Plot 1 C-1 Commercial Soil Report

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i oe oe oe oe oe oe GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION REPORT PLOT NO. 01, STREET NO. C-1, C-COMMERCIAL, PHASE VIII, BAHRIA TOWN, RAWALPINDI NOVEMBER, 2020 CLIENT: MR. MUHAMMAD FAIZ AHMED GE@ CRUST ENGINEERS [ADVISORS [GEOTECHNICAL SITE INVESTIGATON? ad Office: Office No 4, 1 Floor Scanned with CamScanner | 10.0 301 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTIO! SITE DESCRIPTION GEOLOGY OF THE AREA... SEISMICITY OF THE AREA. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. METHOD OF INVESTIGATION. General... Drilling of Borehole. SUEY enn 7 RESULTS OF EXPLORATORY BOREHOLES. General. Strata Encountered. Groundwater... . GEOTECHNICAL LABORATORY TESTING DISCUSSION ON LABORATORY TESTS Grain Size Analysis Atterberg Limits Natural Moisture Content... SELECTION OF FOUNDATION TYPE.. Bearing Capacity Analysis. ‘THE EARTHWORK: SOIL EXCAVATIONS. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS. RESERVATIONS... ee Geocrus, Isamabad Scanned with CamScanner a Town, Rovalpinds Figunes, ig LOCATION PLAN OF SITE Hig 2 BOREHOLES LAYOUT PLAN Fig 3: SPT VALUES CHART APPENDIX “A” jOLE LOGS APPENDIX “5” LABORATORY TEST RESULTS ‘APPENDIX “Cc” SITE PHOTOGRAPHS Scanned with CamScanner Bahria Town, Rawalpindi INTERPRETATIVE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT ON GROUND INVESTIGATION PLOT NO. 01, STREET NO, C-1, C-COMMERCIAL, PHASE VIII, BAHRIA TOWN, RAWALPINDI 1.0 INTRODUCTION On the instructions of Client, a site investigation has been carried out by Phase Vill, Bahria Geocrust at Plot No. 01, Street No. C-1, C-Commerci Town, Rawalpindi on the site of proposed commercial building of Mr, Muhammad Faiz Ahmed. , The ‘object of the investigation was to determine ‘the ground and ns at the site and to provide information that would groundwater cond assist the designer in the geotechnical aspects of the design of the proposed works. The scope of the investigation was determined by the designer. ‘An interpretative report has been requested, including recommendations on the design of proposed foundations. sht percussion boreholes to a ‘The site work, which comprised two (02 maximum depth of 35 ft, was carried out on 29" October, 2020. 2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION ‘This area Is characterized by several mountain and hill ranges, which the Margala and Murree hills, and their include the Southern Hazara range, 6c/G1/20/565 Geocrust, Islamabad Scanned with CamScanner 3.0 associated piedmont aprons. The stratigraphical suc project area ranges in age from Precambrian to Quaternary Most of the hical area is comprised of Sedimentary rocks and many stratigraph . 0 te formations are encountered in the region in which the most notabl te and formation is Murree formation, which is comprised of shale Sandstone. phase Vill, 1 No. C-1, C-Commerct Jain by Silty Clay type of The site is located at Plot No. 01, Street Bahria Town, Rawalpindi, The site is mainly under! deposits. Further background research such as desk study was not required within the terms of reference for the work. GEOLOGY OF THE AREA The geological history of the area reveals that the Galiat hills were formed during the mountain building process (Orogeny) of Himalayas (Mehdiratta, 1989). The modern concept of Himalayan Orogeny Is based on “plate tectonic theory”. Under this process, the crustal material is supposed to be generated from a deep mantle depth in the mid-oceanic ridges and “spread side-ways”. Geological investigations have proved that the crust together with a thickness of the upper mantle down to the “Low Seismic Velocity Layer” (100-150km from the earth surface) ~ the two together being called the lithosphere. The lithosphere is broken into smaller plates. These plates move and push against each other, converge, diverge ot plunge. As a result, trenches are formed; sediments are laid down and folded to form