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From the presented A ributes | Define screen, enter the following se ngs.

All A ributes defined as Primary Grouping A ributes as well as those set in Other A ributes Grid will be added to the
graphics as A ributes. The main difference is that Primary Grouping A ributes will be used to help group and structure
the data in other processes.
Define the fields and forma ng used to assign an A ribute to the tasks created later in the process.
To set up the A ributes | Field Builder;
1. From the Op ons dialog box, select A ributes | Field Builder from the le panel.
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2. Enter the following se ngs to create the A ribute | Name;

When the IS builds the tasks later in NAME FIELD (DESWIK SCHEDULER)
the process, each individual task will
be assigned an A ribute
(Deswik.CAD) and Name Field
(Deswik Scheduler). ATTRIBUTE

carrying over the original se ngs.

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From the Model Space, visually check to confirm all the displayed en es match the correct A ribute value.
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As the Interac ve Scheduler will generate tasks later in the process based off the design en es and their
a ributes stored on the Tunnels and Stopes layers, it is cri cal that the values assigned to the design en es
match their related values in the Custom Fields in the Scheduler.
For example, in the Assign A ribute form, if it presents en es which are named Ac vity Type – Decline and
when they are visually checked they are iden fied as also containing Ac vity Type – Level Access en es,
these should be updated at this stage to avoid them being created incorrectly later in the process.
Remember to check all of the A ributes to Edit and all of their respec ve A ribute Values even those with a
count of 0 (zero) A ribute Values i.e. 0: A ribute Values must = 0: En es.
6. A er all of the A ributes to Edit and all of their respec ve A ribute Values have been checked, click
Remove All Filters to restore the graphics.
If any of the assigned A ributes do not match the values assigned to the design en es, they must be
For this tutorial, and if the steps in the last couple of exercises have been followed correctly, all of the design
en ty A ribute Values should match the assigned A ribute Values.
Op onal Prac ce
To modify the assigned a ributes;
1. From the Model Space, select the en es with the incorrect A ribute Values.
2. From the Assign A ributes dialog box, highlight the correct A ribute Value.
3. Toggle on Apply Selected Value to: | Selected En es.
4. Click to correct the A ribute Values of the selected design en es.
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5. A er upda ng the A ribute field, click to check the modified A ribute value has been correctly applied.
6. Once all the fields and their values have been checked (and corrected if required), click Remove All Filters
7. Click from the Assign A ributes and A ribute Assignment dialog boxes.
This is a good me to save the project!
Chapter Review
Before proceeding to the next chapter; review the subjects below and confirm the par cular skills have been
acquired. The acquired skills and knowledge should include; SUBJECT REFERENCE
Overview of the assign a ributes func onality.
 A ribute Assignment
Review the assigned a ributes by filtering the design en es.
 Review Assigned A ributes
Update design en es with the correct a ributes values.
 Modify Assigned A ributes
The theories covered in these topics can now be applied to similar processes.
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Ac vity Types define how to create the various types of Tasks. They also define how to link the graphical
design data to the Ac vity Types. For the case of Underground Mining, we typically use the Tunnel and Stope
Ac vity types. For each tunnel or stope with a different physical characteris c, an Ac vity Type is created. For
this tutorial, the Solid Ac vity Type is also included to represent stopes created as wireframes. 8.1. CREATE
Tunnel cross sec on profiles need to be designed so that each entry in the Tunnel Ac vity Types can be
associated with a given profile, from which task solids can be created from.
To create the tunnel profiles;
1. From the main panel of the IS, select Se ngs | Ac vity Types.
2. From the presented Ac vity Type Defini ons dialog box, select the Underground | Tunnels op on.
3. Click the bu on from under the grid.
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The Tunnel Sec ons design tool can also be accessed via the Draw | Tunnels | Sec ons command in the
Deswik.CAD main menu.
4. From the presented Tunnel Sec ons dialog box, add a new tunnel sec on and enter the following se ngs;
5. Click and define the following sec on specifica ons;
6. Repeat the process to create the following 2 Tunnel Sec ons; SECTION NAME TYPE WIDTH HEIGHT RADIUS
4.5 x 4.5 Arch
5.0 x 6.5 Arch
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Op onal Prac ce
Repeat the steps covered above to design different tunnel sec on profiles i.e. rectangle, circle and custom
sec ons and experiment with the various edi ng op ons that are unique for each profile i.e. the Custom
profile provides the user with the following edi ng op ons:
Tunnel types are defined by a centerline and a cross-sec on or profile. A Tunnel type generally represents a
development heading, but could also be used to build up any other type of solid that can be defined by a
centerline and a profile.
To define the tunnel ac vity types;
1. From the Ac vity Type Defini ons dialog box, add 2 new rows to the Linking A ributes grid.
2. Select ACTIVITY TYPE and *PenColor Index from the Linking A ributes drop-down list.
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3. Map the Data Filtering | Data Layer to the 0\02_DESIGN\DEVELOPMENT DESIGN layer then click
4. Leave the Select A ribute to use as the Descrip on field set to <None> and click
8 new ac vi es should have been created represen ng the original design strings located on the
0\02_DESIGN\DEVELOPMENT DESIGN layer with the a ribute of ACTIVITY TYPE and their respec ve color
2 new columns with the tle ACTIVITY TYPE and *PenColor Index are also added to the main grid. These
A ributes define how to link the design centerlines represen ng the tunnels to the Ac vity Types i.e. any
centerlines with the ACTIVITY TYPE = DECLINE will be created as a Decline and honor the original string design
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5. Complete the Tunnels Ac vity Type Defini ons dialog box as follows;
For the Sec ons column, reference the Tunnel Sec on profiles created earlier. The Field Values will be
populated in the following step.
6. Populate the Field Values by clicking in each cell and map the values to the associated task types;
<Ctrl C> and <Ctrl V> the Filed Type fields if required. IE: Once the Ore Drive line has been set, copy and paste
it to the Level Access line. TASK TYPES VALUES
 Ore Drive
 Level Access
 Vent Drive
 Stockpile
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 Vent Rise
 Decline
 Return Air Drive
 Pump Sta on
When the task ac vi es are generated later in the process, they will be assigned with the following outputs

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