An Ex Post Facto Study of Global Crisis Impact On Supply Chain Performance Case of The Automotive Sector

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An ex post facto study of global crisis impact on

2023 3rd International Conference on Innovative Research in Applied Science, Engineering and Technology (IRASET) | 979-8-3503-9836-6/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/IRASET57153.2023.10153004

supply chain performance: case of the automotive

Abdellah BAIS Khalid Amechnoue
Mathematics, Informatic & Applications Team Mathematics, Informatic & Applications Team
Abdelmalek Essaadi University Abdelmalek Essaadi University
Tangier, Morocco Tangier, Morocco

Abstract—The purpose of this paper is to examines the will remain confined in China as like many other viruses
impact of global crisis on supply chain performance, especially that appeared in the past which had spread only in China.
in automotive firms. We could confirm that the two actual However, the virus has spread rapidly in most regions [5]
crisis coronavirus and semi-conductors’ shortage helped more to
uncover and show the supply chain disadvantage and obstacles given rise to a high impact in several filed [6]. The situation
in downstream and upstream of the network . Supply chains are is highly evolving [7] and the authorities in each country
exposed to many risks and vulnerable to disruption propagation must act quickly and take a variety of measures related to
. In this context we will briefly review literature research on the health crisis [8].In addition countries have suffered greatly
global crisis management, and we will show how global crisis has from 2008-2009 economic crisis that shook the world and
been affecting the normal flow of supply chain and production
especially in automotive firms. did not pass without leaving an economic downturn behind
Index Terms—Supply chain, Uncertainty, Performance as in [9]. The financial crisis has affected hugely supply chain
measurement,Risk management, Disruption, Covid-19, Obsolete network between 2008 and 2011 and was more violent due
to the size of terrible damages witnessed in all areas. The
world economy is highly affected by all those crises which,
I. INTRODUCTION influenced more the supply chain network and industry life,
The term supply chain (SC) is referred to an integrated sys- and it stopped all interaction between supplier and customer.
tem which used to deliver products and services from suppliers During this time the supply chain process was very complex
of raw materials to end customers through a connected flow and prone to high uncertainties and volatile variations. In this
of information, material, and finance [1] . In a supply chain, context studying and analyzing the situation of supply network
the crisis occurs when one or more supply chain members’ under the actual crisis may help to uncover the root cause
activities are interrupted, resulting in a major disruption of of malfunction, inefficacy and inefficiency of supply chain.
the normal flow of goods or services. The consequences of Within this paper, our contributions are as follows. Section 2
some actual crisis like covid pandemic on the global economy contains a review of relevant literature discussion studied the
are very strong. It is now established that those crises will have impact of last crisis on supply chain and industrial environment
caused the largest synchronized decline in global GDP (gross . The research methodology will be justified and explained in
domestic product ) in modern history, although governments the section 3. In the section 4 we analyze and present how
quickly took action to mitigate its effects thanks to lessons crisis affects the performance of supply chain.. Within section
learned from the global financial crisis of 2009.According to 5 and 6 we provide a brief analysis of data collection and how
[2] supply chain disruption is defined as unpredicted incident crisis such as covid -19 impact the global network of supply
that stop or slows the regular processes of product along the chain. Finally, we finished our paper with a conclusion where
supply network. Crisis such as semi-conductors , covid-19, we summarized the great ideas of our research.
global financial crisis of 2009 and other were considered as II. OVERVIEW OF LITERATURE REVIEW
a source of disruption and risk that troubling and damaging
the normal flow of supply chain process. The covid-19 has Risk in a supply chain is the potential variation in outcomes
been classified as the most dangerous pandemic in the world that influence the decrease in value added to any activity cell
[4]. At the beginning the world community underestimated in a chain [10]. Risk is defined as an event whose random
the dangers of coronavirus and nobody expected the rapid occurrence is likely to cause damage to persons or property
spread of this pandemic. Many people think that the plague or to both at the same time. It is as possible danger and
uncertainty linked to a situation or activities . Risks incorporate
979-8-3503-9836-6/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE the effect of these uncertainties on the performance of the