mountains. It is envisaged that India, Africa, Australia, and South Africa were once one big continent lying in the southern hemisphere of the earth (Mehdiratta, 1989). This landmass was separated by Tethys Ocean from another supercontinent in the northern hemisphere consisting a Geocrust, Islamabad GCIGT/20/565 Scanned with CamScanner Bahria Town, Rawal of North America, Greenland, and Eurasia. Tethys was a big ocean and existed from Tibet to the Mediterranean Sea. About 130 to 180 million years ago, the supercontinent in the southern hemisphere got disintegrated into drifting plates which ultimately developed into mid- oceanic ridges (Gohar, 1987). The distance between these ridges increased with time and resulted in the development of Indian Ocean. Further northward advance of African and Indian plates towards Eurasian plates closed down the intervening Tethys and resulted in Himalayan Orogeny. The upheaval of Himalayas was not a continuous process; it took place in four successive stages (Mehdiratta, 1989). The first rise or push up of sediments of Tethys took place in the upper Eocene period resulting in the breaking up of the continuity of the ocean basin into smaller areas of sedimentation. During the interval that followed were laid the sediments of Murree, Nari, and Ghaj formations. Wweattarabad crust, Islamabad GC/GT/20/565, Scanned with CamScanner frit Ho 04, Su 40 SEISMICITY OF THE AREA No C4, C-Cormm ™ The project site Is located in Zone 28 as per “Seismic Provisions-2007” of m Hullding Code of Pakistan, This zone indicates moderate degree of damage during, the seismic loading. Keeping in view the seismotectonic set up of a the project site and the degree of importance of the structures of the | ould be a | a i i i i i proposed project, it Is recommended that the structures sh designed to vithstand mavimum horizontal peak ground acceleration (PGA) of 0.16 ~ 0,24g, This PGA has 10% probability of exceedance in SO years. 5.0 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT It is proposed to construct @ commercial building which will consist on multistory structure. The scope of the investigation and the analyses and interpretative reporting thereof is based on the development proposals outlined above. If the development proposals for the site change, then the results of the investigation and recommendations given should be reviewed by 2 Geotechnical specialist to determine whether or not further investigation or interpretative work is necessary. 60 METHOD OF INVESTIGATION 6.1 General Before start of drilling of boreholes, it was confirmed by the client and/or its agents, that any kind of services are not present at the location of the boreholes. Details of the in-situ sampling and testing carried out, together vith the description of the strata encountered are given on the GC/GT/20/S65 Scanned with CamScanner s98/0z/19/99 le “80 a}oyas0q pray aun uo parou sy stun “eres YI JO UoReNaUad deme) 01 pappe sem J01Em D194 -ayeudosdde 2104 Papsoras asam Suy0g UI syeasq re sjanaj saIeM “Pays!iqers> 2q pino> aus ayy yreauag jana] saJeMpunosd ayy reys 1p! Uy MoyU! JaIeM Suipso39i uF UaR!S osje sem voQUanY “SUIT Jo a2uapina Aue Surpsozas 0} uanid sem uonUane Suljtup SUNG *s80] uo papsozas pue uayer sem 05 J0 anjen e “0s 40 ssa9xa ur s0 jesnyas ur synsas sanjea N 14S HI “syydap quengjas ayn ve S80 2}04310q ay UO sanjen Ny se UMOYs ase synsas ayy “suIsodap Jejnues8 pue anisayoo ay ul ino pauses aiam (5) uo? .09 Pu]Os © 40 (5) voods ays e Suisn (145) sise1 uonenauad puepuers : pavayunosua eveAS ay2 Jo p10994 e aA/8 pue AyUap! 