Yaman Awad Sales Presentation Trend

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Yaman awad 1210315

The most compelling trend I found intriguing is the before-after-bridge trend, which is
one of many ways to create a persuasive sales presentation. Basically, what it is, is that
you show and explain pain points or problems that the audience currently has (before),
then show them their life after they adopt your solution, might be a product, service or
an idea (after), then propose and show the way to get their (bridge). A way you can do
this tactic is by displaying an image of what their life was before in one of your slides, the
image should be of people with neutral faces, which conveys the idea that their life
before the solution basically sucks, then portray an image with people laughing and
smiling to portray what it would be like if they used the solution (again could be a
product, service or idea), after that you give them the means to get there which is the
bridge part.
Incorporating this trend into my sales presentation can help it a lot, by clearly defining
the problem, showing the solution and the ways to get there, through using tactics like
simple graphics, using icons and including statistics. This ensure that the audience is
informed and ready to take action.
The way I would implement this tactic in my presentation is to first list and show pain
points that the audience is currently having, to create an image in their heads of what
their life is like before using my solution. Then I would show how my (product for
example) would solve these problems. Of course, the bridge part is important as it
explains how my product would facilitate this transition, here I would explain specific
features and benefits of the products. Visual aids like pictures, graphs, stats and icons
throughout my presentation would help the audience focus and make it easier for them
to understand.

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