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PSI 300i

Connection to Automation System

Doc. No. OU500560985, English 2015

Connection to
PSI 300i
Automation System

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Connection to
PSI 300i
Automation System


Contents ............................................................................................................................. 3

1 Introduction.............................................................................................................. 4
1.1 Connection to automation system .............................................................. 4
1.2 Remote connection to analyzer ................................................................. 4
1.3 Remote connection for Outotec support .................................................... 4

2 Modbus TCP/IP ........................................................................................................ 5

2.1 Connecting Modbus TCP/IP ...................................................................... 6
2.2 Configuring Modbus TCP/IP connection .................................................... 7
2.3 Testing connection ..................................................................................... 8

3 Profibus DP ............................................................................................................ 10
3.1 Connecting Profibus DP ........................................................................... 11
3.2 GSD file .................................................................................................... 13
3.3 Configuring Profibus DP connection ........................................................ 13
3.3.1 Station address ................................................................................... 13
3.3.2 Variables ............................................................................................. 13
3.4 Testing connection ................................................................................... 14

4 4-20 mA analog signals ........................................................................................ 15

4.1 Connecting analog output modules ......................................................... 15
4.2 Configuring analog signals ....................................................................... 15
4.3 Testing connection ................................................................................... 16

5 Enabling remote connection ................................................................................ 17

6 Appendix A: Modbus variable data ..................................................................... 19

7 Appendix B: Profibus variable data..................................................................... 26

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Connection to
PSI 300i
Automation System

1 Introduction

This document describes interfacing PSI 300i particle size analyzer to third party
automation systems (DCS) and to analyzer. This manual provides information on how to
install and configure the connections.

1.1 Connection to automation system

There are three ways to connect PSI 300i to the plant automation system:

 Modbus TCP/IP Ethernet connection

 Profibus DP connection
 4–20 mA analog signals.

Each connection type is different and requires configuration to work properly.

When the connection to the plant automation system is being established, co-operation
between both customer and PSI 300i supplier (Outotec) is required for a successful
project. The customer is responsible for configuring the plant automation system.

PSI 300i will be delivered with a standard communication configuration. The standard
communication configuration is described in this document and it is highly
recommended that these communication settings are applied to the communication
interface to the automation system.

If other than standard PSI 300i communication settings need to be applied for some
reason, these settings have to be negotiated with Outotec. This document describes
only PSI 300i standard communication settings.

Note that the configurations described in this document apply only to PSI 300i software
from version onwards. Older software versions are configured according to
previous revisions of this document.

1.2 Remote connection to analyzer

You can use a web-based connection to the analyzer to view the analyzer user interface
remotely and to operate the analyzer remotely. You need an Ethernet connection,
Ethernet cable, and Google Chrome browser to use this option. For more detailed
instructions, refer to chapter 5 Enabling remote connection.

1.3 Remote connection for Outotec support

Outotec can also provide you with a remote connection through which Outotec service
personnel can monitor and troubleshoot the analyzer as necessary. For more details,
consult Outotec Service.

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2 Modbus TCP/IP

PSI 300i uses master-slave type Modbus communication where the master initiates a
transaction. Transactions can be either queries or responses.

By default, using a Modbus connection uses a static IP address.

Figure 1. Common Modbus TCP/IP connection

Available Modbus variables are listed in Appendix B: Profibus variable data.

Table 1. Modbus TCP/IP properties

Modbus TCP/IP properties

Module type Advantech Industrial PC

Communication type 10/100Base-T

Speed 100 Mbps

Maximum cable length 100 meters

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2.1 Connecting Modbus TCP/IP

Connect Ethernet cable of plant DCS to Ethernet port (LAN2) of Advantech Industrial
PC. PC is inside Probe Control Set (PCS), attached to the PCS door.

Figure 2. PC inside PCS

After the cable is connected, make sure that the Modbus slave is enabled in PSI 300i:

1. Open the PSI 300i user interface.

2. Select Settings > Advanced > Connectivity.
3. Make sure that the Modbus setting is enabled as shown in the following figure.

