Project 5 Fourth Edition WB

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1] ERE Complete Jake's blog about his party. Choose the correct words. Last Friday, my parents went away ‘for)/ on the weekend. They were going “at /(tgla wedding ‘They left me 2on /in}the house fon / in my own. But | decided to invite all my friends Sat / fg the house ‘with / for a party. However, things didn’t jo.well First, Ruby knocked a china dog ‘with for her hand and broke it. It has been *at Fin ny family since the 1930s, Then a car stopped finsidey outside. It was my parents! They were driving ®in f downthe motorway when they remembered the wedding present, so they turned ‘{Upy/ round and came fony back. | offered to get the present ®for / to them, but my mum went to get it and she found all my friends '*at / in the kitchen, My parents weren't very pleased and they grounded me. | couldn't go "to / at the cinema "for / with my friends for three weeks! 2 ERR’ Complete the sentences for each pai of pictures. Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or past continuous tense. 1 Wher mum _ cleaning Paani ak When she _ So iberen wesley __ my room, she a mouse (clean, see) ___ the mouse, she out of the room. (see, un) asleep. (do, fall) asleep, he off his chair. (all, fall) When he Av 3 While andy and his dad a boot. (fish, catch) they Carols After they eS it out, Andy Aadops it back in the water, (pull, throw) into town, _—SSteve. (drive, see) him, we 3 EEE Complete the sentences in your own words. 1. Last night, | was watching TV when the doorbell rang 2. Claire was walking home from school when 3. Iwas doing my homework on the computer when, 4. | was reading a book in the park when 5 My dad was driving home when eT 4 E288 Complete the sentences. Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect tense. 1. Ze |__‘ve finished (finish) my homework. Can | go out now? OK. As long as you _ Hurry up. The bus {can’t find my purse, think | (eave) it at home i ‘What is Joanna’s new Saturday job like? i I don’t know. She (not start) it yet you I can't find them. No. Sony. | haven't. (do) all of it arrive). (see) my keys? __ Mick __(come) yet? No. He just__ (phone) to say he'll be late. Ont (have) this cold for a week. you = Shae (take) any medicine for it? Yes, | have, but it (not work). | lan, (write) a story for the | school magazine. NE een) itte the. editor yet? No, but (read) it and its very good, 5 cea (3 Meena is having a party at her house. Tom has just arrived. Listen to the dialogue. Are the statements true (/) or false (x)? LX] IOI ween [esl [ oO bra O00, or present perfect tense, 1. Meena has invited fifteen people to ‘the party, ‘Tom is the first person to arrive at the party, She's never had a party at her house before. ‘Tom has never had a party at his house Meena hasn't told her parents about the party. They've gone to see her grandparents. Meena doesn’t know any of the people in the cars, 8 The people read about the party on the school wetsite. 9 Alot of people have come to the party by us. 10. Someone hias broken a bottle. 6 ( 4 EBB complete the sentences with the ~ correct words. A 1 Damien's got a lot of girlfriends because he's so handsome _ and Wan easy 2. My grandfather's o_. He's going to go, on a diet because he wants to be s, A“ 3 Youneedtobec___ to be a good actor. a Ithelps if you're g. to00. 4 Marina's very s. and q. iS She doesn’t like going to parties. 5 My aunt is very g_ , but my uncle is a bit m, He never gives me anything for my birthday. 6 Anthony always does well in tests. He's very ~ 7 Ronisreally#_ rs laugh, so he’s very p. 8 Soniais so fr__andc_. She smiles all the time. 9 Some people think Hannah is n_ 1 think she's h. __, because she’s a bully, _. He always tells the truth, __.. He makes everyone 10 Jimis very h. 2. a KER GIL Listen to Mel's story. Choose ‘the correct sentence endings. 1 Mel bullied Ursula because ® a Ursula was new at the school. é b Mel was bullied herself. “ ¢ Ursula had red hair. “ 2 Mel called Ursula ~ a Red Top b Carrot Head, ¢ Ugly Girl 3. Mel stopped bullying Ursula because ) ‘a her parents found out and grounded her. 5 b Ursula’s mother told the police. © aboy refused togo out with her by EmB0 GPLID iisten again. Tick (7) the correct boxes. 1. Whict: of these things did Mel do to Ursula? [Z] call her names (1) push her [_] send her texts [-] punch her {JJ pull her tair (J steal her bag break her glasses (J kick her 2. Which of these words and expressions does Met use to descrite herself? (J irtettigent [J a fasiion leader (attractive (_] good at sport [J have rich parents horrible popular [J have got lots of friends 1 : John Hi, Dave. ‘id you enjoy/ Have you enjoyed the football match yesterday? Dave Yes, | did / have. John Who 'dicl you go /have you been with? Dave |“went/'ve been with my dad. °Did you ever go / Have you ever been tp an international match? John Mo, I fdidn't / haven't. | ’saw /'ve seen them on TV lots of times. How *did you get /have you got your tickets? Dave Someboy at work *gave /has given them to my dad last week 2 Clare Hi, Matty. | love your new coat. How long 'did you have / have you had it? Matty Thanks. bought / ‘ve bought it a couple of days ago. Clare Where *did you buy / have you bought it? ‘Matty It ‘was / has been in the sale at Cool Clothing. “Did you go / Have you been there yet? Clare No, | ‘didn’t / haven't. Matty You must go! The sale ’didn’t finish / yasn’t finished yet 4 a CES Read the text. What is it about? Choose the best description. a Schoolchildren who wear designer clothes are often bullied. b Some schools are choosing international designers 10 clesign their schoo! uniforms. © Schoolchildren are often bullied because they «don’t wear designer dothes. d_ Some schoolchildren have been sent home for wearing designer clothes. 4 ERB Complete the sentences with the correct names from the text. 1 ‘wears designer clothes so that he won't be bullied. 2 doesnt want to go to school because other students called her names, 3 ____ had a designer bag, but it was stolen. aL ete can't afford to buy expensive things for her daughters. 5 bought a designer bag for his son 5) E24 Complete the summary of the text. Designer clothes cause ' problems in many schools , Children who don’t *__ are? __.. However, designer clothes and bags « soa lot of parents can’t 5 — The problem is worst for & and in schools that ” aus Designer dothes and bags also cause other problems, such as * ost kids like to look cool in clothes with designer labels. However, these designer € clothes can cause big problems in many schools. Schoolchildren who haven't got the latest fashions are victims of both verbal and physical bullying. A recent study in Scotland showed that children from |< ‘the poorest families suffer the most. Designer clothes are very expensive and many parents can’t af-ord to buy the most fashionable jeans, trainers and coats. But if they don't buy them, their children are often bullied. | ~ Harriet Mac:lonald has got two teenage daughters: ‘ty older daughter, Zoe, came home from school last ‘week anil she was ayying, Some kids at school called her names because rer sports trainers weren't the right brand, But |just haven’t got the money to buy. her the expensive ones. So now, when they have PE, she doesn’t want to go to school. it's terrible. The problem is worst in schools that haven't got a 5 school unifcrm. However, even in schools that have got a schoo! uniform, there can still be a problem with things like c3ats, bags and the trainers that students wear for PE, Kids whio haven't got the ‘right! labels are bullied Unfortunately, the school bullies are often the fashion leaders in the schoo. Other stuclents who dov't want any trouble copy them. David Marsh wears designer clothes beceuse his 2arents can afford them, but he Understands the problem: ‘it's stupid really. We know that designer jeans aren't worth the extra mcney. You . just pay for the name on the label, but we have to \Wwear them so that we aren't bullied.” Stealing is another big problem : One of the parents from the report, Colin Saunders, bought his son Tom a designer sorts bag. 'You can't win,’ he says. “Tom asked us every day for this bag. Finally we bought it. Then a week later someone ~ 4 [B] scratched Pa cracked - 3 [J not switched on - 4 bent - 5 L }stuck ~ 6 [| bunt > 7 [, {not plugged in ~ 8 [J broken ae J torn ; 10 [| missing @D Listen. what's wrong with the items? Complete the sentences. 