.English 2.3 Galab (1) - 1702892600000

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Is for dog

Monthly Exam (1) Sub: English Class: (2/1-aad)

Student Name: ________________________________ Date: / / 2023
Part two: match the capital letters to the small letters

1) M egg

2) G apple
3) D when
4) H ink
5) L L Is for lion
6) I h
7) W d=Is for dog
8) E grape
9) A mango

Part One (1): fill in the gaps with the missing letters
2) How_____________you ?
3) _____________is for___________zebra.
4) There are _________ days in the week.
5) X. Is for. ________ray .
Part three: change these words into English

1. Sawab = __________________________________________

2. Goormee =___________________________________________

3. Goronyo =___________________________________________

4. Annaga =___________________________________________

5. Khad =___________________________________________

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