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As per the movie Angels and Demons, the Illuminati – Latin for the enlightened ones – was
a secret society consisting of scientists and great thinkers. They were branded heretics
and were hunted by the Vatican. One such example is Galileo Galilei; he was put under
house arrest for theorizing that the Earth revolved round the Sun while the church
preached the exact opposite.

During such trying times, secrecy around the Illuminati meetings was paramount for the
group’s survival. To ensure secrecy, the leaders of the Illuminati designed a treasure-hunt
of sorts across Rome, the treasure being the lair of the Illuminati, or as they called it the
Church of Illumination.
The markers or the clues that eventually lead to the Church of Illumination are located at
the four Altars of Science, a tribute to the 4 elements of science: Earth, Air, Fire and
Water. It is interesting to note that all of them have been created by the great Italian
sculptor, Gian Lorenzo Bernini. The path connecting these Altars of Science and
eventually leading to the lair is the famous ‘Path of Illumination’.

The first altar of science is dedicated to the element Earth. It is the Chigi Chapel, also
known as Capella della Terra: Chapel of the Earth! The chapel is inside the Basilica of
Santa Maria del Popolo.
As I entered the chapel, I walked towards the sculpture of The Habakkuk and the angel.
One cannot miss that both the Habakkuk and the angel are pointing in different directions.
Since the paper which Robert Langdon steals from the Vatican secret archives states “Let
the angels guide you on your lofty quest”, I followed the direction that the angel points in to
reach the second altar.

The St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican is the next altar of science dedicated to the element
air. It is one of Bernini’s most famous works. The second marker is a round slab on the
ground with words ” West Ponente” which depicts an angel blowing air. The direction of
the air takes us to our third altar.
“West Ponente” , also known as the breath of God, shows us the direction to the third altar.
Located inside the church of Santa Maria Della Vittoria, the Ecstasy of St. Teresa is a
baroque masterpiece by Bernini. St. Teresa in her autobiography has described an
incident wherein she states that an angel penetrates her body with a long spear and
leaves her on Fire! The sphere in the hands of the angel points to the final altar.

The final altar representing Water is at Piazza Navona called the Fontana dei Quattro
Fiumi (The fountain of the four rivers) again designed by Bernini. The fountain has four
river Gods representing the four rivers of four major continents; the Nile in Africa, the
Ganges in Asia, the Danube in Europe and the Rio de la Plata in America. There is an
obelisk at the fountain. The dove at the top of the obelisk points to the Castel Sant’ Angelo
which is the Church of Illumination.

The Castel Sant’ Angelo was the secret meeting place of the Illuminati. What is interesting
to note, is the audacity of the Illuminati to design their lair right next to the Vatican. Castel
Sant’ Angelo is now a museum, but it used to be a fortress for the Pope. The Passetto di
Borgo, the secret passage that links the Vatican to Castel Sant’ Angelo, was used by Pope
as an escape route when in danger.

Choose the Simple Sentence / the Coordinate Clause / the

Subordinate Clause and analyse it (the principal and secondary
parts of the sentence and the types (predicate, object, adverbial
modifier) / ways of expressing).
- Translate into Ukrainian.

основне речення
participial phrase зворот
absolute nominal participial construction зворот 2
compound частина написана в кінці реченняІ
parenthetical expression шучу, просто в чому не впевнена нахуй воно в реченні
Тип речення написаний в кінці речення і виділений кольором

1. Already when, at the age of thirteen, fourteen and fifteen(adverbial clause of time con synd by
means of conj when), he began looking in the papers, which, being too worldly(participial phrase),
had never been admitted to his home(attributive relative clause, con synd by means of relative
pron which) he found that mostly skilled help was wanted.(object cl, con synd by means of conj
(compound clauses connected asyndetically)
Compound-complex declarative 2-member extended sentence

subject he, he (personal pronoun) (просто двічі)

predicate began looking in the papers (compound verbal aspect), found (simple active)

Already when, at the age of thirteen, fourteen and fifteen, he began looking in the papers, which,
being too worldly, had never been admitted to his home, he found that mostly skilled help was
Вже коли у віці тринадцяти, чотирнадцяти і п'ятнадцяти років він почав переглядати
газети, які, будучи надто світськими, ніколи не потрапляли до нього додому, він виявив,
що здебільшого потрібна кваліфікована допомога.