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SC. Risk management interested on identification, economical effects on several fields [18].The authors presented in their
control and analysis of risks, which can menace global or part research [15] a picture of Eurozone regions and they said that
of economical incomes of companies. the last part of 2019 was economically poor and dropped by
According to [11] risk management is defined as a general 3.8% at the first part of 2020 by the coming of coronavirus.
management process and function that seeks to assess studying Given that the economic productivity is shrank and fell in the
risks and uncertainties by applying tools collaboratively with greatest economy in Europa like French, Germany and Italy.
partners related with activities and resources in supply chain In addition, the rate of unemployment ware increased and
organization. In the paper [10] authors proposed a conceptual climbed up in all European countries. The experts expected
model for the supply chain risk sources. As shown in fig 6 that this pandemic will leave behind a lot of new poor in
the authors suggested that there are five categories of sources all points in the world and it will widen the gap driving
; internal of the firm such as process and control risk , external rich and poor. Conforming to [19] the researchers declared
of the firm but is not out such as demand, and supply and final that coronavirus has caused a vast economic breakdown and
categories take in to account all environment aspects which are the industrial activity levels have collapsed. In addition, the
external of the firm and the supply chain network. international labor organization suppose manufacturing top-
ping the list of more affected by the plague, for instance the
aviation industry has been facing the gravest and the worst
crisis never seen. Kristalina Georgieva, Managing Director
Internal to the firm
of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) reported that our
current situation faces exceptional uncertainty, as information
supply Process Demand
regarding the depth of the crisis and its lifespan are difficult
risk risk risk
to determine, nevertheless it is clear that in 2020 the global
growth will reach sharply negative levels .Moreover in the
latest releases published by the IMF regarding its forecasts
for the global economy in light of the continued spread of
Control the virus, as it confirmed that the epidemic has put its mark
risk in the world and is causing the highest levels of economic
recession in about 100 years, in addition the GDP is expected
Supply chain Network to shrink at 4.9% in 2020[20] . Covid-19 is one of the more
Environnemental Risk crises has making supply chain and market in front of a great
unforeseen challenge [21]. In 2020 the last director of the
Fig. 1. Sources of supply chain Risk world trade organization (WTO) Roberto Azevêdo confirmed
that this year the forecasts are different, the covid-19 stopped
The outbreak of global crisis changes a normal life of the world economy and creating a huge shock at the level
many fields especially economic and industrial manufacturing. of the supply chain. It is predicted that the global economy
Historically there are many crises hitting the world like the will downfall this year at the level of all sectors and the
subprime crisis in 2008 , known as the “subprime” crisis, decline could exceed 32% as in [22]. The research asked
is quite like that of 1929. It was due to the bursting of a how firm could do to provide spare parts and products within
speculative real estate bubble, which led to a banking and then disruptive supply network, or what suggesting if government
an economic crisis. Starting in the United States, it has spread imposes travel bans and close the borders against the world
all over the world. In France, the Gross domestic product [14]. Already in March with the lockdown of China, many
(GDP) contracted by 2.9The current health crisis is triggering a firms have stopped their production and made on standby all
global economic crisis. The exact impact of this crisis is still activities linked with their supplier and customers. Since the
difficult to quantify, but the shock is likely to be extremely onset of the crisis, international labor Organization reported by
violent throughout the world, much greater than the crisis of some statistics that working hour in many regions have been
2008-2009. This pandemic has negatives impacts on public declined. In addition, the statistics may let us to conclude the
health emergency and has caused also a major economic shock evolution and the growth of jobless in each country during this
[13]. In his part World Health Organization (WHO) urged period [23].
countries to establish a sever measures to stop the pandemic The High Commission for Planning (HCP) which is the
propagation [14]. As specified by[15] it is very important Moroccan national statistics office reported in [24] that be-
to analyze and prioritize the effective preventives measures tween April 2020, 6300 Moroccan firms declared a definitive
to be applied and follow the Asian countries experience stoppage of their activities while 135000 firms decided to
because they affronted before many viral outbreaks and had stop temporarily their activities in this period. In 2021 The
rapidly implement lockdowns and necessary health protection global shortage of semiconductors is hampering the recovery
measures to affront convid-19. On the one hand these measures of certain industrial companies. It should not end before
may help to reduce infection [16;17] and mitigate transmission 2023.Despite the economic recovery, many industries are
between but on the other hand these instructions have a lot of idling due to a shortage of microchips. Car manufacturers