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Figure 3. Modbus slave enabled in PSI 300i user interface

2.2 Configuring Modbus TCP/IP connection

The default IP address of Modbus TCP/IP connection is set during PSI 300i
manufacturing. The default settings for LAN2 port are:

 IP address:
 Network mask:
 Default gateway: -

If you want to change the IP address or use the DHCP server to configure the IP
address of Modbus TCP/IP connection, contact Outotec service center.

PSI 300i uses the following Modbus protocol address ranges:

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Table 2. PSI 300i Modbus protocol address range

Address Data type Default

0xxx Discrete Output

1xxx Discrete Input

4xxx Integer or real Output

2.3 Testing connection

Test the Modbus TCP/IP connection as follows:

1. Install NodeJS software to your PC by using default installation settings.

- Program is located on the PSI 300i Software and Documentation USB
memory (file name NodeJS.msi).
2. Connect Ethernet cable of your PC to Ethernet port (LAN2) of Advantech Industrial
3. Make sure that your PC and the PSI 300i PC are in the same subnetwork. For
example, in Windows 7 you can do this as follows:
- Select Start > Control Panel > Network and Sharing Center.
- Select Change adapter settings.
- Right-click Local Area Connection and select Properties.’
- On the Networking tab, select Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and
select Properties.
- On the General tab, select Use the following IP address.
- Enter the IP address of your PC in the IP address field so that the first three
decimal numbers are the same as in the PSI 300i LAN3 port IP address. The
default IP address of the PSI 300i LAN2 port is Set the new IP
address so that the last decimal number is any number between 1 and 255,
but not 202. For example, you could set the address as
- Set the Subnet mask as
- You can leave the Default gateway field empty.
- Select OK to save the settings.
4. Go to the PSI300i_Modbus_Scanner folder located in PSI 300i Software and
Documentation USB memory and right click PSI300i_Modbus_Scanner.js. Select
Open with > Choose default program > Browse and find the node.exe.
- If you installed NodeJS software with default settings, node.exe is located
here C:\Program Files\nodejs.
5. Command prompt should open
- Do not shut down command prompt. If it shutdowns automatically, open it
manually and run PSI300i_Modbus_Scanner.js.
6. Go to the PSI300i_Modbus_Scanner folder located in PSI 300i Software and
Documentation USB memory and double click PSI300i_Modbus_Scanner.html. A

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browser should open with the page that can be seen in Figure Figure 4.
Modbus scanner view when connection is active.
7. Configure the connection settings of the scanner. If the IP address of the LAN2 port
has been set according to customer requirements during configuration, use that IP
address. If the IP address has not been changed, the default settings for the LAN2
interface are:
- IP address:
- Port: 502
8. Set the connection settings by selecting the Set ip button.

Figure 4. Modbus scanner view when connection is active

9. Make sure that all variables shown in the scan result view have a value
10. Change the status of a single variable to see whether the value of the variable
changes accordingly.
- If all variables have a value and the value of the variable changes when the
status of the variable is changed, the connection is working.

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3 Profibus DP

PSI 300i Profibus DP (Decentralized Peripherals) connection allows the plant DCS
system to access PSI 300i analyzer data. The following instructions explain how to
prepare the connection and describe the connection parameters that need to be set in
the DCS system.

The information provided here is not specific to any particular automation system but
describes only the PSI 300i Profibus DP option properties.

The following figure shows a typical Profibus connection between PSI 300i and the plant
DCS. PSI 300i acts always as a slave in the communication network.

Figure 5. Typical Profibus DP communication network

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3.1 Connecting Profibus DP

Profibus DP connector is integrated in the I/O module of PSI 300i. The I/O module is
located inside Probe Control Set (PCS).

The following figure shows the location of Profibus DP connector on the I/O module.

Figure 6. Profibus DP connector on the I/O module of PSI 300i

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Connect the Profibus DP cable of the plant automation system to the Profibus DP
connector as shown in the following figure and table.

