a result.

On the one hand, technological advancements benefit our lives in various ways. One of the main
improvements is the advances in medical science, which has brought cures to once fatal diseases and
significantly extended our lifespan as we can expect. Futhermore, information technology has enabled us
to come into contact with friends, colleagues and almost whoever we want around the world as well as
keep in touch with them with a mouse click. Its advantages also result in the way we gather information,
manage bank accounts, and shop without stepping outside our home. Furthermore, modern labour-
saving devices such as washing machine or dishwahser have made daily tasks much easier.

However, not all the outcomes of technological developmemts are considered to be positive. Firstly, the
emphasis on acquiring the latest technology has made many of us become more materialistic. Secondly,
the majority of people also lead more isolated lives due to a lack of sense of community and
neighbourliness in comparison with what our parents once had. Finally, the resulting breakdown of
traditional social ties leave the elderly and other vulnerable people without the support they need. Other
issues facing the modern world would be higher crime rate, drug culture and ever-present danger of
terrorist attack

In conclusion, while we have made great progress over the last hundred years, there are still problems
that need to be tackled. This may be a better time to live than any previous age, but hopefully the future
will be better still.

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