Philosophical Foundation of The Teaching Profession

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What is Philosophy?

Literally means Love of Wisdom

The Basic Philosophy of Education

A. Teacher-Centered Philosophies

1. Essentialism. (Wiliam Bagley- (1874-=1946).

It is a philosophical theory that attributes ultimate reality to he essence embodied in a
sense-perceptible thing. The essentialism the teaching of fundamental skills that are required in a
society and have been proven over time.

Why teach?- To let students acquire basic knowledge, skills and values enacting to back-to-basic
What to teach? . Basic skill or the fundamental R’s such as reading, ‘riting, ‘rithmetic and right
How to teach? Emphasis on the mastery pf the subject matter, observance of the core requirements
and longer academic year.

Essentialist believe that there is a core of information that should be taught to students in a
methodical and disciplined manner. The intellectual and moral standards that should be taught in

2. Perennialism - (Robert Hutchins (1899-1977)

Emphasizes the transmission of great works. This includes timeless concepts and universal
truths. Perennialism education is said to be universal, based on the beliefs that all humans share the
same essential nature.

Why teach?- to teach students to think rationally and develop[ minds to think critically.
What to teach? – Lessons are lifted from classic and great books.
How to teach?- Centered around teachers

B. Student-centered Philosophies

1. Progressivism= John Dewey(1859-1962)

Change is the only thong in the world at doesn’t change It is inevitable. Progressivism is
a philosophical approach to education that accepts that nothing is permanent in life .

Why teach? – to develop students to become enlightened and intelligent citizens.

What to teach?- Curriculum that responds to students’ needs and that relates to their personal lives
and experiences.
How to teach?- Teachers employ experiential methods. They believe that one learns by doing.
Progressivist believe that rather than focusing on the material or the teacher, education should
focus on the whole child.

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