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# Bùlly Confronts the Wrong Victim, a Transfer Student Who Turns Out to Be a
Dangerous Man

00:00:03.419 the drama begins with a young lawyer

00:00:05.279 named Kimu hilk arriving at his office
00:00:07.080 one of the top law firms in South Korea
00:00:09.360 as he begins his work day muhilk's
00:00:11.700 colleague Jay Wu is in a meeting with a
00:00:13.620 client named Mr one Mr one a designer of
00:00:16.320 a beloved character feels wronged by a
00:00:18.240 company that has violated their contract
00:00:20.100 he reveals to his legal team that the
00:00:22.260 company's CEO had promised to pay him
00:00:24.000 500 000 in royalties for his design
00:00:26.580 however the CEO now denies This Promise
00:00:29.220 claiming that the contract did not
00:00:30.900 specify an amount for royalties enraged
00:00:33.480 by what he sees as deception he urges
00:00:35.340 jaewoo to take action and solve the
00:00:37.020 problem at that time jaewoo was at a
00:00:39.360 loss the company's CEO had signed a
00:00:41.280 legally binding contract with Mr one but
00:00:43.559 the text was so small and hidden in the
00:00:45.360 fine print that he had no idea he was
00:00:47.040 losing the rights to his design but just
00:00:49.140 as jaywu was about to give up muhilk and
00:00:51.300 his assistant so he arrived on the scene
00:00:53.039 muhio knew that the CEO had used
00:00:55.079 underhanded tactics but he also knew
00:00:57.180 that he had another weapon in his
00:00:58.440 Arsenal the power of public sentiment
00:01:00.360 with the rise of social media people
00:01:02.520 were more easily played by what they saw
00:01:04.500 online so he launched a campaign on
00:01:06.780 social media highlighting the CEO's
00:01:08.700 unfair practices and rallying public
00:01:10.500 support for Mr one the CEO was
00:01:12.780 intimidated by the public backlash and
00:01:14.700 Under Pressure agreed to a new contract
00:01:16.680 this time Mr one was protected and even
00:01:19.320 secured a royalty of 10 of all
00:01:21.180 merchandise sales thanks to Moo Hill's
00:01:23.520 quick thinking and Savvy use of social
00:01:25.200 media Mr one was able to win his case
00:01:27.360 and keep the rights to his design
00:01:29.939 there je Wu fuming because moo Hill had
00:01:32.280 swooped in and taken over his client and
00:01:34.259 now he was determined to get revenge he
00:01:36.420 marched into their supervisor Lido Jin's
00:01:38.579 office and began complaining about muyok
00:01:40.680 but to his surprise dojin was not
00:01:42.840 sympathetic to his plight instead he
00:01:44.880 praised muhio for his competence and
00:01:46.860 suggested that he split 20 percent of
00:01:48.600 his commission with jaewoo feeling
00:01:50.520 defeated jaewoo stormed out of the
00:01:52.320 office but as he was leaving dojin
00:01:54.420 called out to muhilk asking him to sit
00:01:56.399 down he had a new case for him that was
00:01:58.439 both difficult and important
00:02:00.600 then muhio prepared himself for a case
00:02:02.700 involving a celebrity scandal or a
00:02:04.560 billionaire divorce but he was caught
00:02:06.060 off guard when dojin told him it was an
00:02:07.979 attempted murder case so their client
00:02:10.199 was Chon miong High School one of the
00:02:12.000 most prestigious institutions in South
00:02:13.800 Korea the school was worried that its
00:02:15.840 reputation would be tarnished by the
00:02:17.400 horrific incident involving its students
00:02:19.200 hansu and sua and had hired the song a
00:02:21.720 law firm to handle the case the public
00:02:23.760 prosecutor was seeking a 10-year prison
00:02:25.800 sentence for Han Soo but muhio's mission
00:02:28.080 was to reduce the sentence as much as
00:02:29.819 possible because he was still a student
00:02:31.440 and sua was still in a coma in the
00:02:33.420 hospital
00:02:34.620 meanwhile at chonmeon high school the
00:02:37.200 general manager assistant junghea was
00:02:39.300 instructing the teachers to keep the
00:02:40.739 case involving hansu and sua Under Wraps
00:02:43.019 to protect the school's reputation they
00:02:45.120 were told not to discuss the case with
00:02:46.800 anyone even their families muhilk knew
00:02:49.379 that this case would be a delicate
00:02:50.700 Balancing Act between ensuring Justice
00:02:52.620 for sua and protecting the school's
00:02:54.420 reputation as the scene unfolds we are
00:02:57.060 introduced to a determined woman named
00:02:58.739 hasso Hyun she has seen Distributing
00:03:00.900 energy drinks to the police at the local
00:03:02.580 station with a determined look so Hyun
00:03:04.920 is a teacher at Cho myong high school
00:03:06.540 and is convinced that Han Soo is
00:03:08.220 innocent of the crime he is accused of
00:03:09.840 the crime in question is the coma of sua
00:03:12.239 a student at the school despite the
00:03:14.400 overwhelming evidence pointing to hansu
00:03:16.440 so Hyun believes in his innocence and is
00:03:18.420 determined to help him she is the only
00:03:20.220 person caring for him and willing to
00:03:21.900 stand by him during this difficult time
00:03:23.580 however her efforts are met with
00:03:25.560 resistance as a police officer tells
00:03:27.360 sohyun that her actions are futile and
00:03:29.220 that the decision to name hansu as a
00:03:31.080 suspect will not be changed so Hyun who
00:03:33.480 had been friendly and determined
00:03:34.620 suddenly becomes annoyed and takes back
00:03:36.720 all the drinks she had been Distributing
00:03:38.400 with a sullen expression she leaves the
00:03:40.620 police station
00:03:42.299 the next day muhilk takes on the case of
00:03:44.700 the attempted murder of sua he visits
00:03:46.920 hansu in prison he wants hansu to
00:03:49.140 provide him with a detailed chronology
00:03:50.580 of events to find leniency for Han Soo
00:03:52.980 however hansu insists that he is
00:03:55.019 innocent and that when he entered sua's
00:03:56.760 house that night he found her already
00:03:58.260 injured hansu also reveals that he and
00:04:00.900 sua were in a romantic relationship and
00:04:02.879 had no reason to harm her but muhilk
00:04:05.159 explains that many instances of violence
00:04:06.959 against women stem from romantic
00:04:08.700 relationships and the fact that he was
00:04:10.560 dating sua would make him even more
00:04:12.180 suspect in the eyes of the prosecutor
00:04:13.980 muhilk warns him that he could face life
00:04:16.199 imprisonment if he is convicted as Han
00:04:18.600 super claims his innocence muhilk
00:04:20.579 becomes increasingly determined to
00:04:22.019 uncover the truth he enlists the help of
00:04:24.180 sohi a private investigator to delve
00:04:26.340 deeper into Han Sue's past so he is an
00:04:28.740 orphan with a troubled past having once
00:04:30.660 received a suspended sentence for
00:04:32.220 committing acts of violence at school
00:04:33.840 during his investigation muhilk meets
00:04:36.419 with an old rival chaiyon Zhong a female
00:04:38.699 prosecutor who handled Han soo's
00:04:40.680 previous case they were classmate States
00:04:42.600 in law school and had different
00:04:43.800 principles about law which led to Fierce
00:04:45.960 competition between them with muhio now
00:04:48.300 a lawyer from a prominent law firm in
00:04:50.040 hyung-jung a stubborn prosecutor who
00:04:51.900 prioritizes Justice above all the
00:04:53.820 competition between them only
00:04:55.080 intensifies he tries to persuade her to
00:04:57.479 Grant Han suleniency but she is Resolute
00:04:59.759 in her belief that hansu should be
00:05:01.320 charged with life imprisonment she has
00:05:03.300 information that hansu is obsessed with
00:05:05.160 sua and often stalks her
00:05:08.060 determined to clear Han Sue's name sets
00:05:10.680 out to prove his innocence despite his
00:05:12.479 boss's instructions to seek a reduced
00:05:14.280 sentence he receives a call from sohi
00:05:16.620 who informs him of a secret chat
00:05:18.240 application used by the students of
00:05:19.800 chonmeon high school knowing that this
00:05:21.840 could be a vital source of information
00:05:23.220 he reaches out to an acquaintance one
00:05:25.500 Sook who has expertise in hacking and
00:05:27.720 together they manage to gain access to
00:05:29.460 the chat application when muhio scours
00:05:31.979 through the chat logs he stumbles upon a
00:05:33.840 post that shows sua was with another man
00:05:35.639 just days before her attack this
00:05:37.620 discovery proves that hansu wasn't the
00:05:39.600 only one who had recent contact with her
00:05:41.460 Casting doubt on his guilt on the day of
00:05:43.979 the trial muhil presented his findings
00:05:45.900 to the court revealing that sua had been
00:05:47.940 secretly dating older men for money he
00:05:50.160 presented evidence including photographs
00:05:52.259 and dashboard camera footage that showed
00:05:54.240 her near an adult man just days before
00:05:55.800 her attack muhio argued that it was not
00:05:58.080 hansu by one of sua's older lovers who
00:06:00.300 had attempted to kill her he called for
00:06:02.220 a reinvestigation of the case and urged
00:06:04.139 the police and prosecutor to consider
00:06:05.820 the New Evidence he had uncovered how
00:06:07.560 however hansu's reaction was not what
00:06:09.780 muhio had expected instead of being
00:06:11.880 grateful for his lawyer's efforts to
00:06:13.500 clear his name he flew into a rage and
00:06:15.539 attacked muhio accusing him of not
00:06:17.400 knowing anything about sua and calling
00:06:19.199 her a prostitute as the trial for Han
00:06:21.479 Soo the defendant progressed it became
00:06:23.639 clear that he had lost control of
00:06:25.199 himself the judge taking this into
00:06:27.240 consideration decided to postpone the
00:06:29.340 trial ion Zhong a colleague of muyok
00:06:31.919 suggested that he attempt to negotiate a
00:06:33.960 reduced sentence for Han Sue as he had
00:06:35.819 already confessed to his crime
00:06:38.520 after the trial muhioc visited hansu in
00:06:41.280 prison and confronted him angrily he
00:06:43.319 expressed his frustration with Han Sue's
00:06:45.240 actions which had caused chaos in the
00:06:47.100 trial despite muyok's efforts to prove
00:06:49.139 his innocence however Hans who didn't
00:06:51.300 take responsibility for his actions and
00:06:53.460 instead he blamed muhilk for involving
00:06:55.380 sua he believed that muhil couldn't
00:06:57.539 understand the suffering he had
00:06:58.919 experienced as an orphan muhio then
00:07:01.139 revealed that he was also an orphan
00:07:02.759 having lost his parents in a hit and run
00:07:04.680 accident and understood that pain all
00:07:06.660 too well muhilk made it clear that his
00:07:08.880 experiences of Injustice didn't make him
00:07:10.680 believe that he had suffered more than
00:07:12.120 anyone else despite his hardships he was
00:07:14.580 determined to change his life by
00:07:16.080 becoming a lawyer to defend himself if
00:07:17.819 something bad were to happen again
00:07:19.259 listening to muhio's words hansu felt
00:07:22.020 guilty for speaking poorly to him
00:07:23.520 earlier he then offered to reveal
00:07:25.199 everything if muhilk would confirm sua's
00:07:27.539 current condition as he was deeply
00:07:29.099 worried about her muhio promised to
00:07:31.259 visit her the next day and update him on
00:07:32.940 her condition in exchange for his full
00:07:34.500 disclosure
00:07:35.900 however shortly after his meeting with
00:07:38.340 hansu muhilk was scolded by dojin in his
00:07:40.860 office for revealing the alleged Act of
00:07:42.599 prostitution committed by sua in court
00:07:44.639 he pushed for a plea bargain for Han Soo
00:07:47.039 arguing that their client only wanted a
00:07:48.840 reduced sentence and not to prove his
00:07:50.460 innocence however muhio was determined
00:07:52.860 to investigate further and believe they
00:07:54.599 could clear hansu of all charges on the
00:07:56.940 other hand dojin appeared indifferent to
00:07:58.800 his fate as their true client was the
00:08:00.539 Chon Leong Foundation who wanted the
00:08:02.400 case to be resolved as quickly as
00:08:04.020 possible
00:08:05.280 as the case progressed hansu received a
00:08:07.680 visit from someone threatening him with
00:08:09.300 information about sua that night he
00:08:11.580 feigned a stomach ache to trick the
00:08:12.960 prison guards and was taken to the
00:08:14.520 hospital once there he took advantage of
00:08:16.740 the guards being off guard and sneaked
00:08:18.539 onto the roof in a shocking turn of
00:08:20.460 events he attempted to end his life by
00:08:22.500 jumping off the roof and ending up in a
00:08:24.240 coma just like sua because of this
00:08:26.400 muhio's reputation was tarnished after
00:08:28.500 footage of Han Soo attacking him and
00:08:30.300 Court went viral on social media and the
00:08:32.580 public blamed him for Han Sue's
00:08:34.200 attempted to hurt himself as a result he
00:08:36.479 was immediately fired from his Law Firm
00:08:38.458 then the outraged moo Hill confronted
00:08:40.500 dojin who attempted to justify his
00:08:42.659 actions by citing the law of public
00:08:44.339 sentiment meanwhile Helen Jung tried to
00:08:46.920 convince her Superior songbay to allow
00:08:49.080 her to reinvestigate the case involving
00:08:50.820 Han Soo and sua but he refused citing
00:08:53.700 that both the victim and defendant were
00:08:55.260 in comas and blamed her for trying to
00:08:57.060 seek a 20-year prison sentence instead
00:08:58.980 of following the instructions given to
00:09:00.660 her however Helen Jong was determined to
00:09:02.880 uncover the truth even if it meant
00:09:04.560 risking her job as as a prosecutor she
00:09:06.839 stated that she would look for other
00:09:08.100 facts and file charges according to the
00:09:10.080 crime committed by the perpetrator as
00:09:12.300 the sun set on the bustling City Hong
00:09:14.220 Jong made her way to meet muhilk at a
00:09:16.260 local bar he had called her earlier
00:09:18.000 inviting her to join him for a drink and