NOTE: Profibus DP cable must meet the IEC 61158 specifications.

Figure 7. Profibus DP connector

Table 3. Profibus DP connector wiring

Pin Signal Description

3 PB+ Receive/transmit data +

5 PB_GND Ground

6 PB_+5V Power supply

8 PB– Receive/transmit data -

The Profibus segment must be terminated at both ends with cable terminations in line
with the Profibus standard. The termination is passive and is supplied by the bus
subscribers. It ensures a defined level on the bus when no subscriber is active, in other
words, when all subscribers are in “Tri-state”.

Bus termination must meet the following requirements:

 The bus segment must be terminated at both ends.

 No more than 2 terminations per bus segment may be used.
 At least 1 of the two terminations must be supplied by the bus subscriber.
 Operation without proper termination of the Profibus network may result in
transmission errors.

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The following figure shows the Profibus line termination.

Figure 8. Profibus line termination based on EN 50170

3.2 GSD file

The GSD file contains the characteristics of the Profibus DP interface and information
about its communication capabilities and the fieldbus variables that can be used for the
exchange of process data.

The GSD file (PSI300i_Profibus.gsd) required for Profibus DP connection is located on

the PSI 300i Software and Documentation USB memory stick delivered with the

When installing the GSD file, please refer to the information provided in the
documentation of the configuration software which you are using.

3.3 Configuring Profibus DP connection

3.3.1 Station address

PSI 300i is always a Profibus DP slave device. By default, the Profibus DP station
address for PSI 300i is 126. If you need to change this address, consult Outotec

3.3.2 Variables
The total amount of Profibus data is 144 bytes of input and 2 bytes of output.

NOTE: PSI 300i Profibus DP slave devices use byte addressing, so a Profibus DP
master must use byte addressing as well.

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A Profibus DP slave always transmits the whole 139 bytes of input and 3 bytes of output
in the order shown in Table 7.

 1 byte = 8 bit
 1 word = 2 byte
 IW = Input word (reserves 2 bytes) (range: 0–32767)
 IB = Input byte (range: 0–255)
 I = Input bit (range: 0–1)
 Q = Output bit (range: 0–1)
 QB = Output byte (range: 0–255)

For more details about registers, refer to Table 7 in Appendix B: Profibus variable data.

3.4 Testing connection

Profibus connection has been tested during PSI300i manufacturing. Testing the
connection after that requires a Profibus master device. Testing on the site is done by
connecting PSI 300i to the automation system during PSI 300i commissioning.

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4 4-20 mA analog signals

Using 4-20mA analog signal option requires installing additional analog output modules
on the WAGO I/O module assembly. WAGO I/O module assembly is located inside

The module assembly can include a maximum of eight analog output modules. Each
module has two outputs, which means that the available number of channels is 2–16.

4.1 Connecting analog output modules

Connect the wires between the 2-channel analog output module and plant DCS as
shown in the following figure.

Figure 9. Analog output module connections

 Connect one wire to AO 1.

 Connect other wire to 0 V.

For more information about the wiring of analog output modules, refer to electrical
drawings provided with PSI 300i.

4.2 Configuring analog signals

PSI 300i allows you to decide what information is directed to which output. This is done
in Analog Outputs view in PSI 300i user interface. For more information about
configuring analog output settings, refer to the PSI 300i Operation manual.

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4.3 Testing connection

You can test analog signals by connecting a current meter between AO 1 and 0 V. The
measured current must be 4–20 mA, and the current measurement result must vary
logically according to the assay configured for the output: the higher the assay result,
the higher the measured milliampere current must be. Note that the analyzer must
perform at least one measurement in order to update the analog output signal.

For more details on assay configuration, refer to the analyzer Operation manual.