04 Japs0 U! Sug SuLNp jeuaut yrdap y 0's Asana saye uaye) 219M sajdwes paqinisia y xipuaddy ur waif axe so) aoyasoq ays “PoyraW uo¥ssnoxad 1y9H, Bursn azeysns punos8 Sunsre ay Woy y SE Jo Ida WnueW 01 dn pajjup azam sajoyasoq sa1aweIp wnuTUIW Y>UF-9 (z0) om ‘Se}oyas0g jo Buyug “s2udisap aur Aq pavu8e se pue suonrnasur 419y 1YIN} Or ysRD099 Aq Aiessaau pawaap se $unsai pue voneumwerd 10) ysn2099, jo aryjo pue Asoyes0ge] 942 01 pauodsuen aiam saidwes jy $80] 3}04210q 342 u! UaNS ye 1) Bump jo poyrw aur YIM s94I9S0I 580) ay) UO pasn suoneWnasqge pue HOqWAS ay2 JO LONEUEIAxD UY “s30} 91049109 v9 5 2 € s iS) 1B € S iS s = 3 ® 2 € s iS) a LE EB EBB Ree HEHE Bee 7.0 7A 72 73 Survey The ground levels of the site with reference with the nearest Street and/ or road were recorded with visual inspection. Coordinates of the boreholes was recoded with the help of GPS. A borehole layout plan was also developed and given as Fig. RESULTS OF EXPLORATORY BOREHOLES The strats description given in the borehole logs, unless led from an examination of the field ise noted are compi disturbed samples only, together with the results of any and laboratory testing, 1ess and relative density descriptions are based on the results of the SPT and have not been amended to take into account eny overburden effects. Strata Encountered The boreholes encountered the following general succession of strata referring with Street Level: 0-10%: Filling Material, 10-35 ft: Medium Srown to Dark Brown, Hard to Very Hard, Siity Clay. Groundwater Ground water table was not encountered in any borehole up to. maximum explored depth. Scanned with CamScanner peqewes ‘14919099 s ow! sapmued pelgo aus “sens Pue sadeys snouea jo (sajaqied ayasosip) sajanued jos ayewnIn Nos “sapnied pazis-sa810) ‘4251202 =P 0 pauoysad s} sishjeue HOS & ulm paujeiuod sazis ules quRsayip jo a8 BuNUsIap 0} pauoyiad 51 3582 SILL sishjeuy azis ules 1°6 “uapun se s| synsea3say Asovesoge| pue pial; snotsen uo Uo!ssn9siq SISAL ANOLVYORVI NO NOIssnosia 06 a, _sS, _ ST7Z7 WIS | wr 2Ue1U09 aumsioyy | ” | zrowisy | 40 | asheuysasuen| | cuods. siy3 40,8, "pueddy ui pa.vetaid aye synsas yea, Avoxevoge| Sumoyog “ees s2eunsans aur J0 ssnstsroeveus Suusaugus iPS UO PetanpUDD exam srs5) Aoresoge, 343 sunarap 0 sajdwes 0s pars PUL Sunser Moresoge] wuenaj2s 40; Loe.096) Sunse: op Peuodsuey a Ut PRUIMIENE 249% S3IOUSI0g WOH panaing, S3idwes uatp pue pia ays SNILS3L AYOL WYO; (Sele eae BY WOINHD3 1035 oe Scanned with CamScanner 32 whether a sou ¢ weil graded, uniformly graded or poorly graded. For this particle size is determined against 10%, 30% and 60% Pasting which may be denoted 010, 030 and O60 respectively The gradation curves are exhibited in Appendia 8 Atterberg Limits Atterderg limits are a basic measure of the nature of fine- Sines 104, depencing on the water content of the sou. It may tie and liquid. In each tes: solid, semi-solid, pl oper in four 5 tency and behawor of soll it different and thus 10 state the consi af its engineering properties. Thus the boundary between each state can be defines based on a change in the sous behavior The Atterderg limits can be uted to distinguish between Sit ang Gay, anc % can Satinguah between different type of Sats & Clays Thete lets were created by Albert Atterderg. a Swedish ter refined by Arthur Casagrande Chemat They were Thete distinctions in so are ured in picking the sos to build structures on top, Sot when wet retain water and expand in volume; the amount of expantion i related to the ability of soit to take in water and is structural makeup. These tests are mainly used on clayey and silty sols since thete are the sols that expand and shrink ue to moisture content. These soils react with water and thut change sizes and have varying shear strengths So there tests are used widely in the preliminary stages of building any structure to insure that the sod will have the correct amount of shear strength and not too much change in volume as expands and shrinks with different moisture contents ee Scanned with CamScanner © Plot No. 01, Street No. C-1, C-Commercial, Phase Vill, Bahria The plasticity index (PI) is the measure of the plasticity of the soil. The plasticity index (PI) is the size of the range of water contents where the soil exhibits plastic properties. The results of these tests are attached in Appendix B. 9.3 Natural Moisture Content The natural moisture content is the ratio of the weight of water to the weight of the solids in a given mass of soil. This ratio is usually expressed as percentage. In almost all soil tests natural moisture content of the soil is to be determined, The knowledge of the natural moisture content is essential in all studies of soil mechanics, To sight a few, natural moisture content is used in determining the bearing capacity and settlement. The natural moisture content will give an idea of the state of soil in the field. The results of these tests are attached in Appendix 8. 