00:09:19.980 to discuss the case they were working on
00:09:21.600 together when Helen Jung arrived she
00:09:23.820 could immediately see that something was
00:09:25.320 troubling muhilk he greeted her with a
00:09:27.480 scowl and as they sat down he revealed
00:09:29.519 that not only had he been fired but all
00:09:31.320 of the VIP clients he had been working
00:09:33.060 on had been taken over by dojin the head
00:09:35.279 of song a law firm he was convinced that
00:09:37.380 dojin was trying to sabotage him after
00:09:39.300 he had tried to prove Han Sue's innocent
00:09:41.220 and revealed that sua might be a
00:09:42.899 prostitute he owned Jung listened
00:09:44.760 patiently but she knew that the evidence
00:09:46.320 moo Hill had found was not enough to
00:09:48.240 prove that sua was prostituting herself
00:09:50.220 she reminded him that the photos and
00:09:52.200 videos from unreliable sources he had
00:09:54.120 found were not enough to make such a
00:09:55.620 claim the police had decided to stop the
00:09:57.959 investigation because Han Sue had
00:09:59.640 already admitted his crime in court
00:10:01.019 besides that hyunjong also informed
00:10:03.480 muhio that the townhouse occupied by was
00:10:06.120 not owned by anyone she lived in a
00:10:07.920 townhouse that still belonged to the
00:10:09.360 construction company that built the
00:10:10.860 apartment building as he own Jung shared
00:10:13.140 her suspicions about the case with muhio
00:10:15.000 she revealed that Lee kihoon the son of
00:10:17.040 dojin had attended Chone myong high
00:10:19.019 school and submitted a testimony that
00:10:20.640 Han Sue had stalked sua she said she
00:10:22.920 couldn't shake the feeling that muhio's
00:10:24.720 assignment to handle a case involving
00:10:26.339 them who was kehoon's schoolmate may not
00:10:28.380 have been a coincidence
00:10:30.000 just as they were deep in conversation
00:10:31.860 Helen jong's phone rang she answered it
00:10:34.380 and her face turned Ashen as she
00:10:35.940 listened to the person on the other end
00:10:37.380 of the line when she hung up she told
00:10:39.420 muhilk that sua had died with this news
00:10:41.820 Han Soo would now be named as the
00:10:43.560 accused in sua's murder and he may be
00:10:45.540 sentenced to life in prison
00:10:48.180 the next day muhio can hon Jong attended
00:10:50.700 sua's funeral where they were surrounded
00:10:52.620 by mourners as they were paying their
00:10:54.660 respects to her muhilk overheard a
00:10:56.579 conversation between Fortune Myung high
00:10:58.680 school students discussing sua using
00:11:00.779 inappropriate language and making crude
00:11:02.640 jokes he was horrified and initially
00:11:04.680 wanted to leave but something compelled
00:11:06.540 him to stay and observe the students
00:11:08.040 secretly as he listened to their
00:11:09.839 conversation muhilk was shocked to
00:11:11.640 discover that they had once bulletsuwa
00:11:13.560 and one of them had even expressed a
00:11:15.000 wish that she would rather die than
00:11:16.380 continue to trouble them as muhilk
00:11:18.540 observed the students he noticed one of
00:11:20.220 them was Lee kihoon dojin's son who was
00:11:22.500 involved in an argument with a girl
00:11:24.000 named nayeri Erie seemed to Harbor a
00:11:26.339 deep hatred for sua and admitted
00:11:27.899 bullying her as the group continued to
00:11:30.000 argue a girl named hante raw tried to
00:11:32.160 intervene but kihoon and yeri paid her
00:11:34.140 no heat just as things seemed to
00:11:35.940 escalate a young man named yubam Jin
00:11:38.040 stepped in warning them firmly they
00:11:39.899 seemed frightened at the sound of his
00:11:41.399 voice and immediately stopped their
00:11:42.899 argument following bomb Jin as he walked
00:11:45.000 away from the cemetery
00:11:46.620 at that time muhio couldn't shake the
00:11:48.779 feeling that there was more to the story
00:11:50.100 and that kihoon Yuri and bom Jin were
00:11:52.380 connected to suwa's death however before
00:11:54.540 he could investigate further he received
00:11:56.579 a phone call from sohi who informed him
00:11:58.560 that a group from the prosecution had
00:12:00.240 suddenly arrived at their office to
00:12:01.860 conduct a search and seizure he was
00:12:03.779 shocked to learn that he was accused of
00:12:05.220 accepting bribes committing tax fraud
00:12:07.260 and committing other crimes as he pieced
00:12:09.660 together the events of the day it became
00:12:11.279 clear to him that he had been set up by
00:12:12.899 dojin who refused to help him and even
00:12:14.820 demanded that he pay compensation for
00:12:16.620 the losses he had caused though Jin
00:12:18.660 cruelly informs muhilk that he will be
00:12:20.399 withdrawing all the resources belonging
00:12:22.079 to the law firm he had relied on and
00:12:23.760 belittles him by saying he is just a
00:12:25.500 replaceable Cog in the machine to make
00:12:27.600 matters worse muhilk also loses his
00:12:29.760 lawyer's license effectively ending his
00:12:31.800 career in law in a short time his
00:12:33.959 reputation as one of the best lawyers at
00:12:35.880 songha Law Firm is destroyed and his
00:12:37.800 career as a lawyer is ruined due to his
00:12:39.540 defense of a high school student accused
00:12:41.279 of murder despite this setback muhilk
00:12:43.800 remains determined to solve the murder
00:12:45.240 case of sua two months later he gathered
00:12:48.120 information about the four-chone Myung
00:12:49.920 high school students who had once
00:12:51.420 bullied her with the help of one Sook he
00:12:53.639 secures a job as a teacher at Cho myong
00:12:55.620 High School using this as an opportunity
00:12:57.420 to conduct a secret investigation into
00:12:59.399 the school
00:13:00.779 the story shifts to a scene of a male
00:13:02.760 student at Cho myong High School named
00:13:04.620 on byung-ho being scolded by his
00:13:06.540 employer for stealing expired food
00:13:08.220 instead of providing edible food his
00:13:10.560 employer even threatens to cut
00:13:11.880 beyongho's salary for stealing the food
00:13:13.880 disheartened he sets off to school on
00:13:16.079 his bike along the way he is intercepted
00:13:18.540 by a group of students from another
00:13:20.040 school looking to buy cigarettes to his
00:13:22.380 surprise he reveals that he secretly
00:13:24.180 steals several packs of cigarettes from
00:13:26.040 the convenience store where he works and
00:13:27.720 sells them at a low price to them when
00:13:29.639 byung-ho leaves the students sohyun a
00:13:32.040 teacher spots him riding his bike and
00:13:33.899 tries to call out to him but he doesn't
00:13:35.519 hear her she then sees the students who
00:13:37.680 had just bought cigarettes from being ho
00:13:39.420 and approaches them to warn them as by
00:13:41.160 law high school students are prohibited
00:13:43.079 from smoking however the students ignore
00:13:45.899 her warning and one of them even tries
00:13:47.579 to attack her so Hyun who is skilled in
00:13:49.920 several martial arts techniques swiftly
00:13:51.839 takes the boy down as muhio can so Hyun
00:13:54.540 watch June J's illegal activities they
00:13:56.519 hatch a plan to stop him then muhilk
00:13:58.740 approaches him and pretends to be
00:14:00.000 interested in pawning his watch during
00:14:02.040 their conversation he subtly gathers
00:14:04.019 evidence of June J's illegal practices
00:14:05.940 and secretly records their conversation
00:14:07.920 afterward muhilk and sohyun confront
00:14:10.560 June Jae with the evidence they have
00:14:12.060 gathered he explains that he will report
00:14:13.980 June J's illegal activities to the
00:14:16.019 authorities if he doesn't stop his
00:14:17.519 predatory lending practices fearful of
00:14:19.980 the consequences June J agrees to stop
00:14:22.260 his illegal activities and return the
00:14:24.120 students valuables the next day June J
00:14:26.880 and his friend jonte had a profitable
00:14:28.620 hobby they organized fights between
00:14:30.360 students at chonmeon high school and
00:14:32.279 placed bets on the outcomes as they
00:14:34.320 prepared for their next fight he
00:14:35.820 approached kihoon to ask permission to
00:14:37.560 use the school roof as a location for
00:14:39.300 the bout tihoon who had no interest in
00:14:41.579 watching the fight nonetheless agreed to
00:14:43.380 let him use the roof on the condition
00:14:44.760 that he keep the event quiet and avoid
00:14:46.680 getting them into trouble with kihoon's
00:14:48.839 blessing June J turned to byeongho and
00:14:50.820 ordered him to purchase several packs of
00:14:52.500 cigarettes for the event despite his
00:14:54.240 obvious reluctance
00:14:56.100 on the other hand Lite Sook the general
00:14:58.560 manager of the chongyong foundation was
00:15:00.839 deeply impressed by sohyun's dedication
00:15:02.760 to hansu even as he faced charges in a
00:15:05.220 murder case then she explained that it
00:15:07.199 was her Duty as a teacher to care for
00:15:08.820 her students particularly someone as
00:15:10.560 vulnerable as Han Soo an orphan without
00:15:12.540 parents or Guardians to support him
00:15:14.399 touched by her concern and sincerity Tay
00:15:16.920 Sook offered her a new position as a
00:15:18.600 guidance and counseling teacher to help
00:15:20.279 students navigate the challenges they
00:15:22.139 faced without hesitation so Hyun
00:15:24.360 accepted the offer she was determined to
00:15:26.399 help her students avoid a tragic fate
00:15:28.139 like sua her former student who had died
00:15:30.360 that night she and her colleagues
00:15:32.399 celebrated the arrival of a new teacher
00:15:34.139 muhilk with a night of drinks at a
00:15:36.120 Tavern however jonghy another teacher
00:15:38.399 had ulterior motives and deliberately
00:15:40.139 got so hewn and has Sue drunk to punish
00:15:42.180 them if they were late for school the
00:15:43.620 next day
00:15:44.899 muhioke who is aware of a mysterious
00:15:47.040 situation approaches yonghei with a plan
00:15:49.199 he manages to get her drunk so they can
00:15:51.300 leave the party early making her believe
00:15:52.920 that he wants to help her in his Sue
00:15:54.720 however he has other intentions for the
00:15:56.820 night instead of going home he secretly
00:15:59.100 returns to Chon myong High School to
00:16:00.959 conduct an investigation as he enters
00:16:03.240 the unlocked photography club room
00:16:04.800 muhilk discovers another room inside
00:16:06.660 fitted with a digital lock using a
00:16:09.000 special tool created by one Sook he can
00:16:11.040 unlock the door and finds a collection
00:16:12.600 of photos of sua taken by someone using
00:16:14.820 a film camera the fact that all the
00:16:16.800 photos were taken secretly leads moo
00:16:18.600 Hill to believe that the person taking
00:16:20.040 the photos may be obsessed with her not
00:16:22.320 only did he find photos of sua at school
00:16:24.420 but also a collection of photos of her
00:16:26.339 outside of school with several grown men
00:16:28.199 after discovering the collection of
00:16:30.240 photos muhioca startled by the sound of
00:16:32.459 something falling and exits the room to
00:16:34.199 investigate to his surprise he finds a
00:16:36.720 group of students having a party on the
00:16:38.339 school roof meanwhile June J is
00:16:40.620 preparing to start a fight between
00:16:41.880 students turning it into a betting Arena
00:16:43.920 known as the shuttle monster
00:16:44.820 championship this battle brings together
00:16:47.339 students who are victims of bullying at
00:16:49.320 school also known as porters the fight
00:16:51.540 is broadcast live on the Chon myong high
00:16:53.579 school students app and he even opened
00:16:55.380 an online betting arena for students
00:16:57.000 watching the fight through the app
00:16:58.259 myung-ho as a porter is set to fight
00:17:00.660 against a male student named hyong Kyu
00:17:02.639 who is determined to beat byeongho to
00:17:04.500 stop June Jae and his friends from
00:17:05.939 bullying him soon after the fight begins
00:17:08.339 with hyongq launching multiple attacks
00:17:10.380 knocking Beyond ho several times while
00:17:12.240 Beyond ho Dodges all of his attacks as
00:17:14.520 the Fight Continues June J becomes
00:17:16.619 increasingly irritated by beung-ho's
00:17:18.660 lack of resistance and enters the battle
00:17:20.339 arena to confront him muhyok who has
00:17:22.859 been watching the fight decides not to
00:17:24.660 intervene as the students involved have
00:17:26.459 nothing to do with his investigation
00:17:28.020 however when June J mentions hansu and
00:17:30.780 threatens to harm beung-ho like Han Soo
00:17:32.880 muhio can no longer stay on the
00:17:34.559 sidelines and decides to help him to his
00:17:36.840 surprise bonjin appears behind muhio and
00:17:39.299 warns him not to intervene in their
00:17:40.799 Affairs as it would only put byeongho in
00:17:42.840 more Danger
00:17:44.039 bonjin suggests they can save byeongho
00:17:46.380 without appearing in front of June J and
00:17:48.059 his gang without hesitation he rushes
00:17:50.340 into the music Club room and turns on
00:17:51.960 loud rock music through the speakers to
00:17:53.760 distract June J and his friends from
00:17:55.440 byeongho shortly after June J rushes to
00:17:58.260 the club room in a panic someone had
00:18:00.240 broken in and he feared that valuables
00:18:02.160 pawned by the students had been stolen
00:18:03.840 but upon arriving at the room he finds
00:18:06.179 that nothing is missing and the items
00:18:07.740 are still safely hidden meanwhile muhilk
00:18:10.380 tries to gather information from bamjin
00:18:12.299 about hansu he tells bonjin that he
00:18:14.520 heard June J mention hansu's name when
00:18:16.500 threatening byeongho he also mentions
00:18:18.539 that he found out about sua's murder
00:18:20.280 case from the news though the name of
00:18:21.960 their school was disguised bonjin
00:18:24.120 visibly upset explains to muhilk that
00:18:26.340 the tragic incident has left deep wounds
00:18:28.260 for the students he tells muhio that the