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5 Enabling remote connection

You can enable a remote connection to the analyzer from your PC as follows:

1. Connect an Ethernet cable between your PC and the Ethernet port (LAN3) of the
PSI 300i PC.
2. Make sure that your PC and PSI 300i PC are in the same subnetwork. For example,
in Windows 7 you can do this as follows:
- Select Start > Control Panel > Network and Sharing Center.
- Select Change adapter settings.
- Right-click Local Area Connection and select Properties.’
- On the Networking tab, select Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and
select Properties.
- On the General tab, select Use the following IP address.
- Enter the IP address of your PC in the IP address field so that the first three
decimal numbers are the same as in the PSI 300i LAN3 port IP address. The
default IP address of the PSI 300i LAN3 port is Set the new
IP address so that the last decimal number is any number between 1 and 255,
but not 203. For example, you could set the address as
- Set the Subnet mask to
- You can leave the Default gateway field empty.
- Select OK to save the settings.
3. Type the default IP address to the address field of Google Chrome
web browser (from the browser version 40.0.2214.115 m onwards).
- The IP address is shown on the PSI 300i screen.

The remote connection is now available.


. After enabling remote connection, every command you type on your PC affects the
analyzer operation.

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The following figure shows the remote connection view of PSI 300i analyzer.

Figure 10. Remote connection view of PSI 300i user interface

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6 Appendix A: Modbus variable data

Assay values are scaled by the assay type. The following table shows the multiplier for
the assays:

Table 4. Multiplier for assays

Assay type Scale Decimals

1. Particle size x10 1

2. Particle size from distribution x100 2

3. Flow rate x100 2

4. Density x100 2

5. Solids % x100 2

6. pH x100 2

The following register table lists Modbus variable data.

Table 5. Modbus variable data

Tag address Type Description Value

00001 BOOL Motor alarm on/off

00002 BOOL Alarm Standard deviation in zero check too high on/off

00003 BOOL Alarm Zero level over high limit on/off

00004 BOOL Alarm Zero level below low limit on/off

00005 BOOL General alarm on/off

00006 BOOL Air pressure alarm on/off

00007 BOOL Blockage alarm on/off

00008 BOOL Water pressure alarm on/off

00009 BOOL No flow from line 1 on/off

00010 BOOL No flow from line 2 on/off

00011 BOOL No flow from line 3 on/off

00012 BOOL No signal from measurement probe on/off

00013 BOOL Warning Standard deviation in zero check too high on/off

00014 BOOL Warning zero level over high limit on/off

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Tag address Type Description Value

00015 BOOL Warning zero level below low limit on/off

00016 BOOL Composite sample running on/off

00017 BOOL Measurement running on/off

00018 BOOL NLA 1 standby switch state on/off

00019 BOOL NLA 2 standby switch state on/off

00020 BOOL NLA 3 standby switch state on/off

00021 BOOL Level switch simulation state on/off

00022 BOOL PSI 300 standby state on/off

00023 BOOL Connection state on/off

00024 BOOL Zero check running on/off

00025 BOOL Reserved -

00026 BOOL Reserved -

00027 BOOL Reserved -

Alarm reset (can be set from DCS (only if PSI is in

00028 BOOL standby state)) on/off

00029 BOOL Line 1 bypass (can be set from DCS) on/off

00030 BOOL Line 2 bypass (can be set from DCS) on/off

00031 BOOL Line 3 bypass (can be set from DCS) on/off

10001 BOOL Assay 1 invalid on/off

10002 BOOL Assay 2 invalid on/off

10003 BOOL Assay 3 invalid on/off

10004 BOOL Assay 4 invalid on/off

10005 BOOL Assay 5 invalid on/off

10006 BOOL Assay 6 invalid on/off

10007 BOOL Assay 7 invalid on/off

10008 BOOL Assay 8 invalid on/off

10009 BOOL Assay 9 invalid on/off

10010 BOOL Assay 10 invalid on/off

10011 BOOL Assay 11 invalid on/off

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Tag address Type Description Value

