Bio Official Exams 2004-2020

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‫ العادية‬4002 ‫دورة‬ ‫امتحانات الشهادة المتوسطة‬ ‫وزارة التربية والتعليم العالي‬

‫المديرية العامة للتربية‬

‫دائرة االمتحانات‬
: ‫االسم‬ ‫مسابقة في علوم الحياة واالرض‬
: ‫الرقم‬ ‫ ساعة واحدة‬: ‫المدة‬

Answer the following questions.

Question I (5pts)

Diabetes is a disease determined by a

gene located on an autosome. I
The adjacent pedigree represents a family
whose certain members, colored in black, 1 2
are affected.
a- Is the allele responsible for the
disease dominant or recessive? Justify II
the answer.
b- Designate by symbols the 3 4 5 6
corresponding alleles.
c- Indicate the genotype of the
individuals 4 and 5. Justify the answer
for each genotype. III
d- Make the necessary factorial analysis
to verify the appearance of the
phenotypic descendants of the couple 7 8 9
Female Male

Question II (5pts)
" The digestion of proteins, found in our food, starts in the stomach. Certain cells of the wall of
this organ liberate in its cavity an enzyme called pepsin. Pepsin is produced in the form of an
inactive substance. It only becomes active when it is released in the cavity of the stomach. It
hydrolyzes proteins and only proteins. Thus, the products obtained from this digestion are peptides
of different sizes. The action of pepsin stops when the contents of the stomach arrive into the
duodenum, the first segment of the small intestine. In fact, the pH of the duodenal content is
around 6.5 while that of the stomach is nearly 2…"

a- Pick up from the text:

1- The name of: the enzyme, the digested substance, and the products of this digestion.
2- The pH of the medium in each of the above mentioned organs.
3- The statement, which indicates the specificity of the enzyme.
b- In reference to the text, explain why this enzyme does not attack the cells of the stomach.
c- Name the final product of digestion of this substance at the level of the duodenum.

Question III (6pts)
We measure the concentration of glucose, amino acids and oxygen in the blood as it enters
and leaves the small intestine. At the same time, we observe a change in the color of the
blood. The results are represented in the document below.

Blood entering the small intestine Blood leaving the small intestine
Glucose 1 g /L 1.3 g/L
Amino acid 0.2 g/L 0.5 g/L
Oxygen 200 mL/L 160 mL/L
Blood color Bright red Dark red

a- Compare the concentration of glucose and amino acids in the blood as it enters and
leaves the small intestine. What can you conclude?
b- Name the physiological process, which is responsible for the difference in the
concentration of glucose and amino acids.
c- What is each blood color due to? Do the measured amounts of oxygen verify the two
blood colors? Justify the answer.
d- Formulate a hypothesis that explains the loss of oxygen in the blood at the level of the
small intestine.

Question IV (4pts)
The following document shows a cloning method, that had been performed a few years ago.
a- In a few lines, describe this cloning method.
b- In the two embryonic cells, is the genetic information the same or different? Justify the
answer by referring to the results obtained.

‫ العادية‬4002 ‫دورة‬ ‫امتحانات الشهادة المتوسطة‬ ‫وزارة التربية والتعليم العالي‬
‫المديرية العامة للتربية‬
‫دائرة االمتحانات‬
: ‫االسم‬ ‫اسس التصحيح مسابقة في علوم الحياة واالرض‬
: ‫الرقم‬

Question I (5pts)

a- Recessive.(½ pt). The parents are healthy and have sick children. Thus, the alleles
responsible for the disease are masked.( ½ pt)

b- Consider " N" for the normal dominant. ( ¼ pt)

Consider " d" for the sick recessive. ( ¼ pt)

c- Genotype of 4 : dd ( ½ pt) .The recessive character can be expressed only when

it is pure. ( ½ pt)
Genotype of 5: Nd ( ½ pt). He has a diabetic child (8). OR, he has a diabetic child (8) dd,
this child receives one recessive allele from each parent. ( ½ pt)

d- P : Nd x Nd ( ¼ pt)
γP: ½N ½d ½ N ½ d ( ½ pt)

Table of cross: (½ pt)

♂ ♀ ½N ½d
½N ¼ NN ¼ Nd
½d ¼ Nd ¼ dd

Phenotypes ( ¼ pt)
¾ [N] or ¾ non-diabetic children
¼ [d] or ¼ diabetic children

Question II (5 pts)

a- 1- Pepsin (½ pt). Proteins (½ pt). Peptides (½ pt)

2- Stomach: pH = 2. (½ pt); small intestine: pH = 6.5 (½ pt)
3- It hydrolyzes the proteins and only proteins. (1 pt)

b- Pepsin is produced in an inactive form. For this reason it does not attack the cells of the
stomach. (1pt)

d- Amino acids. (½ pt)

Question III (6pts)

a- The amount of glucose 1g/L in the blood entering the intestine is less than that in the blood
leaving the intestine, 1.3g/L.(1 pt)
The amount of amino acids 0.2g/L in the blood entering the intestine is less than that in the
blood leaving the intestine, 0.5g/L.(1pt)

Since these amounts have increased, we can say that the blood is enriched in glucose and
amino acids at the level of the small intestine. (½ pt)
b- Intestinal absorption. (½ pt)
c- The bright red color due to the richness of blood in O2 (½ pt). The dark red color due to
impoverishment of blood in O2 (rich in CO2). (½ pt) Yes ( ¼ pt).The
measurement reveals that the quantity of O2, which is 200 mL/L becomes 160 mL/L therefore,
this quantity has decreased that’s why the color of blood changes from bright red to dark red
color.( ¾ pt)
d- Hypothesis: The cells of the intestine use the oxygen to produce energy needs for their
activities. (1pt)

Question IV (4pts)

a- We remove a zygote from a cow having white skin and we put it in a culture medium. After
the first division, we separate the two embryonic cells and we transfer each of these cells
into the uterus of a carrier mother having white skin spotted in black. These cells give birth
to two identical calves and of the same sex. (3pts)
b- The genetic information is identical in the two embryonic cells since the obtained calves are
identical and of the same sex.(1pt)

‫االكمالية االستثنائية‬2004 ‫دورة سنة‬ ‫امتحانات الشهادة المتوسطة‬ ‫وزارة التربية والتعليم‬
‫العالي المديرية العامة‬
‫للتربية دائرة االمتحانات‬
:‫االسم‬ ‫مسابقة في مادة علوم الحياة واالرض‬
:‫الرقم‬ ‫ ساعة واحدة‬:‫المدة‬

Answer the following questions.

Question I (4 pts)

The adjacent document shows two phases,

A and B, of the division of an animal cell.
a- Pick out the chromosomal number
of this cell.
b- Name each of the phases
A and B. Justify the answer.
c- What is the type of division shown?
Justify the answer.

Question II (5 ½ pts)

The document below reveals the exchange of oxygen between the blood and a
pulmonary alveolus on one hand and between the blood and a cell on the other hand.

a- Pick out from the document:

1- The blood constituents, which ensure the transport of oxygen.
2- The forms by which oxygen is transported.
3- The direction of the passage of oxygen at the level of the alveolus and at the level
of the cell. b- What will the color of the blood be at the two levels? Justify the

Question III (4pts)

Color blindness is a defect in the vision of colors. This defect is more frequent in
males than in females.
The gene responsible for the vision of colors is located on the X chromosome and
exists in two alleles. The allele N is responsible for normal vision, and the allele c is
responsible for color blindness, which is not expressed in the presence of the allele N.

a- Schematize the sex chromosomes:

1- of a man with normal vision.
2- of a man with color blindness.
3- of a woman with normal vision.
4- of a woman with color blindness.
b- Make the necessary factorial analysis, in the different cases, to determine the
phenotypic percentages of the descendants of a couple with normal vision.

Question IV ( 6 ½ pts)

The table below summarizes the experimental setup of a series of experiments done in
the laboratory. All the tubes are placed at a favorable temperature of 37˚C, in a
convenient medium of pH = 8, and for a sufficient time of 60 minutes for proteins and
20 minutes for starch paste.

Tubes Tube A Tube B Tube C Tube D Contents

Beginning of the Proteins Starch paste Proteins Starch paste
experiment Water Water Water Water
Trypsin Amylase Amylase Trypsin End of the
Amino acids Maltose Proteins Starch paste
experiment Water Water Water Water
Trypsin Amylase Amylase Trypsin

a- Construct a table showing the different experimental conditions for each tube.
b- In which tubes does chemical transformation take place? Justify the answer by
referring to the table. c- What property of enzyme activity is revealed in these
d- "An enzyme remains unchanged during a chemical transformation”. Justify this
statement by referring to the table.

Answer Key
Life and Earth Sciences
2nd session, 2004
Question I (4pts)

a- 4 chromosomes. (1pt)
b- A : Prophase. ( ½ pt) The chromosomes are of 2 chromatids each, the nuclear
membrane disappeared, the presence of the two asters. (½ pt) B : Telophase. (
½ pt) The constriction divides the cell into two daughter cells. (½ pt)
c- Mitosis or conformed division or equational division (½ pt). The daughter cells
have the same number of chromosomes as the mother cell. (½ pt)

Question II (5 ½ pts)

a- 1- The plasma (½ pt) and hemoglobin. (½ pt)

2- O2 dissolved in the plasma (½ pt) and oxyhemoglobin. (½ pt)
3- At the level of the alveolus; oxygen passes from the alveolus, a medium
rich in O2, towards the blood, a medium poor in O2. (1pt)
At the level of the cell: oxygen passes from the blood, a medium rich in O 2,
into the cell, a medium poor in O2. (1pt)
b- At the level of the alveolus, the color of the blood becomes bright red (¼ pt)
because it is enriched in O2. ( ½ pt)
At the level of the cell, the color of the blood becomes dark red (¼ pt) because
it is impoverished in O2. ( ½ pt)

Question III (4pts) a-


N c NN N
c cc



1- ♂with normal 2- ♂color blind 3- ♀with normal 4- ♀color blind

vision vision

b- 1rst case : (1pt)

♂ ♀
XNY x XNXN γ 50% XN
50% Y 100% XN
Phenotypic percentages
♂ 50% X N
50% Y 100% [N] or 100% ♂ [N]
♀ 100% ♀ [N] 100% XN 50% XNXN 50% XNY

2nd case : (1pt)
♂ ♀
X Y x XNXc
50% X 50% Y 50% XN 50% Xc

Phenotypic percentages
♂ 50% X N
50% Y 75% [N] or 50% ♂ [N]
♀ 25% [c] 50% ♂ [c]
50% XN 25%XNXN 25% XNY 100% ♀ [N]

50% Xc 25% XNXc 25% XcY

Question IV (6 ½ pts)

a- (3pts)

Experimental conditions Tube A Tube B Tube C Tube D

Substrate Proteins Starch paste Proteins Starch paste
Water + + + +
Enzyme Trypsin Amylase Amylase Trypsin
Temperature= 37˚C + + + +
pH=8 + + + +
Time 60 min 20 min 20 min 60 min
(+) : presence

Table showing the different experimental conditions of the four tubes

b- Tubes A ( ¼ pt) and B ( ¼ pt) because at the end of the experiments the
proteins are transformed into amino acids in tube A ( ¾ pt) and the starch paste
is transformed into maltose in tube B. ( ¾ pt)
c- An enzyme is specific in action. (½ pt)
d- At the end of the experiment, we find that the enzymes in tubes A and B did not

‫ اﻟﻌﺎدﯾﺔ‬۲۰۰٥ ‫دورة‬ ‫اﻣﺗﺣﺎﻧﺎت اﻟﺷﮭﺎدة اﻟﻣﺗوﺳطﺔ‬ ‫وزارة اﻟﺗرﺑﯾﺔ واﻟﺗﻌﻠﯾم اﻟﻌﺎﻟﻲ‬
‫اﻟﻣدﯾرﯾﺔ اﻟﻌﺎﻣﺔ ﻟﻠﺗرﺑﯾﺔ‬
‫داﺋرة اﻻﻣﺗﺣﺎﻧﺎت‬
: ‫اﻻﺳم‬ ‫ﻣﺳﺎﺑﻘﺔ ﻓﻲ ﻋﻠوم اﻟﺣﯾﺎة واﻻرض‬
: ‫اﻟرﻗم‬ ‫ ﺳﺎﻋﺔ واﺣدة‬: ‫اﻟﻣدة‬

Answer the following questions.

Question I (3 ½ pts.)

Indicate the true statement/s and correct the false one/s.

a- The sperm cell has the same number of chromosomes as the ovum.
b- All the chromosomes of the egg cell are of paternal origin.
c- Trisomy 21 is characterized by the presence of two chromosomes 21.
d- The genotype of an individual of blood group B is only BB.

Question II (6 ½ pts.)

In the human species, the absence of melanin is at the origin of an abnormally colored skin. This
abnormality, called “albinism”, is characterized by a waxy white colored skin, white hair …

• A father and a mother having a normally colored skin have an albino child. This indicates
that each of the two parents possesses two alleles: one “normal” allele and another allele of
• To be an albino, the individual should possess two alleles of albinism. If an individual
possesses two “normal” alleles, or one “normal” allele and another allele of “albinism”, this
individual will have a “normal” skin color.

a- Referring to the text, pick-up the statements that reveal:

1- The origin of albinism and the characteristics of this abnormality.
2- The alleles that cause the appearance of:
- a normally colored skin,
- an abnormally colored skin (albinism).

b- Designate by symbols the corresponding alleles.

c- Make the necessary factorial analysis to show how a normally colored skin father and mother
can have an albino child. Find out the genotype of this child.

Question III (4 ½ pts)
2 mL of
The adjacent document starch Gastric juice
summarizes the experimental Fresh
conditions of in vitro digestion saliva A B
of starch paste.
a- Describe the experiment
shown in this document.
b- Formulate the hypothesis Test
tested by this experiment.
c- Indicate the tube where
starch paste digestion takes
place and explain why.
Water bath:
Put Temperature = 37ºC
Time = 15 minutes


Document. Experimental set-up of in vitro digestion of starch paste

Question IV (5 ½ pts.)

The graph of the adjacent

document shows the variation of PO2 (mm/Hg)
the oxygen pressure in blood, at
the level of pulmonary alveoli, in
function of time. The document
also reveals the consequences of
this variation on blood. 75
a- Construct a table that 50
includes the different values
presented in the graph of the 25
adjacent document.

b- By referring to the 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 Time (s)

document: Blood entering Blood leaving the
1. Determine the pressure of the alveoli alveoli
oxygen in blood: Legend: P = pressure Dark red blood, poor in O2
- entering the alveoli, Hg = mercury
S = second Bright red blood, rich in O2
- leaving the alveoli.
2. Find out the consequences
of this variation of pressure Document. Variation of the pressure of oxygen in blood at
on blood. the level of pulmonary alveoli

c- Pick-up from the document the time during which the blood remains in the alveoli, and the
time necessary for the blood to be enriched in oxygen.

‫ اﻟﻌﺎدﯾﺔ‬2005 ‫دورة‬ ‫اﻣﺗﺣﺎﻧﺎت اﻟﺷﮭﺎدة اﻟﻣﺗوﺳطﺔ‬ ‫وزارة اﻟﺗرﺑﯾﺔ واﻟﺗﻌﻠﯾم اﻟﻌﺎﻟﻲ‬
‫اﻟﻣدﯾرﯾﺔ اﻟﻌﺎﻣﺔ ﻟﻠﺗرﺑﯾﺔ‬
‫داﺋرة اﻻﻣﺗﺣﺎﻧﺎت‬
‫اﺳس اﻟﺗﺻﺣﯾﺢ‬
‫ﻣﺳﺎﺑﻘﺔ ﻓﻲ ﻋﻠوم اﻟﺣﯾﺎة واﻻرض‬

Question I (3½ points)

a-Correcte (½ pt)
b-La moitié des chromosomes de la cellule-œuf est d'origine paternelle.
ou : Tous les chromosomes de la cellule-œuf sont d'origine paternelle et maternelle. (1 pt)
c-La trisomie 21 est caractérisée par la présence de trois chromosomes 21. (1 pt)
d-Le génotype d'un individu de groupe sanguin B peut être BB ou Bo. (1 pt)

Question II (6½ points)

a-1°)-L’origine de l'albinisme est l'absence de mélanine. (½ pt)

-Les caractéristiques de cette anomalie sont : la peau d'un blanc cireux (½ pt), les cheveux et les
poils blancs.(½ pt)
2°)L'apparition d'une peau normalement colorée est due à la présence de deux allèles
"normal" (½ pt) ou à la présence d'un seul allèle "normal" associé à un allèle
"albinos". (½pt)
-L'apparition d'une peau anormalement colorée est due à la présence de deux allèles "albinos".

b-N : normal dominant

a : albinos récessif (½ pt)

c-P : ♂ Na × ♀ Na (½ pt)
γP : N a N a (1 pt)
½ ½ ½ ½

Echiquier de croisement :

N ½ a ½

N ½ NN ¼ Na ¼

a ½ Na ¼ aa ¼
(1 pt)
D'après l'échiquier, le génotype d'un enfant albinos est aa. (½ pt
Question III (4½ points)

a-On met 2 mL d'empois d'amidon dans chacun des deux tubes à essai A et B. On ajoute au tube A de
la salive fraîche et au tube B du suc gastrique. On place les 2 tubes dans le bain-marie à une
température de 37°C et pendant 15 minutes. (1½ pts)

b-Hypothèse : L’enzyme est spécifique.

ou une enzyme n'agit que sur un seul substrat. (1 pt)

c-C'est le tube A. (½ pt)

La salive contient une amylase qui agit sur l'empois d'amidon alors que le suc gastrique n'en contient
pas. (1½ pts)

Question IV (5½ points)

Temps (s) 0 0,25 0,5 0,75
O 2 (mm 25 100 100 100

Tableau montrant la variation de la pression du dioxygène en fonction du temps. (1½ pts)

b-1°)La pression du dioxygène dans le sang :

▪entrant dans les alvéoles est 25 mm Hg. (½ pt)
▪sortant des alvéoles est 100 mm Hg. (½ pt)
2°)Quand la pression du dioxygène est entre 25 mm Hg et 100mm Hg, le sang a la couleur rouge
sombre alors il est pauvre en O 2 . (¾ pt)
Quand la pression du dioxygène devient égale à 100 mm Hg, le sang a la couleur rouge vif alors il
est riche en O 2 . (¾ pt)

c-Le temps de séjour du sang dans les alvéoles est 0, 75 sec. (¾ pt)
Le temps nécessaire pour se charger complètement en dioxygène est 0,25 sec. (¾ pt)
‫ اﻻﺳﺗﺛﻧﺎﺋﯾﺔ‬2005 ‫دورة ﺳﻧﺔ‬ ‫اﻣﺗﺣﺎﻧﺎت اﻟﺷﮭﺎدة اﻟﻣﺗوﺳطﺔ‬ ‫وزارة اﻟﺗرﺑﯾﺔ واﻟﺗﻌﻠﯾم‬
‫اﻟﻣدﯾرﯾﺔ اﻟﻌﺎﻣﺔ ﻟﻠﺗرﺑﯾﺔ‬
‫داﺋرة اﻻﻣﺗﺣﺎﻧﺎت‬
: ‫اﻻﺳم‬ ‫ﻣﺳﺎﺑﻘﺔ ﻓﻲ ﻋﻠوم اﻟﺣﯾﺎة واﻻرض‬
: ‫اﻟرﻗم‬ ‫ ﺳﺎﻋﺔ واﺣدة‬: ‫اﻟﻣدة‬

Answer the following questions.

Question I ( 4 ½ pts.)

The adjacent document shows an error

in the segregation of chromosome pair Father Mother
18 during gamete formation in a given Mother
couple. 18 18 cells 18 18
of gametes
a- Compare the gametes of the father
with the gametes of the mother.

b- Determine the number of 18 18 18 18

chromosomes 18 in the zygotes that may
result from the union of these A B C D
gametes. Justify the answer. Gametes of the father Gametes of the mother

c- Name the abnormality that results

from the union of gamete C with one of the father’s gametes.

Question II ( 3 pts.)

Fadi and Ziad meet at a restaurant for Name Menu

lunch. Each one of them chooses a menu Fadi Fish + carrots + grapes
as presented in document 1. Ziad Chicken + Salad + apple
Four hours after lunch, we remove a Document 1
sample of the contents of the small
intestine of Fadi and another sample
from the intestine of Ziad. Nutrients of the contents of the small
Document 2 reveals some of the intestine of each of Fadi and Ziad
nutrients of these contents. Glucose,
Amino acids,
a- Determine the organic material which Fatty acids, glycerol …
is at the origin of each nutrient shown in Document 2
document 2.

b- Explain why the nutrients of the small intestine of each of Fadi and Ziad are the same,
although the two menus are different.

After this meal, the analysis of blood that leaves the small intestine of each of Fadi and Ziad
shows an increase in the quantity of glucose, amino acids…

c- Formulate a hypothesis that explains this increase.

Question III ( 6 pts.)

The gene that controls blood clotting is located on the sex chromosome X. The presence of
an allele “N” leads to normal blood clotting if it is alone in a man, or associated with another
allele “N” or an allele “h" in a woman. The allele “h” causes the absence of normal clotting
if it is alone in a man, or associated with another allele “h” in a woman. The absence of
blood clotting is a sickness known as haemophilia.
The alleles of this gene “N” and “h” have the same location on chromosome X.

a- In reference to the text, write the different possible combinations of these alleles in a man
and a woman, knowing that the sex chromosomes in a woman are XX and in a man are XY.

A normal heterozygote woman for this gene is married to a normal man.

b- Is this couple in risk of having a haemophiliac child?
Justify the answer by making the necessary factorial analysis.

Question IV ( 6 ½ pts.)
Concentrations of O2 and CO2 (mg/L)
The graph in the adjacent document
shows the variation of the
concentrations of oxygen and carbon 10.5

dioxide during the degradation of 10

glucose in an animal cell. 9.5
a- Based on the document, represent, 8.5
in the same table, the different values 8
that show the variation of the 7.5
concentrations of O 2 and CO 2 in
function of time.

b- Analyze the graph. What can you 6

0 1 2 3 4
Time (min)
conclude? ▲
Degradation of glucose
c- Name the reaction of the Concentration of O2
degradation of glucose in the
Concentration of CO2
presence of O 2 .

