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B2 Grammar


5C Conditional forms — What if … ?

If you met someone who only wore If you could only wear one
black, what would you expect their colour forever, which would
personality to be like? Why? you choose? Why?

If you go shopping, how If you have a choice,

much attention do you do you prefer to shop online or
pay to special offers? on the high street? Why?

If you had the job of reducing If you invented a new technology, would
pollution, how would you do it? you stop other people from using it?

If you’d bought something

If your friend had bought something
very ugly, would you want
very ugly, would you tell them?
your friends to tell you?

If you and your family want to travel If you go on holiday this year, will you
around a city, do you take a taxi? Why? buy a package deal? Why? / Why not?

If all cars and other forms of polluting If you want something to eat or drink,
transport were banned, how would do you look for a name you recognise
life change? Would it be better? or try independent places? Why?

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