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Strength and Insulating Properties of Building Blocks Made

from Waste Materials

K. S. Al-Jabri1; A. W. Hago2; R. Taha3; A. S. Alnuaimi4; and A. H. Al-Saidy5
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Abstract: This paper presents the results of an investigation to study the possibility of developing concrete blocks using waste materials.
The blocks were produced from three waste materials: vermiculite and polystyrene beads, which were used as lightweight aggregates with
different proportions in the mix, and cement kiln dust 共CKD兲, which was used as a partial replacement for cement. The strength of the
three types of blocks and the strength of masonry columns constructed from the blocks were compared with another two types of normal
weight concrete blocks with and without high thermal insulation properties. The thermal insulation property of the developed lightweight
concrete blocks was also compared. Results showed that lightweight concrete blocks manufactured from polystyrene had lower thermal
conductivity than vermiculite and ordinary concrete blocks despite the variation in the density and compressive strength, and that the
addition of up to 15% CKD as a cement replacement has a negligible effect on the strength of the block.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲0899-1561共2009兲21:5共191兲
CE Database subject headings: Lightweight concrete; Masonry; Thermal factors; Recycling; Material properties.

Introduction viable solution to the problem. This can yield the dual benefits of
reducing the costs of disposal and minimizing environmental pol-
Concrete blocks, whether of normal weight or lightweight, are lution problems that arise from the manufacturing of such mate-
widely used in the construction of claddings and load and nonload rials.
bearing walls and partitions. In countries with extreme hot or cold The use of waste materials in the manufacturing of concrete
climates, lightweight concrete blocks possessing low thermal con- blocks has been the subject of an intensive research work in re-
ductivity also serve as a thermal insulation material, which cent years. Rashid and Frantz 共1992兲 determined the compressive
reduces energy consumption by reducing the dependence on elec- strength of concrete blocks containing municipal solid waste in-
tricity for air conditioning or heating. In many countries around cinerator ash. They reported that the compressive strength of con-
the world, the price of most conventional building materials is crete containing up to 30% ash by weight exceeds the
increasing and in some countries there is a general paucity of specifications for exterior and interior load bearing walls. The
natural materials that are suitable for construction. In recent years, thermal conductivity of lightweight concrete made from polysty-
there has been an increase in the consumption of raw materials in rene as an aggregate was evaluated by Park and Chisholm 共1999兲.
the construction industry at a rate far exceeding their replacement. Lightweight concrete with densities of 600, 800, and 1,000 kg/ m3
This justifies the need for a concentrated research effort towards were manufactured. Results indicated that there was a good im-
seeking alternative building materials, which can be used as a provement in the thermal insulation properties of concrete as the
partial or full replacement of either cement or aggregates, which concrete density was reduced. Resheidat et al. 共2002兲 investigated
are considered the main ingredients used in the manufacturing of the effect of charcoal addition as a partial substitute for portland
blocks. Therefore, the use of waste, recycled, and by-product ma- cement on the thermal conductivity of lightweight concrete. Re-
sults showed that there was a reduction in the thermal conductiv-
terials in the manufacturing of masonry blocks could provide a
ity of concrete with a decrease in density as charcoal content was
increased in the concrete mix. The thermal conductivity of light-
Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil and Architectural Engineering, weight concrete was also investigated by Demirboğa and Gül
Sultan Qaboos Univ., PO Box 33, Al-Khoudh, PC 123, Oman 共corre-
共2003兲 using silica fume and fly ash as replacements for cement
sponding author兲. E-mail:
Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil and Architectural Engineering, by decreasing cement contents in the ratios of 10, 20, and 30% by
Sultan Qaboos Univ., PO Box 33, Al-Khoudh, PC 123, Oman. weight. Both expanded perlite and pumice aggregates were used
Professor, Dept. of Civil and Architectural Engineering, Sultan Qa- in the study. They concluded that both silica fume and fly ash had
boos Univ., PO Box 33, Al-Khoudh, PC 123, Oman. a decreasing effect on the thermal conductivity of lightweight
Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil and Architectural Engineering, concrete. However, fly ash was more effective than silica fume in
Sultan Qaboos Univ., PO Box 33, Al-Khoudh, PC 123, Oman. reducing thermal conductivity.
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil and Architectural Engineering, Abdel-Raheem et al. 共2003兲 studied the mechanical, physical,
Sultan Qaboos Univ., PO Box 33, Al-Khoudh, PC 123, Oman. acoustic, and thermal properties of lightweight concrete blocks
Note. Associate Editor: Manoochehr Zoghi. Discussion open until
made from leca, polystyrene foam, vermiculite, and aerated con-
October 1, 2009. Separate discussions must be submitted for individual
papers. The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and pos-
crete 共with aluminium powder to generate air bubbles in the aer-
sible publication on September 20, 2006; approved on November 5, 2008. ated concrete兲 as aggregates. Results indicated the superiority of
This paper is part of the Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. aerated concrete with high insulation properties compared with
21, No. 5, May 1, 2009. ©ASCE, ISSN 0899-1561/2009/5-191–197/ other materials. Udoeyo and Rindap 共2002兲 investigated the prop-
$25.00. erties of hollow sandcrete blocks made with cement kiln dust