‫ اﻻﺳﺗﺛﻧﺎﺋﯾﺔ‬2005 ‫دورة ﺳﻧﺔ‬ ‫اﻣﺗﺣﺎﻧﺎت اﻟﺷﮭﺎدة اﻟﻣﺗوﺳطﺔ‬ ‫وزارة اﻟﺗرﺑﯾﺔ واﻟﺗﻌﻠﯾم اﻟﻌﺎﻟﻲ‬
‫اﻟﻣدﯾرﯾﺔ اﻟﻌﺎﻣﺔ ﻟﻠﺗرﺑﯾﺔ‬
‫داﺋرة اﻻﻣﺗﺣﺎﻧﺎت‬
‫اﺳس اﻟﺗﺻﺣﯾﺢ‬
‫ﻣﺳﺎﺑﻘﺔ ﻓﻲ ﻋﻠوم اﻟﺣﯾﺎة واﻻرض‬

Question I ( 4 ½ pts.)
a- Each of the father’s gamete A and B contains one chromosome 18, While gamete C
of the mother contains two chromosomes 18 and gamete D does not contain any.
( 2 pts.)
b- The number of chromosomes 18 is 3 or 1 ( ½ pt + ½ pt)
• 3: in the zygote which results from the union of the gametes A or B of the
father having one chromosome 18 with the gamete C of the mother having two
chromosomes 18. ( ½ pt)
• 1: in the zygote which results from the union of the gamete A or B of the
father having one chromosome 18 with the gamete D of the mother that does
not contain any chromosome 18. ( ½ pt).
c- Trisomy 18 ( ½ pt).

Question II (3pts)
a- The origin of glucose is carbohydrates ( ½ pt)
The origin of amino acids is proteins ( ½ pt)
The origin of fatty acids and glycerol is lipids ( ½ pt)
b- The two menus have similar composition in organic materials ( carbohydrates,
proteins, and lipids) that is why the nutrients of the contents of the small intestine
of Fadi and Ziad are the same. ( 1 pt).
c- Hypothesis: There is a passage of glucose, amino acids… from the small intestine
into the blood. ( ½ pt.)

Question III ( 6 pts.)

a- The possible combinations are:

▪ In a female : XN XN (½ pt)
XN Xh (½ pt)
Xh Xh (½ pt)
▪ In a male : XN Y (½ pt)
Xh Y (½ pt)
b- Yes (½ pt)
P : XN Xh × XNY (½ pt)
γP : XN , Xh XN , Y (1 pt)
½ ½ ½ ½
Table of the cross:

XN ½ Y½

XN ½ XN XN ¼ XNY ¼

Xh ½ XN Xh ¼ XhY ¼
(1 pt)
From the table of the cross : ¼ haemophiliac children ( ½ pt.)

Question IV ( 6 ½ pt)
Time (min) 0 1 2 3 4
Concentration of O 2 (mg/L) 10.5 9.5 8.5 7.5 6.5
Concentration of CO 2 (mg/L) 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5
Table showing the variations of the concentration of O 2 and CO 2 in function of time
(3 pts)
b- At time 0 minutes, the time at which glucose degradation begins, the concentration
of O 2 , which was 10.5 mg/L decreases to reach 6.5 mg/L at minute 4; while the
concentration of CO 2 , which was 6.5 mg/L at time 0 minute increases to reach 8.5
mg/L at minute 4. ( 2 pts.)
This shows that during the degradation of glucose there is a consumption of O 2
and a release of CO 2 .
Therefore, the animal cell needs O 2 for the degradation of glucose. ( 1 pt)
c- This is an oxidation reaction. ( ½ pt)
‫ اﻟﻌﺎدﯾﺔ‬۲۰۰٦ ‫دورة ﺳﻨﺔ‬ ‫اﻣﺘﺤﺎﻧﺎت اﻟﺸﮭﺎدة اﻟﻤﺘﻮﺳﻄﺔ‬ ‫وزارة اﻟﺘﺮﺑﯿﺔ واﻟﺘﻌﻠﯿﻢ اﻟﻌﺎﻟﻲ‬
‫اﻟﻤﺪﯾﺮﯾﺔ اﻟﻌﺎﻣﺔ ﻟﻠﺘﺮﺑﯿﺔ‬
‫داﺋﺮة اﻻﻣﺘﺤﺎﻧﺎت‬
‫ﻣﺴﺎﺑﻘﺔ ﻓﻲ ﻣﺎدة ﻋﻠﻮم اﻟﺤﯿﺎة واﻷرض‬
‫ ﺳﺎﻋﺔ واﺣﺪة‬:‫اﻟﻤﺪة‬

Answer the following questions.

Question I (3 points)
Indicate the true statement(s) and correct the false one(s).
a- The genetic information is found in the cytoplasm of a cell.
b- In metaphase, each chromosome is formed of two chromatids.
c- The two chromatids of a chromosome carry the same genetic information.
d- In the human species, a sperm cell possesses 46 chromosomes.

Question II (6 points)
In studying the transmission of fur color in
rabbits, we do the crosses revealed in the
adjacent document.
a-Translate the adjacent document into a Male rabbit of Female rabbit of
text using the given legends. white fur, a pure × black fur, a pure
b-Is this the case of dominance or race race
codominance? Justify the answer.
c-Designate by symbols the corresponding
d-Write the genotype of each parent of the F1 : 100 % rabbits of white fur spotted with black.
F 1 generation. Male rabbit of F1 Female rabbit of F1
e-Make a factorial analysis that permits to of white fur spotted × of white fur spotted
verify the result obtained in F 2 . with black with black

F2: ¼ Rabbits of white fur

¼ Rabbits of black fur
½ Rabbits of white fur spotted with black
Legends: × ::Crossing
F1 : 1st generation
F2 : 2nd generation

Question III (5½ points)

The adjacent document reveals the amount Parts of the Amount of oxygen in
of oxygen in different parts of the mL / 100 mL of
respiratory system inhaled air
respiratory system during inhalation.
a-Knowing that the amount of oxygen is 21 Nasal cavities 21
ml in 100 ml of inhaled air, indicate the Trachea 21
respiratory parts : Bronchus 21
- through which oxygen is conducted. Bronchioles 21
- that are the sites of exchange of this Pulmonary alveoli 14
Justify the answer in each case.

b- List the characteristics of the sites of this exchange.
c- Emphysema is a respiratory disease where some alveoli do not function due to the destruction of their
walls. In this case, how would the amount of oxygen vary at the level of these alveoli?

Question IV (5½ points)

Lactose, the milk sugar, is digested in the

presence of an enzyme called lactase. Concentration of lactose in %
Some children suffer, since birth, from a in child A
digestive trouble due to the absence of
We give milk to two children A and B.
Then, we measure the lactose concentration
in certain digestive organs in each child. The
results of the measurements are shown in
0 Organs of the
the adjacent document.
digestive tube
a- Represent, in the same table, the different
values of the lactose concentration in each Esophagus
digestive organ in the two children A and Mouth Stomach Small intestine
b- Analyze the results. What do you Concentration of lactose in %
deduce? in child B


0 Organs of the
digestive tube

Mouth Stomach Small intestine

‫ اﻟﻌﺎدﯾﺔ‬۲۰۰٦ ‫دورة ﺳﻨﺔ‬ ‫اﻣﺘﺤﺎﻧﺎت اﻟﺸﮭﺎدة اﻟﻤﺘﻮﺳﻄﺔ‬ ‫وزارة اﻟﺘﺮﺑﯿﺔ واﻟﺘﻌﻠﯿﻢ اﻟﻌﺎﻟﻲ‬
‫اﻟﻤﺪﯾﺮﯾﺔ اﻟﻌﺎﻣﺔ ﻟﻠﺘﺮﺑﯿﺔ‬
‫داﺋﺮة اﻻﻣﺘﺤﺎﻧﺎت‬
‫ﻣﺴﺎﺑﻘﺔ ﻓﻲ ﻣﺎدة ﻋﻠﻮم اﻟﺤﯿﺎة واﻷرض‬
‫ ﺳﺎﻋﺔ واﺣﺪة‬:‫اﻟﻤﺪة‬

Answer the following questions.

Question I (4 points)

Indicate the true statement(s) and correct the false one(s).

a- The genetic information is found in the cytoplasm of a cell.
b- In metaphase, each chromosome is formed of two chromatids.
c- The two chromatids of a chromosome carry the same genetic information.
d- In the human species, a sperm cell possesses 46 chromosomes.

Question II (6 points)

In studying the transmission of fur colour in rabbits, we do the following crosses:

First cross: The cross between a male rabbit of white fur of a pure race with a female rabbit of black fur
and of pure race, gives in F1 generation : 100% rabbits of white fur spotted with black.

a- Is this the case of dominance or codominance? Justify the answer.

b- Designate by symbols the corresponding alleles.
c- Write the genotype of each parent of the F 1 generation and that of F1 offspring.

Second cross: The cross between a male and a female rabbits of the F1 generation having white fur
spotted with black gives in the second generation:
F2: ¼ rabbits of white fur
¼ rabbits of black fur
½ rabbits of white fur spotted with black.

d- Make a factorial analysis that permits to verify the result obtained in F 2 .

Question III (6 points)

The amount of oxygen is 21 ml in 100 ml of air. During inspiration, the amount of oxygen is 21 ml in
the nasal cavities, trachea, bronchus, bronchioles, and 14 ml in the pulmonary alveoli.
a- By referring to the above information, indicate the respiratory parts:
- through which oxygen is conducted.
- that are the sites of exchange of this gas.
Justify the answer in each case.

b- List the characteristics of the sites of the exchange of this gas.

c- Emphysema is a respiratory disease where some alveoli do not function due to the destruction of their
walls. In this case, how would the amount of oxygen vary at the level of these alveoli?

Question IV (4 points)

Lactose, the milk sugar, is digested in the presence of an enzyme called lactase.
Some children suffer, since birth, from a digestive trouble due to the absence of lactase.
Two children A and B are given milk having a lactose concentration of 100 %. Then, we measure the
lactose concentration in the mouth, esophagus, stomach and small intestine in each child. The results of
the measurements of lactose concentration in these digestive organs are:
- 100% in the mouth, esophagus, stomach and small intestine in child A.
- 100% in the mouth, esophagus, stomach and 25% in the small intestine in child B.

Analyze the results. What do you deduce?

‫ اﻟﻌﺎدﯾﺔ‬2006 ‫دورة‬ ‫اﻣﺗﺣﺎﻧﺎت اﻟﺷﮭﺎدة اﻟﻣﺗوﺳطﺔ‬ ‫وزارة اﻟﺗرﺑﯾﺔ واﻟﺗﻌﻠﯾم اﻟﻌﺎﻟﻲ‬
‫اﻟﻣدﯾرﯾﺔ اﻟﻌﺎﻣﺔ ﻟﻠﺗرﺑﯾﺔ‬
‫داﺋرة اﻻﻣﺗﺣﺎﻧﺎت‬
‫اﺳس اﻟﺗﺻﺣﯾﺢ‬
‫ﻣﺳﺎﺑﻘﺔ ﻓﻲ ﻋﻠوم اﻟﺣﯾﺎة واﻻرض‬

Question I (3 points)
a- False. Genetic information is found in the nucleus of the cell. (1 pt)
b- True (½ pt)
c- True (½ pt)
d- False. In the human species, a sperm cell includes 23 chromosomes. (1 pt)

Question II (6 points)
a- Crossing the male rabbit of whit fur of a pure race with a female rabbit of black fur and of
pure race gives in the first generation 100% rabbits of white fur spotted with black.
Crossing a male and a female rabbits of the first generation of white fur spotted with black
gives in the second generation ¼ rabbits of white fur, ¼ rabbits of black fur, and ½ rabbits of
white fur spotted with black. (1½ pts)

b- This is a case of codominance (½ pt)

Because the two colours, white and black, appear in the F 1 (½ pt)

c- Symbols of the alleles

W : white
B : Black (½ pt)

d- P:♂ ♀
( ¼ pt) ( ¼ pt)

e- ♂ WB × ♀ WB (½ pt)
γ: W B W B
½ ½ ½ ½
(1 pt)
Table of the cross :

W ½ B ½

W ½ WW ¼ WB ¼

B ½ WB ¼ BB ¼
(½ pt)
Phenotypes : ¼ [W]
¼ [B]
½ [WB]

Therefore, the experimental given is verified. (½ pt)

Question III (5½ points)
a-. The parts through which oxygen is conducted are nasal cavities, trachea, bronchus, and
bronchioles. Because the amount of oxygen remained 21 mL /100mL of inhaled air.
(1½ pts)
The sites of exchange are the alveoli. Because, at this level the amount of oxygen decreased
7 mL ( from 21 mL to 14 mL). (1½ pts)

b- The wall of alveoli is very thin, (½ pt)

they are many (big surface area), (½ pt)
they are rich with blood vessels.(½ pt)

c- In this case, the amount of oxygen does not vary, or slightly varies, or it remained 21 mL.
(1 pt)

Question IV (5½ points)

a-(1½ pts)
Concentration of lactose in % in each organ
Mouth Esophagus Stomach Small intestine
Child A 100 100 100 100
Child B 100 100 100 25
Title: Lactose concentration in each digestive organ in two children A and B

b-.In child A, the concentration of lactose remains 100% in the mouth, the esophagus, the
stomach, and the small intestine. In child B, it remains the same, 100% in the mouth, thew
esophagus and in the stomach, but it decreases in the small intestine to 25%. (1½ pts)
.Therefore, lactose digestion did not take place in child A, while in child B, it took place in the
small intestine. (1½ pts)

c-1º- Child A (½ pt)

2º-. Small intestine (½ pt)

‫ اﻻﻛﻣﺎﻟﯾﺔ اﻻﺳﺗﺛﻧﺎﺋﯾﺔ‬2006 ‫دورة ﺳﻧﺔ‬ ‫اﻣﺗﺣﺎﻧﺎت اﻟﺷﮭﺎدة اﻟﻣﺗوﺳطﺔ‬ ‫وزارة اﻟﺗرﺑﯾﺔ واﻟﺗﻌﻠﯾم‬
‫اﻟﻣدﯾرﯾﺔ اﻟﻌﺎﻣﺔ ﻟﻠﺗرﺑﯾﺔ‬
‫داﺋرة اﻻﻣﺗﺣﺎﻧﺎت‬
: ‫اﻻﺳم‬ ‫ﻣﺳﺎﺑﻘﺔ ﻓﻲ ﻋﻠوم اﻟﺣﯾﺎة واﻻرض‬
: ‫اﻟرﻗم‬ ‫ ﺳﺎﻋﺔ واﺣدة‬: ‫اﻟﻣدة‬

Answer the following questions.

Question I (4 points)

Indicate the right statement(s) and correct the false one(s).

a- Our cells use nutrients to liberate energy and produce new molecules.
b- At the end of mitosis, the produced four daughter cells carry the same genetic
c- Air pollution increases the risk of respiratory diseases.
d- The genes are located only on the sex chromosomes.

Question II (4 points)

The adjacent document shows "The

double circulation" of blood :
-the pulmonary circulation or the small pulmonary pulmonary
circulation artery vein
-the systemic circulation or the big
a- By referring to the document, name
: R.A L.A

1- the cavities of the heart vena aorta

2- the blood vessels that carry blood cava R.V
away from the heart
3- the blood vessels that carry blood
into the heart.

b- Specify the importance of each of

organs of
the two circulations concerning the the body
exchange of gases.
▪Cavities of the heart :
R.A : right auricle R.V : right ventricle
L.A : left auricle L.V : left ventricle
▪Blood vessels : -Arteries
▪ Pathway of blood
Question III (5½ points)

The synthesis of hemoglobin is due to a gene localized on an autosomal chromosome.

The gene is present in the cell of an individual in two alleles; one allele is of a paternal
origin and the other of a maternal origin. The two alleles are :
-allele N that determines the synthesis of normal hemoglobin
-allele n that determines the synthesis of abnormal hemoglobin.
A person has normal hemoglobin if he has two A B
alleles N and N or one allele N and one allele n; I
however a person with abnormal hemoglobin has
two alleles n and n.
The pedigree in the adjacent document shows the II
appearance of the abnormal hemoglobin in a family.
a- Pick up, from the text, the allele that determines III
the synthesis of each of the two hemoglobins. G H
b- By referring to the text and the pedigree, indicate
the two alleles present in the cells of : Man with normal hemoglobin
- father A Woman with normal hemoglobin
- mother B Man with abnormal hemoglobin
- daughter E.
Woman with abnormal hemoglobin
Justify the answer.
c- Make a factorial analysis to verify the
phenotypic and genotypic proportions of the children of couple E and F.

Question IV (6½ points)

The mechanical digestion permits the decomposition of food into small pieces that
facilitates the chemical action of enzymes.
To verify this hypothesis, bread pieces of different sizes were placed in two test tubes in
the presence of the enzyme: salivary amylase
The conditions and the results of the experiment are figured in the document below.

Decrease in
Disappearance the size of
Small Large After of pieces
pH=7 pieces of
pieces pieces of of bread
bread bread
of bread 20 minutes
1 2 1 2

Water bath : temperature = 37˚C

a- Represent, in the same table , the conditions of the experiment and the results
b- Pick up, from the text, the tested hypothesis.
c- Interpret the obtained results and draw out a conclusion
‫ اﻻﻛﻣﺎﻟﯾﺔ اﻻﺳﺗﺛﻧﺎﺋﯾﺔ‬2006 ‫دورة ﺳﻧﺔ‬ ‫اﻣﺗﺣﺎﻧﺎت اﻟﺷﮭﺎدة اﻟﻣﺗوﺳطﺔ‬ ‫وزارة اﻟﺗرﺑﯾﺔ واﻟﺗﻌﻠﯾم اﻟﻌﺎﻟﻲ‬
‫اﻟﻣدﯾرﯾﺔ اﻟﻌﺎﻣﺔ ﻟﻠﺗرﺑﯾﺔ‬
‫داﺋرة اﻻﻣﺗﺣﺎﻧﺎت‬
‫اﺳس اﻟﺗﺻﺣﯾﺢ‬
‫ﻣﺳﺎﺑﻘﺔ ﻓﻲ ﻋﻠوم اﻟﺣﯾﺎة واﻻرض‬

Question I (4 points)

a- True. (1 pt.)
b- False.
At the end of mitosis, the produced two daughter cells carry the same genetic program.
(1 pt.)
c- True. (1 pt.)
d- False.
The genes are located on all the chromosomes.
Some genes are located on the sex chromosomes. (1 pt.)

Question II (4 points)

a.1- The cavities of the heart are: right auricle, left auricle, right ventricle and left ventricle.
(1 pt.)
2- Aorta and pulmonary artery. (½ pt.)
3- Pulmonary vein and vena cava. (½ pt.)

b- The pulmonary circulation enriches the blood with oxygen and gets rid of carbon dioxide.
(1 pt.)
The systemic circulation supplies the organs with oxygen gas and carries away the carbon
dioxide. (1 pt.)

Question III (5½ points)

a- Allele N determines the synthesis of the normal hemoglobin. (½ pt.)

Allele n determines the synthesis of the abnormal hemoglobin. (½ pt.)
b- The two alleles of: - father A: N and n
- mother B: N and n.
- daughter E: n and n. (¾ pt.)
Daughter E has two alleles n and n since she has abnormal hemoglobin. (¼ pt.)

Father A and mother B, who have normal hemoglobin, possess the allele N. Also, they
possess the allele n since their daughter E possesses the two alleles n and n, one of paternal
origin (A) and the other of maternal origin(B). (½ pt.)

c- P : ♀ nn × ♂ Nn (½ pt.)
γP : n N n
(1 pt.)
1 ½ ½

Table of cross:

N ½ n ½

n 1 Nn ½ nn ½
(½ pt.)
-2 genotypes: Nn ½
nn ½ (½ pt.)
-2 phenotypes: [N] ½
[n] ½ (½ pt.)

Question IV (6½ points)

Duration Results
Tube Water Enzyme Bread pH Temperature(˚C)
1 + Amylase 7 37 20 of pieces
of bread
Decrease in the
2 + Amylase 7 37 20 size of pieces of
(+) presence
Title: Table showing the conditions and the results of the experiment. (3 pts.)

b- Hypothesis: The mechanical digestion which permits the decomposition of food into small
pieces facilitates the chemical action of enzymes. (1 pt.)
c- After 20 minutes, and under the same conditions, the small pieces of bread in tube 1disappear
while, the large pieces of bread in tube 2 decrease in size.
This shows that in the presence of amylase, bread is totally digested in tube 1 while, it is
partially digested in tube 2. (2 pts.)
Hence, the mechanical digestion facilitates the action of the enzyme. (½ pt.)

‫ اﻟﻌﺎدﯾﺔ‬2007 ‫دورة‬ ‫اﻣﺗﺣﺎﻧﺎت اﻟﺷﮭﺎدة اﻟﻣﺗوﺳطﺔ‬ ‫وزارة اﻟﺗرﺑﯾﺔ واﻟﺗﻌﻠﯾم اﻟﻌﺎﻟﻲ‬
‫اﻟﻣدﯾرﯾﺔ اﻟﻌﺎﻣﺔ ﻟﻠﺗرﺑﯾﺔ‬
‫داﺋرة اﻻﻣﺗﺣﺎﻧﺎت‬
: ‫اﻻﺳم‬ ‫ﻣﺳﺎﺑﻘﺔ ﻓﻲ ﻋﻠوم اﻟﺣﯾﺎة واﻻرض‬
: ‫اﻟرﻗم‬ ‫ ﺳﺎﻋﺔ واﺣدة‬: ‫اﻟﻣدة‬
Answer the following questions.
Question I (3 points)
Correct each of the following expressions :
a- During mitosis, the two chromatids of each chromosome separate in metaphase.
b- A chromosomal abnormality affects only the sex chromosomes.
c- If a sperm carrying chromosome X fertilizes an ovum, the newborn will be a male.

Question II (6 points)
In human species the mode of transmission of hair color is autosomal. The allele responsible for
"dark hair" character is dominant with respect to the recessive allele responsible for "red hair"
a- Designate by symbols the corresponding alleles.
The marriage of a man A with dark hair to a woman B with dark hair gives birth to two children:
-boy C with red hair ;
-girl D with dark hair.

b- 1- Write the genotype of boy C. Justify the answer.

2- Without doing a factorial analysis, explain how father A and mother B with dark hair give
birth to son C with red hair.

c- Son C marries a heterozygote woman E with dark hair.

Do a factorial analysis to determine the phenotypic proportions of the descendants of this couple.

