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 Analyze the influence of traditional values, religious beliefs, and Western ideals on sexual
norms in the Philippines by identifying key cultural factors, comparing them with
Western practices, and evaluating their impact on contemporary Filipino society.
 Demonstrate their understanding of traditional Filipino courtship practices by role-
playing scenarios that involve formally expressing intentions to court, seeking family
approval, and enacting the cultural significance of these practices.
 Appreciate the diversity of sexual behaviors and their societal interpretations in the
Philippines by reflecting on their own attitudes, respecting different cultural perspectives,
and valuing the importance of cultural context in shaping sexual norms and behaviors.
Direction: Select the letter of the correct answer. Good luck!
1. Maria, a young Filipino woman, is considering entering a relationship with John, a man
she recently met. They both want to respect traditional Filipino values. Which of the
following steps is most appropriate for John to take first?
a) Ask Maria to move in with him.
b) Seek approval from Maria’s family before courting her.
c) Propose marriage to Maria directly.
d) Start a secret relationship with Maria to avoid family interference.

2. Juan and Ana, both from conservative Filipino families, are discussing their future
together. They want to respect their cultural norms and their families' expectations. What
is a significant aspect they need to consider?
a) Deciding where to live after marriage.
b) How many children they want to have.
c) Getting approval and support from both families.
d) Planning their honeymoon destination.

3. Carlos is a young man living in a rural area of the Philippines. He wishes to express his
romantic interest in his classmate, Luisa. What cultural practice is he likely to follow?
a) Sending anonymous love letters to Luisa.
b) Asking Luisa out directly for a date.
c) Formally expressing his intentions to Luisa’s family.
d) Ignoring traditional customs and proposing marriage to Luisa.
4. Liza and her friends are discussing their views on premarital sex. Liza, raised in a
traditional Filipino household, shares her perspective. What is Liza most likely to say?
a) "It's a personal choice, and everyone should do what makes them happy."
b) "Premarital sex is generally discouraged and chastity until marriage is highly valued."
c) "It's not important and is often ignored in our culture."
d) "Our culture fully supports premarital relationships as a norm."

5. Miguel, a Filipino student studying abroad, notices that his Western classmates have
different views on LGBTQ+ issues compared to his upbringing. How might Miguel’s
perspective be influenced by his Filipino cultural background?
a) He might fully embrace all Western views without question.
b) He might face challenges in acceptance, especially if he comes from a conservative
c) He will immediately reject any views different from his own.
d) He will not be affected at all by his cultural background.
Correct Answers:
1. B. Seek approval from Maria’s family before courting her.
2. C. Getting approval and support from both families.
3. C. Formally expressing his intentions to Luisa’s family.
4. B. "Premarital sex is generally discouraged and chastity until marriage is highly valued."
5. B. He might face challenges in acceptance, especially if he comes from a conservative
Direction: Select the letter of the correct answer. Good luck!
1. Rosa, a young woman in the Philippines, is excited about her new relationship with her
boyfriend, Miguel. They want to respect traditional Filipino values. What should Miguel
do to honor these traditions?
a) Start planning a surprise wedding.
b) Seek Rosa's hand in marriage by talking to her father and family.
c) Move in together to test their compatibility.
d) Keep their relationship secret to avoid gossip.

2. Andres and Bella are in a committed relationship. They come from traditional Filipino
families and are planning their future. What crucial step should they take before making
major decisions?
a) Decide on a wedding date.
b) Announce their relationship on social media.
c) Obtain the approval and support of both their families.
d) Purchase a house together.

3. Lina and her partner are discussing whether to have premarital sex. Lina values her
Filipino cultural norms and is mindful of her family’s beliefs. What is her most likely
stance on this issue?
a) "We should do whatever we feel like."
b) "Premarital sex is generally discouraged and chastity is important."
c) "Our culture doesn't care about premarital sex."
d) "We should avoid discussing this with our families."

4. Pedro is interested in courting Maria, but he wants to respect her family’s traditional
Filipino values. What initial step should Pedro take to show his respect and intentions?
a) Secretly send Maria love notes.
b) Publicly declare his love for Maria.
c) Formally express his intentions to Maria’s family.
d) Invite Maria to a vacation without informing her family.