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are particularly affected, especially in Europe. The specter of Research Hypothesis
bankruptcy has begun to haunt medium and small companies Two hypotheses were formulated to guide the investigation
[25] this situation is imposed by the semiconductor’s shortage and the statistical analysis of impact of global crisis.
and covid-19. Therefor supply chains Disruption and declining H1:We assume as hypothesis that the different companies work
consumer demand, has led to millions of workers being laid with a flow driven by customer demand.
off and enter in the forced slump tunnel. During the virus H2: As long as covid is the most severe crisis in the world and
period, the business has been very difficult for many small to put more protection we consider that the impact of global
and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) due to longtime of crises is the same on the performance of the supply chain in
shutdown, production and logistic costs increase and the shrink the automotive sector whatever the type of crisis.
of market demand consequently all these raisons may puss this
1°. Defining the 2°. 3°. Formulation
companies to bankruptcy [26] .All sectors have been severally Literature
Research of hypotheses.
influenced and their revenues were collapsed. Both automotive Problem review.
and aeronautic industries have come to a sudden halt. Accord-
ingly, economic activities and global Supply chain networks
was more influenced by the epidemic. Thus, the normal flows
of supply chain have been become more complicated.
4°. Determine procedures for subject selection and
III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY techniques used to collect data

If the description tools are numerous, these often remain at

the level of comparison or correlation. For our research sub-
ject, it seems relevant to move towards a Causal Comparative 5°. Determination of procedures for data analysis, such as
Design (Ex Post Facto Design) analysis. This study is based statistical tests of significance and association.
on a quantitative-descriptive approach where the Ex Post Facto
Design method was chosen because the independent variables
studied are impossible to control or predict [27].
The ex Post Facto Design will therefore be used to compare 7°. Finally we have to describe,
6°. data analyze and interpret the results in
the logistics performance of an automotive company based in collection. clear and precise terms.
Morocco before and after the appearance of covid-19, in the
same way we will also examine the impact of this crisis on the Fig. 2. The ex post facto research steps with descriptive analysis approach
production of cars during this period . This research method
also makes it possible to best describe this phenomenon,
which has an obvious temporal dimension. These analyzes can IV. THE IMPACT OF CRISIS ON SUPPLY CHAIN
only be done by introducing this temporal dimension in the PERFORMANCE
observation and evaluation of the figures already achieved and At the first, it is necessary to define the term performance
that we will collect them from the people who work in this measurement to better meet the ultimate purpose of this study.
company and from international organizations accredited to This term can be defined as the instrument used to measure
make this kind of statistics. the efficiency and effectiveness of a function performed by a
The database studied is very reliable. In fact, the evaluation machine, person, team, or group in a particular area [26]. A
and temporal observation linked to the impact of the crisis is major challenge in this period is managing and understanding
most often based on the comparison of this impact on different uncertainty caused by the crisis outbreak. The last crisis
dates and on different links in the supply chain network. The had gravelly influenced supply chain management for many
data collected makes it possible to measure the effect of the manufacturing industries like auto and electronics. Strong
evolution of the number of cases infected by the virus in the decisions were taking place to reduce disruption risk . For
world and to compare them with the evolution of customer companies, the stoppage of raw material production has caused
demand in the automotive field. The method proposed in this disruptions in the supply chains, which implies an increase in
article is based on real and reliable data. They are certainly the risk of market losses.
used to illustrate monitoring of the overall impact of the Markets make a great pressure on supply chain management
health crisis or other crisis on the normal flow. This study to ensure every component and product to be in the right
considers the approach proposed by authors in [28] to ensure place, at the right time and, of course, at with a lower cost, but
ex post facto research, in each of the steps reported by those the mission will be very difficult in this period. The situation
authors are preliminary phases that allow a better conduct this needs that executor should well understand the new supply
research project see fig 2 . The descriptive study as a research chain with the disruption caused by the epidemic outbreak.
approach adopted in this article allows an intensive analysis The rate of economic growth has declined, and the conditions
of a phenomenon impacting several domains and emphasizing were more changed under pandemic propagation, which
the influencing factors in relation to the environment. of the means a global supply shortage in raw material, transport
supply chain. and other resources. The origin of the word risk cannot be

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Example of impact Cause linked with crisis
slowdown of new production The war in Ukraine undeniably impacts the semiconductor industry, Russia and Ukraine producing raw materials used
lines in the production processes of electronic chips[29].
Concentrate resources in one Semiconductor manufacturing is a complex process that is not within the reach of any factory
Delays in the distribution Manufacturing requires adapted and costly installations as well as precise know-how. Therefore, the shortage of
semiconductors is not the result of a lack of material as is often the case but of a lack of personnel and infrastructure
capable of transforming it.
Incapacity to meet the orders As reported in [30] the millions of vehicles have not been produced since the start of 2021 due to the shortage of
semiconductors .they added that new car prices have accelerated, and the cars inventories decrease by the time, this
situation indicate that there is insufficiency to meet customer demand
Risk of oversized order vol- There are many factors contributing to the profound impact of crisis such as Britain leaving the European Union or
umes and shortages for example the trade war between China and the USA and many others directs and indirect factors [26].