10.0 SELECTION OF FOUNDATION TYPE In order to be safe, the load carrying strata must be competent to sustain the imposed loading without undergoing shear failure, and at the same time settlements of the foundations must not exceed the tolerable limits. Therefore, the load carrying characteristics of the strata must be evaluated keeping in view these two considerations. 10.1 Bearing Capacity Analysis The subsurface strata indicate that the load carrying strata mainly consists of cohesive type of material. The bearing capacity calculation for shallow foundation is based on Meyerhof’s method for shear failure and Terzaghi’s Theory was used for settlement analysis. Geocrust, Islamabad GC/GT/20/565 Scanned with CamScanner 11.0 Allowable bearing capacity for raft foundation at specific depth is given below in the tabie. Bearing Capacity (tsf) ‘Minimum Depth S.No. Type of Footing from Street Level (fn) * Becring capacity is based on sail improvement. * itis recommended to remove all fill soil up to natural strata ‘ond replace with well-compacted well-graded granular material below the base of foundation. © Select fill material should consist only of inorganic material and shell have 5-20% passing the No. 200 sieve. Fill material should pass 100% the 50-mm sieve. Besides, that portion of material passing sieve No. 40 should not have liquid limit more thon 35 and plasticity index of not more than 12. Atterberg limits are not required for select fill material with less than 15% passing sieve No. 200. Select fill material shall have a carbonate content of less than 25% by weight. THE EARTHWORK prior to any construction activity, the site must be cleared of all debris and surface vegetation. The leveling and grading can be carried out by normal earth moving machine.It is recommended that immediately after excavation for construction of foundation or other substructures, the excavation bottoms and slopes be cleared of all debris, proof rolled and ered by a 5-cm thick blinding concrete layer. Select fill material should consist only of inorganic material and shall have cov' 5.20% passing the No. 200 sieve. Fill material should pass 100% the SO mm rrr Geocrust, Islamabad Scanned with CamScanner sieve. Besides, that portion of material passing sieve No. 40 should not have liquid limit more than 35 and plasticity index of not more than 12. Atterberg limits are not required for select fill material with less than 15% passing sieve No. 200. Select fill material shall have a carbonate content of less than 25% by weight, 12.0 SOILEXCAVATIONS The soil excavation can be made by using conventional earth moving recommended to perform trial excavations to judge the best combination of equipment and workability. Careful design and proper planning is required to carry out deep excavation in urban areas. The decision of the type of retaining and support system required is an important part of deep excavation design. The important factors in the design and selection of appropriate retaining or support systems are time, cost and importance of structure, After geotechnical soil investigations, it is concluded that “C” type soil is present at excavation site according to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards. Following recommendations are made for the excavation. * If proper set back is available, excavation less than 4.0m (13 #) can be carried out without