5. Nina, who grew up in a conservative Filipino household, is studying abroad and learning
about diverse sexual orientations. She wants to remain respectful of her culture while
being open-minded. What is a balanced approach she can take?
a) Completely adopt Western views without any regard for her background.
b) Reject all Western views and stick strictly to her traditional beliefs.
c) Understand and respect both her cultural background and new perspectives,
promoting acceptance.
d) Avoid any discussions about sexual orientation to prevent conflict.
Correct Answers:
1. B. Seek Rosa's hand in marriage by talking to her father and family.
2. C. Obtain the approval and support of both their families.
3. B. "Premarital sex is generally discouraged and chastity is important."
4. C. Formally express his intentions to Maria’s family.
5. C. Understand and respect both her cultural background and new perspectives, promoting

Slide 1:
In the Philippines, the cultural norms surrounding sexuality are deeply rooted in a combination
of traditional values, religious beliefs, and the influence of Western ideals
Here's a more in-depth exploration of these norms:
1. Conservative Values and Catholic Influence
 The Philippines is predominantly Catholic, and Catholicism plays a crucial role in
shaping cultural norms, including those related to sexuality.
 The teachings of the Catholic Church emphasize conservative values, and premarital sex
is generally discouraged.
 Virginity until marriage is often considered a virtue, contributing to the importance
placed on chastity.
Slide 2:
2. Courtship Traditions
 Traditional courtship remains a prevalent practice in Filipino culture.
 This involves a suitor, typically a man, formally expressing his intentions to court a
woman to her family.
 This process underscores the significance of family in relationships, as the approval and
support of both families are deemed essential for a successful union.
Slide 3:
3. Family-Centric Approach
 Filipino culture places a high value on close-knit families.
 Decisions related to relationships and sexuality often involve the input and approval of
the extended family.
 The concept of "utang na loob" and respect for elders play pivotal roles in shaping
individuals' choices.
Slide 4:
4. Patriarchy and Gender Roles
 Traditional gender roles are still prevalent in the Philippines, with men often seen as the
primary decision-makers in the family.
 However, there is a gradual shift towards recognizing and promoting gender equality.
 Modern attitudes challenge these norms, and more women are breaking traditional roles
and pursuing careers and education.
Slide 5:
5. Modesty in Dress
 Conservative dressing is encouraged in Filipino society, particularly in rural and more
traditional communities.
 There is a prevailing cultural emphasis on modesty, and revealing clothing may be
considered inappropriate, especially in religious or rural settings.
Slide 6:
6. LGBTQ+ Challenges
 While attitudes toward the LGBTQ+ community are evolving, challenges in acceptance
persist, particularly in more conservative areas.
 Urban centers tend to be more accepting, with a growing awareness of LGBTQ+ rights
and issues.
 However, discrimination and stigmatization still exist, and there is ongoing advocacy for
greater inclusivity and understanding.
Slide 7:
7. Media Influence
 Western media has a significant impact on shaping attitudes toward sexuality in the
 Exposure to more liberal Western ideas through various media channels has contributed
to a changing mindset, especially among the younger generation.
 This influence has led to a greater openness to diverse perspectives on relationships and
Slide 8:
8. Sex Education
 Sex education in the Philippines varies across regions and is often influenced by cultural
and religious factors.
 In conclusion, the Philippines presents a complex interplay of tradition, religion, and
modern influences when it comes to cultural norms related to sexuality.
 These norms are dynamic and subject to change as the country navigates the intersections
of its rich cultural heritage and the globalized world.
Slide 9:

 Defined as any activity that induces sexual arousal.

 It can be solitary, between 2 persons, or in a group.

Slide 10:
Determinants of Sexual Behavior
1. Biological capacity
2. Cultural expectations
3. Personal values
4. Individual experiences
Slide 11:
Erogenous Zones

 Refers to the parts of the body that are primarily receptive to sexual arousal when
touched in a sexual manner.
 Includes the mouth, breasts, genitals and anus.
 Erogenous zones may vary from one person to another.
 Some people may enjoy being touched in a certain area more than the others areas. Other
common areas of the body that can be aroused easily may include the neck, thighs and
Slide 12:
Types of Sexual Behavior

 The various types of human sexual behavior are usually classified according to gender
and number or participants.
1. Solitary
2. Sociosexual (heterosexual or homosexual)
Slide 13:
Solitary Sexual Behavior

 Also known as Self-gratification.