Plant Locations Factors Manufacturing Practices

 Cost  Computer-integrated manufacturing
Qualitative Supply Chain Performance  Benchmarking
 Infrastructure Measures  Flexible manufacturing system
 Business Services  Internal quality systems audit
 Labor & Government  Lead Time  Just-in-time/ Quick changeover
 Customer/Market  Inventory  Manufacturing cells
 Supplier/Resources  Time to Market  Predictive & Preventive maintenance
 Quality  Statistical process control
 Customer Service  Suppliers and customers focus
Supply chain Uncertainty
 Flexibility  Total quality management
 Supplier Uncertainty  Value & concurrent engineering
 Process Uncertainty  Vendor certifications
 Computer aided process planning
 Demand Uncertainty

Fig. 3. Framework of supply chain Performance measures as reported in [31]

clearly determined since this term seems to have roots in V. DATA COLLECTION
different cultures. They defined risk as an alarm to obtain a The paper on our hand aims to study the impact of coron-
devaluation and reduction in the performance of the system. avirus on customer demand. This work was completed within
Supply chain networks are vulnerable in view of existing an an automotive company named the XJ group. This firm is
internal and external influences [32]. Additionally, managers in Tangier, Morocco and is specialized in the manufacture of
should consider the non-realization of goals due to a lack of sub-assemblies and components for the automotive industry
efficiency in the supply chain process as a critical KPI in located in and outside Morocco. The COVID-19 pandemic is
supply chain performance measures. The best management intensifying worldwide and has had a significant impact on
of information and physical flow is essential to meet the health, supply chains, production capacity, and travel, leading
needs of consumers and prevent situations that could lead to to a succession of decisions made by government authorities
the disorganization of the supply chain. Measuring logistics to mitigate the pandemic and find emergency solution . Most
reliability in all links of the supply chain involves identifying suppliers and customers of the XJ group closed their sites
and analyzing the various internal and external indicators. immediately after the huge propagation of the virus. These
However, choosing the best and rights indicators for logistics unprecedented and unpredictable circumstances are causing
evaluation become more difficult especially during a crisis severe disruptions to our supply chains and organization,
period as covid-19 outbreak. This paper doesn’t suggest a forcing the XJ group to close the plant and stop production on
whole of performances measurement criteria as shown in fig. March 20, 2020. The date of restarting production in XJ group
3, however we will focalize on two points of performance; was delayed several times because there is an uncertainty and
Forecasting performance measure & Inventory obsolescence. a great evolution of the virus in Morocco . To show how covid-
Table 1 reports a descriptive of the crisis impact on supply 19 interrupted the XJ group supply chain we present in this
chain performance, which are based on the historic statistic article a real case study of the situation of global supply chain
reported by international organization. A performance between the XJ group and one of its customers. XJ produced
measurement system should be readily understandable by the seven different final products for its customers . All the data
decision maker and provide a guide for the action to be taken used in this empirical study represent the real case of the
on the issues related to all area of supply chain [14;15]. physical and information flows that occurred during February
and Mai. Customer demand was received every week through
the exchange of data information (EDI) and the delivery of
products was also weekly.

