09 - 2018 - Measure Your Global Fitness

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Measure your global fitness.

Answer the following questions the best you can, circling the correct answer
when possible.

1. Your project team is composed of French, British, and Germans. What main problem
would you expect them to have in the planning stage?

2. Americans are often accused of trying to export their way of working to the rest of the
world. What American cultural value explains this?

3. In which one of these countries is it most likely that employees will be able to adapt
most quickly to changes in the organization:

Belgium Germany Netherlands Denmark U.K. Portugal

4. Why has teamwork been more successful in Japanese companies than in most
Western companies?

5. A common complaint of Scandinavian, British and American managers working in

Belgium and France (and also in Spain, Italy and Poland) is that employees say one
thing but do another. How can this be explained?

© Hofstede Insights
Measure your global fitness

6. In which of these countries is it least likely that a personnel/HR policy of "pay for
performance"/"merit pay" will succeed in motivating the workforce:

U.K Sweden Germany

7. There is a debate in your company. The area VP believes that Hungary should be part
of the East European Region, but you believe that culturally, Hungary belongs to
Central Europe. How can you "prove" to the VP that he should at least consider
grouping Hungary with Germany, Switzerland and Austria?

8. Employees from some cultures have high need for structure and certainty. In which
(one) of the following countries is this most true:

Germany France Belgium

9. A British manufacturer wants to locate a plant in Western Europe. It is important that it

becomes operational quickly. The two best countries are considered to be Belgium or
the Netherlands. Planners have determined that it will make no initial financial
difference which country is chosen. Your consulting firm must make a
recommendation. What is your "cultural" choice, backed up by proof.

10. In some cultures a sales budget will need to be higher than in others because more
time and energy are invested in building and maintaining relationships with clients. In
which of these countries (circle as many as you wish) is the approach to the clients (or
partner) likely to be relationship-oriented rather than task-oriented:

Russia Czech Rep. Saudi Arabia Greece Finland

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