J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2009, 21(5): 191-197

共CKD兲 as an additive and as a replacement for ordinary portland Table 1. Physical Properties of Ordinary Portland Cement and CKD
cement. They observed that when CKD was used as a replace- Material
ment for cement, the compressive strength and density of blocks
Ordinary Cement
generally decreased with higher replacement levels of cement by
Test type portland cement kiln dust
CKD. However, when CKD was used as an additive, within the
investigated levels, an improvement in the compressive strength Fineness 共cm2 / g兲 3,357 4,824
of up to 54% was observed. The use of coconut coir in the pro- Specific gravity 3.05 2.4
duction of soil-cement blocks with a low thermal conductivity Initial setting 共min兲 110 150
was studied by Khedari et al. 共2005兲. Various mixture ratios were
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considered and tested. It was concluded that the use of coconut

fiber as an admixture can reduce the thermal conductivity and
weight of the block. The optimum volume ratio of soil:cement-
Polystyrene Beads
:sand to produce good properties was 5.75:1.25:2 and the corre-
sponding decrease in thermal conductivity was 54% compared to Polystyrene is a lightweight cellular plastic foam material com-
that of ordinary soil-cement blocks. Recently, Al-Jabri et al. posed of carbon and hydrogen atoms. It is produced from petro-
共2005兲 described the current systems used in construction to pro- leum and natural gas by-products 共Cook 1973; Hago et al. 2002兲.
duce masonry walls with high thermal insulation properties in hot Over the years, the outstanding physical properties of this mate-
climates. They also reviewed the research work concerned with rial have been proven. Properties include excellent vapor diffu-
the development of lightweight concrete blocks for thermal insu- sion and fire resistance, frost proof, lack of toxic components and
lation by either using different hole arrangements in the blocks or outgassing, and vermin and insect proof. The lightweight aggre-
by using indigenous and byproduct materials. gates used in this project are polystyrene beads that have a density
ranging from 12 to 25 kg/ m3 and a diam ranging from 1 to 6 mm.

Research Significance Vermiculite

Vermiculite is a material with a platy structure, somewhat similar
For many years, research in the field of concrete technology con- to that of mica, and is found in America and Africa. Vermiculite
centrated on seeking alternative cheap materials to be used as a can expand to 30 times its original volume by exfoliation of thin
partial or full cement substitution and as filler materials. The use plates when it is heated to temperatures of 650 to 1,000° C 共Hago
of industrial wastes and by-products to fulfill this goal provides et al. 2002; DeLavasto et al. 1996兲. As a result, the bulk density of
an additional advantage of securing means for disposal of these the exfoliated vermiculite is only 60 to 130 kg/ m3. The vermicu-
materials without causing harm to the environment. A few re- lite aggregates used in this research have a bulk density ranging
search studies have been reported on the use of waste and byprod- from 65 to 80 kg/ m3.
uct materials in building blocks. With the increasing need to
recycle industrial waste and byproduct materials and to protect
the environment, there is a growing need to provide technical data Cement Kiln Dust
about the potential use of waste materials in the construction in- CKD, also known as cement bypass dust, is a byproduct of the
dustry. The results from this research work, together with research manufacturing of portland cement produced by the dry process. It
done by others, will form the basis towards producing design is generated during the calcining process in the kiln. As the raw
guidelines for the utilization of waste materials in the manufac- materials are heated in the kiln, dust particles are produced and
turing of normal and lightweight concrete blocks used for the then carried out with the exhaust gases at the upper end of the
construction of load and nonload bearing walls and partitions. kiln. These gases are cooled and accompanying dust particles are
captured by efficient dust collection systems. Composition of
CKD is quite variable from source to source due to raw materials
Research Objective and process variations. The Oman Cement Company generates
about 25,000 to 30,000 tons of CKD every year 共Al-Jabri et al.
The main objective of this research work was to investigate the 2002兲. The product comes out as a fine powder, which is ready to
strength and insulating properties of building blocks made from use in cement mixes. Table 1 presents a comparison between the
various materials. physical properties of ordinary portland cement and CKD.