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VI. DATA ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION OF XJ Group experienced a significant decline in revenue and
RESULTS production. Therefore, executives decide to stop production
and lay off their employees. Phase 4: The automotive industry
A. Demand and supply disruptions during the Covid-19 crisis
began to recover from the pandemic. Companies have applied
Table 2 shows the sales schedule for the following 14 weeks. all measures recommended by the government. The XJ group
This schedule consists of eight firm weeks, and the rest of assured the best efforts to ensure the health of their employees
the forecasts. It was clarified that in February, the virus had and communities and took every possible measure to adapt to
not yet been introduced in Morocco, but in the same period, the changing situation daily. The impact of covid-19 on the
several organizations were alerted to the danger and severity XJ group supply chain was the same for all companies in the
of the virus and the risk of disruption, which would affect automotive industry. The statistics shared by the International
the normal flow of the supply chain. In addition, there is Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers (OICA) [33]
no sign that the customer has reduced the quantity requested reported as shown in fig 4 that the sales of new vehicles
each week by considering the rapid diffusion of covid-19. shut down between January and April. But In May, most
The production capacity of XJ group is limited at 12,000 pcs vehicles started production and sales increased step-by-step,
per week . But the customer requires a huge volume starting particularly in June and July.
from W13. To meet these demands, the XJ group launched
material supplies, and overtime was added to cover customer
needs and to avoid any supply chain disruptions . Unlike the
EDI sent by the customer, real delivery is always inferior.
Table 3 lists the actual demands ordered by customer. The
total number of cancelled products was more than 130,000
pcs which equals a loss of 325,000 C in future revenue . The
representation graph in fig.5 is built from the two tables. On
the other hand, the graph is used to show data in an even
clearer way, as it allows us to quickly compare items and
visualize the variations of this phenomenon. In the fig. 6 Below
we share graphics from an official source WHO, where we
make a comparison of evolution of covid-19 during 4 phases.
It is difficult to obtain a real demand when a business is
surrounded by disruptions and has an invisible future for sales
and customer orders. To respond to the client’s program, it Fig. 4. Statistic of sales rate evolution in 2019 & 2020 reported by [33]
is necessary to initiate purchases and supply of raw materials
from suppliers located outside Morocco to ensure availability Morocco is among the top countries impacted by the novel
for production, which occurs more than four weeks before coronavirus(Table 4 & Fig 6). In 2020, Morocco produced 248
the production time by more than 4 weeks. This operation 430 vehicles in comparison to 394652 in 2019 and 402085 in
was really confused our requirement agent because the supply 2018; thus, the gap was wide [34]. As coronavirus hits sales in
chain conditions was highly changed. Analyzing the 4 phases industrial sector especially car and aerospace manufacturers,
along this period we could clarify that: Phase 1; statistics many Original equipment manufacturer (OEM ) as Volkswa-
show that before week 11 and especially before March 9, gen and Ferrari were decided to suspend production in Europe
the virus to start to progress in the European region as well [35].
as in north Africa, in this period customer orders begin to
have a small disturbance as well as visibility decreases, the B. Inventory Obsolete
thing that reflects that the customer has not ordered all his After restarting production, we chose that our customer
request. Phase 2: this is a point where the customer has felt cancels the total order of the two articles: Item 2 and Item 4.
the risk of viruses and the disruptions that can bring to their The customer explained his decision by saying that the OEM
supply chain; hence the order for week 12 makes it possible had stopped producing this type of car, and we could not order
to create a safety stock and limit disruptions of stock due any more components of Items 2 and 4 from XJ Group. At
to unforeseen hazards. Phase 3: The coronavirus pandemic this time, the XJ group produced approximately 2970 pcs of
affects all areas with varying degrees. As shown in fig 5 & Item 1 and 3819 pcs of Item which is equal to 6789 pcs in
6, the virus has reached a level that requires the authorities to total. This quantity forms an obsolete inventory which cost 18
apply strict preventive measures. In this context, the Covid-19 330 C and will increase the inventory value (see Table 5). This
epidemic and its associated measures can be considered a case was another disruption that was unexpected and experienced
of a force majeure. which makes it impossible to fulfill the in XJ.
order of the planned material needs. The client must cancel In general, obsolete stocks consist of products with a history
all the requests from W13 in a straightforward manner and of high sales that cease to meet consumer demands. At first
temporarily halt their activities. The statistics clearly show that glance, we can see that the covid-19 outbreak was the root

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Customer demand EDI by week

Products W8 W9 W 10 W 11 W 12 W 13 W 14 W 15 W 16 W 17 W 18 W 19 W 20 W 21

Item 1 1778 1943 2768 2108 953 2933 3263 3923 2438 3263 3263 3428 2768 3593
Item 2 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1530 1700 1870 1360 1700 1700 1870 1020 0
Item 3 1992 1992 972 1992 2502 3012 3522 3522 2502 3522 3522 3012 3012 3522
Item 4 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1530 1700 2040 1360 1530 1700 1700 1020 0
Item 5 1992 1002 1992 1002 2157 2322 2322 1992 1662 2157 2157 2322 2157 2487
Item 6 1003 1003 1003 1003 1003 1498 1663 1993 1168 1663 1663 1828 1498 1828
Item 7 1091 1091 1091 1091 1091 1421 1751 2081 1421 1586 1751 1751 1586 1916
9 896 9 071 9 866 9 236 9 746 14 246 15 921 17 421 11 911 15 421 15 756 15 911 13 061 13 346

Reel quantities commanded and delivered
Products W8 W9 W 10 W 11 W 12 W 13 W 14 W 15 W 16 W 17 W 18 W 19 W 20 W 21