10012 BOOL Assay 12 invalid on/off

10013 BOOL Assay 13 invalid on/off

10014 BOOL Assay 14 invalid on/off

10015 BOOL Assay 15 invalid on/off

10016 BOOL Assay 16 invalid on/off

10017 BOOL Assay 17 invalid on/off

10018 BOOL Assay 18 invalid on/off

10019 BOOL Assay 19 invalid on/off

10020 BOOL Assay 20 invalid on/off

10021 BOOL Assay 21 invalid on/off

10022 BOOL Assay 22 invalid on/off

10023 BOOL Assay 23 invalid on/off

10024 BOOL Assay 24 invalid on/off

10025 BOOL Assay 25 invalid on/off

10026 BOOL Assay 26 invalid on/off

10027 BOOL Assay 27 invalid on/off

10028 BOOL Assay 28 invalid on/off

10029 BOOL Assay 29 invalid on/off

10030 BOOL Assay 30 invalid on/off

10031 BOOL Assay 31 invalid on/off

10032 BOOL Assay 32 invalid on/off

10033 BOOL Assay 33 invalid on/off

10034 BOOL Assay 34 invalid on/off

10035 BOOL Assay 35 invalid on/off

10036 BOOL Assay 36 invalid on/off

10037 BOOL Assay 37 invalid on/off

10038 BOOL Assay 38 invalid on/off

10039 BOOL Assay 39 invalid on/off

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Tag address Type Description Value

10040 BOOL Assay 40 invalid on/off

40001 DINT Assay 1 value depends on type*

40002 DINT Assay 2 value depends on type*

40003 DINT Assay 3 value depends on type*

40004 DINT Assay 4 value depends on type*

40005 DINT Assay 5 value depends on type*

40006 DINT Assay 6 value depends on type*

40007 DINT Assay 7 value depends on type*

40008 DINT Assay 8 value depends on type*

40009 DINT Assay 9 value depends on type*

40010 DINT Assay 10 value depends on type*

40011 DINT Assay 11 value depends on type*

40012 DINT Assay 12 value depends on type*

40013 DINT Assay 13 value depends on type*

40014 DINT Assay 14 value depends on type*

40015 DINT Assay 15 value depends on type*

40016 DINT Assay 16 value depends on type*

40017 DINT Assay 17 value depends on type*

40018 DINT Assay 18 value depends on type*

40019 DINT Assay 19 value depends on type*

40020 DINT Assay 20 value depends on type*

40021 DINT Assay 21 value depends on type*

40022 DINT Assay 22 value depends on type*

40023 DINT Assay 23 value depends on type*

40024 DINT Assay 24 value depends on type*

40025 DINT Assay 25 value depends on type*

40026 DINT Assay 26 value depends on type*

40027 DINT Assay 27 value depends on type*

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Tag address Type Description Value

40028 DINT Assay 28 value depends on type*

40029 DINT Assay 29 value depends on type*

40030 DINT Assay 30 value depends on type*

40031 DINT Assay 31 value depends on type*

40032 DINT Assay 32 value depends on type*

40033 DINT Assay 33 value depends on type*

40034 DINT Assay 34 value depends on type*

40035 DINT Assay 35 value depends on type*

40036 DINT Assay 36 value depends on type*

40037 DINT Assay 37 value depends on type*

40038 DINT Assay 38 value depends on type*

40039 DINT Assay 39 value depends on type*

40040 DINT Assay 40 value depends on type*

40041 DINT Assay 1 type 1-6

40042 DINT Assay 2 type 1-6

40043 DINT Assay 3 type 1-6

40044 DINT Assay 4 type 1-6

40045 DINT Assay 5 type 1-6

40046 DINT Assay 6 type 1-6

40047 DINT Assay 7 type 1-6

40048 DINT Assay 8 type 1-6

40049 DINT Assay 9 type 1-6

40050 DINT Assay 10 type 1-6

40051 DINT Assay 11 type 1-6

40052 DINT Assay 12 type 1-6

40053 DINT Assay 13 type 1-6

40054 DINT Assay 14 type 1-6

40055 DINT Assay 15 type 1-6

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Tag address Type Description Value