1. The sausages are but __ 2 Thekey 3. The shirt 4 Theglass ue 5 The hairdryer 6 The cain z 8 9 0 The radio The DVD player The page __ The dishwasher ‘3 EXZU Complete the dialogues with a, the, this, my oF your. 1 + {bought |__this__ camera yesterday, but + instructions are missing © I'matfraid that’s *__ only one in the shop. © Oh, well, cent haves then, please? 2 Car tborrow '__ mobile phone? 2______batteryin’___phone is dead and | reed to phone*_,__ dad. © No, sorry. # mobiles breken. 1 need to gets _____new one. 3 © Isthis'____coat? No, it isn’t. My coat is? red one on chair over there. * Oh, its probably Hugo's. He's got “ coat like this. 4» Would youlike * __slice of toast? © Yes, but can | have 2 slice which isn’ burnt, please? © OK. Well? slice isn’t burnt. 5+ Have you seen |__ remote control __ refund forte ear, © There's? Temote control on ‘ _ table. © No, that’s for the DVD player ‘we haven't got any more Tshirts Thank you very much Ear-thelp-yer! I bought this Tshirt here here itis 4. £284 Complete the bubbles with these } Can Ihavea refund it'storn Have you got the receipt expressions. Yes, of course Would you like to choose a different one 5 E2E1 Write the dialogue for this situation. You Lought < DVD as a present for your friend, but he / she has already got it. You would like to exchange it for a different DVD. {| Complete the dialogue. Put the verbs in A brackets into the correct tense. a Gerry Hi Kate. I‘_haven'tseen_ (not see) you ee recently. * (you/be) on holiday? Kate Yes. We? (get back) last right. it was a complete nightmare! Gerry Oh no! Why? A Kate * (you / ever / be) camping? . Gerry Yes, 1% _—— (go) once when | was ten. We &_ (have) a great time. é Kate Well, our holiday was a disaster! First, we é 2 (pack) everything into the - car and we (put) the tent on a the roof rack Gerry Yes — thete’s aways so much equipment, Kate Well, we (drive) along the motorway when we suddenly - * ____ (heat) a strange noise. We 0 (ook), and part of our tent ‘ % (bang) against the window: Gerry What ®__ {happen) then? Kate We " (hear) another loud noise and the tent ly) off the roof of the cart Gerry That's scary. Kate Of course, Dad "*____ (stop) the ar. All our equipment * —_ (lie) ‘on the motorway and the cars 5 * _ (tty) to go round it! We - couldn't pick up the things because the cars ® __(go) too fast. So the police A closed the motorway! r Gerry No! = Kate Yes. We weren't very popular. And now 4 Murn ®, (decide) that we're never going tc go camping again. 2a @TDtisten and underline the words that you hear. Aiivactve slim confident well-built quiet shy generous cheerful popular overweight good-looking mean careful horrible ugly gorgeous plain intelligent honest pretty nice friendly funny helpful handsome b @V2 tisten again. Describe these people. + Rober'’s cousin * his cousin’s girlfriend Yes, itis, isn't it? Would you like to exchange it? Yes, here you are. I'm sorry about that. What's the problem? Can I Felp you? No, thank you. Could | have a refund, please? OK. Thank you. Here's your money. I's making a funny noise Thank you. Goodbye. [Ji Have you got the receipt? jl bought this hairdryer on Saturday, but there's something wrong with it. eaans zoo A What's wrong with the items? 1 The CD is missing. The cup 3 The alarm S The jeans | The nail 6 The tyre 55 Choose the correct words. Last Saturday, | went to °@he)/ my shops with, the / my friend, Zoe. We went past ‘a / that cake shop and we stopped to look in #a / the window. __Zoe pointed to *a / the very nice cake at the back of the window, ‘I like sthis / that cake over there,’ she said, so we went into ‘this / the shop and bought it. "The / That shop assistant put 9a /the cake in "a / the box. After we left "a / the shop, we went to Ya / that calé for “this / a cup of coffee. ‘Let's sit at this / that table here,’ said Zoe. | put "a /the cake box down on one of "the / my chairs and took off "the / my coat. Just then “that / my mobile rang. As | was answering it, | sat down. But | forgot that "a / the cake box was on a / the chair and | sat on it! Write the answers and tick (/) the correct box. 1 ASI wert / was going home, | saw / was seeing wallet. picked / was picking it up and “tock / was taking it to the police station L5was / ve been here for fifteen minutes, but John ‘didn’t arrive / hasn't arrived yet He did /‘s done the same thing last week and, we *missed /‘ve missed the bus. 2. Maria isr"t mear. She's very___.SUREEGNO Justin's fun to be with. He's always HULEFREC 3. jumper /wrong jis / this / size / the wrong / samething / with / there's / DVD / this, please / have /1/can / refund /a ieee te ey ere ee 4 * What's wrong with _ remote contral for ee © Itneeds______ new battery, + I'm going to have party at Fouse. I think that's great ideal The © 4] EB what are their jobs? Complete the > © bubbles. Don’t forgeta or an. . | [Took after people ) 7 [i tidy and vacuum when they're offices and houses an in hospital. 'm Vin ent nurse. Thre oN ~ 2) : I serve meals and Take houses. | | drinks to passengers - 5 ‘on planes. ™m a pediceeeiiey A 3 I deliver things to 3) shops and factories. J repair lights, a“ im oe switches and - things lke that. rm ©" etwark ian offs = - Iijpe liters end emails and answer |'0 [fm doctor that a the phone. I'm {ooks after animals, A Un J A“ 1%, a ~ 3 [7 teook mealsin Te ane neaa a restaurant. 'm : ee NS 5 (ee we end ~ © (aesign buildings |'2 [| flya plane. rm gees ~ 2. ERR Complete the dialogues. Use these ~ © expressions and will. om Just wash my hands set the alarm for 5.30 > | lend you some askmy-dac-foraift >} getyou another one phone Max and tell him | ctingit for you switch the light on 1 © Ohno, We've mised the bus © Its OK. JiLask my dad for a lift 24) ieee 2 in i * haven't cot any money. © That's OK. * You have :0 leave early tomorrow morning © OK. * [can't see this photo very well © Just a minute. * I can't find my phone. © Hang on a minute. © Dinner’ ready! ® Thanks. * This knifeisn’t clean. © Serry about that. © We'te going to be late © Yes, 1 know. 3 What's happening next week? Look at Carl's diary and complete the sentences. Use the correct form of these verbs. nnmasaz evaunwna meet up with have play go tske_watch come take part in 6 pm pine exam atter sekoot - footbalt for the schoot team 14.50 pu dentist! Geography test at sehool eve film with Bilt Fun rua in the parks 7 pm Tess in town grandpurents / For dinner Atsix o'clock on Monday, he’s taking a piano exam ‘iter school on Tuesday, he On Wednescay at 4.30, he (On Thursday. they _ (On Friday evening, Carl and Bill On Saturday, he Inthe evening,he On Sunday, his grandparents 4a tot GPT Listen. What are the people going to do in the summer holidays? Complete 5 Complete the dialogues. Put the verbs in brackets into the most appropriate future form: will, going to or the present continuous. ‘A What is he /]B What will it be she going te |like? Why? do? Molly | gocamping | ‘fun in France 4 see interesting places Nathan Suzie | Gary Paula f 6 8 wri fb ees (GYTD Listen again. What do they think it will be like? Complete column B with these cues. Tneet interesting people tiring really fit fan DVDs some money really boring new friends hard work have a break seeinteresting-places learn a lot 1. * What "areyou going to do. (do) when you leave schocl??__ you go} to university? © Yes, 1am, 1>___ (study) Engineering, + That! __ (be) interesting, t'm sure you 2 (enjoy) that. What do you thirk you’ (do) after that? © Idon'tknow.1’_______orobably (work) for a car company. 26 '_____you___ (do) anything this evening? » Yes, lam. |?____(meet) Sandy at the sports centie at 7.30. Ae eet yo ee ee Oley) basketball? © No, we aren't. We probably + (not have) enough people for two teams. So Ithink we ®_______@o) fer a swim 3 + ['_____ (go) shopping on Saturday. @Ohpwhatts ot you os (buy? mF ___ (look for) a new coat. Do you want to come? © l'msorry. Lean't. 14 (look after) my little brother till 12, Well, bring him with you. I'm sure he z As LESSEN it (text) you later: © Maybe. a sentence about something th: 1. you think will happen next year 2. won't happen next year 3 you're going to do at the weekend 4 you aren't going to do at the weekend 5. you have arrar ged for this week Fb Dd Ik Ne Ie ed 2 2 ) ‘| F231 complete the expressions. Put the letters in the correct order to find the missing words. 1 make your dreams come (rue REUT 2 followa_. NAPL 3 makea__ EINCOC 4 have good mona, ROMESIME, 5 joina BULC 6 seta time MITIL 7 write down your _____ SADIE 8 think about .. CRAPLITAC 9 makean_ ... NAGREENTARM 10 achieve your _ LAGo 14 turn your dreams into__ TEIRALY 12 don'tlet your jane, die MADERS 1 2 tM GTI listen and delete the extra words. 