providing any support system and excavation should be done with a slope angle of 34° or having ratio 15:1 according to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards. Given table defines the maximum allowable slopes for excavation less than 4.0m (13 ft) deep. a machinery including trenchers, scrapers, dozers etc. However, it is | Geocrust, Islamabad Scanned with CamScanner ‘Maximum Allowable Slopes (H:V)' Sol orRock Type oy excavations, less than 4.0m (13ft) deep" Vertical (90°) Stable Rock 0.75: (53°) | Type A | Type 8 4a (45°) Type C a 1.551 (34°) * if proper set back is not available or excavation more than 4.0m (13 ft) should be done with excavation support system 13.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS © During these investigations, the subsurface was explored to a masimum depth of 35 ft below the enisting ground surface. © Two type of toll groups were encountered within this drilling depth © At the time of these investigations, the ground water was not encountered in any borehole up to maximum explored depth © On the basis of our evaluations, the soil profile type as per UBCS7 should be taken a3 So * Bearing capacity value at specific depth is provided in section 10.1 © It is recommended that excavated ground must be saved from receiving precipitation. In case of rain, it must be de-watered and allowed for drying and only then any concrete / lean concrete should be allowed. For the same reason, proper surface or sub- surface drains must be provided to avoid any change in sub surface moisture and great care must be given to the underground pipeline works SSS Geocrest, hlamabed ecroraoes Scanned with CamScanner roper lean concrete must be placed under the designed foundations and before laying it all excavated material must be 14.0 RESERVATIONS repered this report for this project “Plot No. 01, Street No. prepar ‘ase Vill, Sehria Town, Rawalpindi” as per Instruction received from the Client, This report is provided for the exclusive use of jiding and purpose as described in the report. It should not be used for other projects or by a third party. In preparing this report, Geocrust has necessarily relied upon information provided by the client. erpolation or extrapolation of strata from exploratory holes is an estimate only of the likely stratification and is subject to the interpretation the reader. The borehole logs should be read in conjunction with the whole report rather part. The description of the ground conditions and enginzering interpretation that follows is based on the results of the boreholes and field and laboratory testing carried out. There may be ground conditions at the site which have not been revesled by the investigation. ee GOIGTINYSES. Scanned with CamScanner , ® CRUS CERTIFICATE The undersigned, on behalf of Geocrust, confirm that this document and all attached drawings, logs and test results have been checked and reviewed for errors, omissions and inaccuracies. (Engr, Muhammad Naeemuddin), PE BE (Civil), MSc Geotech Engg, Civil/17875 Geotechnical Engineer Ne ee aaa GEAGTIRSES Scanned with CamScanner FAULT MAP OF PAKISTAN Scanned with CamScanner l@egesgeeeeeHRBEe Se Ss es ss = = Scanned with CamScanner 020%-EL-20 :ounBi4 140}; j9eJJUOD Scanned with CamScanner eg | to rosnBj4 | :s0j9esU0D os yo weld ademey uno, on Uh We4§ Yorrerunurry Pensey tas vous 9h | 4U9}19 | Scanned with CamScanner | owa «0 yoanB 4 OOVIPUOD, Scanned with CamScanner iy Ipurdyemeys ‘wmo , Hee) mg 4 a Pouny 214 pounweunyy ay swoyD | | 1-9 ON 1901 :01eg :ounby 4 | 40yDBIUOD os of od ” 9 2 > wo 5 2 on ‘ adesany—- ° “ ” Ww mw eae OC rere Veter OC tee anEreL 4 ’ ° SAMEA-N dS H1d40 GNV S4IMVIVA-N 1dS NJ3M138 HdvuD Scanned with CamScanner Ground Water Depth: ate of star of Driting: GEOCRUST| BOREHOLE LOG bothirahes GRIN NERO ARN SIRENS CE CNEL ae SET SONS MMR Fae Teena Rane Wee ron Se —————s stoecee arysno learvsns sarvcay sancay say SOAS LE SNS SoameaSen tone Nesom Boa a soncaranne Noten Boe et