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Ripley Pijuan, Chet Yee 12 – OLA

Philosophy PT

Is the most important purpose in life to find happiness?

Chet: You know, lately, I've been pondering the whole purpose of life thing.

Ripley: Oh, really? That's quite the philosophical journey. What's been on your mind?

Chet: Well, it seems like a lot of people believe that the ultimate purpose in life is to find
happiness. I'm not sure if I entirely agree. What are your thoughts on that?

Ripley: Ah, the pursuit of happiness. It's a classic notion, isn't it? I think many do see it
as a fundamental goal. After all, it often leads to a sense of fulfillment and contentment.

Chet: Yeah, I get that. But I can't help but wonder if there's more to it. I mean, there are
so many ways people find meaning in life, right?

Ripley: Absolutely. Some folks find their purpose in personal growth, in becoming the
best versions of themselves. Others find it in deep, meaningful relationships, or even in
making a positive impact on society.

Chet: Precisely! And then there are those who find purpose in their spiritual journey, or
in the endless pursuit of knowledge and understanding.

Ripley: Exactly! It's such a subjective thing, isn't it? What one person finds fulfilling
might not resonate with someone else. It's all about our unique beliefs, experiences,
and circumstances.

Chet: So true. So, while happiness is undeniably important, I think there are a multitude
of valid pursuits in life. It's about finding what truly speaks to you and gives your life
depth and significance.
Ripley: Couldn't have said it better myself. It's endlessly fascinating how differently we
all interpret this grand question of purpose, isn't it? It just goes to show how beautifully
diverse our perspectives can be.


In our conversation, we delved into the question of life’s purpose. We both agreed that
finding happiness is often seen as a crucial aspect of life’s meaning, leading to
contentment. However, we couldn’t help but wonder if there were broader perspectives
beyond just happiness. We suggested that there might be more comprehensive
viewpoints to consider.

We acknowledged that there are various valid pursuits in life, such as personal growth
and meaningful relationships, in addition to finding happiness. We both recognized that
discovering our purpose is a deeply personal and subjective matter. We appreciated the
diversity of perspectives on this profound question.

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