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Experiment No.

Fluctuation of attention
Problem Statement:
To study the fluctuation of attention with the help of two
reversible figures.
Attention is a cognitive process of selectively concentrating on
one aspect of the environment while ignoring other things (John
R Anderson).
 Determinants of attention:
Attention can be influenced by both external(objective) and
internal(subjective) factors.
1. External (Objective) Factors:
These are the factors that are external in nature and are usually
governed by the characteristics of the stimuli. (Prachi Juneja)
Example: Intensity, size, color, movement.
2. Internal (Subjective) Factors:
Internal factors refer to the thoughts and mental state of the
perceiver. Example: Interest, mood, motive, emotions.
Distraction of Attention:
Distraction means dividing of attention or some interference in
attention. The object which causes the distraction is called the
distractor. Duration of attention is often short. Different stimuli
distract person’s attention. (Hassan Shaheer)
Fluctuation of Attention:
Fluctuation of attention is the length of time one can attend
continuously to a single object. Attention is not steady or
continuous throughout. At one time the object come in our
focus, at another time, it goes out from focus. (Hassan Shaheer)
Considering the previous literature, the following hypothesis has
been made:
“On average, an individual’s attention fluctuates after 8 to 10
There are two types of variables, independent and dependent
Independent Variable: Reversible figures
Dependent Variables: Attention
Following apparatus has been used:
1. Paper
2. Pen
3. Stopwatch
4. Reversible images
5. Calculator
Experimenters particulars:
Name: Amna Awan
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Qualification: College
Participants Particulars:
Name: Taiba
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Qualification: College
Following instructions were given to the participant:
1. You will observe two images in one picture.
2. Focus on one image at a time.
3. Tap with pencil when your attention shifts from one image
to another.
The experimenter and the participant seated in front of each
other. The Experimenter gave the instruction and reversible
figures to the participant. She then took pen, paper and
stopwatch. She then started the stopwatch and noted the readings
for first image, then she noted the readings for all the other
images. In the end, she asked the participant what she has
Experimenters Report:
The environment was a bit distracting, as we did our experiment
in Library. The participant was cooperative and helped me with
taking readings.
Participants Report:
The Experimenter gave instructions clearly. The environment
was a bit distracting due to noise. The experiment was easy and
was completed quickly.

Following result has been concluded from the experiment:
Quantitative Analysis:
Picture 1
Glass Faces
4 11
9.8 20
14.5 28
23 37
28 46
32 54

Total time: 120 seconds

Initial response time: 7.5 seconds
Latency period: 112.5 seconds
Rate of fluctuation: 7.03
Picture 2
Man Instrument
10 10
19 18
29 26
40 34
53 46

Total time: 120 seconds

Initial response time: 10
Latency period: 110
Rate of fluctuation: 10

Qualitative Analysis:
The rate of fluctuation for picture 1 is 7.03, which is not equal to
hypothesis but close to hypothesis. It is near the average rate of
fluctuation as stated in the literature.
The rate of fluctuation for picture 2 is 10, which is equal to the
hypothesis. It is the average rate of fluctuation as stated in the

Readings of fluctuation of attention for picture 1 are a little
below the average rate. Main reason for the discrepancy of
reading is that it was the first experiment of both the
experimenter and the participant. They did not have the
experience of taking experiments.
Another reason for slightly different findings is the
environment, as the experiment should be conducted in lab with
proper environment, temperature, lighting and silence. But
experimenter conducted the experiment in the library and there
was disturbance due to students studying aloud and it was a
cause of distraction.
Experimenter can make her results more accurate next time, if
she performs the experiment in a quiet place without
distractions. It would be much better if she performs the
experiment in a lab.
Hypothesis is verified for picture 2, as fluctuation of attention is
10, which is average reading according to literature.
Hypothesis is true for picture 1, as fluctuation of attention is
7.03, which is a little below the average reading according to
Attention :
External Factors: (The article is Written By “Prachi Juneja” and
Reviewed By Management Study Guide Content Team)
Internal Factors:
Example of internal and external factors:
Fluctuation of attention and Distraction: Hassan Shaheer
University of Gujrat, Lhr campus, Harbanspura Lahore.

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