2. He had a feeling in his heart that he was not as guilty(object clause, con synd by means of conj
that) as they all seemed to think.(? adverbial clause of manner/concession con synd by means of
conj as)
Complex declarative 2-member extended sentence

subject he (personal pronoun)

predicate had a feeling in his heart (compound nominal можливо! aspect nominal)

He had a feeling in his heart that he was not as guilty as they all seemed to think.У його серці
було відчуття, що він не такий вже й винний, як усім здавалося.
3. He thought at first that having seen him at the moment he had struck Roberta, they had now
come to take him. (object clause con synd by means of conj that)
Complex declarative 2-member extended sentence

subject he (personal pronoun)

predicate thought (simple active)

He thought at first that having seen him at the moment he had struck Roberta, they had now come
to take him.
Спочатку він подумав, що, побачивши його в момент, коли він вдарив Роберту, вони
прийшли забрати його.

4. Her voice sounded to her as if she had shouted(adverbial clause of manner con synd by means
of conj as), but the man to whom she had been speaking(attributive relative clause con synd by
means of relative pron whom), evidently not hearing a word she had said, continued staring
thoughtfully into his beer
(compound adversative coordination expressed by conj but)
Compound-complex declarative 2-member extended sentence

subject voice (simple noun), the man (simple noun)

predicate sounded to her (compound nominal), continued staring thoughtfully into his beer
(compound aspect nominal)
attribute her (possessive pronoun)

ЯКЩО continued staring thoughtfully into his beer НЕ ПІДІЙДЕ ЯК РОЗБІР ТО:
predicate continue staring (compound verbal aspect)
adverbial mod thoughtfully (manner), into his beer (place)

Her voice sounded to her as if she had shouted, but the man to whom she had been speaking,
evidently not hearing a word she had said, continued staring thoughtfully into his beer.
Голос її здавався таким, ніби вона кричала, але чоловік, до якого вона зверталася,
очевидно, не почувши жодного її слова, продовжував задумливо вдивлятись в своє пиво.

5. He decided later that if she did not want him to know what she was doing(object clause conn
synd b m of conj that), perhaps it was best that he should not.(object clause conn synd b m of conj
that aле пропущений присудок)
Compound-complex declarative 2-member extended sentence
(compound copulative coordination expressed by conjunctive adverb perhaps)

subject he, it (personal pronouns)

predicate decided (simple active), was best (compound nominal)

He decided later that if she did not want him to know what she was doing, perhaps it was best that
he should not.
Пізніше він вирішив, що якщо вона не хоче, щоб він дізнався, чим вона займається, то,
мабуть, краще, щоб він і не знав.

6. In view of this(subject clause conn asyndetically), Mrs. Griffiths, who was more practical than her
husband at all times(attributive relative clause conn synd b m of relative pron who), and who was
intensely interested in Clyde's economic welfare(attributive relative clause conn synd b m of
relative pron who), as well as(adverbial clause of comparisonconn synd b m of conj as…as) that of
her other children(attributive appositive clause conn synd b m of conj that) , was actually
wondering why Clyde should of a sudden become so enthusiastic about changing to this new
situation(attributive appositive clause conn synd b m of conj why АБО ), which, according to his
own story, involved longer hours and not so very much more pay,(attributive relative clause conn
synd b m of relative pron which) if any.
Complex declarative 2-member extended sentence

subject Mrs. Griffiths (simple noun)

predicate was wondering (compound nominal)

In view of this, Mrs. Griffiths, who was more practical than her husband at all times, and who was
intensely interested in Clyde's economic welfare, as well as that of her other children, was actually
wondering why Clyde should of a sudden become so enthusiastic about changing to this new
situation, which, according to his own story, involved longer hours and not so very much more pay,
if any.
З огляду на це, місіс Гріффітс, яка завжди була більш практичною, ніж її чоловік, і яка була
дуже зацікавлена в економічному добробуті Клайда, а також інших своїх дітей, насправді
дивувалася, чому Клайд раптом з таким ентузіазмом захопився цією новою ситуацією,
яка, згідно з його власною розповіддю, передбачала довший робочий день і не таку вже й
велику зарплату, якщо вона взагалі є.

