International Business and Trade Critical Analysis

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University of Perpetual Help System Dalta

Las Piñas Campus

A CRITICAL ANALYSIS ON THE (Title of the Article)

A Critical Analysis Presented to the Faculty of the Business

Administration and Accountancy
University of Perpetual Help System Dalta
Las Pińas City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Bachelor of

Science Major in ____________________

Submitted By:

Your Name/s

Submitted To:




College of Business Administration and Accountancy

University of Perpetual Help System Dalta
Las Piñas Campus


"The State of Globalization in 2023"

Globalization, an intricate phenomenon at the intersection of

economics, politics, culture, and technology, has been a subject of
ongoing discussion and scrutiny for decades. As the world evolves, so
does globalization, adapting to the changing dynamics of the global
stage. In this critical analysis, we turn our attention to the article titled
"The State of Globalization in 2023," featured in the Harvard Business
Review. This article presents a timely exploration of the status of
globalization in the present year, addressing its resilience, adaptability,
and challenges in the face of a rapidly transforming world.

Our primary objective in this analysis is to critically evaluate the

arguments put forth in the article, examining the article's strengths and
weaknesses, the soundness of its claims, and the validity of the
supporting evidence. As we delve into the content of the article, we will
dissect the author's key assertions regarding the current state of
globalization, scrutinizing the quality and relevance of the provided data
and analysis.

In doing so, we aim to shed light on the nuanced landscape of

globalization in 2023 and contribute to a deeper understanding of its
trajectory. By assessing the article's arguments in a critical manner, we
seek to provide insights into the broader discourse surrounding
globalization, highlighting areas where the article excels and areas
where it falls short. This analysis ultimately underscores the importance
of well-supported claims and rigorous analysis in discussions about the
state of globalization in our rapidly evolving world.

College of Business Administration and Accountancy

University of Perpetual Help System Dalta
Las Piñas Campus

a. Identify the work being criticized
The article titled "The State of Globalization in 2023" from Harvard Business
Review will be critiqued in this analysis.
b. Present thesis – argument about the work
This analysis aims to critically evaluate the arguments presented in the article
and assess its strengths and weaknesses in addressing the state of globalization
in 2023.
c. Preview your argument – what are the steps you will take to prove
your argument
To prove the argument, this analysis will begin with a short summary of the
article, followed by a critical examination of the author's key points,
supporting evidence, and the overall coherence of the argument. The focus will
be on assessing the relevance and accuracy of the article's claims regarding the
current state of globalization.


In "The State of Globalization in 2023," the author discusses the evolving

landscape of globalization in the year 2023. The article explores various
aspects, including the impact of technological advancements, changing
political dynamics, and the role of emerging markets in shaping the global
economy. It also touches upon the challenges posed by protectionism and
global supply chain disruptions. The article argues that despite these
challenges, globalization is still progressing, albeit in a more complex and
nuanced manner.
a. Your argument will likely involve a number of sub-arguments –mini-
theses you need to prove your larger argument true. For example, if
your thesis was that the author’s presumption that the world will soon
face a “clash of civilizations” is flawed because he inadequately
specifies his key concept, civilizations, you might prove this by: (1)
Noting competing definitions of civilizations, (2) Identifying how his

College of Business Administration and Accountancy

University of Perpetual Help System Dalta
Las Piñas Campus

examples do not meet the example of civilizations and (3) Argue that
civilization is so broad and non-specific that it is not useful
b. This should be the bulk of the paper – Your professor wants to read
your argument about the work, not a summary.

a. Reflect on how you have proven your argument.
b. Point out the importance of your argument
c. Note potential avenues for additional research or analysis

Use the APA format.

College of Business Administration and Accountancy

University of Perpetual Help System Dalta
Las Piñas Campus

a. Identify the work being criticized:
b. Present thesis – argument about the work:

c. Preview your argument – what are the steps you will take to prove your


a. The author's key argument revolves around the idea that globalization is
adapting to new challenges and evolving rather than declining. To critically
assess this argument, the following sub-arguments will be examined:

Evaluation of the evidence supporting the claim that globalization is adapting

and evolving.
Analysis of the author's assessment of the impact of technological
advancements on globalization.
Examination of the author's discussion of political dynamics and their
influence on global economic integration.
Assessment of the argument regarding the role of emerging markets in the
global economy.
Critique of the author's discussion of protectionism and supply chain
disruptions as challenges to globalization.
b. This section will constitute the bulk of the analysis and will involve a
detailed examination of each sub-argument, including an assessment of the
author's use of data, research methods, and logical coherence.


College of Business Administration and Accountancy

University of Perpetual Help System Dalta
Las Piñas Campus

a. Reflect on how you have proven your argument:

The analysis has shown that while the article presents a compelling argument
about the adaptability of globalization in 2023, there are areas where the
author's claims lack sufficient evidence or fail to address counterarguments

b. Point out the importance of your argument:

The critical analysis highlights the significance of accurate and well-supported
claims in discussions about the state of globalization. It underscores the need
for a nuanced understanding of the complex factors shaping global integration.

c. Note potential avenues for additional research or analysis:

Further research could delve into specific case studies or conduct a
comparative analysis of different regions to provide a more in-depth
assessment of the state of globalization in 2023.


Harvard Business Review. (2023, July). The State of Globalization in 2023.

College of Business Administration and Accountancy

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