Ce 701 Design of RC and Brick Masonry Structures

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CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures






CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

This course covers the design of Reinforced Concrete Structures such as Retaining Wall,
Water Tanks, Staircases, Flat slabs and Principles of design pertaining to Box culverts, Mat
foundation and Bridges. At the end of the course student has a comprehensive design knowledge
related to structures, systems that are likely to be encountered in professional practice.


Design of cantilever and counter fort retaining walls

Underground rectangular tanks – Domes – Overhead circular and rectangular tanks –

Design of staging and foundations
Design of staircases (ordinary and doglegged) – Design of flat slabs – Design of Reinforced
concrete walls – Principles of design of mat foundation, box culvert and road bridges
Application of virtual work method to square, rectangular, circular and triangular slabs

Introduction, Classification of walls, Lateral supports and stability, effective height of wall
and columns, effective length of walls, design loads, load dispersion, permissible stresses,
design of axially and eccentrically loaded brick walls
L : 45 , T : 15 TOTAL: 60 PERIODS
1. Krishna Raju, N., “Design of RC Structures”, CBS Publishers and Distributors,
Delhi, 2006

2. Dayaratnam, P., “Brick and Reinforced Brick Structures”, Oxford & IBH Publishing
House, 1997
3. Varghese, P.C., “Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures ”Prentice
hall of India Pvt Ltd New Delhi, 2007.

1. Mallick, D.K. and Gupta A.P., “Reinforced Concrete”, Oxford and IBH Publishing
2. Syal, I.C. and Goel, A.K., “Reinforced Concrete Structures”, A.H. Wheelers & Co.
Pvt. Ltd., 1994

3. Ram Chandra.N. and Virendra Gehlot, “Limit State Design”, Standard Book

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures


Retaining wall – Retains Earth – when level difference exists between two surfaces

A) Gravity wall (h<3m) – Masonry or Stone

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

B) Cantilever wall (h>3m and h<6m)

C) Counterfort wall (h>8m)

D) Buttress wall [Transverse stem support provided on front side]

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

E) Bridge abutment [Additional horizontal restraint from bridge deck]

Stability – Overturning and Sliding – Avoided by providing sufficient base width.

Earth pressure and stability requirements:

Pressure, P  C e Z
Where, Z = depth,  e = Unit weight

1  Sin  1  Sin
Ca = ; Cp 
1  Sin  1  Sin

Always, Cp > Ca. Eg: If ф = 300, Ca = 1/3 and Cp = 3.

In sloped backfill,
 Cos  Cos 2  Cos 2  1  Sin
Ca =  Cos ; Cp 
 Cos  Cos 2  Cos 2  1  Sin
1. Effect of surcharge on level backfill:
CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

Pa = Pa1 + Pa2, where,

Pa1 = Ca.W s.h = Ca.γe.hs.h & [h/2 above heel]
Pa2 = Ca. γe.h2/2 [h/3 above heel]

Note : Purpose of retaining wall is to retain earth and not water. Therefore, submerged
condition should be avoided by providing and maintaining proper drainage facilities
[including provision of weep holes].

2. Effect of water in the backfill:

Stability requirements FOS against ≥ 1.4
i) Overturning:
FOSoverturning = ≥ 1.4
h' h'3
a) For sloping backfill, Mo = (Pa.Cos  ). = Ca.  e . .Cos 
3 6
Mr = W(L – Xw) + (Pa.Sin  ).L

b) For level backfill [with surcharge, Mo = (Pa1(h/2) + (Pa2(h/3).

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

Mr = W(L – Xw) [as  = 0o]

ii) Sliding: [Friction between base slab and supporting soil]

F = μ.R [where, R = W]
R -> Resultant soil pressure at footing base
μ -> Coefficient of static friction [0.35 – Silt & 0.60 – Rough rock]

0.9 F
FOSsliding = ≥ 1.4
Pa Cos

When Pa is very high, shear key projection can be provided below footing base [Produces
passive resistance Pps, which is generally neglected, otherwise].

Sliding is reduced by providing shear key [like a plug, anchors inside]

Pps  C e (h2  h1 ) / 2
2 2

Xsk -> Flexural reinforcement from stem is extended straight into shear key near the

Note: For economical design, soil pressure resultant(R) must be in line with front face of

Preliminary proportioning of cantilever retaining wall:

1. The thickness of base slab is h/12 or 8% of the height of wall + surcharge.
2. The base thickness of stem should be greater than the thickness of base slab
3. The top thickness of stem should not be less than 150mm.
4. Clear cover for stem is 50mm and base slab is 75mm
5. Minimum length of base slab is given by
 C a  h'
Lmin   
 3 
  R
where, αR = Coefficient depending on the pressure distribution
αR = 0.5 for rectangular pressure distribution & 0.67 for trapezoidal pr.dist.

6. Minimum length of heel slab is given by

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

 Ca 
X   h'
 3 
 

1. The critical section for moment is at front face of stem.
2. The critical section for shear is at „d‟ from face of stem.
3. The stem, heel and toe slabs are designed as cantilever slabs for the resultant
4. Temperature and shrinkage reinforcement is provided as 0.12% of cross section
along the transverse direction to the main reinforcement and front face of the stem.

1) Determine suitable dimensions of a cantilever retaining wall, which is required to support

a bank of earth 4.0m high above ground level on the toe side of the wall. Consider the
backfill surface to be inclined at an angle of 15 o with the horizontal. Assume good soil for
foundation at a depth of 1.25m below ground level with SBC of 160kN/m 2. Further assume
the backfill to comprise of granular soil with unit weight of 16kN/m 3 and an angle of shearing
resistance of 30o. Assume the coefficient of friction between soil and concrete to be 0.5.

Given: h = 4.0 + 1.25m

θ = 15o
ф = 30o
 e = 16kN/m3
qa = 160kN/m2
μ = 0.5

Minimum depth of foundation (Rankine‟s),

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

q  1  sin  
160  1 
dm = a   =   = 1.11m
 e  1  sin   16  3 
Earth pressure coefficient,
 Cos  Cos 2  Cos 2 
Ca =  Cos = 0.373
 Cos  Cos 2  Cos 2 
1  Sin
Cp  = 3.0
1  Sin

Preliminary proportioning:
Thickness of footing base slab = 0.08h = 0.08 x 5.25 = 0.42m
Provide a base thickness of 420mm for base slab.

Assume stem thickness of 450mm at base of stem tapering to 150mm at top of wall.

For economical proportioning of length „L‟, assume vertical reaction R at the footing base to
be in line with front face of the stem.
 Ca 
X  h' = 0.373 (5.25  0.4) = 2.0m [where 0.4m is assumed as
 3  3
 
height above wall]
Assuming a triangular base pressure distribution,
L = 1.5X = 3.0m
Preliminary proportions are shown in figure.

For the assumed proportions, the retaining wall is checked for stability against overturning
and sliding.

Stability against overturning:

Force Force (kN) Distance from heel Moment

ID (m) (kNm)
W1 16(1.85)(5.25 - 0.42) = 143.0 0.925 132.3
W2 16(1.85)(0.5x0.536) = 7.9 [2tan15 =0.536] 0.617 4.9
W3 25(0.15)(5.25-0.42) = 18.1 1.925 34.8
W4 (25-16)(4.83)(0.5x0.3) = 6.5 1.75 11.4
W5 25(3)(0.42) = 31.5 1.50 47.2
PaSinθ 25.9 0 0
Total W = 232.9 Mw = 230.6

Pa = Active pressure exerted by retained earth on wall [both wall and earth move in same
Pp = Passive pressure exerted by wall on retained earth [both move in opposite direction]

Ca -> same for dry and submerged condition, since ф for granular soil does not change

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

Force due to active pressure,

Pa = Ca. γe.h‟2/2
Where, h‟ = h + Xtanθ
= 5250 + 2000tan15o = 5786mm
Pa = 0.373(16)(5.786)2/2 = 99.9kN [per m length of wall]

FOS = 0.9 x Stabilising force or moment ≥ 1.4

Destabilising force or moment

Therefore, FOS(overturning) = ≥ 1.4

Overturning moment, Mo = (PaCosθ)h‟/3 = 96.5(5.786/3) = 186.1kNm

To find the distance of resultant vertical force from heel,

Distance of resultant vertical force from heel,

Xw = Mw/W = 230.6/232.9 = 0.99m

Stabilising moment (about toe),

Mr = W(L – Xw) + PaSinθ(L) = 232.9(3 – 0.99) + 77.6
= 468.1kNm [per m length of wall]

0.9Mr 0.9 x(468.1  77.6)

FOS(overturning) = = = 2.26 > 1.40
Mo 186.1

Soil pressure at footing base:

Resultant vertical reaction, R = W = 232.9kN [per m length of wall]

Distance of R from heel, LR = (Mw + Mo) / R = (230.6 + 186.1)/232.9 = 1.789m

Eccentricity, e = LR – L/2 = 1.789 – 3/2 = 0.289m < L/6 ->[0.5m]

Hence the resultant lies within the middle third of the base, which is desirable.

Maximum pressure as base,

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

R  6e  232.9
q max  1    (1  0.578)  122.5kN / m 2  q q [where qa = 160kN/m ]
L L 3

R  6e  232.9
q min  1    (1  0.578)  32.8kN / m 2  0 [No tension develops] [Safe].
L L 3

Stability against sliding:

Sliding force, PaCosθ = 96.5kN

Resisting force, F = μR = 0.5 x 232.9 = 116.4kN [Ignoring passive pressure on toe side]

0.9 F 0.9 x116.4

FOS(Sliding) = =  1.085  1.40 [Not sufficient]
Pa Cos 96.5

Hence a shear key may be provided.

Assume a shear key 300mm x 300mm at a distance of 1300mm from toe as shown in


h2 = 950 + 300 + 1300tan30o = 2001mm

Pp = Cp.γe.(h22 – h12)/2 = 3 x 16 x (2.0012 – 0.9502)/2 = 74.11kN.

0.9(116.4  74.44)
FOS (Sliding) =  1.78  1.4 [SAFE]

Design of toe slab:

Assuming a clear cover of 75mm and 16mm Ф used,

d = 420 – 75 – 8 = 337mm

112  81.9 
Vu = 1.5  x(1  0.337)  96.42kN [Vu is design shear at „d‟ from face of stem]
 2 
CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

Mu = 1.5{(81.9 x 12/2) + (112 - 81.9) x 1/2 x 12 x 2/3}

= 76.48 kNm/m length

Vu 96.42 x10 3
Nominal shear stress,  v    0.286 N / mm 2
bd 1000 x337

Using M20 concrete,

For a  c  0.29N/mm2, pt (required) = 0.2% [Page 178, SP-16]

Mu 76.48 x10 6
K= 2
 2
 0.673N / mm 2 [Page 48, SP-16]
bd 1000 x337

For pt = 0.2%, Ast = 0.2/100 x 1000 x 337 = 674 mm2 / m

1000 xx16 2 / 4
Spacing = = 298mm

Provide 16mm  @ 290mm c/c at bottom of toe slab

 s (16).0.87 f y
Ld =  =16 x 47 = 752mm, beyond face of stem.
4 bd 4 bd

Since length available is 1m, no curtailment is sorted.

Design of heel slab:

 82.54  128.6 
Vu = 1.5  x(1.55  0.337)  128.06kN
 2 

Mu = 1.5{(82.54 x 1.552/2) + (128.6 - 82.54) x 1/2 x 1.552 x 2/3}

= 203.96 kNm/m length

Vu 128.06 x10 3
Nominal shear stress,  v    0.38 N / mm 2
bd 1000 x337

Using M20 concrete,

For a  c  0.39N/mm2, pt (required) = 0.3% [Page 178, SP-16]

M u 203.96 x10 6
K=   1.8 N / mm 2 [Page 48, SP-16]
bd 2 1000 x337 2

For pt = 0.565%, Ast = 0.565/100 x 1000 x 337 = 1904.05 mm2 / m

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

1000 xx16 2 / 4
Spacing = = 105.61mm

Provide 16mm  @ 100mm c/c at bottom of toe slab

 s (16).0.87 f y
Ld =  =16 x 47 = 752mm, beyond face of stem.
4 bd 4 bd

Since length available is 1.55m, no curtailment is sorted.

Design of vertical stem:

Height of cantilever above base = 5250 – 420 = 4830mm

Assume a clear cover of 50mm and 16mmФ bar,

dat base = 450 – 50 – 16/2 = 392mm

Mu = 1.5(Ca.γe.h3/6) = 1.5(1/3)(16 x 4.923/6) = 150.24kNm.

Mu 150.24 x10 6
K= 2
= 2
= 1N/mm2.
bd 1000 x 4.92

pt = 0.3%, Ast = 0.295/100 x 1000 x 392 = 1200mm2.

Spacing = 1000 x 201/1200 = 160mm

Provide 16mm  @ 160mm c/c in the stem, extending into the shear key upto 47Ф =


Check for shear: [at „d‟ from base]

Vu (stem) = 1.5(Ca.γe.Z2/2) = 1.5(1/3 x 16 x (4.83 – 0.392)2/2) = 53.83kN

Vu 53.83x10 3
v    0.135 N / mm 2   c [where, δc = 0.39N/mm2 for pt = 0.3%))
bd 1000 x392

Hence, SAFE.

Curtailment of bars:

Curtailments of bars in stem are done in two stages:

At 1/3rd and 2/3rd height of the stem above base.

Temperature and shrinkage reinforcement:

Ast = 0.12/100 x 10 x 450 = 540mm2

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

For I 1/3rd height, provide 2/3rd of bar near front face (exposed to weather) and 1/3 rd near

rear face.

For II 1/3rd height, provide 1/2 the above.

For III 1/3rd height, provide 1/3rd of I case.

Provide nominal bars of 10mm @ 300mm c/c vertically near front face.

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures


Preliminary proportioning of counterfort retaining wall:

1. Thickness of heel slab and stem = 5% of Height of wall

2. Thickness of toe slab [buttress not provided] = 8% of Height of wall

3. Thickness of counterfort = 6% of height of wall

4. In no case thickness of any component be less than 300mm.

5. Spacing of counterforts = 1/3rd to 1/2 of Height of wall

6. Each panel of stem and heel slab are designed as two way slab with one edge free

(one way continuous slab).

7. The toe slab is designed as

a. Cantilever slab when buttress is not provided

b. One way continuous slab, when buttress is provided

8. Counterfort is a triangular shaped structure designed similar to a T-Beam as vertical

cantilever with varying depth (stem acts as flange). The main reinforcement is along

the sloping side. Stirrups are provided in the counterfort to secure them firmly with

the stem. Additional ties are provided to securely tie the counterfort to the heel slab.

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

1) Design a suitable counterfort retaining wall to support a leveled backfill of height 7.5m

above ground level on the toe side. Assume good soil for the foundation at a depth of 1.5m

below ground level. The SBC of soil is 170kN/m 2 with unit weight as 16kN/m3. The angle

of internal friction is φ = 30o. The coefficient of friction between the soil and concrete is 0.5.

Use M25 concrete and Fe415 steel.

P  1  sin   170  1  sin 30 

Minimum depth of foundation =       1.181m  1.5m

  1  sin   16  1  sin 30 

Depth of foundation = 1.5m

Height of wall = 7.5 + 1.5 = 9m

Thickness of heel and stem = 5% of 9m = 0.45m ≈ 0.5m

Thickness of toe slab = 8% of 9m = 0.72m

 Ca  0.333
X min    h' = (9) = 3.0m [As Ca = 1/3 & Cp = 3]
 3  3
 

Lmin = 1.5 x 3 = 4.5m

Thickness of counterfort = 6% of 9 = 0.54m

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

Stability conditions:

Earth pressure calculations:

Force Force (kN) Distance from heel Moment

ID (m) (kNm)
W1 16(7.5+1.5-0.5)(2.5) = 340 (3 - 0.5)/2 = 1.25 425
W2 25(0.5)(9 – 0.5) = 106.25 0.5/2 + 2.5 = 2.75 292.18
W3 25(0.5)(3) = 37.5 1.5 56.25
W4 25(1.5)(0.72) = 27 1.5/2 + 3 = 3.75 101.25
Total W = 510.75 Mw = 874.69

Xw = 874.69/510.75 = 1.713m

FOS (overturning) = 0.9Mr/Mo

Where, Mo = Pa.h/3 = Ca.γe.h3/6 = 0.33x16x93/6 = 647.35kNm.

Mr = (L – Xw).W = 510.75(4.5 – 1.713) = 1423.6kNm.

FOS (overturning) = 1.98 > 1.4

Hence, section is safe against overturning.


FOS (sliding) = 0.9(μR)/PaCosθ

F = μR = 0.5 x 510.75 = 255.375kN

Pa = Ca.γe.h2/2 = 215.784

Base pressure calculation:

R  6e  510.75 6 x0.73
q max  1    (1  )  223.97kN / m 2  q q [where qa = 170kN/m ]
L L 4.5 4.5

R  6e  510.75 6 x0.73
q min  1    (1  )  3.027kN / m 2  0 [No tension develops] [Safe].
L L 4.5 4.5
CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

Where, LR = (M + Mo)/R, e = LR – L/2, where,

LR = (874.688 + 647.352)/510.75 = 2.98m

& e = LR – L/2 = 2.98 – (4.5/2) = 0.73 < L/6  (0.75m)

Since the maximum earth pressure is greater than SBC of soil, the length of base slab has

to be increased preferably along the toe side. Increase the toe slab by 0.5m in length.

