Project Policy

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Dr. D. Y.

Patil Educational Federation’s

Varale, Talegaon, Pune

Final Year Projects

Planning & Implementation

Varale, Talegaon, Pune Campus

Final Year Projects: Planning & Implementation

Varale, Talegaon, Pune Campus

Process of Monitoring and Evaluation

Varale, Talegaon, Pune Campus

Process of Monitoring and Evaluation
❑ Project coordinator is responsible for planning, scheduling and execution of all the

activities related to the project evaluation

❑ Project coordinator along with HoD makes project review committee

❑ Project reviews are planned at regular interval and displayed on the notice board

❑ Project review consists of group-wise PPT presentation in front of project guide and

the project review committee about the progress of the project work and future plan

❑ The project evaluation committee and the project guide together analyze the

different stages of review

Varale, Talegaon, Pune Campus

Process of Monitoring and Evaluation

❑ The marks are allotted to the individual student after every review. There are

three reviews during the semester

❑ At the end of 7th and 8th semester a report is submitted by the group of

students. The ethical values are verified through proper citation of references

❑ Finally, the project work is assessed by the external and internal examiners

through presentation, demonstration and viva- voce with individual student

group member and also as a team work.

Varale, Talegaon, Pune Campus

Project Calendar

Varale, Talegaon, Pune Campus

Project Calendar

Varale, Talegaon, Pune Campus

Process to Assess Individual & Team Performance
❑ The project work is divided into different modules to be executed concurrently by

the individual student

❑ The project guide interacts weekly with the student to determine the progress

and to evaluate the contribution and understanding of relevance of each student

❑ During different stages of project review, presentation is given by the students

one by one of the groups with respective their assigned module

❑ Project review committee along with project guide asks questions to assess

individual as well as team contribution

Varale, Talegaon, Pune Campus

Parameters for Internal Evaluation

Varale, Talegaon, Pune Campus

Quality of Completed Projects Work Phase-I
❑ Project Phase-I: Project work phase – I is an integral part of the Project work. In

this, the student shall complete the partial work of the project which will consist of

problem statement, literature review, SRS, Model and Design. The student is

expected to complete the project at least up to the design phase.

Varale, Talegaon, Pune Campus

Quality of Completed Projects Work Phase-I
❑ As a part of the progress report of project work phase-I, the candidate shall

deliver a presentation on the advancement in Technology pertaining to the

selected project topic.

❑ The student shall submit the duly certified progress report of Project work Stage-I

in standard format for satisfactory completion of the work by the concerned guide

and head of the Department/Institute.

Varale, Talegaon, Pune Campus

Quality of Completed Projects Work Phase-I

❑ The examinee will be assessed by a panel of examiners of which one is necessarily

an external examiner. The assessment will be broadly based on work undergone,

content delivery, presentation skills, documentation, question-answers and report.

Varale, Talegaon, Pune Campus

Quality of Completed Projects Work Phase-II

❑ In Project Work Stage–II, the student shall complete the remaining project

work which consists of Selection of Technology and Tools, Installations, UML

implementations, testing, results, performance discussions using data tables

per parameter considered for the improvement with existing/known

algorithms/systems and comparative analysis and validation of results and

conclusions. The student shall prepare and submit the report of Project work in

standard format for satisfactory completion of the work that is the duly certified

by the concerned guide and head of the Department/Institute.

Varale, Talegaon, Pune Campus

Quality of Completed Projects Work Phase-II

❑ The student shall prepare and submit the report of Project work in standard

format for satisfactory completion of the work that is the duly certified by the

concerned guide and head of the Department/Institute.

Varale, Talegaon, Pune Campus

Quality of Completed Projects Work Phase-II

All the students are encouraged to present their work in National / International

conferences, journals or Tech festivals arranged by various organizations.

❑ The Students of final year presenting/ publishing their work based on the


❑ Students of final year are always encouraged to participate in the project

competitions like Natarajan Education Society’s (NES) national level innovation

awards, Avishkar Competition organized by Savitribai Phule Pune University.

Varale, Talegaon, Pune Campus

How to Select Project Domain?

How to Choose The Project Domain in the Final Year?

Selecting the right project domain for the final year is one of the

important decision that can significantly impact the academic and

professional future. So, keeping this in mind let’s learn about key

points to consider while selecting a project domain:

Varale, Talegaon, Pune Campus 24-06-2024 Dr. Suresh Mali 16

Passion & Interest
1. Passion and Interest
Identify Your Interests: Consider what subjects, topics, or technologies excite
you. Passion drives motivation and creativity in your project.

Explore Previous Courses: Reflect on the courses you enjoyed the most
during your academic journey. Think about the topics that captured your

Varale, Talegaon, Pune Campus 24-06-2024 Dr. Suresh Mali 17

Relevance of your feature
2. Relevance to Future Goals
Career Alignment: Choose a domain that aligns with your future career goals. It should be
relevant to the industry or field you plan to work in after graduation.

Skill Enhancement: Opt for a domain that allows you to enhance skills valued in your
desired profession, whether programming, research, design, or management.

Varale, Talegaon, Pune Campus 24-06-2024 Dr. Suresh Mali 18


3. Feasibility and Resources

Available Resources: Consider the availability of books, journals, online
courses, and experts in the chosen domain.

Access to Tools and Technologies: Ensure you have access to the tools
and technologies required for your project. Consider the availability of
software, hardware, and datasets.

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Complexity and Scope
4. Complexity and Scope
Balancing Complexity: Evaluate the complexity of the project for final
year. It should be challenging enough to showcase your skills but not so
complex that it becomes unmanageable.

Define Scope: Clearly define the scope of your project. Be specific about
what you want to achieve and what you can realistically accomplish
within the given time frame.

Varale, Talegaon, Pune Campus 24-06-2024 Dr. Suresh Mali 20

Social Impact and Innovation

5. Social Impact and Innovation

Social Relevance: Explore domains that have a positive impact on society.
Projects addressing real-world problems can be highly rewarding and

Innovation: Consider projects that involve innovative solutions or cutting-

edge technologies. It can make your project stand out and attract

Varale, Talegaon, Pune Campus 24-06-2024 Dr. Suresh Mali 21

Consultation & Guidance
6. Consultation and Guidance
Seek Guidance: Consult with professors, mentors, or industry experts. They
can provide valuable insights and suggestions based on your interests and

Peer Discussions: Discuss potential domains with your peers. Their

perspectives might help you see the project from different angles.

Varale, Talegaon, Pune Campus 24-06-2024 Dr. Suresh Mali 22

Previous Project Evaluation
7. Evaluate Previous Projects
Review Past Projects: Look into previous projects undertaken by students in
your department. It can inspire ideas or help you identify areas not explored

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Personal Growth and Learning
8. Personal Growth and Learning
Learning Opportunities: Choose a domain that offers learning and skill development
opportunities. Your project should challenge you to learn new concepts and

Personal Growth: Consider how the project will contribute to your personal and
academic growth. Will it push your boundaries and help you develop as a

Varale, Talegaon, Pune Campus 24-06-2024 Dr. Suresh Mali 24

Varale, Talegaon, Pune Campus 24-06-2024 Dr. Suresh Mali 25

Thank You

Varale, Talegaon, Pune Campus

Varale, Talegaon, Pune Campus

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