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**Introduction to the Heist**

- What was the Great Canadian Maple Syrup Heist and why did it gain significant
- In which country and province did the Great Canadian Maple Syrup Heist take
- How much maple syrup, in terms of volume or value, was stolen during the heist?

2. **The Players Involved**

- Who were some of the key individuals involved in the planning and execution of the
- What role did Richard Vallières play in the heist?

3. **The Federation of Quebec Maple Syrup Producers**

- What is the Federation of Quebec Maple Syrup Producers (FPAQ), and how does it
control the maple syrup industry in Quebec?
- How did the FPAQ's control over the industry contribute to the motivations behind
the heist?

4. **Execution of the Heist**

- Describe the methods used by the thieves to steal the maple syrup.
- Over what period was the syrup stolen, and how did the thieves manage to transport
and sell it?

5. **Discovery and Investigation**

- How was the heist discovered, and what initial clues led investigators to realize that
syrup had been stolen?
- What challenges did law enforcement face in tracking down the stolen syrup and
apprehending the culprits?

6. **Legal Consequences**
- What were some of the legal repercussions for those involved in the heist?
- How did the court proceedings unfold, and what sentences were handed down to the
main perpetrators?

7. **Impact on the Industry**

- What impact did the heist have on the maple syrup industry in Quebec and globally?
- How did the FPAQ and other stakeholders respond to the heist in terms of security
and regulations?

8. **Economic and Cultural Significance**

- Why is maple syrup considered such a valuable commodity in Quebec and Canada?
- How did the heist affect public perception of the maple syrup industry and the

9. **Reflections and Learnings**

- What lessons can be learned from the Great Canadian Maple Syrup Heist regarding
industry regulation and security?
- In what ways did the heist reveal vulnerabilities in the maple syrup supply chain?

10. **Documentary Insights**

- What techniques did the creators of Dirty Money use to tell the story of the heist
- How did interviews with key individuals, such as law enforcement officers and
industry experts, contribute to the narrative of the episode?

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