∑W = 510.75 + 0.5 x 25 x 0.72 = 519.75kN

Additional load due to increase in toe slab by 0.5m is,

Moment = 0.5/2 + 4.5 = 4.75m

∑M = 874.69 + 42.75 = 917.438kNm.

LR = (Mo + M) / R = (917.438 + 647.352)/519.75 = 3.011m

e = LR – L/2 = 3.011 – (5/2) = 0.511m < L/6  (0.833m)

R  6e  519.75 6 x0.511
qmax  1    (1  )  166.32kN / m2  qq [where qa = 170kN/m ]
L L 5 5

R  6e  519.75 6 x0.511
qmin  1    (1  )  41.58kN / m2  0 [No tension develops] [Safe].
L L 5 5

FOS (Sliding) = 0.9(μR)/Pa = 0.9(0.5 x 519.75)/215.784 = 1.08 < 1.4.

Hence the section is not safe against sliding. Shear key is provided to resist sliding.

Assume shear key of size 300 x 300mm.

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

Pps = Cp.γe.(h22 – h12)/2 = 164.5kN/m

FOS (sliding) = 0.9(μR + Pps)/Pa = 1.77 > 1.4 [where, h1 = 1.2m, h2 = 1.2 + 0.3 + 1.39 = 2.88m]

Hence, section is safe in sliding with shear key 300 x 300mm.

Design of Toe Slab:

Effective cover = 75 + 20/2 = 85mm

Toe slab is designed similar to cantilever slab with maximum moment at front face of the

stem and maximum shear at„d‟ from front face of stem.

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

d = 720 – 85 = 635mm.
M = 80.38x22/2 + ½ x 2 x 49.94 x 2/3 x 2 = 160.76 + 122.76 = 227.35kNm.
SF at 0.635m, = 49.94/2 x 0.635 = 15.606kN

Area of trapezoid = ½.h.(a + b) = ½(2 – 0.635)(130.32 + 95.98) = 154.44kN

Factored SF = 231.66kN; Factored Moment = 341.02kNm.

K = Mu/bd2  Ast = 1551.25mm2  Spacing = 1000ast/Ast  16mm @125mmc/c.

Transverse reinforcement: = 0.12% of c/s

= 0.12/100 x 1000 x 720 = 864mm2

Provide 10mm @100mm c/c.

Design of heel slab:

The heel slab is designed as an one way continuous slab with moment wl 2/12 at the support

and wl2/16 at the midspan. The maximum shear at the support is w(l/2 – d).

The maximum pressure at the heel slab is considered for the design.

Moment at the support, Msup = wl2/12 = 106.92 x 2.52/12 = 55.688kNm.

Moment at the midspan, Mmid = wl2/16 = 41.76kNm

The maximum pressure acting on the heel slab is taken as „w‟ for which the A st required at

midspan and support are found.

Factored Msup = 83.53kNm  Ast = 570.7mm2

Factored Mmid = 62.64kNm  Ast = 425.4mm2

Using 16mm φ bar, Spacing = 1000ast / Ast = 110.02mm  Provide 16mm @ 110mm c/c

At midspan, spacing = 156.72mm  Provide 16mm @ 150mm c/c

Transverse reinforcement = 0.12% of c/s = 0.12/100 x 1000 x 500 = 600mm 2

For 8mm bar, Spacing = 83.775mm  Provide 8mm @80mm c/c.

Check for shear:

Maximum shear = w (l/2 – d) = 107 (2.5/2 – 0.415) = 89.345kN

Factored shear force = 134.0175kN

δv = 0.33N/mm2, δc = 0.29N/mm2, δcmax = 3.1N/mm2

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

Depth has to be increased.

Design of stem:

The stem is also designed as one way continuous slab with support moment wl2/12 and

midspan moment wl2/16. For the negative moment at the support, reinforcement is

provided at the rear side and for positive moment at midspan, reinforcement is provided at

front face of the stem.

The maximum moment varies from a base intensity of K a.γe.h=1/3x16x(9–0.5)= 45.33kN/m

Msup = wl2/12 = 1.5 x 45.33 x 3.542/12 = 71kNm

Mmid = wl2/16 = 1.5 x 45.33 x 3.542/16 = 53.26kNm

Effective depth = 500 – (50 + 20/2) = 440mm

Ast at support = 1058mm2, For 16mm φ, Spacing = 190mm. Provide 16mm @ 190mm c/c

Ast at midspan =718mm2, For 16mm φ, Spacing = 280mm. Provide 16mm@280mm c/c

Max. SF = w (l/2 – d) = 60.29kN, Factored SF = 90.44kN

Transverse reinforcement = 0.12% of c/s  8mm @ 80mmc/c

δv = 0.188N/mm2, δc = 0.65N/mm2, δcmax = 3.1N/mm2 Safe in Shear.

Design of Counterfort:

The counterfort is designed as a cantilever beam whose depth is equal to the length of the

heel slab at the base and reduces to the thickness of the stem at the top. Maximum

moment at the base of counterfort, Mmax = Ka.γe.h3/6 x Le

Where, Le  c/c distance from counterfort

Mmax = 1932.5kNm, Factored Mmax = 2898.75kNm

Ast = 2755.5mm2, Assume 25mmφ bar, No. of bars required = 2755.5/491.5 = 5.61 ~ 6

The main reinforcement is provided along the slanting face of the counterfort.

Curtailment of reinforcement:

Not all the 6 bars need to be taken to the free end. Three bars are taken straight to the

entire span of the beam. One bar is cut at a distance of,

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

n  1 h12
 , where n is the total number of bars and h1 is the distance from top.
n 8.5 2

When n = 6, h1 = 7.75m [from bottom]

The second part is cut at a distance of,

n  2 h2 2
 , h2 = 6.94m [from bottom]
n 8.5 2

The third part is cut at a distance of,

n  3 h3 2
 , h3 = 6.01m [from bottom]
n 8.5 2

Vertical ties and horizontal ties are provided to connect the counterfort with the vertical

stem and the heel slab.

Design of horizontal ties:

Closed stirrups are provided to the vertical stem and the counterfort. Considering 1m strip,

the tension resisted by reinforcement is given by lateral pressure on the wall multiplied by

contributing area.

T = Ca.γe.h x h, where, Ast =
0.87 fy

T = 1/3 x 16 x (9 – 0.5) x 3.54 = 160.48kN

Factored force, T = 1.5 x 160.48kN

Ast = 666.72mm2. For 10mm φ, Spacing = 110mm.

Provide 10mm@110mm c/c closed stirrups as horizontal ties.

Design of vertical ties:

The vertical stirrup connects the counterfort and the heel slab. Considering 1m strip, the

tensile force is the product of the average downward pressure and the spacing between the

counterforts. T = Avg(43.56 & 107) x Le = 266.49 kN

Factored T = 399.74 kN

Ast = 1107.15mm2. For 10mm φ, Spacing = 70.93mm.

Provide 10mm @ 70mm c/c.

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

IS3370 [Part I – IV]

Cylindrical Rectangular

Further, water tanks are classified based on their positions as,

1. Resting on ground
a. Flexible or free base
b. Hinged
c. Fixed
2. Elevated or overhead
3. Underground

Components of water tank:

1. Side Walls [Rectangular or cylindrical]
2. Base slab
3. Cover slab or dome
4. Staging [Overhead]  Columns, Beams, Bracings

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

Types of Joints:
i) Flexible base
ii) Hinged base
iii) Fixed base

Water pressure distribution:

1. On side walls, it acts linearly varying from 0 at top to „wh‟ at bottiom.
2. On base slab, uniform pressure acts with intensity „wh‟
Permissible stresses:
The method of design adopted for design of water tank is working stress method.
The permissible stress values in concrete and steel are given in Tables 21 and 22 of IS456-
2000, as follows:
For M20  σcbc = 7 N/mm2, σt = 5 N/mm2
For Fe250 steel, σst = 130 – 140 N/mm2
For Fe415 steel, σst = 230 – 240 N/mm2

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

For liquid retaining structures, the stress values are further reduced and given in IS3370
Part II [Reinforced concrete structures].
Concrete Grade Direct Tension Bending Tension
M15 1.1 1.5
M20 1.2 1.7
M25 1.3 1.8
M30 1.5 2.0
M35 1.6 2.2
M40 1.7 2.4

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

As per clause B – 2.1.1, the tensile stress is given by,

σ= where, m  modular ratio = 280 / 3 σcbc = Es/Ec
Ac  mAst
σcbc is the permissible compressive stress.
Permissible stress in steel is given in IS3370 Part II as,
Tensile stress: Fe250  115 N/mm2, Fe415  150 N/mm2
Bending stress:
< 225mm > 225mm
On Face On face away On Face On face away
Fe250 115 115 115 125
Fe415 150 150 190 175

Reinforcement requirements: [As per IS3370]

1. Minimum Ast is 0.3% for 100mm section and 0.2% for 450mm section.
2. If thickness exceeds 200mm, the reinforcement is provided in double layers.
A minimum cover of 25mm is provided along the liquid retained face and the
cover is increased by 12mm (37mm) if the wall is subjected to aggressive soil
or liquid.


CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures


The wall is designed for hoop stress, for which circumferential horizontal steel is provided.
Minimum reinforcement is provided along the vertical direction
1) Design a circular water tank with flexible base for a capacity of 4 lakh litres with the tank
having a depth of 4m, including a free base of 200mm. Use M20 concrete and Fe415 steel.
Area of water tank = Volume / Height
= 400 / 4 = 100m2 [As Vol. = 4 Lakh Litres = 400 m3]
Π.d2/4 = 100 m2  d = 11.28m
Provide a diameter of 11.5m
The height of water to be retained = 3.8m
The wall is subjected to hoop tension acting along the circumferential direction. The hoop
tension per metre height is given by,
 .h.D
Hoop tension = = (9.81 x 3.8 x 11.5)/2 = 214.34 kN
Permissible stress in tension as per IS3370 for Fe415 steel is 150 N/mm 2.

Ast required = 214.34 x 103 / 150 = 1428.9 mm2

Spacing = 1000.ast / Ast,  16mm @ 140mm c/c

Thickness of tank is adopted based on the tensile stress concrete can take.
σct =
Ac  mAst
Ac = 1000t, F = 214.34kN, m = 280 / 3 σcbc = 280 / (3 x 7) = 13.33 ≈ 13
σct = 1.2 =
1000t  (13.33x1428.9)
 t = 160mm
Minimum thickness as per empirical formula is,
tmin = (30h + 50)mm where h  m
= 30 x 3.8 + 50 = 164mm
Provide a thickness of 170mm.
Minimum reinforcement is provided as vertical steel.
Minimum Ast is 0.3% for 100mm section and 0.2% for 450mm section.
Therefore, for 170mm thickness, Ast required is 0.28% of c/s
Ast = (0.28/100) x 1000 x 170 = 476mm2
Provide 8mm @ 100mm c/c

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

Curtailment of reinforcement:
At 2m height,
 .h.D
Hoop tension = = (9.81 x 1.8 x 11.5) / 2 = 101.5335 kN
Ast = 101.535 x 103 / 150 = 676.89 mm2
Provide 10mm @ 110mm c/c (or) 16mm @ 290mm c/c

Design of base slab:

Since the base slab rests directly on the ground, a nominal thickness of 150mm is provided
and a minimum reinforcement of 0.3% of c/s is provided along both ways and along both
the faces.
0.3% of c/s  0.3/100 x 150 x 1000 = 450 mm2, Required 8mm @110 mm c/c
Provide 8mm @220 mm c/c on both faces.
Below the base slab, a layer of lean concrete mix M20 is provided for 75mm thickness with
a layer of tar felt.

Design of dome: - Roof covering for cylindrical water tanks

[A dome acts as a roof covering for cylindrical water tanks. The dome slab is cast between
the ring beams provided at the top edge of the side walls of the water tank. The dome is
designed for meridonial thrust and hoop force].

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

2) In the above problem, design a spherical dome having a central rise of one fifth the
Height = 1/5 x 11.5 = 2.3m

Radius of curvature of the dome [R]

R2 = (R – 2.3)2 + 5.752
 R = 8.33m
Cosθ = 6.04 / 8.33 = 0.724
The dome is subjected to meridonial thrust and hoop force, for which the permissible stress
should be within permissible compressive strength of concrete.
σc = 5 N/mm2
Assume thickness of dome as 100mm
Meridonial thrust, T = , where „w‟ is the loading of dome slab, self weight of slab
1  Cos
and any live load acting on it.
Self weight of slab = 0.1 x 25 = 2.5 kN/m2
Live load = 2kN/m2
W = 4.5 kN/m2
4.5 x8.3
T= = 21.46kN
1  0.74
Meridonial thrust = T / (c/s area) = 21.46 x 103 / (100 x 1000) = 0.21 N/mm2 < 5 N/mm2
The hoop stress developed in dome slab is given by,
WR  1  4.5 x8.3  1 
 Cos   0.74 
2 2
Hoop stress =  =  = 0.06 N/mm < 5 N/mm
t  1  Cos  100  1  0.74 
The provided 100mm section is sufficient. Minimum reinforcement of 0.3% of c/s is
provided both ways.
0.3% of c/s = 0.3/100 x 1000 x 100 = 300mm2  8mm @ 160mm c/c
CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

Design of ring beam:

The horizontal component of meridonial thrust acts on the ring beam. The horizontal thrust,
Ast = HL Comp / σs where, HL Comp = T.Cosθ x D/2 = 21.46 x 103 x 0.74 x 5.75 = 91.3kN
Ast = 91.3 x 103 / 150 = 608 mm2
Provide (2# 16mmφ + 2# 12mmφ)  (626mm2)
Size of ring beam is obtained based on tensile stress relation,
σct =
Ac  (m  1) Ast
Here ring beam is not subjected to water load. So, permissible tensile stress for M20
concrete is 2.8 N/mm2 (Annex B-3.11) of IS456-2000.
σct = 2.8 N/mm2
 2.8 =  Ast = 608 mm2
Ac  13.3x608
F = T Cosθ x D/2 = 21.46 x 0.74 x 5.75 = 91.31 x 103N
 Ac = 25314mm2.
Provide 150 x 150 mm size of ring beam with (2# 16mmφ + 2# 12mmφ) bars. If any tensile
stress is developed, the steel will take the tensile stress.

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures


For cylindrical tanks fixed at the base, bending moment and hoop tension are developed,
whose values are based on non-dimensional parameter, . The vertical reinforcement is
provided for the bending moment developed and the transverse reinforcement is provided
for hoop tension developed.
The coefficients of the non-dimensional parameter are given in Tables 9 (HT) and 10 (BM).
Maximum hoop tension = Coefficient x W.H.D/2
Bending moment = Coefficient x w.H3
Where, R  Radius of tank, D  Diameter of tank

3) In the above problem, design a water tank for fixed base condition. Permissible stresses
are, for Fe415, σst = 150N/mm2, as per IS3370 – Part II and for M20, σct = 1.2 N/mm2.
H = 4m, D = 11.5m
t = 30h + 50 = 170mm
H2 42
= = 8.184
Dt 11.5 x0.17
From Table 9 of IS3370 – Part IV, the coefficient for maximum hoop tension is taken and from
Table 10 of IS3370 – Part IV, the coefficient of bending moment is taken.
 8, Hoop Tension Coeff.  0.575 @ 0.6H
 10, Hoop Tension Coeff.  0.608 @ 0.6H
  8.18, Hoop Tension Coeff.  0.578 @ 0.6H
Therefore, T = Coeff. X wHR = 0.578 x 9.81 x 4 x 11.5/2 = 130.41 kN
 8, BM Coeff.  -0.0146
 10, BM Coeff.  -0.0122
  8.18, BM Coeff.  0.01438
Max. BM = -0.01438 x 9.81 x 43 = -9.031 kNm
The vertical reinforcement is provided for the above moment and transverse steel is
provided for hoop tension.

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

For hoop tension as,

Ast = HT/150 = 130.41 x 103 / 150 = 869.33 mm3.
Provide 12mm @ 130mm c/c along the transverse direction.
For bending moment,
Ast =
 st . j.d
Where, for M20, j = 0.84, R = 1.16, σcbc = 7 N/mm2
Ast = = 555 mm2
150 x0.84 x129
d = D – φHT – φBM/2 - CC
= 170 – 12 – 8/2 – 25 = 129mm
M 9.2 x10 6
d= = = 88.23mm < d [129mm]
R.b 1.16 x1000
Min. depth required = 88.23mm
0.3% of c/s (vertical steel) = 0.28/100 x 1000 x 170 = 476 mm2
Provide 8mm @ 100mm c/c
The maximum of Ast for BM at Ast {maximum} is provided as vertical reinforcement [555mm2].
Provide 8mm @ 90mm c/c
Provide 10mm @ 130mm c/c as vertical reinforcement. If the reinforcement is provided as
double layers on both the faces, the spacing is doubled.
Provide 10mm @ 260mm c/c as vertical reinforcement along the two faces with transverse
hook reinforcement at 12mm @ 260mm c/c along both the faces.
Design of base slab:
Provide a nominal thickness of 150mm for base slab with 0.3% distribution steel [8mm @
200mm c/c, along both faces, both ways].
Also provide a haunch of size 160mm at the junction of the wall and the base slab.