40056 DINT Assay 16 type 1-6

40057 DINT Assay 17 type 1-6

40058 DINT Assay 18 type 1-6

40059 DINT Assay 19 type 1-6

40060 DINT Assay 20 type 1-6

40061 DINT Assay 21 type 1-6

40062 DINT Assay 22 type 1-6

40063 DINT Assay 23 type 1-6

40064 DINT Assay 24 type 1-6

40065 DINT Assay 25 type 1-6

40066 DINT Assay 26 type 1-6

40067 DINT Assay 27 type 1-6

40068 DINT Assay 28 type 1-6

40069 DINT Assay 29 type 1-6

40070 DINT Assay 30 type 1-6

40071 DINT Assay 31 type 1-6

40072 DINT Assay 32 type 1-6

40073 DINT Assay 33 type 1-6

40074 DINT Assay 34 type 1-6

40075 DINT Assay 35 type 1-6

40076 DINT Assay 36 type 1-6

40077 DINT Assay 37 type 1-6

40078 DINT Assay 38 type 1-6

40079 DINT Assay 39 type 1-6

40080 DINT Assay 40 type 1-6

40081 DINT Measurement value (not valid in standby) (0-4000.0) x 10

40082 DINT Density value (0-4.00) x 100

40083 DINT Ph value (0-14.00) x 100

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Tag address Type Description Value

40084 DINT Zero level value (0-4000.0) x 10

40085 DINT Reserved -

40086 DINT Reserved -

40087 DINT Current line in measurement 1-3

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7 Appendix B: Profibus variable data

Assay values are scaled by the assay type. This is needed because Profibus cannot
transmit floating point (REAL) data. The following table shows the multiplier for the

Table 6. Multiplier for assays

Assay type Scale Decimals

1. Particle size x10 1

2. Particle size from distribution x100 2

3. Flow rate x100 2

4. Density x100 2

5. Solids % from mass x100 2

6. Ph x100 2

The following register table lists Profibus variable data.

Table 7. Profibus variable data

Address Addr type Data type Description Value

I0.0 BIT BOOL Motor alarm on/off

I0.1 BIT BOOL Standard deviation in zero check too high on/off

I0.2 BIT BOOL Zero level over high limit on/off

I0.3 BIT BOOL Zero level below low limit on/off

I0.4 BIT BOOL General alarm on/off

I0.5 BIT BOOL Air pressure alarm on/off

I0.6 BIT BOOL Blockage alarm on/off

I0.7 BIT BOOL Water pressure alarm on/off

I1.0 BIT BOOL No flow from line 1 on/off

I1.1 BIT BOOL No flow from line 2 on/off

I1.2 BIT BOOL No flow from line 3 on/off

I1.3 BIT BOOL No signal from measurement probe on/off

I1.4 BIT BOOL Standard deviation in zero check too high on/off

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Address Addr type Data type Description Value