2 1 I've worked very hard lately. So if! pass all my ‘exams, I'll have a party forait-my-friends. 3 ve got a bad headache. | won't ge to school tomorrow if | don’t feel better in the morning, 3 23 How is John going to make his dream come true? Complete the sentences. Put the brackets into the correct form. If1__get__a Saturday job, |__‘tl earn some money. (get, earn) My patents _ meifi_ __, the car every week, to. (pay, wash) If my grandparents _______me some money for ry birthday, |____,_at. (give, not spend) if at the weekend, | 2 (tts Dad's birthdey soon. Vil get a card anda 2 iM present for him if go shopping on Saturday lots more money. (not go out, save) morning. 5 But ife a bit boring if that tbe, ded 3 [Thaven’t got any homework io do this evening. 6 fl half my money,|__... Til go out with my ‘riends if there's nothing good enough to buy some drums by September. (save, SHEL have) 71 a... Some from Mur and Dad if i'm meeting Harry in town at 1.30. If Tdon'thave more. (borrow, need) time for lunch, 1! make a cheese sandwich an 8 If for one hour aday,|_____ goo! enouch to join a band in a few months. If the weather’ nice and warm at the weekend, (practise, be) ‘ll go t0 the park for a game of tennis. DELCO EVIE bs 9 IF_.____a notice on the school website, | ___ some other people to form a band T've saved some maney from my Saturday job at (post, find) the café, so il buy some new trainers if have ae ae ee ie enough inoney next month. that if we good enough. (play, get) Al 8a Read the text. Put the events in the correct order. Sinbad fired an arrow at an elephant b The merchant gave Sinbad some gold and he went home. Sinbad became ¢ slave d The Caliph sent him on one last voyage. € The elephants showed Sinbad the Elephants’ Graveyard. Sinbad decided to stop travelling. His ship was attacked by pirates. Sinbad told the merchant about the Elephants’ Graveyard, His owner told him to kill elephants. The elephant puled up the tree. 5 a8 Here are some more things that people in the story said. Match two things to each person, Sinbad the Caliph the King of Serendib the pirates’ leader the merchant Weir sell all of them, They'll make good slaves. a | laut Pve decicied that | want to stay here in Baghdad. ea ae Can you use a bow and arrow? ‘Give the message to the king personally. f IHow many elephants must | kill? “7 'Be careful on your journey home from here, There are pirates. I know that you dont want to travel again, ‘but ve got an important job for you. You're a free man again and here's a bag of gold for you. ea There’sa ship. Get ready to attack it Sinbad the Sailor ‘ong ago young man called Sinbad lved in Eaghdad | He was a sally and he traveled to mary counties. But every voyage was ficult On one voyage, his ship sank. On anothey, Sinbad was cand away by a huge bird, called aoc He was even shiowrecled on the back of @ wale. After many adventures, he sid 0 himself: "Ym not going to trave any more, Tim going to ve a quit feat home? Howeves, he had one more jab todo and it was fo the Caliph of Baghdad, so he coula’t refuse. 'if you take this message tothe King of Serena for me, said the Caliph, | won't askyou to do anything mora’ 4 So Sinbad sailed to Serendis andl delivered the message. But on the way home, his ship was attacked by pirates, anal the sailors were taken as slaves, Shbad was sold toa rich African merchant. One day, the merchant took Sinbad toa forest. ‘Here's a bow and amv he said ‘Sit inthis tee and shoot any eleplian that you see. {want the ivory from their huge tusks. you get enough ior, set you fie” Sinbad dct want te kl the elephants, but he thought: 'f | don’t Aillthem, I'l rever see my home again’ So he climoec the tee, Soon some elephants came towards the ee. Sinbad fied an arrow, but e missed, The, before he could fre another one, the largest elephent came to the tee and pulled it out of he ground, “This isthe and, thovoht Sinbad. 'm going to die’ But the elephant drt kil him, it picked him up with is trunk, put him on Its back and walked avay. After a longtime, they came to a deep valley. Sinbarl couldn‘ belive his eyes. The valley was full with the bones and tusks of dead elephant. twas the legendery Elephants’ Graveyard “This is where the elephants come to dig’ thoughtS nbd, “the elephants are showing me this so that | won't kil ther.’ So Sinbad retumed te the merchant. ‘Wil you gire me my freedom i take you tothe Elephants! Graveyad, wich fll fry?’ he asked "You won't ust be free. You'l be very rich, too, said the merchant, 50, with a bag of go from the merchant, Sinbad set off home He didn't go Ly sea tistime, and when he reached! Beghdad, he never left ther2 again, ‘| F385 complete the rules with in, on or at. preposition. 1 __on __Wednesday 1 We use with: Saturd: 2 _____Easter days. '8¥ Morning 3 _____November f ais Wednesday. May 4 New Year's Eve parts of a specific day 5 the 20th century christmas DY 6 the morning 7 _1969 2 We use with: 49,45 8 night times of the day ABE eb festivals. twelve ‘clock 9 ten 9’clock ; ncaa Oa 5 10 — Saturday afternoon night aren 6 July _winter 3 We use _____with: [the evening 13 _. the weekend parts of the day A A ate months Maret 2010 Soe re ry years autumn 15 __Friday seasons " centuries xhe 2ist century 4 EEE Complete the sentences so that they are true for you. Use the cues in brackets and the 2 E33 complete the chart. correct preposition. - 1 My birthdays on 12 August (date) Wewrite | We say My birthday is (date) 1) 14/5 2 Iwas born ___ ——- (year) S| ee eae 3 Igo -0 bed (time) 3[ 21/11 4. My friend's birthday is potas lsuaiiaie (month) be and 5 Our ongest school holiday is 5 | 30/12 a (season) 6/5/6 6 Our town was founded 7 13/2 (century) Sal 4 7 Vee! best___. (part of Ba AIHA) L | the day) 9 [19/4 ee 8 We usually liave Maths homework 10 | 23/9 ee (day) aalaeya 9 We usually have a party ah (festa) (B28 0h er ath 10 | started school __ (year) ‘5 Ext Complete the dialogue with these expressions. Thank you~ Can you come at3-45- that’s-no.goockfar me Hve-gotan-appointment thatwillbe-fine amehaven't gotanythingelse Letmesee— Hi afvaid-teantt makeit row {we'll see you at 3.45-— S=Steven R= Receptionist R Hello, Clearview Opticans, 5S. Hello. My name's Stevan Harris. \{'ve got an. appointment at 4.30 on Wednesday, but {im doing something after school R see. Would you like to 3, 5S. Yes, please. Re. ne. What about three o'clock on Friday? S.No, t'm sorry, but | have a piano lesson after school on Fridays. R_ Oh, well, «_ this week. 7% next Tuesday? That's the tl Tuesday? Yes, *___ Rese next Tuesday afternoo es R- Goodbye £ Goodbye. EEL 6 Ex Complete the sentences. Change the time of the expression in bold to the time in brackets. 1. My party isn't this weekend. Its next weekend ___. (future) 2. 'm not going out tonight because | went out = (past) 3. My appointment at the optician’s wasn’t last Wednesday. i's (present) 4 {haven't seen Dennis this morning, but | saw ite tes oe (past) 5 Celia isn’t coming to my house tonight. She's coming (Future) 6 I didn't do my Science homework yesterday evening, so I'm doing it (présent) 7 We haven't got any free appointments ‘this week. Can you come one day _ 8 My birthday isn’t this month. It was eens PERE: 9. We had a great holiday in Spain last year, so we're coing again (present) 10 | can’t make my appointment this afternoon. Can | come P'tfuture) SE) ss ‘7 a EEB8 GTI isten to the dialogue. Some of the information is incorrect. Delete the incorrect parts. this evening Asha _ Are you stil OK for temertew— you know, ou tennis game? Vicky No, | can’t make it now. I'm going to the déRTstS. Ive got toothache. Asha Ooh. That sours painful. Well, car we make it another day? Vicky Yes. What about Saturday momning? Asha No, Saturday's no good for me. | work at the hairdressers on Saturdays. Vicky Oh, yes. I forgot. Well, is Suniclav any good? Asha Yes, that will be fine. About-two o'clock? Vicky OK, see you then in the nark. Bye. (ILD listen again. write the correct min the dialogue. ie ? (future) © qa Ema QTD listen to Lisa talking about the best time of her life. Answer the questions. 1 Who was Carolyn? 