12mm @ 260mm

10mm @ 260mm

8mm @ 200mm c/c


CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures



L/B > 2
L/B < 2

When L / B < 2, cantilever moment generates at the base and maximum bending action
takes place along the continuous edges of the side walls in both short and long direction.
When L / B > 2, only cantilever action takes place in long wall. Whereas, a short wall is
designed for horizontal bending and cantilever action.
[Cylindrical  Hoop Tension  Transverse reinforcement ]

When L/B < 2,

i) Cantilever moment at base = w.H.h2 / 6
where, h = 1m or H/4, whichever greater


ii) For horizontal bending of the walls, the maximum moment is found from,
a) Fixed end moments,
PL2/12 & PB2/12
b) Positive moment at midspan,
Mf = PL2/8 & Mf = PB2/8
Where, Mf is the final moment at the supports (junction between long wall and short
wall). The maximum value is taken for design. Here,
P  water pressure given as p = w(H – h)
For the maximum moment, the area of steel along the longer direction and shorter direction
are found from the relation,
M  PL x PL M  PB x PB
AstL =  ; AstB = 
 st . j.d  st  st . j.d  st

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

Where, PL & PB are tension in long and short walls

p – Pressure exerted by water
Tension in the walls is given by, PL = p x B/2 & PB = p

1. Design a rectangular tank of size 4m x 6m with height 3m. The tank rests on firm
ground. Use M20 concrete and Fe415 steel. Take design constants j = 0.853 & R = 1.32.

Pressure exerted by water, p = w (H – h)

Where, h = 1m or H/4  1m or 0.75m = 1m [greater]
P = 9.81 (3 – 1) = 19.62 kN/m2
To find the final moment at the junction of long wall and short wall based on the fixed end
moment and distribution factor, the moment distribution is done.
Joint A:
I 1 / L1
D.F. = .
I 1 / L1  I 2 / L2

The stiffness along the long wall and short wall are the same ( I 1  I 2 ), since uniform
thickness of wall is adopted along long wall and short wall.
I 1 / L1 I 2 / L2
D.F. . .
I 1 / L1  I 2 / L2 I 1 / L1  I 2 / L2
1/ 6 1/ 4
. .
1/ 6  1/ 4 1/ 6  1/ 4
Short wall is stiffer than the long wall.
MFAB = pL2 / 12 = 19.62 x 62 / 12 = 58.86 kNm (3p)
MFAD = pB2 / 12 = 19.62 x 42 / 12 = 26.16 kNm (1.33p)
Joint A,
FEM 3p -1.33p
DF 0.4 0.6
BM (-1.67 x 0.4) (-1.67 x 0.6)
= -0.67p = -1.002p
CO - -
Mf + 2.33p - 2.33p
Mf = 2.33p = 2.33 x 19.62 = 45.72kNm
Moment at midspan,
CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

Long wall:
 M f = 42.57 kNm,
Short wall:
pB 2
 M f = -6.48 kNm,
The reinforcement is provided for maximum moment generated.
Therefore, maximum moment generated in the water tank is
M  PL x PL M  PB x PB
AstL =  ; AstB = 
 st . j.d  st  st . j.d  st
PL = p x B / 2 = 19.62 x 4/2 = 39.24 kN
PB = p x L / 2 = 19.62 x 6/2 = 58.86 kN

M 45.72 x10 6
dreq = = = 186mm
R.b 1.32 x1000
Provide d = 190mm, D = 220mm
Provide effective depth of 190mm and effective cover of
x = D /2 – Eff. Cover
= 220 / 2 – 30
= 80mm
Area of steel required for Tension in the wall
along the longer side and shorter side,

45.72 x10 6  (39.24 x80 x10 3 ) 39.24 x10 3

AstL =  = 20mm @ 300mmc/c

150 x0.853x190 150

45.72 x10 6  (58.86 x80 x10 3 ) 58.86 x10 3
AstB =  = 10mm @ 220mmc/c

150 x0.853x180 150

Provide 20mm φ bar, spacing required along 10mm @ 300mmc/c

horizontal direction is 150mm

Provide 20mm @ 300mm c/c along both faces in 150mm

the horizontal direction, along short wall and long


CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

The vertical cantilever moment for a height of „h‟ is = w.H.h2 / 6 [L / B < 2]

= 9.81 x 3 x 12 / 6 = 4.905 kNm
Ast = = 201.76mm2
 st . j.d
Min. Ast = 0.3% of c/s
= 0.3/100 x 1000 x 220
= 660 mm2
Spacing is provided for the maximum of the above two [66mm 2]
Required, 10mm @ 110mm c/c
Provide, 10mm @ 220mm c/c as vertical reinforcement along both the faces. For the base
slab, provide a nominal thickness of 150mm and minimum Ast of 0.3% of c/s.
Ast = 0.3/100 x 1000 x 150 = 450 mm2
Spacing of 10mm bars required = 170mm
Provide 10mm @ 300 mm c/c along both faces, both ways.
Provide 75mm lean mix with a layer of tar felt which acts as a water bar, provided between
the tank and lean mix concrete.

2) Design a water tank of size 4m x 9m with height 3m. Use M20 concrete and Fe415
steel. The design constants are j = 0.853 and R = 1.32.

Since L/B > 2, the tank behaves such that the long wall acts as a cantilever member with
moment w.H3/6 and short wall is subjected to both cantilever moment and horizontal
bending moment.
Long wall:
Cantilever moment at base = w.H3/6
Where, h = 1m or 3/4m = 1m = 9.81 x 33 / 6 = 44.145 kNm
Short wall:
Cantilever moment = w.H.h2/12 = 9.81 x 3 x 12 /2 = 14.715 kNm

Horizontal bending moment = pB2/16 = 19.62 x 42 / 16 = 19.62kNm

(Where, p = w (H – h) = 9.81 (3 – 1) = 19.62kN/m)

Maximum of the three moments = 44.145kNm

M  PL x PL
AstL =  , where, PL = p x B/2 = 19.62 x 4/2 = 39.24 kN and PB = p = 19.62 kN
 st . j.d  st

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

M 44.145 x10 6
dreq = = = 182.87mm
R.b 1.32 x1000
Provide d = 190mm, D = 220mm
Provide effective depth of 190mm and effective cover of
x = D /2 – Eff. Cover
= 220 / 2 – 30 = 80mm
Area of steel required for Tension in the wall along the longer
44.145 x10 6  (39.24 x80 x10 3 ) 39.24 x10 3
AstL =  = 1948.35mm2
150 x0.853x190 150
Provide 20mm φ bar, spacing required along horizontal
direction is 160mm. Provide 20mm @ 300mm c/c along both faces in the horizontal
direction, along short wall and long wall.

Along the shorter side,

Along vertical direction,
14.72 x10 6  (19.62 x80 x10 3 ) 19.62 x10 3
AstB =  = 690.45mm2
150 x0.853x180 150
Required - 10mm @ 220mm c/c on both faces.

Along horizontal direction,

19.62 x10 6  (19.62 x80 x10 3 ) 19.62 x10 3
AstB =  = 897.5mm2
150 x0.853x180 150
Required - 10mm @160mm c/c on both faces.

Distribution steel:
100mm  0.3%
450mm  0.2%
220mm  0.26%
Min Ast = 0.26% of c/s = 0.26 / 100 x 1000 x 220 = 572mm2
Min. Required - 10mm @ 260mm c/c, which is less than the above two values.

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

Base slab:
Since base slab is resting directly on the ground, nominal thickness of 150mm is provided
and minimum reinforcement of 0.3% of cross-section is provided both ways along both
Ast required = 0.3% of c/s = 465mm2.
Provide 8mm @ 200mm c/c.
Below the base slab, a layer of lean concrete mix is provided with 75mm thick tar felt layer
between them.


8mm @ 140mmc/c

10mm @ 160mmc/c

10mm @ 260mmc/c 20mm @ 300mmc/c



Design of underground water tank is similar to that of tanks resting on grounds (for
rectangular water tanks based on L/B ratio), where additional moment if any due to the
earth pressure on the side walls need to be considered. If the soil is submerged, pressure
exerted by water is also considered. Thus the side walls are checked for the two critical
i) No earth pressure with pressure from water inside, p = γw(H – h)
ii) Earth pressure exerted on wall under tank empty condition, p =H/3.(γ-γw)+γwH
The tank has to be checked for uplift water pressure for which frictional resistance should
be sufficient.

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

Design an underground water tank of size 12m x 5m with height 4m. The density of soil is
16kN/m3 and coefficient of friction between soil and concrete is 0.15. The soil is saturated.
Here, L / B = 12 / 5 = 2.4 > 2
The tank walls are checked for two critical conditions,
i) No earth pressure with pressure from water inside, p = γw(H – h)
= 10 (4-1) = 30kN/m2
ii) Earth pressure exerted on wall under tank empty condition, p =H/3.(γ-γw)+γwH
= 48kN/m2
Where, h = 1m or (H/4 = 1m)
Therefore, the maximum pressure is used in finding out bending moment on the wall.
Long wall,
 wH 3
Cantilever moment = = 10 x 43 /6 = 106.67kNm
Short wall,
 w Hh 2
Cantilever moment = = 20kNm
pB 2 30 x5 2
Horizontal bending moment = = = 46.875 kNm &
16 16
48 x5 2
= = 75 kNm
Long wall:
M  PL x PL
AstL =  , where, PL = p x B/2 = 48 x 2.5 = 120 kN
 st . j.d  st
PB = p = 48 kN

M 106.67 x10 6
dreq = = = 284.27mm
R.b 1.32 x1000
Provide d = 290mm
Provide, D = 290 + 30 = 320mm
x = 320 / 2 – 30 = 130mm
Ast(VL) = 2454.35 + 800 = 3254.35 mm2
Ast(HL) = 0.237% of c/s
(For 100mm 0.3%
For 450mm 0.2%
For 320mm 0.237%)
Ast(HL) = 0.237 x 1000 x 320 = 758.4 mm2

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

Provide 10mm @ 200mm c/c

Short wall:
Ast(VL) = 370.8 + 320 = 690.8 mm2 < Astmin
Provide Astmin, 10mm @ 200mm c/c
Ast(HL) = 2173.09 mm2
Provide 16mm @ 180mm c/c

Check for uplift:

The tank is checked for uplift pressure. When the uplift pressure exceeds the downward
load due to the self weight of the tank and the frictional resistance required. The base slab
is projected all around thereby increasing the downward load. The pressure of submerged
earth and water at the bottom of the base slab for 1m length of the wall is found. The
frictional resistance of the tank is found by multiplying the coefficient of friction between soil
and concrete with the pressure exerted.
Assume the thickness of the base slab as 400mm and provide a projection of
300mm all around the water tank.

Downward load due to self weight of tank:

Long wall = 2 x 12.64 x 0.32 x 4 x 25 = 808.36 kN
Short wall = 2 x 5 x 0.32 x 4 x 25 = 320 kN
Base slab = (12.64 + 0.6).(5.64 + 0.6) x 0.4 x 25 = 826.176kN
Total = 1955.136 kN
Weight of earth retained over projection,
Long wall = 2 x (12.54 + 0.6) x 4 x 0.3 x 16 = 508.42 kN
Short wall = 2 x 5.64 x 4 x 0.3 x 16 = 216.576 kN
= 724.996 kN
Total load = 2680.132 kN
CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

Frictional force required = 3635.174 – 2680.132 = 955 kN

Pressure exerted by water at a depth of 4.4m,
p = H / 3.(γ – γw) + γw.H
4 .4
= (16 – 10) + 10 x 4.4 = 52.8 kN/m2
Considering 1m length of wall, the force exerted is = ½ x H x p
= ½ x 4.4 x 52.8 = 116.16kN/m
The frictional resistance per metre length of wall = µ.F = 0.15 x 116.16 = 17.424 kN/m
For the entire perimeter of the wall, the frictional resistance offered,
= 2 x (12.64 + 5.64) x 17.42 = 637 kN < 955 kN
Hence the downward load due to self weight and cantilever projection of bse slab is
insufficient against the uplift force. The length of projection has to be increased. Increase
the base projection to 0.7m, all around.
Downward load due to self weight of tank:
Long wall = 2 x 12.64 x 0.32 x 4 x 25 = 808.36 kN
Short wall = 2 x 5 x 0.32 x 4 x 25 = 320 kN
Base slab = (12.64 + 1.4).(5.64 + 1.4) x 0.4 x 25 = 988.416kN
Total = 2116.78 kN

Weight of earth retained over projection,

Long wall = 2 x (12.54 + 1.4) x 4 x 0.3 x 16 = 1257.98 kN
Short wall = 2 x 5.64 x 4 x 0.7 x 16 = 505.34 kN
= 1763.32 kN
Total load = 3880.1 kN

Frictional force required = 4349.03 – 3880 = 469.03 kN < 637 kN

(Frictional force offered by walls)
p = 52.8 kN/m2.
The water tank is safe against uplift.

The base is design as a continuous slab, supported between two short walls, for the self
weight and weight of side walls.

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

Design of base slab:

Loading on the base slab includes the self weight of base slab and weight of side walls.
Considering 1m strip,
Weight of base slab = 7.04 x 0.4 x 25 = 70.4 kN/m
Weight of walls = 2 x 4 x 0.32 x 25 = 64 kN/m
Total = 134.4 kN/m

Reaction at the support = 134.4 x 7.04 / 2 = 473.09 kN

B.M. at the support = w.l2/2 = 134.4 x 0.862 / 2 = 49.7 kNm
B.M. at centre = 134.4 x 3.522 / 2 – 473.09 (2.66) = -425.8kNm [sagging moment]
M 425.8 x10 6
Ast required =   9118.2mm 2
 st . j.d 150 x0.853x365
[D = 400mm, d = 400 – 35 = 365mm]
Provide 25mmø in two layers [both faces].
Provide 25mm @ 100mm c/c on both faces.

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

Yield lines – Typical crack patterns – generated when ultimate moment is reached
Characteristics of yield lines are,
i) Yield lines are straight
ii) Yield lines end at supporting edges of slab
iii) Yield lines passes through intersection of axis of rotation of adjacent slab elements
iv) Axis of rotation lies along lines of supports and passes over columns

The following are the assumptions of the yield line analysis of reinforced concrete slabs.
1. The steel reinforcement is fully yielded along the yield lines at collapse. Rotation
following yield is at constant moment.
2. The slab deforms plastically at collapse and is separated into segments by the yield
lines. The individual segments of the slab behave elastically.

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

3. The elastic deformations are neglected and plastic deformations are only considered.
The entire deformations, therefore, take place only along the yield lines. The individual
segments of the slab remain plane even in the collapse condition.
4. The bending and twisting moments are uniformly distributed along the yield lines. The
maximum values of the moments depend on the capacities of the section based on the
amount of reinforcement provided in the section.
5. The yield lines are straight lines as they are the lines of intersection between two planes.

Rules of yield lines:

The two terms, positive and negative yield lines, are used in the analysis to designate the
yield lines for positive bending moments having tension at the bottom and negative bending
moments having tension at the top of the slab, respectively.
The following are the guidelines for predicting the yield lines and axes of rotation:
1. Yield lines between two intersecting planes are straight lines.
2. Positive yield line will be at the mid-span of one-way simply supported slabs.
3. Negative yield lines will occur at the supports in addition to the positive yield lines at the
mid-span of one-way continuous slabs.
4. Yield lines will occur under point loads and they will be radiating outward from the point
of application of the point loads.
5. Yield line between two slab segments should pass through the point of intersection of the
axes of rotation of the adjacent slab segments.
6. Yield lines should end at the boundary of the slab or at another yield line.
7. Yield lines represent the axes of rotation.
8. Supported edges of the slab will also act as axes of rotation. However, the fixed supports
provide constant resistance to rotation having negative yield lines at the supported edges.
On the other hand, axes of rotation at the simply supported edges will not provide any
resistance to rotation of the segment.
9. Axis of rotation will pass over any column support, if provided, whose orientation will
depend on other considerations.

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

Upper and Lower Bound Theorems

According to the general theory of structural plasticity, the collapse load of a
structure lies in between the upper bound and lower bound of the true collapse load.
Therefore, the solution employing the theory of plasticity should ensure that lower and
upper bounds converge to the unique and correct values of the collapse load.

The statements of the two theorems applied to slabs are given below:

(A) Lower bound theorem: The lower bound of the true collapse load is that external load
for which a distribution of moments can be found satisfying the requirements of equilibrium
and boundary conditions so that the moments at any location do not exceed the yield
(B) Upper bound theorem: The upper bound of the true collapse load is that external load
for which the internal work done by the slab for a small increment of displacement,
assuming that moment at every plastic hinge is equal to the yield moment and satisfying the
boundary conditions, is equal to the external work done by that external load for the same
amount of small increment of displacement.

Thus, the collapse load satisfying the lower bound theorem is always lower than or equal to
the true collapse load. On the other hand, the collapse load satisfying the upper bound
theorem is always higher than or equal to the true collapse load.

