5 1930 Allama Iqbal Address Alahabad

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He was the first Muslim league president to stress the role of islam in moulding the character of
the Indian muslims and also in determining their future destiny.
Islam has given the muslims of india “basic emotions and loyalities” which unify individuals and
make them into a well defined people, possessing a moreal consciousness of their own.”
He negated the idea that religion is one’s private affair and has nothing to do with the temporal
life. Islam does not believe in the duality of matter and soul.
In islam, God and universe, matter and spirit, and the state and church are organic to each
He reaffirmed that islam was still a living force which liberates the man from the prisons of race
and territory.
Acc to Iqbal islam is itself a destiny and will not suffer a destiny. He opposed the idea of single
Indian nation.
He said merging the divergent casts into a single nation at expense of their separate individual
entities has never happened and will never happen bcz all communities don’t trust each other
or all of them have urge to dominate the other one. All sections are not ready to accept that
every nation had right to progress in line with its own culture, civilization and traditions.
He said that if communal problem of india could b solved keeping in view theprinciple that the
Indian muslims should have the right to flourish in accordance with their culture and traditions,
they would be ready to stake their all for the freedom of india. He supported the idea of s s a k
that india is amalgamation of different casts, religions and ethnicities. Therefore western
democracy is impossible in india. He justified the demand of muslim india within india
His concerns about federation proposed in the round table conference.
Essence of speech\ proposed north western muslim state with 4 provinces. No division that will
harm muslim majority provinces.
Removed suspicion of hindus and English about the new proposed muslim state.
Proposal abot Sindh separation and kpk reforms.
Final words;

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