00:18:30.480 defendant and victim were their
00:18:31.740 schoolmates and that they had spent a
00:18:33.240 lot of time with them he also reveals
00:18:35.340 that some students have experienced
00:18:36.720 trauma and have even decided to transfer
00:18:38.640 to other schools While others have tried
00:18:40.559 to move on and forget about the tragic
00:18:42.299 incident after sharing all this he says
00:18:44.760 goodbye to Moo Hill and heads home even
00:18:46.980 though bongjin appears to be deeply
00:18:48.600 affected by sua's death muhok suspects
00:18:51.120 that he is only pretending this is
00:18:53.039 because he is friends with kihoon and
00:18:54.720 yeri who didn't care about sua and once
00:18:56.820 bullet her
00:18:58.320 when bonjin arrives home he immediately
00:19:00.600 meets his father yuyongy a prominent
00:19:02.880 congressman who is watching a debate on
00:19:04.799 television featuring him as one of the
00:19:06.419 participants in the debate bom Jin
00:19:08.700 manages to outmaneuver his opponent With
00:19:10.440 His Brilliant explanation of the law and
00:19:12.240 receives appreciation for many people
00:19:13.980 but unexpectedly yongi grabs his cell
00:19:16.620 phone and Order someone to cancel the
00:19:18.419 broadcast of the debate and delete all
00:19:19.980 posts about it on social media he
00:19:22.080 explains that bonjin's perception of the
00:19:24.000 law as explained in the debate could
00:19:25.740 jeopardize his reputation as a
00:19:27.419 congressman upon witnessing his father's
00:19:29.700 actions bonjin tries to provide an
00:19:31.799 explanation But ultimately decides to
00:19:33.600 apologize to yongi many explains that
00:19:36.120 everything bom Jin says and doesn't
00:19:37.559 public can influence public opinion
00:19:39.419 about him and emphasizes the importance
00:19:41.220 of bonjin maintaining a certain image to
00:19:43.260 protect his reputation as a respected
00:19:45.059 member of Congress the next day muhilk
00:19:47.880 arrives at school early to find a
00:19:49.380 student wearing sneakers from a specific
00:19:51.179 streetwear brand he believes this
00:19:53.039 student may have visited hansu before he
00:19:55.080 attempted to take his own life as he
00:19:57.120 greets students at the school he spots
00:19:59.400 the student wearing the shoes and
00:20:00.660 recognizes him as June J in the
00:20:02.880 classroom so Hyun is surprised to see
00:20:04.799 bye with bruises on his face at that
00:20:07.200 time he claims he fell off his bike but
00:20:09.240 so Hyun suspects he may have been
00:20:10.740 bullied despite her concerns muhilk
00:20:13.080 advises her not to investigate further
00:20:15.000 as it may only make things more
00:20:16.440 difficult for byeong-ho the scene
00:20:18.480 switches to a young woman ji Yoon as she
00:20:20.700 pawns a film camera to pay off a debt
00:20:22.620 despite the transaction she is still in
00:20:24.900 dire need of money and turns to June J
00:20:26.760 for a loan of 500 in exchange she
00:20:29.640 promises to repay the debt on time but
00:20:31.679 June J makes it clear that he will
00:20:33.179 reveal her secrets to her parents and
00:20:34.860 others if she doesn't keep her promise
00:20:37.340 on the other hand at the prosecutor's
00:20:39.960 office hyunjong struggles to handle the
00:20:42.059 overwhelming workload assigned to her by
00:20:43.740 her Superior despite the added pressure
00:20:45.780 she is determined to see her dream of
00:20:47.580 becoming the first female General
00:20:49.020 prosecutor in South Korea come to
00:20:50.940 fruition even if it means pushing
00:20:52.620 through the mental intimidation and
00:20:54.120 obstacles in her path meanwhile muhioc
00:20:56.880 is teaching a lesson on the law
00:20:58.200 classroom when he notices that June J is
00:21:00.539 not paying attention and instead focuses
00:21:02.400 on his cell phone to teach the class A
00:21:04.620 lesson he takes June J's phone and asks
00:21:06.780 the class to explain why he should
00:21:08.220 legally return it then kihoon and bonjin
00:21:10.620 rise to the challenge impressing their
00:21:12.240 classmates and instructor with their
00:21:13.860 knowledge of the laws surrounding the
00:21:15.360 situation after praising kihoon and
00:21:17.640 bonjin for their knowledge of the law
00:21:19.140 muhilk stressed the importance of
00:21:21.000 focusing on their studies to prevent
00:21:22.500 being taken advantage of by others
00:21:24.360 during the next break bonjin reveals to
00:21:26.880 kihoon that muhilk had caught junjae and
00:21:29.039 his friends engaging in a game of
00:21:30.419 shuttle monster on campus yet took no
00:21:32.340 action
00:21:33.360 this Revelation Peaks kihoon's curiosity
00:21:35.880 leading him to question why mu helped
00:21:37.919 didn't report the incident to the board
00:21:39.240 of teachers many orders June J to
00:21:41.460 provoke muhilk to uncover his true
00:21:43.080 nature meanwhile the school's popular
00:21:45.240 student Tera is being interviewed by a
00:21:47.700 reporter about her charitable efforts to
00:21:49.440 Aid teenagers facing financial
00:21:50.880 difficulties Tara known for her beauty
00:21:53.520 and kindness receives praise for many
00:21:55.440 for her selfless actions she informs the
00:21:57.840 reporter of an upcoming benefit concert
00:21:59.580 and extends an invitation for them to
00:22:01.559 attend in class she distributes fancy
00:22:04.020 brooches to her classmates who are
00:22:05.760 thrilled with the free high-end gifts
00:22:07.500 Tara said she had purchased a collection
00:22:09.539 of elegant brooches to be donated to
00:22:11.400 teenagers from financially struggling
00:22:13.200 families one day she approached a girl
00:22:15.720 named Yuna who seemed indifferent to her
00:22:17.700 popularity Yuna felt that Tara was only
00:22:20.159 doing this for her own benefit then she
00:22:22.320 offered Yoona luxurious brooch for free
00:22:24.240 but Yuna insisted on paying for it
00:22:26.220 however she refused and suggested that
00:22:28.380 you now repay her kindness by creating a
00:22:30.419 video for the charity concert she was
00:22:32.159 organizing
00:22:33.960 after school so Hyun followed byeongho
00:22:36.539 who was rushing to his part-time job at
00:22:38.460 a convenience store she saw that he was
00:22:40.500 being scolded by his employer for being
00:22:42.360 late she tried to defend him but he
00:22:44.460 stopped her knowing it would only worsen
00:22:46.020 the situation once they were alone
00:22:47.940 Bianco confided to sohyun that he had
00:22:50.220 been bullied inside and outside school
00:22:51.900 he revealed that he had considered many
00:22:53.880 options to deal with the problem but
00:22:55.500 ultimately realized that he would
00:22:56.940 continue to be bullied throughout his
00:22:58.380 life because he lacked money and power
00:23:00.059 hearing that so Hyun was at a loss for
00:23:02.340 words feeling powerless to help her
00:23:04.140 student she was frustrated that she
00:23:06.059 couldn't do anything to help biongho and
00:23:07.919 other students like Han Sue who were
00:23:09.539 facing difficulties that fateful night
00:23:11.880 muhio's phone rang with a call from one
00:23:13.860 Sook his reliable friend and
00:23:15.539 investigator he had uncovered a crucial
00:23:17.580 piece of information the identity of the
00:23:19.620 man who had been with sua in the photos
00:23:21.179 that muhio had found he revealed that
00:23:23.460 the man was a freelance driver assigned
00:23:25.440 to take sua somewhere and more
00:23:27.059 alarmingly the car's owner was none
00:23:28.740 other than tasuk general manager at the
00:23:30.720 chonmeon foundation shortly after muhio
00:23:33.600 quickly made his way to the parking area
00:23:35.400 where he confirmed that the car used by
00:23:37.200 the driver was tasook as Mu help
00:23:39.240 grappled with the implications of this
00:23:40.919 discovery he witnessed a heated argument
00:23:42.780 between Tae Sook and a female teacher
00:23:44.640 Miju at that time Tae sook's anger was
00:23:47.159 palpable as he violently berated her
00:23:48.960 demanding to know why she had suddenly
00:23:50.700 turned against him from their
00:23:52.260 conversation muhilk learned that Miju
00:23:54.299 had been manipulated by Tara all along
00:23:56.100 and that sua had been aware of this as
00:23:58.260 Miju sat down with tasuk she couldn't
00:24:00.299 help but feel a sense of unease she had
00:24:02.460 to explain to him the dire situation
00:24:04.140 between sua and Tara she explained to
00:24:06.659 him that sua had threatened to reveal
00:24:08.220 tay-rah's Dark Secrets if she continued
00:24:10.140 to bully her at that moment Miju had
00:24:12.539 tried to intervene and warn teira to
00:24:14.280 stop her bullying ways but unfortunately
00:24:16.080 it only escalated until sua's tragic
00:24:18.539 death she couldn't shake off the feeling
00:24:20.340 that Tehran may have been involved in
00:24:22.020 suwa's death she knew she had to end
00:24:24.000 this before it got any worse butasook
00:24:26.340 had different plans he confirmed that
00:24:28.020 hansu was the one who had killed sua and
00:24:30.120 warned me Joo not to involve tery in the
00:24:32.159 murder case he also cautioned her not to
00:24:34.440 speak ill of tehrah as she was a
00:24:36.120 valuable VIP client however Miju was
00:24:38.820 taken aback by this Revelation and
00:24:40.380 couldn't help but wonder if Tay raw was
00:24:42.120 involved as the conversation ended Miju
00:24:44.760 was surprised to discover they had not
00:24:46.320 been alone muhio and sohyun had both
00:24:48.600 been listening in on their conversation
00:24:50.220 she had even followed Miju after
00:24:52.140 receiving a call from Tay Sook as Tay
00:24:54.480 Sook left so Hyun appeared before me Jew
00:24:56.520 and urged her to report everything to
00:24:58.140 the police but Miju refused warning her
00:25:00.539 not to get involved as it could put her
00:25:02.159 in danger
00:25:03.960 the next day when muhelk sat in class
00:25:06.299 his mind was racing with the information
00:25:07.919 he had recently received from one Sook a
00:25:10.620 text message from his friend had led
00:25:12.179 into a freelance driver who had taken
00:25:13.919 sua to an elite nightclub called El
00:25:15.600 Dorado where she had had a big fight
00:25:17.220 with Tay Sook muhio can one silk were
00:25:19.620 determined to uncover the truth behind
00:25:21.179 Tae sook's involvement with sua's death
00:25:23.100 and why he held Tara in such high regard
00:25:25.260 meanwhile Yohe had made a surprise
00:25:27.480 announcement at school that Miju would
00:25:29.220 take over as the new French teacher Miju
00:25:31.500 tried to explain that she was not
00:25:32.880 proficient in French but jonghy accused
00:25:34.980 her of lying about her resume when she
00:25:36.539 applied for the job so Hyun who had
00:25:38.760 witnessed The Exchange tried to defend
00:25:40.500 me Jew but her efforts were in vain so
00:25:42.779 he unscolded muhilk for not standing up
00:25:44.880 for Miju especially after he had found
00:25:46.980 out the extent of tay-suk's bullying
00:25:48.720 towards her muhilk replied that he was
00:25:50.760 trying to be realistic as an intern he
00:25:53.100 didn't dare to go against their Superior
00:25:54.600 yong-hae he didn't want to cause any
00:25:56.640 trouble at the school including
00:25:58.020 questioning her decisions with that
00:26:00.000 muhio walked off to class narrowly
00:26:02.100 avoiding getting hit by a basketball
00:26:03.480 thrown by June J but things didn't go as
00:26:06.179 he had hoped instead of returning the
00:26:08.039 basketball moo Hill threw it out the
00:26:09.840 window and warned June J that he
00:26:11.400 wouldn't hesitate to throw him out the
00:26:12.900 window as well if he caused any more
00:26:14.520 trouble tihoon was not pleased with June
00:26:16.799 J's failed attempt to humiliate muhok he
00:26:19.140 banned junje from using the roof until
00:26:20.820 he succeeded in carrying out his mission
00:26:22.679 after school jonghy who had control over
00:26:25.440 the test scores of the Veritas club
00:26:27.059 members met with them for lunch they
00:26:29.279 asked her to ensure their victory in a
00:26:31.020 future competition yonghe agreed to
00:26:33.000 their request however the lunch was not
00:26:35.220 without its own drama shortly after Yuri
00:26:37.679 and kihoon got into an argument when she
00:26:39.480 brought up his alleged stalking of a
00:26:41.039 girl named sua then he threatened to
00:26:42.960 reveal her secrets and ruin her chances
00:26:44.700 of debuting as an idol if she didn't
00:26:46.380 stop talking about his obsession with
00:26:48.059 sua
00:26:49.740 the next day the students of Chone my
00:26:51.779 own high school were in for a shock when
00:26:53.400 an anonymous post appeared on their
00:26:54.900 student Community app showing muhio and
00:26:57.059 sohyun in a compromising position Yuna
00:26:59.700 who examined the photo closely quickly
00:27:01.679 realized that it had been edited but
00:27:03.360 most of her classmates believed it to be
00:27:05.100 real meanwhile one Sook who was
00:27:07.320 investigating tasuk discovered that
00:27:09.240 tasuk was planning to meet a government
00:27:10.919 official at a movie theater to his
00:27:13.020 surprise tasuk was actually meeting with
00:27:15.000 songbay to discuss the sua murder case
00:27:17.100 songbay informed taesuk that the trial
00:27:19.320 had been delayed until Han Soo woke up
00:27:21.179 but tay-suk wanted the case closed as
00:27:23.159 soon as possible songbay then revealed
00:27:25.320 that the case would be closed if the
00:27:26.700 defendant died
00:27:28.020 one Sook had also acquired several
00:27:30.000 photos of songbay with an Entertainer
00:27:31.740 who had been sent by taysuf to keep song
00:27:33.659 Bay Company at the movies that night
00:27:35.700 when one Sook showed the photos to muhio
00:27:37.740 he was shocked to find that songbay was
00:27:39.720 also involved with the Chon myong
00:27:41.279 foundation and was working with dojin to
