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(School Name)

Rechecking Review on Note Books

Teacher Name: ______________________ Class & Section: _____________ Subject: ___________

Date: ___________ Total Students ____________ No. of Copies Rechecked______________
Rank KEY: Excellent (4),Satisfactory (3) Average (2) Unsatisfactory (1)

S.# Items to be Assessed Rank Remarks

1 Note Book Maintenance (Title, Date, Day,


2 Conditions of the note books

3 Page preparation (comprehensively)

4 Unit and Topic written appropriately

5 Work presentation neat and clean

6 Standard of handwriting

7 Checking of work (Proper correction is


8 Mistakes over looked and not corrected

9 Proper guidance given on handwriting


10 Diagrams are drawn where necessary

11 Slow Learner students are guided properly

12 Test Regularity marked and guided

13 Follow up

Total Marks

Assessment No. ____________ Name of assesse ___________________________ Sign ________________________

Remarks of assesse _________________________________________________________________________________

Remarks of the Subject Teacher: _______________________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________________Sign _________________________

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