Unit 05 Dols II Lecture 08 9 10

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Ramun Prasad
(Lecture No. 08, 09 & 10)

Body language --
Dress like the audience (दर्शकों की तरह पोर्ाक), Posture (आसन),
Gestures (इर्ारों), eye contact and facial expression (नेत्र संपकश और
Unit-05 चेहरे की अभिव्यक्तत), PRESENTATION SKILLS- STAGE FRIGHT 3 Hours

(प्रस्तुतत कौर्ऱ- मंच का िय, रं गमंच से डर), Voice and language (आवाज
और िाषा) – Volume (आयतन), Pitch (स्वरमान), Inflection (मोड़), Speed
(गतत), Pause (अवकार्), Pronunciation (उच्चारण), Articulation (साफ़
साफ़ बोऱना), Language (र्ैऱी), Practice of speech (िाषण का अभ्यास),
Use of aids- OHP, LCD projector, white board,


Lecture No.-08
Lecture Outcomes

After this session student will be able to:

- Present any contents with proper eye contact and facial expression.
- Eliminate stage fright or stage fear.
- Use the aids like OHP, LCD projector in your presentation.
- Maintain the appropriate posture and gesture during presentation.
- Uphold the right volume, pitch, inflection, speed, pause, pronunciation and articulation
during presentation.
OHP: Overhead projector
LCD: Liquid Crystal Display.

Ramun Prasad, Lecturer, Humanity (Economics), Govt. Polytechnic, Gaya

✍Ramun Prasad Page 1

More Details: https://ecoramun.wordpress.com/
Note:- Demography is the statistical study of populations, especially human beings. Demographic analysis
can cover whole societies or groups defined by criteria such as education, nationality, religion, and ethnicity.

TOC=Table of Contents

Note:- Prezi is an Hungarian presentation software company founded in

2009, with offices in Budapest, San Francisco, and Riga.
Note:- infographic is a visual representation of information or data,
e.g. as a chart or diagram.
Note:- Flipchart is a large pad of paper bound so that each page can
be turned over at the top to reveal the next, used on a stand at
Lecture No.-09

Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant of the

methylxanthine class. Avoid it & Develop yourself
Lecture No.-10

5. Deliver a seminar for 10-12 minutes using presentation aids on the topic given by your

----------------------------------- End-----------------------------------

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