Question III (4 points)

The mastication of food leads to its reduction into small pieces. A student wonders if this
mastication facilitates the chemical digestion of food in the presence of digestive juices such as
pancreatic juice.
To solve this problem, he performs an experiment in vitro showing the digestion of 50 grams of
fish. The conditions of this experiment and the results obtained are shown in the document below.

water pancreatic Temperature
50 g of fish
in mL juice in mL in ºC
in small Results
Tube 1 pieces 5 1 37 after The small pieces of fish
Tube 1
2 hours disappear.
in one large
Tube 2 piece 5 1 37 The large piece of fish
Tube 2
becomes smaller.

a- What is the posed problem by the student?

b- Indicate the variable factor in this experiment.
c- Is the posed problem solved? Justify the answer by using the information provided by the above
Question IV (7 points)
During the assimilation mechanism, the cell synthesizes new matter such as proteins.
To identify certain elements necessary for assimilation, we perform an experiment on skin cells of a

 We place these cells in a culture medium containing radioactive amino acids. We add to this
medium glucose which is a nutrient utilized by the cells to produce energy. Few days later,
radioactive proteins are formed in these cells, document 1.

Document 1
radioactive glucose skin cells radioactive
amino acids proteins

few days

culture medium

Beginning of experiment End of experiment

a- Compare the culture medium and the cells at the beginning and at the end of the experiment.
Derive the origin of the formed radioactive proteins.

 In addition, we measure the amount of energy consumed by these skin cells and the quantity of
the formed radioactive proteins. The results of the measurements are given in document 2.

Document 2
Amount of energy consumed by the
0 1 2 3 4
cells (arbitrary unit)
Quantity of the formed radioactive
0 4 8 12 16
proteins (µg/mL)

b- Draw a graph (line curve) showing the variation of the quantity of the formed radioactive
proteins as a function of the amount of energy consumed by the cells.
c- Analyze the results shown in document 2.

d- Based on the information provided by documents 1 and 2, indicate the elements necessary for
this assimilation.

‫ اﻟﻌﺎدﯾﺔ‬2007 ‫دورة‬ ‫اﻣﺗﺣﺎﻧﺎت اﻟﺷﮭﺎدة اﻟﻣﺗوﺳطﺔ‬ ‫وزارة اﻟﺗرﺑﯾﺔ واﻟﺗﻌﻠﯾم اﻟﻌﺎﻟﻲ‬
‫اﻟﻣدﯾرﯾﺔ اﻟﻌﺎﻣﺔ ﻟﻠﺗرﺑﯾﺔ‬
‫داﺋرة اﻻﻣﺗﺣﺎﻧﺎت‬
‫اﺳس اﻟﺗﺻﺣﯾﺢ‬
‫ﻣﺳﺎﺑﻘﺔ ﻓﻲ ﻋﻠوم اﻟﺣﯾﺎة واﻻرض‬

Question I (3 points)
a- During mitosis, the two chromatids of each chromosome separate in anaphase. (1 pt)
b- A chromosomal abnormality affects the sex chromosomes.
or A chromosomal abnormality affects the sex chromosomes and autosomes.
or A chromosomal abnormality affects the chromosomes.
or A chromosomal abnormality affects all chromosomes. (1 pt)
c- If a sperm carrying chromosome X fertilizes an ovum, the newborn will be a female.
If a sperm carrying chromosome Y fertilizes an ovum, the newborn will be a male. (1 pt)

Question II (6 points)
a- Symbols of alleles :
D : dark hair, dominant.
r : red hair, recessive. (½ pt)
b- 1) The genotype of boy C is rr (½ pt), because allele r is recessive, it's not expressed in the
phenotype except in its homozygous state. (1 pt)
2) The genotype of son C is rr which indicates that father A and mother B with dark hair are
heterozygote, each is of genotype Dr and each one of them gives allele r to son C. (1 pt)

c- P : ( C ) ♂ rr × ( E ) ♀ Dr (½ pt)

γ: r D r
1 ½ ½
(1 pt)
Table of cross :

D ½ r ½

r 1 Dr ½ rr ½
(1 pt)
The phenotypic proportions :
½ [D]
½ [r] (½ pt)

Question III (4 points)

a- Does mastication facilitate chemical digestion of food in the presence of digestive juices?(1 pt)

b- Variable factor : Size of the fish pieces

- small pieces in tube 1.
- one large piece in tube 2. (1 pt)
c- Yes (½ pt), because small pieces of fish disappeared in tube 1, while the large piece of fish in
tube 2, placed under the same conditions for the small pieces, becomes smaller without
disappearing. (1½ pts)

Question IV (7 points)
a- At the beginning of the experiment, the culture medium contains radioactive amino acids and
glucose, while the cells do not; However, at the end of the experiment, the radioactive amino
acids and glucose disappear from the culture medium while the cells contain radioactive
proteins. (1 pt)
The origin of this protein is the radioactive amino acids. (½ pt)

Quantity of radioactive proteins
formed (µg/mL)

12 Scale :

8 4 μ g/mL


0 Amount of energy
consumed by the cells
0 1 2 3 4 (arbitrary unit)

The variation of the quantity of formed radioactive proteins as a function of the

amount of energy consumed by the cells. (3 pts)

c- The quantity of consumed radioactive proteins is 0 µg/mL for an amount of energy equals to
0 a.u. This quantity increases progressively with the increase in the amount of energy and
reaches 16 µg/mL for an amount of energy equals to 4 a.u.
(1½ pts)

d- The necessary elements for formation of proteins are amino acids and energy. (1 pt)

‫ اﻹﻛﻤﺎﻟﯿﺔ اﻻﺳﺘﺜﻨﺎﺋﯿﺔ‬۲۰۰۷ ‫دورة ﺳﻨﺔ‬ ‫اﻣﺘﺤﺎﻧﺎت اﻟﺸﮭﺎدة اﻟﻤﺘﻮﺳﻄﺔ‬ ‫وزارة اﻟﺘﺮﺑﯿﺔ واﻟﺘﻌﻠﯿﻢ اﻟﻌﺎﻟﻲ‬
‫اﻟﻤﺪﯾﺮﯾﺔ اﻟﻌﺎﻣﺔ ﻟﻠﺘﺮﺑﯿﺔ‬
‫داﺋﺮة اﻻﻣﺘﺤﺎﻧﺎت‬
‫ﻣﺴﺎﺑﻘﺔ ﻓﻲ ﻣﺎدة ﻋﻠﻮم اﻟﺤﯿﺎة واﻷرض‬
‫ ﺳﺎﻋﺔ واﺣﺪة‬:‫اﻟﻤﺪة‬

Answer the following questions.

Question I (3 points)
Indicate the correct expressions and correct the false one(s).
1- The contraction of the esophagus permits the progression of food towards the stomach.
2- Bile facilitates the digestion of proteins by emulsifying it.
3- The sigmoid valves prevent the back flow of blood into the ventricles.
4- During diastole, the myocardium contracts.

Question II (5 points)
The adjacent document represents
some phases of a cellular division. For
simplicity, we represent only the Chromosome 9
of one chromatid
chromosome pair 9 where alleles (B initial
and O) of the gene determining blood cell B O
group in humans are localized.
1-By referring to the given document :
a- Describe the modification that Chromosome 9
occurs on chromosome of two chromatids
Cell (E) B B O O
number 9 as the initial cell
transforms to cell (E). reductional division :
b- Compare the number of separation of
chromosomes in cells (E), (F) homologous
and (G). chromosomes
c- Pick out the cause of the B B O O
difference in the number of
Cell (F) Cell (G)
chromosomes in these cells (E,
F and G).

2- a- Precise the number of cells

produced by cells (F) and (G) after the second meiotic division.
b- Do the cells obtained at the end of meiosis carry the same genetic information?
Justify the answer by reffering to the document and to the acquired knowledge .

Question III (6 points)

Cystic fibrosis is a severe genetic disease characterized by digestive and respiratory troubles. It is due
to a gene localized on chromosome 7. This gene exists in multiple alleles. If each chromosome of the
pair 7 carries the allele m responsible for the disease, the individual will be affected. If one of the two
chromosomes 7 carries the normal allele N and the other chromosome carries allele m, the individual
won’t be affected.

1- Pick out from the text :
a- the characteristics of cystic fibrosis.
b- the cause of such a disease.
2- Is the allele responsible for cystic fibrosis dominant or recessive? Justify the answer .
3- A normal homozygous woman married a normal heterozygous man.
a- Write the genotype of this woman and that of her husband.
b- Do the necessary factorial analysis to determine whether this couple is in risk of having a
sick child.

Question IV (6 points)
In a region polluted by sulfur dioxide gas Document 1
(SO 2 ), we noticed that the number of Number of hospitalized patients per day
hospitalized patients for respiratory
difficulties varies with the content of SO 2 112
in air (document 1). 111
1- Represent, in the form of a table, the
variation of the number of hospitalized 110
patients in function of the quantity of 109
sulfur dioxide gas in air.
2- Analyze the graph of document 1. 108
What do you conclude? 107
Document 2 shows the aspect of the 106
Quantity of SO2 in air
bronchi of a healthy individual A and of 105
another individual B who lives in this (mg/m3)
2 6 10 14
region polluted by SO 2 .

Document 2

Individual A Individual B

3- Compare the aspect of the bronchi of these two individuals ( document 2).
Derive the effect of sulfur dioxide on the bronchi and its consequence on respiration.

‫ اﻻﻛﻣﺎﻟﯾﺔ اﻻﺳﺗﺛﻧﺎﺋﯾﺔ‬2007 ‫دورة ﺳﻧﺔ‬ ‫اﻣﺗﺣﺎﻧﺎت اﻟﺷﮭﺎدة اﻟﻣﺗوﺳطﺔ‬ ‫وزارة اﻟﺗرﺑﯾﺔ واﻟﺗﻌﻠﯾم اﻟﻌﺎﻟﻲ‬
‫اﻟﻣدﯾرﯾﺔ اﻟﻌﺎﻣﺔ ﻟﻠﺗرﺑﯾﺔ‬
‫داﺋرة اﻻﻣﺗﺣﺎﻧﺎت‬
‫اﺳس اﻟﺗﺻﺣﯾﺢ‬
‫ﻣﺳﺎﺑﻘﺔ ﻓﻲ ﻋﻠوم اﻟﺣﯾﺎة واﻻرض‬

Question I (3 points)
1- True. (0.5 pt)
2- False.
Bile facilitates the digestion of lipids by emulsifying it. (1 pt)
3- True. (0.5 pt)
4- False.
During diastole, the myocardium relaxes.
During systole the myocardium contracts. (1 pt)

Question II (5 points)
1- a- The initial cell contains a pair of chromosome 9, each is single chromatid. One chromosome
carries allele B and the other chromosome carries allele O. After interphase, this cell
becomes cell (E) containing 2 chromosomes No. 9 , each of two chromatids carrying the
same type of allele.
(1.5 pt)

b- Cell (E) contains 2 chromosomes 9, where as each of the two cells (F) and (G) contains one
chromosome 9 which is half the number of chromosomes in cell E. (1 pt)

c- The cause of such a difference is reductional division or separation of homologous

(0.5 pt)

2- a- Four cells. (0.5 pt)

b- No, (0.5 pt)

because the 2 cells produced by cell (F) carry allele B, where as the 2 cells produced by cell
(G) carry allele O. Allele B carries genetic information which is different from the genetic
information carried by allele O. (1 pt)

Question III (6 points)

1- a- The characteristics of cystic fibrosis are digestive and respiratory troubles. (1 pt)

b- The cause of this disease is a gene localized on chromosome 7

is due to the presence of allele m on each of the chromosome pair 7. (1 pt)

2- It is recessive, (0.5 pt)
because for an individual to be affected it is necessary that each of the chromosomes pair 7
carries the allele m.
Non affected individuals can have one chromosome 7 carrying the normal allele N and the other
chromosome carrying allele m responsible for the disease, in this case, the dominant normal
allele N masks the recessive allele m. (1 pt)

3- a- Genotype of the woman : NN (0.25 pt)

Genotype of the husband : Nm. (0.25 pt)

Genotypes of parents : ♂ Nm × ♀ NN (0.25 pt)

γ: N m N
½ ½ 1
(0.75 pt)
Table of cross :

N ½ m ½

N 1 NN ½ Nm ½
(0.5 pt)
According to the table, all children would be healthy. Thus, this couple is not in risk of
having an affected child. (0.5 pt)

Question IV (6 points)
Quantity of SO 2 in air (mg/m3) 2 6 10 14
Number of hospitalized patients per day 106 108 110 112
Title : Table showing the variation of the number of hospitalized patients in function of the
quantity of SO 2 in air. (1.5 pt)

2- The number of hospitalized patients is 106 patients/day when the quantity of SO 2 in air is
2mg/m3. This number increases progressively with the increase in the quantity of SO 2 and
reaches 112 patients/day when the quantity of SO 2 reaches 14mg/m3. (1.5 pt)
This indicates that the number of hospitalized patients is proportional to the quantity of SO 2 in
air. Therefore, sulfur dioxide is a polluting substance in air that favors respiratory difficulties.
(1 pt)

3- The lumen of the bronchus of individual B is smaller than the lumen of the bronchus of the
healthy individual A. While, the wall of the bronchus of individual B is thicker than the wall of
the bronchus of individual A. (1 pt)
This shows that sulfur dioxide narrows the bronchi which in turn, renders the circulation of air in
the bronchi difficult leading to respiratory problems. (1 pt)

‫ اﻟﻌﺎدﯾﺔ‬۲۰۰۸ ‫دورة ﺳﻨﺔ‬ ‫اﻟﺸﮭﺎدة اﻟﻤﺘﻮﺳﻄﺔ‬ ‫وزارة اﻟﺘﺮﺑﯿﺔ واﻟﺘﻌﻠﯿﻢ اﻟﻌﺎﻟﻲ‬
‫اﻟﻤﺪﯾﺮﯾﺔ اﻟﻌﺎﻣﺔ ﻟﻠﺘﺮﺑﯿﺔ‬
‫داﺋﺮة اﻻﻣﺘﺤﺎﻧﺎت‬
‫ﻣﺴﺎﺑﻘﺔ ﻓﻲ ﻣﺎدة ﻋﻠﻮم اﻟﺤﯿﺎة واﻷرض‬
‫ ﺳﺎﻋﺔ واﺣﺪة‬:‫اﻟﻤﺪة‬

Answer the four following exercises:

Exercise I (5 points)
Role of some structures of the circulatory system

Precise the principle role of each of the following structures:

1- Artery.
2- Vein.
3- Blood capillaries.
4- Sigmoid valves.
5- Hemoglobin of red blood cells.

Exercise II (5 points)
Mitosis and conformed reproduction

The number of chromosomes contained in the Document

nucleus of an egg-cell or a zygote and the genetic
information carried by these chromosomes are
conserved at each mitotic division, opposite Chromosome
Egg Cell
or b b Nucleus
To simplify the diagram, we present a pair of zygote
homologous chromosomes that carries information
"b". Mitosis

1- Indicate the origin of each chromosome of this Daughter Daughter

cell b b b b cell
pair contained in the nucleus of the egg-cell.
2- By referring to the opposite document : Mitosis Mitosis
a- Precise the number of cells obtained at the
end of each mitosis. b b b b b b b b
b- Compare the number of chromosomes and
the genetic information of the egg-cell to
those of each of the daughter cells. Daughter cells Daughter cells
Draw out a conclusion.
Exercise III (5 points)
Transmission of a hereditary characteristic in minks
In minks, fur color is determined by a gene located on an autosome.
We cross a mink having white fur of pure race with another mink having black fur of pure race. All minks
obtained in the first generation F 1 have black and white striped fur.
1- Is this the case of dominance or codominance ? Justify the answer.
2- Designate by symbols the corresponding alleles.
3- Write the genotypes of parents and that of F 1 .
The cross of F 1 minks among themselves gives in F 2 generation:
▪ 50% minks of white and black striped fur
▪ 25% minks of white fur
▪ 25% minks of black fur.
4- Construct a histogram (bar graph) that represents the results obtained in F 2 .

Exercise IV (5 points)
Digestion of sucrose

Sucrase is an intestinal enzyme that acts on sucrose (double sugar) and permits its digestion.
To verify this hypothesis, we perform an
in vitro digestion of sucrose as follows : Document 1
▪ We put 5 mL of sucrose solution in each of Legends :
two test tubes A and B. put
▪ We add a very small quantity of sucrase add
enzyme to tube A only.
▪ Then, we place the two tubes A and B in a place
water bath at a temperature of 37°C for Test water bath
thirty minutes. tube

1- Using the legends of document 1, Document 2

translate the above text into a diagram
showing the conditions of this
experiment. Quantity of sucrose (mL)
After 30 minutes, we measure the quantity Tube B
of sucrose in each of the two tubes A and 5
B. The measured results are revealed in 4
document 2.
2- Pick out from the text the tested Tube A
3- Is this hypothesis validated? Time (min)
Justify the answer based on the analysis
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
of the results, document 2.
4- Name the test that permits to verify the
presence of simple sugars resulting
from this digestion of sucrose.
‫ اﻟﻌﺎدﯾﺔ‬۲۰۰۸ ‫دورة ﺳﻨﺔ‬ ‫اﻟﺸﮭﺎدة اﻟﻤﺘﻮﺳﻄﺔ‬ ‫وزارة اﻟﺘﺮﺑﯿﺔ واﻟﺘﻌﻠﯿﻢ اﻟﻌﺎﻟﻲ‬
‫اﻟﻤﺪﯾﺮﯾﺔ اﻟﻌﺎﻣﺔ ﻟﻠﺘﺮﺑﯿﺔ‬
‫داﺋﺮة اﻻﻣﺘﺤﺎﻧﺎت‬
‫ﻣﺴﺎﺑﻘﺔ ﻓﻲ ﻣﺎدة ﻋﻠﻮم اﻟﺤﯿﺎة واﻷرض‬ ‫ﻣﺸﺮوع ﻣﻌﯿﺎر اﻟﺘﺼﺤﯿﺢ‬
‫اﻟﻤﺪة ﺳﺎﻋﺔ واﺣﺪة‬

Part of
Answer Mark
the Q
I.1 An artery carries blood from heart to organs. 1
I.2 A vein brings back blood from organs to heart. 1
I.3 Blood capillaries are vessels where the exchanges (of respiratory gases,
nutrients and wastes) between the cells and blood take place. 1
I.4 Sigmoid valves prevent the reflux of blood from arteries into ventricles.
I.5 Hemoglobin assures the transport of respiratory gases. 1
II.1 In the nucleus of an egg-cell, one chromosome of this pair is of paternal
origin and its homologue is of maternal origin. 1
II.2-a The number of cells obtained at the end of each mitosis is two. 1
II.2-b The number of chromosomes that is two in the nucleus of the egg-cell
remains two in the nucleus of each of the daughter cells obtained at the
end of each mitosis. Similarly, information "b" carried by each of the two
chromosomes of the egg-cell remains the same in each of the daughter
Thus, mitosis allows for the conservation of the number of chromosomes
and consequently the genetic information. 3
III.1 It is the case of codominance, because all the minks obtained in F 1 have
black and white striped fur. In this new phenotype the two alleles white
and black are equally expressed. 1.5
III.2 Symbol of alleles :
W : white
B : black 0.5
III.3 Genotypes of F 1 parents :
White : WW
Black : BB
Genotype of F 1 : WB 1.5
III.4 1.5
Histogram showing the results of F2







white black white and
Mink's fur
V.1 A B A B
sucrase 5 mL of

water bath t = 37ºC

Duration : 30 minutes

Title : Diagram showing the conditions of the experiment. 1.5

V.2 Tested Hypothesis : Sucrase is an intestinal enzyme that acts on sucrose
and permits its digestion. 1
V.3 Yes.
In tube A containing sucrase, the quantity of sucrose is 5 mL at the
beginning of the experiment. This quantity decreases progressively with
time and becomes nul after 30 minutes; while in tube B lacking sucrase,
the quantity of sucrose remains 5 mL during the whole experiment.
This shows that sucrase permits the digestion of sucrose. 2
V.4 It is fehling test. 0.5
‫ اﻹﻛﻤﺎﻟﯿﺔ اﻹﺳﺘﺜﻨﺎﺋﯿﺔ‬۲۰۰۸ ‫دورة ﺳﻨﺔ‬ ‫اﻟﺸﮭﺎدة اﻟﻤﺘﻮﺳﻄﺔ‬ ‫وزارة اﻟﺘﺮﺑﯿﺔ واﻟﺘﻌﻠﯿﻢ اﻟﻌﺎﻟﻲ‬
‫اﻟﻤﺪﯾﺮﯾﺔ اﻟﻌﺎﻣﺔ ﻟﻠﺘﺮﺑﯿﺔ‬
‫داﺋﺮة اﻻﻣﺘﺤﺎﻧﺎت‬
‫ﻣﺴﺎﺑﻘﺔ ﻓﻲ ﻣﺎدة ﻋﻠﻮم اﻟﺤﯿﺎة واﻷرض‬
‫ ﺳﺎﻋﺔ واﺣﺪة‬:‫اﻟﻤﺪة‬

Answer the four following exercises:

First exercise (5 points)

Cellular Divisions

Answer briefly the following questions :

1- Name the cellular division that permits to obtain from the mother cell of 2n chromosomes:
a- the same number of chromosomes in all body cells.
b- half the number of chromosomes in the gametes.
2- What is a chromosomic anomaly?
3- What is an allele?
4- What is the origin of the two alleles of a given gene in every individual ?

Second exercise (5 points)

Digestion of a lipid : olive oil

The adjacent document N° of Result

summarizes the experiment (1 hour later)
conditions of in vitro
digestion of olive oil 1
(lipids) and the results
obtained after one hour.
1- Describe experiment T: temperature
1 (adjacent
document) .
2- Analyse the two
experiments 1 and 2. 2
Derive the role of
3- Analyse the two
experiments 2 and 3.
Derive the role of
pancreatic juice.