I1.5 BIT BOOL Warning zero level over high limit on/off

I1.6 BIT BOOL Warning zero level below low limit on/off

I2.0 BIT BOOL Composite sample running on/off

I2.1 BIT BOOL Measurement running on/off

I2.2 BIT BOOL NLA 1 standby switch state on/off

I2.3 BIT BOOL NLA 2 standby switch state on/off

I2.4 BIT BOOL NLA 3 standby switch state on/off

I2.5 BIT BOOL Level switch simulation state on/off

I2.6 BIT BOOL PSI 300 standby state on/off

I2.7 BIT BOOL Profibus state on/off

I3.0 BIT BOOL Zero check running on/off

I3.1 BIT BOOL Bypass 1 state on/off

I3.2 BIT BOOL Bypass 2 state on/off

I3.3 BIT BOOL Bypass 3 state on/off

I4.0 BIT BOOL Assay invalid 1 on/off

I4.1 BIT BOOL Assay invalid 2 on/off

I4.2 BIT BOOL Assay invalid 3 on/off

I4.3 BIT BOOL Assay invalid 4 on/off

I4.4 BIT BOOL Assay invalid 5 on/off

I4.5 BIT BOOL Assay invalid 6 on/off

I4.6 BIT BOOL Assay invalid 7 on/off

I4.7 BIT BOOL Assay invalid 8 on/off

I5.0 BIT BOOL Assay invalid 9 on/off

I5.1 BIT BOOL Assay invalid 10 on/off

I5.2 BIT BOOL Assay invalid 11 on/off

I5.3 BIT BOOL Assay invalid 12 on/off

I5.4 BIT BOOL Assay invalid 13 on/off

I5.5 BIT BOOL Assay invalid 14 on/off

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Address Addr type Data type Description Value

I5.6 BIT BOOL Assay invalid 15 on/off

I5.7 BIT BOOL Assay invalid 16 on/off

I6.0 BIT BOOL Assay invalid 17 on/off

I6.1 BIT BOOL Assay invalid 18 on/off

I6.2 BIT BOOL Assay invalid 19 on/off

I6.3 BIT BOOL Assay invalid 20 on/off

I6.4 BIT BOOL Assay invalid 21 on/off

I6.5 BIT BOOL Assay invalid 22 on/off

I6.6 BIT BOOL Assay invalid 23 on/off

I6.7 BIT BOOL Assay invalid 24 on/off

I7.0 BIT BOOL Assay invalid 25 on/off

I7.1 BIT BOOL Assay invalid 26 on/off

I7.2 BIT BOOL Assay invalid 27 on/off

I7.3 BIT BOOL Assay invalid 28 on/off

I7.4 BIT BOOL Assay invalid 29 on/off

I7.5 BIT BOOL Assay invalid 30 on/off

I7.6 BIT BOOL Assay invalid 31 on/off

I7.7 BIT BOOL Assay invalid 32 on/off

I8.0 BIT BOOL Assay invalid 33 on/off

I8.1 BIT BOOL Assay invalid 34 on/off

I8.2 BIT BOOL Assay invalid 35 on/off

I8.3 BIT BOOL Assay invalid 36 on/off

I8.4 BIT BOOL Assay invalid 37 on/off

I8.5 BIT BOOL Assay invalid 38 on/off

I8.6 BIT BOOL Assay invalid 39 on/off

I8.7 BIT BOOL Assay invalid 40 on/off

I7.2 BIT BOOL Assay invalid 27 on/off

I7.3 BIT BOOL Assay invalid 28 on/off

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Address Addr type Data type Description Value

IW9 WORD DINT Assay value 1 depends on type*

IW11 WORD DINT Assay value 2 depends on type*

IW13 WORD DINT Assay value 3 depends on type*

IW15 WORD DINT Assay value 4 depends on type*

IW17 WORD DINT Assay value 5 depends on type*

IW19 WORD DINT Assay value 6 depends on type*

IW21 WORD DINT Assay value 7 depends on type*

IW23 WORD DINT Assay value 8 depends on type*

IW25 WORD DINT Assay value 9 depends on type*

IW27 WORD DINT Assay value 10 depends on type*

IW29 WORD DINT Assay value 11 depends on type*

IW31 WORD DINT Assay value 12 depends on type*

IW33 WORD DINT Assay value 13 depends on type*

IW35 WORD DINT Assay value 14 depends on type*

IW37 WORD DINT Assay value 15 depends on type*

IW39 WORD DINT Assay value 16 depends on type*

IW41 WORD DINT Assay value 17 depends on type*

IW43 WORD DINT Assay value 18 depends on type*

IW45 WORD DINT Assay value 19 depends on type*

IW47 WORD DINT Assay value 20 depends on type*

IW49 WORD DINT Assay value 21 depends on type*

IW51 WORD DINT Assay value 22 depends on type*

IW53 WORD DINT Assay value 23 depends on type*

IW55 WORD DINT Assay value 24 depends on type*

IW57 WORD DINT Assay value 25 depends on type*

IW59 WORD DINT Assay value 26 depends on type*

IW61 WORD DINT Assay value 27 depends on type*

IW63 WORD DINT Assay value 28 depends on type*

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Address Addr type Data type Description Value