Materials The cement used in this project was an ordinary portland cement
共OPC兲, Type I cement, purchased from the Oman Cement Com-
Three materials were used to study the possibility of developing pany. This cement is the most widely used one in the construction
concrete masonry blocks for nonload bearing walls. The materials industry in Oman.
used were polystyrene beads, used normally for packing and
manufacturing of thermal insulation boards, vermiculite, which is
Coarse and Fine Aggregates
used as a screed for thermal insulation, and CKD. CKD is a
byproduct material generated as a result of cement production. The coarse aggregate used was a crushed limestone with a maxi-
CKD was added in different proportions as a partial replacement mum size of 10 mm. The sand was a local pit sand. Both sand and
for portland cement, while the former two materials were used as coarse aggregates were obtained from a local supplier and con-
aggregate. All materials used are locally available in Oman. form to BS 882 共BS 1992b兲.


J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2009, 21(5): 191-197

Table 2. Batch Quantities 共by Volume兲, Average Compressive Strength, and Density of Lightweight Concrete Trial Mixes Made with Vermiculite as
Mix proportions 共by volume兲
Average 28-day cube
Mix 10 mm compressive strength Density
number Cement Sand aggregates Water Vemiculite 共MPa兲 共kg/ mm3兲
1 1 2 0.5 0.7 0.000 28 2,324
2 1 2 0.5 0.7 0.090 23.7 2,242
3 1 2 0.5 0.7 0.119 19.4 2,163
4 1 2 0.5 0.7 0.149 17.8 2,138
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5 1 2 0.5 0.7 0.194 14.1 2,054

6 1 2 0.5 0.7 0.269 4.1 1,865
7 1 2 0.5 0.8 0.000 21.4 2,255
8 1 2 0.5 0.8 0.090 17.3 2,161
9 1 2 0.5 0.8 0.119 15.1 2,127
10 1 2 0.5 0.8 0.149 14.4 2,085
11 1 2 0.5 0.8 0.194 14.1 2,012
12 1 2 0.5 0.8 0.269 13 1,885
13 1 2 0.5 0.8 0.269 11.2 2,147
14 1 2 0.5 0.8 0.269 6.7 1,973
15 1 1.5 0.5 0.8 0.319 1.4 1,765
16 1 1 0.75 0.9 0.419 0.271 1,405
17 1 1 0.75 1 0.419 2.27 1,758
18 1 1 0.75 1.2 0.419 2 1,563
19 1 0 0.75 0.8 0.269 4.8 1,700
20 1 0 0.75 0.8 0.269 1.5 1,564
21 1 0 0.75 0.8 0.269 0.7 1,675
22 1 1 0.75 0.8 0.419 0.7 1,509
23 1 1 0.75 1 0.419 1.5 1,553
24 1 1 0.75 0.8 0.269 1.8 1,687