00:27:43.260 ruin muhio's career the scene shifts to
00:27:45.840 tay-rock playing the piano she
00:27:47.640 flawlessly practiced For an upcoming
00:27:49.380 concert suddenly bonjin enters the room
00:27:51.779 holding a bouquet of flowers and a gift
00:27:53.700 in honor of her birthday after her piano
00:27:56.039 practice Tara invites bonjin to re-watch
00:27:58.620 a movie they previously watched she
00:28:00.659 explains that she had fallen asleep
00:28:02.159 during their first viewing and wanted a
00:28:03.840 do-over then bonjin happily agrees
00:28:06.059 telling her that the movie was so funny
00:28:07.740 that it made him laugh out loud however
00:28:09.900 she quickly realizes that his film
00:28:11.760 description contradicts her memory she
00:28:13.860 recalls waking up and finding bomb Jin
00:28:15.900 absent leading her to suspect that he
00:28:17.700 may not have been truthful even when she
00:28:19.620 knew she decided to leave her doubts
00:28:21.299 about that lie unaddressed not wanting
00:28:23.100 to risk hurting his feelings
00:28:25.260 meanwhile muhio is caught off guard by
00:28:27.539 the arrival of sohyun who has brought in
00:28:29.460 the coveted files of Chon myong high
00:28:31.260 school students but her visit is not
00:28:33.120 solely for this purpose she also wants
00:28:35.340 to discuss the recent fight between Miju
00:28:37.260 and tasuk however muyok makes it clear
00:28:39.600 that he wants no part in the conflict
00:28:41.279 and finds Tae sook's violent Behavior
00:28:43.140 towards me Jew and Justified however the
00:28:45.720 conversation shifts when sohyun brings
00:28:47.640 up Han Sue's involvement in the murder
00:28:49.260 case of sua muhio mentions that hansu
00:28:52.080 was the suspect but so Hyun strongly
00:28:54.000 denies it explaining that he was once
00:28:55.919 close friends with Joon Jae and sua who
00:28:58.140 was friends with Tara And yeri so Hyun
00:29:00.480 acknowledges that hansu was problematic
00:29:02.520 but his behavior improved after sua
00:29:04.620 transferred to Chon miong high school he
00:29:06.779 became more focused on his studies and
00:29:08.580 stopped getting into fights she is
00:29:10.440 confident that Han Soo is not the
00:29:12.000 stalker or attacker in sua's case
00:29:13.860 unfortunately the conversation is
00:29:16.020 abruptly interrupted by a phone call
00:29:17.760 from Jesu hesu informs sohyun about the
00:29:20.640 explicit photos of muhilk that have been
00:29:22.440 posted on a student Community app muhio
00:29:24.779 not one to draw attention from the other
00:29:26.760 teachers asks her Sue to keep it quiet
00:29:28.799 and turns to sohyun reassuring her that
00:29:30.960 he'll find the person responsible for
00:29:32.700 posting the photos
00:29:34.380 meanwhile the area receives the news at
00:29:36.539 her agency that she will soon debut as
00:29:38.399 an idol as her rival has been embroiled
00:29:40.200 in a scandal despite this she supports
00:29:42.539 her rival who was previously kicked out
00:29:44.460 of the agency after failing to debut in
00:29:47.039 reality the Scandal was engineered by
00:29:48.840 her to eliminate her competition and
00:29:50.520 pave the way for her debut as an idol on
00:29:52.919 the other hand kehoon visits the song a
00:29:54.899 law firm to investigate sua's murder
00:29:56.760 case and learns from jaewoo that the
00:29:58.559 trial is postponed until Han Soo
00:30:00.299 recovers from a coma after viewing
00:30:02.279 photos of sua with an older man he asks
00:30:04.559 about Han Sue's defense lawyer but is
00:30:06.360 told that the lawyer was fired after
00:30:07.860 causing a commotion in the courtroom
00:30:09.539 despite this he recognizes the lawyer's
00:30:12.120 potential to uncover hidden evidence and
00:30:13.980 finds the incriminating photos at night
00:30:16.440 muhilk encounters Yuri who is rehearsing
00:30:18.779 for her dance debut and offers his
00:30:20.460 congratulations but in a shocking turn
00:30:22.620 he declares that she will never debut or
00:30:24.659 find happiness as she is responsible for
00:30:26.700 uploading suas compromising photos and
00:30:28.980 spreading rumors about her he presents
00:30:31.020 evidence of her actions but she
00:30:32.640 initially denies the accusations and
00:30:34.320 threatens to involve her father however
00:30:36.480 muhilk is aware that her father is
00:30:38.340 facing issues at his company and has
00:30:40.200 been transferred to India rendering her
00:30:42.059 threats meaningless soon after Mr Choi
00:30:44.580 the CEO of an agency company arrives and
00:30:46.919 asks about the situation muyok who is
00:30:49.320 yerry's homeroom teacher informs him of
00:30:51.360 her actions that could jeopardize her
00:30:52.919 debut as an idol he intends to present
00:30:55.020 evidence of Yuri spreading rumors about
00:30:56.820 sua and being her rival to Mr Choi to
00:30:59.039 cancel her debut however to muhio's
00:31:01.440 surprise Yuri confesses and apologizes
00:31:03.720 causing him to reconsider exposing her
00:31:05.880 actions to Mr Choi as he departs muhilk
00:31:08.820 warns her to shut down the application
00:31:10.320 as he knows she instructed one of her
00:31:12.240 fans to create it for her own advantage
00:31:14.880 the following day Eerie keeps her
00:31:17.039 promise to moohilk by shutting down the
00:31:18.840 application as promised meanwhile jun j
00:31:21.539 confronts kihoon confessing that he was
00:31:23.520 responsible for uploading embarrassing
00:31:25.320 photos of muyok and sohyun however
00:31:27.659 muhio's nonchalant attitude only
00:31:29.520 frustrates kihoon even more Desiring to
00:31:32.220 take matters into his own hands kihun
00:31:34.320 tries to attack June Jae but bomb Jin
00:31:36.480 arrives just in time to intervene
00:31:38.039 cautioning him to avoid rash decisions
00:31:40.020 while in public view as kihu invents his
00:31:42.539 anger by Gaming in the Veritas Club room
00:31:44.279 bong Jin surprises him with a visit
00:31:46.679 during break time Yuri shares with
00:31:48.720 muhilk that sua is an orphan she
00:31:50.760 overheard a conversation revealing that
00:31:52.559 sua was adopted by a wealthy family but
00:31:54.720 was later abandoned when they moved
00:31:56.279 overseas she also speculates that sua
00:31:58.860 may have a connection with tasuk given
00:32:00.659 that he provided scholarships for
00:32:02.159 orphaned students like sua and Han Soo
00:32:04.320 to attend Chone myong high school at the
00:32:06.600 same time Yuna confronts sohyun about
00:32:08.580 the bullying tehrah and her group
00:32:10.140 subjected suatu previously Yuna had
00:32:12.899 tried to defend sua and Report The
00:32:14.580 Bullying to the teachers but she
00:32:16.080 insisted on handling the situation
00:32:17.640 herself despite Tay Ross suddenly
00:32:19.860 stopping her bullying Erie and her group
00:32:21.840 continued to torment sua there so Hyun
00:32:24.419 can understand why tay-rah would bully
00:32:26.220 someone like sua a model student known
00:32:28.260 for her intelligence and kindness then
00:32:30.240 yeri explains that sua deserved it as
00:32:32.399 she had openly pursued bam Jin who was
00:32:34.440 already dating te-rah Yuna also informed
00:32:36.960 sohyun that all information related to
00:32:38.880 the sua murder case has been deleted and
00:32:40.980 even foreign websites that it covered
00:32:42.659 the case have been blocked however she
00:32:44.700 discovers a website featuring a video
00:32:46.380 from the trial showing Han Soo attacking
00:32:48.779 his lawyer while declaring that he had
00:32:50.279 stabbed sua Yuna reveals the video to
00:32:52.559 sohyun who is shocked to discover that
00:32:54.480 the lawyer defending Han Soo is none
00:32:56.159 other than muyok the new teacher at Chon
00:32:58.140 myong high school she has grown to know
00:33:00.539 meanwhile beung-ho continues to suffer
00:33:02.940 bullying at the hands of June J and his
00:33:04.860 friends both physically and mentally
00:33:06.480 there he doesn't hesitate to beat up
00:33:08.460 byeonghold to vent his anger after
00:33:09.899 kihoon humiliates him in front of the
00:33:11.760 other students exasperated by the
00:33:13.740 ongoing bullying biongho decides to
00:33:15.720 fight back he and June J engage in a
00:33:18.059 violent altercation in class until
00:33:19.500 Beyond ho Corners him and threatens him
00:33:21.360 with a cutter at the same moment so Hyun
00:33:23.700 and muhilk enter the class and attempt
00:33:25.380 to stop byeongho from seeking revenge on
00:33:27.299 June J for all the bullying he has
00:33:28.980 endured shortly after Yohe convenes a
00:33:31.500 meeting with the teachers to address the
00:33:33.000 incident she urges the homeroom teacher
00:33:35.039 to invite their parents to the school
00:33:36.480 and find a solution to end the violence
00:33:38.340 and bullying however when the school
00:33:40.260 fails to investigate the matter sohyun
00:33:42.419 takes matters into her own hands and
00:33:44.100 reports the incident to the education
00:33:45.659 office hoping for a proper investigation
00:33:47.820 of Chon myong High School however young
00:33:50.279 HEI instantly rejected the idea
00:33:51.840 concerned about the potential harm it
00:33:53.580 could cause to Chong Leong High School's
00:33:55.320 reputation one of the top high schools
00:33:57.360 in South Korea but sohyun stood firm
00:33:59.640 driven by a desire for justice for
00:34:01.500 byeongho and other students who have
00:34:03.120 suffered bullying her unwavering bravery
00:34:05.340 left me Jew and awe who praised her for
00:34:07.140 her courage then so Hyun replied
00:34:09.060 expressing her commitment to defending
00:34:10.859 those who face oppression and unfair
00:34:12.480 treatment
00:34:13.460 muhioc recuperating from the injuries
00:34:15.839 sustained during the incident later
00:34:17.399 meets with suhi she informs him of
00:34:19.560 taesuk's recent purchase of the
00:34:21.060 townhouse where sua was murdered their
00:34:23.040 hand kihoon and jaewoo reportedly met a
00:34:25.199 few days ago to discuss the murder case
00:34:26.940 meanwhile Helen Jong is aware that
00:34:29.159 tay-suk is renovating the townhouse to
00:34:31.020 erase any remaining evidence from the
00:34:32.760 murder investigation therefore she
00:34:34.859 delves deeper into her investigation
00:34:36.480 discovering taesuke's hidden fund and
00:34:38.940 his plans to acquire UNAM University
00:34:40.619 through the chonmeon foundation she also
00:34:43.320 assigns her assisted to investigate
00:34:45.000 congressman yongi and the song a law
00:34:47.159 firm owner as their sons attend Chone
00:34:49.020 Myung high school and share the same
00:34:50.580 class as hansu and sua
00:34:53.040 meanwhile muhilk learns from his prison
00:34:55.260 visit that Han Sue's last visitor before
00:34:57.180 his attempted to hurt himself was not
00:34:58.920 June J despite the similarities of the
00:35:01.080 sneakers he was wearing one Sook who has
00:35:03.420 been tracking Jun Jae informs muhilk of
00:35:05.760 jun jae's whereabouts then he rushes to
00:35:07.859 the address witnessing June J
00:35:09.420 threatening ji Yoon shortly after he
00:35:11.760 intervenes telling ji Yoon to leave and
00:35:13.800 questions junje about the streetwear
00:35:15.599 sneakers he is wearing initially June J
00:35:18.060 keeps mom about the shoe's owner but
00:35:19.680 when moo Hill threatens to inspect the
00:35:21.359 music room he has been using he finally
00:35:23.280 confesses that byeongho is the owner the
00:35:25.800 scene shifts to beyon ho visiting Tae
00:35:27.720 suk's office during their talk He
00:35:29.760 suggests that taso constructed him to
00:35:31.500 act against Han Soo in return Tay took
00:35:34.020 promises to end the bullying June J and
00:35:35.940 his friends inflict on him soon after
00:35:37.920 one so conforms muhilk that sua once
00:35:40.320 worked as a model at tay-suk's agency a
00:35:42.660 young woman also reveals that she was a
00:35:44.520 prostitute like her and had accompanied
00:35:46.020 Tae sook's client known as speed dial
00:35:48.000 zero
00:35:49.200 not long after moo Hill receives a video
00:35:51.480 call from sohi displaying Tae sook's
00:35:53.400 meltdown at songha Law Firm because
00:35:54.839 dojin refuses to meet him then moo Hill
00:35:57.180 concludes that dojin must be speed dial
00:35:59.099 0 who was dating sua during their
00:36:01.740 conversation Yuri calls muhio to inform
00:36:03.960 him of a clue she found about sua's
00:36:05.880 boyfriend and asks him to come to the
00:36:07.500 photography club room at night but upon
00:36:09.720 entering the secret room filled with
00:36:11.220 photos of sua a fire breaks out
00:36:13.200 destroying all the evidence realizing
00:36:15.480 that the phone call was a trap muhio
00:36:17.460 discovers that one of Chon myong high
00:36:19.200 school students already knows his true
00:36:20.940 identity as a lawyer defending hansu so
00:36:23.400 Hyun who is aware of his identity
00:36:25.079 threatens to expose him in front of the
00:36:27.060 teachers desperate to keep his cover
00:36:28.859 muhil pleads with sohyun for 10 days to
00:36:31.380 gather evidence proving his motives for
00:36:33.180 infiltrating Chong myong High School
00:36:34.740 were to uncover the truth behind sua's
00:36:36.960 murder case
00:36:38.460 the next day muhilk and the teachers are
00:36:40.800 stunned by jonghy's confession that
00:36:42.300 byeongho was being bullied leading to
00:36:44.160 his decision to stay in Chon myong High
00:36:46.140 School in June Jae the bully to be
00:36:47.880 expelled arriving at school byeongho is
00:36:50.579 still struggling with the mental abuse
00:36:51.900 inflicted by June J's friends who
00:36:54.000 believe expulsion is unjust however
00:36:55.920 bonjin defends byeongho in front of the
00:36:58.140 entire class leaving kihoon to ponder
00:37:00.180 why he would support someone like
00:37:01.500 byeongho during recess moo Hill
00:37:03.900 confronts byeongho about the expensive
00:37:05.760 streetwear sneakers that June Jay took
00:37:07.740 but he denies ownership then muhio tries