Third exercise (5 points)

Pure race and transmission of a hereditary character in roses

Sami has a rosebush of white Document 1

flowers in his garden. He wonders 1st experiment : White rose × White rose
if this rosebush is of pure race. To
be sure, he realized several crosses 1st generation (G1) : 100% white roses
as shown in document 1.
1- What is the problem posed by 2nd experiment: White rose of G1 × White rose of G1
2nd generation (G2) : 100% white roses
2- Do the results of these crosses
(document 1) solved the 3rd experiment: white rose of G2 × White rose of G2
problem posed by Sami ?
justify the answer. 3rd generation (G3) : 100% White roses

Sami realized another cross

as shown in document 2.
3- a- Is it the case of dominance or codominance? Document 2
Justify the answer by referring to document 2.
White rose × red rose
b- Designate by symbols the corresponding alleles.
of pure race of pure race
c- Write the genotype of the white roses having red
periphery and precise the different types of 100% White roses with red
gametes produced by these roses. periphery

Fourth exercise (5 points)

Effect of Tobacco and intoxication by carbon monoxide

The cigarette fumes contain several toxic substances: nicotine, tar, carbon monoxide (CO: gas) ...
This gas can fix easily on a hemoglobin molecule leading to the formation of a stable compound

Among smokers, the concentration Variation in the concentration of CO in blood in function of

of CO in blood varies in function the number of consumed cigarettes per day
of the number of consumed Number of consumed
cigarettes per day
10 20 35
cigarettes per day, as shown in the Concentration of CO
adjacent table. 5 7 10
in blood ( % )
1- Trace a curve showing the variation of the concentration of CO in blood in function of the
number of consumed cigarettes per day.
2- Interpret the given in the above table.
3- Based on the provided information and the acquired knowledge, explain how can CO, in high
concentration in blood, cause intoxication.
‫ اﻹﺳﺘﺜﻨﺎﺋﯿﺔ‬- ‫ اﻹﻛﻤﺎﻟﯿﺔ‬۲۰۰۸ ‫دورة ﺳﻨﺔ‬ ‫اﻟﺸﮭﺎدة اﻟﻤﺘﻮﺳﻄﺔ‬ ‫وزارة اﻟﺘﺮﺑﯿﺔ واﻟﺘﻌﻠﯿﻢ اﻟﻌﺎﻟﻲ‬
‫اﻟﻤﺪﯾﺮﯾﺔ اﻟﻌﺎﻣﺔ ﻟﻠﺘﺮﺑﯿﺔ‬
‫داﺋﺮة اﻻﻣﺘﺤﺎﻧﺎت‬
‫ﻣﺴﺎﺑﻘﺔ ﻓﻲ ﻣﺎدة ﻋﻠﻮم اﻟﺤﯿﺎة واﻷرض‬ ‫ﻣﺸﺮوع ﻣﻌﯿﺎر اﻟﺘﺼﺤﯿﺢ‬
‫ ﺳﺎﻋﺔ واﺣﺪة‬:‫اﻟﻤﺪة‬

Part of
Answer Mark
the Q
First exercise (5 points)
1-a It is mitotic division. 1
1-b It is reductional division of meiosis. 1
2 It is an error in the number of chromosomes. 1
3 It is one version of a gene. 1
The origin of the 2 alleles of a given gene in every individual is one of paternel origin
and the other of maternal origin. 1
Second exercise (5 points)
In experiment 1, we put oil and water in a tube at a temperature of 37oC. We mix
1 1
strongly. One hour later, the oil forms a layer at the surface of water.
One hour after mixing, in experiment 1, the oil forms a layer at the surface of water
where there is only oil and water. Where as in experiment 2, we add bile, the oil is
2 dispersed as droplets in water. 2
The bile permits the dispersion of lipids into droplets or it helps in emulsification of
One hour after mixing, oil is dispersed as droplets in water in experiment 2 where bile
is present. However, in experiment 3 where we add pancreatic juice, oil is transformed
3 into fatty acid and glycerol. 2
The pancreatic juice permits the digestion of lipids or its transformation into fatty acid
and glycerol.
Third exercise (5 points)
1 Is this rosebush of pure race? 1
2 Yes, because in the three generations, Sami obtains white roses only. 1.25
It is a case of codominance, because this cross gave a new phenotype : white rose with
3-a 1.5
red periphery, where the red and white alleles are both expressed.
Symbol of the alleles:
3-b W : white 0.5
R : red
Genotypes of the white rose with red periphery : WR.
The rose that has the genotype WR gives two types of gametes :
3-c 0.75
▪ R.
Part of
Answer Mark
the Q
Fourth exercise (5 points)
Concentration of CO in blood (in %)
10 1%
9 5 cigarettes/day

1 2

Number of consumed
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
cigarettes per day

Graph showing the variation in the concentration of CO in

blood in function of the number of consumed cigarettes per
The concentration of CO in blood is 5% when the number of consumed
cigarettes per day is 10. This concentration increases with the increase in the
2 number of consumed cigarettes per day to reach 10% when the number of 2
consumed cigarettes is 35. This shows that the concentration of CO in blood
increases with the number of consumed cigarettes per day.
The hemoglobin molecules that fix CO forms a stable compound HbCO. That's
3 why hemoglobin molecules can no more fix oxygen gas indispensable for cell. 1
This leads to intoxication by CO.
‫ العادية‬2009 ‫دورة سنة‬ ‫الشهادة الوتىسطة‬ ‫وزارة التربية والتعلين العالي‬
‫الوديرية العاهة للتربية‬
‫دائرة االهتحانات‬
‫هسابقة في هادة علىم الحياة واألرض‬
‫ ساعة واحدة‬:‫الودة‬

Answer the following exercises.

Exercise I (5 points)
Transmission of a hereditary character in man
The opposite document represents the Genealogical tree
genealogical tree of a family whose some I
members have dark brown hair and others Ziad Nayla
have red hair.
1- Is the character "red hair" expressed
uniquely in men? Justify the answer by II
referring to the genealogical tree. Hind Naji Zeina Karim
2- Is the allele responsible for red character
dominant or recessive? Justify the answer.
3- Designate by symbols the corresponding III
alleles. Nadim Fouad Mariam
4- Write the possible genotype(s) of Nadim. Man having dark brown hair
Justify the answer.
Woman having dark brown hair
Man having red hair
Woman having red hair

Exercise II (5 points)
Chromosomes and genetic information
The chromosomes are carriers of the
genetic information. Any change in the
number or form of a chromosome can lead
to a modification in the expression of the
genetic program. A fragment (S), located
only on chromosome Y, carries the genetic
information responsible for the appearance
of masculine characteristics. The opposite
document shows the sex chromosomes of
three individuals.
1- Indicate the sex of individuals 1 and 2.
Justify the answer in each case.
2- a- Compare the sex chromosomes of
individual 2 to that of individual 3.
b- Derive the origin of the abnormality in individual 3.
c- What would the consequence of this abnormality be in individual 3?
Exercise III (5 points)
Molecular simplification of starch

Wheat starch is a complex molecule constituted of many molecules of glucose. In the course of
its digestion, starch reacts with water and is degraded into very small-sized molecules. This
chemical reaction is called hydrolysis. The enzymes, contained in saliva and pancreatic juice,
activate the hydrolytic reaction and favor the molecular simplification of starch. These enzymes
remain intact at the end of this reaction.
1- In reference to the text :
a- Indicate the constituent molecules of wheat starch.
b- Define « hydrolysis ».
c- Pick out the sentence that shows the role of enzymes.
2- Name the enzyme responsible for the molecular simplification of wheat starch.
3- Schematize the molecular simplification of starch (cooked starch) in the presence of saliva.

Exercise IV (5 points)
Assimilation and transport of oxygen gas

Assimilation is the mechanism where cells are capable of forming new molecules of proteins, for
example hemoglobin, from amino acids using energy. Hemoglobin is the protein of red blood
cells which plays a role in the transport of respiratory gases: oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide

1- Derive from the text the elements necessary for assimilation.

After the formation of hemoglobin, we measured the quantity of oxygen gas (O2) transported by
this protein. The results are shown in the table below:

Quantity of hemoglobin (in

4 6 8 10
arbitrary units)
Quantity of oxygen
25 50 70 98
transported (in %)

2- Draw a curve showing the variation of the quantity of the transported O2 gas in function of the
quantity of formed hemoglobin.
3- Analyze the obtained results.
4- "Hemoglobin is a functional protein". Justify this statement.
‫ العادية‬2009 ‫دورة سنة‬ ‫الشهادة الوتىسطة‬ ‫وزارة التربية والتعلين العالي‬
‫الوديرية العاهة للتربية‬
‫دائرة االهتحانات‬
‫هسابقة في هادة علىم الحياة واألرض‬ ‫هشروع هعيار التصحيح‬
‫ ساعة واحدة‬:‫الودة‬

Answer the four following questions:

First question (5 points)

Part of
Answer Mark
the Q
1 No, because the character "red hair" is expressed in men and women :
Hind and Mariam are women with red hair, Naji and Fouad are men with
red hair. 1
2 The allele responsible for red hair character is recessive, because Ziad and
Nayla or Zeina and Karim, two couples, phenotypically having dark
brown hair had some children (Hind, Naji, Fouad and Mariam) having red
hair. This indicates that these couples are heterozygotes, carriers of the
recessive red allele masked by the dominant dark brown allele 1.5
3 Symbol of alleles:
B : brown, dominant allele
r : red, recessive allele. 0.5
4 Genotype of :
Hind : rr, because the r allele is recessive and is only expressed in the
homozygous state.
Nadim : BB or Br, because the B allele is dominant and is expressed in
the homozygous or heterozygous state.
Nadim has two parents (Zeina and Karim) having dark brown hair that are
heterozygotes of genotype Br. In this case, Nadim can have genotype BB,
or genotype Br. 2

Second question (5 points)

Part of
Answer Mark
the Q
1 Man 1 of normal karyotype have two sex chromosomes X and Y that
differ in size : X chromosome is longer than Y chromosome (or Y is
smaller than X). 1
2-a Man 2 has an X chromosome that is similar to the X chromosome in
woman 3 (they have same size), whereas, the other X chromosome in man
2 is longer than that in woman 3 : fragment of Y chromosome is linked to
the long X chromosome in man 2. 1.5
2-b The origin of the abnormal karyotype in this man is the abnormal
presence of fragment of the chromosome Y on X chromosome. 1
3 The presence of a fragment of chromosome Y that is linked to
chromosome X carries the information of the masculine character;
therefore the masculine sex is expressed by this man having chromosomes
XX as woman 3. 1.5

Third question (5 points)
Part of
Answer Mark
the Q
1-a Glucose molecules are the main constituent of starch. 1
1-b A hydrolytic reaction is a reaction where starch reacts with water and is
degraded into molecules of very small sizes. 1
1-c The enzymes activate the hydrolytic reaction and favor the molecular
simplification of starch while remaining intact at the end of digestion. 1
2 Starch is subjected to molecular simplification in the presence of saliva
and pancreatic juice, both containing amylase that acts on starch. 1
3 Salivary amylase


Fourth question (5 points)

Part of
Answer Mark
the Q
1 The elements are amino acids and energy. 1
2 10 %

Quantity of O2 in % 1 a.u.
Quantity of hemoglobin
in arbitrary units
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Graph showing the variation of the quantity of O 2 transported in

function of the quantity of formed hemoglobin.
3 The quantity of transported O2, increases from 25% to 98% as the amount
of formed hemoglobin increases from 4 a.u to 10 a.u respectively. 1.5
4 Hemoglobin is called functional protein because it assures the transport of
the respiratory gases:
- O2 gas of the lungs to the cells,
- CO2 of the cells to the lungs. 1

‫ اإلستثنائية‬2009 ‫دورة سنة‬ ‫الشهادة الوتىسطة‬ ‫وزارة التربية والتعلين العالي‬
‫الوديرية العاهة للتربية‬
‫دائرة االهتحانات‬
‫هسابقة في هادة علىم الحياة واألرض‬
‫ ساعة واحدة‬:‫الودة‬

Answer the four following exercises:

Exercise I (5 points)
Cardiac activity

Indicate the true expressions and correct the false ones.

1- During ventricular systole, blood is pumped from the ventricles into the veins.
2- Auricular systole is the simultaneous contraction of both auricles.
3- During diastole, auricles and ventricles contract.
4- During auricular systole, the tricuspid and bicuspid valves are closed.
5- Valves prevent the back flow of blood.

Exercise II (5 points)
Transmission of an autosomal hereditary trait in humans

In human species, the allele responsible for myopia is dominant over the allele responsible for
normal vision.
1- Designate, by symbols, the corresponding alleles.
2- a- Write the genotype of a person with normal vision. Justify the answer.
b- Write the possible genotypes of a myopic person. Justify the answer.
3- A heterozygous myopic man marries a woman with normal vision.
Make a factorial analysis to determine the genotypic proportions of their children.

Exercise III (5 points)

Cell cycle

The document below represents the variation in the mass of chromosomic material during a cell
cycle : interphase – mitosis.

1- a- How does the mass of the chromosomic material vary during interphase and during
b- Derive the importance of interphase.
2- Schematize a chromosome and label its parts :
a- at the beginning of interphase,
b- at the end of interphase.
3- Name the mitotic phase through which the mass of the chromosomic material in the cell
becomes equal to 1 a.u.

Exercise IV (5 points)
Effect of temperature on the enzymatic activity

To determine the effect of temperature on the enzymatic activity, we place five test tubes
containing the same quantity of cooked starch and the same enzyme : salivary amylase, at
different temperatures.
Fifteen minutes later, we measure the Table showing the variation of the enzymatic
activity of this enzyme in each of these activity in function of temperature
test tubes. The measured results are Temperature (in °C) 0 20 37 45 60
shown in the opposite table. Enzymatic activity (in %) 0 20 100 15 0
1- Draw a graph showing the variation of the enzymatic activity in function of temperature.
2- Analyze the obtained results,above table.
- Draw out a conclusion concerning the property of the enzyme.
The test tube that was placed at 60°C, is placed at 37°C.
3- Will the enzymatic activity, in this case, be changed ? justify the answer.

‫ اإلستثنائية‬2009 ‫دورة سنة‬ ‫الشهادة الوتىسطة‬ ‫وزارة التربية والتعلين العالي‬
‫الوديرية العاهة للتربية‬
‫دائرة االهتحانات‬
‫هسابقة في هادة علىم الحياة واألرض‬ ‫هشروع هعيار التصحيح‬
‫ ساعة واحدة‬:‫الودة‬

Exercise I (5 points)
Part of
Answer Mark
the Q
1 False.
During ventricular systole, blood is pumped from the ventricles into the
arteries. 1
2 True. 1
3 False.
During diastole, auricles and ventricles relax. 1
4 False.
During auricular systole, the tricuspid and bicuspid valves are opened. 1
During ventricular systole, the tricuspid and bicuspid valves are closed.
5 True. 1

Exercise II (5 points)
Part of
Answer Grade
the Q
1 Symbols of alleles :
▪ M : myopia, dominant allele.
▪ n : normal vision, recessive allele. 0.50
2-a The genotype of a person with normal vision is : nn, since allele n is
recessive and is expressed only at the homozygous state. 0.75
2-b The possible genotypes of a myopic person are: MM or Mn, since the
allele for myopia is dominant and is expressed at the homozygous or
heterozygous state. 1.25
3 Factorial analysis:

P: ♂Mn  ♀nn

γP : M n n

½ ½ 1

Table of cross :

M n
♀ ½ ½

n 1 Mn ½ nn ½

By referring to the table of cross, we have 2 genotypes :

½Mn 2.5

Exercise III (5 points)
Part of
Answer Mark
the Q
1-a During interphase, the mass of chromosomic material increases from 1
a.u. to 2 a.u (or it doubles).
During mitosis, the mass of chromosomic material decreases from 2 a.u to
1a.u. 1.5
1-b Interphase allows the duplication of the chromosomic material. 1
Chromosome of one chromatid

Schema of the chromosome at the beginning of interphase. 1

2-b Chromosome of 2 chromatids


Schema of the chromosome at the end of interphase. 1

3 Anaphase

Exercise IV (5 points)
Part of
Answer Mark
the Q
1 Enzymatic activity (in %)










Temperature (in °C)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Title : Graph showing the variation of the enzymatic activity in

function of temperature 2
2 At 0°C, the enzymatic activity is nil. This activity increases rapidly with
the increase of temperature and reaches a maximal value of 100% at
37°C. Then, it decreases rapidly and becomes nil at 60°C. Therefore, the
enzyme has maximal activity at a convenient temperature (37°C). 2
3 No, because the enzyme is destroyed at 60°C. 1
2011 ‫الدورة العادية للعام‬ ‫الشهادة الوتىسطة‬ ‫وزارة التربية والتعلين العالي‬
‫الوديرية العاهة للتربية‬
‫دائرة االهتحانات‬
‫مسابقة في مادة علوم الحياة واألرض‬
‫المدة ساعة‬

Answer the four following exercises:

First exercise (5 points)

Mitosis and Meiosis

Indicate the true expressions and correct the false ones.

1- The two chromatids of a chromosome are hold together by the centrosome.
2- The mode of division that permits an equal distribution of the chromosomal material between
the two daughter cells is meiosis.
3- The equatorial plate is formed during the second phase of mitosis.
4- A gamete possesses n chromosomes of two chromatids each.
5- Homologous chromosomes separate during anaphase of the first meiotic division.

Second exercise (5 points)

An abnormality in color vision

In human species, color vision is determined by several genes. One of these genes, which is
localized on the sex chromosome X, has two alleles :
▪ a dominant allele N determining normal color vision.
▪ a recessive allele d determining abnormal color vision or daltonism.
A man has 2 different sex chromosomes X and Y while a woman has 2 identical sex
chromosomes X and X.
1- By referring to the text, pick out the statement that indicates :
- The meaning of ‘daltonism’
- The cause of ‘daltonism’.
2- Detemine the number of alleles of this gene that can exist in a:
a- man
b- woman.
The marriage of a man with normal vision and a woman heterozygous for normal vision gave
three children : a boy and a girl with normal vision and a daltonian boy.
3- a- Construct the pedigree (genealogical tree) of this family.
b- Write the genotype of the :
- father
- mother
- daltonian boy .

Third exercise (5 points)

Digestion of milk sugar

To realize an in vitro digestion of lactose, a milk sugar, we put 5ml of milk and 0.5 ml of NaOH
(to render the medium basic) in each of the two tubes A and B. We add pancreatic lactase in tube
B only. Then, we place the two tubes at temperature of 37 °C and for a convenient duration.
1- Pick out from the text, the common conditions for both tubes A and B in this experiment.

Moreover, we measure the quantity of sugars present in each of the two tubes at the beginning
and the end of the experiment. The measured results are revealed in the document below.

Tube Beginning of the experiment End of the experiment

A Quantity of sugar in % Quantity of sugar in %

100 100

50 50

0 sugars 0 sugars
Lactose Lactose

Quantity of sugar in % Quantity of sugar in %

100 100

50 50

0 sugars 0 sugars
Lactose Galactose Glucose

2- Analyze the obtained results. What do you conclude?

3- "Lactose is formed of two simple sugars".
Justify this statement based on the obtained result in tube B.

Fourth exercise (5 points)

Effect of smoking on the transport of oxygen gas

At the level of the pulmonary alveoli, hemoglobin (Hb) in red blood cells fixes oxygen gas (O2)
forming an unstable product : oxyhemoglobin (HbO2).
In the presence of carbon monoxide (CO) in the alveoli, hemoglobin fixes (CO) forming a stable
product (HbCO) .
N.B. CO : a harmful gas contained in the fume of tobacco.
Studies showed the effect of (CO) on the transport of O2 gas by hemoglobin.
The results of these studies are shown in the table below.

Rate of CO in the alveoli (in %) 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

Quantity of HbO2 in blood (in %) 90 80 70 60 50

1- Draw the curve showing the variation of the quantity of (HbO2) in blood in function of the
rate of (CO) in the alveoli.
2- Analyze these results. Derive the effect of (CO) on the transport of oxygen gas by

2011 ‫الدورة العادية للعام‬ ‫الشهادة الوتىسطة‬ ‫وزارة التربية والتعلين العالي‬
‫الوديرية العاهة للتربية‬
‫دائرة االهتحانات‬
‫مسابقة في مادة علوم الحياة واألرض‬ ‫هشروع هعيار التصحيح‬
‫المدة ساعة‬

First exercise (5 points)

Part of
Answer Mark
the Q
1 The two chromatids of a chromosome are hold together by the
centromere. 1
2 The mode of division that permits an equal distribution of the
chromosomal material between the two daughter cells is mitosis. 1
3 True. 1
4 A gamete possesses n chromosomes of one chromatid each. 1
5 True. 1

Second exercise (5 points)

Part of
Answer Mark
the Q
1- - Daltonism means the abnormal color vision.
- The cause of the color blindness is a recessive allele. 1
2-a In a man, there is only one X chromosome, thus the number of alleles of
this gene is 1. 1
2-b In women, there are two X chromosomes, thus the number of alleles of
this gene is 2. 1
Man with normal vision
1 2
Woman with normal vision

Man with abnormal color vision

3 4 5 1.25
3-b Genotype :
-of father with normal vision : XNY
-of mother heterozygous for normal vision : XNXd
-of boy with abnormal color vision : XdY 0.75

Third exercise (5 points)
Part of
Answer Mark
the Q
1 The common conditions for the two tubes in this experiment are: 5 ml of
milk, 0.5 ml of NaOH, temperature at 37 ° C and convenient duration. 1
2 The quantity of lactose is 100% in the two tubes A and B at the beginning
of the experiment. At the end of the experiment, this quantity remains the
same (100%) in tube A which does not contain pancreatic lactase, but in
tube B, containing pancreatic lactase, we obtain 50% of galactose and
50% of glucose.
This indicates that the lactose has been digested only in tube B and
transformed into glucose and galactose.
Thus, the digestion of lactose necessitates the presence of lactase. 3
3 We obtain 50% of galactose and 50% of glucose in tube B This indicates
that these two sugars are constituents (of the 100%) of lactose at the
beginning of the experiment. Thus, lactose is a sugar formed of galactose
and glucose. 1

Fourth exercise (5 points)

Part of
Answer Grade
the Q
1 Quantity of HbO2 in blood (in %)








Rate of CO in the alveoli
0 (in %)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Curve showing the variation of the quantity of HbO2 in
blood in function of the rate of CO in the alveoli. 3
2 The quantity of HbO2 in blood is 90% when the rate of CO in the alveoli
is 0,5%. This quantity of HbO2 decreases with the increase of the rate of
CO in the alveoli and reaches 50% for a rate of CO of 2,5% in the
Therefore the carbon monoxide fixed by hemoglobin reduces the transport 2
of oxygen gas by this hemoglobin.

2011 ‫الدورة اإلستثنائية للعام‬ ‫الشهادة الوتىسطة‬ ‫وزارة التربية والتعلين العالي‬
‫الوديرية العاهة للتربية‬
‫دائرة االهتحانات‬
‫هسابقة في هادة علىم الحياة واألرض‬
‫ ساعة واحدة‬:‫الودة‬

Answer the four following exercises:

First exercise (5 points)

Transmission of a hereditary character in tomato plants

The opposite document represents the cross

between tomato plants that differ in one
character : size of stem (short stem and long

1- Translate into a text the cross represented in
the document by using the given legends. tomato plant with tomato plant with
2- Indicate the dominant allele. Justify your short stem of pure long stem of pure
answer. race race
3- Designate by symbols the corresponding
alleles. F1 : 100% tomato plants having short stem
Upon crossing a tomato plant of F1 having Legends
short stem with a tomato plant having long
stem, we obtain in F2 :
 : cross
: obtain
▪ 50% tomato plants with short stem
F1 : 1st generation
▪ 50% tomato plants with long stem.
4- Make a factorial analysis that permits to verify
the experimental result obtained in F2.

