English Paper 2 2024 Prediction

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1. a&b
- Must be a relevant story. If not, deduct 2mks for wrong format.

- The given statement must tie well to the story . if not deduct 2mks

- The candidate must show the understanding of the proverb. If not, if not, treat as
irrelevant and deduct up to four marks
- The main character must of good behavior.
- It is the linguistic competence shown by the candidate that should carry most of the
- Communication is shown at different levels of legibility, correctness, accuracy,
fluency, pleasantness and originality.
- Examiner should not hesitate to use the full range of marks for each easy.

1. D. class 01-05 – Either does not communicate at all or linguistic ability is so minimal
that the examiner practically has no guess.

2. C. class 06-10 -Undeveloped many digressions. Unnecessary repletion are frequent.

The arrangement is weak and the flow is jerky mother tongue influence is felt.

3. B class 11-15 -characterised by greater fluency and ease of expression. Uses English
as anormal language of communation. Tendency to undermark . give credit for tone.

4. A. class 16-20 – communicates fluently and attractively with originality and efficiency,
share feelings, emotions, enthusiasms

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Greed is an inherent trait in most Africans in power. With appropriate
illustrations from The Samaritan by John Lara, write an essay showing the

truthfulness of this statement. (20 marks)

 Greed brings about economic repression through economic sabotage. Money that
should have gone to development projects and maintenance of social amenities is
swindled by corrupt officials.

Mwalimu Consultancy Ltd (0746-222-000 / 0742-999-000) analyses in this novel


 Hon. Seymour and Hon. Ted, for instance, have been exploiting the Municipal Council
by getting money for goods and services not supplied. This exploitation no wonder
leaves the town polluted by dirt, with garbage all over the place, and the drains are

 Poor infrastructural development often results from Greed. Money allocated for
essential development projects such as roads and hospitals get into individual
people's pockets. Public officials rested with the responsibility of executing
development projects give tenders to friends and relatives, and then collude with them
to steal the money allocated for such projects. Hon. Ramdaye, for instance, awards
his companies and those of his relatives road construction tenders and presides over
shoddy road construction works after the funds set aside for such projects are
misappropriated. Hon. Ted, too, conspires with relatives and friends who unfairly win
tenders to construct health centres to steal all the money budgeted for the centres.

 Greed in a society is likely to bring about suppression of justice. With victims of

economic and social crimes bribing judges and lawyers, chances of executing fair
judgement become slim. Mayor Mossi, for instance, claims the courts in their
Municipality are undependable because the judges and the lawyers take bribes (give
verdicts in favour of those who grease their palms). Justice Jaden's scenario of giving
a verdict in favour of Prime Orchard Farm in their grain scandal because he is a

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shareholder, and his admission of having accepted money from litigants to determine
cases in their favour, are a clear attestation to how Greed can oppress dispensation
of justice and fairness.

 Greed kills creativity and innovation. While creative minds are supposed to be
rewarded and motivated, corrupt leadership, however, simply faults such noble
innovative projects instead of rewarding their brain children and their developers.
Alvita and Montano, and their Ethics and Innovation Teacher, should have been
rewarded by the leadership of Maracas Municipality for their invention of The
Samaritan, a mobile App for exchanging information on various issues affecting their
Municipality, and which eventually turns out as a platform for sharing information
meant to improve governance and public welfare. However, instead of the Maracas
Municipal Council leadership recognizing and rewarding them, the Mayor, for fear of
the influence that The Samaritan may wield among the people, opts to defer the
planned rewarding of the two students, and even goes further to intimidate Nicole into
halting the activities of the mobile App. He even suggests to offer the three money to
surrender the rights to their innovation to him.

 Greed may lead to repression of peoples’ right to information. Corrupt leadership,

often times resort to silencing reporters and editors of media houses with a view to
thwarting any endeavor to expose their Greed and criminal affairs by bribing them.
The Municipal Council leadership, for instance, is disturbed by the exposures of Greed
and criminal cases levelled against them in the newspapers and The Samaritan. They
are, therefore, determined to silence the reporters and editors of newspapers by
bribing them. Justice Jaden, for instances, proposes they give the reporters and
editors more boxes of chocolate, while lion. Seymour proposes they buy the most
active subscribers to The Samaritan.

 Greed leads to blown up insecurity in the society. Law enforcement agencies (the
police) taking bribes from law breakers and, therefore, subverting the course of law.
Criminal gangs, some run by senior police officers, also spring up. Inspector Bembe,
for instance, is accused of gang warfare in the Municipality, and the Ghettohoyz is his

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outfit. Other Municipal Council leaders, too, including the Mayor and Hon. Seymour
run murderous gangs - the Red Eagle and the Mack Swan, respectively.

 It is clear from the text that Greed is an enemy of progress in any sane society, for it
leads to social and economic regression.


a) Drawing illustration from Meja Mwangis an incident in the park, write essay to
discuss the problem of urbanization POINT OF INTERPRETATION i.
Unemployment ii. overpopulation
iii. social injustice/ mob justice iv,
v, conflict between constables and hawkers
vi, Unhygienic conditions vii. Drug abuse

b) “war has mostly negative outcomes” with illustration from the novel “an Artist of
floating world” support this statement.

- Onos life is left battered and without hope of repair to its former glory.
- Effects of war are divastating
- Damage to physical infrastructure like hospitals roads, houses
- Emotional trauma
- Japanese military were hired for war crimes and hundred committed suicide.
- Shinto religion was officially separated from the state.
- American sentiments and the Japanese military was completely disbanded - In 1940’s
the economy suffered

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