00:37:10.320 to intimidate him into confessing but
00:37:12.060 the fear in his eyes prompts him to
00:37:13.740 quickly Retreat meanwhile in the Veritas
00:37:16.140 Club room bom Jin warns kihoon and the
00:37:18.240 others about muhio's investigation into
00:37:20.099 hansu and sua he fears muhilk may be
00:37:22.740 looking to uncover the truth behind
00:37:24.240 sua's murder and urges kihoon and the
00:37:26.339 others to stay away from him despite
00:37:28.320 that warning they stubbornly leave the
00:37:29.940 club room meanwhile Tara still feeling
00:37:32.579 jealous and bitter about bom Jin's
00:37:34.440 shifting attitude towards sua throws the
00:37:36.540 bracelet he gave her in Anger revealing
00:37:38.220 that she had always suspected a romantic
00:37:40.260 connection between him and sua
00:37:42.540 that night so Hyun visits hansu at the
00:37:45.060 hospital and Crosses paths with muhio
00:37:46.859 who has also come to visit hansu there
00:37:49.320 he shares with them what had intended to
00:37:51.000 reveal everything to him but took his
00:37:52.680 own life before he could muhio also
00:37:54.900 reveals that tasuk was the one who hired
00:37:56.760 a lawyer from the song a law firm to
00:37:58.500 handle sua's case and that he had been
00:38:00.300 instructed to find Han Soo guilty and
00:38:02.160 close the case however muyok tells
00:38:04.500 sohyun that he has uncovered evidence
00:38:06.119 that could prove Han Sue's innocence
00:38:07.740 resulting in his dismissal from his job
00:38:09.660 and the revocation of his license as a
00:38:11.640 lawyer he also reveals the shocking
00:38:13.619 truth about Tae sukin-rolling sua and
00:38:15.599 Chong myong high school and showering
00:38:17.339 her with luxurious gifts hearing that so
00:38:19.740 Hyun is devastated to know that one of
00:38:21.599 her students was leading a double life
00:38:23.160 as a prostitute
00:38:25.140 the following day moo Hill confronts
00:38:27.180 kihoon who already knows his identity as
00:38:29.280 Han Sue's lawyer however he remains calm
00:38:31.800 and unfazed as kihun tries to intimidate
00:38:33.839 him at that time kihun finds himself
00:38:36.119 caught in a dangerous game of murder and
00:38:37.920 deceit after his classmate sua is found
00:38:39.900 dead despite the threat of being
00:38:41.579 reported to the board of teachers by mu
00:38:43.560 Hulk he is determined to uncover the
00:38:45.300 truth about suwa's death driven by his
00:38:47.640 belief that hansu is not the killer
00:38:49.320 kihun secretly investigates the case
00:38:51.420 however his obsession with suas murder
00:38:53.820 doesn't go unnoticed his father dojin
00:38:56.339 finds out about his investigation and
00:38:58.200 scolds kihoon for being too fixated on
00:39:00.359 the case undeterred he uncovers evidence
00:39:02.640 that puts Tay Sook at the crime scene
00:39:04.380 leading muhilk to ask for his help but
00:39:06.780 when he refuses to cooperate muhilk
00:39:08.940 resorts to bullying and threatens to
00:39:10.440 implicate dojin and sua's murder in a
00:39:12.960 Twist of events muhilk reveals photos of
00:39:15.119 sua at the trial causing dojin to
00:39:17.220 immediately fire him
00:39:19.079 on the other hand me Jews day takes a
00:39:21.300 turn for the worst when she accidentally
00:39:22.920 injures Tara in class Tara's mother Mrs
00:39:25.800 Wu storms into the school and lies to
00:39:27.780 her blaming her forte raw's injury the
00:39:30.720 situation escalates when Mrs Wu's female
00:39:32.760 bodyguard slaps Miju for trying to
00:39:34.800 defend herself then so Hyun steps in to
00:39:37.140 Defender leading to a heated argument
00:39:38.760 with Mrs Wu soon after muhio steps in to
00:39:41.700 break up the fight but the damage is
00:39:43.320 done at that time Mrs Wu demands that
00:39:45.839 tasuk fire Miju and as a show of her
00:39:47.940 dissatisfaction with the school's
00:39:49.440 management she cancels her investment in
00:39:51.540 UNAM University despite that attempts to
00:39:54.000 persuade her otherwise Mrs Wu remains
00:39:56.160 Resolute and even snubs Tay Sook by not
00:39:58.200 inviting him to tehrah's charity concert
00:40:00.060 at night Miju confesses to manipulating
00:40:02.880 the grades of the VIP students including
00:40:05.160 te raw undertay sook's instruction she
00:40:07.740 also reveals that the charity concert is
00:40:09.660 not a mere performance but a meeting of
00:40:11.400 the parents of the VIP students to
00:40:13.200 solidify their control in the school and
00:40:15.119 ensure their children's success
00:40:17.400 meanwhile muhio is one step ahead at the
00:40:19.859 benefit concert he suspects Tae Suk will
00:40:22.140 show up despite not being invited and
00:40:23.820 instructs one soup to plant a bugging
00:40:25.500 device on Tae suk's suit arriving at the
00:40:27.780 benefit concert tayso caused a stir when
00:40:30.000 he confronted Mrs Wu and dojin who had
00:40:32.099 backed out of their investment in UNAM
00:40:33.960 University to avoid public embarrassment
00:40:36.300 they took tay-suk to a private room to
00:40:38.220 settle their dispute in the heated
00:40:40.020 conversation that followed they
00:40:41.579 reluctantly agreed to support his
00:40:43.079 acquisition of the University after he
00:40:44.940 threatened to reveal the cheating
00:40:46.140 practices of tehrah and the other VIP
00:40:48.300 students meanwhile Helm Jung and a team
00:40:51.000 of prosecutors arrived at the scene
00:40:52.560 intent on arresting Tay Sook for
00:40:54.359 embezzlement shortly after muhio tried
00:40:56.820 to intervene as he was still determined
00:40:58.619 to uncover the truth behind sua's murder
00:41:00.660 and believe Tae Sook was not involved
00:41:02.520 despite their objections Helen Jong
00:41:04.740 remained set on a resting Tay Sook until
00:41:06.540 sohyun arrived and revealed that he had
00:41:08.400 driven hansu to take his own life not
00:41:10.680 only that but sohyun had a flash drive
00:41:12.720 in her hand given to her by Miju it
00:41:15.060 contained evidence that could be used
00:41:16.380 against taesuk an for the prosecutor's
00:41:18.660 office to make an arrest initially Helen
00:41:21.060 Jong was set on capturing tasuk but
00:41:23.160 after learning about the flash drive she
00:41:25.079 decided to discuss the clues with sohyun
00:41:27.060 and muhio before leaving she requested
00:41:29.579 they share information to quickly
00:41:31.079 uncover the case's truth
00:41:33.480 at that time mujilk received help from
00:41:35.700 hyunjong so Hyun and Yuna she was
00:41:38.280 willing to reach out to beyongho to
00:41:39.960 gather information about hansu Yuna had
00:41:42.359 attended Han soo's trial and was aware
00:41:44.160 of muhio's identity as his lawyer then
00:41:46.440 so Hyun added that Yuna was the one who
00:41:48.180 informed her about tehras bullying of
00:41:50.099 sua and the VIP students value
00:41:51.900 engineering upon discovering the truth
00:41:54.119 bom Jin promised to keep it a secret and
00:41:56.220 help yeri during the exam muhilk with
00:41:59.099 one such help used a sophisticated tool
00:42:01.200 to hack the cell phones of kihoon
00:42:02.760 byeongho and bom Jin nothing was found
00:42:05.339 on kihoon and byeongho's phones but one
00:42:07.500 Sook discovered a photo of suai as a
00:42:09.480 model on bom Jin's phone however before
00:42:11.700 one soap could finish hacking the data
00:42:13.500 bonjin finished the exam and requested
00:42:15.599 his phone back shortly after muhio
00:42:17.940 quickly dropped all the students phones
00:42:19.680 and picked up bonjin's phone pretending
00:42:21.720 it was a mistake then one so informed
00:42:23.880 him that bom Jin had installed a spy app
00:42:25.740 on his phone allowing him to hack and
00:42:27.540 monitor the phones of others with
00:42:28.920 similar apps after this surprising
00:42:30.960 Revelation muhilk asked one soap to
00:42:33.119 investigate father who was the head of
00:42:35.640 the education committee at that time
00:42:37.619 muhilk suspects Yong Yi is crucial to
00:42:39.780 Tay sook's plans and maybe the speed
00:42:41.339 dial zero that sua was forced to serve
00:42:43.500 he examines the sight of her murder and
00:42:45.599 discovers a path not captured by CCTV
00:42:47.940 cameras that leads to the main road
00:42:49.560 shortly after they scoured the area for
00:42:51.960 any evidence the police may have missed
00:42:54.300 the next day so Hyun brings biongho to
00:42:56.820 visit hansu who remains in a coma she
00:42:59.160 reveals to him that muhio is Han Sue's
00:43:01.200 lawyer posing as a teacher to clear his
00:43:03.000 name and uncover the truth behind sua's
00:43:05.099 death when she mentions byeongho's
00:43:07.020 previous prison visit to Han Soo he
00:43:08.880 denies knowing anything though his
00:43:10.500 expression suggests otherwise at that
00:43:12.720 moment byeongho feels guilty about
00:43:14.460 hansu's State and avoids eye contact
00:43:16.380 with him soon after a flashback reveals
00:43:19.079 byeongho's earlier prison visit where he
00:43:21.240 blames hansu for sua's tragedy and tells
00:43:23.760 him that she wouldn't have been hurt if
00:43:25.079 he had never entered her life as
00:43:26.880 beung-ho prepares to leave he urges
00:43:28.800 hansu to confront his actions that led
00:43:30.720 to suaz Payne despite Han Sue's pleas
00:43:33.180 for information on the individual who
00:43:35.040 sent byeongho he remains tight-lipped in
00:43:37.800 the present biongho is filled with
00:43:39.359 regret as he sobs and apologizes to
00:43:41.400 hansu for driving him to hurt himself
00:43:43.319 afterward he shares his intentions to
00:43:45.780 fully confess to sohyun
00:43:47.760 meanwhile June J recently expelled from
00:43:50.220 school is confronted by two debt
00:43:52.020 collectors a scuffle ensues with the
00:43:54.240 collectors brandishing a knife Just in
00:43:56.400 Time Bomb Jin arrives and scares the
00:43:58.260 collectors away with a fake police call
00:44:00.000 then he expresses his gratitude to
00:44:01.920 bonjin for coming to his Aid however he
00:44:04.380 has taken aback when bonjin Reveals His
00:44:06.300 plans to return to Chone myong High
00:44:08.099 School later that night kihoon invites
00:44:10.560 his father to a luxurious hotel for
00:44:12.420 dinner there he shares the news of
00:44:14.220 winning a photography contest in hopes
00:44:16.079 that dojin can attend and witness his
00:44:17.819 victory soon after dojin told kihuni was
00:44:20.700 attending a meeting at his office but
00:44:22.319 kihoon caught him in a lie when he
00:44:23.880 spotted him at the hotel where sua and
00:44:25.680 tasuk were also present this confirmed
00:44:28.020 his suspicion that his father was
00:44:29.520 involved with sua and he confronted him
00:44:31.500 about it during dinner however dojin's
00:44:33.780 evasive answers only fueled kehoon's
00:44:35.640 curiosity leading him to wonder about
00:44:37.380 the nature of his father's relationship
00:44:39.119 with sua feeling frustrated and ignored
00:44:41.700 kihoon left his father at the restaurant
00:44:43.380 and walked home to clear his mind he
00:44:45.540 reminisced when he confronted sua about
00:44:47.339 her pictures with Tay Sook at the hotel
00:44:49.020 revealing his love for her and offering
00:44:51.060 her money to be with him instead despite
00:44:53.160 his efforts he struggled to shake the
00:44:54.900 feeling that his father was hiding
00:44:56.400 something from him however suas threat
00:44:58.680 to reveal kihoon's stalker Behavior
00:45:00.359 sparked his violent Outburst suddenly
00:45:02.520 hansu arrived just in time to witness
00:45:04.440 the altercation and was shocked to see a
00:45:06.540 photo of sua and Tay Sook together in a
00:45:08.520 hotel he tried to confront her about it
00:45:10.560 but she begged him to leave with her
00:45:12.920 on the other hand byeongho was walking
00:45:15.480 home when he remembered Tae Sook gave
00:45:17.160 him expensive shoes and invited him to
00:45:18.839 dinner it turned out that tay-suk had
00:45:20.940 ulterior motives for his kindness as he
00:45:22.800 ordered byung-ho to visit hansu in
00:45:24.660 prison and deliver a message accompanied
00:45:26.520 by a photo of sua in a coma at the
00:45:28.560 hospital he promised beung-ho protection
00:45:30.660 from bullying at school to ensure his
00:45:32.520 compliance the young ho realizing the
00:45:34.740 truth was on his way to meet sohyun when
00:45:36.780 bomb Jin appeared worried about his
00:45:38.460 well-being meanwhile muhioc
00:45:40.619 investigating Tae sook's connection to
00:45:42.359 yongi remembered that tay-suk had a
00:45:44.280 planner and cell phone stored in his
00:45:45.900 office's safe deposit box he believed
00:45:48.240 the planner contained a list of clients
00:45:49.920 seeking sexual favors and that the cell
00:45:51.839 phone was used for covert transactions
00:45:53.760 to avoid detection then muhio cast one
00:45:56.339 Sook to help him infiltrate the school
00:45:57.900 and steal the planner and cell phone
00:46:00.359 at the same time tasuk was working at
00:46:02.579 his office when a shocking figure
00:46:03.900 appeared it was kihoon who blamed him
00:46:06.000 for the death of sua at that time kihoon
00:46:08.520 feels mixed anger and frustration having
00:46:10.560 deeply loved her however Tay so
00:46:12.720 consultingly referred to him as a
00:46:14.280 stalker and revealed that his father had
00:46:15.900 begged to protect his son's reputation
00:46:17.660 enraged he attacked taysook with a
00:46:19.980 baseball bat but taysook was able to
00:46:21.900 fend off the attack with a golf club and
00:46:23.760 knock him down that night muhio can one
00:46:26.339 sukh had intended to sneak into Tay
00:46:27.900 sook's room to steal a planner and cell
00:46:29.760 phone crucial evidence improving yongi's
00:46:32.099 involvement with him instead they were
00:46:33.900 met with his lifeless body hanging from
00:46:35.700 the ceiling instead of leaving moo Hill
00:46:37.920 continued their plan with one sick
00:46:39.660 attempting to open the safe while muhilk