Second exercise (5 points)

Cellular oxidation

"Neither oxygen nor nutrients accumulate inside the cells, rather they are consumed. The
degradation of nutrients such as glucose is linked to the consumption of oxygen gas. This
degradation is a chemical reaction that produces wastes, for example carbon dioxide...
The water produced during this degradation, is not considered as waste since it is necessary for
the life of the cell, it is the same as the liberated energy that has different uses."
1- By referring to the text, pick out :
a- a sentence which indicates that nutrients and oxygen gas are consumed inside the cell
b- the sentence which explains that "Water is not considered as waste."
2- a- Name the chemical reaction where the degradation of glucose requires the consumption of
oxygen gas.
b- Write the corresponding chemical equation of this reaction.
3- Explain the following expression : "The liberated energy during this degradation has
different uses."

Third exercise (5 points)
The heart, motor organ of blood circulation
The heart contracts and relaxes in a rhythmic way. It ensures the circulation of blood. The
document below shows the organization of the heart, the principle blood vessels and two phases
of cardiac activity.

Heart and Ventricular Contraction Relaxation

blood vessels phase phase
Superior Pulmonary artery
vena cava
Pulmonary veins
auricle Left auricle
vena cava Left ventricle

Arrival of blood
Filling the heart with blood
Propulsion of blood out of the heart
1- By referring to the above document, indicate :
a- the blood vessels that ensure the arrival of blood to the heart and those that ensure its exit
out of the heart
b- what happens during the ventricular contraction and relaxation phases of the heart.
2- Name the valves that open during the ventricular contaction and relaxation phases.
Fourth exercise (5 points)
Gaseous exchange at the cellular level

The opposite document

represents the gaseous Blood arriving Blood leaving
O2 200 mL/L O2 150 mL/L
exchange at the cellular CO2 490 mL/L Direction of blood circulation CO2 530 mL/L
1-a- Compare the
composition of O2 and Blood
CO2 gases in the blood capillary
arriving to a cell and in
the blood leaving it.
b- Draw out of this
comparison, the gas
consumed and the gas
O2 CO2 cell
released by the cell.
2- Using the legends
(opposite document),
O2: Oxygen Gas
describe the direction CO2: Carbon
followed by O2 and dioxide
CO2 gases at the level diffuse
of this cell.
3- Explain why O2 gas and
CO2 diffuse in such

‫الدورة اإلستثنائية للعام‬ ‫الشهادة الوتىسطة‬ ‫وزارة التربية والتعلين العالي‬
2011 ‫الوديرية العاهة للتربية‬
‫دائرة االهتحانات‬
‫مسابقة في مادة علوم الحياة واألرض‬ ‫هشروع هعيار التصحيح‬
‫المدة ساعة‬

First exercise (5 points)

Part of
Answer Mark
the Q
1 We cross a tomato plant having short stem of pure race with a tomato
plant having long stem of pure race. We obtain in the 1st generation 100%
tomato plants having short stem. 1.5
2 The allele determining short stem is dominant over the allele determining
long stem, because all plants obtained in F1 have only one phenotype :
short stem. 0.75
3 Symbols of alleles:
S : short stem- dominant allele
l : long stem- recessive allele 0.5
4 Factorial analysis:
P: ♂Sl  ♀ll

γP : S l l

50% 50% 100%

Table of cross :

S l
♀ 50% 50%

l 100% Sl 50% ll 50%

From the table we obtain 2 phenotypes:

50% [S]
50%[ l ]
Thus, the experimental result is confirmed. 2.25

Second exercise (5 points)

Part of
Answer Mark
the Q
1-a Neither oxygen nor nutrients accumulate inside the cells, rather they are
Degradation of nutrients such as glucose requires the consumption of
oxygen gas. 1
1-b Water is necessary for the life of the cell. 1
2-a The cellular oxidation is the chemical reaction where the degradation of
glucose requires the consumption of oxygen gas. 0.5
2-b Glucose + oxygen → carbon dioxide + water + energy 1
3 The liberated energy during this degradation has different uses, because
part of it dissipates in the form of heat and part is used in cellular activity.

Third exercise (5 points)
Part of
Answer Mark
the Q
1-a The blood vessels that ensure the arrival of blood to the heart are :
superior and inferior vena cava and pulmonary veins.
The blood vessels that ensure the exit of blood out of the heart are : aorta
and pulmonary arteries. 2
1-b During the ventricular contraction phase, blood is propelled out of the
During the relaxation phase, blood arrives and fills the heart. 2
2 The sigmoid valves open during the ventricular contraction phase.
The tricuspid and the bicuspid valves open during the relaxation phase, 1

Fourth exercise (5 points)

Part of
Answer Mark
the Q
1-a The quantity of O2 gas in the blood arriving to a cell is 200 mL/L which is
higher than the quantity of O2 gas in the blood leaving it which is150
mL/L; but the quantity of CO2 in blood arriving to a cell is 490 mL/L
which is lower than the quantity of CO2 in blood leaving it which is 530 1.5
1-b The consumed gas is O2 gas and the released gas is CO2 gas. 1
2 O2 gas diffuses from blood (or blood capillary) to the cell and CO2
diffuses from the cell to the blood (or blood capillary). 1
3 A gas diffuses from a medium of high concentration (or high pressure) to
a medium of low concentration (or low pressure). This is why O2 gas
diffuses from blood having a high concentration of O2 gas to the cell
having a low concentration of O2 gas. Similarly, CO2 diffuses from the
cell having high concentration of CO2 to the blood having low
concentration of CO2. 1.5

‫ اﻟﻌﺎدﯾﺔ‬2012 ‫دورة‬ ‫اﻣﺗﺣﺎﻧﺎت اﻟﺷﮭﺎدة اﻟﻣﺗوﺳطﺔ‬ ‫وزارة اﻟﺗرﺑﯾﺔ واﻟﺗﻌﻠﯾم اﻟﻌﺎﻟﻲ‬
‫اﻟﻣدﯾرﯾﺔ اﻟﻌﺎﻣﺔ ﻟﻠﺗرﺑﯾﺔ‬
‫داﺋرة اﻻﻣﺗﺣﺎﻧﺎت‬
: ‫اﻻﺳم‬ ‫ﻣﺳﺎﺑﻘﺔ ﻓﻲ ﻋﻠوم اﻟﺣﯾﺎة واﻻرض‬
: ‫اﻟرﻗم‬ ‫ ﺳﺎﻋﺔ واﺣدة‬: ‫اﻟﻣدة‬

Answer the four following exercises.

Exercise 1 (5 points)
Transmission of a hereditary trait in humans
In humans, blood group is an autosomal hereditary Parents A B
character that is determined by a gene having three 1 2
alleles: A, B and O.
The genealogical tree, opposite document,
represents the transmission of this character in a
family. Children AB O ?
1- Indicate the origin of each of the two alleles: 3 4 5: Expected
a- in child 3
b- in child 4.
2- Precise the genotype of the father and that of the A B O O Male
mother. pair pair Female
3- Make a factorial analysis that permits to find the n°9 n°9
possible genotypes of the expected child.

Exercise 2 (5 points)
Circulation and respiration

The opposite document shows the measured

results of the concentration of oxygen (O 2 ) gas
in the blood entering and leaving the muscle.
1- Name the blood vessel through which:
a- blood enters the muscle
b- blood leaves the muscle.
2- Indicate the color of blood entering and that
leaving the muscle.
3- By referring to the document, calculate the
difference in the concentration of O 2 gas
between the blood entering and leaving the
muscle at time t 2 .
4- Did the muscle consume O 2 gas? Justify the
answer based on the analysis of results
shown in the document.

Exercise 3 (5 points)
Down syndrome or trisomy 21 among twins
A study was realized on 13 cases of identical twins and 59 cases of fraternal twins to verify the
following hypotheses:
First hypothesis
The identical twins, resulting from the same fertilized egg (zygote), are both affected by trisomy 21
in the cases where this anomaly occurs.
Second hypothesis
The fraternal twins, resulting from the fertilization of two ova by two different sperm cells, are both
affected by trisomy 21 in the cases where this anomaly occurs.
The results of this study are given in the table below.

Number of cases Number of cases

Number of cases where two twins are where one of the two
affected twins is affected
Identical twins 13 13 0
Fraternal twins 59 0 59

1- Justify the expression « trisomy 21 ».

2- Which of the two hypotheses is validated? Justify the answer based on the above results.
3- Explain why:
a- in the case of identical twins, the two twins are affected
b- in the case of fraternal twins, one of the two twins is affected.

Exercise 4 (5 points)
Temperature and enzymatic activity
Grade 9 students posed the following question: “What is the convenient temperature for the activity
of an enzyme?”
For this reason, they realized the experiment described below:
-They put the same quantity of cooked starch in each of the two test tubes A and B.
-They added a small quantity of fresh saliva to each of the two tubes.
-Then, they placed both tubes for a convenient duration at different temperatures:
▪Tube A in ice where the temperature is 0°C
▪Tube B in a water bath where the temperature is 37°C.
N.B.: ▪Saliva contains an enzyme: amylase.
▪The chemical medium is neutral in both tubes A and B.
By using an appropriate technique, these
students obtained the results shown in the
opposite document.
1- Represent, in the same table, the
variation of the quantities of cooked starch
in the tubes A and B in function of time.
2- Pick out the posed problem by grade 9
3- Analyze the obtained results.
What do you conclude?

‫ اﻟﻌﺎدﯾﺔ‬2012 ‫دورة‬ ‫اﻣﺘﺤﺎﻧﺎت اﻟﺸﮭﺎدة اﻟﻤﺘﻮﺳﻄﺔ‬ ‫وزارة اﻟﺘﺮﺑﯿﺔ واﻟﺘﻌﻠﯿﻢ اﻟﻌﺎﻟﻲ‬
‫اﻟﻤﺪﯾﺮﯾﺔ اﻟﻌﺎﻣﺔ ﻟﻠﺘﺮﺑﯿﺔ‬
‫داﺋﺮة اﻻﻣﺘﺤﺎﻧﺎت‬
‫اﺳﺲ اﻟﺘﺼﺤﯿﺢ‬
‫ﻣﺴﺎﺑﻘﺔ ﻓﻲ ﻋﻠﻮم اﻟﺤﯿﺎة واﻻرض‬
Exercise 1 (5 points)
Part of
Answer Mark
the Q
1-a Child 3 has an allele A of paternal origin and allele B of maternal origin. 1
1-b Child 4 has an allele O of paternal origin and another allele O of maternal
origin. 1
2 A B
The genotype of the father is: ; that of the mother is .
O O 0.5
3 A B
Genotypes of parents : ♂ × ♀
γP : A O B O
½ ½ ½ ½
Table of cross :


½ ½

B ½ ¼ ¼
A O 0.5
O ½ ¼ ¼
According to the table of cross, We have four possible genotypes for the
expected child: 1
¼ ;¼ ;¼ ;¼ .

Exercise 2 (5 points)
Part of
Answer Mark
the Q
1-a The blood vessel through which blood enters the muscle is an artery. 0.5
1-b The blood vessel through which blood leaves the muscle is a vein. 0.5
2 The color of blood entering a muscle is bright red. 0.75
The color of blood leaving the muscle is dark red. 0.75
3 At time t 2 , the concentration of O 2 gas in the blood :
- entering is 20 mL
- leaving is 15 mL.
The difference in the concentration of O 2 gas is: 20 − 15 = 5 mL. 1
4 Yes.
Because the concentration of O 2 gas is 20 mL at time t 0 in the blood entering
and leaving the muscle. This concentration decreases in the blood leaving to
reach 15 mL at time t 2 ; while, it remains constant (20 ml) in the blood entering
the muscle within the same duration. So, the muscle has consumed O 2 gas. 1.5

Exercise 3 (5 points)
Part of
Answer Mark
the Q
1 « Trisomy 21 » means the presence of 3 copies of chromosome 21. 1
2 The first hypothesis is validated.
Because the number of cases where both twins are affected is 13 out of 13
cases studied in identical twins; however, this number is zero out of 59 cases
studied in fraternal twins. So, identical twins will be both affected by trisomy
21 if it occurs. 2
3-a The two twins are affected in the case of identical twins because identical
twins result from the same fertilized egg (zygote). 1
3-b One of the two twins is affected in the case of fraternal twins because fraternal
twins result from the fertilization of two ova by two different sperm cells. (or it
results from two fertilized eggs.) 1

Exercise 4 (5 points)
Part of
Answer Mark
the Q
(in min)
0 5 10 15
Quantity of
cooked starch (in %)
Tube A 100 100 100 100
Tube B 100 75 50 10
Table showing the variation of quantities of cooked starch in both tubes A and
B in function of time. 2.5
2 The posed problem is:“What is the convenient temperature for the activity of
an enzyme?” 0.5
3 The quantity of cooked starch is 100% in both tubes A and B at time 0
During 15 minutes, this quantity of starch remains constant (100%) in tube A
placed at 0°C, but it decreases to reach 10 % in tube B placed at 37°C.
This indicates that the cooked starch is not digested in tube A but it is in tube
Therefore, the convenient temperature for the activity of an enzyme is 37°C. 2
2012 ‫الدورة اإلستثنائية للعام‬ ‫الشهادة الوتىسطة‬ ‫وزارة التربية والتعلين العالي‬
‫الوديرية العاهة للتربية‬
‫دائرة االهتحانات‬
‫هسابقة في هادة علىم الحياة واألرض‬
‫الودة ساعة‬

Answer the four following exercises:

Exercise 1 (5 points)
Transmission of an autosomal hereditary characteristic

First cross : We cross a male guinea pig of pure race having short tail with a female guinea pig of pure
race having long tail. We obtain, in the first generation (F1), 100% guinea pigs with short tail.

Second cross : We cross a male and a female guinea pig with short tail from F1 generation. We obtain, in
the second generation (F2), 75% guinea pigs with short tail and 25% guinea pigs with long tail.

1- Indicate the dominant allele. Justify the answer.

2- Designate by symbols the corresponding alleles.
3- Write the genotypes of the parents in the first cross.
4- Make a factorial analysis that permits to verify the phenotypic percentages obtained in the second

Exercise 2 (5 points)
Preparatory stage for cell division: Interphase

The opposite document shows

the variation in the quantity of Time (in hours) 0 4 6 8 12
chromosomal material, as a
function of time, in a human skin Quantity of chromosomal
cell during interphase. material in a cell 6.5 6.5 8 13 13
(in a.u.)

1- Draw a graph showing the variation in the quantity of chromosomal material, in a skin cell, as a
function of time.
2- How does the quantity of chromosomal material vary in the human skin cell between the 4th and
the 8th hour of interphase?
3- Indicate the number of chromosomes and that of chromatids in the human skin cell at :
a- t = 4 hrs
b- t = 12 hrs.

Exercise 3 (5 points)
Spallanzani’s experiment on digestion

Spallanzani, an Italian biologist, realized the Document 1

first experiments on in vitro digestion. (3)
After extracting gastric juice from the Wax lids
stomach of a hen, Spallanzani realized the
experiment schematized in document 1.
1- Describe this experiment using the
legends (document 1). Gastric
Spallanzani, who did not have a water-bath, (1)
placed the two tubes under his armpits for (1) Wheat
three days (document 2). Piece of flour
meat (rich in
2- Explain why Spallanzani placed the two (rich in starch)
tubes under his armpits. proteins)
Tube 1 Tube 2
The obtained results were the following : Legends :
▪Meat disappeared in tube 1. 1 Put
2 Add
▪Wheat flour did not disappear in tube 2. 3 Close

3- Analyze these results. What do you conclude ? Document 2



Exercise 4 (5 points)
Anemia and the transport of respiratory gases
The table below represents the partial pressures of oxygen gas (O2 gas) and carbon dioxide (CO2) in the
blood leaving the lungs, in a healthy person and in another anemic person suffering from respiratory

Partial pressure of oxygen Partial pressure of carbon

gas (in kPa) dioxide (in kPa)
Healthy person 13.2 5.2
Anemic person 5.5 6.4
1-a- Compare, in the two individuals, the partial pressures of :
- oxygen gas
- carbon dioxide.
b- Derive from this comparison the cause of the respiratory difficulty in the anemic person.

The number of red blood cells, in this anemic person, is equal to 3 millions/mm3of blood. This number is
lower than the normal value of red blood cells : 5 millions/mm3of blood.

2- Name the constituent of red blood cells that ensures the transport of oxygen gas.
3- Based on the above information and knowledge, explain why the anemic person has low partial
pressure of oxygen gas.
‫الدورة اإلستثنائية للعام‬ ‫الشهادة الوتىسطة‬ ‫وزارة التربية والتعلين العالي‬
2012 ‫اسس التصحيح هادة علىم الحياة واألرض‬ ‫الوديرية العاهة للتربية‬
‫دائرة االهتحانات‬

Exercise 1 (5 points)
Part of
Answer Mark
the Q
1 The allele for the short characteristic is dominant over the allele for long which is
recessive, because the cross of two parents of pure race, one having short tail and the 1.5
other having long tail, gives in F1 all guinea pigs with short tails.
Or the only phenotype expressed in F1 is short.
2 Symbol of alleles :
S : short, dominant allele. 0.5
ℓ : long, recessive allele.
3 The genotype of the male with short tail is : SS
The genotype of the female with long tail is : ℓ ℓ 0.5
4 P: ♂Sℓ × ♀Sℓ

γP : S ℓ S ℓ
50% 50% 50% 50%
Table of cross :

S ℓ
♀ 50% 50%

S 50% SS 25% Sℓ 25%

ℓ 50% Sℓ 25% ℓℓ 25%

Two phenotypes are obtained : 75 % [S]

25% [ℓ] 2.5
Thus, the experimental result is verified.

Exercise 2(5 points)

Part of
Answer Mark
the Q
1 Quantity of chromosomal material
in a skin cell (in a.u)
1 a.u
0 Time (in hrs)
0 hours)
2 4 6 8 10 12

Time (in
Curve showing the variation in the quantity of chromosomal material in a skin cell in
function of time.
2 The quantity of chromosomal material increases from 6.5 a.u. to 13 a.u. between the 4th
hour and the 8th hour in the human skin cell during interphase (it doubles).
3-a The number of chromosomes, at the 4 hour, is 46.
The number of chromatids, at the 4th hour, is 46. 1

3-b The number of chromosomes, at the 8th hour, is 46.

The number of chromatids, at the 8th hour, is 92. 1

Exercise 3(5 points)

Part of
Answer Mark
the Q
1 We put a piece of meat (rich in proteins) in tube 1 and wheat flour (rich in starch) in
tube 2. We add gastric juice to each tube, and then we close each tube with a wax lid. 1.5

2 Spallanzani placed the two tubes under his armpits to maintain them at body
temperature. 1

3 The piece of meat disappeared in tube 1 that contains gastric juice and is placed at
body temperature ; on the contrary, wheat flour did not disappear in tube 2 placed in
the same conditions of tube 1.
This indicates that the meat has been digested in the presence of gastric juice while
wheat flour has not. 2.5
Thus, gastric juice acts on meat but not on wheat flour.

Exercise 4(5 points)

Part of
Answer Mark
the Q
1-a - In the healthy person, the partial pressure of oxygen (13.2 kPa) is higher than the
partial pressure of oxygen in the anemic person (5.5 kPa).
- In the healthy person, the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the healthy person
(5.2kPa) is less than the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the anemic person (6.4
kPa). 2
1-b The principle cause of the respiratory difficulty in the anemic person is the low pressure
of oxygen gas and the increase in the level of CO2. 1

2 The constituent of the red blood cells that ensures the transport of oxygen gas is
hemoglobin. 0.5

3 Hemoglobin ensures the transport of the most quantity of oxygen gas. The anemic
person has a number of red blood cells (3 millions/mm3 of blood) lower than that of the
normal value (5 millions/mm3 of blood) ; thus as the quantity of hemoglobin decreases, 1.5
the transport of oxygen gas decreases. This is why the partial pressure of oxygen gas is
slow in the anemic person.


Answer the following four exercises.

Exercise 1 (5 points)
Parents and a deaf child
In humans, deafness can be caused by the abnormal development of the auditory system which
is controlled by an autosomal gene.
Designate by N the dominant allele of the gene that determines the normal development of the
auditory system (not deaf) and by d the recessive allele of the gene that favors abnormal
development of this system (deaf).

1- Pick out from the text the cause of deafness.

2- Indicate the genotype of the deaf child. Justify the answer.

Parents who have normal auditory system and are heterozygous have a deaf child.
3 - Make a factorial analysis to verify the birth of the deaf child.

Exercise 2 (5 points)
Chromosomal abnormality and meiosis
The diagrams in document 1 represent only chromosomes 21
and 13 in the somatic (body) cells of two children A and B. Document 1
1 – Compare:
a- The number of chromosomes 13 in cells A and B.
b- The number of chromosomes 21 in cells A and B.

2 - Indicate the child that presents the chromosomal abnormality.

Justify the answer. Cell A Cell B
Legends :
The diagrams in document 2 represent the same chromosomes 21 : chromosome 13
and 13 in some gametes of the parents of the child with this : chromosome 21
chromosomal abnormality. Document 2
Gametes of the parents
3 - Indicate the abnormal parental gamete at the Males Females
origin of this abnormality. Justify the answer.
4 – Name the phase of meiosis at the origin of this
abnormal gamete.
Exercise 3 (5 points)
Blood vessels and organs irrigation

The blood circulates in the body through blood vessels.

The table below represents the surface areas of the different types of blood vessels in the body and
the average speed of blood circulation in each type of these vessels.
1 – Compare: Type of blood vessels Arteries and Capillaries Venules
a- The total surface area Arterioles and Veins
of the arteries and Total surface area (in cm2) 1300 2400 1300
arterioles to that of the Average speed of blood 40 to 10 0.1 5 to 23
capillaries. circulation (in cm/s)
b- The total surface area of the veins and venules to that of the capillaries.
2– Pick out from the table the type of blood vessels where the average speed of blood circulation:
a- is the highest
b- is the lowest.

3- Draw out from what precedes the characteristics that make the capillaries a place for exchange
between the blood and organs.

Exercise 4 (5 points)
Digestion of lipids
In the framework of studying the importance of
mechanical digestion, we realize an experiment on Document 1
in vitro digestion of lipids: sheep fat.
The conditions of this experiment are shown in
document 1. Conditions of the experiment
The mass of sheep fat is measured at Lipase
the beginning of the experiment and at the end of Bile
the experiment. The results are shown in
document 2.
5 g of sheep 5 g of
1 - Draw a histogram (bar graph) showing the fat in cube chopped
variation of the mass of sheep fat in each of the sheep fat
tubes A and B at the beginning and at the end of A B
the experiment. Water bath: t = 37ºC

2 – a- Analyze the obtained results (doc.2).

b- Based on the analysis, derive a conclusion.

