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The massacre of jalianwala bagh:

13 april 1919
After the lucknow pact muslim and hindus got united and started covertly making efforts for self rule.
During the ww-I british was perturbed by secret and revolutionary activities . a committee by justice
Sidney rowlatt was constituted for investigating the issue. In light of his report, a bill was presented in
imperial legislature council giving administration and police unlimited powers. Accused can neither
appeal nor he can take the services of a lawyer.
Indian helped british in ww-I so that they would get the self rule but the british awarded them rowlatt
act instead. When bill was presented in imperial legislative council all 23 non official members opposed
Jinah said that the administration would misuse the unlimited powers and people will be enraged by this
act. Then he resigned from imperial legislative council in protest to this. In his letter he named the
imperial legislature council as a machine propelled by foreign executive.
After the bill was passed, the anti violence movement was started by MK Gandhi. Strikes were planned
throughout inida.
Sir Michael O’Dwyer was governor of Punjab at that time. He was imperialistic in nature and was against
Indian educated class. He was of opinion ones who cant run a press or school how can they manage
such big state. He was against introducing constitutional reforms in india. That is why he opposed Edwin
montague. He wished the Punjab to remain free from unrest.
Gandhi announced on April 10 that he will tour Punjab for mass movement. Govt. arrested two main
prominent figures of Amritsar dr saifudin kitchlewa and dr satyapal . they were invited to commissioner
house and later escorted to dharamsala.
News spread like wild fire. Angry mob gathered and demanded their freedom. Police opened fire. The
mob looted national bank and chartered bank of city. The situation became tense. Dyre ordered to ban
all meetings and processions at 19 prominent places. Soon he gets the news of meeting at jalianwala
bagh. He went there with armored vehicles and opened fire vehemently for 15 minutes leaving 379
dead and so many wounded. This even sparked a feeling of hatred among Indians.
Dyer claimed this meeting was part of conspiracy against govt. however the british hunter committee
later found that this wasn’t true. Crawling street history in amritsor is linked to this event.
This event incited the feelings of nationalism in the Indians. It shattered once for all the tradition of
loyalty to british govt.
The muslims of India had spiritual and religious associations with the holy institution of caliphate. It
started from Hazrat Usman RA reign then went on to ummayads relation to Sindh and latter the abbasid
rulers the contact was enhanced. Rulers like mahmud ghaznavi respected caliph a lot. He always took
formal permissions before setting out on the new venture in india. He got title of yamen ud dula in
return for his loyality. Same is case with sultan Shamsuddin altamish and Muhammad Tughlaq. The coins
in india carried the name of the caliph alongside the names of the Indian rulers. These coins revealed
that the king regarded himself as the vicegerent and the caliph as the permanent ruler of his state.
During ottoman and tairmurites rivalries even the Mughal respected the ottoman and name of ottoman
dynasty was mentioned in Friday khutba. Letter of sultan Saleem III to tipu to not fight against French
Letter of sultan Abdul Majeed to Indians to not to fight with british during war of independenc as they
considered it british as their allies.
For five hundred years Europe was engaged in cursades against the ottoman empire . in this process that
began form the reign of Bayazid Yaldram and continued till the demise of caliphate, they used every
tactic to demolish the empire. Once the pride and religious leader of muslim is now called as the sick
man of Europe.
Muslim were justified in their thinking in such circumstances that with the disintegration of of the
ottoman caliphate they would lose all their honor and prestige throughout the world.
Every time when ottoman empire Is in difficulty, Indians did their best by either fund raising or by
making organizations to record protest to support them morally. Like in Balkan war or in war of Tripoli.
Also muslim made majlis I khuddam i Kaaba was setup on dec 3 1919 which ultimately succeeded in
extracting a promise from govt that holy places of muslims would not be harmed at all.

Contrary to all promises british govt. dismembered the ottoman empire along with all other European
powers. It was felt by muslims of all the world. They set aside their sectarian differences and raised their
voice for the ottoman. The religious scholars of deoband and nadvatul ulama discarded their seclusion
and are protesting.
Now in india when Indians were already agitated by jalianwala bagh massacre, the demise of ottoman
worsened the situation and all Indians became one and started taking steps against govt.
5 july 1919 all india khilafat committee was decided to set up under president of seth chottani and
secretary molana Shaukat ali.
Four resolutions were passed at all india khilafat conference on nov 23 24 1919 presided by mulvi a k
Fazlul haq.
1- Muslim of india should not participate in celebration of armistice.
2- Muslim will adopt non cooperative stance against govt. if turkey was treated unfairly in the
3- Bycott british goods if turkey was treated unjust.
4- Delegation was formed to abreast the govt. about the feelings of muslims on question of
Treaty of sevres 1920 destroyed ottoman empire and thus muslims felt enraged by this decision. Soon
formal fatwa was issued calling upon the muslims to non cooperation.
Khilafat delegation:
In dec 1919 both congress and khilafat committee held their sessions simultaneously at Amritsar. It was
decided that a delegation will be proceeded from india to England to present demands.
Following demands were there:
Caliph will be kept as sovereign of Constantinople thrace Anatolia and Armenia
Area of hijaz Syria Palestine and Iraq comprising the holy places of muslims will not be given to non
muslims to rule
Spade work should be initiated to pave way for the independence of india, without which it was
impossible to protect the Islamic countries.
The magzine MUSLIM OUTLOOK was stalled to project the view of delegation.
The delegation visited british pm Lloyd George but failed to convince him
He wasn’t convinced by their arguments and said that treaty with turkey would be made on same
principles which formed the bases of treaties with Christian states and turkey would not be allowed to
keep non Turkish states in her possession.
The delegation remained unsuccessful and returned on oct 1920. This unsuccessful tour of Europe
convinced muslims that the freedom of india was imperative to secure the freedom of islam. The
khilafat delegation also came to the bitter but correct realization that it would amount to self-deception
to rely on any biritsh party whether it was the question of khilafat or freedom of india.
This paved way for non cooperation movement.

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