The yield line analysis is an upper bound method in which the predicted failure load of a
slab for given moment of resistance (capacity) may be higher than the true value. Thus, the
solution of the upper bound method (yield line analysis) may result into unsafe design if the
lowest mechanism could not be chosen. However, it has been observed that the prediction
of the most probable true mechanism in slab is not difficult. Thus, the solution is safe and
adequate in most of the cases. However, it is always desirable to employ a lower bound
method, which is totally safe from the design point of view.

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

Yield moments:
m = Mu = 0.87 x fy x Ast (d – 0.42xu)

 c.d  2
mα.a.b = m.cosα.c.d. mα =   m.cosα  mα = m.cos α
 a.b 
where, m  yield moment per m length along the yield line

 One mesh reinforcement

mα = m.cos2α + μm.cos2.(90 – α)
= m.cos2α + μm.cos2 (90 – α)
= m.cos2α + μm.sin2α

For isotropically reinforced slab,

(μ = 1) & mα = m

When reinforcement is same horizontally and

vertically, μ = 1 & mα = m

Methods of yield line analysis:

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

1. Virtual work method

2. Equilibrium method (Equilibrium of individual elements of slab along yield line)

Virtual work method – Applied load causing virtual displacement is equal to internal work
done or energy dissipated in rotation along the yield lines.

I) Isotropically reinforced – square slab – simply supported – udl

External work done = w.δ
Where, w  load, δ  virtual displacement
Internal work done = M.θ = Σm.L.θ
m  Ultimate moment / unit length
L  Length of yield line
M  Total moment produced along all the yield lines

[Opposite of isotropically reinforced is orthotropically reinforced]

Centre point is the place where the first ultimate moment is reached and the crack
originates at this point as,
L/ 2
Tan θ = 1 / (L/ 2 ) = 2 /L
2 2 2 2
Σ(M.θ)ac = Σ(m.L.θ) ac= m. 2 L. = 4m [  since defl. Is on two sides]
Work done by „bd‟ is same as „ac‟
Total internal work done = ΣM.θ = 8m
For a virtual displacement of 1 at centre (i.e) CG of each triangular deflects 1/3

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

ΣW.δ = [(1/2 x L x L/2 x w) x 1/3] x 4 = , where, w  udl on slab
wl 2 wl 2
ΣM.θ = ΣW.δ  8m =  m=
3 24

II) Isotropically reinforced – square slab – fixed on all edges – udl

External work done = w.δ

Where, w  load, δ  virtual displacement
2 2
Internal work done = ΣM.θ = Σm.L.θ = m. 2 L. = 4m
Work done by „bd‟ is same as „ac‟
Total internal work done = ΣM.θ = 8m
Internal work done by negative yield line (ab, bc, cd, de) for,
Θ = 1 / L/2 = 2/L, ΣM.θ = 4 [w x L x 2/L] = 8m
Total internal work done = 16m
External work done,
ΣW.δ = [(1/2 x L x L/2 x w) x 1/3] x 4 = wL2 / 3

ΣM.θ = ΣW.δ
16m = wL2 / 3  m = wL2 / 48
M  moment per metre length along the yield line

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

III) Orthotropically reinforced (Diff. rein. bothways) – rectangular slab – simply supported – udl

For element A,
Θx = & Θy = 0
Mx = mL
(Mx. Θx + My. Θy]A =

For element D,
Internal work done,
Θx = 0, Θy = 1/(βL), My = α.L.μm
 2m m 
ΣM.θ = 2 x  
  
External work done = Σw.δ
w. 2 L2
m= [ (3   2    ]2
IV) Orthotropically reinforced – rectangular slab – fixed along long edges - simply supported
along short edges – udl
 tan 2    2    
w L
m= u x   , where, tan  = 1.5 
    
24     4 2   2 
μ  Coefficient of orthotrophy [Ratio between reinforcement
provided along shorter direction and longer direction]
V) Orthotropically reinforced – rectangular slab – all four edges fixed – udl
wu L y  tan 2  
m=  
48   

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

1. Design a square slab fixed along all four edges, which is of side 5m. The slab has to
support a service load of 4kN/m2. Use M20 concrete and Fe415 steel.
As per IS 456-2000,
l/d = (0.8 x 35) = 28  5000 / 28 = d
 d = 178.6mm = 180mm
Provide D = 200mm
Loading on slab:
Self weight = 0.2 x 25 = 5 kN/m2
Live load = 4 kN/m2
Floor finish = 1 kN/m2
Total = 10 kN/m2
Factored load (wu) = 1.5 x 10 = 15 kN/m2
By yield line theory, m   7.8125kNm
Limiting moment, Mulim = 0.138.fck.b.d2 = 0.138 x 20 x 1000 x 1802 = 89.424 x 106 Nmm
Mu < Mulim
K= = 0.241
bd 2
Ast = 122mm2
Provide 8mm @ 300mm c/c

1b) In the above problem, design the slab using IS456 coefficient method.
ly / lx = 1
Four edges are discontinuous
αx = αy = 0.056
Mx = αx.w.lx2 = 0.056 x 15 x 52 = 21 kNm
My = αy.w.lx2 = 0.056 x 15 x 52 = 21 kNm
 Required spacing of 8mm bar is 140mm.
Provide 8mm @ 140mm c/c.

2. Design a square slab of size 5m, simply supported along its four edges and subjected to
a live load of 4kN/m2.

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

As per IS 456-2000,
l/d = (0.8 x 35) = 28  5000 / 28 = d
 d = 178.6mm = 180mm
Provide D = 200mm
Loading on slab:
Self weight = 0.2 x 25 = 5 kN/m2
Live load = 4 kN/m2
Floor finish = 1 kN/m2
Total = 10 kN/m2
Factored load (wu) = 1.5 x 10 = 15 kN/m2
By yield line theory, m   15.625kNm
Limiting moment, Mulim = 0.138.fck.b.d2 = 0.138 x 20 x 1000 x 1802 = 89.424 x 106 Nmm
Mu < Mulim
Ast = 247.59mm2
Provide 8mm @ 200mm c/c

3. Design a rectangular slab of size 4m x 6m simply supported along all its edges,
subjected to a live load of 4kN/m2. The coefficient of orthotrophy is 0.7. Use M20 and
For four edges simply supported condition,
w. 2 L2
m= [ (3   2    ]2
Assume span/depth = 28  Eff.depth = 4000/28 = 142.86mm
Provide d = 150mm, D = 170mm
Loading on slab:
Self weight = 0.17 x 25 = 4.25 kN/m2
Live load = 4 kN/m2
Floor finish = 0.75 kN/m2
Total = 9 kN/m2
Factored load (wu) = 1.5 x 9 = 13.5 kN/m2
w. 2 L2
m= [ (3   2    ]2 = 8.8209 x 1.602 = 14.13 kNm
Limiting moment, Mulim = 0.138.fck.b.d2 = 62.1 kNm
Mu < Mulim. The section is under-reinforced.

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

K = Mu/b.d2  Ast = 277mm2

Minimum Ast = 0.12% of c/s = 204mm2
Ast along longer span = μ x Ast = 0.7 x 237 = 194mm2 < 204 mm2
Provide 8mm @ 240mm c/c
Check for shear (factored):
wu .l x
Vu = = 13.5 x 4 / 2 = 27 kN
Vu 27 x10 3
K.δv = = = 0.18 N/mm2
bd 1000 x150
δc for [100Ast/bd = (100 x 277)/(1000 x 150) = 0.185N/mm2]
0.15  0.28
0.25  0.36
0.185  0.308
As per Cl.42.4 of IS456-2000,
K  1.3 for d = 150mm
K1 for d = 300mm
K  ((1.126 + 0.133) = 1.26) for d = 170mm

K. δc = 1.26 x 0.308 = 0.388 N/mm2 > δv (0.18 N/mm2)

Section is safe in shear.

4. In the above problem, design the slab if all the supports are fixed.
For four edges simply supported condition,
w.L y tan 2 
m= [ ],
48 
 2  
where, tan φ = 1.5   
 4 2  2
μ = 0.7, α = 0.66, tanφ = 0.8, φ = 38.65o

Assume span/depth = 28  Eff.depth = 4000/28 = 142.86mm

Provide d = 150mm, D = 170mm
Loading on slab:
Self weight = 0.17 x 25 = 4.25 kN/m2
Live load = 4 kN/m2
Floor finish = 0.75 kN/m2
CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

Total = 9 kN/m2
Factored load (wu) = 1.5 x 9 = 13.5 kN/m2
w.L y tan 2  13.5 x6 2 0.8012
m= [ ] = [ ] = 9.28 kNm
48  48 0.7
Limiting moment, Mulim = 0.138.fck.b.d2 = 62.1 kNm
Mu < Mulim. The section is under-reinforced.
K = Mu/b.d  Ast = 175mm2

Minimum Ast = 0.12% of c/s = 204mm2

Ast along longer span = μ x Ast = 0.7 x 175 = 122.5mm2 < 204 mm2
Provide 8mm @ 240mm c/c bothways [Min. Ast]
Check for shear (factored): {No change}
wu .l x
Vu = = 13.5 x 4 / 2 = 27 kN
Vu 27 x10 3
K.δv = = = 0.18 N/mm2
bd 1000 x150
δc for [100Ast/bd = (100 x 277)/(1000 x 150) = 0.185N/mm2]
0.15  0.28
0.25  0.36
0.185  0.308
As per Cl.42.4 of IS456-2000,
K  1.3 for d = 150mm
K1 for d = 300mm
K  ((1.126 + 0.133) = 1.26) for d = 170mm

K. δc = 1.26 x 0.308 = 0.388 N/mm2 > δv (0.18 N/mm2)

Section is safe in shear.

5. Solve the above problem if two long edges are fixed.

 tan 2  
wu L x
m=  
24   
Provide 8mm @ 240mm bothways.

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

Triangular slab:
I) Isotropically reinforced – Equilateral triangular slab – simply supported along all edges –
wu L2
II) Isotropically reinforced – Equilateral triangular slab – simply supported along two
adjacent edges – udl
wu L2 
M= Sin 2
6 2
III) Isotropically reinforced – Right angled triangular slab – simply supported along all edges
– udl
wu L2
IV) Isotropically reinforced – Circular slab – simply supported along edges – udl
Failure takes place by formation of infinite number of positive yield lines running radially
from centre to circumference, forming a flat cone at collapse.
wu r 2

6. Design an equilateral triangular slab of side 5m, isotropically reinforced and is simply
supported along its edges. The slab is subjected to a superimposed load of 3kN/m2. Use
M20 concrete and Fe415 steel.
Assume span/depth = 28  Eff.depth = 5000/28 = 178.57mm
Provide d = 180mm, D = 200mm
Loading on slab:
Self weight = 0.2 x 25 = 5 kN/m2
Live load = 3 kN/m2
Floor finish = 1 kN/m2
Total = 9 kN/m2
Factored load (wu) = 1.5 x 9 = 13.5 kN/m2
wu L2
m= = 4.688 kNm
Limiting moment, Mulim = 0.138.fck.b.d2 = 89.42 kNm
Mu < Mulim. The section is under-reinforced.
CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

K = Mu/b.d2  Ast = 72.754mm2

Minimum Ast = 0.12% of c/s = 240mm2
Ast < min Ast [240 mm2]
Provide 8mm @ 200mm c/c
Check for shear (factored):
wu .l x
Vu = = 13.5 x 5 / 2 = 33.75 kN
Vu 27 x10 3
K.δv = = = 0.1875 N/mm2
bd 1000 x150
δc for [100Ast/bd = (100 x 277)/(1000 x 150) = 0.185N/mm2]
0.13  0.28
As per Cl.42.4 of IS456-2000,
K  1.3 for d = 150mm
K1 for d = 300mm
K  ((1.04 + 0.2) = 1.24) for d = 180mm

K. δc = 1.24 x 0.28 = 0.3472 N/mm2 > δv (0.18 N/mm2)

Section is safe in shear.

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures




CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

- Based on loading and support conditions:

o Spanning along transverse direction
Cantilever staircase
Slab supported between stringer beams

o Spanning along longitudinal direction

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

[Most commonly adopted]

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

Loading on staircase:
Dead load:
- Self weight of slab
- Self weight of step
- Tread finish [0.6 – 1 kN/m2]

Live load:
For overcrowding  5 kN/m2
No overcrowding  3 kN/m2

For independent cantilever state, the following live load condition is also checked:


1) A straight staircase is made of structurally independent tread slab cantilevered from a
RC wall. Given, the riser is 150mm and tread is 300mm with width of flight 1.5m. Design a
typical cantilever tread slab. Apply live load for overcrowding. Use M20 concrete and
Fe250 steel.

Loading on the staircase (0.3m width)

Dead load:
Self weight of tread slab = 25 x 0.15 x 0.3 = 1.125 kN/m
Floor finish (0.6 kN/m2) = 0.6 x 0.3 = 0.18 kN/m
Total = 1.305 kN/m
Dead load moment, MD = 1.305 x 1.52 / 2 = 1.468 kNm

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

Live load: Maximum of,

i) Overcrowding  5 kN/m2
L.L. = 5 x 0.3 = 1.5 kN/m
ML = wl2/2 = 1.5 x 1.52 / 2 = 1.69 kNm


ML = 1.3 x 1.5 = 1.95 kNm

The maximum of the above two values is ML = 1.95 kNm
Total moment = 1.468 + 1.95 = 3.42 kNm
Factored moment = 5.13 kNm
Effective depth = 150 – (20 + 10/2) = 125 mm
[Slab cover  15mm to 20 mm]
  0.87. f y Ast  Mu
M u  0.87. f y . Ast . d  0.42 
 [OR] K=  Take pt from SP16
 bd 2
  0.36. f ck .b 
5.13 x 106 = 65.25 x 103.Ast – 9.19.Ast2
 Ast = 202 mm2
Ast 202
No. of bars = = =3
a st  .10 2 / 4
3 nos. of 10mm φ are provided at the top.
Distribution steel:
MS  0.15% of c/s  0.15/100 x 300 x 150 = 67.5mm2
a st
Spacing = 1000 x = 744.67 mm
Provide 8mm @ 300 mm c/c
Check for shear:
δv = Vu / b.d
Shear force due to dead load = w.l = 1.305 x 1.5 = 1.958 kN
Shear force due to live load,
i) 1.5 x 1.5 = 2.25 kN
ii) 1.3 kN
Vu = 2.25 + 1.958 = 4.208 kN
CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

Factored Vu = 6.312 kN
As per Cl., IS456 – 2000, δc value is modified when thickness is less than 300mm
Upto a depth of 150mm,  K = 1.3
When depth is > 300mm,  K = 1
 . s
Development length = = 453.125 mm
4 bd
Provide a development length of 450mm
Providing a 900 bent, length required = 450 – 80 = 370mm
δv = = 0.168 N/mm2
100 As
For pt = = 0.54%,
δc = 1.3 x 0.4928 = 0.6406N/mm2
δv < δc
Hence, safe.

2) Design a waist slab type staircase comprising of a straight flight of steps supported
between two stringer beams along the two sides. Assume an effective span 1.5m, a riser of
150mm and tread of 270mm. Assume a live load of 3kN/m 2. Use M20 concrete and
Fe250 steel. Assume mild exposure condition.

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

The staircase is spanning along the transverse direction.

The main reinforcement should be provided along the transverse direction and distribution
steel is provided at the top.