3 – Name the products obtained at the Document 2

end of the complete digestion of Mass of sheep fat (in g)
lipids. Begining of the End of the experiment
experiment (at 0 hr) (after 3 hrs)
A 5 2
B 5 0
‫ العادية‬2013 ‫دورة‬ ‫امتحانات الشهادة المتىسطة‬

‫دائرة االمتحانات‬

Exercise 1 (5 points)
Part of
Answer Mark
the Q
1 Deafness can be caused by an abnormal development of the auditory system.
Deafness is due to a recessive allele d that favors abnormal development of the
auditory system. 1
2 Genotype of the deaf child is: dd 0.5
The recessive allele d is expressed in case of homozygosity 0.75
3 Genotypes of the parents : ♂ Nd × ♀ Nd 0.5
γP : N d N d
½ ½ ½ ½
Table of cross : 1.25

N½ d ½

N ½ NN ¼ Nd ¼

d ½ Nd ¼ dd ¼

Based on the table, of the children have the phenotype [d], this confirms the 0.5
birth of the deaf child.
Phenotypic proportions:
[ N] ¾

Exercise 2 (5 points)
Part of
Answer Mark
the Q
1-a The number of chromosomes 13, is three in cell A which is higher than that in
cell B which is two. 0.75
1-b The number of chromosomes 21 is the same in both cells A and B: two
chromosomes 21 in each of them. 0.75
2 Child A is the one that has a chromosomal abnormality;
It has 3 chromosomes 13 instead of two. 1.5
3 The parental gamete 4 is at the origin of this abnormality.
It has two chromosomes 13 instead of one.
It has three chromosomes instead of two. 1.5
4 Anaphase I or anaphase II 0.5
Exercise 3 (5 points)
Part of
Answer Mark
the Q
1-a The total surface area of arteries and arterioles (1300 cm2) is less than that of the
capillaries (2400 cm2). 1
1-b The total surface area of veins and venules (1300 cm2) is less than that of the
capillaries (2400 cm2). 1
2-a The average speed of blood circulation is the highest in the arteries and arterioles
(40 to 10 cm/s) 1
2-b The average speed of blood circulation is lowest in the capillaries (0.1 cm/s). 1
3 The capillaries have the largest surface area and the least speed of blood
circulation. 1

Exercise 4 (5 points)
Part of
Answer Mark
the Q

2-a The mass of sheep fat in cube in tube A, decreased from 5 g to 2 g within 3 hours.
Similarly, in tube B placed under the same conditions as those of tube A, the
mass of chopped sheep fat decreased more to become nil after 3 hours. 1
2-b We conclude that, the chopped fat is digested more rapidly than the fat in cube.
We conclude that mechanical digestion facilitates the chemical digestion 1
3 Fatty acids and glycerol. 1
‫ االستثنائية‬2013 ‫دورة العام‬ ‫الشهادة الوتىسطة‬ ‫وزارة التربية والتعلين العالي‬
2013 ‫ آب‬27 ‫الثالثاء‬ ‫الوديرية العاهة للتربية‬
‫دائرة االهتحانات‬

‫هسابقة في هادة علىم الحياة واألرض‬

‫الودة ساعة واحدة‬

Answer the following four exercises:

Exercise 1 (5 points)
Crosses and Results

Indicate the correct expressions and correct the false ones.

1- In case of codominance, the dominant allele masks the recessive one.

2- Two pure line parents having the same genotype produce only homozygous descendants.
3- In case of codominance, the cross between two hybrids (F1 x F1) gives descendants having
three phenotypes and three genotypes.
4- In case of dominance, the cross between two hybrids (F1 x F1) gives descendants having
two phenotypes and two genotypes.
5- In case of dominance, the cross between hybrid F1 and an individual with a recessive
phenotype gives descendants having one phenotype and one genotype.

Exercise 2 (5 points)
Transport of Respiratory Gases

In one liter of blood, more than 98% of oxygen gas is transported by red blood cells or
erythrocytes and the remaining 2% of this gas is dissolved in plasma. As for carbon dioxide,
70% of this gas is transported by the elements of plasma and the remaining 30% is
transported by red blood cells.
Hemoglobin, the main constituent of red blood cells, has the property of combining
rapidly and in a reversible manner with O2 gas or CO2.

1- Pick out, by referring to the text :

a- The property that makes hemoglobin the essential transporter of O2 gas.
b- The constituent of blood where hemoglobin is present.

2- Indicate the constituents of blood that ensure essentially the transport of carbon dioxide. Justify
the answer.

3- Write the chemical reaction corresponding to the combination of hemoglobin with oxygen gas.

Exercise 3 (5 points)
Chromosomal Anomalies

During the formation of gametes,

a certain error might occur at the
moment of separation of Pair of chromosomes 21 Pair of chromosomes 21
chromosomes in reproductive
Reproductive Reproductive
cells. The adjacent document mother cell of mother cell
shows the obtained gametes in a sperm cells of ova
male and a female. To simplify
the diagram, only a pair of
chromosomes 21 is represented.
1- Name the cell division at the
origin of the formation gametes.

2- Indicate,by referring to the

document, the mother cell where C D
where an error takes place at the moment Ova
of separation of chromosomes Sperm cells
21. Justify the answer.

3- Schematize the chromosomes 21 in the zygote that results from each of the following
a. Sperm cell A with ovum C
b. Sperm cell A with ovum D

4- Name the anomaly observed in each of the obtained zygotes.

Exercise 4 (5 points)
Role of Enzymes in Digestion

To verify that enzymes are necessary in the chemical digestion of food, a student realizes the
following experiment.
- He puts 5 g of cooked starch in each of two test tubes A and B.
- He adds 1 mL of distilled water to each of the two tubes A and B.
- He adds salivary amylase to tube B.
- Then, he places the two tubes A and B in a water bath at a temperature of 37°C.

1- Schematize the
Legends : Cooked starch
steps of this
experiment by Test Put
using the legends tube Add
in the adjacent Water bath
2- Pick out the hypothesis tested in this experiment.
After 20 minutes, he adds to the contents of both tubes several drops of iodine water having
brown orange color. The content of tube A becomes dark blue in color while the content in tube B
remains brown orange.
3- Indicate the tube in which digestion of cooked starch takes place. Justify the answer.
4- Name the substance resulting from the complete digestion of starch.

‫ االستثنائية‬2013 ‫دورة العام‬ ‫الشهادة الوتىسطة‬ ‫وزارة التربية والتعلين العالي‬
‫هسابقة في هادة علىم الحياة واألرض‬ ‫الوديرية العاهة للتربية‬
‫هشروع هعيار التصحيح‬ ‫دائرة االهتحانات‬

Answer the four following exercises:

Exercise 1 (5 points)

Part of
Answer Mark
the Q
1 False.
In case of dominance, the dominant allele masks the recessive one. 1
2 True 1
3 True 1
4 False.
In case of dominance, the cross between the two hybrids (F1  F1) gives
descendants having two phenotypes and three genotypes. 1
5 False.
In case of dominance, the cross between the hybrid F1 and an individual
with a recessive phenotype gives descendants having two phenotypes and
two genotypes. 1

Exercise 2 (5 points)

Part of
Answer Mark
the Q
1-a Hemoglobin has the property of combining rapidly and in a reversible
manner with O2 gas or CO2. 1
1-b Hemoglobin is the main constituent of red blood cells. 1
2 The constituent of blood that ensures essentially the transport of carbon
dioxide is the elements of plasma, since 70% of carbon dioxide gas is
transported by the elements of plasma more than the remaining 30%
transported by red blood cells.. 2
3 Hemoglobin + oxygen → oxyhemoglobin 1

Exercise 3 (5 points)

Part of
Answer Mark
the Q
1 Meiosis 0.5
2 The mother cell of ova is the mother cell where an error in the separation
of chromosomes occurs, because it gives an ovum C that contains two
chromosomes 21instead of 1 chromosome 21.
it gives an ovum D without any chromosome 21 instead of 1 chromosome
21. 2


4 The anomaly observed in the zygote resulting from the combination of A
and C : Trisomy 21 Or 3 chromosomes 21.
The anomaly observed in the zygote resulting from the combination of A
and D : Monosomy 21 Or 1 chromosome 21. 1

Exercise 4 (5 points)

Part of
Answer Mark
the Q
1 Schema showing the steps of the experiment.
5 g of cooked
1 ml of starch 1 mL of distilled
distilled water and
water salivary amylase
water A B

A B Water bath at 37°C

2 Hypothesis : The enzymes are necessary for the chemical digestion of
food. 1
3 Digestion of cooked starch took place in tube B, since after 20 minutes,
the content of tube B that has salivary amylase remains brown orange
color with iodine test indicating the absence of starch which means that
digestion of starch took place. 1.5

4 Glucose 0.5
‫ العاديت‬2015 ‫دورة العام‬ ‫الشهادة الوتىسطت‬ ‫وزارة التربيت والتعلين العالي‬
2015 ‫ حسيـراى‬6 ‫السبج‬ ‫الوديريت العاهت للتربيت‬
‫دائرة االهتحاناث‬
:‫االسن‬ ‫هسابقت في هادة علىم الحياة واألرض‬
:‫الرقن‬ ‫ ساعت واحدة‬:‫الودة‬

Answer the four following exercises:

Exercise 1 (5 points)

In humans, several genes located on autosomes control the pigmentation of the skin. We study the
transmission of one of these genes that has two alleles:
- The dominant allele A determines a normal colored skin which is characterized by the synthesis of
- The recessive allele a determines albinism which is characterized by the arrest (stoppage) of the
synthesis of this pigment.

Indicate the true statement(s) and correct the false one(s)

1- The genotype of an albino individual is Aa.

2- Melanin allows the normal coloration of the skin.
3- The genotype of an albino female is the same as that of an albino male.
4- The genotype of an individual having a normal colored skin is aa.
5- The gene that controls the pigmentation of the skin is localized on a sex chromosome.

Exercise 2 (5 points)

The adjacent document shows the behavior

of chromosomes during the first meiotic
division in humans.
For simplification, only three pairs of
chromosomes are presented.
1- Identify the phase of meiosis presented
- figure a
- figure b
2- Determine the sex of the individual
which is at the origin of this cell.
a. the number of cells obtained at the end
of meiosis.
b. the number of chromosomes in each of
the obtained cells at the end of meiosis.
4-Justify this statement: “Meiosis is a
reductional division”.

Exercise 3 (5 points)

Effect of pH on Enzymatic Activity

To verify that the enzymatic activity depends on pH of the medium, we perform in vitro digestion of
animal lipids in the presence of intestinal lipase: an enzyme that acts on lipids.
The experimental conditions and the obtained results are presented in documents 1 and 2 respectively.

Quantity of animal
lipids (in g)
Tube Tube Tube
At the beginning
2 2 2
of the experiment
At the end of the
2 2 0

Document 2: Results of the experiment

Document 1: Conditions of the experiment

1- Draw a table showing the conditions of the experiment.

2- Pose the problem studied in this experiment.
3- Deduce the convenient pH for the activity of intestinal lipase.

Exercise 4 (5 points)

Gaseous Exchange at the Level of Organs

To determine the gaseous exchange at the level

of organs, we measure the volumes of O2 gas
and CO2 in the blood entering and leaving the CO2
muscle (organ) at rest. The measured results are
presented in the adjacent document.
1- Pick out the color of blood:
a. entering the muscle
b. leaving the muscle.
2-a. Analyze the obtained results.
b. What do you conclude concerning the gas O2
exchange at the level of the muscle?
3- Name the blood constituent that transports
most of the:
a. oxygen gas
b. carbon dioxide.

‫الشهادة المتىسطة‬ ‫وزارة التربية والتعليم العالي‬
‫المديرية العامة للتربية‬
‫دائرة االمتحانات‬
‫مسابقة في مادة علوم الحياة واألرض‬ ‫مشروع معيار التصحيح‬
‫المدة ساعة‬

Answer the four following exercises:

Exercise 1 (5 points)
Part of
Answer Mark
the Q
1 False, the genotype of an albino individual is aa. 1
2 Correct 1
3 Correct 1
4 False, the genotype of an individual having a normal colored skin is AA 1
or Aa.
5 False, the gene that controls the pigmentation of the skin is localized on
an autosome. 1

Exercise 2 (5 points)
Part of
Answers Mark
the Q
1 -Figure a: It is metaphase I because the homologous chromosomes are
arranged at the middle of the cell.
-Figure b: It is anaphase I because the chromosomes, each of two
chromatids, migrate towards the extremities of the cell. 2
2 Figures a and b show the presence of two gonosomes X and Y that
correspond to a male. 1
3-a The number of cells obtained at the end of meiosis is 4 cells 0.5
3-b The number of chromosomes in each of the obtained cells at the end of 0.5
meiosis is 23 chromosomes or n chromosomes
4 Meiosis is a reductional division because the number of chromosomes in 1
the mother cell ( 2n) or 46 chromosomes is reduced to half and becomes
(n) chromosomes or 23 chromosomes in the gametes.

Exercise 3 (5 points)
Part of
Answer Mark
the Q
2 g of Intestinal Temperature Duration
lipids lipase in °C in hours
A + + 3 37 3
B + + 7 37 3
C + + 8 37 3
(+) presence
Table showing the experimental conditions. 2.5
2 The posed problem is :
Does the enzymatic activity depend on the pH of the medium? 1
3 Only tube C, where the pH=8, shows a decrease in the quantity of animal
lipids from 2g till 0g. Therefore, pH=8 is the convenient pH for the 1.5
activity of intestinal lipase.

Exercise 4 (5 points)

Part of
Answer Mark
the Q
1-a The color of blood entering the muscle is bright red color 0.5
1-b The color of blood leaving the muscle is dark red color 0.5
2-a The volume of O2 decreases from 20 mL/100 ml of blood till
15mL/100mL of blood from 0 ms till 60 ms. On the contrary, the volume
of CO2 increases from 48 mL/100 ml of blood till 53mL/100mL of blood
during the same period. 1.5
2-b We conclude that at the level of the muscle, oxygen gas passes from the 1
blood to the muscle and carbon dioxide passes from the muscle to the
3-a Red blood cells 0.75
3-b Plasma. 0.75

‫ االستثنائيّـة‬2015 ‫دورة العام‬ ‫امتحانات الشهادة الوتىسطة‬ ‫وزارة التربية والتعلين العالي‬
2015 ‫ آب‬12 ‫األربعاء‬ ‫الوديرية العاهة للتربية‬
‫دائرة االهتحانات‬
:‫االسن‬ ‫هسابقة في هادة علىم الحياة واألرض‬
:‫الرقن‬ ‫ ساعة واحدة‬:‫الودة‬

Answer the four following exercises.

Exercise 1 (5 points) Incomplete Dominance

In order to study the transmission of the hereditary trait, the color of flowers in plants, we perform
a cross between two pure lines of plants, one with yellow flowers and the other with blue flowers. All
plants that are obtained in the first generation F1 have flowers of violet color.

1- Show that the alleles of the gene that determines the color of the flowers are incompletely dominant.

2- Designate by symbols the corresponding alleles.

3- Write the genotypes of the plants of each of the parents and that of F1 generation.

We cross hybrid plants of F1 generation. We obtain in F2 generation:

▪ 25% plants having blue flowers
▪ 25% plants having yellow flowers
▪ 50% plants having violet flowers.

4- Make a factorial analysis that permits to verify the obtained result in F2 generation.

Exercise 2 (5 points) The Substances Exchanged at the Level of the Organs

Blood provides the nutrients (glucose) and oxygen gas to organs and it eliminates their wastes
(carbon dioxide). To verify this, one measure the quantity of the three substances in 100 ml of
blood entering and leaving the muscle. The results are presented in the document below.

Measured substances Blood entering the muscle Blood leaving the muscle

Oxygen gas
20 15
(in mL/100 mL of blood)
Carbon dioxide
48 52
(in mL/100 mL of blood)
90 87
(in mg/100 mL of blood)

1- Draw a histogram showing the levels of oxygen gas and carbon dioxide in the blood entering
and leaving the muscle.
2a- Compare the level of each of the measured substances in the blood entering and leaving the
b- What do you conclude?
3- Name the chemical reaction at the origin of the variation in the levels of the measured

Exercise 3 (5 points) Rhesus System
In human species, the Rhesus blood group is a hereditary trait that is determined by a gene carried by
chromosome 1. This gene has two alleles:
- The allele D determines the positive Rhesus blood group.
- The allele d determines the negative Rhesus blood group.
The individual having Rhesus positive possesses either the alleles D and D or D and d. The individual
having Rhesus negative possesses the alleles d and d.

1- Indicate if the gene determining the Rhesus blood group is carried on an autosome or a sex
chromosome. Justify the answer.
2- Determine, for this gene, the number of alleles that are found in each of the following cells:
a- a skin cell
b- a gamete.

The chromosomic representations that show the localization of the alleles of this gene, in a Rhesus
positive individual, are represented in the document below.

of alleles

1 2 3 4
3- Identify the incorrect representation(s).

Exercise 4 (5 points) Cardiac Abnormality

Certain children show the following signs: bluish lips, accelerated respiration, lack of energy... In these
children, the heart shows the presence of a hole in the wall between the right ventricle and the left
ventricle (the document below).

1- Pick out from the text:

a- The cause of this
cardiac abnormality.
b- The signs of this

The adjacent document

shows the sense of
direction of the passage of
blood in the heart of a
child affected by this

2- Indicate, by referring to
the document, the pathway of blood leaving the right auricle towards the arteries.

3- Specify, by referring to the document, if the blood leaving the aorta artery becomes poorer or richer in
oxygen gas than the blood in the left auricle

4- Explain why those children, affected by this abnormality, have a lack of energy.

‫ االستثنائيّـة‬2015 ‫دورة العام‬ ‫امتحانات الشهادة الوتىسطة‬ ‫وزارة التربية والتعلين العالي‬
2015 ‫ آب‬12 ‫األربعاء‬ ‫الوديرية العاهة للتربية‬
‫دائرة االهتحانات‬
‫هسابقة في هادة علىم الحياة واألرض‬ ‫هشروع هعيار التصحيح‬
‫ ساعة واحدة‬:‫الودة‬

Answer the four following exercises:

Exercise 1(5 points)
Part of
Answer Mark
the Q
1 The plants in F1 having an intermediate phenotype (violet flowers) are hybrids.
They possess the two alleles, allele determining the yellow color and the other
allele determining the blue color that is not expressed in their phenotypes. Thus
these two alleles are incompletely dominant. 1
2 Symbol of the alleles:
Let Y be the symbol of the allele determining the yellow color of flowers.
Let B be the symbol of the allele determining the blue color of flowers. 0.5
3 Genotypes of the parents : Plants having yellow flowers: YY
Plants having blue flowers: BB
Genotype of plants of F1 : YB 1.5
4 Factorial analysis :
Genotypes of the parents : ♂ YB  ♀ YB

Gametes of the parents: Y B Y B

50% 50% 50% 50%

Table of cross:
♂ B 50%
♀ 50%

Y 50% YY 25% YB 25%

B 50%
YB 25% BB 25%

Phenotypic results : 25% [Y] ; 25% [B] ; 50% [YB]

The experimental result are confirmed

Exercise 2 (5 points)
Part of
Answer Mark
the Q

2-a The level of oxygen gas, in the blood entering the muscle, is 20 ml/100 mL of
blood, greater than that in the blood leaving the muscle which is 15 ml/100 mL
of blood.
The level of carbon dioxide, in the blood entering the muscle is 48 ml/100 mL of

blood is less than that of the blood leaving the muscle which is 52 ml/100 mL of
The level of glucose in the blood entering the muscle is 90 mg/100 mL of blood
is greater than that in the blood leaving the muscle which is 87mg/100 mL of
blood. 1.5
2-b We conclude that the muscle consumes oxygen gas and glucose and produces
carbon dioxide. 1
3 This is an Oxidation reaction 0.5

Exercise 3 (5 points)
Part of
Answer Mark
the Q
1 The gene determining the Rhesus blood group is carried on an autosome,
since this gene is carried by chromosome 1 which is an autosome. 1

2-a The skin cell, a somatic cell, has a pair of chromosomes 1. Since each
chromosome carries an allele of the gene, thus the number of alleles of the gene
determining the Rhesus blood group is 2. 1

2-b The gamete, a sex cell, has one chromosome 1. Since each chromosome carries
an allele of the gene, thus the number of alleles of the gene determining the 1
Rhesus blood group is 1.

3 A positive Rhesus individual must have a chromosomic representation of alleles

DD or Dd which does not correspond with the representation 2. Thus the
chromosomic representation of alleles in 2 is incorrect.
The alleles of the same gene must occupy the same locus on homologous 2
chromosomes, which does not correspond with 3 which shows two alleles of the
same gene at two different loci. Thus the chromosomic representation of alleles
in 3 is incorrect.

Exercise 4(5 points)

Part of
Answer Mark
the Q
1-a The heart of these children presents a hole in the wall between the right ventricle
and the left ventricle. 0.75
1-b The bluish lips, accelerated respiration, lack of energy… 0.75
2 The blood passes from the right auricle to the right ventricle. Part of it continues
through the pulmonary artery and another part passes to the left ventricle then
through the aorta artery. 1.5
3 The blood leaving the aorta artery becomes poorer in oxygen gas than the blood
in the left auricle because it is receiving blood rich in oxygen gas coming from
the left ventricle mixed with the blood poor in oxygen gas coming from the right 1
4 The cells need oxygen gas to produce energy. Then, in those children having this
abnormality, the blood leaving the aorta is poor in O2 gas, so the quantity of
oxygen gas received by the cells diminishes resulting in less production of 1

‫ العادية‬2016 ‫دورة العـام‬ ‫اهتحاناتالشهادة الوتىسطة‬ ‫وزارة التربية والتعلين العالي‬
2016 ‫حسيراى‬1 ‫األربعاء‬ ‫الوديرية العاهة للتربية‬
‫دائرة االهتحانات الرسوية‬
:‫االسن‬ ‫هسابقة في هادة علىم الحياة واالرض‬
:‫الرقن‬ ‫الودة ساعة واحدة‬

Answer the four following exercises.

Exercise 1 (5points)

A pregnant woman is expecting twins.Her doctor suspects the presence of a chromosomal abnormality.
He suggestedperforming a karyotype on the fetal cells of each of the twins A and B. The obtained results
are represented in documents 1 and 2.