Item 1 1778 953 0 0 3098 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8

Item 2 0 848 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Item 3 0 0 0 0 4032 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Item 4 0 0 0 0 846 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Item 5 1992 0 0 0 407 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 177
Item 6 1010 1010 0 0 2000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 185
Item 7 0 1006 0 0 1996 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 181
Total 4780 3817 0 0 12479 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 551

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

Fig. 5. Evolution of demand and quantities delivered during 2020

Fig. 6. Statistic of covid-cases rate in Europe and Africa in 2020 .Source WHO

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TABLE IV fluctuating environments [39]. As we know a lot of meeting
STATISTIC OF WORLD VEHICLE PRODUCTION IN 2020 CITED IN [34] were occurred at the beginning of each period including the
Country/ Commercial subject of inventory inspection and replenishment decisions
Cars Total % change
Region vehicles [40], where the objective is to predict and minimize the extra-
Indonesia 551 400 139 886 691 286 -46% cost of potential disruption. However, in the coronavirus
Austria 104 544 - 104 544 -42%
period, the manager engenders each part of the downstream
France 927 718 388 653 1 316 371 -39%
and upstream delays to make decisions under the raison of no
Morocco 221 299 27 131 248 430 -38%
Serbia 23 272 103 23 375 -33%
visibility of forecast and customer demand. Managers should
Ukraine 4 202 750 4 952 -32% adapt their production systems, performance measurement
Brazil 1608870 405 185 2 014 055 -32% criteria and inventory policies to eventual emergencies and
Poland 278 900 172 482 451 382 -31% environmental conditions. Although difficult, it is necessary to
United 920 928 66 116 987 044 -29% use a dynamic and strong manufacturing planning and control
Kingdom (MPC) system to switch between different approaches owing
South 238 216 209 002 447 218 -29% to market variations [41]. For instance, authors in [42] proved
Africa that a reorder policy is the optimal approach in the presence
of potential risks of demand cancellation and supply chain
TABLE V uncertainty.

Final products Stock Inventory Total qty forecasted VII. CONCLUSION

Item 2 2970 12750 Supply chain management excellence focuses on a com-
Item 4 3819 12580 pany’s planning strategy and objectives. One of the key
Total 6789 25330 elements of this notion of excellence is the integration of
performance indicators at each link in the logistics process.
Amount 18 330,30 € 68 391,00 € The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of
the global crisis on supply chain performances in this case
cause of the obsolescence. However, this is insufficient and we conduct an ex post facto approach on covid-19 impacts
cannot be the principal cause of an obsolete inventory. In . The analysis concentrated on a real case study that used
week W21, the XJ group was surprised that its customers had real data and statistics during the four phases of coronavirus
stopped ordering the two items, which pushed managers to evolution. Unfortunately, it is difficult to study and understand
demand explications of these break bad news. By analyzing the behavior of viruses when predicting supply chain risk.
the dramatic events during this period of the virus from Supply chain disruptions occurs in two phases. The first phase
the beginning of the year, we can conclude that there are concerns the shortage of raw materials and spare parts in
many factors behind this obsolete inventory. First, strong addition to the delay and decrease in export orders. In the
communication exists between the suppliers and customers. second phase, we showed that the demand and global supply
The thread linking the two parts was weak, particularly during were severely damaged by the widespread plague. A large
the pandemic. But why the cancelation of demand was delayed part of the automotive and electronics industry have been
until May 18 ”W21” knowing that the virus was already spread interrupted in the supply chain of some products. Customer
in whole of the world and several manufacturing industry demand presents vast ambiguity and uncertainty, consequently
and markets was stopped in March. Why can the two parts it is very difficult to meet this demand using these parameters.
or all the supply chain partners not predict or expect the Therefore, several companies followed many strategies; for
risk of this disruption before the two items are planned and instance, some reduced the working hours of their permanent
produced? Unexpected fluctuations in the environment may employees and sometimes paid them a half of their normal
affect the continuity of relationships and supply between firms; monthly take-home pay. Actual circumstances can lead to
therefore, it is necessary to enhance alliances between partners a review of how executives manage supply chain processes
to anticipate and respond correctly to these contingencies [36]. with customers and suppliers. The current period of covid-19
In addition, empirical studies report that trust and commitment represents an opportunity to change several basic elements of
are important for reinforcing logistics alliance relationships the supply chain and build a strong framework for the next
and avoiding conflicts between buyers and supplier [37]. How- period.
ever, regarding the evolution of market needs and technologies
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