Inclined length of one step = R 2  T 2 = 308.87 mm ~ 309mm

The loading on the slab is found for an inclined width of 309mm, which is later converted for
1m length.
Assume l/d = 30  1500/d = 30  d = 50mm
Assume d = 60mm
D = 60 + cover + Bar dia./2 = 60 + 20 + 10/2 = 85mm

Loading on slab over each tread width:

Self weight of slab = 0.309 x 25 x 0.085 = 0.657 kN/m
Self weight of step = ½ x 0.15 x 0.27 x 25 = 0.50625 kN/m
Tread finish = 0.27 x 0.6 = 0.162 kN/m
Live load (3kN/m2) = 0.27 x 3 = 0.81 kN/m
Total = 2.135 kN/m

The load 2.135 kN/m acts vertically downwards. The load acting along the inclined slab is
the cosine value of the above.
 2.135 x cosθ = 2.135 (270/309) = 1.866 kN/m
The distributed load for 1m step along the inclined slab is 1.86 x 1/0.309 = 6.02 kN/m
Factored load = 9.03 kN/m
M = wl2/8 = 9.03 x 1.52 / 8 = 2.54 kNm
  0.87 x250 xAst  
2.54 x10 6  0.87.250. Ast . 60  0.42  
  0.36 x 20 x1000  
 Ast = 205.72 mm2/m
Provide 8mm, spacing required is 240mm c/c
Spacing < [300mm and 3d = 180mm]
Provide 8mm @ 180mm c/c
Distribution steel:
MS  0.15% of c/s
= 0.15/100 x 1000 x 60 = 90mm2
Provide 6mm φ, spacing required = 314.15mm < (5d = 300mm)
Provide 6mm @ 300mm c/c

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures


1) Design the staircase slab shown in figure. The stairs are simply supported on beams
provided at the first riser and at the edge of upper landing. Assume a floor finish of
0.8kN/m2 and a live load of 5 kN/m2. Use M20 concrete and Fe415 steel. Assume mild
exposure condition.
L = 3 + 1.5 + (0.15 + 0.15) = 4.8m
Assume L/d as 20,
4.8/d = 20  d = 240mm
D = 240 + 20 + 10/2 = 265mm

Loading on going slab:

Length of the inclination of one step is R2  T 2 ,

Where, R = 150mm, T = 300mm
L = 335.41mm
Self weight of waist slab = 25 x (0.265 x (0.3354/0.3) = 7.4 kN/m2
Self weight of step = 25 x ½ x 0.15 = 1.875 kN/m2
Floor finish = 0.8 kN/m2
Live load = 5 kN/m2
Total = 15 kN/m2
Loading on going slab:
Self weight of slab = 25 x 0.265 = 6.625 kN/m2
Floor finish = 0.8 kN/m2
Live load = 5 kN/m2
Total = 12.425 kN/m2
Considering 1m strip,
The staircase slab is idealized as given below:

RA x 4.8 – (15 x 3.45 x 3.075) – (12.425 x 0.675 x 1.35) = 0

RA = 35.69 kN, RB = 33.11 kN

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

Xo = RA / udl = 35.69/15 = 2.37 m

Moment at 2.37m is,
35.69 x 2.37 – (15 x 2.37 x 2.37/2) = 42.23 kNm
Factored moment = 63.35 kNm
  0.87. f y Ast  Mu
M u  0.87. f y . Ast . d  0.42 
 [OR] K=  Take pt from SP16
 bd 2
  0.36. f ck .b 
63.35 x 106 = 86.625 x 103.Ast – 7.604.Ast2
 Ast = 785.19 mm2
Provide 10mm @ 100mm c/c
Distribution steel:
0.12% of c/s  0.12/100 x 1000 x 265 = 318mm2
Provide 8mm @ 150mm c/c
Check for shear:
δv = Vu/b.d
Maximum shear force = [35.69 – (15.08 x 0.24)] x 1.5 = 48.1 kN
Vu 48.1x10 3
δv =  = 0.2 N/mm2
b.d 1000 x 240
pt = 100.Ast/b.d = 0.327%
For 0.25%  0.36
For 0.5%  0.48 For 0.33%  0.0.398
δc = 0.398 N/mm2
The δc value is modified based on Cl. for D = 265mm
For D = 150mm, 1.3
For D = 300mm, 1 For D = 265mm, 1.07
δc modified = 1.07 x 0.398 = 0.426 N/mm
δv < δc
Hence, safe.

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

2) Design a dog legged staircase having a waist slab for an office building for the following
i) Height between floor = 3.2m
ii) Riser = 160mm
iii) Tread = 270mm
iv) Width of flight is equal to the landing width = 1.25m
LL = 5 kN/m2, FF = 0.6 N/mm2
Assume the stairs to be supported on 230mm thick masonry walls at the outer edges of the
landing parallel to the risers. Use M20 concrete and Fe415 steel.
Note : Based on riser, number of steps is found. Based on tread, length of staircase is found.
No. of steps = 3.2/0.16 = 20
10 numbers of steps are used for first flight and other 10 to the second flight.
Loading on going:
Self weight of waist slab = 25 x 0.283 x (0.31385/0.270) = 8.22 kN/m2
Self weight of step = 25 x ½ x 0.16 = 2 kN/m2
Tread finish = 0.6 kN/m2
Live load = 5 kN/m2
Total = 15.82 kN/m2
Loading on landing slab:
Self weight of slab = 25 x 0.283 = 7.075 kN/m2
l/d = 20  5.16/d = 20
 d = 258mm
D = 258 + 20 + 10/2 = 283mm
Length of inclination of one step,
R = 160mm, T = 270mm, L = 313.85mm

Self weight of slab = 25 x 0.283 = 7.075 kN/m2

FF = 0.6 kN/m2
LL = 5 kN/m2
Total = 12.675 kN/m2

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

RA x 5.16 – (12.675 x 1.365 x 4.4775) – (15.82 x 2.43 x 2.58) – (12.675 x 1.365 x 0.6875) = 0
RA = 36.54 kN
RB = 36.51 kN
Maximum moment at centre = 36.5 x 2.58 – (12.675 x 1.365 x (0.6825 x 1.215) – (15.82 x
1.2152/2) = 49.66 kNm
Factored moment = 74.49 kNm
  0.87. f y Ast 
M u  0.87. f y . Ast . d  0.42 

  0.36. f ck .b 
b = 1000mm, d = 258mm
74.49 x 106 = 93.15 x 103 Ast – 7.4 Ast2
Ast = 868.99 mm2
Provide 12mm φ @ 130mm c/c
Distribution steel:
0.15% of c/s = 0.15/100 x 1000 x 283 = 424.5 mm2
8mm @ 110mm c/c
Check for shear:
δv = Vu/b.d
Maximum shear force = [36.5 – (12.675 x 0.258)] x 1.5 = 49.84 kN
δv = 0.193 N/mm2
δc :
Pt = 100.Ast/b.d = 0.336%
For pt = 0.25%  0.36
For pt = 0.5%  0.48
For pt = 0.336%  0.40
δc = 0.40 N/mm2
Modification factor,
For D = 150mm,  1.3
For D = 300mm, 1
For D = 283mm,  1.03
δc modified = 1.03 x 0.40 = 0.412 N/mm2
δv < δc
Safe in shear.

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures


Actual analysis  Theory of plates
l/d limited to 25
Support conditions:
i) Transverse direction – Stair is spanning along transverse direction
ii) Longitudinal direction
iii) Stair slab spanning longitudinally and landing slab supported transversely

In Tread – Riser stair span by depth ratio is taken as 25 and the loading on the folded slab
comprising the tread and riser is idealized as a simply supported slab with loading on
landing slab and going similar to a waist like slab. The loading on folded slab includes,
i) self weight of tread riser slab
ii) floor finish
iii) live load  5 kN/m2 (overcrowded), 3 kN/m2 (No overcrowding)

For staircase spanning longitudinally where the landing is supported along the transverse
direction only. While finding the effective length along the longitudinal direction only half the
length of the landing slab is considered. There is no change in the loading of going slab.
But the loading on landing slab is half (waist type and tread-riser type). The landing slab is
designed separately for the full load on landing plus half the loading from going slab.

1) Design a dog legged staircase having a tread-riser slab for an office building for the
following data:
i) Height between floor = 3.2m
ii) Riser = 160mm
iii) Tread = 270mm
iv) Width of flight is equal to the landing width = 1.25m
LL = 5 kN/m2, FF = 0.6 N/mm2

Assume the stairs to be supported on 230mm thick masonry walls supported only on two
edges perpendicular to the risers. Use M20 concrete and Fe415 steel.
The length of the landing slab is halved while finding the effective length along the
longitudinal direction since the staircase is supported only on the landing slab along the
transverse direction.
CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

Effective length = 2.43 + 1.25 = 3.68m

Assume l/d = 25, 3.68/d = 25
 d = 147.2 mm ~ 150mm
D = 150 + (20 + 10/2) = 175mm
Loading on the going and landing slab: [Folder Tread Riser]
Self weight of tread riser = 25 x (0.27 + 0.16) x 0.175/0.27 x 1 = 6.97 kN/m2
Floor finish = 0.6 kN/m2
Live load = 5 kN/m2
Total = 12.57 kN/m2
Considering 1m strip, w = 12.57 kN/m
Loading on landing slab:
Self weight of slab = 25 x 0.175 = 4.375 kN/m2
Floor finish = 0.6 kN/m2
Live load = 5 kN/m2
Total = 9.975 kN/m2
Considering 1m strip, w = 9.975 kN/m
50% of load on landing slab is considered along the longitudinal direction.
Along the longitudinal direction, the loading is,
RA x 3.68 – (4.99 x 3.3675) – (12.57 x 1.84 x 2.43) – (4.99 x 0.3125 x 0.625) = 0
 RA = 18.39 kN
 RB = 18.39 kN

Moment at centre, (i.e. 1.84m),

Mmax = 18.39 x 1.84 – (4.99 x 0.625 x 1.5275) – (12.57 x 1.215 x 0.675)
= 19.79 kNm
Factored moment = 29.69 kNm
For b = 1000mm, d = 150mm,
K = Mu/b.d2
 Ast = 598.36 mm2 / m
Provide 12mm φ, spacing required = 189mm
Provide 12mm @ 180mm c/c [Main bar as cross links on riser and tread]

Distribution steel:
0.12% of c/s = 0.12/100 x 1000 x 175 = 210 mm 2
Provide 8mm @ 230mm c/c [Dist. bar along the width of stair]
CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

Check for shear:

δv = Vu/b.d, Vu = [18.39 – (4.99 x 0.15)] x 1.5 = 26.46 kN
δv = 0.1764 N/mm2
δc :
100Ast/b.d. = 0.3989%
For pt = 0.25  0.36
For pt = 0.5  0.48
For pt = 0.39  (0.1584 + 0.2688) = 0.427
Modification factor (K):
For D = 150mm  1.3
For D = 300mm  1
For D = 175mm  1.08 + 0.17 = 1.25
δc modified = 0.534 N/mm2
δv < δc. Hence safe in shear.
Design of landing slab:
The landing slab is designed as a simply supported slab which includes the load directly
acting on the landing and 50% of the load acting on the going slab.
The loading on the landing is,
i) Directly on landing = 9.98 kN/m
ii) 50% of load on going slab = (12.57 x 2.43)/2 = 15.27 kN/m
w = 25.25 kN/m
l = 2.6m
Mu = wl2/8 x 1.5 = 32 kNm

b = 1000mm, d = 150mm
K = Mu/b.d2
Ast = 650.19 mm2
Providing 12mm φ bar, spacing required = 173.9mm
Provide 12mm @ 170mm c/c
Distribution steel:
0.12% of c/s
Provide 8mm @ 230mm c/c
3 numbers of 8mm bars are provided between the cross links as distribution bars. A
nominal reinforcement of 10mm @ 200mm c/c is provided at the top of landing slab.
Note : Shear in tread riser slab is negligible. Check for shear is not required.
CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures


- Compression member
- In case where beam is not provided and load from the slab is heavy
- When the masonry wall thickness is restricted
- Classified as
o plain concrete wall, when rein. < 0.4%
o Reinforced concrete wall, when rein. > 0.4%

Load from slab is transferred as axial load to wall. When depth is large, it is called RC wall.
Design is similar to a RC column, breadth equal to thickness of wall and depth equal to 1m.
- Axially loaded wall
- Axially loaded with uniaxial bending

General conditions:
Classification of concrete walls:
1. Plain concrete wall
2. Reinforced concrete wall

In plain concrete wall, the reinforcement provided is less than 0.4% of c/s. In reinforced
concrete wall, the percentage of steel provided is greater than 0.4% and is designed similar
to reinforced concrete columns. Slenderness ratio is equal to
Least of (l/t or h/t), where,
l  effective length of wall, h  effective height of wall, t  thickness of wall
If λ < 12, the wall is short and if λ > 12, the wall is slender.

Braced and Unbraced:

Braced : When cross walls are provided for the walls such that they can take lateral load
and 2.5% of vertical load, then the wall is braced. Otherwise, the wall is known as
unbraced wall.

Note: Other walls under special cases are,

i) Cantilever wall
ii) Shear walls – To take lateral loads [Take care of flexure developed due to lateral
loading on the structure, depth is provided along the transverse direction]

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

Guidelines for RC wall:

1. The limiting slenderness (λlim) if any for unbraced wall is 30 and for braced wall is
2. For short braced RC wall (λ < 12), Pu = 0.4.fck.Ac + 0.67.fy.Ast
3. For short unbraced RC wall, along with the above axial load Pu, the moment due to
minimum eccentricity is checked for emin = t/20 or 20mm, where, M = P x e.
For the above axial load and moment, the RC wall is designed similar to RC column
subjected to axial load and uniaxial moment.
4. Slender braced wall (λ < 45):
The additional moment due to additional eccentricity as per Table 1 of SP16 is
considered. Where the additional eccentricity,
ea = , Ma = P x ea
The additional moment due to eccentricity is added with the moment on the column
and moment on the wall. The wall is designed for axial load with uniaxial moment.
5. For slender unbraced wall [λ limited to 30]: Similar procedure as in case 4 is
6. Detailing of reinforcement [IS456 Guidelines]:
a. For plain concrete wall, minimum vertical steel is 0.12% for HYSD bars and
0.15% for mild steel bar
b. For RC wall, minimum vertical reinforcement is 0.4% of c/s
c. In plain concrete wall, transverse steel is not required
d. In RC wall, transverse steel is not required (not less than 0.4%)
e. Maximum spacing of bars is 450mm or 3t, whichever lesser
f. The thickness of wall in no case should be less than 100mm
g. If thickness is greater than 200mm, double grid reinforcement is provided
along both the faces.
7. BS 8110 guidelines:
a. Horizontal reinforcement same as IS456
b. Vertical reinforcement not to be greater than 4%
c. When compression steel is greater than 2% of vertical reinforcement,
horizontal reinforcement of 0.25% for HYSD bars or 0.3% of MS bars are
provided. [As per IS456, it is 0.2% for HYSD bars and 0.3% for mild steel

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

d. The diameter of transverse bars (horizontal) should not be less than 6mm or
8. Links are provided when the compression steel is greater than 2%. Horizontal links
are provided for thickness less than 220mm. Diagonal links are provided when
thickness is greater than 220mm. The spacing of links should be less than 2t and
diameter of links not less than 6mm or φL/4.

The support conditions:

1. Both ends fixed (Restrained against rotation and displacement)  leff = 0.65lo – 0.75lo
2. Both ends hinged  leff = lo
3. One end fixed and other end free  leff = 2lo
4. One end fixed and other end hinged  leff = lo/ 2

1) Design a reinforced concrete wall 3m height, 4m length between cross walls. The wall is
100mm thick and carries a factored load of 600 kN/m length. Use M20 concrete and Fe415
Since cross walls are provided, the wall is braced.
λ = h/t or l/t
= 3000/120 or 4000/120
= 30 or 40
Assume both ends fixed (restrained against rotation and displacement)
Leff = 0.75 lo where, lo is least of length and height
= 0.75 x 3 = 2.25m
λ = 2250/100 = 22.5 > 12
λlim = 45 > 22.5 [λ < λlim]
Accidental minimum eccentricity due to,
emin = t/20 or 20mm
= 5 or 20mm
Therefore, moment due to accidental eccentricity of 20mm is considered.
Additional eccentricity due to slenderness,
Le 2.25 2 x1000 2
ea = = = 25.3125mm
2000t 2000 x100
Total eccentricity = emin + ea = 20 + 25.3 = 45.3mm
Moment Mu = Pu x 45.3 = 27.2 x 106 Nmm

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

For the axial load and moment, RC wall is designed similar to a RC column subjected to
axial load and uniaxial moment.
Pu 600 x10 3
= = 0.3
f ck bt 20 x100 x1000

= 0.136
f ck bt 2
From SP16 chart, for Reinforcement along two sides, Fe415 steel, d‟/D = 0.1, Referring
Chart 32,
 0.07  p = 0.07 x 20 = 1.4%
f ck
Area of steel = 1.4/100 x 100 x 1000 = 1400 mm2
Provide 16mm @ 140mm c/c as vertical compression bar
Horizontal – Provide a nominal transverse reinforcement of 0.4% of c/s
Ast = 0.4/100 x 1000 x 100 = 400 mm2
Provide 8mm @ 120mm c/c
Since vertical reinforcement is less than 2%, no horizontal links are required.

2) A reinforced concrete wall of height 5m is restrained in position and direction carrying a

factored load of 600 kN and factored moment of 25kNm at right angles to the plane of the
wall. Use M20 concrete and Fe415 steel. Design the wall.
Mu 25 x10 6
Eccentricity for the given moment is, e = = = 41.67mm
Pu 600 x10 3
The eccentricity is compared with emin. The larger of the two is added with additional
eccentricity due to slenderness, if any.
Assume l/d of 22. [Generally assume l/d from 20 – 25]
d = 5000/22 = 227.27
Assume a thickness of 225mm
Leff = 0.75 x 5 = 3.75m
λact = 3750/225 = 16.67 > 12
The given wall is slender.
emin = t/20 or 20mm
= 225/20 or 20mm
= 11.25mm or 20mm < 41.67mm
Additional eccentricity due to slenderness,

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

Le 3750 2
ea = = = 31.25mm
2000t 2000 x 225
Total eccentricity = emin + ea = 41.67 + 31.25 = 72.92mm
Moment Mu = Pu x 72.92 = 600 x 1000 x 72.92 = 43.75 x 106 Nmm
For the axial load and moment, RC wall is designed similar to a RC column subjected to
axial load and uniaxial moment.
Pu 600 x10 3
= = 0.13
f ck bt 20 x100 x 225

= 0.0432
f ck bt 2
From SP16 chart, for Reinforcement along two sides, Fe415 steel, d‟/D = 0.1, Referring
Chart 32,
0 No reinforcement is required.
f ck
But minimum reinforcement of vertical compression steel of 0.4% is provided.
Area of steel = 0.4/100 x 225 x 1000 = 900 mm2
Provide 12mm @ 120mm c/c as vertical compression bar
Since thickness of wall is 225mm, reinforcement is provided on both faces of the wall.
Therefore, provide 12mm @ 250mm c/c < 3t and 450mm
Horizontal – Provide a nominal transverse reinforcement of 0.4% of c/s on both faces.
Ast = 0.4/100 x 1000 x 100 = 400 mm2
Provide 8mm @ 120mm c/c
Since vertical reinforcement is less than 2%, no horizontal links are required.