Experimental Program Concrete Mix Preparation

For polystyrene beads and vermiculite, a number of lightweight Three series of trial mixes were prepared in order to find the
concrete trial mixes were prepared in the laboratory. The optimum optimum mix proportions. In the first series, 24 trial mixes were
mixture was selected for block production. made by using vermiculite as a lightweight aggregate for con-
To investigate the potential use of CKD in the production of crete. In the second series, 10 trial mixes were prepared using
normal weight concrete blocks, concrete specimens were pre- polystyrene, also as a lightweight aggregate, and in the third,
pared using different proportions of CKD ranging from 0 to 15% seven trial mixes were cast with different proportions of CKD
as a partial substitute for portland cement. The work was con- used as a partial replacement of cement. Proportions for the se-
ducted using block manufacturing facilities at the Oriental Com- lected mixes are presented in Tables 2–4 for vermiculite, polysty-
pany. From each mix, five block samples were tested in rene, and CKD, respectively. For the vermiculite group, the dry
compression at 7, 14, 21, and 28 days of curing. sand, coarse aggregate, cement, and lightweight material were

Table 3. Batch Quantities 共by Volume兲, Average Compressive Strength, and Density of Lightweight Concrete Trial Mixes Made with Polystyrene Beads
as Aggregate
Mix proportions 共by volume兲
Average 28-day cube
Mix 10 mm compressive strength Density
number Cement Sand aggregates Water Polystyrene 共MPa兲 共kg/ mm3兲
1 1 0.5 2 0.6 0.042 6.5 1,510
2 1 0.75 1 0.6 0.042 7.05 1,555
3 1 0.75 0.5 0.6 0.042 0.92 850
4 1 0.75 0.5 0.6 0.042 1.5 1,040
5 1 0.75 0.75 0.6 0.042 1.94 1,035
6 1 0.75 1.5 0.6 0.042 4.00 1,310
7 1 1 0.5 0.6 0.042 3.62 1,340
8 1 1 0.7 0.6 0.042 3.54 1,350
9 1 1 1 0.6 0.042 4.64 1,320
10 1 1 1.5 0.6 0.042 4.03 1,340


J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2009, 21(5): 191-197

Table 4. Compressive Strength of Blocks and Masonry Column at shows the different types of blocks.
Different Proportions of CKD as a Cement Replacement For the CKD group, natural aggregates were used and were
Average compressive mixed with cement and CKD for 3 min prior to the addition of
Average 28-day
strength of block water. Water was then added to the mix gradually. Before con-
Cement column compressive
共MPa兲 crete was poured in the mold, workability was measured using the
kiln strength
dust 共%兲 7 days 14 days 21 days 28 days 共MPa兲 slump test. Thereafter, casting of the blocks was made in three
layers, and each was well compacted on the vibrating table. The
0 — — — 10.4 10 concrete was then left to dry out in the open atmosphere of the
5 8.5 10.8 — 14.8 15 laboratory for 24 h 共temperature about 25° C兲, before the molds
7 8.4 9.6 — 12.7 12.7 were removed. Concrete was then cured in a water tank until the
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9 8.8 11.2 — 13.1 14.6 date of testing.

11 11 12 12.1 11.9 12.7
13 10 9.7 11.4 11.7 —
15 5.9 7 9.6 10.1 — Testing the Properties of the Blocks

After 28 days from the date of casting, the cubes and blocks were
blended in a rotating mixer for about 3 min until a gray color was removed from the curing room. They were dried, weighed, and
achieved. Water was then added gradually while the mixer was subjected to the following tests: 共1兲 compression, 共2兲 masonry
operating and the mixing continued until good consistency was column compression evaluation, and 共3兲 thermal conductivity.
achieved. Before casting, the molds were pre-oiled and fixed on
the vibrating table. For each mix, control specimens of 100 mm
standard cubes were cast. During casting, the specimens were Compressive Strength Test
compacted by means of a rectangular rod in three layers while Compressive testing of the blocks was done in accordance with
they were being vibrated. The specimens were then kept in their OS1 共OS 1977兲. Each block was first dried, weighed, and placed
molds for 24 h and finally demolded and cured under water at a between the platens of a Dartec compression machine. Soft wood
temperature of 20° C until the time of testing. For the polystyrene plates were placed beneath and on the top of the block separating
group, half of the mixing water was premixed with the polysty- it from the platens of the machine. The load was applied in small
rene beads. The dry sand, 10 mm coarse aggregate, and cement increments until failure, and the failure load of the block was
were blended in the mixer for 2 min. The water was added gradu- recorded. The stress at failure was calculated using the gross area
ally while the mixer was still in motion and the mixing was con- of the block normal to the load. Results were compared with the
tinued for an additional 4 min. The polystyrene and the remaining Omani specifications for the production of precast concrete
water were then added to the mix until a good consistency was blocks 共OS1兲 共OS 1977兲, and are shown in Tables 2–4.

