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Name : Zahratunnisa

Course: Students' development

Class: A
Title of the video : The role of creative
problem solving in learning mathematics:
strategies and techniques

Opening/Introduction Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi

Hello, let me introduce my self, my name is
Zahratunnisa from A class .
I am studying Mathematics Education at
Tadulako University class of 2022.

Today, I will will tell you about strategies and

techniques to solve problems related to
developing learner creativity.

Based on the results from my interviews with

junior high school mathematics teachers, the
problems they have regarding the
development of student creativity are
confusion in using the formulas provided,
lack of confidence in the learning process,
and there are still students who do not pay
attention to learning.
Mention previous research/expert view There are several related research articles that
I took from the internet, like the development
of students' mathematical creative thinking
skills through the creative problem solving
learning model of the Open ended approach,
the problem of developing students'
creativity in learning mathematics based on
teacher perceptions, and broadening the Fuse
of mathematics creativity incussion of the
undergraduated student perspectives.

The research results from some of these

articles show that:
1. CPS learning model can be combined
with Open ended approach to improve
students' mathematical creative thinking
2. Data regarding teachers' perceptions
in developing students' creativity in
mathematics learning at Man 2 Tasikmalaya
(1) using contemporary learning models or
approaches (2) using the latest information
communication technology (ICT) in learning

(3) using up to date learning resources (4)

changing convergent problems to divergent
problems (5) changing problems that have
ordinary nuances to the nuances of
investigation and problem solving (6)
developing creative ideas by trial and error
(7) developing creative ideas with the
question and answer method.
3. Six broad themes emerged from this view
of student creativity: action and attitude,
application, different ways, originality,
outside authority, and understanding. Of
these six, comprehension was particularly
striking because of the difference between
students who felt comprehension was
necessary first to be creative and students
who felt creativity could lead to better
Suggestion Based on my interviews with the junior high
school mathematics teachers, the strategies
and techniques used to develop students'
creativity are to use problem solving and
discussion, as well as to approach students
and ask them problems starting from the
prerequisite material and make the students
feel familiar.

To solve a problem faced by a teacher in

developing students' creativity, then I will
propose an idea to solve the problem. In the
learning process, teachers will encounter
many students with various characters. The
most difficult obstacle when teachers want to
develop the creativity of their students is,
students who do not / lack confidence
(intovert). Students who have characters such
as having a level of activeness that is lacking
when learning, that is an obstacle in the
process of developing their creativity. Then
the teacher must have good strategies and
techniques in managing learning, such as
combining problem solving and open-ended
learning models, and being skilled in making
questions and changing questions from the
usual form to the form of investigation and
problem solving, and also developing
creative ideas with the question and answer
method, thus students will be more trained to

actively answer and be more confident in the

learning process. So that student creativity
will develop slowly.
By doing this, it is hoped that teachers will no
longer have difficulties in developing
students' creativity.

Closing That's all from me, thank you for watching.

Please apologize if there are wrong words
and hopefully this video can be useful for all
of us. Assalamualaikum wr. wb.

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