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Hope International Academy Okinawa

904-0113 Okinawa-ken, Nakagami-gun, Chatan-cho, Miyagi 1-51
Phone: 098-989-9110 email:

Student Report Card - Elementary

Student Name Grade Term Homeroom Teacher

Aliyah Delgado 4 Term 1: 65 days Mr. Joseph Jerome E. Sanchez

School Attendance
Present Absent Late Excused Absence Half Day

52 1 12 0 0

Key Performance Levels

Innovating An Innovating student is able to extend their learning beyond age related
expectations, demonstrating the ability to apply the knowledge and skills they have
built in new and unfamiliar contexts.

Mastering A Mastering student has successfully consolidated the knowledge and skills that
are expected for their age related expectations. They are starting to apply their
knowledge and skills to new contexts.

Developing A Developing level student is consolidating their knowledge and skills at age
related expectations. They are able to apply the knowledge and skills they have
developed with limited support.

Beginning A beginning level student is still working towards their age related expectations.
They will be able to display some ability with their knowledge and skills but are yet
to be able to apply them without support.

Areas of Assessment
Knowledge Knowledge is fact based learning, students are able to demonstrate their
abilities with knowledge goals by successfully answering questions in quiz
based situations.

Skills Skills are demonstrated by the student in action. They typically assessed
through the student attempting to show their ability with the skill in an
independent task and guided by rubrics. Students are expected to build and
progress with their skills over the school year.

Understanding Understanding challenges students to make meaning and reflect on their

learning. They will be able to show their understanding of a theme through
Exit Points and reflection tasks.
Term Overview
Personal Aliyah has shown to be a collaborator and communicator in most of the activities we
Learning have done. She has proven herself to be a good and reliable friend to her classmates.

Understanding Aliyah made some connections to other subjects and areas independently, but she
struggled to deepen her understanding of the concepts in math, particularly in relating
her knowledge of the big picture.

MAP Testing English Language Arts: Mathematics:

- Strength: Literary Concepts: Purpose, - Strength: Algebraic Concepts
Structure, and Devices - Area of Development: Data, Statistics,
- Area of Development: Literary and Probability, Number Sense
Concepts: Main Ideas, Details, and - Grade equivalent: On Grade Level
- Grade equivalent: Above Grade Level

International Primary Years Curriculum Performance Level

Course Description: Our unit focus was “Earth and Space”. We talked Beginning Developing Mastering Innovating
about the planets in our solar system, mass, and weight, different forces
and the effects of gravity, how to grow seeds and plants, and choose those
that will be suitable for Mars.

Knowledge Know that the study of science is concerned with B D M I

investigating and understanding the animate and
inanimate world around them

Skill Be able to record and communicate their B D M I

findings accurately using the most appropriate
medium and the appropriate scientific
vocabulary and conventions

Strengths and Achievements

● Aliyah knows about our solar system, basic facts about plants and germination, and the forces
acting on an object.
● She is able to conduct research to gather information in a scientific way.
Areas for Development
● Aliyah needs to know the specific information needed to avoid wasting time when researching.
She will also benefit from finishing her work on time.

Geography Performance Level

Course Description: Our unit focus was “Earth and Space”. We focused on Beginning Developing Mastering Innovating
the geographical features of Mars.

Knowledge Know that the study of geography is concerned B D M I

with places and environments in the world
around them

Skill Be able to communicate their knowledge and B D M I

understanding of geography in a variety of ways
Strengths and Achievements
● Aliyah can describe the geographical features of Mars’ surface.
● She is able to provide output beyond expectations.
Areas for Development
● Aliyah should challenge herself to voluntarily collaborate more with people she doesn’t usually
work with.

International Performance Level

Course Description: Our unit focus was “Earth and Space”. We focused on Beginning Developing Mastering Innovating
how to write our own international rules and regulations for Mars and the
reasons why we might one day need to live on another planet.

Knowledge Know about similarities and differences between B D M I

the lives of people in different countries

Skill Be able to identify ways in which people work B D M I

together for mutual benefit

Strengths and Achievements

● Aliyah knows that respect should be given to people of different cultures.
● She understands the importance of abiding by the rule of law.
Areas for Development
● Aliyah is encouraged to more actively participate in class discussions concerning

English Language Arts Performance Level

Course Description: Our unit of focus was “Earth and Space”. We focused Beginning Developing Mastering Innovating
on reading materials, listening to stories of different genres, and writing in a
variety of different forms in connection to the theme.

Skill Reading and Viewing: 3.01 Be able to B D M I

summarise main ideas from more than one
paragraph, identifying key supporting details

Skill Listening: 3.12 Be able to use strategies and B D M I

tools to enhance listening comprehension

Strengths and Achievements

● Aliyah is able to summarize a story from both reading and listening activities.
● She has shown excellent skills in comprehension to retell stories that she has heard.
Areas for Development
● She continues to have difficulties in spelling words correctly.

Mathematics Performance Level

Course Description: In Mathematics, the focus for this term started with Beginning Developing Mastering Innovating
numbers to 100 000, factors, and multiples. We learned to read, compare,
order, and estimate numbers according to place value. We also focused on
finding the factors and multiples of numbers. Later on in the term, we
focused on understanding that angles can be seen and measured when two
lines meet at a point.
Skill Be able to classify angles based on B D M I

Skill Be able to recognise and use number patterns B D M I

and relationships including multiples, factors,
squared and cubed numbers, and square roots

Strengths and Achievements

● Aliyah is being commended for her resilience in finishing her tasks in math.
● She has a good understanding of the concept of place value.
Areas for Development
● Aliyah continues to struggle with remembering the strategies and processes in measuring angles,
multiplication, and division.

Specialist Classes Performance Level

Art - Ms. Danica Beginning Developing Mastering Innovating

Knowledge Know that art can be used as a tool to challenge B D M I

and influence society

Skill Be able to experiment with and manipulate a B D M I

variety of materials, techniques for a particular

Physical Education - Mr. Romel Beginning Developing Mastering Innovating

Knowledge Know how to prepare the body for physical B D M I


Skill Be able to create sequences of aesthetic B D M I

movement individually, in pairs and in groups

Japanese Culture - Ms. Mana Beginning Developing Mastering Innovating

Knowledge Know that stereotypes give us a limited insight B D M I

into other cultures

Skill Be able to categorise similarities and differences B D M I

between people and places

Cooking - Mr. Yoshi Beginning Developing Mastering Innovating

Knowledge Know that designs should consider aesthetics B D M I

and function

Skill Be able to use appropriate (cooking)tools and B D M I

techniques independently

Music - Mr. Sanchez Beginning Developing Mastering Innovating

Skill Be able to compose melodic phrases using a B D M I

specified scale

Skill Be able to accurately perform/recreate musical B D M I

phrases from staff notation and develop their
own interpretation

Life Tech - Mr. Mariano Beginning Developing Mastering Innovating

Skill Be able to predict the outcomes of code B D M I

Skill Be able to write and/or edit program code to B D M I

achieve a specific outcome

Design - Ms. Sam/Mr. Romel Beginning Developing Mastering Innovating

Knowledge Be able to respond to identified needs, wants B D M I

and opportunities with informed designs and

Skill Be able to work with a variety of tools and B D M I

materials with some accuracy

Homeroom Teacher: Joseph Jerome Sanchez School Principal: Brian Bates

Date: December 16, 2021 Date: December 16, 2021

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