 Means self-stimulation that leads to sexual arousal and generally, sexual climax.
 Takes place in private as an end in itself.
 Generally, begin at or before puberty
 Very common among unmarried males, but also present among females.

Slide 14:
Reasons for Masturbation

 Both Males and Females:

1. To relax
2. To relieve sexual tension
3. Partners are unavailable
4. Partners resist sexual activity
5. Boredom
6. Obtain physical pleasure
7. To help get to sleep
8. Fear of AIDS and other STI’s
Slide 15:
Is Masturbation Harmful?

 There is no scientific evident that masturbation is harmful. – Science

 It may be a sign of adjustment problem – Psychology
 It can be used to treat males with low sexual desire; and females with orgasms problems
– Sex therapists
 Masturbation is a non-procreative sexual activity, it is sinful – Bible

Slide 16:
Sociosexual Behavior

 Heterosexual
 Homosexual
 Simultaneous

Slide 17:
Sociosexual (Hetero)

 Partners’ feelings for one another is the stronger determinant of sexual arousal and
 Usually begins in childhood and may be motivated by curiosity.
 Proceeds to courting and selection of marriage partner.

Slide 18:

 A non-coital sex.
 Studies in USA showed that females wants longer foreplays compared to males.
 Not limited with human mammals.
 Will eventually lead to coitus.

Slide 19:
Sociosexual Acts

 Hug – an affectionate close embrace.

 Kiss – touching or pressing with the lips.
 Caress – touching with tenderness.
 Necking – kissing from head to neck.
 Petting – kiss strokes from head to different parts of the body.
 Fellatio – sexual contact between the mouth and the male genital.
 Cunnilingus – sexual contact between the mouth and the female genital.
 Anilingus – (rimming) sexual contact between the mouth and the anus.
 Anal sex – can be done by using a finger, or the male genital.

Slide 20:

 Penile-vaginal intercourse.
 Viewed by society quite differently depending upon the marital status of the individuals.
 Tolerated in modern-Western societies.
 Extramarital coitus among males seems more considerable compared to females.

Slide 21:
Sexual Acts Interpretations

 Erotic – capable of producing sexual response

 A kiss may be interpreted as a gesture of intimacy between couples or friends; respect for
the elders or authority.
 Touching of the genitals is not sexual in nature if done for medical purposes.
 The apparent motivation of the act greatly determine its interpretation.

