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Table of Contents
Introduction 5 leadership qualities
01 03

Examples Leader role model

02 04


Many successful and thriving

companies and countries have
one thing in common, a great
leader. With an adequate leader,
a team can accomplish their
goals in and effective and
efficient way
5 Ways to Train
Yourself to be an
Focus on your team

As a leader, one must focus on

the weaknesses and strengths
of their team and help them
improve. If the team cannot
identify their wrongs or rights
its a leaders job to help their
members do that. For example,
if your team is struggling with
controlling the finances, then
help them and find more
effective ways to improve their

To be a better leader. You have to

take advice and listen to your
team. This can improve the
outcome of your team and
motivate them. When they see
that you are listening to their
ideas, they will feel welcomed and
connected to their leader. For
example, you listen to your team
for different marketing strategies
and give them back some
feedback so they feel included
and like their voices are heard
When you have confidence,
your team gains trust in you.
They have a peace of mind
knowing that their leader
knows what their doing. This
can also benefit you as a
leader because you often tend
to take more risks and
accomplish high goals. For
example, when making
business proposals you need
to seem confident so your
partner believes you.
“When a leader lacks confidence, the
followers lack confidence.”
—John C. Maxwell
Motivation plays a very significant role in
the result of your teams. For example, if lazy
and unmotivated people get together and
try to work, the outcome will only reach the
bare minimum. However, if motivated
people will work together, the result should
have high quality.Motivation is important
because it increases productivity, improves
teamwork, and lower labor turnovers. There
are 3 motivation theories, however, in
leadership I believe that the theory of
Abraham maslow applies the best, which is
the “Hierarchy of needs”.

To be accepted as a leader and

welcomed, you need to respect your
surrounding and the boundaries of
the people around you. For example,
do not involve yourself in their
personal lives and mix it with work. If
you know anything inconvenient
happening with your team, do not
overload or overwork them. They
deserve to be respected. If you
respect them, they will return that
same respect.

My Leader Role-Model: Imran
My role model is a phenomenal leader. His confidence and
organizational skills are really prominent. He helped his
country, Pakistan, in drastic ways and gathered more
followers. He listened and payed attention to what his
people need, and he acted. He built hospitals, universities,
and many other facilities for his country. By listening to his
people, they started accepting him as their leader and
followed him. He fought for the right and just reasons,
which makes him one of the best leaders. However, not
everything was uphill for Imran Khan, he did in fact have a
lot of challenges, but as a motivated leader, he overcame
them.That's why I want to become like him, a leader who
acts according to their teams needs.
CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo,
including icons by Flaticon, and infographics & images by Freepik

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