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Part 1:
Q: How do you usually get to school?

A: I usually take the bus to school. It's about a 30-minute ride through the busy streets of Algiers.

This gives me time to review my notes or chat with friends. The bus stop is conveniently located just

a few minutes' walk from my home.

Q: What's your favorite mode of transportation and why?

A: I really enjoy walking. Algiers has such beautiful architecture and vibrant street life. Walking

allows me to appreciate the details of my city, from the intricate designs on old buildings to the lively

markets. It's also a great way to stay active.

Part 2: Describe a memorable journey you've taken.

A: A journey that stands out was a school trip I took to Constantine last year. We traveled by train,

which was exciting as it was my first long train ride in Algeria. The trip was to visit the Cirta Museum

and the Suspension Bridges as part of our history project. What made it memorable was the mix of

learning and fun - we saw fascinating historical artifacts and architectural marvels during the day,

and in the evening, we all enjoyed traditional Constantinois cuisine together. It was great to

experience a different Algerian city with my classmates and teachers outside of our usual school

environment. The journey taught me a lot about our country's rich history and diverse culture.

Part 3:
Q: How do you think transportation will change in the next 50 years?

A: I think we'll see more eco-friendly options like electric buses and expanded light rail systems.
Better cycling infrastructure in cities is also likely.

Q: What are the potential benefits and drawbacks of self-driving vehicles?

A: Benefits could include reduced accidents and increased mobility for the elderly or disabled.

Drawbacks might be technical issues, adapting to our road conditions, and potential job losses in

the transportation sector.

Part 1:
Q: What aspects of your country's culture are you most proud of?

A: I'm really proud of our traditional music, especially Rai and Chaabi. They're so expressive and tell

the story of our people. I also love our culinary traditions - the way food brings families and

communities together.

Q: Do you enjoy participating in cultural festivals?

A: Absolutely! I always look forward to Eid al-Fitr. It's a great chance to wear traditional clothes,

enjoy special foods like zlabiya and kalb el louz, and spend time with family and friends.

Part 2: Describe a cultural tradition that is important in your

A: One significant tradition in Algeria is the celebration of Yennayer, the Berber New Year. It usually

takes place on January 12th and is an important part of our Amazigh heritage. During this time,

families gather to share a traditional meal, often including couscous with meat and vegetables. We

also perform rituals for good fortune in the coming year. This festival is important because it

celebrates our indigenous roots and cultural diversity. It's a time when Algerians of all backgrounds

come together to honor our shared heritage.

Part 3:
Q: How has globalization affected cultural diversity around the world?

A: Globalization has made it easier to learn about other cultures but risks homogenizing some

traditions. In Algeria, we're balancing global influences with maintaining our unique cultural


Q: Do you think it's important for countries to preserve their traditional cultures? Why or why not?

A: Yes, preserving traditions is crucial for maintaining our identity, but it's also important to allow

natural cultural evolution. The key is finding a balance between preservation and openness to new


Part 1:
Q: Who is your favorite celebrity and why?

A: My favorite celebrity is Khaled, the famous Rai singer. I admire him not just for his incredible

voice and contribution to Algerian music, but also for how he's brought our culture to the world

stage. His music bridges generations and cultures.

Q: Do you think celebrities have a responsibility to be good role models?

A: To some extent, yes. While celebrities are entitled to their private lives, they do influence many

people, especially young fans. In Algeria, where traditional values are important, I think celebrities

should be mindful of their influence and try to set positive examples when they can.

Part 2: Describe a famous person you admire.

A: A famous person I admire is Lakhdar Brahimi, the Algerian diplomat. He's known for his work in

conflict resolution and international diplomacy. I admire him because of his dedication to peace and

his ability to navigate complex international situations. Despite facing challenging global conflicts, he

has consistently worked towards diplomatic solutions. His work has brought attention to the

importance of peaceful conflict resolution and has inspired many young Algerians, including myself,

to consider careers in diplomacy and international relations. Brahimi's story has taught me that with

patience and perseverance, we can make a positive impact on the world stage.

Part 3:
Q: How has social media changed the nature of celebrity?

A: Social media has made celebrities more accessible and interactive, but also puts pressure on

them to constantly share content.

Q: Do you think the influence of celebrities on society is generally positive or negative?

A: It can be both. Celebrities can raise awareness for important causes, but excessive focus on their

lifestyles can promote unrealistic standards.

Personal Experience:
Part 1:
Q: What's the most exciting thing you've done recently?

A: The most exciting thing I've done recently was participating in a national science fair in Oran. It

was challenging but really thrilling to present my project on renewable energy solutions for Algeria in

front of judges and other students from across the country.

Q: Do you prefer to plan your experiences or be spontaneous?

A: I like a mix of both. For important things like exams or big events, I prefer to plan. But for

weekends or holidays, I enjoy being spontaneous sometimes. It leads to unexpected fun, like

impromptu trips to the beach in Algiers!

Part 2: Describe a challenging situation you've faced and

A: A challenging situation I faced was when I had to give a presentation in English for the first time.

It happened last semester in my language class. I was really nervous because in Algeria, we

primarily use Arabic and French, so English isn't as common. I was worried about making mistakes.

To deal with it, I prepared thoroughly, practicing my speech many times and asking my teacher for

feedback. During the presentation, I focused on speaking slowly and clearly. Although I made a few

mistakes, I managed to complete the presentation successfully. This experience taught me that

preparation and practice can help overcome nervousness, and that it's okay to make mistakes as

long as you're trying your best.

Part 3:
Q: How do personal experiences shape an individual's character?

A: Personal experiences teach us lessons, develop our skills, and shape our worldviews. Growing

up in diverse Algeria has influenced my understanding of cultural identity and coexistence.

Q: In what ways can people learn from their mistakes and grow from difficult experiences?

A: Reflection is key. Analyzing mistakes helps avoid repeating them and find better solutions.

Viewing challenges as growth opportunities rather than failures is important.

Daily Routine and Hobbies:

Part 1:
Q: What's your typical daily routine like?

A: On school days, I usually wake up at 6:30 AM, have breakfast with my family, often including

traditional foods like msemen or chakchouka. I catch the bus to school around 7:15. After classes, I

often have study group meetings or help out in my family's small shop. In the evening, I do my

homework, have dinner with my family, and try to relax a bit before bed, maybe watching some TV

or chatting with friends online.

Q: Do you have any hobbies you enjoy in your free time?

A: Yes, I love playing football. I try to play with my friends at least a few times a week after school or

on weekends. On Fridays, when we have more free time, I also enjoy photography, especially taking

pictures of Algiers' beautiful architecture and coastline.

Part 2: Describe a hobby you'd like to take up in the future.

A: A hobby I'd like to take up in the future is traditional Algerian calligraphy. I've always been

fascinated by the beautiful Arabic script I see in mosques and old buildings around Algiers. I'm

interested in it because it seems like a great way to connect with our cultural heritage and express

myself artistically. To learn it, I plan to start by taking classes at a local cultural center where they

offer workshops on traditional arts. I think this hobby could benefit me by improving my patience and

attention to detail, as well as giving me a deeper appreciation for our artistic traditions. It could also

be a great way to create unique gifts for friends and family, and maybe even lead to some income if

I get good enough to sell my work.

Part 3:
Q: How do you think people's daily routines and hobbies have changed in recent years due to


A: Technology has integrated into daily routines, with more online work and digital hobbies. It's also
made learning new skills and connecting with like-minded people easier.

Q: What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a structured daily routine?

A: Structured routines can improve time management and reduce stress, but may limit spontaneity.

A flexible routine balancing structure with adaptability is ideal, especially in our Algerian context.

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