Slide 1: Sexual Norms in the Philippines
Conservative Values and Catholic Influence
Additional Information: The Philippines is one of only two predominantly Catholic countries in
Asia, the other being East Timor. This strong Catholic influence is a result of over 300 years of
Spanish colonization.
Trivia: The Simbang Gabi, a series of pre-dawn masses leading up to Christmas, is a reflection of
the deep Catholic faith in the country and showcases how religion permeates everyday life.
Explanation: Catholic teachings strongly influence moral and social norms in the Philippines,
especially regarding sexuality and family life. This is evident in the widespread practice of
abstinence until marriage and the high regard for virginity.
Slide 2: Courtship Traditions
Additional Information: Traditional courtship in the Philippines, known as "panliligaw," often
involves a series of respectful gestures, such as serenading (harana) and giving gifts.
Trivia: Harana, or serenading, was a popular practice in the past where a suitor would sing love
songs to a woman at her window to express his feelings and intentions.
Explanation: The process of courtship underscores the importance of family involvement and
approval, which is seen as crucial for the success and acceptance of the relationship within the
Slide 3: Family-Centric Approach
Additional Information: The concept of "extended family" in the Philippines often includes not
just immediate family members but also aunts, uncles, cousins, and even close family friends.
Trivia: "Utang na loob," or debt of gratitude, is a Filipino cultural trait that emphasizes the
importance of reciprocity and loyalty within family and social relationships.
Explanation: Family decisions, especially those involving relationships and marriage, often
require the consensus of the extended family. Respecting elders and considering their advice is
seen as a sign of maturity and responsibility.
Slide 4: Patriarchy and Gender Roles
Additional Information: Despite traditional gender roles, women have played significant roles in
Filipino society, such as Gabriela Silang, a revolutionary leader during the Spanish era.
Trivia: The Philippines ranks high in gender equality in Southeast Asia, partly due to its laws and
policies promoting women's rights and the significant number of women in leadership positions.
Explanation: While traditional roles position men as the primary decision-makers, there is a
growing recognition and shift towards gender equality. More women are pursuing higher
education and careers, challenging the traditional gender norms.
Slide 5: Modesty in Dress
Additional Information: The emphasis on modesty is particularly strong in rural areas and among
older generations. However, urban areas and younger generations may have more liberal views
on clothing.
Trivia: Traditional Filipino attire, such as the "baro't saya" for women and the "barong Tagalog"
for men, reflects the conservative and modest dressing norms.
Explanation: Dressing modestly is often associated with respect for oneself and others, and is
especially important in religious and rural settings where community standards are more
Slide 6: LGBTQ+ Challenges
Additional Information: Despite legal challenges, the LGBTQ+ community in the Philippines
has been gaining visibility and support, particularly through Pride marches and advocacy groups.
Trivia: The annual Metro Manila Pride March is one of the largest LGBTQ+ events in Southeast
Asia, reflecting the growing acceptance and support in urban areas.
Explanation: While urban centers are becoming more accepting, conservative areas still struggle
with acceptance. Advocacy for LGBTQ+ rights continues to grow, pushing for legal recognition
and protection against discrimination.
Slide 7: Media Influence
Additional Information: The rise of social media and access to global content have significantly
influenced Filipino youth, exposing them to diverse perspectives on relationships and sexuality.
Trivia: Popular Western TV shows and movies often depict more liberal views on sexuality,
influencing Filipino attitudes and contributing to changing norms.
Explanation: Western media's portrayal of liberal ideas has led to a more open-minded approach
among younger Filipinos. This shift is gradually changing the traditional conservative norms,
especially in urban areas.
Slide 8: Sex Education
Additional Information: Sex education in the Philippines varies significantly, with some schools
offering comprehensive programs while others have limited or abstinence-only education.
Trivia: The Reproductive Health Law, passed in 2012, mandates comprehensive sex education in
schools, although its implementation faces resistance from conservative groups.
Explanation: The variation in sex education across regions reflects the country's diverse cultural
and religious influences. Comprehensive sex education is essential for addressing issues such as
teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.
Slide 9: Human Sexual Behavior
Additional Information: Human sexual behavior encompasses a wide range of activities and can
be influenced by biological, psychological, and social factors.
Trivia: Alfred Kinsey's research in the mid-20th century was pioneering in studying human
sexual behavior, revealing that sexual practices and preferences are more diverse than previously
Explanation: Sexual behavior includes solitary activities, such as masturbation, and social
activities involving one or more partners. Understanding this diversity is crucial for addressing
sexual health and education.
Slide 10: Determinants of Sexual Behavior
Additional Information: Cultural expectations and personal values often dictate what is
considered acceptable or taboo in sexual behavior within different societies.
Trivia: The concept of "sexual scripts" refers to the societal guidelines and expectations for
sexual behavior, which vary widely across cultures and time periods.
Explanation: Biological capacity, cultural norms, personal values, and individual experiences all
play significant roles in shaping sexual behavior. These determinants interact in complex ways,
influencing how individuals express their sexuality.
Slide 11: Erogenous Zones