IW65 WORD DINT Assay value 29 depends on type*

IW67 WORD DINT Assay value 30 depends on type*

IW69 WORD DINT Assay value 31 depends on type*

IW71 WORD DINT Assay value 32 depends on type*

IW73 WORD DINT Assay value 33 depends on type*

IW75 WORD DINT Assay value 34 depends on type*

IW77 WORD DINT Assay value 35 depends on type*

IW79 WORD DINT Assay value 36 depends on type*

IW81 WORD DINT Assay value 37 depends on type*

IW83 WORD DINT Assay value 38 depends on type*

IW85 WORD DINT Assay value 39 depends on type*

IW87 WORD DINT Assay value 40 depends on type*

IW89 WORD DINT Measurement value (0-4000.0) x 10

IW91 WORD DINT Density value (0-4.00) x 100

IW93 WORD DINT Ph value (0-14.00) x 100

IW95 WORD DINT Zero level (0-4000.0) x 10

IW97 WORD Reserved

IB99 BYTE DINT Assay 1 type 1-6

IB100 BYTE DINT Assay 2 type 1-6

IB101 BYTE DINT Assay 3 type 1-6

IB102 BYTE DINT Assay 4 type 1-6

IB103 BYTE DINT Assay 5 type 1-6

IB104 BYTE DINT Assay 6 type 1-6

IB105 BYTE DINT Assay 7 type 1-6

IB106 BYTE DINT Assay 8 type 1-6

IB107 BYTE DINT Assay 9 type 1-6

IB108 BYTE DINT Assay 10 type 1-6

IB109 BYTE DINT Assay 11 type 1-6

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Address Addr type Data type Description Value

IB110 BYTE DINT Assay 12 type 1-6

IB111 BYTE DINT Assay 13 type 1-6

IB112 BYTE DINT Assay 14 type 1-6

IB113 BYTE DINT Assay 15 type 1-6

IB114 BYTE DINT Assay 16 type 1-6

IB115 BYTE DINT Assay 17 type 1-6

IB116 BYTE DINT Assay 18 type 1-6

IB117 BYTE DINT Assay 19 type 1-6

IB118 BYTE DINT Assay 20 type 1-6

IB119 BYTE DINT Assay 21 type 1-6

IB120 BYTE DINT Assay 22 type 1-6

IB121 BYTE DINT Assay 23 type 1-6

IB122 BYTE DINT Assay 24 type 1-6

IB123 BYTE DINT Assay 25 type 1-6

IB124 BYTE DINT Assay 26 type 1-6

IB125 BYTE DINT Assay 27 type 1-6

IB126 BYTE DINT Assay 28 type 1-6

IB127 BYTE DINT Assay 29 type 1-6

IB128 BYTE DINT Assay 30 type 1-6

IB129 BYTE DINT Assay 31 type 1-6

IB130 BYTE DINT Assay 32 type 1-6

IB131 BYTE DINT Assay 33 type 1-6

IB132 BYTE DINT Assay 34 type 1-6

IB133 BYTE DINT Assay 35 type 1-6

IB134 BYTE DINT Assay 36 type 1-6

IB135 BYTE DINT Assay 37 type 1-6

IB136 BYTE DINT Assay 38 type 1-6

IB137 BYTE DINT Assay 39 type 1-6

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Address Addr type Data type Description Value

IB138 BYTE DINT Assay 40 type 1-6

IB139 BYTE DINT Current line in measurement 1-3

Q0.0 BIT BOOL Line 1 bypass control on/off

Q0.1 BIT BOOL Line 2 bypass control on/off

Q0.2 BIT BOOL Line 3 bypass control on/off

Q1.0 BIT BOOL Alarm reset on/off

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