5 a her sister = b her neighbour . an cher best friend a 2 Who was Matt? = a her date ~ bb her boyfriend at college = her brother x _'3 Which of these kinds of school does Lisa mention? (1 Grade school [] Junior High School p [1 senior High schoo! es 1 college 4 hich of these events does she mention? [_] her first day at school ) oO |_] the flag-raising ceremony ry [_] the Basketball Championship Final A [_] Graduation Day nC [_] the High School Prom her eighteenth birthday ___b Exaa @YLAD tisten again. Are the statements true (/) or false (x)? = 1 Lisa is from Texas. “ 2. Her school day was from 7 am to 3 pm. — [] 3 she grew up ina big city. ey 4 She used to play basketball for the school. oy 5 Matt played the trumpet in the school band, ey 6 Carolyn was a cheerleader, = 7 Lisa was the Prom Queen. [1] 8 Lisa is studying in her home town. A 9. Carolyn and Matt aren‘t studying in Chicago A 40. She works part-time in a supermarket. ie Picea i (2 FS34 Read the text on page 21. Match the pictures to the times. 3 EER Read the ‘ext again. Answer the questions. 1 What are the high and low points for energy levels and stress levels? Circle the two high points and underline the low point. Jam 91am 12-1pm 6pm 7-8pm (i) Tam 91am 12-1 pm 3-6pm 7-8 pm 2 Circle the two best times for studying, 7-9am 11am 1-2.30pm 3-6pm 7-9 pm 3. Why do people worry in the evening? They're very tired at the end of the day. b They think about the next day. Their adrenaline levels are very high. They think about problems, 4. FR@3 How does your temperature change during the day? Complete the line. SST We know that our body clock controls the production’ ‘of hormones like melatonin ond adrenaline so that twe wake up and feel sleepy at diferent times. Here Is © typical doy in the life of the average person's body + 7 am: When the sun comes up and it becomes ight, your brain switches off the sleep hormone, melatonin. ‘Your temperature stats to ‘ise andl you wake up. This is a good time to go jogging, Exercise prochices adrenaline, which will make you more alert during the day 8 am: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. ‘You probably haven't eaten for about twelve hours lf you don’t eat a good breakfast, you won't have enough energy for themoming, From nine to eleven o'clock, your mind is most alert because you have alot of energy and your stress level is low. This isthe best time for mental work By eleven o'clock, your brain has used about twenty Per cent of your Body’ energy so it's time for a snack, Good snacks for energy are nuts and fruit, such as an ‘apple or a banana At midday your teinperature stars to fall and your stress level is rising, f you go for a walk or talk to a friend nowy it will make you feel brighter and happier. 1 pm: This's the best time for lunch because your energy level is low. 2-pmi You feel sleepy because your brain naturally produces melatonin at this time. This is why people in a lot of countries have a siesta. Unfortunately, this isnt f always possible with mader’ lifestyles, At three o'clock your temperature is rising again, From [fl now tl si o'lock, your memory is tits best. You'll remember things better if you revise for exams at this time. 6 pm: Your temperature i at its highest. This isthe best time for heavy exercise, ike weightlifting or «aerobics, because your energy level is high. Stress is high, too, and exercise wil reduce stress. The best time to eat dinner between seven and eight o'clock in the evening, You should always eat an evening meal at least two hours before you go to bed, At nine o'clock your temperature starts to fall again, ‘Many people worry or feel cepressed now because they think about the things hat they're going to do the next day 10 pm: Your brain is producing the sleep hormone melatonin now. You start to fel tired and your body gets ready t0 go to sleep, 5 EE2I Look at the chart showing how many students study each subject. Complete the sentences. Use these expressions. There is more than one possible answer. all almost all most a lot of some afew notmany no Subject [Students | subject | students (otal 33) (Total 33) Maths [33 History [21 English | 33 ‘Music fe cr 31 Japanese | 3 PE 29 [German lo Science "| 30 (Biology 20, Chemistry 7, Physics 3) 1 __All students study Maths and English, However, ___ students study German. 2 students do ICT. On the other hand, only study Japanese, 3 students study Music. : students have got Science lessons. of shem have got Biology this term, while have got Physics 5 students do PE and _ students do History, too. 6 E283 Choose the correct words. 1. Lknow I shouldn't eat too much sugar, however, / (GURY while | love eating chocolate. 2 I wanted to watch the competition on Tv, However, / But/On the other hand, | couldn't because I had tco much homework 3. Babies wake up naturally at 7 am, however, / on the other hand, / while teenagers don't wake up til am 4 In Britain, most children start school when they are five years old, In many countries, bu: / on the other hand, / while they don't start till they are six oF seven. 5 love adventure films, but / on the other hand, / however, my best friend prefers sci-fi &y Doyeuthink people {will live are going to live) on other planets? ; © Yes, butit _(isn’t happening / won't happen) In my lifetime. 2 © Jack ______ Cl have's going to 3ac_f nave) a party for his birthday 7 a © Dh good, | hope he Sap a Pil invite /'s inviting) me. 6 al 51 (Il play /’m playing) in T. 8 - 10 _~ [Complete the names of the,jobs and match ‘them to the pictures. anus se ana__hi,_ at 4 an important match this weekend, © Good fuck I'm sure you Cllwin / "Ve winning) 6 © That'sthe phone.1____ {im going to answer / | answer) it © No, don't worry: (/m going to get fll get it, Te, ____. Will you spend! / Are you spending) your holidays in Spain again this, summer? © No, myparents have decided:-that we________((re goina to trv ‘re trying) somewhere new. 8 + What_ {are you doing / are you going to do) when you leave school? © Idon’t know. Lthink ) (il take #’m going to take).a year out first 3 Complete the sentences. Put the verbs in a i e i Cas brackets into the correct tense. 1 Ifyou te busynow,|_later: (be, come back) 2 We tothe cinema ifyou well. (not go, not feel st 2 Complete the dialogues. Choose the correct future form in brackets. 3 Hyou _ your camera there, someone 1 © [I've just bougtt this DVD, so | ’m going to__ it. (leave, steal) _watch_(‘Il watch /'m going to watch) it. 4 |______ these old magazines away if you ~ © Goodidea,|__— join them. (throw, not want) a *m going to join) you. 5 David usif the bus__ late. A puget (Will you do / Are you (ext, be) es doing) anything on Sunday? 6 We___here if you after six © Yes. My cousins ___ (will come / o'clock. (not be, arrive) are coming) to spend the day with us, 7 Hwe _ this match, we the championship. (lose, not win) 4 choose the correct prepositions. 1. t sometimes have a lie-in in /@r)/at Sunday morning, but then | can’t get fo sleep in/on/at night. 2. My appointment is ir /on / at Wednesday in /on/ at half past two. : 3 How much will life change in / on / at the 21st century? 4 Iwas born in /on / at 1995 18 February. 5. We always go skiing in / on / at winter ‘We usually go in / or /at February, but we sometimes go in /on/ at Christmas. 6 + Are you doing anything in /on fat the weekend? © Well, 'm going swimming in / on / at Saturday morning, but 'm free in / on / at the afternoon 7 The film starts in / on /at 7.15 in /on /at ‘Mondays andl Tuesdays. 8 We always have a party in / on / at New Year's Eve, in/on/at 5 @YLI Listen and complete the sentences. * Hello. Willow ' fee _ Medical Centre. © Oh? . My name's Molly Freeman, I've got an appointment at > o'clock ¢_ ___, but I'm afraid can’t make it now. © OK. Let me see. Can you come * até instead? © No. I'm sorry. That's na good for me. I've got at eg Lexan, + Oh, well. 'm afraid we haven't got anything else * ___. What about * at © What date is that? a Kester © Yes, that will be fine. Thank you, Goodbye. + Goodbye Write the answers and tick (/) the correct box. 1 Ie decided that |___ as an engineer, i when Ileave school. I can’t go out this evening, | (babysit). (train) (a0) to university if 1/finish / my homework soon / we /watch / aDVD you /not win / #/ you / not practise 3. The corcert is Friday i three o'clock the afternoon, My birthday isn’t__ October. ts 12 November. as tre an appointment at 3.30, but I'm afraid [can’t it * 4,30? * Sorry, 4.30 is for me. 2 J ye ) ) fa 1 2 3 4 5 6 b FRA Complete the sentences. 2 EEA Complete the dialogue with would or She's had her eyebow pierced __. ChaEDE, He's p. his face in his team’s colours. John '__Would __ you do a bungee jump? she's s _her head. Mark No, 12___.1__be terrified! # ___ you? He's had at ___. Jon Yes, tink 15 She's d_____ her hair black and white. its be exciting! But | Hes got an unusual h__. 