7. She had no idea how long she stood there in the gradually failing light, and the next thing she
remembered doing was running to the telephone. Вона не знала, скільки часу простояла при
поступово згасаючому світлі, і наступне, що пам'ятає, - це як вона побігла до телефону.

8. However, as he began to see afterwards, time passed and he was left to work until, depressed
by the routine and meager pay, he began to think of giving up this venture here and returning to
Chicago or going to New York, where he was sure that he could connect himself with some hotel if
need be. Однак, як він почав бачити згодом, час минав, а він залишався працювати, аж поки,
пригнічений рутиною і мізерною платнею, не почав подумувати про те, щоб кинути цю
авантюру тут і повернутися до Чикаго або поїхати до Нью-Йорка, де він був упевнений, що
зможе влаштуватися в якийсь готель, якщо буде потреба.

9. The table was in no way different from any other, and it was not more advantageously placed,
but because the oldest residents sat there it was looked upon as the most desirable place to sit,
and several elderly women were bitterly resentful because Miss Otkin, who went away for four or
five months every summer, should be given a place there while they who spent the whole year in
the sanatorium sat at other tables. Стіл нічим не відрізнявся від інших, і він не був більш
вигідним, але оскільки за ним сиділи найстаріші мешканці, його вважали найбажанішим
місцем для сидіння, і кілька літніх жінок гірко обурювалися, що пані Откін, яка щоліта
виїжджала на чотири-п'ять місяців, повинна була займати місце за цим столом, в той час як
вони, які проводили цілий рік у санаторії, сиділи за іншими столами.

10. As soon as he finds a foe near, no matter what he is doing, a well-trained Cottontail keeps just
as he is and stops all movement, for the creatures of the woods are of the same colour as the
things in the woods and catch the eye only while moving. Як тільки він відчуває поблизу ворога,
що б той не робив, добре натренований ховрах залишається на місці і припиняє будь-який
рух, адже лісові істоти мають той самий колір, що й речі в лісі, і впадають в око тільки під час

11. Then by some accident of association there occurred to him that scene when Emma had told
him of his mother's death, and, though he could not speak for crying, he had insisted on going in to
say good-bye to the Misses Watkin so that they might see his grief and pity him. Потім випадково
перед ним постала сцена, коли Емма повідомила йому про смерть матері, і, хоча він не міг
говорити через сльози, він наполіг на тому, щоб зайти попрощатися з міс Уоткін, щоб вони
побачили його горе і пожаліли його.

12. He was developing a sense of humour, and found that he had a knack of saying bitter things,
which caught people on the raw; he said them because they amused him, hardly realising how
much they hurt, and was much offended when he found that his victims regarded him with active
dislike. У нього розвивалося почуття гумору, і він виявив, що вміє говорити гіркі речі, які
зачіпають людей за живе; він говорив їх, бо вони його розважали, навряд чи усвідомлюючи,
як сильно вони ранять, і був дуже ображений, коли виявив, що його жертви ставляться до
нього з активною неприязню.

13. When Winifred came down, and realised that he was not in the house, her first feeling was one
of dull anger that he should thus elude the reproaches she had carefully prepared in those long
wakeful hours. Коли Вініфред спустилася вниз і зрозуміла, що його немає в будинку, її
першим почуттям була тупа злість, що він таким чином уникнув докорів, які вона ретельно
готувала в ті довгі години неспання.

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