Ode MCQ Unit 2

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1. The general solution to a homogeneous equation of order n with constant coefficients always
contains ___________
a) Exponential functions b) Trigonometric functions c) Polynomial functions d) Rational
2. Which of the following methods can be used to solve a non-homogeneous equation of order
n with constant coefficients ?
a) Separation of variables b) Variation of parameters c) Laplace transforms d) Reduction
of orders
3. A non - homogeneous equation of order n with constant coefficients can have how many
linearly independent particular solutions?
a) 0 b) 1 c) n d) infinite
4. If a homogeneous equation of order n has n linearly independent solutions , then the general
solution is given by ________
a) The sum of the solutions b) The product of the solutions c) The exponential of the
solutions d) The integral of the solutions
5. Which of the following can be a solution to both a homogeneous and a non-homogeneous
a) y = 0 b) y = ex c) y = x2 + 1 d) y = sin (x)
6. Which of the following is a solution to a non-homogeneous equation?
a) y = x3 + 2x2 b) y = sin (x) c) ) y = ex d) y = 0
7. Which term is absent in a homogeneous of order n ?
a) Y b) y’ c) f(x) d) a0
8. What is thee general form of the annihilator for a term of the form f(x) = eax ?
a) (D – a) b) (D – a)2 c) (D + a) d) (D + a)2
9. Which term is annihilated by the operator (D - 1) ?
a) ex b) x2 c) sin (x) d) cos (x)
10. Which of the following is an example of a second - order annihilator ?
a) (D2 + 1) b) (D2 – 1 ) c) (D2 + 2 ) d) (D2 – 2)

1. The reduction of order technique is used for solving _________
a) Linear equations with constant coefficients
b) Linear equations with variable coefficients
c) Nonlinear equations
d) System of equations
2. The homogeneous linear equation y’’ + (1/x) y’ + y = 0 , with analytic coefficients , is defined
on the interval_____
a) (-∞, ∞) b) [1, ∞) c) (0, ∞) d) (1,∞)
3. The substitution u= y’ is commonly used in the reduction of order technique because it
reduces the order of the equation ___________
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) It depends on the specific equation
4. The homogeneous linear equation y’’ + p(x) y’ + q(x) y = 0, with analytic coefficients, has a
solution space of dimension ___________
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) It depends on the specific equation
5. The general solution of the homogeneous linear equation y’’ + p(x) y’ + q(x) y = 0 can be
obtained by solving a second - order differential equation involving ________ as the variable
a) Y b) x c) u d) y’
6. The Legendre polynomials are orthogonal on which of the following intervals ?
a) [-1,1] b) [0,1] c) [0,∞) d) ( -∞,∞ )
7. The Legendre equation has regular singular points at
a) X = -1 and x = 1
b) X = 0 and x = 1
c) X = 0 and x = ∞
d) X = 1 and x = ∞
8. The Legendre polynomial P2 (x) is ______
a) 1 b) x c) (3x2 - 1 ) d) ( x2 – 1 ) / 2
9. The Legendre polynomials Pn(x) have applications in the field of _________
a) Classica mechanics
b) Image processing
c) Electrical engineering
d) Probability theory
10. Legendre polynomials play a crucial role in expressing the shape of _____
a) Planetary orbits
b) Propeller blades
c) Musical instruments
d) Human DNA structure

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