7 tuna marathon. That . be too difficult EI Match the sentences to the pictures. Mark Oh, | __runa marathon. That < be a problem— I'm very fit! a 3 ERM Put the words in the correct order to make questions. Then give your answers. | 1 hair /green/ dye / you / would / your ] Question: Would you dye your hair green? You: Yes. Jwould, __OR No. Iwouldn’t, —_ 2 nose / pierced / would / your / have/ you Question: _ You: 3. go! would/ scuba-diving / you Question: You: _ 4 would / motorbike / Question: _ a She's had her eyebrow pierced. Yo! 5 an/ eat / insect / would / you Question: 6 you/ climt / would /a/ mountain Question: You: Al 5x44 Choose the correct words. 1 IfI'd have ((iad)a party, ‘A invite / invited all may friends. 2 If people would drive / drove more slowly, the toads would be / were safer. 3. Most people would be / were healthier if they would take /took more exercise 4 Life today would be/ was impossible if we wouldn't /didn’t have computers 5. IFI‘d shave / shaved my head, my parents wouldn't / didn’t mind. 6 I'd go/went skiing every day if we ‘dl live / lived near some mountains. 7. I didn't / wouldn't know what to say if \'d meet / met my favourite film star. 8 If Mark would train ‘trained harder, he ‘d win / won every race. 9. You wouldn’t be / weren't so tired if you 'd go / went to bed earlier. 10 We'd help / helped you if we would have / had the time 5 a Esa GLI Listen. What would the people do if they won a lot of money? Match the halves of the expressions. 1. share it with @ university Shee b all over Aftica ¢ atrip to New York 3 take my parents | 4 a charty for poor people on e a luxury holiday 4 use it to pay for \¢ all my friends 5 give half of itto 9 @ fast sports car hh round the world 6 buy i my family 7 spendalototit j ahuge party Shy kan internet company 8 start | lots of designer clothes b EBM What would you do? Complete the sentence with your ovm ideas. If won a lot of money, |__ G EEE Write sentences in the second conditi that are true for you. 1 scream and run away seea ghost |————— take a photograph of it Jf Lsaw.a ghost_ {id scream and run aviay OR if saw a ghost, fd take a photograph of it drop my sardwich on_ | eatit the floor ‘throw it away takeithome finda puppy | try to find the owner my parents / go away for the weekend have a party not have a party be the singer be in arock band |———— play the lead guitar be happy be sad we / move to America Tas ee oe 4] ER Put the letters in the correct order to make words. Then match them to their definitions. chriranue oldof nastium raw utlopnoil odroant assidee thrugod atreghukea_nifmae 1 Avery fast, strong wind that spins. a _tornado 2. Avery dangerous storm. a 3 When there is water in streets and houses. aan a 4. When the ground shakes and moves. - an ~ 5 Avery large wave in the sea that comes on the land. a When there is no water. a When the air or water is very dirty. a When there is no food. a_ This makes people ill. a ‘When countuies fight each other. a Seava 1 (2. KEM Choose the correct words. The ‘erupt /(@ruptionof the volcano has caused a lot of *destroy / destruction in some of the local villages. Scientists think that it might *erupt / eruption again soon and - sproduce / production huge clouds of gas = and dust. They are also worried that hot lava from the voleano will start fires, which could ‘destroy / destruction the larger towns in tke area. La z There has been 2 big *explode / explosion at an oil refinery in India, All ‘produce / production at the refinery has stopped, but 1 oils already starting to *poltute / pottution J: | the rivers. Luckily, the biggest tanks didn’t ‘explode / explosion. Pollute / Pollution from that would be very difficult to stop. 1 2 8 3 FRRM Match the sentence halves. Wasec nied a. that | was late for Peter ate so aces much cake b that we didn't arive ‘till 3 am, The film was so frightening ¢ that it nearly blew us over. The food was so soe d_ that fall asleep in class, There was so much bafhe that wecouldn’t get ital in the car. The wind was so st hen tetted| strong for more. The plane wes so g that I couldn't late sleep that night. We had so hy that he had much luggage stomach ache. 4, 1581 (DLT Listen. Complete the sentences. 1 The film was so boring that Left before the end. 21 that | couldn't eat for twe days. 3 The that we refused to pay. 4 The weather was so hot that we _ 5. The Maths teacher gave us so muc homework that! 6 We that we bought sore fish and chips. 7 The Geography test was so easy that __ 8 The that we couldn't stop laugh ng, ‘55 224 Read the text and choose the correct answers. 1 Cumbre Vieja is a anisland. b avoleano. ¢ a city. 2 Wsin a the Bahamas. b Miami, c the Canary Islancls. The mega-tsuriami would destroy cities in a China, b theUSA. ¢ Australia The disaster would destroy the world’s a climate. b animals. —¢ economy. 4 Millions of tourists visit the Canary Islands every year to stay in the hotels and sunbathe on the beaches. However, they probably don't know that on one of the islands there is a sleeping monster. HThe Canaries are volcanic islands. When the Cumbre Vieja volcano on the island of La Palma erupted in 1949, the eruption caused a small earthquake and the western side of the volcano started tc break away. It only moved! jabout four metres and then stopped. However, ifthere {was another earthquake in the future, the side of the volcano would break away cempletely and 500 billion Honnes of rock would slide into the sea ft fell in one piece, the lancblice would produce a huge tsunami. It would be so big that scientists call ita mega- tsunami’. The wave, over 650 metres high, would travel across the Atlantic Ocean at 720 kilometres an hour. When it hit the coast of North America eight hours later, itwould still be 100 metres high. It would flood every city 6 6228 complete the summary of the text about Cumbre Vieja with these words, tsunarri earthquake floods eruption landslide volcano Ant cf the Cumbre Vieja® would create an 2 _. This could produce ana and a large part of the island would slide into the sea. The result would be a huge * which would cross the Atlantic Ocean and create all along the eastern coast of the USA, ‘7 E223 Complete the sentences with the correct quantities. If there was a tig earthquake, 500.billion tonnes. of rock would slide into the sea 2 When it started, the mega-tsunami would be high 3. Itwould travel at an hour, 4 Itwould hittheUSA ater. When it reached the USA, it would be high. Itwould travel up to from the coast. It could kill up to _____ people there, A landslide in the Canaries caused a mega- tsunami _ _ ago. — inland from New York -o Miami and travel up to 35 klometies inland, Over 40 million people live or work on the ‘eastern coast of the USA. Most of them wouldn't survive ‘Smaller waves would hit the coasts of western Europe and Africa. People in the rest of the world wouldn't escape, because the disaster would destroy the world's economy. Wars and famine would soon follow. ifthe sleeping monster of La Palma woke up, it would be the end of life as we know it Could it really happen? The answer has to be "Yer, because its happened tefore, About 120,000 years ‘ago, a landslide on another one of the Canary Islands produced a mega-tsunani that hit the Bahamas. Its happened in Hawaii anc other parts of the world, too !twon't happen soon, so don't cancel your holiday, but, as one scientist said: IF Ilived in Miami and | heard that Cumbre Vieja was eruptng, I'd get in the car and drive away from the coast as fast as possible!" {] E328 Make the adjectives of the nouns in the box. Write them in the correct column. ‘dirt infection ease fame health hazard danger anger “isk poison caution luck -ous ¥ infectious dirty 2. FEW Complete the sentences nouns and adjectives from exercise 1. 1 Don’t walk near the edge of the cliff I's dangerous _. You should put a plaster on that cut finger. You might get some d__ in itand get an i IF you avoid junk food, it’s quite e_ to eatah___diet. You can't eat these plants. They're p. D. water isa big h___in many poor countries. It causes a lot of ie diseases. You should look after your body. Your h___ is the most important thing. Don't be too c Sometimes you have to take ar, or life will be boring. Signs usually use red to show d. We also use ‘red’ in some expressions ta say that someone is a. __: ‘Her face was red with ues You need to work hard if you want to be f______ but you also need some | 10 I'm not going to cross the road here. It's too he traffic’ travelling very fast. Has Fred hurt him /Giimself)? saw him / himse!