Assignment - 1 HMT

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Heat Transfer (Assignment-1)

1) A furnace wall consists of three of three layers. The inner layer of 10cm thickness is
made of fire brick (k=1.04 W/mk).The intermediate layer of 25 cm thickness is made
of masonry brick (k=0.69 W/mk) followed by a 5cm thick concrete wall (k=1.37
W/mk) when the furnace is in continuous operation the inner surface of the furnace
is at 800°C while the outer concrete is at 50°C.calculate the rate of the heat loss per
unit area of the wall, the temperature at the interface of the firebrick and masonry
brick and the temperature at the interface of the masonry brick and the concrete.
2) An external wall of a house made up of 10cm common brick (K=0.7W/MK) followed
by a 4cm layer of gypsum plaster (k=0.48w/mk). What thickness loosely packed
insulation (k=0.065 w/mk) should be added to reduce the heat loss through the wall
by 80%.
3) A composite wall consist of 10cm thick layer building brick, k=0.7 W/mk and 3cm
thick plaster, k=0.5 W/mk. an insulation material of k=0.08 W/mk is to be added to
reduce the heat transfer through the wall by 40% .find its thickness.
4) A surface wall is made up of 3 layers one of fire brick, one of insulation brick and one
of insulation brick and one red brick. The inner and outer temperature are 900°C
and 30°C respectively. The respective co-efficient of thermal conductivity of the
layers are 1.2, 0.14 and 0.9 W/mk and the thickness of 20cm,8cm and
11cm.Assuming close bonding of the layers at the interfaces..Find the heat loss per
square meter and interface temperatures.
5) The wall of the furnace is made up of 250 mm fire clay of thermal conductivity 1.05
W/mk, 120mm thick of insulation brick of conductivity 0.15W/mk and 200mm thick
red brick of conductivity 0.85 w/mk. The inner and outer surface temperature of
wall are 850°C and 65°C respectively. Calculate temperature at the contact surfaces.
6) A furnace wall made up of 7.5cm of fire plate and 0.65 cm of mild steel plate. Inside
surface exposed to hot gases at 650°C and outside air temperature 27°C. The
convective heat transfer co-efficient for inner side is 60W/m2k. The convective heat
transfer co-efficient for outer side is 8 W/m2k.Calculate the heat lost per square
meter area of the furnace wall and also find the outside surface temperature.
7) A surface wall consist of 23 cm of fire brick and 11.5cm of insulating brick having
thermal conductivities of 0.72 W/mk and 0.27 W/mk respectively. Calculate the rate
of heat lost per square meter, When the temperature difference between inner and
outer surface is 650K.
8) The inner dimension of freezer cabinates are 60x60cm. The cabinates wall consists
of two 2mm thick steel wall (k=40W/mk) separated by a 4 cm layer of fiber glass
insulation (k=0.049 W/mk) .The inside temperature is to be maintained at -15°C and
the outside temperature on a hot summer day is 45°C .Calculate the maximum
amount of heat transfer, assuming a heat transfer co-efficient of 10 W/m 2k both on
inside and outside of the cabinate also. Calculate outer surface temperature of the
9) A mild steel tank of wall thickness 10mm contains water at 90°C. Calculate the rate
of heat loss per m2 of tank surface area when the atmospheric temperature is 15°C
.The thermal conductivity of mild steel is 50 W/mk and the heat transfer co-efficient
for inside and outside tank are 2800 and 11w/m2k respectively. Calulate also the
temperature of the out side surface tank.
10) Considering the heating surface of a steam boiler to be plane wall thickness 1.2 cm
and having k=50W/mk. Determine the rate of heat flow and surface temperatures
for the following data. Flue gas temperature 1000°C. Boiling water temperature
200°C. Heat transfer co-efficient on gas side 100 W/m2K. Heat transfer co-efficient
on steam side 500 W/m2k.
11) A composite slap is made of three layer 15cm, 10cm and 12cm respectively. The first
layer is made of material with k=1.45 W/mk, for 60% of the area and the rest of
material with k= 2.5 W/mk. The second layer is made of material with k=12.5W/mk
for 50% of area and rest of material with k=18.5 W/mk. The third layer is made of
single material of k=0.76W/mk. The composite slap is exposed on one side to warm
at 26°C and cold air at -20 °C The inside heat transfer co-efficient is 15W/m2k.The
out side heat transfer co-efficient is 20W/m2k. Determine heat flow rate and
interfaces temperatures.
12) A furnace wall consists of steel plate of 20mm thick, thermal conductivity 16.2
W/mk lined on inside with silica bricks 150cm thick with conductivity 2.2W/mk and
on the outside with magnesia brick 200cm thick, of conductivity 5.1 W/mk. The
inside and outside surfaces of the wall are maintained at 650°C and 150°C. Calculate
the heat loss from the wall per unit area. If the heat loss is reduced to 2850 W/m2 by
providing an air gap between steel and silica bricks, find the necessary width of air
gap if the thermal conductivity of air may be taken as 0.030 W/mk
13) The composite wall of an oven consists of three materials, two of them are of known
thermal conductivity, kA=20W/mk and kC=50W/mk and known thickness LA=0.3m
and LC=0.15m. The third material B, which is sandwiched between material A and C
is of known thickness LB=0.15m, But of unknown thermal conductivity kB. Under
steady state operating conditions, the measurement reveals an outer surface
temperature of material C is 20°C and inner surface of A is 600°C and oven
temperature is 800°C. The inside convection coefficient is 25W/m2K. What is the
value of KB?
14) An industrial Freezer is designed to operate with an internal air temperature of -
20°C, When the external air temperature is 25°C. The internal and external heat
transfer coefficients are 12W/m2K and 8W/m2K, respectively. The wall of the
freezer consists of an inner layer of plastic (k=1 W/mk), 3mm thick and an outer
layer of stainless steel (k=16W/mk), 1mm thick. A layer of insulation material
(k=0.07W/mk) is sand witched between these two layers. Find the thickness of
insulation required to reduce the convective heat loss to 15W/m2
15) The wall of a cold storage consists of three layers-an outer layer of ordinary bricks,
25cm thick, a middle layer of cork, 10cm thick and an inner layer of cement, 6cm
thick. The thermal conductivities of the materials are 0.7, 0.043 and 0.72W/mk,
respectively. The temperature of the outer surface of the wall is 30°C and that of
inner is -15°C. Calculate (a) Steady state heat gain per unit area. (b) Temperature at
the interfaces of composite wall (c) The percentage of total heat resistance offered
by individual layers. (d) What additional thickness of cork would be provided to
reduce the heat gain 30% less than the present value?
16) An electric hot plate is maintained at a temperature of 350°C, and is used to keep a
solution boiling at 90°C. The solution is contained in a cast iron vessel of wall
thickness 25mm, which is enameled inside to a thickness of 0.8mm. The heat
transfer coefficient for the boiling solution is 5.5KW/m2k, an the thermal
conductivities of the cast iron and enamel are 50 and 1.05 W/mk, respectively.
Calculate (i) The overall heat transfer coefficient (ii) The rate of heat transfer per
unit area.

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