Masonry Column Test

Blocks Production and Designation Masonry columns were built from the blocks in each series in
order to determine the strength of blocks when they constitute
The molds for the blocks were pre-oiled and fixed on the vibrat- part of a masonry structure. The masonry column consisted of
ing table. The block’s size was 200⫻ 200⫻ 400 mm with two eight layers of blocks. The height of the column was 1.6 m. The
holes each measuring 110⫻ 75⫻ 200 mm. The blocks manufac- mortar used for the masonry was a sand-cement mortar, designa-
tured using vermiculite as a lightweight aggregate were desig- tion III, according to BS 5628 共BS 1992a兲. A soft board of 10 mm
nated as VerBlock, and those using polystyrene beads were thickness was used under the upper platen to distribute the load
designated as PolyBlocks. Two methods of production of the Po- over the rough surface of the top block of the column as shown in
lyBlocks made from the polystyrene beads were investigated. In Fig. 2. Table 5 shows the average column compressive strength
the first method, the mix was poured in the mold and cured for different types of block.
共pour-in situ method兲 and was designated as PolyBlock1, while in
the other method, a polystyrene board was sandwiched between
two layers of normal concrete shells, and were designated as Po- Thermal Conductivity of Lightweight Concrete Blocks
lyBlock2. The latter type of PolyBlocks was solid, and was mar-
The thermal conductivity of the lightweight concrete blocks was
keted commercially by the Oriental Company of Muscat. Fig. 1
measured using a specially made guarded hot box constructed
from plywood plates and was insulated from inside with 100 mm
thick polystyrene panels. The design and construction of the box
was in accordance with ASTM C236-89 共ASTM 1993; Hago and
Al-Jabri 2005兲 as shown in Fig. 3. Details of the experimental
procedure are presented elsewhere 共Hago and Al-Jabri 2005兲. The
apparatus was built of a guarded box that contained an electrical
heater and a fan for air circulation inside the box. The fan was
used to increase the heat transfer inside the box and to supply air
velocities commonly used to simulate wind conditions. One wall
of the box contained the test specimen consisting of two blocks
and the rest were made of plywood 共having thermal conductivity
Fig. 1. Different types of blocks selected for masonry column and k = 0.115兲 sheets of 12 mm thickness covered by one or more
thermal conductivity tests sheets of extruded polystyrene 共k = 0.03兲 for insulation. The out-


J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2009, 21(5): 191-197

Table 6. Determination of Heat Flow through the Sides of the Guarded
Box for One of the Blocks
Temperature Rate of
difference heat
between the generated
Thermal two faces of by the
Thickness Area resistance per one side heater
共t兲 共A兲 unit area 共R兲 共⌬T兲 共Q兲
Side 共m兲 共m2兲 共m2 ° C / W兲 共°C兲 共W兲
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Block 0.20 0.16 25.1

Back 0.112 0.16 21.49 32.2 1.499
Top 0.092 0.24 11.55 32.1 2.780
Bottom 0.112 0.24 14.32 28.6 1.997
Right 0.112 0.36 9.55 27.7 2.901
Left 0.112 0.36 9.55 31.1 3.257
⌺Q= 12.434

To find the thermal conductivity k of the block, the heat flow

through every side of the box had to be estimated from the mea-
surements of the temperatures of the inside and outside walls of
the guarded box. The thermal conductivity of the blocks was de-
Fig. 2. Masonry column test arrangement termined using the following equations:

