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Arjuna NEET 3.0 (2024)


1. Among the following alkenes: 7. The most stable carbocation is

1-Butene; cis – 2 – Butene; trans – 2 – Butene (1) (CH3)3C (2) (CH3)2HC
I II III  
(3) CH 3CH 2 (4) CH 3
The decreasing order of stability is:
(1) III > II > I (2) III > I > II
(3) I > II > III (4) II > I > III 8. Which radical is most stable?
CH 3
2. Which of the following is most stable carbocation (1) CH 3 C HCH 2 CH 2
(carbonium ion)
+ CH 3
(2) ( CH 3 ) 2 CH
+ (2) |
(1) CH 3CH 2 CH 3 C H C HCH 3
+ + CH 3
(3) ( CH 3 )3 C (4) C 6 H 5 CH 2 (3) |
CH 3 C CH 2 CH 3
3. Which of the following ion is most stable? CH 3
+ + (4) |
(1) CH 3CH 2 CH 2 (2) CH 3 CH CH 2 CH 3 C H 2 C HCH 2 CH 3

CH 3 9. Among the following the aromatic compound is:

| +
(3) CH 3 − C − CH 3 (4) CH 3 − C − C H 2 (1) (2)
| |
CH 3 CH 3
(3) (4)
4. Arrange the following in increasing order of
10. Which of the following is an aromatic species?

(I) (II) (III)

(1) (2)
(1) I < II < III (2) II < I < III
(3) I < III < II (4) II < III < I

5. Larger the number of hyperconjugation structures,

the stability of carbocation will__________ (3) (4) None of these
(1) Increase
(2) Decrease
(3) Remains same 11. Which of the following compound is not aromatic?
(4) None of the mentioned S
(1) (2)
6. Hyperconjugation involves the overlap of the

following orbitals:
(1) σ - σ (2) σ - p
(3) p - p (4) π - π (3) (4)

Note: Kindly find the Video Solution of DPPs Questions in the DPPs Section.
Answer Key
1. (1) 7. (1)
2. (3) 8. (3)
3. (3) 9. (1)
4. (3) 10. (2)
5. (1) 11. (4)
6. (2)

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