Additional Information: Erogenous zones can vary greatly from person to person, and what is
arousing for one individual may not be the same for another.
Trivia: The concept of erogenous zones was popularized by Sigmund Freud, who identified
specific areas of the body that are particularly sensitive to sexual stimulation.
Explanation: Erogenous zones are areas of the body that respond to sexual touch. These can
include well-known areas like the genitals and less obvious ones like the neck or ears,
highlighting the diversity of human sexual response.
Slide 12: Types of Sexual Behavior
Additional Information: Sexual behavior is typically classified based on the participants and their
genders, highlighting the range of human sexual experiences.
Trivia: The Kinsey scale, developed by Alfred Kinsey, measures sexual orientation on a
continuum from exclusively heterosexual to exclusively homosexual, reflecting the fluidity of
human sexuality.
Explanation: Sexual behavior can be solitary, such as masturbation, or sociosexual, involving
interactions with others. Sociosexual behavior can further be divided into heterosexual or
homosexual activities, encompassing the diversity of human sexual relationships.
Slide 13: Solitary Sexual Behavior
Additional Information: Masturbation is a common form of solitary sexual behavior and is
practiced by people of all ages and genders.
Trivia: Historically, masturbation was often stigmatized and misunderstood, but modern science
recognizes it as a normal and healthy part of human sexuality.
Explanation: Solitary sexual behavior, or self-gratification, often begins at or before puberty and
is a natural way for individuals to explore their sexuality and achieve sexual satisfaction.
Slide 14: Reasons for Masturbation
Additional Information: People masturbate for various reasons, including physical pleasure,
stress relief, and as a way to explore their own bodies.
Trivia: Some studies suggest that regular masturbation can have health benefits, such as
improving sleep quality and reducing stress.
Explanation: Masturbation is a common practice for both males and females, with reasons
ranging from relaxation to avoiding the risk of sexually transmitted infections. It is a personal
choice influenced by various physical and psychological factors.
Slide 15: Is Masturbation Harmful?
Additional Information: Despite common myths, scientific evidence shows that masturbation is a
normal and healthy sexual activity.
Trivia: The stigma around masturbation can be traced back to religious and cultural beliefs, but
modern perspectives view it as a natural part of human sexuality.
Explanation: Masturbation is not harmful according to scientific and psychological research. It
can even be beneficial in treating certain sexual issues. However, some religious beliefs consider
it sinful, reflecting diverse cultural attitudes.
Slide 16: Sociosexual Behavior
Additional Information: Sociosexual behavior includes a wide range of activities and is
influenced by cultural, personal, and relational factors.
Trivia: The term "sociosexuality" describes the extent to which individuals are comfortable
engaging in casual sexual relationships without emotional attachment.
Explanation: Sociosexual behavior encompasses heterosexual, homosexual, and simultaneous
sexual activities. It reflects the complex interplay between individual preferences and societal
Slide 17: Sociosexual (Hetero)
Additional Information: Heterosexual sociosexual behavior often follows a progression from
early exploration to courtship and long-term partnership.
Trivia: Courtship practices and the importance placed on marriage vary widely across cultures,
reflecting different societal values and expectations.
Explanation: In heterosexual relationships, partners' feelings for each other are key determinants
of sexual arousal and response. These relationships often begin in childhood with curiosity and
develop into deeper emotional and physical connections.
Slide 18: Foreplay
Additional Information: Foreplay is an essential component of sexual activity for many people,
helping to build intimacy and sexual arousal.
Trivia: Studies show that foreplay can significantly enhance sexual satisfaction, particularly for
women, who often require more time to reach arousal.
Explanation: Foreplay involves non-coital activities that increase sexual arousal and intimacy
between partners. It is an important part of sexual activity that can lead to coitus and enhance
overall sexual satisfaction.
Slide 19: Sociosexual Acts
Additional Information: Sociosexual acts include a variety of behaviors that can build intimacy
and sexual connection between partners.
Trivia: The terms for specific sociosexual acts, like "fellatio" and "cunnilingus," have roots in
Latin, reflecting the long history of these behaviors being studied and named.
Explanation: These acts, ranging from hugging to more intimate behaviors like oral sex, play a
significant role in human sexual relationships. They help partners connect physically and
emotionally, enhancing their sexual experiences.
Slide 20: Coitus
Additional Information: Coitus, or penile-vaginal intercourse, is the most commonly recognized
form of sexual activity but is not the only form of sexual expression.
Trivia: In some cultures, extramarital coitus is more socially tolerated for males than females,
reflecting gender double standards.
Explanation: Coitus is viewed differently depending on the individuals' marital status and
cultural context. In modern Western societies, it is generally tolerated, but attitudes can vary
widely across different cultures and communities.
Slide 21: Sexual Acts Interpretations
Additional Information: The interpretation of sexual acts can vary greatly depending on the
context and individuals involved.
Trivia: Cultural interpretations of gestures like kissing can differ significantly; for instance, in
some cultures, a kiss on the cheek is a common greeting, while in others, it is seen as a sign of
romantic interest.
Explanation: The meaning of sexual acts, such as kissing or touching, is influenced by the
apparent motivation and context. Understanding these nuances helps in comprehending the
diversity of human sexual behavior and its cultural interpretations.

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