* with a bandage on his hand. Yes, he cut him / himself with a saw. ‘We saw us / ourselves on TV lest night. Areporler interviewed us / ourselves for the TV news Oh, | didn’t see you / yourselves, That's apily, Is Jane OK? Did the ball hit her/ herself? No. She hit her / herself with her tennis racket. ‘What's wrong? Did that bee sting you / yourself? No, | just scratched me / myself on this plant: We're just picking up this broken glass. Tim was handing me / myself a bottle and | dropped it / itself. Be careful or you'll cut you / yourselves, What are you doing? I heard you / yourselves laughing We're watching us / ourselvesin an old video. ur neighbour's dog always berks wien it sees it/ itself in a mirror. It's very funny. You should film it / itself when it does that. How did George and Henry hurt them / themselves? They were trying to move a cusboard and it fell on them / themselves What's the matter? Have you hurt you / yourself? Yes, I've just burnt me / myself on the cooke’ TOTEM Rent eS A.» titel (VLAD Listen, Write the number of the dialogue with the correct picture. tb te8 (TTB) Listen again. Complete the bubbles. Say what might / could happen. Mes ‘Yeushould Something might fall Look | don’t chink it's a good idea to. if were you scratch yourself very badly Its dangerous You might get bitten Be careful with I wouldn't cut yourself ee ale CUT would Ei cue ase es on 55 E223 Complete the warnings with these zs expressions, ___.wear a safety helmet, your hea. shat knife. there climb over around in the long grass by a snake. close to the track. out! Don’t stand so archery horse ricing surfing pool mountain biking ge-karting darts canoeing sailing rock climbing (@ILID Listen to Jess, an activity Jeader at an activity centre. Tick (7) the activities in exercise 1 that she mentions. bb E228 GUID Listen again. Choose the correct answers. 1 Where is the activity centre? an Wales bn North Cornwall c nthe Lake District 2 Wren does she work there? a all year ‘ound b only in the schoo! holidays ¢ nthe summer 3. Wrat does she think the most important thing is? a fresh ait b the social side ¢ getting away from parents 4 Wry does she think this is important for young people? a They spend so much time an conputers. b Most of them live in towns and cities. ¢ They don’t have enough challenge in their lives. 5 What do they always do on the las: afternoon? a raft-buikling b sing sorgs together play tea games 6 Why will this be Jess's last year? a She'll have a full-time job next summer. b The centre is gaing to close down, ¢ She's ging to get married. 3B EER Complete the text on page 31 with these words. Stopped plate animals dinosaurs million cold split future crust thick age rainforests tropical continent warmer southern ice Torlay, the ‘_continent _ of Antarctica lies over the South Pole. it's the coldest place on Earth with winter temperatures below -60°C. Most of itis permanently covered in snow ancl? . Which is over two kilometres § ‘There are no trees or other plants there, and no animals live there all year round, However, Antarctica hasnt always been like this. If you had a time machine and travellect back 150 ______ years, you would find a very different place. First of all, you wouldn't need all the warm clothes that you need there today because at that time Antarctica was much closer to the equator and soitwasalot’___ You wouldn't find a land of snow and ice, but you'd see mountains and valleys, fakes and rivers. The land would be covered in thick ‘ Full of animals. It would probably be wise to have a gun with you, a5 some of the animals that you would meet would be huge meat-eating 7 ' Back then, Antarctica wasn’t the lonely, frozen place that we know today, it was part of Gondwana ~ the great © super-continent which would later® ___into Africa, South America, india, Antarctica and Australia. We know this, because scientists have found fossils of the same plants and. 2 In Antarctica and the other continents that were part of Gondwana About 145 million years _ Gondwana started to break up. Very slowly, the plates of the Earth's ®__ . floating on the hot, soft magma below it, moved aviay from each other. For along time, Australia and Antarctica stayed together, but about 65 million years ego, they broke apart, too. Australia drifted north, while the Antarctic ®_____ moved! south to its current position ‘over the South Pole. tt became too — for plants and animals, and was gradually covered! in a thick blanket of snow and ice, However, the continents haven't * Moving. Some scientists believe that continental rift will carry Antarctica northwards again. So, if you used your time machine to travel 150 milion years into the __. You would probably find that Antarctica was once again a land of thick 7 rainforests 4 Are the statements true (/) or false (x)? X] 1. this always -60°C in Antarctica. 2 There is only one forest in Antarctica | 3 No animas live permanently in Artarctica 4 Antarctica was much warmer 150 milion years ago. 5. Dinosaurs used to live there. 6 Asia was part of Gondwana. [J 7 Scientists have never found any fessils in Antarctica (_] 8 Australia broke away from Gondwana 150 milli years ago. 9. The continental plates are still moving. 10 The Antarctic plate won't move in -he future. eer eee ‘5 E8351 Link the pairs of sentences to show addition. Use the words in brackets. 1. Antarc-ica used to be full of trees, There were animals there. {too) Antarctica sed to be full of trees, There were _ animalsthere too, 2. Continantal drift causes earthquakes. 1 causes volcanoes. (also) 3 Antarctica was part of Gondwana. Australia was part of the supercontinent. (as well) 4. Scientists have found fossils of animals there. They have found plant fossils. (in addition) 5. The continents were different in the past. They will be different in the future. (too) 6 Antarctica is the coldest place on Earth, Its the windiest place, (also) 4] Complete the sentences. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. 1 I'd.go (go) surfing f1___ lived (lve) in Australia 2 If somebody (dare) me to shave my head, | _— (not do) it Brie (know) Sara's number, | : ___ (call) her on my mobile. 4 People (talk) to each other more if they (not have) television. 5 life (be) nicer if people (not argue) with each other. 6 If those shoes (not be) so expensive, | (buy) them 2 Imagine a perfect life. What would it be like? Complete the questions with the verbs. Then give answers that are true for you. [os se fa Question: Where would you live 2 You: J'd live in Hollywood. 2 drive Question: What kind of car ? You: __ 3 have Question: You: 4 do Question: What job ey Wouriee 5 be Question: famous? You: 6 go Question: Where on holiday? You __ lots of money? 3 Complete the sentences with the correct reffexive pronoun. Dov'tdo that, Nina. You'll hurt yourself _ Andy looked at in the mirror. | was surprised when I saw _on Tv. Have you got a plaster? Maria's cut Are we in this photo? We can’t find Do7't play near the fire, you two. You might burn. aununa Are you trying to take a photograph of _ 2 8. Bill and Tom hurt when they fell 4 complete the sentences with the correct words. 1. |wauldn’t___do that if | were you Its dangerous _ 2 Id___think its a good i to go in there. You could g bitten’ 3 Bec. with those scissors, You ¢___ hurt someone. 4 Yous, run here. The floor’s s. and you m, fall over. 5 out! Thats very hot! 6 Yous____putacoat on. its cold outside. 5 a GW) Listen to a news report. Tick (V) the disasters that are mentioned. adrought [_] a tsunami ] Hloods ~] pollution [_] disease a tornado afamine an earthquake [_] forest fires avolcano [¥] ahurricane — [_] a war b Listen again. Write the disasters from exercise 5a next to the correct places. 1 India 2 Africa 3 Italy 4 Australia 5 Texas 6 7 8 Mexico Chna Japan 6 complete the texts with these words. erupt explode pollute production destroy explosion eruption produce destruction pollution 1. Earthquakes cause alot of 'dastruction.. But they don’t just? buildings. Gas pipes : , and the + can cause a fire. § is another problem, because drains and water pipes break. Dirty water can « the drinking water system. 2 When volcanoes ' they? a lot of dust and ash, which covers a wide area. The? of a supervolcano, however, would lead to a volcanic winter and food Ai would almost stop 7 Choose the correct words. 1 Young people often do ‘danger /@angerous) things and put their ‘health / healthy at srisk / risky. They should be more ‘caution / cautious, but to many young people, sdanger / dangerous is exciting 2. Snow and ice have made many roads ‘hazard / hazardous. Some reads are particularly 'danger / dangerous. The police have asked all divers to drive with ‘caution / cautious. 