1- Indicate one criterion to arrange the

chromosomes in a karyotype.
2- Specify the sex of each of the two fetuses.
3-Write the chromosomal formula offetus A.
4-Determineif the doubts of the doctor are

Document 1 Document 2
Karyotype of fetus A Karyotype of fetus B

Exercise 2 (5points)

The gene responsible for the normal color vision in man is

localized on chromosome X butnot on chromosome Y.
The allele responsible for normal color vision,N is dominant
over the allele responsible for daltonism, d.
1- Indicate the genotype of a malehaving:
b. normal color vision.

The adjacent document reveals the pedigree of a family

whose certain members are daltonian.
2-Specify the genotype of female II-5.

Female II-5 marries a man withnormal color vision.

3-Make the necessary factorial analysis to determine the phenotypic proportions of the descendants of this
Exercise3 (5points)

Asthma is a disease due to the inflammation of bronchi and bronchioles. Asthma attack is manifested by:
difficulty of respiratory movements, a whistle during expiration and an irritating cough.
1-Pick out from the text:
a-the cause of asthma
b-the symptoms which characterize an asthma

A study is performed to determine the effect of the air

polluted by nitrogen dioxide on the frequencyof
asthma attack.The results are represented in the
adjacent document.

2- Draw a table showing the variation of the frequency

of asthma attack as a function of the concentration
of nitrogen dioxide
3- Justify that nitrogen dioxide favors asthma attack.

Exercise 4 (5 points)

Pineapple juice contains the protease Bromeline. To verify if this enzyme has the same efficiency as the
proteases secreted by the pancreas, the following experiment is performed.
Three test tubes A, B and C are placed in a water bath at 370C for a convenient period of time. The tubes

Tube A: water + chopped coagulated albumin

Tube B: water + chopped coagulated albumin + Pineapple juice
Tube C: water + chopped coagulated albumin + Pancreatic juice

At the beginning of the experiment, the aspect of the three tubes is turbid. At the end of the experiment,
the aspect of tube A stays turbid, but the aspect of tubesB and C becomes clear.

1- Name the protease present in the pine apple juice and a protease present in the pancreatic juice.
2- Pose the problem at the origin of thisperformed experiment.
3- Interpret the obtained results.

At the end of the experiment, the quantity of amino acids measured in both tubes B and C is the same.

4- Show that Bromeline and pancreatic protease have the same efficiency.
‫ العادية‬2016 ‫دورة العـام‬ ‫اهتحاناتالشهادة الوتىسطة‬ ‫وزارة التربية والتعلين العالي‬
2016 ‫حسيراى‬1 ‫األربعاء‬ ‫الوديرية العاهة للتربية‬
‫دائرة االهتحانات الرسوية‬
‫هسابقة في هادة علىم الحياة واالرض‬ ‫هشروع هعيار التصحيح‬
‫الودة ساعة واحدة‬

Exercise 1 (5 points)

Answer Mark
ofthe Q

1 The chromosomes are arranged in homologous pairs: depending on the following

criteria: the size of the chromosome; the position of centromere; and the banding
OR: The homologous pairs of chromosomes are arranged in decreasing order of 1
2 Both fetuses are males since their karyotypes reveal the presence of the sex
chromosomes or gonosomes X & Y. 1 1/2

3 Chromosomic formula of fetus A: 46,XY or 44+XY 1

4 In a normal karyotype chromosomes exist in pairs. However in fetus B there

exists 3 chromosomes 21 instead of 2 and this is not normal. Thus, the doubts of
the doctor are verified.. 11/2

Exercise 2 (5 points)
Part of
Answer Mark
the Q

1.a Genotype of a male having daltonism : XdY or Xd// Y 3/4

1-b Genotype of a male having normal color vision : XNY or XN// Y 3/4

2 The genotype of female 5 is XdXdsince female 5is color blind and the allele
responsible for color blindness is recessiveandis only expressed phenotypically
when it is present in two copies (homozygous state). 11/2

3 Parent’s phenotype: ♀Daltonian X ♂ Normal

Female Male
Parent’s genotype: ♀XdXd X ♂XNY
Gametes: Xd ½ XN½ Y

Table of cross: ♂ ½ XN ½Y

1 Xd ½ XNXd ½ XdY

Phenotypic proportions: All females are normal and all males are daltonic
½ of the descendants are normal females 2
½ of the descendants are daltonian males
Exercise 3 (5 points)

Answer Mark
ofthe Q

1a Asthma is due to an inflammationof bronchi and bronchioles 1/2

1b The symptoms are : difficulty of respiratory movements, a whistle during

expiration, irritating cough 1

2 .

Concentration of nitrogen
dioxide 20 40 60 80 100 120
(in μg/m3)
Frequency of asthma
1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
attackrelative to normal
Variation of the frequency of asthma attack as a function ofthe concentration of 21/2
nitrogen dioxide
3 Nitrogen dioxide favorsasthmaticattackbecause the frequency of asthmatic
attackincreases from 1till 2relative to normal when the concentration of nitrogen 1
dioxide increases from 2 to 120 μg/m3 .

Exercise 4 (5 points)

Part of
Answer Mark
the Q

1 The protease found in pineapple juice is Bromeline

The protease found in pancreatic juice is Trypsin
2 DoesBromeline have the same efficiencyas the protease secreted by the pancreas? 1

3 The aspect remains the same, turbid, in tube A containing water with chopped
coagulated albumin; on the contrary, it becomes clear in the tubes B and C
containing respectively pineapple juice and pancreatic juices. This shows that,
protease in pineapple juice and pancreatic protease are responsible for the
transformation of proteins. 1

4 The same quantity of amino acids in both tubes B and C shows that the digestion
of albumin is complete in the presence of Bromeline or pancreatic protease. Thus
Bromeline has the same efficiency as the pancreatic protease. 1

‫ االستثـنائيّة‬6102 ‫دورة العـام‬ ‫امتحانات الشهادة المتوسطة‬ ‫وزارة التربية والتعليم العالي‬
6102 ‫ تمـوز‬01 ‫السبت‬ ‫المديرية العامة للتربية‬
‫دائرة االمتحانات الرسمية‬
:‫االسم‬ ‫مسابقة في علوم الحياة واألرض‬
:‫الرقم‬ ‫ ساعة واحدة‬:‫المدة‬

Answer the four following exercises:

Exercise 1 (5 points)

The gene responsible for the color of squash is

located on an autosome. To study the transmission of
this gene, two crosses are performed whose results
are shown in the adjacent document.

1- Describe the first cross using the given legends.

2- Is it a case of dominance or codominance? Justify
the answer.
3- Designate by symbols the corresponding alleles.
4- Make the necessary factorial analysis to verify
the results in the second cross.

Exercise 2 (5 points)
The germ cells in the testes and ovaries Father Mother
Germ Chromosome
undergo meiosis which leads to the
formation of gametes. Each of these
gametes possesses one chromosome of the 21 21 21 21
two homologous chromosomes present in
a germ cell. The adjacent document shows
the behavior of the pair of chromosomes
№ 21 during meiosis in two parents.

1- a- Determine the parent who produces

the abnormal gametes.
b- Formulate a hypothesis which
explains the production of these
abnormal gametes. 21 21 21 21
2- a- Draw the chromosome(s) 21 of
each zygote resulting from the
gametes, each gamete gamete
union of male and female gametes having a having 2 having no
in each of the two cases: chromosome 21 chromosomes 21 chromosomes 21
Case 1: gamete A with gamete C
Case 2: gamete A with gamete D
b- Does the zygote in case 1 show any
anomaly? If yes, name this
Exercise 3 (5 points)

To study the gas exchange during cellular respiration, the following experiment is performed. Alive
muscle tissues are placed in a well-sealed closed flask at a temperature of 37oC. The levels of O2 gas and
CO2 are measured during 5 minutes. The results are shown in the table below.

Time( min) 0 1 2 3 4 5
Level of gas
O2 gas 21 19 18 17.5 17 16.5
CO2 0.03 0.8 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.5

1- Pose the problem studied in this experiment.

2- Draw a curve showing the variation of O2 gas as a function of time.
3- a- Analyze the results presented in the above table.
b- What do you conclude concerning the gas exchange during cellular respiration?

Exercise 4 (5 points)

Cellulose is a carbohydrate composed of glucose molecules. It is found in food of plant origin; however,
it is not digested in the human digestive tract due to the absence of cellulase enzyme. Cellulose facilitates
the movement of food through the large intestine.
Document 1
1- Pick out from document 1:
a. The name of the molecule that constitutes cellulose.
b. The reason why cellulose is not digested in humans.

In order to verify the effect of cellulose on the activity of the large intestine, a study is performed on a
group of healthy individuals of the same age, mass and sex. A suitable technique is used to measure the
peristaltic movements of the intestine in each individual of this group in three situations:

Situation 1: They are fed food devoid of cellulose.

Situation 2: They are fed food poor in cellulose.
Situation 3: They are fed food rich in cellulose.

The obtained results are shown in document 2.

2- Deduce, based on the performed study whose

results are shown in document 2, the effect of
cellulose on the intestinal activity.

Sami suffers from constipation. The doctor advises

him to eat more fruits and vegetables.
Document 2
3- Justify, based on all what precedes, the doctor’s advice.
‫الدورة اإلستثنائية للعام‬ ‫الشهادة المتوسطة‬ ‫وزارة التربية والتعليم العالي‬
6102 ‫المديرية العامة للتربية‬
‫دائرة االمتحانات‬
‫مسابقة في مادة علوم الحياة واألرض‬ ‫مشروع معيار التصحيح‬
‫المدة ساعة‬
Answer the four following exercises:
Exercise 1 (5 points)
Part of
Answer Mark
the Q
1 The cross of a green squash of pure race with a yellow squash of pure
race, gives in the first generation 100% striped squash plants (green and
yellow). 1
2 This is the case of codominance (0.5 pt), because we obtained in F1 a new
phenotype (0.25) squash striped (green and yellow) where the alleles
green and yellow are that are responsible for color are expressed.(0.25 pt) 1
3 Symbols of alleles: G : green ( 0.25 pt Y : yellow ( 0.25 pt)
4 Factorial analysis :
P: ♂GY  ♀YY ( 0.25 pt each)

γP : G Y Y ( 0.25 pt each )

50% 50% 100% ( 0.25 pt )

Table of cross :(0.5 pt)

♀ 50% 50%

Y 100% GY 50% YY 50%

After analyzing the table we obtain two phenotypes :

50% squash striped green and yellow
50% yellow squash
Thus, the experimental results are confirmed. ( 0.5 pt) 2.5
Exercise 2 (5 points)
Part of
Answer Mark
the Q
1-a Certain maternal gametes contain two chromosomes 21and other gametes
don’t contain any chromosomes 21 (0.5 pt).On the contrary the normal
gamete should contain one chromosome 21( 0.5 pt). Thus the abnormal
gametes are produced by the mother. (0.5 pt) 1.5
1-b Hypothesis: During anaphase I the two homologous chromosomes 21
migrated to the same pole instead of migrating to opposite poles.
Hypothesis: During anaphase II, sister chromatids of chromosomes 21
migrated to the same pole instead of migrating to opposite poles. 1
Case 1 Case 2

21 21 21 21

Zygote having Zygote having

3 chromosomes 21 one chromosome 21
2-b Yes . (0.25 pt), Trisomy 21 (0.75 pt)
Exercise 3 (5 points)
Answer Mark
1 The posed problem: Is oxygen gas consumed and carbon dioxide released during
cellular respiration?
What gas exchange takes place during cellular respiration? 1

The variation in the percentage of oxygen gas a s a function of time
3a The level of O2 gas in the closed jar where the alive muscle tissues are placed
decreases from 21% to 16.5% during 5 minutes( 0.75 pt). On the contrary, the level of 1.5
CO2 increases from 0.03% to 2.5% during the same duration( 0.75 pt).
3b During cellular respiration, oxygen gas is consumed while CO2 is released by the cells. 0.5

Exercise 4 (5 points)
Part of the
Answer Mark
1-a Glucose 0.75
1-b Cellulose is not digested in the human digestive tract due to the absence
of cellulase enzyme
2 The peristaltic movements of the intestines are the least( 10 a.u) in the
group of healthy individuals which are fed food devoid of cellulose; these
peristaltic movements increase to a much higher value (20 a.u to 45 a.u)
as the diet becomes richer in cellulose (1.5 pt). Therefore,
cellulose enhances the peristaltic movements of the intestine. ( 0.5 pt) 2
3 Since fruits and vegetables are of plant origin, thus they contain cellulose
which facilitates the movement of non-digested food through the large
intestine and enhances its peristaltic movements which can solve Sami’s
problem. 1.5

‫ العادية‬7102 ‫دورة العـام‬ ‫امتحانات الشهادة المتوسطة‬ ‫وزارة التربية والتعليم العالي‬
7102 ‫ حـزيران‬2 ‫األربعاء‬ ‫المديرية العامة للتربية‬
‫دائرة االمتحانات الرسمية‬
:‫االسم‬ ‫مسابقة في مادة علوم الحياة واألرض‬
:‫الرقم‬ ‫ ساعة واحدة‬:‫المدة‬
Answer the following four exercises.

Exercise 1 (6 points) Intestinal functions

In the framework of studying one of

the functions of the small intestine, the
quantity of nutrients is measured in this
organ as well as in the blood leaving
the small intestine after a meal. The
results of the performed measurements
are represented in the adjacent
1. Draw a table showing the variation
in the quantity of nutrients in the small
intestine and in the blood as a function
of time.

2-1. Analyze the results shown in the

adjacent document.
2-2. What do you conclude concerning
the intestinal function revealed in the document?

3. Indicate another function ensured by the small intestine.

4. List the characteristics of the surface of exchange of the small intestine.

Exercise 2 (3 points) Urine analysis

The analysis of urine permits to detect certain diseases. The presence of proteins in urine indicates a
damage of the functional unit of the kidney, the nephron. However, the presence of glucose in urine
indicates another disease called diabetes,
characterized by a high level of glucose in the Individual Level of proteins Level of glucose
blood. in urine (g/L) in urine (g/L)
The adjacent document represents the results of
urine analysis of a normal individual X and two X (normal) 0 0
other individuals Y and Z showing health
Y 1.5 0
1. Pick out from the text :
1-1. the functional unit of the kidney
1-2. one characteristic of diabetes. Z 0 2
2. Identify the individual Y or Z who has:
2-1. diabetes
2-2. damage in the nephrons.
Exercise 3 (5.5 points) The Cell cycle

The cell cycle is the series of events that

take place in a cell. It includes an
interphase and mitosis. At the end of the
cell cycle two daughter cells are produced.

The adjacent document represents the

variation of chromosomic material in a
body cell during one cell cycle.

1. Pick out the two phases of the cell

2. Show, by referring to the adjacent
document, that the chromosomal material duplicates during interphase.
3-1. Compare the chromosomal material at the beginning of interphase to that at the end of mitosis.
3-2. What do you conclude?
4. Draw a labeled scheme of a chromosome:
4-1. at the beginning of mitosis
4-2. at the end of mitosis.

Exercise 4 (5.5 points) Sensitivity to PTC

In 1931, during a laboratory work, Arthur Fox discovered that PTC powder (a chemical substance) tastes
bitter for certain persons while it doesn’t for others.

1. Pose the problem revealed in the above text.

The sensitivity to PTC is a hereditary trait coded

by a gene located on chromosome n0 7. The
adjacent pedigree shows the transmission of this
trait in a family.
2. Show that the allele coding for the
sensitivity to PTC is dominant over the allele
coding for the non-sensitivity to PTC.
3. Designate by symbols the corresponding
4. Indicate the genotypes of I1, II2 and III3 .
5. Make the necessary factorial analysis which verifies the phenotypic results of the descendants of the couple
II3 and II4.
‫ العادية‬2017 ‫دورة العـام‬ ‫امتحانات الشهادة المتوسطة‬ ‫وزارة التربية والتعليم العالي‬
‫المديرية العامة للتربية‬
‫دائرة االمتحانات الرسمية‬
‫مسابقة في مادة علوم الحياة واألرض‬
‫معيار أسس التصحيح‬

Part Answer key (6 points) Mark

of the Intestinal functions
Time after a meal t1 t2 t3 t4
Quantity of nutrients in In the small intestine 90 60 20 2
(a.u.) In the blood leaving the small 10 40 80 98
Table showing the variation in the quantity of nutrients, as a function of time after
the meal.
2-1 At t1 the quantity of nutrients is 90 a.u. at the level of the small intestine which is
greater than that at the level of the blood leaving the small intestine, 10 a.u. This
quantity decreases from 90 a.u to 2a.u. between t1 and t4 at the level of the small
intestine. On the contrary, it increases from 10 a.u. to 98a.u. at the level of the blood
leaving the small intestine during the same duration .
2-2 The revealed intestinal function is intestinal absorption. 0.5
3 The other function of the small intestine is: (one function is considered)
- Chemical digestion by digestive enzymes.
- Mechanical digestion
- passage of food due to peristaltic movements. 0.5
4 The characteristic of the surface of exchange at the level of the small intestine are:
- Thin wall
- Large surface area of exchange
- Highly vascularized. 1.5

Part Answer Key (3 points)

of the Urine analysis Mark
1-1 The functional unit of the kidney is the nephron. 0,5
1-2 The characteristic of diabetes is high level of glucose in the blood. 0.5
The presence of glucose in urine indicates that the individual is diabetic. Since the
2-1 level of glucose in the urine of individual Z is 2 g/L greater than that of the normal
individual X which is nil (0g/L),thus , individual Z is diabetic.
The presence of proteins in the urine indicates a damage in the nephrons. Since the
2-2 level of proteins in the urine of individual Y is 1.5g/L greater than that of the normal
individual X which is nil (0.g/L), thus individual Y has a damage in the nephrons. 1
of Answer key ( 5.5 points)
the The Cell cycle
1 The two phases of the cell cycle are: the interphase and the mitosis 1
2 At the beginning of interphase the mass of chromosomal material is 4 a.u. It
increases to reach 8a.u (doubles) at the end of interphase. Thus the chromosomic
material duplicates during interphase.
3-1 The mass of chromosomic material is the same 4 a.u at the beginning of interphase and at
the end of mitosis. 1
3-2 Therefore, the mass of chromosomic material is conserved

Answer Key (5.5 points)
of the Mark
Sensitivity to PTC
1 Why do certain persons taste PTC bitter while others do not?
OR How could some persons be not tasting the PTC? 1
2 Individuals II3 and II4, are both "sensitive to PTC"; and gave birth to children III5,
and III7 who are both "non sensitive to PTC". Thus, the allele coding for the " non
sensitive to PTC" is present in the parents and masked by the allele coding for the
"sensitive to PTC" . Therefore, the allele coding for the "sensitive to PTC" is
dominant over its recessive allele "non sensitive to PTC", 1
3 Let "S" be the symbol of the dominant allele coding for the sensitive to PTC .
Let "n" be the symbol of the recessive allele coding for the non-sensitive to PTC. 0.5
4 The genotype of I1is n//n; The genotype of II1 is S//n.
The genotype of III3 is S//S or S//n. 1
5 Phenotypes of the parents: ♀[S] X ♂ [S]
Genotypes of the parents: ♀ S//n X ♂S//n
Gametes 𝛾 ∶ 50% S , 50% n 50% S, 50%n
Table of cross
♂ 50 % S 50% n Phenotypic percentages
[S] 75%
♀ [n] 25 %
S 50% S//S25% S//n 25% The theoretical results verify
the phenotypes of the
n 50% S//n25% n//n 25% descendants of this couple.
‫ ﺍﻻﺳﺘﺜﻨﺎﺋ ّﻴﺔ‬2017 ‫ﺩﻭﺭﺓ ﺍﻟـﻌﺎﻡ‬ ‫ﺍﻣﺘﺤﺎﻧﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﺸﻬﺎﺩﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺘﻮﺳﻄﺔ‬ ‫ﻭﺯﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﺘﺮﺑﻴﺔ ﻭﺍﻟﺘﻌﻠﻴﻢ ﺍﻟﻌﺎﻟﻲ‬
2017 ‫ ﺗﻤﻮﺯ‬28 ‫ﺍﻟﺠﻤﻌﺔ ﻓـﻲ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﻳﺮﻳﺔ ﺍﻟﻌﺎﻣﺔ ﻟﻠﺘﺮﺑﻴﺔ‬
‫ﺩﺍﺋﺮﺓ ﺍﻻﻣﺘﺤﺎﻧﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﺮﺳﻤﻴّﺔ‬
:‫ﺍﻻﺳﻢ‬ ‫ﻣﺴﺎﺑﻘﺔ ﻓﻲ ﻣﺎﺩﺓ ﻋﻠﻮﻡ ﺍﻟﺤﻴﺎﺓ ﻭﺍﻷﺭﺽ‬
:‫ﺍﻟﺮﻗﻢ‬ ‫ ﺳﺎﻋﺔ ﻭﺍﺣﺪﺓ‬:‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﺓ‬
Answer the following four exercises

Exercise 1 (4 points) Meiosis

Correct the following incorrect statements:

1. The duplication of chromosomal material takes place between the two meiotic divisions.
2. During meiosis, a mother cell of 2n chromosomes gives two daughter cells, each of
n chromosomes.
3. The first meiotic division is an equational division.
4. The homologous chromosomes separate during the anaphase of the second meiotic division.

Exercise 2 (5 points) Transmission of Rhesus factor in humans

The Rhesus factor is one of the substances which characterize the blood group in humans. It is
determined by a gene located on the pair of chromosomes No 1. This gene exists in two forms:
- The allele which determines the rhesus positive phenotype (Rh+)
- The allele which determines the rhesus negative phenotype( Rh-)
An individual is of a positive blood group if he possesses two alleles rhesus positive or an allele
rhesus positive with an allele rhesus negative.

1. Justify the following statement: "the gene determining the Rhesus factor is autosomal."

2. Specify the dominant allele of the studied gene.

The adjacent document shows the

transmission of the Rhesus factor in a

3. Determine the genotypes of the

parents I1 and I2.

4-1. Indicate the genotype(s) of

individual II 2.

4-2. Localize the alleles on the pair

of chromosomes No1 of
individual II 2.

Exercise 3 (6 points) A Vascular Disease: Aneurysm

Aneurysm is characterized by a deformation in a region in the wall of an artery which may lead to its
rupture. If the rupture occurs in the brain, a cerebral hemorrhage will occur.
1. Pick out from the text:
1-1. the characteristic of aneurysm.
1-2. the consequence of a rupture in the
cerebral artery.
A study is performed to determine the effect of
smoking tobacco on Aneurysm. The obtained
results are represented in the adjacent document.
2. Draw a table representing the obtained
3. Show that smoking tobacco favors the risk of
cerebral hemorrhage occurrence.
4-1. Compare the risk of rupture of an artery in a
moderate smoker to that in a heavy smoker.
4-2. What can you draw out?

