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Correlation of mothers behavior

in autistic children with DMF-T

Value and Dental Care Need
by Indah Permatasari

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ISSN 0975-2366

Correlation Of Molher's Behavior In Autistic Children

Wilh DMF-T Velue And Dental Core Need
Sfudenf of Denfol Medicine, FOCully of Denfal Medicine, Airlongga University, Suraboyo - Indonesia
*5foF of Deporfemenf Pediatric Denlisfry, Denfal Medicine Faculfy, Airlonggo Universily Surab0ya -
*Corresponding Aufhor
Email ID:*
Received: 15.04.10, Revised: 11.05.20, Accepted: 07.06.10

Background: The prevalence of autism is 6 per 1000 people, usually seen before a child is 3 years
old. Th e main characteristics of autism are related to problems of social interaction with others, d
isturbances in communication, repetitive, behavioral repetition, and cognitive instabilit}'.
Purpose: To analyze the relationship between the mother's behavior with autistic child ren in terms of DMF-T
values and dental care needs.
b ethods: This study is observational analytic by using cross-sectional research design. Data collection was
obtained from the filling out of the HU-DBI (Hiroshima Universit}' - Dental Behavioral Inventory)
Results: After analyzing the results of the study, it is known th&t the significance value (p) is* 0.05, so there
is no correlation between mother's behavior and DMF-T / dmf-t value (DMF-T score) both in
terms of knowledge, attitudes, Practice and correlations with dental are needs.
Conclusion: the results of research that has been done shows that there is no signific&nt
relationship beMeen knowledge, attitudes, and practic:e in maintaining orxl health with caries index and
care needs in children with autism.
Keywords: DMF-T index, Mother Behavior, Autism

fhose who teach Ihe skills and habits in the
Autism is a disorder a* nerve developmenf thot
Causes children to seem unable to connecf with daily lix of oufisfic children" ". For this reo son,
others"’, as if they live in their own world . Aufism fhe oral and denial heolfh of children with
in mole children is 3-4 times higher fhon female oufism is very dependent in parents where
children. The prevo lence of oufism is 6 per parents oct as the first person known by
1000 people, usually seen beDre a child is 3 children who always eduCofe, froin and love
years old[*’. The main chorocferisfics of oufism fhe chil dren"*’. In fhis case, especially mothers,
ore related la problems of social inferocfion with mothers as the cl osest people to children who
others, disturbances in communication, repefifive, always educate, teach, and froin fheir children's
behavioral repetition’**, and cognitive insfobilify!". skills in porficulo r in ferms of maintaining oral
There ore no specific oral manifestations in hygiene"*’. A child who is usually not very critical
autistic children have been described, although about som efhing will fend to fa ke a position
oral hygiene of autistic children is known to be similo r to fhe offifude of his mother because of
locking. However, many Outhors hove found the the imitation process of fhe model thof he
prevalence of dental caries to be no different considers importo nt"". Hum on behavior con be
compa red to non-a ufistic individuals, and in divided into fhree kinds of aspects, nom ely
some cases the prevalence o* caries in oufisfic knowledge, oflifud es" '^’, and behavior””.
children is even relofively lot". Mother's behavior regarding oral health con be
Some Actors fh at abet children’s dental health used as on exam ple by Children so fhot it Con
ore parents must pay oftention to children's be used to predict fhe status or condifion of oral
dental heolth[^’, infroduCe children to denfisfs, health of their children"*. The purpose of this
and leach children to a lwoys brush fheir teefh at sfudy was to analyze the relationship between
night”-* Other doctors thot inHuence a re the fhe mether’s behavior with autistic children in
environment, education, income”^’. This co n be ferm s of DMF-T values and denfol core needs
ink uenced by fhe & mily / porenh of outisfic chil
dren where

15701 International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 1 Oct - Dec 2020 1 Vol 1 2 1 Issue 4
Indoh Permotosori et ol / Correlation Of Mother's Behavior In Autisac Children Wi*h Dmf-T Value And
Dental Core Need

MATERIAL AND METHOD behavior in maintaining oral and dental hygiene

This study is observotonol analytic by using cross- by mothers as parents of oufistic children and
sectional research design. The study was dental health checks using the DMF-T / dmf-I
conducted at Extraordinary School of AGCA Index.
Center huroboyo. The population in this sfudy
were all chil Wren uli ognoseul with autism in the REsuLTs
Extroordino ry School, wi*h total of 3 4 subi•< * This study wo s concl uctecl on E xtroordinory School
along with parents a* autistic childr en in of AGCA Center students in Suroboyo with a total
accord once with the sompie criteri o. The som pie of 3 4 a utisti c children a nd their biological
so mpling technique used is totsI sampling . parents as responulents in September - OctOber
Data collect on was obtained from the filling out 2018.
of the HU- DBI (Hiroshima University - Dental
Behaviors I I nven1ory) questi onnoire regording

Table 1: Distribution Characteristic of children with autism

Chorocferisfic Frequency Percento ge

3-i$ years 8 23,5
7-9 years 17 5O
10 years 9 26,5
Mother’s eduCofion level
Primary Education (Elementary/Middle/ High school) 7 20,6
College 27 79,4
Mother’s Empl oymenf Sfotus
Nof employed 16 47
Government Employee 8,8
Privofe Employee 11 37.4
Other 4 11,8
Mother’s Income
< Rp 1.000.000,- 1 2,9
Rp 1.000.000 - Rp 3.000.000 b 17,6
> Rp 3.000.000,- 17 50
Other 10 29,4
CIossiJicotion oJ Caries Severin (DMF-T / dm*-t Index)
Very Low = 0,0 - 1,1 22 64,8
Low = 1,2 - 2,6 4 11,8
Moderate = 2,7 - 4,4 4 11,8
Hlgh = 4,5 - 6,5 2 5,8
Very High = b,b 2 5,8
Denial core need s of children with autism
1 12 35,1
2 2 5,9
0 0
Not Needed 20 58,9
Mother’s behavior in maintaining oral health o* fheir
Knowledg e 100
High 0 0
Altitude 31 91,1
Practice 18
High 16 53