3. Inthe past, people often died of an ‘infection / infectious, because hospitals were very *dirt / lirty. Doctors didn’t cnow that many infection / infectious diseases are caused by ‘dirt / dirty 4 It would be ‘risk / risky to eat those berries. They might be 2poison / poisonous. 5 People think you'te ‘luck / lucky to be fame / famous, but #fame / famous can sometimes make your life more ‘danger / dangerous. B what could these things do to you? Electricity .could electrocute you Abee_ A.cooker Acat Alory Adog Broken glass. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. On my ideal dey, | but | wouldn't. If had enough money, | — 2. See / Look out! | would / wouldn't do that if | were / weren't you. Idon‘t think it’s a good thought / idea to do that You mightn't/ shouldn't do that. 3. Don't feed the animals. (might / bitten / you / get) Be careful near the fire. (yourself / could / burn / you) ri Millie hurt ___ her bike, We've just posted a photo of at Jeremy's pary on the Internet. when she fell off Eee > EBRR Look at the pictures. Write what the Complete the questions with the correct question words. people did last night. Use these verbs. 4 [Terie read won wad | Racal co one 1 How far is it from your house to the school? a 2 ___ did you stay in Spain on holiday? A 3 do I switch the DVD player on? A 4 shall we do on Saturdey? Zz 5 Harry Potter book do you like best? A 6 ____did you go to bed last night? es 7 don’t you like this song? = 8 times have you been to England? es 9 _____ have you lived in this town? bs 10 _ is your birthday? a 4, F224 put the words in the correct order to make questions. m 1 you school to were outside talking who 3 Who were you talking to outside school __? A 2 had mobile have howlong your you rm bee A 3 going homework do to you your are mn a ai PC EES nM 4 do Sundey did you what last ~ ? ~ 5 Brad every rugby does play week 2. EEE Complete the questions with the correct a A prepceisore: 6 languages you can speak how many ct 1 Who is Danny talking to__on __ his mobile? 3 i he 2 2 Whatley did you see ___the theatre 7 have famous met person a you ever . 3° Who starred The Hunger Games? 2 a eceilete aauz Sere 8 concert why the cancelled was 5. How much time do you spend ___the ry Internet? 5 Feo Raa eee aS A 6 Did you see the flm the cinema or PS ee toamaleniees ae A W? —————_ 2 ~ 7 Isaw your photo__* _ the newspaper. It 10 you a dink like would im oe was the school website, too. s 2 5a Read the DJ's introduction to the radio programme. Listen and complete the fans’ questions. “American rock singer Curtis Philips is on a concert tour of Europe. Unfortunately, he's il, 50 he can‘t be on the programme today. But his manager, Vera Galata, is here to answer your questions about EEE Complete the questions. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. Then answer the questions so they are true for you. 1 What time does he get up?_ 5 epson? + How tall_are you __ they? a mee to Europe before? Tete we. Po ae a girlfriend? 4 EEE 2 ¢ How many emails 5 anew album? eee ee (Gen) today? 6 his own songs? a it th it? eta me eet a gee ya ee ee enones 3 * Whet (wear) Bate etek well again soon? apte ROR b Ba sten again. Are the e a statements true (/) or false (Xx)? EL (be) to another country? 1 Curtis usually gets up ° at about eight o'clock. one (can swim}? i =] 2_He doesnt play ie hockey. Be Siete, 4 __] 3. this is his first visit to Europe. s 7,8 _. (have got) a pet? 40 4 He split up with his girlfriend a week ago. ° 8 + What (ds) [1 5. He's going to start recording ‘tomorrow evening? L_2 new album in July , a8 JO out) last id? 4d 6 Vera's brother writes all Curtis's songs. (acon fest weeken (7. Curtis is probably watching 10 + What (do) at TV at the moment. 8 Alot of people have bought tickets for his concerts 7 pm yesterday evening? {] EBB put the letters in the correct order to make the opposites of the adjectives. 1 polite rude EDRU 2 tidy SYEMS 3 ambitious = _________ UBIMONSAITU 4 cheerful _____REMUEBAS 5 sensible Lyus 6 loyal YOSLLIAD. 7 charming UAATUSNENP 8 enthusiastic TEGIEVAN 9 hard-working ZALY 10 ‘reliable BELNLAURIE 11 patient IPETTANMI 12 easy-going =________ SOUNAIX 2 @® Listen to Emma talking about these people. Write the positive (+) and negative (-) adjectives in the boxes. 3 ERE] write a description of somebody that you know. Give three positive and three negative adjectives. My __ isavery person. He /She’s usually and a but sometimes he / she's and he / she canbe quite ___ and 4, FIM Complete the two advertisements. ‘these words. setling wark Saturdays fetiable minimum job Waitresses apply sweeping break menbers hours phone café packing The Food Store Ws We need '_rellable _ ond cheerful asistants to help al in our busy supermarket. ian | nice, sensible, ©, + 1_Best friend: KYLIE a ee:fling shelves, the floor Collecting trolleys and custorrers’ shaping Tres are 9-5, with @ one-hourlunch ‘end we pay the® wage. Pass 307 whether you are applying to on Salurclays or Sundays. Please bby eral fo: info@ihetoodkiore com : Tiny © Woiters /'___ wanted for a busy ® ! We are looking for tue new>____ ef our team to ‘ ushere at Tilfanys. 3_ Boss: MR TRENT You us: be polit end and ha working. The volves taking customers’ * : | as well as clearingand * tables. ‘Yout working day will be 10-6 on We oller good © and a free ® | Please ‘Mark Jones. “Tel: 933875 5 8 Complete the chart with information from the advertisements in exercise 4. > | Name The Food | Tiffany's 2 Store a Kind of place?) a supermarket a Job? e Personality? al What days? a Hours? i 7 Pay? im Apply? 6 a ESI Match the jobs to the activities. y 1 anurse look after animals 9 2 achef Pa b_ wash and cut hair . 3 asecretary © make beds + 4 an architect d_ work with machines A 5 avet © answer the phone 5 6 ahairdresser f cook meals ~ 7 anengineer g. design buildings MG ly EER Use the information in exercise 6a. _ Complete the sentences using the gerunds of Pe the verbs. ~ ——___________ mist be interasted in 2 2 '5 job involves ‘ MTS ‘| EBA Complete the sentences with these phrasal verbs. 3 FEW Tick (Y) the sentences that are correct and cross (X) the ones that are incorrect. Correct the ones that are wrong. Ge] 1 tborrowed Jennys book, but \gave6SEB), throw away Giveback fillin put away turn down switch on ty on take-off 1 You normally take off __your coat when you go into a house. 2. You should always that you have borrowed ____something 3 You eb something that you don’t need any more, 4 You clothes that you want to buy. 5 You a form with your name and address. 6 You the radio or TV if it's too loud 7 You the TV when you want to walch a progremme 8 You should things that you aren‘t using, Bon t just leave them on the floor 2 FEE] complete the sentences. Make suitable phrasal verbs with the verbs in the box. give try throw put knock take turn pick My feet hurt afte* all that walking. 'm going to take __my boots _off 2 Be careful ot you'll___ that cup_ 3 Isitallrightif ‘these old shoes _ 4 You should the tap when you're brushing your teeth, 5 Could you the shopping __ for me, please?’ 6 Can borrow your pen, please? | promise Ill it 7 Could you _ my bag please? V've hurt my back B This jacket's nice, Are you going to it ? 2 My shorts were torn, so | threw them away. 3. I'm not listening to the radio, so you can turn off it. {_] 4 Alike these trousers. I'll try on them, (J 5 [poured a drink, but then | knocked it over. 6 Don't leave your clothes here. Put away them. 7 (felt warm in my jumper, so | took off it. 8 Please print the form and fil iin. ‘Making requests: 4a Ems GT Listen. Some parts of the dialogue are incorrect. Delete them. bowling Joy Can! go tothe-cinema this evening, Dad? Dad — Have you gota lot of homework to do? Joy Yes, but can do it in the morning instead? Dad You're going to dance class tomorrow, aren't you? Joy Well, ll do it on Sunday afternoon, then. Dad You said that two weeks ago, and you were stil doing it at half past ten on Sunday night. Joy That won't happen again, | promise. Dad No, itwon't, because you're coing to finish your homework before you can go out Joy But that means I can’t go to the cinema Dad There's no point in arguing, The answer's still the same. Joy Oh. IWS not fair. Everybody else is going, b EEE dialogue. isten again and correct the 5} @ E30 Complete the requests with the correct form of these expressions. [Tend'me some money pick up the liter that you've just dropped leave the children with you for half an hour switch on the dishwasher -turrrthe Town get some batieries from the shop ‘Do you think you could , tura_the TV down_, please? b Write the responses in the correct bubble. Sony, Mhaven't got any myself. But won't be able to hear it. Sure. Which setting do you want? Oh, yes. Sorry. | wasn’t thinkirg. That's no problem. They're usually very good. OK. What size do you want? q Match the words and expressions to the definitions. 