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Mistakes of Pontius Pilate . John 18:28-37

 The Jews choose Barabbas over Jesus Christ.
 Sleeping on a bed of ignorance will bring us no good
in the day of judgement.
 Unlike the ignorant Pilate, we have to search for the
knowledge of God. Awaken from our slumber.(“My
people perish due to lack of knowledge”. Hosea 4:6)
 John 18:34 Jesus asked Pilate a question since he
knew Pilate had some sense of conviction and by
answering he would have confirmed his faith but he
ignored the conviction. Often we ignore a call of
conviction. We need to make a choice!
 Acts 24:25 Pilate procastinated his own salvation. As
a judge he found no fault in Jesus but he threw
caution to the wind. He was playing neutrality
between the Jewish religion leaders and Christ.
 It’s either we’re crowning Christ as the saviour and
redeemer of our lives by our action or rather we’re
sending him to the cross.
 Luke 23:14,16 Pilate wanted approval of the people
by deciding to please them through the punishing of
Christ. Many at times we’ve longed for approval
from various individuals at the expense of degrading
whom who died for us on the cross. Many sacrifice
the Prince of peace to obtain temporal peace.
 Pilate recalls it was Passover and he chose the worst
kind of thief Barabbas to be set free in exchange of
Christ. As a judge he was obliged to make the best
decision with the right conscious because he had the
audacity instead he shifted the power to the people
who sought for Barabbas release. We’re not to leave
our decision making to anyone, no one ought to
dictate the choices we make in our lives. *
 Mathew 27:26 Pilate dug his own gave to
destruction. He procastinated his salvation, tried to
be neutral and compromise with the crowd.
 It’s up to you to make you own decision. Choose
Barabbas or Christ.

Allan Were.
Beloved brethren.

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