15711 International Jixirn al of Ph ii inaceriticiil Rese irch I €kt - Dec 2()2(I 1 Vol 1 2 1 Isstie 4
Indah Permotosari et al / Correlation Of Mother's Behavior In Autistic Children Wifh Dmf-T Value And
Denfol Care Need

Table 2: Spearman’s correlation between mother's behavior and DMF-T / dmf-I score

Kno@edg e Attifude Procfice

*'8 (P) r *'8 (P) ^ *'8 (P)
SCORE DMF-T 0,4 -0,1 O,6 0,08 0,8 0,03
Dental Core Needs 0,2 -0,19 0,3 0,1 0,2 0,2

After analyzing the resulk of the sfudy, it is known

In the results of the study, as mony as 9l .1°â of
fhot the significance value (p) is> 0.05, so there
respondents had good oftifudes, while as mony
is no correlation befween mother's behavior and
as 8.8°â had poor altitudes. This is in line with
OMF-T / dm*-I value (OMF-T score) both in term s
research conducted by Okforina in 2016 fhot
of knowledge, altitudes, Procfice and correlations
fhere is a relationship between fhe level of
with denfol care need s .
parental offitudes about oral health with the
DiscusSlON Practice of mainfaining dental health in children.
Education will enhance information and
In this study, the percentage of Oufisfic children
influence fhe development of one's altitude
fhot examined was mole by $1.7°é and bmole
towards newly infroduced values’ ’. According to
by 38.3°4. This is in line with Nugroheni's 2012
Notoatmod i (2007), Offitude is the readiness of
sfudy, which previously slated thot the
an individual to o4 according fa his feelings and
prevalence of Oufism ranges from 1-2 per 1000
thoughts based on values believed . So that
population, with more mole distribution fhon
Ofhtudes can be learned, not carried from birfh,
female (4: l ). This is related to differences in
not settled then fhey can change. And if can be
hormone production. In the mole, produce
said thot Oflitude is the beginning of behavior
higher testosterone hormone fh an female fhot influences one’s actions.
otherwise, female produce higher esfrogen
While the results of the research ospe4s of the
hormone than male. Both of these hormones action showed thot as much as 91.1°4 of
have the opposite function of a brain regulofing respondents had good behavior, while as mony
gene called retinoic acid related orphan receptor as 8.8°4 had bad behavior. The resulfs of this
alpha or ROW The hormone testosterone con study are fhe same as the resulfs of research
inhibit the performance of RORA while esFogen conduCted by Ahmad et ol (2009) also saying
increases the work of RORA. If fhe work oT there is no significant relationship between the
RORA is hampered there will be a problem of behavior and severity index of dental caries’“’.
brain coordination, for example a gene should The absence oT relofionship between behavior
hove the task of protecting nerve cells from regarding maintenance of denial health and
stress and inflammation but if its performance is caries mOy hove caused by the ocfions fhat
inhibited then the cell is unable to work hove foken place but Ore sfill dependent on fhe
properly””. claim or guid ance.
In the resulfs of study on the caries index or caries
However, offer analyzing the data, this study
severify of Outistic children aged 3-14 years
showed that there was no significanf
showed fhot 44°A of respondents had denial
relationship befween mother's behavior with
caries and obtained an average o* DMF-T of 1.5
periodontal tissue and periodontal core needs in
which according to fhe classification oT caries
autistic children (p> 0.05) in terms o*
severify according to WHO showed a low
knowledge, affitudes, and
severify level. From the results of the sfudy, dental a4ions. This is in line with Oktorino, Tum• i' and
caries percentage with very low caries severity is
Roosihermiatie's research in 2016 that there is
64.8°4, at low caries severify is 11.8°é,
no significant relationship befween Mother's
moderate caries severify is 11.6°4, high caries
behavior (knowledge, Oflitudes, and practice)
severity is 5.8°4, and very high severify at 5.8°é. with the oral health of children. This con be
In the results of the study, Oil respondents hove caused because knowledge, Oflitudes, and
a high level of knowledge of 100°é. This can be practice are not the only factors thot influence a
caused by the person’s behavior. In fhe research of Oktorina,
•« ioriIy of respondenfs, as many as 79.4 1°é et al (2016), as Blum's Theory states thot fhe
hove the college education, while respondents oral or dental health status of a person or
with the prim ary education communify is influenced by Our important
(Elementary/Middle/High) are 20.58°é. fcicfors namely heredity, environment (physical
Education can affecf a person’s healfh sfafus. and cultural), behavior, and health services.
The higher the level of one’s education, the Mofher’s parenting also influences the mother's
easier it is to receive information’ ’. Someone behavior in caring Mr and moinfoining the child’s
who has a higher education will hove better dental health.
knowledge in maintaining and caring for his In this study 44.1’4 of parents o* children with

15721 International Jmirnal of Pharmaceutical Research 1 Oct - Dec 2020 1 Vol 12 1 Issue 4
Indoh Permotosori et ol / Correlation Of Mother's Behavior In Autisac Children Wi*h Dmf-T Value And
Dental Core Need

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