1 part-time jobs a. delivering newspapers to homes bb loading the dishwasher, setting ‘he table, ete rules about what you can't do work that you don't do all week the time when someone works learning how to drive a car Monday to Friday a car, a lomy, a bus, etc. 2 pocket money 3 housework 4 diving lessons 5 hours of work 6 a paper round zane 7 abuilding site ia place where there will be new 8 weeks oe houses or offices 9 restrictions Jj something that your parents dive you, so that you can buy 10 avehide things for yourself 2 E228 complete the sentences with these verbs. ig shop help cut vacuum set work drive payfer earn 1 My parents are gcing to_pay for __ driving lessons for me. 2 Could you 3 Some teenagers prefer to because it’s cheaper. 4 Doyou___ a part-time job? on with the housework to get some money 6 You should get a job if you want to __ some money. 7 In some countries you can’t you're 18. 8 I'mgoing to the floor today, please? online, acar till the grass. 9 Inthe UK, teenagers aren't allowed to ina factory, 10. One of my jobs is to dinner. the table for Wate Ba 6538 (ILD Listen. Complete the sentences with the correct name. Fiona Harry 1 Harty __ is saving for his / her holicay, 2 has a paper round. 3 doesn’t do anything for his / her pocket money. 4 does babysitting for a neighbour. 5 gets extra pocket money for washing the car. 6 is saving to pay for driving lessons. 7 doesn't get any pocket money. 8 doesn't save any money. g tries to save half of his / her pocket money. 10 doesn't pay for his / her own clothes. 11 ____is saving to buy a new bike. 12 ______ loads the dishwasher. b EE (PLA Listen again. What do they spend their money on? Complete the chart. Troy Fiona | Harry rarer AV £33 Read the text opposite. Write these expressions in the correct places. [they can reach them at any time should we ban violent computer games they don't get enough exercise compuiterswere-very-big-anc-expensive: in the virtual world of computers isn’t good for your back, neck and eyes hard to imagine a world without them go online almost anywhere very dificult to prove [_] Computers are too expensive [Z] Young people are becoming couch potatoes, (J) Computer use can be bad for your back. [] Teenagers don’t get enough sleep. Teenagers don’t read enough books. Computer games probably make people more violent (71 Parents don't know what their children are doing on the internet, Teenagers should spend more time with their friends and family We didn’t have cyber-bullying before the 1980s. eee G €823 Complete Jackie's email to Mr Thomas Brown with the correct expressions and "Dear Mr Brown 1 saw your advertisement = the Teenscene website and ip apply ajob® a shop assistant. | am sttaen years old nd | am friendly and reliable, tan come ‘an interview any weekday ater 3.30 pm. i Jacki Cross '5 EXGHTick (/) the points that the text mentions. Te ‘Computers ere everywhere in the modern world. The earliest computers were very big and expensive. butin 197 the first personal computer (PO) appeared and five years later the [ay A Internet started, Since then, the use of PI computers has growr every year: Now: See/ you can 2 However the increasing use of computers raises sorne very importart questions for young people. A study in the USA showed that the average teenager spends 31 hours a week on a computer That's in action to the three hours a day tha: they spend watching television, What i this doing to their bodies! Firstly it means that? \We are creating a generation of couch potatoes wto are less healthy than thei parents: Secondly sitting in Font of a computer for several hours WA big part of computer use is computer gam and many ofthese are very violent. Does this make the people vino play the games more violent, too? Its at 2 | but the answer is probably ‘yes’ i ‘We don't allow other things, ike oe cigarette advertisements, because they might influence young people, so : as well @ Computers are now the most important means ‘of communication ‘or many people. But sit a healthy form of communication? Some psychologists say that teenagers spend too much time ‘As.a result they don't spend enough time with their friends and fern in the real world. Computers have also created the big problem of cyber: blhing nthe past bullies couldr't communicete ‘with their victims i their ovm homes, but now tw Computers are such a big part of most people's lives today that it’s” But what ere they doing to ‘our bodies, our minds and our relationshias? {J Put the words in the correct order to make questions. 1 you a can musical play instrument Can you play a musical instrumen 2 2 you on Intemet buy the things do 3 apply the for did job you 4 you got smartphone have a 2 5 on you what doing were Saturday eRe eel 2 6 party who have invited you the to ate ciaen 2 7 was this where photograph taken Al 2 8 time meet shall we what 2 2 Look at the words in bold. Write the questions. 1 How long _ did you spend in Franc a We spent ten days in France. 2 What 2 im doing my English homework. 3 What time __ at Tina will be home by ten o'clock. 4 How many EEL f) Max has won five competitions, 5 Where 2 Emma works in a hairdresser's 6 How often ___ eciall) We go swimming twice a week. 7 When 2 ‘We're going to have the test on Friday. 8 Why 2 Jack went home early because he felt ill 9. What sports, sh | can play tennis and football 3 Complete the job advertisement with the correct form of these verbs. So eae help meet serve water Do you like '_meeting _ people and *_ with a good team? We're looking fora weekend assistant for our Lusy Garden Centre, The main duties are*_ and after the plants, bbut the job also involves * inthe shop. This will incl de § the shelves, ? the floor, * customers and * their shopping to their cars. If you're interested in » for the job, please telephone the manager, ‘Andrew Kent, on 8320769, 4, complete the sentences with these phrasal verbs. ‘give back take off | putaway fill n. putout tryon turn down knock overthrow away switch off 1 Ifyou don't put — those bottles _away_, somebody will them 2 your jacket __and_this one 3 Could you the recycling please? Bu: don’t___ today’s newspaper Ihaven’t read it 4 Please this form _. And don't forget to it ‘to me. 5. The TV's very loud. Could you it 2 Or it if nobody's watching il Sa @LD Listen and complete the requests. Write the answers and tick (/) the correct box. 7 Can igo to Brian's party tonight, Dad? bro's party tonight Dac? } 2 é the window? 3 fore money for the bus? [a tore yourgo ont?) Saint fora wait) ‘ai Michaela’ place on Saturday? = by Match the responses to the requests. —— [1] Yes, as long as you g@t all your homework done on Friday. [| sorry. 1 haven't got any. [J ox. can t waite [J] no. te be too cold. | | itstops raining first? te [7] ok, but don't be too fate home. D1) canto it When I get back? ae Choose the correct words. (00% ‘Hello / Hi (Beal) Mr Smith, ike / would like / would love to apply forthe job at your supermarket. | arn fifteen years old and | arn | very *reliable / fond / interesting, | 14am working / work / have worked at the | newsagent’ in Green Street for the last six months. | I can come for an experience / interview / audition any weekday after 4 pm. | "look for /look after / look forward to hearing from you, | With love, / Yours sincerely, / Bye! | Torn Baker Lo 1 How ften does / clo you go shopping? What you / do you usually buy? Do you / Have you been shopping today? Did you / Have you buy anything? Talent tN el elat eeoe | oe 2. Mike Arthur. Hes always unpleasant / cheerful / rude. Kelly late again. She's so unreliable / sensitle / messy Shop assistants need to be impatient / lazy / polite. 3. Could you switch off the Ty, please? Cortect/ Wrong Could you switch the TV off, please? Correct/ Wrong The TV's too loud. Could you switch off it, please? Correct/ Wrong The TV's too loud. Could you switch it off, please? Correct / Wrong Pe riot finer ake 4 Would you _ losing the window? gta iF close the window? Do you think you__close the window? you close the window, please? ere taa Stee i eccnaracaet

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