3) In the above problem, design the wall for factored axial load of 1000kN and factored
moment of 50kNm.
Pu = 1000kN, Mu = 50kNm
e = 50 x 10 /1000 x 103 = 50mm

l/d = 22 [Generally l/d taken from 20 – 25]

d = 5000/22 = 227.27mm
Adopt a thickness of 225mm.
leff = 0.75 x 5000 = 3750mm
λact = 3750/225 = 16.67 > 12
λmin = 45 > 16.67
Wall is slender.
CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

emin = t/20 or 20mm

= 225/20 or 20mm
= 11.25mm or 20mm < 41.67mm
Additional eccentricity due to slenderness,
Le 3750 2
ea = = = 31.25mm
2000t 2000 x 225
Total eccentricity = emin + ea = 50 + 31.25 = 81.25mm
Moment Mu = Pu x 81.25 = 1000 x 1000 x 81.25 = 81.25 x 106 Nmm
For the axial load and moment, RC wall is designed similar to a RC column subjected to
axial load and uniaxial moment.
Pu 1000 x10 3
= = 0.22
f ck bt 20 x100 x 225

= 0.0802
f ck bt 2
From SP16 chart, for Reinforcement along two sides, Fe415 steel, d‟/D = 0.1, Referring
Chart 32,
 0.03  p = 0.03 x 20 = 0.6%
f ck
Area of steel = 0.6/100 x 225 x 1000 = 1350 mm2
Provide 16mm @ 140mm c/c as vertical compression bar
Horizontal – Provide a nominal transverse reinforcement of 0.4% of c/s
Area of steel = 0.4/100 x 225 x 1000 = 900 mm2
Since thickness of wall is 225mm, reinforcement is provided on both faces of the wall.
Therefore, provide 12mm @ 250mm c/c < 3t and 450mm
Since vertical reinforcement is less than 2%, no horizontal links are required.

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures


a) Interior panel
b) Exterior panel

Various components of flat slab:

i) Without drop and head
ii) With drop and without head
iii) With drop and head

Column strip : It is the design strip having a width of l 2/4, where l2 is the span transverse to
l1. l2 – longer span, moment is considered along the span l1
Middle strip : It is the design strip bounded by a column strip on its opposite sides

Proportioning of flat slabs:

As per cl.31 of IS456-2000, the span by depth ratio of two way slab is applicable for flat
slabs and the values can be (l/d)modified by 0.9 for flat slabs with drops.
Take  l/d as 32 for HYSD bars
As per ACI – The drop thickness should not be less than 100mm or (Thickness of slab)/4.
While calculating span by depth ratio, longer span is used.
The thickness of slab should not be less than 125mm.
The purpose of column drop is to reduce the shear stress and also reduce the
reinforcement in the column strip.
The increase in column diameter at the head flaring of column head takes care of punching
shear developed at a distance of d/2 all around the junction between the slab and column

Two methods of design are available for flat slabs:

1. Direct design method
2. Equivalent frame method

Direct design method: (Cl.31.4.1, IS456-2000)

Requirements for direct design methods are,
1. There must be atleast three continuous spans in each direction
2. The panels should be rectangular with ly/lx = l2/l1 ratio < 2

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

3. The columns must not offset by more than 10% of the span from either of the
successive columns
4. Successive span length in each direction must not differ by more than one third of
longer span.
5. Design live load must not exceed 3 times the designed dead load

Design procedure:
As per Cl., IS456-2000, the total moment for a span bounded by columns
laterally is Mo = Wlo/2, where Mo is the sum of positive and negative moment in each
direction. W is the total design load covered on an area L2L1
W = w x L 2 x Ln
This moment is distributed for the column strip and middle strip

Moment distribution for Interior Panel:

Column strip Middle strip
Negative moment (65%) 65 x 0.75 = 49% 65 x 0.2 = 15%
Positive moment (35%) 35 x 0.6 = 21% 35 x 0.4= 15%

Mo =
Also Lo should not be less than 0.65 times of L1 [Ln > 0.65L1)

1) Design a flat slab system (interior panel) to suit the following data:
Size of the floor = 20 x 30m
Column interval = 5m c/c
Live load on slab = 5kN/m2
Materials used are Fe415 HYSD bars and M20 concrete

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

Proportioning of flat slab:

Assume l/d as 32,  d = 5000/32  d = 156.25mm
d = 175mm (assume), D = 175 + 20 + 10/2 = 200mm
As per ACI code, the thickness of drop > 100mm and > (Thickness of slab)/4
Therefore, 100mm or 200/4=50mm
Provide a column drop of 100mm
Overall depth of slab at drop = 200 + 100 = 300mm
Length of the drop > L/3 = 5/3 = 1.67m
Provide length of drop as 2.5m. For the panel, 1.25m is the contribution of drop.
Column head = L/4 = 5/4 = 1.25m
L1 = L2 = 5m
Ln = L2 – D = 5 – 1.25 = 3.75m
As per code, Mo =

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

Loading on slab: (Average thickness = (300 + 200)/2 = 250mm)

Self weight of slab = 25 x 0.25 = 6.25 kN/m2
Live load = 5 kN/m2
Floor finish = 0.75 kN/m2
Total = 12 kN/m2
Factored load = 1.5 x 12 = 18 kN/m2
W = wu x L2 x Ln = 18 x 5 x 3.75 = 337.5 kN
Total moment on slab panel = (337.5 x 3.75)/8 = 158.203 kNm
Distribution of moment:
Column strip Middle strip
Negative moment (65%) 65 x 0.75 = 49% 65 x 0.2 = 15%
0.49 x 158.2 = 77.52kNm 0.15 x 158.2 = 23.73kNm
Positive moment (35%) 35 x 0.6 = 21% 35 x 0.4= 15%
0.21 x 158.2 = 33.22 kNm 0.15 x 158.2 = 23.73kNm

Check for depth adopted:

Column strip:
Mu = 0.138.fck.b.d2 b = 2.5m
77.5 x 106 = 0.138 x 20 x 2.5 x 1000 x d2
 d = 105.98mm ~ 106mm < 275mm
Middle strip:
Mu = 0.138.fck.b.d2 b = 2.5m
23.73 x 106 = 0.138 x 20 x 2.5 x 1000 x d2
 d = 58.68mm ~ 59mm < 175mm

Check for punching shear:

The slab is checked for punching shear
at a distance of d/2 all around the face
of the column head. The load on the
slab panel excluding the circular area of
diameter (D + d) is the punching shear

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

Shear force = Total Load – (Load on circular area)

= 18 x 5 x 5 – (π(D + d)2/4) x wn
= 417.12 kN
Shear force along the perimeter of the circular area = = 87.06 kN
 (D  d )
Nominal shear stress: (b = 1m)
Vu 87.06 x10 3
ςv = = = 0.317 N/mm2
b.D 1000 x 275
Design shear stress: ςc = K.ςc‟
Where, K = (0.5 + β) ≤ 1
= 1.5 ≤ 1
ςc‟ = 0.25. f ck = 1.118 N/mm2

ςc = 1 x 1.118 = 1.118 N/mm2

ςv < ςc
Safe in shear.

Column strip: (b=2.5m), (d = 275mm)
Negative moment = 77.5 x 106 Nmm
  0.87. f y Ast  Mu
M u  0.87. f y . Ast . d  0.42 
 [OR] K=  Take pt from SP16
 bd 2
  0.36. f ck .b 
77.6 x 106 = 99.29 x 103.Ast – 3.04.Ast2
 Ast = 800.16 mm2
Required 10mm @ 240mm c/c
Min Ast: 0.12% of c/s = 0.12/100 x 1000 x 275 = 825 mm2
Provide 10mm @ 230mm c/c

Positive moment = 33.2 kNm

Ast = 337.876 mm2
Provide 8mm @ 370mm c/c
Min. steel: Provide 10mm @ 230mm c/c
Middle strip: (b = 2.5m), (d = 175mm)
Negative and positive moment: 23.7 kNm
Ast = 382.6 mm2
Ast min. = (0.12/100 x 1000 x 2500 x 175) = 525 mm2
CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

Provide 8mm @ 230mm c/c.

FLAT SLAB [EXTERIOR PANEL] (Cl31.4.3.3, IS456-2000)

4 EI
Stiffness of slab and column = , where, I = bd3/12 (or) πd4/64, E = 5000 f ck
αc is checked with αc min given in Table 17 of IS456. From Cl., the interior and
exterior negative moments and the positive moments are found.

Interior negative design moment is,

0.10  Kc
0.75  where, αc =
1 Ks
Interior positive design moment is,
CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

0.63 
Exterior negative design moment is,
The distribution of interior negative moment for column strip and middle strip is in the ratio
3:1 (0.75 : 0.25)
The exterior negative moment is fully taken by the column strip. The distribution of positive
moment in column strip and middle strip is in the ratio 1.5 : 1 (0.6 : 0.4).

Design an exterior panel of a flat slab floor system of size 24m x 24m, divided into panels
6m x 6m size. The live load on the slab is 5 kN/m 2 and the columns at top and bottom are
at diameter 400mm. Height of each storey is 3m. Use M20 concrete and Fe415 steel.

l/d = 32  d = 6000/32 = 187.5 mm

Length of drop ≥ 3m
Length of drop = Column strip = 3m
Assume effective depth, d = 175mm, D = 200mm
As per ACI, Assume a drop of 100mm
Depth of slab at the drop is 300mm
Diameter of column head = l/4 = 6/4 = 1.5m

Loading on slab:
Self weight of slab = (0.2 + 0.3)/2 x 25 = 0.25 x 25 = 6.25 kN/m2
Live load = 5 kN/m2
Floor finish = 0.75 kN/m2
Total = 12 kN/m2
Factored load = 1.5 x 12 = 18 kN/m2

 Kc
To find the value of αc =
as per Cl.3.4.6.,
αc = flexural stiffness of column and slab
CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

ΣKc = summation of flexural stiffness of columns above and below

ΣKs = summation of flexural stiffness of slab

 4 EI   4 xExI c  2 x 4 x 22.3606 x10 3 x1.25 x10 9

ΣKc = 2  = 2  =
 L   Lc  3000

Where, I = πd4/64 = π x 4004 /64, E = 5000 f ck = 22.3606 x 103

4 xEx 6000 x(250) 3

ΣKs = = 5.208 x 106E
12 x6000
αc = 0.644
From Table 17 of IS456-2000
αc min = L2/L1 = 6/6 = 1
LL / DL = = 0.71 ~ 1
(6.25  0.75)
αc min = 0.7
αc min should be < αc min
αc = 0.7
W .L n
Total moment on slab = = 273.375 kNm
W = wu x L2 x Ln = 18 x 6 x 4.5 = 486 kN
Ln = 6 – 1.5 = 4.5m
As per Cl. of IS456-2000,
Exterior negative design moment is,
x Mo = 73.168 kNm where, αc = 0.7

Interior negative design moment is,

0.10  Kc
0.75  x Mo where, αc =
1 Ks
= 193.775 kNm
For column strip (75%),
= 0.75 x 193.775 = 145.3309 kNm
For middle strip (25%),
= 0.25 x 193.775 = 48.44 kNm

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

Interior positive design moment is,

0.63  x Mo
= 140.708 kNm
For column strip (60%),
= 0.6 x 140.708 = 84.43 kNm
For middle strip (40%),
= 0.4 x 140.708 = 56.28 kNm
Check for depth:
Mulim = 0.138 fck.b.d2
 145.331 x 106 = 0.138 x 20 x 3 x d2
 dcs = 132.484 mm < 275 mm
Mms = 82.4 kNm
 dms = 82.4 mm < 175 mm

Check for punching shear:

SF = TL – (Load on circular area)
= 18 x 6 x 6 – [π(1.775)2/4] x 18 [wn = 18]
= 648 – 44.54 = 603.45 kN [D + d = 1.5 + 0.275 = 1.775m]

Shear force/m along the perimeter of the circular area = = 108.216 kN/m
 (D  d )

Vu 108.216 x10 3
Nominal shear stress = ςv = = = 0.394 N/mm2
b.d 1000 x 275
Design shear stress: ςc = K.ςc‟„
where, K = (0.5 + β) ≤ 1
= (0.5 + 6/6) ≤ 1
= 1.5 ≤ 1 K=1
ςc‟ = 0.25 f ck = 1.118 N/mm2

ςv < ςc
Section is safe in shear.

Ast for exterior negative moment (73.168 kNm), b = 3000mm, d = 275mm,

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

  0.87. f y Ast  Mu
M u  0.87. f y . Ast . d  0.42 
 [OR] K=  Take pt from SP16
 bd 2
  0.36. f ck .b 
73.168 x 106 = 99.28 x 103.Ast – 2.53.Ast2
 Ast = 751.373 mm2
Required 10mm @ 310mm c/c
Min Ast: 0.12% of c/s = 0.12/100 x 3000 x 275 = 990 mm2
Provide 10mm @ 230mm c/c
Similarly the reinforcement required in CS and MS for –ve and +ve moments are found and
listed below:
Location Ast Req. Min. Ast Ast Provided Rein. Provided
Ext. –ve Mom. CS 751 990 990 10 @ 230 c/c
Int. –ve Mom. CS 1522 990 1522 10 @ 150 c/c
Int. –ve Mom. MS 791 630 791 10 @ 290 c/c
+ve Mom. CS 869 990 990 10 @ 230 c/c
+ve Mom. MS 925 630 925 10 @ 250 c/c

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

[IS1905-1987] – Reaffirmed 1998
(Comp. strength  3.5 to 40 N/mm2)

Clay Calcium Silicate (Cement, FAL-G)

Used for,
1. External and internal bearing walls
2. Load bearing piers and columns
3. Paritition walls
4. Brick masonry foundations
5. Floorings and Pavings

Advantages of brick masonry:

Attractive appearance, economical light weight, durable, strength, fire resistance, sound
insulation, low thermal conductivity, minimum maintenance.

Classification of bricks: [Based on shapes]

1. Solid bricks – Perforations or holes not greater than 25% of volume
2. Perforated bricks – Perforation is greater than 25% of volume. Advantages:of perforated
bricks are high thermal insulation and light weight. Water absorption should not be greater
than 15% after 24 hours of insertion and compressive strength not less than 7N/mm2.
3. Hollow blocks – Holes greater than 20% and sizes of holes greater than 20mm.
4. Cellular bricks – Holes greater than 20% and closed at one end
5. Ornamental bricks – Bricks used in corbels, cornices, etc.

Size of bricks: [As per IS1077]

Standard size – 19 x 9 x 9 cm
Modular brick – 20 x 10 x 10 cm

The average compressive strength of brick unit as per IS3495 (Part I) – 1976 is,
3.5 - 40N/mm2.

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

Tests on bricks:
1. Water absorption: Brick units immersed in water for 24 hours has,
i) upto 12.5 N/mm2 strength and water absorption should not be greater than 20%
ii) for higher classes, water absorption should not be greater than 15%
2. Efflorescence: Leaching of water soluble salts (white coloured) under efflorescence.
Test for efflorescence is done as per IS3495 (Part III) – 1976. The brick is kept in a
dish with water height as 25mm and the time for water absorption and evaporation is noted.
This value is compared with the same dish with 25mm water height kept for evaporation
alone. Based on the code, efflorescence in brick is reported as nil, slight, moderate, heavy
and serious.
3. Hardness: For the brick to be hard, it should create no impression by finger nail.
4. Soundness: When two bricks are struck, it should not break and produce a clear
ringing sound.
5. Compressive test: 3.5 – 40 N/mm2
6. Flexure test: Rarely done

Classification of brick based on structure and usage:

1. Solid wall
2. Cavity wall
3. Faced wall
4. Veneered wall

Based on loading, walls are classified as,

1. Axially loaded walls [Load applied at centre t/2]
2. Eccentrically loaded walls
3. Laterally loaded walls [Loading applied at sides]

Design procedure:
Slenderness (Least of le/t & he/t) : (λmax = 27)
(λ = 60 for RC columns, λ = 45 & 30 for braced and unbraced RC walls)
1. Actual stress on the brick masonry wall is found based on the load from slab and self
weight of wall.
2. The permissible compressive stress for masonry based on the type of mortar and
compressive strength of brick unit is taken from Table 8, IS1905-1987. This table is valid
for slenderness ratio λ ≤ 6 and eccentricity e = 0.
CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

3. Corrections are applied for slenderness ratio, eccentricity (if any), shape and size of brick
unit. Shape modification factor and cross sectional area of masonry (area reduction factor).
4. Slenderness ratio is found as the least of le/t or he/t, where, (le = Effective length and he =
effective height).
Effective length is found from Table 5, IS1905 – 1987 and effective height is found from
Table 4, IS1905-1987.

Table 4 – Effective height:

Support condition Effective height
Fixed – Fixed 0.75H
Fixed – Hinged 0.85H
Hinged – Hinged H
Fixed – Free 1.5H

The permissible value of λ is 27 (λmax) for cement mortar (OPC & PPC), given in Table 7,

5. Eccentricity of loading is determined (for axial loading e = 0). Eccentricities for various
other cases are to be checked as per Appendix B of IS1905-1987.