00:46:41.640 searched the room to their surprise he
00:46:43.680 discovered a well-written by Tay Sook on
00:46:45.420 the table in a heart-wrenching letter to
00:46:47.400 his father tayso confessed to his
00:46:49.260 mistakes and revealed his desire to
00:46:50.940 acquire UNAM University he also
00:46:53.099 requested that his body be cremated
00:46:54.720 without a funeral not long after one
00:46:56.940 Sook finally opened the safe but to
00:46:58.800 their disappointment the planner and
00:47:00.359 phone they were searching for were not
00:47:02.040 there then muhilk realized that
00:47:03.839 tay-suk's death was not because he hurt
00:47:05.520 himself but rather a murder in a panic
00:47:07.800 they quickly erased any evidence of
00:47:09.660 their presence and fled the scene
00:47:11.880 the next day detective Helen jome
00:47:14.040 arrived at the crime scene to
00:47:15.300 investigate Tae sook's death however
00:47:17.160 Lieutenant o who was in charge of the
00:47:19.079 case became suspicious when she learned
00:47:20.940 that hyungjong was already aware of Tae
00:47:22.859 sook's death before it was made public
00:47:24.300 at that time she was obstructing Helm
00:47:26.700 jong's investigation especially after
00:47:28.740 discovering that hyung-jong had not
00:47:30.540 thoroughly examined the crime scene
00:47:32.099 assuming that tasuk had taken his own
00:47:34.079 life determined to uncover the truth
00:47:36.180 hyunjong who had been tipped off by
00:47:38.160 muhilk that taesuk's death may have been
00:47:40.020 a murder searching for evidence to
00:47:41.700 support her Theory meanwhile kihoon was
00:47:44.160 involved in another heated argument with
00:47:45.780 yeri escalating to the point where he
00:47:47.700 intended to slap her soon after bonjin
00:47:50.220 intervened confronting him about the
00:47:51.839 secrecy surrounding muhilk's true
00:47:53.520 identity then bomjin accused him of
00:47:55.619 being threatened by muhilk but he
00:47:57.240 refused to explain as tensions rise
00:47:59.579 baumjin warns his friends kihoon yiri
00:48:02.099 and tayrata stay calm and follow his
00:48:03.900 lead as he sets his sights on
00:48:05.160 eliminating muyok meanwhile School
00:48:07.560 administrator jonghy announces to The
00:48:09.359 Faculty that Chone Myung high school
00:48:10.980 will be closed for the week instructing
00:48:12.839 everyone to remain tight-lipped about
00:48:14.339 Tae sook's death on the other hand a
00:48:17.280 prime Journal reporter named jiho who
00:48:19.200 had previously investigated the sua
00:48:21.000 murder case senses a connection between
00:48:22.980 the two incidents and convinces his boss
00:48:24.900 to run a headline Story upon arriving at
00:48:27.300 the school he tries to gather
00:48:28.680 information from Lieutenant oh but is
00:48:30.359 abruptly dismissed annoyed jiho
00:48:32.579 confronted Lieutenant o about the sua
00:48:34.380 murder and Tae sook's death cases
00:48:35.940 questioning the officer's handling of
00:48:37.800 the investigations then he accused
00:48:39.780 Lieutenant o of rushing to conclusions
00:48:41.400 without thorough investigations but she
00:48:43.560 calmly brushed off the accusation then
00:48:45.480 walked away to his car desperate for
00:48:47.700 answers jiho turned to the students
00:48:49.500 leaving School Erie who knew jiho was a
00:48:52.020 reporter planned to use the opportunity
00:48:53.579 to eliminate muhilk by revealing
00:48:55.440 information about him but before she
00:48:57.359 could speak bonjin intervened
00:48:59.040 intimidating her into leaving with him
00:49:00.599 and leaving jehovah-wildered by her
00:49:02.280 Sudden Change in demeanor then bom Jin
00:49:04.440 warns yery to be cautious and follow his
00:49:06.420 instructions he tells her he will handle
00:49:08.400 muhilk and that she must focus on her
00:49:10.319 training for her debut hearing that she
00:49:12.540 agrees as long as he keeps his promise
00:49:14.400 of ensuring her debut
00:49:16.220 meanwhile muhil confides in sohyun that
00:49:19.020 he discovered bonjin's use of a spy app
00:49:20.940 on his phone after accessing the phone
00:49:23.040 he found suas photos leading him to
00:49:25.380 suspect that bong Jin may have hacked
00:49:27.119 into speed dial Zero's phone which Tae
00:49:29.160 Sook had introduced to suwa's
00:49:30.599 acquaintance he believed speed dial zero
00:49:32.940 to be bomb Jin's father yongi however so
00:49:35.579 Hyun becomes worried about uncovering
00:49:37.260 the truth behind sua's death after Tae
00:49:39.359 sook's passing however muhilk refuses to
00:49:41.880 give up the search for the truth
00:49:43.140 recently hon Jong informed them of the
00:49:45.599 police investigation results he believes
00:49:47.760 Lieutenant o and her team may have been
00:49:49.380 instructed to close tay-suk's death case
00:49:51.180 quickly to avoid the possibility of
00:49:52.980 murder before leaving Helen Jong
00:49:55.079 promised to convince Tae sook's family
00:49:56.700 to perform an autopsy for further
00:49:58.560 investigation next muhil confronts
00:50:01.079 tehrah who threatens to reveal his role
00:50:03.119 as hansu's attorney to her mother hoping
00:50:05.160 to get him fired undaunted he questions
00:50:07.319 her Alibi on the day suwa died then Tay
00:50:10.020 ra recalls falling asleep in the cinema
00:50:11.760 and waking up without bom Jin however
00:50:14.040 when bonjin returned to his seat she
00:50:16.020 detected a charred smell coming from his
00:50:17.940 clothes
00:50:18.900 at night hyunjong muhio and one so
00:50:21.660 cuddled together determined to solve the
00:50:23.339 mystery of taesuke's murder they
00:50:25.079 meticulously sifted through their list
00:50:26.579 of suspects Crossing off names one by
00:50:28.740 one until only one remained Yang Yi they
00:50:31.200 were convinced that he had the motive
00:50:32.520 and power to kill Tae silk and cover it
00:50:34.380 up as a way of hurting himself as they
00:50:36.480 piece together their theories yangi was
00:50:38.400 caught in the act of disposing of
00:50:39.780 evidence he was seen burning a painting
00:50:41.819 and several photos that linked him to
00:50:43.440 Tay Sook along with the latter's planner
00:50:45.359 and cell phone soon after a flash of
00:50:47.640 memory returned to yongi reminding him
00:50:49.619 of a fateful meeting with taesuke at an
00:50:51.480 art gallery he had requested yongi's
00:50:53.640 help in passing a bill that would
00:50:54.900 benefit him in acquiring Unum University
00:50:56.700 as moo Hill investigates further he
00:50:59.460 uncovers a shocking truth bonjin the one
00:51:01.980 he thought to be his ally had hacked
00:51:03.720 into yongi's cell phone revealing
00:51:05.400 himself to be none other than speed dial
00:51:07.079 zero who was involved in an intimate
00:51:09.059 relationship with sua
00:51:11.400 the next day sohyun concerned for
00:51:13.680 byeongho paid him a visit to her
00:51:15.839 surprise he revealed that he had
00:51:17.400 disclosed muhio's true identity to him
00:51:19.319 then he explained that bonjin was a
00:51:21.300 kind-hearted young man who had always
00:51:22.680 been there for him even encouraging him
00:51:24.540 to stand up against June J's bullying
00:51:26.460 meanwhile tarah found herself in a
00:51:28.740 heated argument with yeri at that moment
00:51:30.839 Yuri accused her of bullying sua out of
00:51:33.000 jealousy over her relationship with bom
00:51:34.920 Jin shortly after she shot back
00:51:37.079 revealing that Yuri was the one who was
00:51:39.000 truly jealous because kihoon was deeply
00:51:40.980 in love with sua she also pointed out
00:51:43.200 that Yuri had only joined Veritas
00:51:44.819 because she was once a trainee in a girl
00:51:46.500 group in response to that insult Erie
00:51:48.900 retorted that Terra Was Naive for
00:51:50.640 putting so much trust in bongjin she
00:51:52.859 informed sua that bonjin had threatened
00:51:54.720 to reveal their bullying but Tara
00:51:56.280 refused to believe it convinced that he
00:51:58.140 would never harm her then she warned
00:52:00.000 Tara that bonjin may have been deceiving
00:52:01.800 her all along
00:52:03.480 as muhilk discussed bonjan and byeongho
00:52:06.059 with sohyun he received a call from ji
00:52:08.160 Yoon she requested to meet with him
00:52:09.780 alone in the broadcast room claiming to
00:52:11.760 have information about sua once in the
00:52:14.099 broadcast room jiyun set mu hyokup
00:52:16.200 falsely accusing him of attempting to
00:52:18.059 sexually assault her then yerry and the
00:52:20.160 other students race to the broadcast
00:52:21.359 room upon hearing a scream with the
00:52:23.579 opportunity to remove muhilk from the
00:52:25.440 school by reporting him as a sex
00:52:27.000 offender Yuri declared that she would
00:52:28.559 call the police
00:52:29.760 however so Hyun was aware that moo Hill
00:52:32.040 had been falsely accused by ji Yoon and
00:52:34.020 used it as leverage against Yuri
00:52:35.579 threatening to expose her past bullying
00:52:37.440 of sua eerie intimidated backed out of
00:52:40.020 going to the police to clear muhok's
00:52:41.880 name then he worked to convince ji Yoon
00:52:43.680 to confess the truth there she revealed
00:52:45.960 that she was forced to comply with June
00:52:47.760 J's demands because she owed him a death
00:52:49.500 shortly after one so conformed muhilk
00:52:52.200 that the data on bomb Jin's cell phone
00:52:53.700 had been retrieved then they discovered
00:52:55.680 a text from Tay sup to yongi from a
00:52:57.540 burner phone indicating yongi's routine
00:52:59.579 visits to sui every Friday after that
00:53:01.859 muhio pointed out that sua was stabbed
00:53:04.140 on a Friday the same day as yongi's
00:53:06.119 visit with Helen Joan pondered why young
00:53:08.099 he would kill sua despite their secret
00:53:10.020 relationship meanwhile one silk
00:53:12.480 questioned bom Jin about his father's
00:53:14.040 hacked cell phone and the spying during
00:53:16.020 their conversation muhilk received a
00:53:18.059 call from sohyun who was on her way to
00:53:20.040 meet with June J to resolve the issue
00:53:21.720 between him and ji Yoon when sohyun
00:53:24.839 finally faced June Jae she confronted
00:53:26.819 him with the knowledge that he had
00:53:28.079 threatened ji Yoon however June Jay was
00:53:30.480 unperturbed and informed so Hyun that
00:53:32.220 bom Jin would help him return to Chon
00:53:33.780 myong high school then June J warned
00:53:35.940 sohyu not to interfere with bong Jin or
00:53:37.980 risk facing danger he then remembered
00:53:40.020 his agreement with bonjin in which bong
00:53:42.000 Jin would help him return to school and
00:53:43.559 even allow the use of the school roof
00:53:45.119 for the monster shuttle Championship as
00:53:47.160 long as he followed his orders that
00:53:49.260 night Tara invited bonjin to re-watch
00:53:51.420 the film they had seen together when
00:53:52.920 suwa was murdered Tara who had been
00:53:55.200 suspicious of him quizzed him about a
00:53:56.940 scene from the film to her surprise he
00:53:59.160 answered correctly putting her doubts to
00:54:00.960 rest and solidifying her belief that he
00:54:02.819 would never lie all this time sohyun had
00:54:05.400 always thought of bonjin as the epitome
00:54:06.960 of a good student at Chon Leong High
00:54:08.700 School intelligent well-behaved and
00:54:10.740 without a hint of trouble but after
00:54:12.420 learning of his hacking and spying on
00:54:14.160 his father she started to have second
00:54:15.720 thoughts especially after hesu's
00:54:18.000 Revelation that bomb Jin had the power
00:54:19.619 to manipulate and control his classmates
00:54:21.540 only added to her growing suspicion that
00:54:23.460 bonjin was not as good as he appeared to
00:54:25.440 be shortly after Jesu recalls witnessing
00:54:28.140 bomb Jin and sua in a heated argument
00:54:30.180 with him insisting that sua switched
00:54:32.099 schools initially has Sue brushed it off
00:54:34.319 but after sua's death she began to
00:54:36.359 question if the argument had any
00:54:37.800 relation
00:54:38.940 meanwhile bonjin confronts yong-hae with
00:54:41.400 the truth about muhio's identity as
00:54:43.079 hansu's attorney there she intends to
00:54:45.359 fire muhio but bom Jin has other plans
00:54:47.579 to eliminate him as fate would have it
00:54:49.680 bonjin crosses paths with muhio outside
00:54:51.839 the staff room and attempts to
00:54:53.220 intimidate him with his father's power
00:54:54.839 warning muhioke of the potential
00:54:56.520 consequences however he remains unfaced
00:54:59.280 later muhio confronts kihoon in the
00:55:01.800 photography club room revealing that
00:55:03.420 dojin was not sua's romantic partner
00:55:05.640 then kihun presses him for the identity
00:55:07.920 of suas partner but he challenges kihoon
00:55:10.260 to deduce the answer himself shortly
00:55:12.359 after kihoon realizes that the man in
00:55:14.339 question is none other than yuyongi
00:55:16.020 bonjin's father then muhil confirms
00:55:18.420 kihoon's suspicion and reveals that
00:55:20.220 bonjin has been manipulating everyone at
00:55:22.200 chonmeonghai for his own purposes he
00:55:24.540 believes bonjin is hiding something
00:55:26.040 about sua's death after that he urges
00:55:28.680 kihoon to uncover the truth by finding
00:55:30.540 out what bonjin is hiding
00:55:32.640 shortly after kihoon determined to get
00:55:35.160 to the bottom of suwa's death confronts
00:55:37.140 bomb Jin in the Veritas Club room he
00:55:39.180 brings up muhio's suspicions about their
00:55:41.099 fathers being involved in the killings
00:55:42.660 but bonjin flies into a rage vehemently
00:55:45.240 denying the accusations and storming out
00:55:47.160 of the room he hoon is left with the
00:55:49.079 growing conviction that bomb Jin is
00:55:50.760 indeed hiding something at night kihoon
00:55:53.220 who is determined to uncover the truth
00:55:54.900 about sua's death approaches muhio can
00:55:57.240 hyunjong with a lead they meet a former
00:55:59.339 conscripted policeman who was on guard
