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allocated ac vi es using both Resource Assignment methods.


Resources can be assigned to the various tasks via the IS Dependency Crea on dialog box.
Assigning the resources via this process can be done by isola ng the specified task polygons and assigning the resources
to the visible polygons.
Resources are assigned via the IS predominantly for short-term, path-based scheduling.
To assign resources via the IS;
1. From the main panel of the IS, select Scheduling | Dependency Crea on.
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2. From the bo om of the Dependency Crea on dialog box, click Interac ve Filter

When the Interac ve Filter is selected here, it is automa cally applied to the TASK SOLIDS, TASK POLYGONS, and TASK
CENTROIDS layers to allow filtering of the tasks and dependencies.
3. From the Interac ve Filter, select ACTIVITY TYPE from the A ribute drop-down list and highlight the DECLINE ac vity

4. Enter the following Dependency Crea on | Resource se ngs;

5. Click the Assign Resource to all Selected Ac vity Polygons

6. Follow the prompt and select all the visible Decline ac vity polygons then right-click to execute.
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Now that the Jumbo 1 resource has been assigned to the selected Decline ac vi es, the results of the assignment should
be checked.
To check the resource assignment results;
1. If it isn’t open already, click Open Scheduler to open the project schedule.
2. Select Ac vity Type = Decline from the Ac ve Task Filter to only display the DECLINE tasks.

Due to the display configura ons previously set up in the Scheduler, several key fields can be used to check the Resource
Assignment results. TASK INDICATORS
The Task Indicators column displays the Resource icon when a Resource has been assigned to the task.
Hover over a Task Indicator field to display the tooltip information box, providing details of the Resource

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