Qb = Q − 兺 Qi−1 共1兲
side of the box was exposed to the air-conditioned environment
space of the laboratory. Thermocouples were attached on each ⌬Ti
Qi = 共2兲
wall on the inside and on the outside of the box to measure the R iA i
temperature difference. The thermocouples were also placed on
the inner and outer faces of the specimen. The thermocouples twi tpi
were attached to a data logger unit, which had 30 channels for Ri = + 共3兲
Aikwi Aikpi
continuous recording of the temperatures inside and outside the
box. t
k= 共4兲
Table 5. Summary of Properties of the Different Types of Blocks Devel- where k = thermal conductivity, W/m°C; Q = rate of heat generated
oped for Thermal Insulation 关Adapted from Al-Jabri et al. 共2005兲兴 by the heater, W; Qb = rate of flow through the specimen 共two
Gross Block Column Thermal
blocks兲, W; Qi = rate of heat flow through side i 共i.e., block face兲,
Weight density strength strength conductivity W; ⌺Qi = summation of the rate of heat through all sides except
Block type 共kg兲 共kg/ m3兲 共MPa兲 共MPa兲 共W/m°C兲 the block side, W; ⌬Ti = temperature difference between the two
faces of one side, °C; Ri = thermal resistance per unit area of side
Ordinary 19.08 1,193 5–15 5.48 1.60
i; m2 ° C / W; Ai = area of side i, m2; twi , tpi = thickness of plywood
PolyBlock1 12.77 798 3.3 2.24 0.626 and insulation boards, respectively, m; t = thickness of block, m;
PolyBlock2 22.68 1,418 10.2 7.56 0.616 and kwi , kpi = thermal conductivity of plywood 共kwi = 0.115兲 and in-
sulation 共kpi = 0.03兲 boards, respectively.
Data logger Several heat rate regimes were tried to achieve the one that
simulates the actual heat rates and the difference between inside
and outside room temperatures in Oman. The power input of
25 watts was selected to generate a temperature of about 60° C
inside the box, which simulates the outdoor summer temperature
in Oman. Table 6 shows the data used for determining the thermal
Testing blocks
conductivity of blocks.

Results and Discussion

Insulated box Properties of Lightweight Concrete Blocks Made from

Vermiculite and Polystyrene Beads as Aggregates
Tables 2 and 3 show the results of the 28-day compressive
strength and density for the trial mixes prepared to determine the
Fig. 3. Hot guarded box for measuring the thermal conductivity of suitable mix for the manufacturing of the blocks. From each mix,
the blocks six standard 100 mm cubes of concrete and 10 blocks were tested


J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2009, 21(5): 191-197

after 28 days of casting. Table 2 indicated that none of the ver- 18
miculite early trial mixes 共i.e., Mixes 1–14兲 had a density lower

Compressive strength (MPa)

than 1,500 kg/ m3, which excludes them from the scope of the 14
present study. Further trial mixes were made to produce a light- 12
weight concrete with densities less than 1,500 kg/ m3 by increas-
ing the vermiculite content in the mix 共Mixes 15–24兲, which
resulted in some weaker blocks having a compressive strength of
less than 2 N / mm2. Such blocks did not satisfy the Omani speci- 6
fications 关OS1 共OS 1977兲兴 for the strength of nonload bearing 4
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blocks. In addition, an increase in the vermiculite content in the 2