00:56:01.020 at the crime scene after sua's death The
00:56:03.420 Man reveals that Lieutenant o the police
00:56:05.280 in charge of the case ordered him to
00:56:07.020 leave the crime scene and take a break
00:56:08.460 this information solidifies muhilk and
00:56:11.099 Helen Jung's belief that Yang Yi
00:56:12.720 bonjin's father bribe Lieutenant o to
00:56:14.940 cover up the case however as they leave
00:56:17.040 hyunjong is attacked by two
00:56:18.599 motorcyclists and left unconscious then
00:56:20.819 Lieutenant Owen forms yongida hyunjong
00:56:23.099 is out of the way and tay-suk's body has
00:56:24.900 been cremated
00:56:26.640 at the hospital muhio is relieved as
00:56:28.980 hyunjong makes it through the critical
00:56:30.480 period but they must now wait for her
00:56:32.400 full recovery the next day he realizes
00:56:34.920 that jonghy knows his true identity as
00:56:36.780 he is dismissed as an incompetent
00:56:38.220 teacher by her meanwhile sohyun
00:56:40.440 conducting a counseling session with
00:56:42.119 bomb Jin's class is astounded to learn
00:56:44.099 how much they admire him as the perfect
00:56:45.839 student at that time he remains
00:56:47.940 untroubled as no one dares to challenge
00:56:49.559 him however when he realizes that sohyun
00:56:52.260 is suspicious of him bom Jin stirs up
00:56:54.300 trouble by spreading rumors that muhio
00:56:56.040 could use byeongho and sohyun for his
00:56:58.140 own gain meanwhile sohyun in a
00:57:00.599 counseling session tried to dig deeper
00:57:02.400 into bong Jin's past and confronted him
00:57:04.319 about his relationship with Han Soo and
00:57:06.300 sua then he revealed that Han Soo and
00:57:08.400 sua had dated but their relationship
00:57:10.200 ended when Han Soo became obsessive and
00:57:12.240 aggressive after seeing a photo of sua
00:57:14.160 with another man
00:57:15.359 later so Hyun and muhilk discussed the
00:57:17.819 results of the counseling session with
00:57:19.380 one Sook when they learned that
00:57:20.520 Lieutenant O's daughter had a heart
00:57:22.079 condition and was sponsored by yongi for
00:57:24.180 seven years the little girl finally
00:57:26.099 received a heart transplant thanks to
00:57:27.839 bom Jin's mother who runs a foundation
00:57:29.700 for volunteer Medical Services inspired
00:57:32.520 by this information muhilk suggested
00:57:34.559 using the media to further their
00:57:36.000 investigation into the murder of sua and
00:57:38.040 Tay sook's death then so Hyun suggested
00:57:40.260 partnering with reporter jiho who had
00:57:42.240 already been investigating sua's murder
00:57:44.099 and writing about the possibility that
00:57:45.900 hansu was not the killer together they
00:57:48.180 published articles about the sua murder
00:57:49.980 case in Tae sook's death on the other
00:57:52.079 hand kihoon meets muhilk in the
00:57:54.000 photography club room and reveals that
00:57:55.619 bonjin was the first to show interest in
00:57:57.599 suwa he explains that tehrab bulletsua
00:58:00.300 out of jealousy as bonjin was more
00:58:02.040 interested in her an orphan girl despite
00:58:04.440 being aware of tay-rah's actions he
00:58:06.359 didn't care about suwa and let her
00:58:07.859 endure the suffering as the public
00:58:09.720 wasn't interested in the two cases muyok
00:58:12.059 devised a new plan he suggested that
00:58:14.220 they reveal information provided by me
00:58:16.140 due to the media then so he and emiju
00:58:18.540 approached reporter jiho and shared
00:58:20.099 details about the fabrication of student
00:58:21.780 records and fake Awards by Tay Sook who
00:58:24.119 had been extorting money from students
00:58:25.680 parents jiho agreed to report it in an
00:58:28.020 internet broadcast and Miju was willing
00:58:29.940 to go public putting the truth ahead of
00:58:31.859 her safety however jiho's broadcast
00:58:33.960 caused a stir especially for Tay ra and
00:58:36.480 her mother then Tay Roz and her students
00:58:38.400 records were revealed along with all the
00:58:40.260 fake Awards she had claimed at that time
00:58:42.359 she was frightened and told her mother
00:58:43.980 she didn't want to go to school anymore
00:58:45.359 as she was afraid of being bullied but
00:58:47.579 Mrs Wu is determined to keep tayrah in
00:58:49.619 school she argued that if te raw didn't
00:58:51.599 show up her classmates would assume the
00:58:53.460 news was true to protect her Mrs Wu told
00:58:55.980 her to stay with bonjin at all times and
00:58:57.900 promised to handle the situation the
00:59:00.780 next day Tara was the center of
00:59:02.460 attention at school as news of the
00:59:03.960 fabrication of records and awards spread
00:59:05.940 on the internet as she made her way to
00:59:07.859 class she was met with stairs from her
00:59:09.660 classmates Erie who had been waiting
00:59:11.819 sought to humiliate te RA in front of
00:59:13.740 everyone but bom Jin stepped in and
00:59:15.720 defended Tara warning Erie that he would
00:59:17.700 reveal her Dark Secrets if she caused
00:59:19.440 any trouble soon after muhio received a
00:59:22.079 call from dojin who offered to reinstate
00:59:24.119 his lawyer license if he stopped
00:59:25.680 investigating sua's murder and forgot
00:59:27.599 about hansu and sua then dojin promised
00:59:30.299 to bring him back to the song a law firm
00:59:32.040 but warned that if moo Hill refused he
00:59:33.960 would make his life hell then muhio was
00:59:36.119 told to consider the offer carefully
00:59:37.619 meanwhile jiho returned to internet
00:59:39.780 broadcasting and launched a nationwide
00:59:41.700 petition to reinvestigate suas murder
00:59:43.859 case claiming there were irregularities
00:59:45.720 the goal of the petition was to reveal
00:59:47.760 the truth behind the case
00:59:49.460 that night muhok takes tehrad to a dimly
00:59:52.380 lit Street and reveals CCTV footage
00:59:54.420 showing bomb Jin walking on the road a
00:59:56.220 week before sua's murder he explains
00:59:58.440 that the road is only five minutes away
01:00:00.119 from her townhouse making bomb gin a
01:00:02.220 potential suspect then muhio suspects
01:00:04.440 that Tehran knows something about bomb
01:00:06.180 Jin and warns her to be careful around
01:00:07.799 him just then muhio receives a call from
01:00:10.440 the hospital informing him that Han Soo
01:00:12.599 has regained Consciousness he rushes to
01:00:14.640 the hospital only to find that
01:00:16.020 Lieutenant o is already there eager to
01:00:17.880 interrogate hansu however the nurse
01:00:20.160 warns Lieutenant onat to disturb hansu
01:00:22.319 as he's still recovering despite the
01:00:24.240 nurse's warning she takes him to the
01:00:25.920 roof intending to kill him just in time
01:00:28.319 bomb Jin arrives on the scene and
01:00:30.000 confronts Lieutenant o forcing her to
01:00:31.859 leave Han Soo alone then he tells Han
01:00:33.960 Soo about sua and Tae sook's death
01:00:35.700 leaving him shocked and devastated
01:00:37.319 taking advantage of Han Sue's vulnerable
01:00:39.839 state bonjin manipulates him to stay
01:00:41.880 away from muhiog's side bonjin who was
01:00:44.579 in a bind approached hansu with a
01:00:46.380 proposal he asked hansu to provide false
01:00:48.780 testimony at the trial claiming that he
01:00:50.700 had witnessed tasuk leaving suaz home on
01:00:52.740 the day of her stabbing bonjin convinced
01:00:54.839 Han Soo that this would clear him of all
01:00:56.520 charges freeing him from the need for
01:00:58.140 muhio's legal defense as muhioc finally
01:01:00.900 arrived at the hospital he began
01:01:02.460 searching for Han Soo he finally came
01:01:04.680 upon hansu and bom Jin on the roof and
01:01:06.839 asked about the information Han Soo
01:01:08.640 wanted to share before he failed to hurt
01:01:10.200 himself but he quickly kicked muhilk out
01:01:12.540 and had bombed an escort him back to his
01:01:14.400 treatment room
01:01:15.720 when banjin returned home he was scolded
01:01:18.180 by his father for coming home late he
01:01:20.400 handed to his father that he had been
01:01:21.780 visiting hansu gauging his reaction then
01:01:24.299 young he warned him not to act foolishly
01:01:26.160 as his actions could poorly reflect his
01:01:28.079 reputation as a congressman the words
01:01:30.059 echoed those of sua leading bonjin to
01:01:32.460 realize the tension between his father
01:01:34.020 and sua despite the warning he was not
01:01:36.540 afraid to defy his father's Wishes the
01:01:39.119 following day the police reopened the
01:01:40.799 investigation into sua's murder after
01:01:42.720 hansu regained Consciousness this news
01:01:45.059 quickly spread causing excitement among
01:01:47.220 the public who eagerly awaited the
01:01:48.900 results of the police and Prosecutor's
01:01:50.700 office's renewed efforts meanwhile
01:01:52.740 songbay assigned a new prosecutor named
01:01:54.900 Park to take over the case from ion
01:01:56.640 Zhong who was still recovering in the
01:01:58.380 hospital at school Tehran formed bonjin
01:02:01.200 that muhio had shown her CCTV footage of
01:02:03.540 him near suaz home days before her death
01:02:05.579 she told bonjin that she had confirmed
01:02:07.680 their Alibis for the day of the stabbing
01:02:09.359 to muhio but she assured him that she
01:02:11.220 would keep this fact a secret back at
01:02:13.440 the school jonghy now filling Tae suk's
01:02:15.540 role in general manager discovered that
01:02:17.460 moo Hill could falsified his teaching
01:02:19.260 certificate to secure a job at chonmeon
01:02:21.299 high school she promptly fired muhioke
01:02:23.760 instructing him to leave discreetly to
01:02:25.500 avoid causing a commotion however muhilk
01:02:28.200 refuses to be expelled from school and
01:02:29.880 threatens yonhei to expose their
01:02:31.500 conversations that prove her practices
01:02:33.180 of grade manipulation and falsifying
01:02:35.339 Student Records
01:02:37.020 meanwhile a police officer interrogating
01:02:39.420 Han Soo informs Lieutenant of it he
01:02:41.400 confessed to Tay sook's Presence at
01:02:42.839 sua's house before entering and trying
01:02:44.579 to hurt himself after tasuk threatened
01:02:46.500 him in prison upon visiting hansu at the
01:02:49.020 hospital muhio is met with hostility and
01:02:51.059 gets kicked out with no information from
01:02:53.280 him muhilk turns to dojen at his office
01:02:55.440 and strikes a new deal he threatens to
01:02:57.480 reveal the recording of dojin and Tay
01:02:59.339 sook's conversation regarding sua's
01:03:01.380 murder case and demands the return of
01:03:03.000 his lawyer license and reassignment to
01:03:04.859 the case at that moment muhio is
01:03:07.200 confident he can clear song the law
01:03:08.760 firms named by proving Han Sue's
01:03:10.380 innocence after reaching an agreement
01:03:12.299 with dojin he seeks sohyun's help in
01:03:14.579 finding out what bonjin told Han Soo at
01:03:17.880 night muhilk retraced bomb Jin's steps
01:03:19.980 on the day sua was brutally attacked his
01:03:22.260 investigation uncovered the shocking
01:03:23.940 truth that bomb Jin had no alibi the
01:03:26.099 only witness to his whereabouts was
01:03:27.540 tay-rah who had accompanied him to the
01:03:29.400 cinema desperate to keep his secret
01:03:31.200 bonjin summoned te raw to the roof of a
01:03:33.420 building instead of offering her Comfort
01:03:35.220 he pushed her off the edge punishing her
01:03:37.380 for inadvertently revealing his dark
01:03:39.059 secret the momente Roz life was cut
01:03:41.400 short was when muhio received the news
01:03:43.140 of her death and raged he confronted
01:03:45.299 bomb Jin demanding answers but bonjin
01:03:47.880 was quick to blame him for ruining his
01:03:49.500 meticulously crafted plans then muhio's
01:03:52.079 anger towards bonjin's manipulation
01:03:53.760 boiled over leading to a violent
01:03:55.500 Outburst that took two police officers
01:03:57.299 to restrain him the police informed
01:03:59.400 muhio of tay-rah's death explaining that
01:04:01.680 she had taken her own life by jumping
01:04:03.359 from the building and even left a
01:04:04.740 message for bomb Jin about her
01:04:06.240 intentions despite this he couldn't
01:04:08.160 shake the feeling that bonjin was
01:04:09.900 involved in Tara's death believing that
01:04:11.819 he may have killed her to keep his
01:04:13.140 secret safe at that moment muhio was
01:04:15.720 consumed by guilt over Tai death feeling
01:04:18.000 that if he hadn't been so determined to
01:04:19.680 uncover the truth behind sua's death she
01:04:22.020 might still be alive however they
01:04:23.880 reminded him that he had made the right
01:04:25.260 choice and that bringing the killer to
01:04:26.760 Justice was important the following day
01:04:28.920 at school jonghy and the teacher Council
01:04:30.720 held a meeting to discuss Tara's death
01:04:32.640 she declared that the school was
01:04:34.200 absolved of any responsibility for the
01:04:36.059 tragic event however so he and
01:04:38.099 vehemently opposed jonghyi's decision to
01:04:39.839 cover up the incidents at the school
01:04:41.400 calling for transparency and
01:04:43.200 accountability to her surprise the other
01:04:45.420 teachers echoed her sentiment weary of
01:04:47.460 the constant cover-ups despite jonghy's
01:04:49.740 insistence that she was only following
01:04:51.480 orders from the chairman the principal
01:04:53.220 stepped up and took responsibility
01:04:54.720 requesting an official investigation
01:04:56.579 from the Department of Education into
01:04:58.380 recent incidents at Chone miong High
01:05:00.299 School meanwhile the students in the
01:05:02.400 classroom began to turn on yery blaming
01:05:04.380 her for tay-rah's death after her
01:05:05.940 involvement in spreading rumors about
01:05:07.319 her on social media
01:05:09.240 Mendo Jin secretly met with songbay who
01:05:11.819 revealed that the chief prosecutor who
01:05:13.440 had forced him to implicate hansu and
01:05:15.180 sua's murder was his Superior however
01:05:17.280 songbay was unsure of his superiors
01:05:19.260 motivations but felt compelled to follow
