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Macroeconomics and Microeconomics

Review Packet
Created by Jacob Clifford

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sure to pause the videos often and define the key terms, draw the graphs, and do
the practice questions.

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Macroeconomics Concepts and Videos

Unit 1: Basic Economic Concepts Unit 2: Macro Measures
UNIT 1 Overview- Introduction VIDEO 2.1/2.2- Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
! Scarcity ! National Income Accounting
! Microeconomics vs. Macroeconomics ! Percent change in GDP and GDP per Capita
! Positive vs. Normative Economics ! Investment
! Self-Interest and Incentives ! Intermediate Goods
! Marginal Analysis ! Household production
! Opportunity Cost and Trade-offs ! Income Approach and Factor Payments
! Four Factors of Production ! Expenditures Approach (C+I+G+Xn)
! Capital Goods and Future Growth ! Nominal vs. Real GDP
VIDEO 1.1- Production Possibilities Curve VIDEO 2.3- Measuring Unemployment
! Efficiency ! Labor force and Unemployment rate
! Straight vs. Bowed PPC ! Frictional Unemployment
! Law of Increasing Opportunity Costs ! Structural Unemployment
VIDEO 1.2- Shifting the PPC ! Cyclical Unemployment
! Shifters of the PPC ! Natural Rate of Unemployment (NRU)
VIDEOS 1.3/1.4- Specialization and Trade ! Full Employment Output
! Absolute and Comparative Advantage ! Discouraged Workers
! Terms of Trade ! Underemployed Workers
VIDEO 1.5- Comparative Advantage VIDEO 2.4- Inflation
! Output and Input Questions ! Purchasing power
VIDEO 1.6- Economic Systems ! Inflation, Deflation, and Disinflation
! Free-Market Economy ! Helped vs. hurt by unanticipated
! Centrally Planned Economy ! Demand Pull and Cost Push Inflation
VIDEO 1.7- Circular Flow Model ! Quantity Theory of Money
! Product and Factor Markets ! Velocity of Money
! Private and Public Sector VIDEO 2.5- Measuring Inflation
! Factor Payments ! Consumer Price Index (CPI)
! Transfer Payments VIDEO 2.6- GDP Deflator Practice
VIDEO 2.1- Demand ! GDP Deflator
! Law of Demand VIDEO 2.7- The Business Cycle
! 5 Shifters (Determinants) of Demand ! Four Phases of the Business Cycle
! Substitutes and Complements
! Normal Goods vs. Inferior Goods Unit 3: AD, AS, Fiscal Policy, and
VIDEO 2.2- Supply and Equilibrium
! Law of Supply Growth
! 6 Shifters (Determinants) of Supply VIDEO 3.1- Aggregate Demand
VIDEO 2.3/2.4- Shifting Demand and Supply ! Aggregates and Price Level
! Equilibrium Price and Equilibrium Quantity ! Wealth, Interest Rate, Foreign Trade Effects
! Disequilibrium: Surplus and Shortage ! Shifter of Aggregate Demand
VIDEO 2.5- Double Shifts VIDEO 3.2- Aggregate Supply
! Double Shift Rule ! Shifters of Aggregate Supply
VIDEO 2.6- Price Controls and Efficiency ! Productivity
! Price Floors and Ceilings VIDEO 3.3- AD/AS in Short and Long-Run
! Long-Run Aggregate Supply (LRAS)
g gg g pp y ( )
! Recessionary Gap
! Inflationary Gap

VIDEO 3.4- The Phillips Curve VIDEO 4.5- The Federal Reserve (FED)
! Inflation and Unemployment ! The Role of the Central Bank
! Long-Run Phillips Curve ! Expansionary Monetary Policy
! Connect to AD/AS Model ! Contractionary Monetary Policy
VIDEO 3.5- Graphing Practice VIDEO 4.6/4.7- The Money Market
! Graphing Recessionary and Inflationary Gaps ! Liquidity
VIDEO 3.6- Cost Push and Demand Pull Inflation ! Asset Demand and Transaction Demand
! Negative and Positive Supply Shocks ! Demand and Supply of Money
! Stagflation ! Shifters of Money Supply
VIDEO 3.7-Fiscal Policy VIDEO 4.8- Money Creation
! Discretionary vs. Non-Discretionary ! The Money Multiplier
! Expansionary vs. Contractionary ! Fractional Reserve Banking
! Autonomous Consumption ! Required Reserves and Excess Reserves
! Disposable Income and Dissaving ! Discount Rate and Open Market Operations
VIDEO 3.8- Keynesian vs. Classical Economics ! Federal Funds Rate
! John Maynard Keynes VIDEO 4.9/4.10/4.11/4.12- Monetary Policy
! Sticky Wages and Deficit Spending ! Graphing Monetary Policy
! Three Ranges of Aggregate Supply VIDEO 4.13- Bank Balance Sheets
VIDEO 3.9/3.10/3.11/3.12- The Multiplier Effect ! Balance Sheets With Assets and Liabilities
! Marginal Propensity to Consumer (MPC) ! Demand Deposits and Owners Equity
! Marginal Propensity to Save (MPS) VIDEO 4.14- Loanable Funds Market
! Simple Spending Multiplier ! Loanable Funds Shifters
! Tax multiplier ! Crowding Out and Investment
VIDEO 3.13- Problems with Fiscal Policy
! Deficit Spending and the National Debt Unit 5: Trade and Foreign Exchange
! Time Lags VIDEO 5.1- Balance of Payments
! Crowding Out ! Current Account and Financial Account
! Net Export Effect ! Balance of Trade- Trade Surplus and Deficit
! Inflationary Expectations ! Foreign Direct Investment
VIDEO 3.14- Economic Growth ! Net Capital Outflow
! Long-Run Adjustments VIDEO 5.2/5.3- Foreign Exchange (FOREX)
! Economic Growth ! Exchange Rates
! Capital Stock ! Appreciation vs. Depreciation
! Shifters of Currency Demand and Supply
Unit 4: Money, Banking, and ! Effect on Net Exports
Monetary Policy VIDEO 5.4- Exchange Rate Regimes
VIDEO 4.1- The Financial Sector ! Floating and Fixed Exchange Rates
! Financial Sector, Assets, Liabilities
VIDEO 4.2- The Functions of Money Key Graphs
! Barter System and Coincidence of Wants Production Possibilities Curve
! Commodity vs. Fiat Money Market Demand and Supply
! Exchange, Unit of Account, Store of Value Aggregate Demand and Supply and LRAS
VIDEO 4.3- Time Value of Money The Philips Curve
! Time Value of Money The Money Market
VIDEO 4.4- Nominal vs. Real Interest Rates Bank Balance Sheets
! Nominal and Real Interest Rates The Loanable Funds Market
! Maturity and Bond Prices Foreign Exchange (FOREX)

243 HW 2.1 - 2.3 scan(1)

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S Introduction

Presentation-1 done

Major challenges facing global markets


Macroeconomics Unit 11 Discussion


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