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Participle clauses

Par ticiple claus es co m bine tw o s entences o r claus es , bo th o f w hich s har e

the s am e s ubj ect, and
m ake a s ingle s entence. They us e:

• the pr esent participle o f a m ain v erb fo r activ e s entences

• the past participle / 3 rd fo rm fo r pas s iv e s entences .
They can perfo rm a num ber o f different functio ns , s uch as giv ing
backgr o und info r m atio n,
reas o ns , res ults o r co nditio ns . Co rrect us e o f participle claus es w ill help to
im pr o v e y o ur GR A s co r e.
The past participle / 3rd form for passive sentences

Original sentences: Social media

Participle clause sentence: First
was first introduced to the internet
introduced to the internet around
around twenty
twenty years ago,
years ago. It has since gone from
social media has since gone from
strength to strength.
strength to strength.
The present participle of a main verb for active sentences

Original sentences: Many critics have Participle clause sentence: Many critics
suggested that it is affecting the have suggested that it is affecting the
closeness of closeness of family relationships, arguing
family relationships. They argue that that people spend too much time staring
people spend too much time staring at at
screens rather than actually talking to screens rather than actually talking to
each other. each other.
make these Young people are greatly excited by social
media. They believe that it is a necessary
sentences to a way to keep in contact with their friends.

single participle
clause Some people argue that social media is the
perfect tool for modern communication. They

sentence. draw attention to the fact that family members

and friends often find it impossible to spend
time with each other.
Source Mindset for IELTS 3

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