01:05:21.119 their orders shortly after dojin shares
01:05:23.760 with songbay that muhio has taped
01:05:25.559 evidence of their conversation with Tay
01:05:27.299 silk and urges him to act then they
01:05:29.160 along with the principal and teachers
01:05:30.780 convene a meeting afterward muhio can
01:05:33.420 sohyun visit hansu at the hospital but
01:05:35.579 he initially refuses to see muyok then
01:05:38.040 so Hyun convinces him by presenting the
01:05:39.960 results of an investigation conducted by
01:05:41.940 muhilk and his friends revealing the
01:05:43.920 truth about suwa's death after reading
01:05:46.200 the results Han Soo uncovers surprising
01:05:48.299 facts about bom Jin and decides to tell
01:05:50.280 muhilk everything he knows about sua he
01:05:52.799 pleads with muhio to make those who
01:05:54.420 exploited sua face the consequences of
01:05:56.640 their actions hansu said he had caught
01:05:58.799 kehoon trying to harass sua in the
01:06:00.599 Veritas Club room at that time kihoon
01:06:02.940 tells him about Tae Sook sponsoring her
01:06:04.680 and shows him their photo from when they
01:06:06.299 were in a hotel then Han Soo tries to
01:06:08.460 ask suha for an explanation regarding
01:06:10.440 the photo but since she refuses to
01:06:12.240 explain anything he decides to go to her
01:06:14.339 house and find out for himself while
01:06:16.440 waiting for her to arrive at the parking
01:06:18.119 lot hansu finds out that suai is with a
01:06:20.460 man who is none other than yongi
01:06:22.619 the next day hansu confronted sua but
01:06:25.380 sua told him to forget about her because
01:06:27.119 now she was not the person he knew at
01:06:29.039 the orphanage however he refused to
01:06:31.079 leave her because he had promised her
01:06:32.400 that he would always protect her upon
01:06:34.260 hearing that sua finally realized that
01:06:36.180 Han Soo cared about her so she asked him
01:06:38.280 to send something to the orphanage by
01:06:39.960 post and told him it could also protect
01:06:41.700 her then muhio assumes that sua might
01:06:43.920 send important evidence if something bad
01:06:45.660 happens to her furthermore Han Soo
01:06:48.059 reveals to Mu hilk that bongjin ordered
01:06:49.859 him to testify that he sought tasuk
01:06:51.599 escaping through the back door upon
01:06:53.460 learning that muhio realized that bonjin
01:06:55.740 had finally made a fatal mistake which
01:06:57.359 proved that he was the one who killed
01:06:58.859 sua after getting important information
01:07:01.020 from hansu muhioke and his friends plan
01:07:03.539 to manipulate bomb Jin and yongi and
01:07:05.579 reveal all their crimes a few days later
01:07:07.920 yongi receives a call from muhok he
01:07:10.440 tells yangi that he has critical
01:07:11.880 information about the person who killed
01:07:13.680 sua in response yongi sends him a text
01:07:16.380 asking him to meet at a museum at the
01:07:18.839 Museum muhilk exposes bong Jin's plot to
01:07:21.299 keep tabs on yongi through spy app
01:07:23.220 installed on his cell phone however
01:07:24.960 bonjin is aware that his father is
01:07:26.880 seeing sua who is a classmate of his
01:07:28.799 then muhilk feigns a text message to
01:07:31.020 lure him to the museum claiming to
01:07:32.700 reveal the identity of suas killer
01:07:35.160 meanwhile so Hyun and Yuna go to the
01:07:37.440 orphanage to pick up a package sent by
01:07:39.240 Han Soo on sua's behalf the head of the
01:07:41.579 orphanage informs them that she hasn't
01:07:43.319 received any packages from her for
01:07:44.940 several months suspicious they check
01:07:46.980 with the post office and learn that
01:07:48.480 undelivered packages usually remain
01:07:50.220 there for several months on the other
01:07:52.200 hand bonjin finally reaches the museum
01:07:54.240 where muhok drops a bomb on him and
01:07:56.280 yangi he reveals that bonjin is the
01:07:58.559 murderer of sua in a stunning turn of
01:08:00.660 events muhilk also exposes Yang Yi as
01:08:03.119 The Mastermind behind Tae sook's murder
01:08:04.799 and the attack on Helen Zhong and with
01:08:06.900 that he vanishes from the scene
01:08:08.780 astanyangi confronts bonjin about his
01:08:11.039 crime to which he calmly explains his
01:08:12.960 motives he killed suada Safeguard his
01:08:15.180 reputation and future prospects fearing
01:08:17.460 the backlash of being linked to a
01:08:18.960 deceased schoolmate yongi's anger boils
01:08:21.179 over and he slaps bonjin for his
01:08:22.979 horrific actions however he remains
01:08:25.140 unrepentant as he will do anything to
01:08:27.000 protect his image in his final warning
01:08:29.040 bonjin advises his father to eliminate
01:08:31.198 muhilk and clean up their mess before it
01:08:33.238 ruins their lives shortly after muhio's
01:08:36.120 press conference at Sangha Law Firm
01:08:37.620 shook the room as he accused yongi of
01:08:39.420 being involved in sua's murder case due
01:08:41.339 to an illicit relationship the shock
01:08:43.319 waves reached New Heights when party
01:08:44.819 chairman suho who was representing yongi
01:08:47.279 in the presidential race arrived and
01:08:49.020 vowed to conduct a comprehensive
01:08:50.460 investigation then Yankee quickly took
01:08:52.859 the stage and vehemently denied muhok's
01:08:54.899 allegations in his own press conference
01:08:56.580 meanwhile so hewan uncovered crucial
01:08:58.859 evidence in the form of sua's diary
01:09:00.779 which she had received from hansu and
01:09:02.580 sent to the orphanage the diary
01:09:04.319 chronicled her experiences including her
01:09:06.600 initial encounter with Tae Sook and her
01:09:08.399 relationship with yongi hansu then went
01:09:10.738 public with the diary during a live
01:09:12.299 television interview with jio finally
01:09:14.339 revealing the truth about sua and
01:09:16.080 yongi's relationship at the press
01:09:18.060 conference hansu defended sua's
01:09:20.219 reputation emphasizing that she was
01:09:22.080 merely a victim caught between taesuk
01:09:24.120 and yongi's manipulation however yongi
01:09:26.698 continued to deny all accusations in
01:09:28.560 another press conference until muhio
01:09:30.299 dropped the bombshell that bomb Jin was
01:09:32.160 the killer ansu also testified that
01:09:34.319 bonjin had core forced him into
01:09:35.819 providing false testimony about
01:09:37.319 taesuke's presence on the day of sua's
01:09:39.420 murder
01:09:40.080 muhio further revealed that songbay had
01:09:42.420 accepted bribes from taysook to cover up
01:09:44.339 sua's murder case hyunjong now recovered
01:09:47.219 teamed up with a colleague to confront
01:09:48.839 songbay with evidence of his corruption
01:09:50.640 and abusive power at the prosecutor's
01:09:52.560 office back at school kehoon's anger
01:09:54.900 boiled over when he learned that bom Jin
01:09:56.760 was the Killer and physically attacked
01:09:58.320 him however he proclaimed his innocence
01:10:00.300 and dared anyone to produce evidence
01:10:01.860 against him meanwhile yongi pressured
01:10:04.380 Lieutenant o to confess to fabricating
01:10:06.060 evidence that sua's murder crime scene
01:10:07.980 on taesuk's orders soon after muhil
01:10:10.620 continues his pursuit of justice but
01:10:12.420 finds himself in a difficult situation
01:10:14.219 when he realizes that yongi and Bam Jin
01:10:16.679 are unlikely to be held accountable due
01:10:18.300 to a lack of evidence despite this he
01:10:20.580 remains determined to bring the truth to
01:10:22.260 light however bonjin becomes
01:10:24.239 increasingly confident as he believes
01:10:25.860 moo Hill cannot prove his involvement in
01:10:27.840 sua's Murder this leads to a
01:10:29.760 confrontation between them where muhioc
01:10:31.860 explains that his goal is not to defeat
01:10:33.480 bonjin but to reveal the truth about his
01:10:35.460 actions as the truth about sua's murder
01:10:37.860 unravels yangi tries to silence
01:10:39.780 lieutenant tenant or by threatening her
01:10:41.400 daughter but muhio believes that the
01:10:43.199 real damage has already been done and
01:10:44.760 that Bond Jin's reputation will forever
01:10:46.560 be tarnished as the son of a murderer
01:10:48.300 and sexual offender shortly after
01:10:50.280 Lieutenant o stunned everyone when she
01:10:52.140 walked into the prosecutor's office and
01:10:54.000 confessed to falsifying evidence that
01:10:55.679 the crime scene of sua's murder and
01:10:57.420 killing Tae Sook Hong Zhong believed
01:10:59.460 young he had ordered Lieutenant o to do
01:11:01.020 so to clear himself of any charges
01:11:02.699 however to everyone's surprise
01:11:04.500 Lieutenant o revealed that she acted on
01:11:06.540 orders from yongi himself then muhio had
01:11:09.179 tried to convince Lieutenant o to come
01:11:10.739 clean instead of carrying the burden of
01:11:12.420 someone else's crime for a lifetime he
01:11:14.580 was relieved when she finally revealed
01:11:16.199 the truth about Yankee's involvement in
01:11:18.000 the cases she had even recorded her
01:11:19.980 conversation with yongi providing
01:11:21.780 crucial evidence to prosecutor Park
01:11:23.580 therefore one silk received a tip about
01:11:25.739 a security company employee who had
01:11:27.480 installed hidden cameras to spy on
01:11:29.219 customers after investigating he
01:11:31.500 discovered that tasuk had worked with
01:11:33.120 the employee and regularly sent him
01:11:34.800 money with the help of several officers
01:11:36.840 from the prosecutor's office he searched
01:11:38.940 the employee's house there he found
01:11:40.800 evidence of blackmail including a copy
01:11:42.840 of the footage he had taken of taesuk
01:11:45.239 the following morning Lieutenant O's
01:11:47.219 testimony put Yang Yi in a tight spot
01:11:48.960 desperate for help he reached out to
01:11:51.060 dojin pleading with him to defend him in
01:11:53.040 court despite yongi's confession of
01:11:55.199 dating sua and being responsible for tae
01:11:57.420 sook's death dojin refused to take on
01:11:59.280 his case shortly after own Zhong and a
01:12:01.920 team of prosecutors arrived to arrest
01:12:03.360 Yong Yi at school so Hyun informed the
01:12:06.120 students that she was aware of muhilk
01:12:07.920 posing as a teacher to investigate suas
01:12:10.020 murder expressing her regret for keeping
01:12:12.060 it a secret however the students
01:12:13.980 surprised her by expressing gratitude
01:12:15.600 towards him for uncovering the truth
01:12:17.219 about their classmates death a few days
01:12:19.679 later dojin now a prisoner stood before
01:12:21.960 the judge and made a shocking Revelation
01:12:23.760 he admitted to ordering Lieutenant Oda
01:12:25.860 tamper with evidence that the crime
01:12:27.120 scene and killing teso to cover up the
01:12:29.040 crime committed by bomb Jin at the trial
01:12:31.320 yongi claimed that his love for his son
01:12:33.179 drove him to act illegally to protect
01:12:34.980 him however bonjin's surprise appearance
01:12:37.320 disputed yangi's testimony their bonjin
01:12:39.900 declared that he had an alibi for the
01:12:41.460 day sua was murdered claiming that he
01:12:43.320 was at the movies with Tara but muhio
01:12:45.480 had the upper hand presenting proof that
01:12:47.400 bong Jin had lied under oath through
01:12:49.320 hidden camera footage obtained by one
01:12:51.060 Sook he revealed that bam Jin was at
01:12:52.980 sua's residence just 10 minutes before
01:12:54.900 hansu discovered her stepped the footage
01:12:57.239 couldn't prove bonjin's guilt in her
01:12:58.920 death but it showed him to be a liar
01:13:00.420 unable to manipulate others for his own
01:13:02.340 game as yongi was transported to prison
01:13:04.739 a group of inmates attacked him while
01:13:06.600 the wardens seemed to look the other way
01:13:08.219 in the evening bonjin walked the streets
01:13:10.620 reflecting on the moment he confronted
01:13:12.360 sua at her home about her relationship
01:13:14.159 with his father believing sua and tasuk
01:13:16.739 were blackmailing his dad bom Jin became
01:13:18.900 driven to stab her not long after muyok
01:13:21.600 appeared suddenly in front of hansu
01:13:23.340 holding a photo of bong Jin captured on
01:13:25.380 the CCTV camera at the building where
01:13:27.239 Tara had jumped to her death he was
01:13:29.280 determined to find evidence that bonjin
01:13:31.199 was responsible for her murder
01:13:32.460 tragically as bonjin was distracted by a
01:13:35.400 man who bumped into him someone snuck up
01:13:37.320 and injected something into his neck
01:13:38.880 causing him immense pain before he
01:13:40.620 ultimately perished
01:13:42.179 after all this hansu finally returned to
01:13:44.699 school where byung-ho apologized despite
01:13:47.340 everything that had happened he forgave
01:13:49.020 his friend and asked for help with
01:13:50.460 studying to Han Sue's surprise kihun
01:13:52.920 approached him and expressed regret over
01:13:54.360 his involvement with sua then he
01:13:56.400 suggested that kihoon directly
01:13:57.900 apologized to suwa believing it would
01:13:59.940 bring her happiness
01:14:01.380 on the other hand Yuri was forced to
01:14:03.420 abandon her dream of becoming an idol
01:14:05.040 when her classmates began to ostracize
01:14:06.900 her due to her past bullying of sua
01:14:08.820 however she was given a glimmer of hope
01:14:10.800 when Yuna reached out to her and
01:14:12.300 encouraged her to work harder in school
01:14:14.880 in the meantime jonghy's deception was
01:14:17.100 finally exposed and she was fired for
01:14:19.080 falsifying grades and Student Records
01:14:21.659 the drama ends with muhio introducing
01:14:23.699 himself as the school's legal consultant
01:14:26.580 the moral lesson this time is that no
01:14:28.380 one is perfect and everyone makes
01:14:29.940 mistakes it is important to acknowledge
01:14:32.040 and correct our mistakes and always
01:14:33.719 strive to do good for those vulnerable
01:14:35.460 and oppressed
01:14:38.580 [Music]

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