mix required a greater water demand to complete the hydration 0
process producing drier mixes, which in turn resulted in further 0 5 10 15 20
reduction in the strength and a great difficulty in the production of Cement kiln dust (%)
blocks. Adding admixtures such as superplasticizers to improve
workability and consistency of the mixes was not found viable Fig. 4. Average 28-day compressive strength of blocks made with
since vermiculite, due to its organic nature, reacts with admix- different proportions of CKD
tures causing a disintegration of the cubes and blocks immedi-
ately after immersion in water. Consequently, the work on these
blocks was discontinued, and no further testing was carried out. blocks. Further, by comparing the three types of concrete blocks
Work was then continued on other types of blocks. for thermal insulation, it was found that polystyrene beads was a
Table 3 showed that most of the lightweight concrete mixes better material to be used as a lightweight aggregate for making
with polystyrene beads achieved a density less than 1,500 kg/ m3 blocks. The thermal conductivity of PolyBlock1 共hollow兲 was
and a cube compressive strength greater than 2.8 N / mm2, which found to be 0.626 W / m ° C, which is comparable to the thermal
is the minimum 28-day compressive strength required for Class B conductivity of PolyBlock2 共solid兲 共k = 0.616 W / m ° C兲. It should
blocks for nonload bearing walls according to OS1 共OS 1977兲. be noted that the weight and the shape of PolyBlock2 make the
The best results in terms of both low density and high strength handling of such blocks more expensive than the other types of
were obtained in Mixes 6–10. All these mixes had comparable blocks, even though they had the lowest thermal conductivity.
densities and strength. However, the strength of Mix 9 The other type of polystyrene blocks 共PolyBlock1兲 appears to be
共4.64 N / mm2兲 was higher than the strength of other mixes, while superior to the types listed in Table 5. It has the lowest density, a
the density was almost the same 共1,320 kg/ m3兲. Mix 9 was then very low thermal conductivity, and an acceptable compressive
selected to make hollow concrete blocks for masonry columns for strength, both as a block and as masonry column.
the compression and thermal conductivity tests.
The masonry column compression and the thermal conductiv-
Properties of Ordinary Normal Weight Concrete Blocks
ity tests were conducted on three types of block. These blocks
Made from CKD as a Partial Replacement for Cement
• Blocks made from polystyrene beads manufactured in the Average strength results for the third series of CKD blocks are
laboratory using the same mix proportions as that of Mix 9 presented in Table 4 along with the strength of masonry columns
共Table 3兲. These blocks were called PolyBlock 1; constructed from the produced blocks. Table 6 indicates that all
• Polystyrene blocks that are marketed commercially by Orien- mixes with CKD 共exception is the mix prepared using 15% CKD兲
tal Company, Muscat as solid blocks with high thermal insu- gave higher or comparable average strengths than that of the con-
lation properties. In these blocks, a polystyrene board was trol mix prepared using 100% cement. Average strength of all
sandwiched between two layers of normal shells 共PolyBlock mixes was within the Omani Standard OS1 共OS 1977兲 for precast
2兲; and concrete blocks for load bearing walls, which specifies average
• Ordinary normal blocks, which are widely used in construc- and minimum 28-day compressive strengths of 7.5 N / mm2 and
tion. 6 N / mm2, respectively. Further, the average strength of the ma-
Fig. 1 shows the different types of blocks while the properties sonry column was higher than the strength of the control mix for
of these blocks are shown in Table 5. The ordinary block is a mixes with 5, 7, 9, and 11% CKD. Fig. 4 shows the 28-day
normal weight concrete with a gross density of 1,193 kg/ m3, a compressive strength raw data for the five blocks tested at each
compressive strength between 5 and 15 N / mm2, a column CKD content. The data indicate that the block strength generally
strength of 5.48 N / mm2, and a thermal conductivity of increases with an increase in CKD content up to 5% with an
1.6 W / m ° C. Results from Table 5 show that the average com- average 28-day compressive strength of 14.8 N / mm2. Beyond
pressive strength for 10 PolyBlock1 blocks was 3.3 N / mm2 with 5% CKD, the strength decreases with an increase in CKD con-
an average gross density of 798 kg/ m3, which are within the tent. Generally, it can be said that addition of up to 15% of CKD
range of 2.8 and 7.0 N / mm2 and density less than 1,000 kg/ m3, causes insignificant reduction in the block and column strengths
specified by the Omani Standard 关OS1 共OS 1977兲兴 for the in comparison with the control mix 共0% CKD兲.
strength and density of lightweight concrete blocks, respectively.
The compressive strength of the masonry column made from the
blocks was found to be 2.24 N / mm2, which is within the range of Conclusions
1.7 and 3.5 N / mm2 as per BS5628 共BS 1992a兲. Therefore, the
results were acceptable. The weight of PolyBlock2 is heavier than This research work investigated the potential use of waste mate-
the ordinary hollow block 共gross density of 1,418 kg/ m3兲 with rials in the production of normal weight and lightweight concrete
average compressive block and column strengths of 10.2 N / mm2 blocks. Three materials were evaluated including vermiculite,
and 7.56 N / mm2, respectively, which are comparable to ordinary polystyrene, and cement kiln dust. The former two materials were


J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2009, 21(5): 191-197

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