6. For the permissible stress adopted, shape modification factor is found based on height to
width ratio of each brick unit given in Table 10, IS1905-1987.

7. Area reduction factor is applied for elements having cross section less than 0.2m 2. The
area modification factor, k = 0.7 + 1.5 A

8. After applying modification factors, the actual stress is verified with a modified
permissible stress, σact < σper
The permissible stress (strength of the wall) depends upon the following factors:
i) Compressive strength of masonry unit
ii) Compressive strength of mortar used
iii) Slenderness ratio of the wall
iv) Eccentricity in loading
v) Shape and size of brick unit
vi) Cross sectional area of masonry
CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

1. Design an interior cross wall for a two storeyed building to carry 100mm thick RC slab
with 3m storey height. The wall is unstiffened and supports 2.65m wide slab. Loading on
the slab is given as below:
i) Live load on floor slab = 2 kN/m2
ii) Live load on roof slab = 1.5 kN/m2
iii) Floor finish = 0.2 kN/m2
iv) Roof finish = 1.96 kN/m2

Assume the compressive strength of brick as 10N/mm2 and mortar type as M1.
The loading on the wall includes the load from slab (LL + DL) and self weight of the wall.
Assuming the wall thickness as 100mm and size of each masonry unit as 200 x 100 x
Loading on slab:
Live load:
on floor slab = 2 kN/m2
on roof slab = 1.5 kN/m2
Dead load:
Floor finish = 0.2 kN/m2
Roof finish = 1.96 kN/m2
Self weight of slabs = 2 x 0.1 x 25 = 5 kN/m2
Load from slab = 10.66 kN/m2
For 2.65m length of slab,

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

Load from slab = 10.66 x 2.658 = 28.36 kN/m

Self weight of masonry = 2 x 0.1 x 20 x 3 = 12 kN/m
Total = 40.36 kN/m
Permissible stress of masonry for M1 mortar and masonry unit of compressive strength
10N/mm2 is taken from Table 8, IS 1905 – 1987.
Permissible stress = 0.96 N/mm2
Stress reduction factor, Area reduction factor, Shape modification factor are applied as per

Stress reduction factor (Kst)

Slenderness ratio (Least of le/t & he/t)
From Table 4,
he = 0.75 H = 0.75 x 3 = 2.25m [Both ends fixed]
he/t = 2.25 / 0.1 = 22.5 < 27
Therefore, the stress reduction factor from Table 10 for λ = 22.5 and no eccentricity
condition is,
For 22  0.56 (e = 0)
For 24  0.51
For 22.5  0.55
Kst = 0.55

Area reduction factor (KA) [Cl., IS1905-1987]

A = 0.1 x 1 = 0.1m2 < 0.2 m2

KA = 0.7 + (1.5 x 0.1) = 0.85

Shape modification factor (Ksh) [Cl., IS1905-1987]

Ksh for block of size 200 x 100 x 90 mm laid along 100mm side, from Table 10 for Height to
Width ratio of 90 x 100,
Height 90
= = 0.9
Width 100
CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

For 0.75xo  1
For 1xo  1.1
For 0.9xo  1.06
Ksh = 1.06

σper modified = Kst.KA.Ksh. σper

= 0.55 x 0.85 x 1.06 x 0.96 = 0.48 N/mm2
40.36 x10 3
σact /m = = 0.4036 N/mm2 < σper [0.48 N/mm2]
100 x1000
Hence the adopted thickness of 100mm with M1 mortar and masonry unit with compressive
strength 10N/mm2 is safe in carrying the load from slab.

2. In the above problem, design the wall if it is continuous and stiffened by cross wall of
100mm thickness and length of the wall being 3.6m.

Here, Sp = 3.6m
Loading on the masonry wall = 40.36 kN/m
40.36 x1000
Actual stress = = 0.4036 N/mm2
100 x1000
σper for M1 mortar and masonry unit of compressive strength 10 N/mm 2 with 100mm
Permissible stress = 0.96 N/mm2 [From Table 8, IS1905 – 1987]
Slenderness ratio, λ  Least of He/t & Le/t
He = 0.75 H = 0.75 x 3 = 2.25m
Le = 0.8L = 0.8 x 3.7 = 2.96m [From Table 5, IS1905 – 1987]
For the cross walls provided, stiffening coefficients are found from Table 6, IS1905 – 1987.
tp  Thickness of pier
CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

tp = 3tw [for cross walls] cl.4.6.3, IS1905-1987

Sp = 3.7m, [Sp  c/c spacing of pier]
tw = 0.1m [tp  thickness of pier]
tp = 3tw = 0.3m [tw  thickness of wall]
wp = 0.1m [wp  width of pier] cl.4.5.3, IS1905-1987

tp 0 .3 Sp 3 .7
= = 3, = = 37
tw 0 .1 wp 0 .1

Sp tp
From Table 6, for = 37, =3
wp tw

Se = 1
Thickness of wall = 1 x 0.1 = 0.1m
[Considering stiffness]
λ = 2.25 / 0.1 = 22.5 < 27
The stress reduction factor (Kst) for Table no.10 for λ = 22.5 with no eccentricity (e=0)
For λ = 22 0.56
For λ = 24 0.51
For λ = 22.5 0.55
Kst = 0.55
Area reduction factor for area = 0.1 x 1 = 0.1m2 < 0.2m2,
KA = 0.7 + (1.5 x 0.1) = 0.85
Shape modification factor: [Cl.]
Ksh for block size of 200 x 100 x 90mm laid along 100mm side from Table 10 for height to
width ratio of 90 x 100mm,
Height 90
= = 0.9
Width 100
For Ht/W = 0.75 1
For Ht/W = 1 1.1
For Ht/W = 0.9 1.06
Ksh = 1.06
σper modified = Kst.KA.Ksh. σper
= 0.55 x 0.85 x 1.06 x 0.96 = 0.48 N/mm2 > σact
Provided masonry wall of thickness 100mm with M1 mortar and compressive strength of
each unit 10 N/mm2 is safe.
CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

3. Design an interior cross wall for a two storeyed building to carry 100mm thick RC slab.
Check the safety of the wall if the wall is continuous and cross wall is available on only one
side and the storey height is 3.5m. The wall supports 2.65m wide slabs on both sides.
Loading on the slab is given as below:
i) Live load on floor slab = 2 kN/m2
ii) Live load on roof slab = 1.5 kN/m2
iii) Floor finish = 0.2 kN/m2
iv) Roof finish = 1.96 kN/m2

Assume the compressive strength of brick as 10N/mm2 and mortar type as M1.
Loading on slab:
Live load:
on floor slab = 2 kN/m2
on roof slab = 1.5 kN/m2
Dead load:
Floor finish = 0.2 kN/m2
Roof finish = 1.96 kN/m2
Self weight of slabs = 2 x 0.1 x 25 = 5 kN/m2
Load from slab = 10.66 kN/m2
For 2.65m length of slab,
Load from slab = 10.66 x 2.658 = 28.36 kN/m
Self weight of masonry = 2 x 0.1 x 20 x 3.5 = 14 kN/m
Total = 42.36 kN/m
42.36 x10 3
σact /m = = 0.4236 N/mm2
100 x1000
CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

Permissible stress of masonry for M1 mortar and masonry unit of compressive strength
10N/mm2 is taken from Table 8, IS 1905 – 1987.
Permissible stress = 0.96 N/mm2
Stress reduction factor, Area reduction factor, Shape modification factor are applied as per
Stress reduction factor (Kst)
Slenderness ratio (Least of le/t & he/t)
From Table 4,
Effective height, he = 0.75 H = 0.75 x 3.5 = 2.625m [Both ends fixed]
Effective length, le = 1.5 L = 1.5 x 3.65 = 5.475m [One end fixed, other end free]
he/t = 2.625 / 0.1 = 26.25 < 27
Therefore, the stress reduction factor from Table 10 for λ = 26.25 and no eccentricity
condition is,
For 26  0.45 (e = 0)
For 27  0.43
For 26.25  0.3375 + 0.1075 = 0.445
Kst = 0.445

Area reduction factor (KA) [Cl., IS1905-1987]

A = 0.1 x 1 = 0.1m2 < 0.2 m2

KA = 0.7 + (1.5 x 0.1) = 0.85

Shape modification factor (Ksh) [Cl., IS1905-1987]

Ksh for block of size 200 x 100 x 90 mm laid along 100mm side, from Table 10 for Height to
Width ratio of 90 x 100,
Height 90
= = 0.9
Width 100
For 0.75xo  1
For 1xo  1.1
For 0.9xo  1.06
CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

Ksh = 1.06

σper modified = Kst.KA.Ksh. σper

= 0.445 x 0.85 x 1.06 x 0.96 = 0.385 N/mm2
< σact /m [0.4236 N/mm2]
Hence the adopted thickness of 100mm with M1 mortar and masonry unit with compressive
strength 10N/mm2 is not safe in carrying the load from slab. The thickness of wall is
increased to 200mm.
Load from slab = 10.66 kN/m2
For 2.65m length of slab,
Load from slab = 10.66 x 2.658 = 28.36 kN/m
Self weight of masonry = 2 x 0.2 x 20 x 3.5 = 28 kN/m
Total = 56.36 kN/m
Loading on masonry wall = 56.36 kN/m
56.36 x1000
Actual stress σact = = 0.2818 N/mm2
200 x1000
Permissible stress of masonry for M1 mortar and masonry unit of compressive strength
10N/mm2 is taken from Table 8, IS 1905 – 1987.
Permissible stress σper = 0.96 N/mm2
Stress reduction factor, Area reduction factor, Shape modification factor are applied as per
Stress reduction factor (Kst)
Slenderness ratio (Least of le/t & he/t)
From Table 4,
Effective height, he = 0.75 H = 0.75 x 3.5 = 2.625m [Both ends fixed]
Effective length, le = 1.5 L = 1.5 x 3.65 = 5.475m [One end fixed, other end free]
he/t = 2.625 / 0.2 = 13.125 < 27
Therefore, the stress reduction factor from Table 10 for λ =
22.5 and no eccentricity condition is,
For 12  0.84 (e = 0)
For 14  0.78
For 13.125  0.3675 + 0.439 = 0.806
Kst = 0.806

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

Area reduction factor (KA) [Cl., IS1905-1987]

A = 0.2 x 1 = 0.2m2
KA = 1

Shape modification factor (Ksh) [Cl., IS1905-1987]

Ksh for block of size 200 x 100 x 90 mm laid along 100mm side, from Table 10 for Height to
Width ratio of 90 x 100,
Height 90
= = 0.9
Width 100
For 0.75xo  1
For 1xo  1.1
For 0.9xo  1.06
Ksh = 1.06
σper modified = Kst.KA.Ksh. σper
= 0.806 x 1 x 1.06 x 0.96 = 0.82 N/mm2
> σact /m [0.2818 N/mm2]

Hence the adopted thickness of 200mm with M1 mortar and masonry unit with compressive
strength 10N/mm2 is safe in carrying the load from slab.

4. Design the interior wall of a single storey building shown in figure. The height of the
ceiling is 3.5m and the load from slab including self weight is 30kN/m 2.
Load from slab = 30 x 3.65 = 109.5 kN/m
Self weight of wall = 0.15 x 3.5 x 1 x 20 = 10.5 kN/m
Total = 120 kN/m

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

120 x1000
Actual stress = = 0.8 N/mm2
150 x1000
Permissible stress of masonry for M1 mortar and masonry unit of compressive strength
10N/mm2 is taken from Table 8, IS 1905 – 1987.
Permissible stress σper = 0.96 N/mm2
Stress reduction factor, Area reduction factor, Shape modification factor are applied as per
Stress reduction factor (Kst)
Slenderness ratio (Least of le/t & he/t)
From Table 4,
Effective height, he = 0.75 H = 0.75 x 3.5 = 2.625m [Both ends fixed]
Effective length, le = 1 L = 1.0 x 8.15 = 8.15m
he/t = 2.625 / 0.2 = 13.125 < 27
For the cross walls provided, stiffening coefficients are found from Table 6, IS1905 – 1987.
tp = 3tw [for cross walls] cl.4.6.3, IS1905-1987
Sp = 8.15m, [Sp  c/c spacing of pier/wall]
tw = 0.15m [tp  thickness of pier/wall]
tp = 3tw = 0.45m [tw  thickness of wall]
wp = 0.15m [wp  width of pier/wall] cl.4.5.3, IS1905-1987

tp 0.45 Sp 8.15
= = 3, = = 54.3
tw 0.15 wp 0.15

Sp tp
From Table 6, for = 54.3, =3
wp tw

Se = 1
Thickness of wall = 1 x 0.2 = 0.2m
[Considering stiffness]
λ = 2.625 / 0.2 = 17.5 < 27

Therefore, the stress reduction factor from Table 10 for λ = 17.5 and no eccentricity
condition is,
For 16  0.73 (e = 0)
For 18  0.67
For 13.125  0.1825 + 0.5025 = 0.685
Kst = 0.685
CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

Area reduction factor (KA) [Cl., IS1905-1987]

A = 0.15 x 1 = 0.15m2
KA = 0.7 + (1.5 x 0.15) = 0.925

Shape modification factor (Ksh) [Cl., IS1905-1987]

Ksh for block of size 200 x 100 x 90 mm laid along 100mm side, from Table 10 for Height to
Width ratio of 90 x 100,
Height 90
= = 0.9
Width 100
For 0.75xo  1
For 1xo  1.1
For 0.9xo  1.06
Ksh = 1.06

σper modified = Kst.KA.Ksh. σper

= 0.685 x 0.925 x 1.06 x 0.96 = 0.647 N/mm2
< σact /m [0.8 N/mm2]

Hence the adopted M1 mortar and masonry unit with compressive strength 10N/mm 2 is not
sufficient in carrying the load.
Increase the strength of brick unit and mortar as,
H1 mortar and masonry unit compressive strength 15N/mm2
σper = 1.31 N/mm2
σper modified = 0.88 N/mm2
Therefore, the interior wall of 150mm thickness is safe with H1 mortar and brick units of
compressive strength 15 N/mm2.

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

5. Design a masonry wall of height 4m subjected to a load of 20kN/m. Use M1 mortar. The
wall is unstiffened[no need to find effective length] at the ends.
Assume a thickness of wall of 300mm
20 x1000
Actual stress = = 0.066N/mm2
300 x1000
σper = 0.96 N/mm2
He = 0.75 H = 0.75 x 4 = 3m
λ= = 10
0 .3
Kst = 0.89
For A = 0.3 x 1 = 0.3 m2, KA = 1
Ksh = 1.06
σper modified = 0.27 N/mm2 > σact [0.066 N/mm2]
Hence, safe.

6. Design the wall in the GF level for the loading condition as shown in figure.
Loading on brick wall:
Load from slab = 12 + 10 + 10 = 32 kN/m
Weight of wall (self wt.) = 3 x 2 x 0.1 x 3 x 20 = 36 kN/m
Total = 68 kN/m
68 x1000
Actual stress = = 0.34 N/mm2
2 x100 x1000
Use M1 mortar and brick of compressive strength 10 N/mm2.
σper = 0.96 N/mm2 [From Table 8, IS1905 – 1987]
(λ ≤ 6)
heff = 0.75 x h = 0.75 x 3 = 2.25m
te = 2/3(tw + tw) = 2/3(0.1 + 0.1) = 0.133m
2.25 2.25
λ= = = 16.875
te 0.133
From Table 8, IS1905 – 1987,
λ  16, 0.75
λ  18, 0.67
λ  16.875, (0.421875 + 0.293125 = 0.715)
Area of wall (each leaf) = 0.1 x 1 = 0.1m2 < 0.2 m2
KA = 0.85
Ksh = 1.06
CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

σper (modified) = Kst x KA x Ksh x σper

= 0.704 x 0.85 x 1.06 x 1.96 = 0.61 N/mm2 > σact
Therefore, the cavity wall is safe with M1 mortar and masonry unit of compressive strength

2. Design a cavity wall of overall thickness 250mm and thickness of each leaf 100mm for a
three storeyed building. The wall is
stiffened by intersecting walls 200mm
thick at 3600mm c/c. The ceiling height is
3m and the loading from roof is 16 kN/m.
The loading from each floor is 12.5kN/m.
Load from roof = 16kN/m
Load from floor = 12.5 + 12.5 kN/m
Wall load [3x0.2x20] = 36 kN/m
Total = 77 kN/m
77 x10 3
Actual stress = σac = = 0.39 N/mm2
200 x1000
σper :
Assume M1 mortar and brick of compressive strength 10 N/mm2.
From Table 7, IS1905 – 1987,
σper = 0.96 N/mm2 (λ ≤ 6)
Effective height = heff = 0.75 x 3 = 2.25m
Effective length = leff = 0.8 l = 0.8 x 3600 = 2880mm = 2.88m
Stiffening Coefficient:
Since cross wall is available along one leaf, Sc for
Sp 3.6 tp 3t w 0.3
 = 18,   3
wp 0.2 tw tw 0.1

From Table 8, IS1905 – 1987,

 15, 1.2
 20, 1
 18, 0.48 + 0.6 = 1.08
Effective thickness of cavity wall, te = 2/3 (1.08(0.1) + 0.1) = 0.139m
λ=  16.18
λ  16, 0.73
CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

λ  20, 0.67
λ  16.18, 0.664 + 0.0603 = 0.7243
Kst = 0.72
Area = 0.1 x 1 = 0.1m2 < 0.2 m2
KA = 0.85
Ksh = 1.06
σper (modified) = 0.62 N/mm2 > σact [0.39 N/mm2]

3. Design a masonry column to carry a load of 150kN. The height of the column is
2000mm. The column is restrained against translation (hinged) only.
Assume a column of size 400 x 400mm.
Use M1 mortar and brick of compressive strength 10 N/mm2.
150 x10 3
Actual stress = σact = = 0.94 N/mm2
400 x 400
heff = h[Table 4, IS1905-1987]
λ = 2000/400 = 5 < 6
There is no need for Stress reduction factor (Kst = 1)
From Table 7, σper = 0.96 N/mm2
Ast = 0.4 x 0.4 = 0.16m2 < 0.2m2
KA = 0.7 + (1.5 x 0.4 x 0.4) = 0.94
Ksh = 1.06
σper (modified) = 0.94 x 0.96 x 1 x 1.06 = 0.98 N/mm2.
σact < σper
Therefore, the masonry column of size 400 x 400mm with M1 mortar and brick unit of
compressive strength 10N/mm2 is safe to carry a load of 150kN.