Dan Rom Ve No a Scanned with CamScanner GE esr GEOCRUST| BOREHOLE LOG BH No. 02 PROIECT: ltocation: lcuenr: Driting Method: Sampler: |Ground Water Depth: Date of start of Driting: Light Percussion Split Spoon Not Encountered 2911020 ‘Geotechnical investigations Plot No. OF Hammer Weight: ‘op Height: Street No. C4, C-Commercial Phaze Vil, Baha Town, Rawal ‘Mr. Muhammad Fale Ahmed FT aoineh a5 791020 |coordinates: 33°2939.09"n 78'4221 © _ BH Elevation: +2.0fc fom Seet Lee |Geologist: Hafiz Abdul Bait, Deer: Aol Grater eet | ul 7 =l4| oe] @ so escrotion wy Now seid] g 3 » 6 s119|sury sano Fe ||" sh 294 Browrish Grey, L088 8 |X| 5-2} 2035] same os obove Fitupto 12h F za) | a20|survcay 216,18] 341% 53] ‘Medium Brown, Hard some os obove saara0] a7] | sa] | 739 64 sierra 343923] ‘ Medium Brown Had | 3623.24 $25 survey ack Brown, Hard vaay 3532539 sean ark Brown, Very ard ‘Borehole Completed Jj ti X sersemple Scanned with CamScanner GE@__ GEOCRUST CRU. ST MATERIAL TESTING LABORATORY SIEVE ANALYSIS AND ATTERBEAG LMITS TEST PROJECT: GEOTECHNICAL SITE INVESTIGATIONS LOCATION: Plot No. O1, Street No. C-1, Commercial, Phase Vil, Bahria Town, Rawalpiet CUENT: Mr. Muhammad Faiz Ahmed indard Si 2 3 < § 2 BH No. , = st ; . we we | ae | SSONNSNGRN, NONPASE SES son Tested by: Waleed Shahzad Checked By: Mumammag “ant Scanned with CamScanner GE®@® GEOCRUST CRUST u MATERIAL TESTING LABORATORY SIEVE ANALYSIS AND ATTERBERG LIMITS TEST PROJECT: GEOTECHNICAL SITE INVESTIGATIONS LOCATION: Plot No. 01, Street No. C-1, C-Commert CLIENT: Mr. Muhammad Faiz Ahmed cial, Phase VIII, Bahria Town, Rawalpindi ‘GRAVELS ‘SANO SILT orcLay nw notin [te coy U.S. Standard Sieve Numbers ee a | | ‘age Passing eB s3 1 © stove Opening Description Same Tosi] uw PL pi | mces) in tla Ho. "MEDIUM BROWN, LOW PLASTIC, SILTY GAY 33 35 25 a . ca (amy) ana : Chacked 8) Munammad Tahie ae ‘Weleed Shahzad Tested by: Scanned with CamScanner GEOCRUST MATERIAL TESTING LASORATORY ae Se ee] a - eS = |s]sfe2tet*is eae So reson Sure Coectet nama Tate Scanned with CamScanner rn GE® CRUST PROJECT: LOCATION: ‘CUENT: i é 2 GEOCRUST MATERIAL TESTING LABORATORY SIEVE ANALYSIS AND ATTERBERG LIMITS TEST GEOTECHNICAL SITE INVESTIGATIONS Plot No. 01, Street No. C-1, C-Commercial, Phase Vill, Bahrla Town, Rawalpind! Mr. Muhammad Faiz Ahmed GRAVELS oan SILT or CLAY cx | tre wozum foo ay 98 96 94 92 90 U.S. Standard Sieve Numbers Wa cain 1 ot Sieve Opening (mm) Sample uw Pt | mewn Description BH No. mpl | oepth (et) ‘gan | PARK BROWN, LOW PLASTIC, SILTY CLAY (= ona s7 38 28 2 s ia Tested by: Weleed Shahzad Checked By: ‘Muhammad Tahir Scanned with CamScanner GE® GE ERU OCRUST ST MATERIAL TESTING LABORATORY ‘SIEVE ANALYSIS AND ATTERBERG LIMITS TEST PROJECT: GEOTECHNICAL SITE INVESTIGATIONS LOCATION: —_Plot No. 01, Street No. C-1, C-Commercial, Phase Vill, Bahria Town, Rawalpin CLIENT: Mr. Muhammad Faiz Ahmed raul SILT oF CLAY aay resem | fe Sieve Numbers 24510920 *hage Passing | ription ‘Sample cee} pL a | mci) Descsipt es a = ‘BROWNISH GREY, NON PLASTC, SILTY SAND we [me on yet cectaby: Mohan Ta vet tl Scanned with CamScanner A GEOCRUST MATERGAL TESTING LASORATORY SUE ANAUYSS AND ATTERSERS UTS TEST OT | GEOTEWCR STEIVETIGnTIENS SEATON PCE NG. OL Steet Ne. GL CCommerssi Phase Vil, Sate Tow, Swann — Me Mama Fas Rms Scanned with CamScanner GE® GEOCRUST CRUST MATERIAL TESTING LABORATORY SIEVE ANALYSIS AND ATTERBERG LIMITS TEST PROJECT: GEOTECHNICAL SITE INVESTIGATIONS LOCATION Plot No. 01, Street No. C-1, C-Commercial, Phase Vill, Bahria Town, Rawalpindi CUENT: Mr. Muhammad Faiz Ahmed Sir or cLay. cay GRAVELS, cane | me [=~ [| vomm | to U.S. Standard Sieve Numbers 0 s20, ‘age Passing 1 on 1 steve Opening (mm) y SMP oem] ou | ome | om | meen Description — a ‘DARK BROWN, LOW PLASTIC, SILTY GAAY(Gl- en? so | 30 | 35 19 6 | 62s ms eked By: Muhammad Tabie Tested by: Waleed Shahzad Checked By: Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner

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