Note: Boundary condition is assumed if not given.

4. Design an interior wall of a single storeyed workshop building of height 5.4m supporting a
RC roof. Assume roof load
as 45kN/m. The wall is
stiffened by piers at equal
intervals shown in figure.
Height = 5.4m, w = 45 kN/m
CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

Since there is an increase in width at the pier, the actual stress is found for the wall length
of 3.6m (One bay).
C/s area of one bay = (3.6 x 0.2) + 4(0.1 x 0.1) = 0.76 m 2
Loading per bay (for 3.6m length) = 45 x 3.6 = 162 kN
Load from brick wall = 0.76 x 5.4 x 20 = 82.08 kN
Total = 244.08 kN
244.08 x10 3
Actual stress = σact = 6
= 0.321 N/mm2
0.76 x10
heff = 0.75h = 4.05m [Table 4, IS1905-1987] demise
leff = 0.8l = 0.8 x 3.6 = 2.88m
λ = 2.88 < 6
There is no need for Stress reduction factor (Kst = 1)
From Table 7, σper = 0.96 N/mm2
Ast = 0.4 x 0.4 = 0.16m2 < 0.2m2
KA = 0.7 + (1.5 x 0.4 x 0.4) = 0.94
Ksh = 1.06
σper (modified) = 0.94 x 0.96 x 1 x 1.06 = 0.98 N/mm2.
σact < σper
Therefore, the masonry column of size 400 x 400mm with M1 mortar and brick unit of
compressive strength 10N/mm2 is safe to carry a load of 150kN.
Stiffening coefficient,
Sp 3.6 tp 0.4
 = 18,  2
wp 0.2 tw 0.2

(tp  depth of pier (0.4))

Sc = 1.04
teff = 1.04 x 0.2 = 0.208m
λ is the least of Heff and Leff
λ= = 13.85
Kst = 0.785
Area reduction coefficient = = 0.211 > 0.2
KA = 1 [Cl., IS1905 – 1987]
Ksh = 1.06

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

σper (modified) = 0.785 x 0.96 x 1 x 1.06 = 0.79 N/mm2 > σact

Inference : Hence the brick wall is safe with M1 mortar and brick of compressive strength

5. Design a brick masonry column of height 3m, tied effectively, fixed at top and bottom.
The load from slab is 100kN, including self weight of the brick pillar.
Load from slab = 100kN
Self weight of brick pillar = 0.4 x 0.4 x 20 x 3 = 9.6kN
Total = 109.6 kN
Assume a column size of 400mm x 400mm.
109.6 x10 3
Actual stress = = 0.685 N/mm2
400 x 400
Assume grade of mortar as M1 and compressive strength of 0.96N/mm 2
heff = 0.75.H = 2.25m
λ= = 5.625 < 6
There is no need of stress reduction factor.
Kst = 1
A = 0.4 x 0.4 = 0.16 m2 < 0.2m2
KA = 0.7 + (1.5 x 0.4 x 0.4) = 0.94
Ksh = 1.06 [Brick unit 200 x 100 x 90]
σper (modified) = 0.9565 N/mm2 > σact
Hence the brick wall is safe with M1 mortar and compressive strength of 10N/mm2.

6. Design an interior wall of a 3 storeyed building with ceiling

height of each storey as 3m. The wall is unstiffened and 3.6m
in length. Load from roof is 12kN/m and from each floor is
10kN/m. Select a cavity wall with overall thickness 250mm and
length between each leaf as 50mm.
h = 3m, l = 3.6m
Load from roof = 12 kN/m
Load from each floor = 10 + 10 kN/m
Self weight of wall = 3 x 2 x 0.1 x 3 x 20 = 36 kN/m
Total = 68 kN/m

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

68 x10 3
Actual stress = = 0.34 N/mm2
2 x100 x1000
Use M1 mortar and brick of compressive strength 10N/mm2,
σper = 0.96 N/mm2
heff = 0.75 x 3 = 2.25m
te = 2/3(tw + tw) = 0.133m
λ= = 16.875
From Table 8, IS1905 – 1987,
Kst = 0.704
Area of wall = 0.1 x 1 = 0.1 m2 < 0.2 m2
KA = 0.85
Ksh = 1.06
σper (modified) = 0.704 x 0.85 x 1.06 x 0.96 = 0.61 N/mm2 > σact
Hence the brickwork is safe with M1 mortar and brick of compressive strength 10N/mm 2.


σbr < σbr per
Load _ from _ beam P
where, σbr =  ,
Bearing _ area Abr
where, P  reaction from conc. load [Eg: From
Abr  Bearing area
σbr per = 1.5 (σper ) [σper given in Table 8, IS1905-
When concentrated load is applied on a masonry
wall, the wall is checked for load bearing stress.
Permissible stress in bearing is taken as 50% more
than the value given in Table 7 of IS1905-1987.
The angle of dispersion below the concentrated load is 30 o on each side.
Therefore, the actual stress is,
σact = P / A,
where, A  Area for 1m run = L x t,
L  Length of load dispersion = ,
tan 60 0

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

H  Height of wall
For the wall to be safe in carrying the load, σact < σper

1) Design a solid wall of a mill building 3m height securely tied with roof and floor units.
The wall supports two beams on either side exerting reactions of 30kN and 20kN.
Thickness of wall is 230mm and the beam bears on the wall for 115mm (width of beam).
Neglect load due to self weight.
Abr = 230 x 115 = 26450 mm2
P (30  20) x10 3
σbr =  = 1.89 N/mm2 < σper in bearing
Abr 26450
The values given in Table 8 are increased by 50% for σper in bearing.
Therefore, assume H1 grade of mortar and brick of compressive strength 15 N/mm 2.
σper = 1.31 N/mm2
σper br = 1.5 x 1.31 = 1.965 N/mm2
Check for compressive stress:
σact = P / A, A = L x t, where, L  Length of load dispersion
2H 2x3
L= 0
= = 3.464 m
tan 60 tan 60 0
A = 3.464 x 1000 x 230 = 796720 mm2
50 x10 3
σact = = 0.063 N/mm2
σper = 1.31 N/mm2
Kst = 0.89
KA = 1
Ksh = 1.06
σper modified = Kst x KA x Ksh x σper
= 0.89 x 1 x 1 x 1.31 = 1.1659 N/mm2 > σact [0.063 N/mm2]
The wall is safe in carrying a concentrated load with H1 mortar and brick of compressive
strength 15N/mm2.

2) Design the exterior wall of a workshop building 3.6m height carrying steel trusses at
4.5m spacing. The wall is securely tied at roof and floor levels. The wall is of thickness
200mm and the truss bears on the wall for 200mm and load from the truss is 30kN.
[Length is considered only for piers and cross walls]
Abr = 200 x 200 = 40000 mm2

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

30 x10 3
σbr = = 0.75 N/mm2 < σbr per  [1.5(σper) = 1.5 x 0.96 = 1.44 N/mm2]
Assume M1 mortar and brick of compressive strength 10 N/mm2.
Check for compressive stress:
σac = P/A
L= = 4.157m
tan 60 0
A = 4.157 x 103 x 200 = 956110mm2
30 x10 3
σact = = 0.036 N/mm2
Heff = 0.75 x 3.6 = 2.7m
Leff = 0.8 x 4.157 = 3.3256m
2.7 x10 3
λ= = 13.5
A = 4.157 x 0.2 = 0.8314 m2 > 0.2 m2
KA = 1
Kst = 0.795
Ksh = 1.06
σper modified = 0.81 N/mm2

3) In the above problem, design the wall if piers are available below the truss and size of
pier is 200 x 400mm.
Here, we need to take the length.
If the truss fully rests on
pier, bearing area,
Abr = 80000 mm2
P = 30 x 103 N
30 x10 3
σbr =
200 x 400
σbr = 0.375N/mm2 < σbr per  [1.5(0.96) = 1.44 N/mm2]
Using M1 mortar and brick of compressive strength 10N/mm2,
Check for compressive stress:
σac = P/A
L= = 4.16m
tan 60 0
Heff = 0.75 x 3.6 = 2.7m
CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

Leff = 0.8 x L = 0.8 x 4.5 = 3.6m

te = Sc x t
Sp 4.5 tp 0.4
  22.5 ,  2
Wp 0.2 tw 0.2

Sc = 1
te = 1 x 0.2 = 0.2m
2 .7
λ= = 13.5
0 .2
A = L x t = 4.5 x 0.2 = 0.9 m2 > 0.2 m2
KA = 1
Kst = 0.795
30 x10 3
σact = = 0.03N/mm2
4.5 x0.2
σper modified = 1 x 1 x 0.795 x 1.06 x 0.96 = 0.8089 N/mm2
Hence the wall is safe with M1 mortar and brick of compressive strength 10N/mm 2.


Eccentricity – Offset distance from CG of member to CG of load
Occurs in,
i) Exterior wall –Bearing not sufficient
ii) Flexible slab – Excessive deflection (timber)
iii) When span is very large, code recommends to take some amount of
σact =  < 1.25(σper modified),
where, M  P x e, Z  b.t2/6, b = 1m (wall)
Guidelines given in Appendix A
Eccentricity in loading occurs in loading on walls due to various reasons causing
reduction in stress. The cases where eccentricity needed to be assumed are given in
Appendix A of IS1905-1987.
1. For an exterior wall, when span of roof is more than 30 times the thickness of wall,
the eccentricity assumed is one sixth of the bearing width.
L > 30 tw
E = 1/6(tw)
2. When bearing is not sufficient, eccentricity assumed is tw/12

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

3. When flexible floors are adopted, for full width bearing, eccentricity assumed is t w/6.
4. For interior walls, when there is unequal length of slabs on both sides and then the
difference between the loading is greater than 15%, moment is generated for which,

Actual stress (σact) is the sum of direct compressive stress P/A and bending stress
M/Z. The permissible stress given in Table 8 can be increased by 25% and
modification factors applied on it.

1) Design an exterior wall of height 3.5m, which is unstiffened. The slab is light weight
flexible slab of length 3.5m. Assume the unit weight of slab as 15kN/m3 with thickness

Half of the load from the slab comes to the

wall and since the slab is flexible,
eccentricity considered as per Appendix A
of IS1905 – 1987.
Assume 200mm thick wall with M1 mortar
and brick of compressive strength of

Loading on wall:
Load from slab = 15 x 0.2 x 3.5/2 = 5.25 kN/m
Self weight of wall = 0.2 x 3.5 x 20 = 14 kN/m
Total = 19.25 kN/m
e = tw/6 = 33.33mm
Moment due to eccentricity = 19.25 x 103 x 33.33 = 641.67 x 103 Nmm
Z = bt2/6 = 1000 x 2002 / 6 = 6.67 x 106 mm3

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

M/Z = 0.096 N/mm2

P M 19.25 x10 3
Total stress =  = + 0.096 = 0.192 N/mm2
A Z 1000 x 200
σper :
Use M1 mortar and brick of compressive strength 10N/mm2,
σper = 0.96 N/mm2
Stress reduction factor (Kst)
Slenderness ratio (Least of le/t & he/t)
From Table 4,
he = 0.75 H = 0.75 x 3 = 2.25m [Both ends fixed]
he/t = 2.625 / 0.2 = 13.125 < 27
Therefore, the stress reduction factor from Table 10 for λ = 13.125 and no eccentricity
condition is,
For 12  0.78 (e = 0)
For 14  0..7
For 13.125  0.735
Kst = 0.735

Area reduction factor (KA) [Cl., IS1905-1987]

For thickness t = 0.2m, A = 0.2 m
KA = 1
Shape modification factor (Ksh) [Cl., IS1905-1987]
Ksh for block of size 200 x 100 x 90 mm laid along 100mm side, from Table 10 for Height to
Width ratio of 90 x 100,
Height 90
= = 0.9
Width 100
For 0.75xo  1
For 1xo  1.1
For 0.9xo  1.06
Ksh = 1.06
σper modified = Kst.KA.Ksh. σper
= 0.735 x 1 x 1.06 x 1.25 x 0.96 = 0.935 N/mm2
σact [0.192N/mm2] < 1.25 σper [ 1.17N/mm2]

Note : For brick masonry columns laterally supported by beams,

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

He = H
Only when the column is not laterally supported (laterally unsupported),
He = 2H

2) Design a masonry column tied effectively at top and bottom. Load from slab is 100kN.
Assume size of column as 400 x 400mm
100 x10 3
σact = = 0.625 N/mm2
400 x 400
σper = 0.96 N/mm2
Heff = H = 2m
Kst = 1
Ksh = 1.06
KA = 0.94
σper modified = 0.957 N/mm2
σact < σper

3) Design an interior wall of

a single storeyed building
supporting unequal concrete
roof slabs. The plan is as
shown in figure. Assume
triangular pressure
distribution and unit weight
of slab is 10kN/m3. The
height of the wall is 3.8m
and the wall is fixed to the
foundation block below.

Height = 3.8m
tw tw 2t t
e=  = w = w
6 6 6 3
σact = 
Loading from slab 1:

CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

(1 / 2) x3.6 x1.8 x10

= Area of triangle x Load intensity on slab = = 9 kN/m
Loading from slab 2:
(1 / 2) x(1.8 / 2) x3.6 x10
= Area of rectangle x Load intensity on slab = = 4.5 kN/m
Self weight of brickwork = 0.2 x 3.8 x 20 = 15.2 kN/m
= 28.7 kN/m

Since the difference in loading is 100% [> 15%], there is an eccentricity in the loading. The
eccentricity in the loading as per Appendix A of IS1905-1987 is,
tw tw 2t t
e=  = w = w
6 6 6 3
M  (Difference in load from slab x Eccentricity)
= (9 – 4.5) x 103 x 200/3 = 300 x 103 Nmm
P M b.t 2 1000 x 200 2
σact =  , where Z = = = 6.67 x 106 mm3
A Z 6 6
28.7 x10 3 300 x10 3
σact =  3
= 0.1885 N/mm2
1000 x 200 6.67 x10
e = tw/3  e/tw = 1/3
λ is least of (He/te and Le/te)
Assume width of the cross wall as 200mm
te = t x S c
Sp 3.8 tp 0.6
 = 19,  3
Wp 0.2 tw 0.2

Sc = 1.04
te = t x Sc = 1.04 x 0.2 = 0.208m
Heff = 0.75 x 3.8 = 2.85m
λ= = 13.7
Leff = 0.8 L = 0.8 x 3.60 = 2.88m
λ = 13.8
λ  12 0.72
λ  14 0.66
λ  13.7 0..67
Kst = 0.67
A = 0.1 x 1 = 0.1m2 < 0.2m2
CE701 – Design of Reinforced Concrete & Brick Masonry Structures

KA = 1
Ksh = 1.06
σper modified = 0.96 x 0.67 x 1 x 1.06 = 0.68 N/mm2
σact [0.1885 N/mm2] < 1.25(σper)  [0.851 N/mm2]

4) Design an exterior wall of height 4m, unstiffened and supports a flexible slab 150mm
thick with unit weight 12 kN/m3. The length of
the slab is 4m.
Load from slab = 2 x 0.15 x 12 = 3.6 kN/m
Self weight of wall = 0.2 x 4 x 20 = 16 kN/m
Total = 19.6 kN/m
e = tw/6 = 200/6 = 25mm
M = P x e = 19.6 x 103 x 25 = 6.53 x 105 Nmm
b.t 2 1000 x 200 2
Z= = = 6.67 x 106 mm3
6 6
σact =  = 0.098 + 0.097 = 0.195 N/mm2
Heff = 0.75H = 3m
Assuming M1 mortar and brick of compressive strength 10 N/mm 2,
λ= = 15
λ  14 0.7
λ  16 0.63
λ  15 0.35 + 0.315 = 0..665
Kst = 0.665
A = 0.1 x 1 = 0.1m2 < 0.2m2
KA = 1
Ksh = 1.06
σper modified = 0.96 x 0.665 x 1 x 1.06 = 0.677 N/mm2
σact [0.195 N/mm2] < 1.25(σper)  [0.846 N/mm2]


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