Exercise 4 (5 points) Treatment of anemia by E.P.O.

Anemia is characterized by a low count of red blood cells and/or low amount of hemoglobin in
blood. It might be due to a deficiency in iron intake. Also, it might be due to a decrease in a
substance called erythropoietin (E.P.O), produced by the kidneys. This substance is indispensable for
the production of red blood cells in blood.

1- Pick out from the text:

1-1. the characteristics of anemia
1-2. the role of E.P.O
1-3. the role of the kidney.
2. Explain why an anemic person
always feels tired.

A study was carried out on anemic

patients treated by (E.P.O) for several
months. The obtained results are
represented in the adjacent document.
3-1. Analyze the obtained results.

3-2. What can you conclude?

‫ ﺍﻻﺳﺘﺜﻨﺎﺋ ّﻴﺔ‬2017 ‫ﺩﻭﺭﺓ ﺍﻟـﻌﺎﻡ‬ ‫ﺍﻣﺘﺤﺎﻧﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﺸﻬﺎﺩﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺘﻮﺳﻄﺔ‬ ‫ﻭﺯﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﺘﺮﺑﻴﺔ ﻭﺍﻟﺘﻌﻠﻴﻢ ﺍﻟﻌﺎﻟﻲ‬
2017 ‫ ﺗﻤﻮﺯ‬28 ‫ﺍﻟﺠﻤﻌﺔ ﻓـﻲ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﻳﺮﻳﺔ ﺍﻟﻌﺎﻣﺔ ﻟﻠﺘﺮﺑﻴﺔ‬
‫ﺩﺍﺋﺮﺓ ﺍﻻﻣﺘﺤﺎﻧﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﺮﺳﻤﻴّﺔ‬
‫ﻣﺴﺎﺑﻘﺔ ﻓﻲ ﻣﺎﺩﺓ ﻋﻠﻮﻡ ﺍﻟﺤﻴﺎﺓ ﻭﺍﻷﺭﺽ‬ ‫ﻣﺸﺮﻭﻉ ﻣﻌﻴﺎﺭ ﺍﻟﺘﺼﺤﻴﺢ‬

Part Answer Key (4points)

Of the Meiosis Mark
1 The duplication of the chromosomal material takes place before the two meiotic
divisions. 1
2 During meiosis, a mother cell of 2n chromosomes gives four daughter cells, each of
n chromosomes. 1
3 The first meiotic division is a reductional division.
The second meiotic division is an equational division. 1
4 The homologous chromosomes separate during the anaphase of the first meiotic
division. 1

Part Answer key (5 points)

of the Transmission of Rhesus factor in humans Mark
1 Since the gene determining the Rhesus factor is located on the pair chromosome No 1
which is an autosome; thus, this gene is autosomal. 0.5
2 The allele Rh + is dominant over the allele Rh- which is recessive, because when the
two alleles Rh + and Rh- are present in an individual, the allele Rh + is only expressed
phenotypically. 1
Since each of the two parents I1 and I2 is phenotypically rhesus positive, this means
that each has the allele Rh+. Moreover, they have given birth to two children II1 and II3
3 who have the phenotype [Rh-], recessive and recessivity is a characteristic of purity,
thus they must have obtained the allele Rh- from each parent. Thus, each parent has
one allele Rh + and one allele Rh-. Therefore the genotype of each is Rh + // Rh-. 1.5
4-1 The genotype of II2 is Rh+ // Rh+ or Rh+ // Rh- 1

Pair of chromosomes N˚1 of individual II2 1

Answer Key (6 points)
of the Mark
Vascular Disease, Aneurysm
1-1 Aneurysm is characterized by a deformation in a region in the wall of an artery. 0.75
1-2 The consequence of a rupture in the cerebral artery is a cerebral hemorrhage. 0.75
Individual Non-smoker Moderate Heavy
smoker smoker
Risk of rupture of an artery (in %) 1 2 10
Table showing the variation of risk of rupture of an artery in different
individuals. 2
3 The risk of rupture of an artery increases from 1% in a non-smoker to 2% (doubles) in
a moderate smoker. Therefore smoking tobacco favors the rupture of an artery.
Consequently it favors the risk of occurrence of cerebral hemorrhage. 1
4-1 The risk of rupture of an artery in a moderate smoker is 2% (5 times) less than that in
a heavy smoker (10%). 0.75
4-2 The increase in the consumption of tobacco favors the occurrence of rupture of an
artery. 0.75

Part Answer Key ( 5 Points)

of the Treatment of anemia by E.P.O. Mark
1-1 Anemia is characterized by a low count of red blood cells and/or low amount of
hemoglobin in blood. 0.5
1-2 E.P.O. is indispensable for the production of red blood cells in blood. 0.5
1-3 The kidney produces a substance called erythropoietin (E.P.O) 0.5
2 Oxygen gas is indispensable for cellular oxidation reaction which produces energy
utilized for the cellular activities. Since anemic persons suffer from a deficiency in
red blood cells which are responsible for the transport of this respiratory gas (oxygen
gas), thus less amount of oxygen gas diffuses into the cells leading to a decrease in
the production of energy, which explains the tiredeness in the anemic persons. 1.5
3-1 Under the effect of E.P.O treatment, the number of red blood cells increases from 12
a.u. (which corresponds to severe anemia) to 73 a.u (6 times) starting from March to
June while it remains constant at 73 a.u till July. 1.5
3-2 The treatment with E.P.O favors the production of red blood cells. 0.5
‫ العاديّة‬1028 ‫دورة الـعام‬ ‫سطة‬
ّ ‫امتحانات الشّهادة المتو‬ ‫وزارة التّربية والتّعليم العالي‬
1028 ‫ ايار‬12 ‫الخميس‬ ‫المديريّــة العا ّمة للتّربية‬
‫دائرة االمتحانات ال ّرسميّة‬
:‫االسم‬ ‫مسابقة في مادّة علوم الحياة واألرض‬
:‫ال ّرقم‬ ‫ ساعة واحدة‬:‫المدّة‬
Answer the following four exercises.

Exercise 1 (5 points) Cellular Divisions

Correct the following statements.

1. During prophase of mitosis, each chromosome is of one chromatid.

2. The homologous chromosomes separate during anaphase of mitosis.
3. At the end of mitosis, a mother cell gives four daughter cells.
4. Meiosis II is a reductional division.
5. Decondensation of chromosomes takes place during prophase of mitosis.

Exercise 2 (5 points) Respiratory Gas Exchange

The exchange of oxygen gas (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) takes place between alveolar air and blood.
The document below represents the percentage of oxygen gas and carbon dioxide in the inhaled air and
that in the exhaled air, as well as that in the blood entering and in the blood leaving the lungs.

1. Pick out from the adjacent

1-1. The color of blood entering the
1-2. The color of blood leaving the

2-1. Compare the composition of the

inhaled air to that of the exhaled
air in oxygen gas and carbon
2-2. What do you conclude?

3. Show, by referring to the adjacent

document, that the blood leaving
the lungs is enriched in oxygen gas
and impoverished in carbon

4. Draw out the direction of the

passage of oxygen gas and that of carbon dioxide at the level of the pulmonary alveoli.

Page 1 /2
Exercise 3 (5 points) Digestion of Sucrose
Sucrose is a non-reducing sugar formed of two simple sugars glucose and fructose. It is digested at the
level of the digestive tube in the presence of a specific enzyme, sucrase.
In order to know if sucrose is digested by brewer's yeast, a unicellular fungus, the following experiment is
In three test tubes A, B and C placed in a water-bath at 37 , sucrose and water are put. Then, sucrase is
added into tube B and brewer's yeast into tube C. These tubes are left in the water-bath for duration of
40 minutes.
1. Pose the problem at the origin of this experiment.

2. Pick out from the text:

2-1. the constituents of sucrose.
2-2. the specific enzyme for the digestion of sucrose.

3. Draw a table showing the conditions of this experiment.

The Fehling test permits the identification
Tubes A B C
of reducing sugars such as simple sugars
and disaccharides except sucrose. This test
is performed on the three test tubes at the
At the beginning of the experiment - - -
beginning and at the end of the
experiment. The obtained results are At the end of the experiment - + +
represented in the adjacent document.
(+): Presence of a reducing sugar
(-): Absence of a reducing sugar

4-1. Analyze the obtained results.

4-2. What do you conclude concerning the action of brewer's yeast on sucrose?

Exercise 4 (5 points) Transmission of an Autosomal Hereditary Trait

The cross between two pure lines of tomato plants, one having large fruits and the other having small
fruits, gives 100% tomato plants having small fruits.
1. Specify the dominant allele and the recessive one.

2. Designate by symbols the corresponding alleles.

Two other crosses A and B are performed as shown in the following document.
Cross Results
Tomato plant having Tomato plant having 75% Tomato plants having small fruits
small fruits x small fruits 25% Tomato plants having large fruits
Tomato plant having Tomato plant having 50% Tomato plants having small fruits
B large fruits x small fruits 50% Tomato plants having large fruits

3. Make a factorial analysis to verify the results of cross A.

4-1. Write the genotype of each parent in cross B. Justify the answer
4-2. Name cross B.

Page 2 /2
ّ ‫اهتحانات الشّهادة الوتى‬ ‫وزارة التّربية والتّعلين العالي‬
‫ العاديّة‬1028 ‫دورة الـعام‬
‫الوذيريّــة العا ّهة للتّربية‬
1028 ‫ ايار‬12 ‫الخويس‬
ّ ‫دائرة االهتحانات‬
‫هسابقة في هادّة علىم الحياة واألرض‬
‫أسس التصحيح‬

Part of Answer key (5 points)

Cellular divisions Mark
the Q
1 During prophase of mitosis, each chromosome is of two chromatids. 1

2 The homologous chromosomes separate during anaphase I of meiosis I. 1

3 At the end of mitosis, a mother cell gives two daughter cells. 1

4 Meiosis II is an equational division. 1
5 Decondensation of chromosomes takes place during telophase of mitosis. 1

Part of Answer key (5 points)

the Q Respiratory gas exchange
1-1 Dark red color. 0.5
1-2 Bright red color. 0.5
The percentage of O2 gas in the inhaled air is 21% which is greater than that in the 0.5
exhaled air, 16%.
The percentage of CO2 in the inhaled air is 0.03% which is less than that in the exhaled 0.5
air, 5%.
2-2 At the level of the lungs, the alveolar air is enriched in CO2 and impoverished in O2 gas. 0.5
The percentage of O2 gas in the blood entering the lungs is 14% which is less than that in
the blood leaving the lungs, 20%. Thus, the blood leaving the lungs is enriched in O2
3 gas. The percentage of CO2 in the blood entering the lungs is 54% which is greater than 1.5
that in the blood leaving the lungs, 50%. Thus, the blood leaving the lungs is
impoverished in CO2.
At the level of the pulmonary alveoli, oxygen gas passes from the alveolar air into the
4 1
blood and carbon dioxide passes from the blood into the alveolar air.
Part Answer Key (5 points)
of the Q Digestion of sucrose
1 Is brewer's yeast capable of digesting sucrose? 0.75
2-1 The constituents of sucrose are: glucose and fructose. 0.5
2-2 The specific enzyme for the digestion of sucrose is: sucrase. 0.25

Tubes A B C
Conditions Table showing the conditions of the experiment.
Sucrose + + +
Water + + +
Sucrase - + -
Brewer's yeast - - +
Temperature (in ˚C) 37 37 37
Duration (in minutes) 40 40 40 (+): Presence (-): absence

At the end of the experiment, the reducing sugar is still absent in tube A in the presence of
4-1 sucrose and water only; however, reducing sugars appear in tubes B and C, which contain 1
sucrase and brewer’s yeast respectively in addition to sucrose and water.
4-2 Brewer's yeast is capable of digesting sucrose into reducing sugars. 0.5

Part of Answer Key (5 points)

the Q: Transmission of an Autosomal Hereditary Trait
The allele responsible for the phenotype "small fruits" is dominant over the allele responsible
for the phenotype "large fruits" which is recessive. This is because, all F1 hybrids which present
the phenotype “small fruits”, receive an allele responsible for the phenotype “small fruits” from
1 1
one pure line parent having small fruits and another allele responsible for “large fruits” from the
other pure line parent having large fruits. However, only the allele responsible for the phenotype
“small fruits” is expressed phenotypically in these hybrids.
Let 'S' be the symbol of the allele responsible for the phenotype "small fruit", dominant.
2 0.5
Let "l" be the symbol of the allele responsible for the phenotype "large fruit”, recessive.
Parent's phenotypes: ♂ [S] x ♀ [S]
Parent's genotypes: ♂ S//l x ♀ S//l
Gametes of parents: 50% S 50% l 50% S 50%l
Table of cross:
3 γ♂ 2
50% S 50% l Phenotypic Percentages:
50% S 25% S//S 25% S//l 75% Tomato plants with small fruits
25% Tomato plants with large fruits
50% l 25% S//l 25% l//l
Thus, the theoretical results verify the experimental ones.
The genotype of the tomato plant having large fruits is l//l, since it has a recessive phenotype
and the recessive allele is only expressed in the homozygous state.
The genotype of the tomato plant having small fruits is S//l. Since it has a dominant phenotype,
4-1 1.25
so it possesses the allele S. However, it gave 50% of the descendants having large fruits, a
recessive phenotype that is only expressed in the homozygous state. Consequently, it also
possesses the allele l.
4-2 Test cross 0.25
‫ االستثنائية‬1028 ‫دورة العام‬ ‫سطة‬
ّ ‫امتحانات الشّهادة المتو‬ ‫وزارة التّربية والتّعليم العالي‬
1028 ‫ آب‬9 ‫الخميس‬ ‫المديريّة العا ّمة للتّربية‬
‫دائرة االمتحانـات ال ّرسميّة‬
:‫االسم‬ ‫مسابقة في مادّة علوم الحياة واألرض‬
:‫ال ّرقم‬ ‫ ساعة واحدة‬:‫المدّة‬

Answer the following four exercises.

Exercise 1 (4 points) Valvular Heart Diseases

Valvular heart diseases are due to the dysfunction of one or more of the heart valves. These
valves are responsible for the regulation of blood flow through the heart and large blood vessels.
Valve dysfunction leads to a diminished heart activity. There are two types of valvular heart
 Valvular stenosis occurs when the opening of the valve narrows.
 Valvular insufficiency occurs when the valve does not close tightly (completely). In this
case, the blood flows back into the previous cavity of the heart.
Valvular insufficiency and valvular stenosis force the heart to exert more effort to maintain a
normal flow of blood into the body. Consequently, it cannot propel enough blood to the body

1.1. Name one valve of the heart.

1.2. Indicate its location.
2. Pick out from the text, the characteristic of the valve in each of the two types of valvular heart
3. Draw out, by referring to the text, the role of a valve.
4. Explain why a valvular heart disease leads to a feeling of fatigue in the affected individual.

Exercise 2 (5 points) Urinary Excretion

Urinary excretion permits the body to get rid of the wastes produced by the organs. These wastes are
carried by blood to the kidneys where they are eliminated in the form of urine.
To determine the role of the kidney, the composition of the blood entering and leaving the kidneys as
well as the composition of urine are studied in a healthy individual. The obtained results are
represented in the table below.

Constituents Blood entering Blood leaving

( g/l) the kidney the kidney
Water 920 900 950
Proteins 80 80 0
Urea 0.3 0.2 20

1. Draw out, by referring to the table, the constituents of urine.

2.1. Compare the level of urea in the blood entering the kidney to that in the blood leaving the kidney.
2.2. Compare the level of urea in the blood entering the kidney to that in the urine.
2.3. What can you conclude concerning the role of the kidney?
3. Show, by referring to the table, that the kidneys do not eliminate proteins from blood.
4. Justify, by referring to the table, the following statement: “Excess water is eliminated from the
blood into the urine”.

Exercise 3 (5 points) Childhood Obesity

Obesity is the most common nutritional disorder affecting children. This disorder increases the risk of
diabetes and hypertension occurrence. To study the evolution of obesity rate in Europe, researches were
performed between 1990 and 2005 on six years old children. The results are presented in the table

1. Pick out from the text, the consequences of Year Obesity rate ( %)
obesity. 1990 7
2. Construct a histogram representing the results 2000 18
shown in the adjacent table. 2005 21
3. Determine the evolution of obesity rate in Europe between 1990 and 2005 among six years old

A widely used formula which measures the degree of obesity is the body mass index (BMI):
BMI = m/ h2 (m represents the mass in Kg and h represents the height in m).

The BMI of a 6-year-old boy is considered normal if it is equal to 15.5 . However, he is considered
obese if his BMI is greater than 18.5 and underweight if his BMI is less than 13.4 .

Sami, a six-year old boy has a mass of 30 Kg and a height of 1.2m. His parents are wondering if he is
obese or not.
4.1. Calculate the BMI of Sami.
4.2. Verify if Sami is obese or not.

Exercise 4 (6 points) Transmission of a Hereditary Trait in Mandarin Plants

To determine the type of inheritance of the gene responsible for

the taste of mandarin fruits, a cross is performed between two
varieties of mandarin plants that differ by one trait only.
The cross and its results are represented in document 1.

1. Specify the type of inheritance studied in mandarin plants.

2. Designate by symbols the corresponding alleles.
3. Write, by referring to document 1, the genotypes of each of
the two parents and their descendants.

The descendants of F1 generation are self-crossed (F1 x F1).

The phenotypic results of the descendants of this cross (F2) are
represented in document 2.

4. Make the necessary factorial analysis to verify the phenotypic

results represented in document 2.
5. Verify if it is necessary to perform a test cross to determine the
real genotypes of the descendants of the 2nd generation (F2).

‫ االستثنائية‬1028 ‫دورة العام‬ ‫سطة‬
ّ ‫امتحانات الشّهادة المتو‬ ‫وزارة التّربية والتّعليم العالي‬
1028 ‫ آب‬9 ‫الخميس‬ ‫المديريّة العا ّمة للتّربية‬
‫دائرة االمتحانـات ال ّرسميّة‬
‫مادّة علوم الحياة واألرض‬ ‫أسس التصحيح‬

Part Answer Key Exercise 1 (4 points)

Of the Valvular Heart Diseases Mark
1.1 Tricuspid valve or bicuspid valve or sigmoid valves.
1.2 The tricuspid valve is located between the right atrium and the right ventricle.
Or The bicuspid valve (mitral) is located between the left atrium and the left ventricle 0.5
Or The sigmoid valves are found at the base of the aorta and the pulmonary artery.
2 - The opening of the valve is narrowed in the case of valvular stenosis. 0.5
- The valve does not close completely in the case of valvular insufficiency. 0.5
3 The valve does not allow the back flow of blood into the previous cavity of the heart. 1
4 Valvular heart disease forces the heart to exert more effort to maintain a normal flow of
blood into the body. Consequently, it cannot propel enough blood to the organs. This leads
to a decrease in the supply of oxygen gas and nutrients (glucose) to the organs, resulting in a 1
decrease in the rate of cellular oxidation; thus leading to a decrease in the production of
energy necessary for cellular functioning. This drop of energy provokes a feeling of fatigue in
the affected individual.

Part of Answer Key Exercise 2 (5 points)

the Q Urinary Excretion
1 The constituents of urine are: water and urea. 1
The level of urea in the blood entering the kidneys (0.3 g / L) is greater than the level
of urea in the blood leaving the kidneys (0.2 g / L). 0.5
The level of urea in the blood entering the kidneys (0.3 g / L) is less than that of the
formed urine (20 g / L). 0.5
2.3 The kidneys purify the blood from the excess of urea and eliminate it into the urine. 1
The concentration of proteins is the same in the blood entering and leaving the
3 kidneys (80g/L); Moreover, there is absence of proteins (0 g/L) in the urine, this
shows that the proteins are not eliminated by the kidneys. 1
The concentration of water in the blood entering the kidney is 920 g / L which is
greater than that in the in the blood leaving the kidneys ( 900 g /L); however, the
concentration of water in the urine is the greatest (950 g /L). This shows that the
kidney eliminates the excess of water from blood to the urine. 1
Part of Answer key Exercise 3 (5 points)
the Q Childhood Obesity
The consequences of obesity are the increase in the risk of diabetes and hypertension
1 1

Histogram showing the variation of the obesity rate

among six years old children between 1990 and
2 2005. 2

In 1990 the obesity rate among 6 years old children is 7%, it increases to 21% (3 times
3 more) in 2005, this shows that the percentage of childhood obesity increases with time 1
Sami's BMI
4.1 0.5
BMI = m/h2 = 30 Kg/ (1.2m)2 = 20.383
The result shows that the BMI of Sami (20.383) is greater than the BMI of an obese
4.2 boy (18.5). Therefore, Sami is considered obese. 0.5

Part of Answer Key Exercise 4 (6 points)

the Q Transmission of Hereditary Trait in Mandarin Plants

It is an incomplete dominance (intermediate), because the cross between the two pure 0.25
race parents, the bitter taste mandarin and the sweet taste mandarin plant, gives rise to
1 intermediary phenotype descendants in F1 generation, mild taste mandarin plants. These
latter receive one allele responsible for sweet taste from the female and one allele
responsible for bitter taste from the male; however, neither of the alleles is expressed in
F1 generation. This means that both alleles are incompletely dominant.
2 Let "S" be the symbol of the allele coding for the "sweet taste". 0.25
Let B be the symbol of the allele coding for "bitter taste". 0.25
3 The genotype of ♀ parent is: SS, the genotype of ♂ parent is: BB
The genotype of the descendants of the F1 generation is: BS 0.75
4 Factorial analysis:
Phenotypes of the parents : Mandarin plant of "Mild taste" ♀ x ♂ Mandarin plant
"Mild taste"
Genotypes of the parents: ♀ BS x ♂ BS
Gametes of parents: 50% B 50% S 50% 50%
Table of cross: B B
Phenotypic percentages : 25% [B],25% [S], 50% [BS]
γ♂ 50% B 50% S
The histogram (document 2) represents 3 different
phenotypic percentages:
25% of the mandarin plants having "sweet taste"; 25% 3
50% B 25 % BB 25% BS of mandarin plants having "bitter taste"; 50% of

50% S 25% BS 25% SS mandarin plants having mild taste.

Thus, the theoretical results verify the experimental
5 No, it is not necessary to perform the test cross, because the descendants who have the
same phenotype as their parents (sweet and bitter taste) are of pure race having the same
genotypes as their parents and those of intermediate phenotype (mild taste) are hybrids 0.75
‫ العاديّـة‬9102 ‫دورة الـعام‬ ‫سطة‬
ّ ‫اهتحانات الشّهادة الوتى‬ ‫وزارة التّربية والتّعلين العالي‬
9102 ‫ حسيراى‬01 ‫الخويس‬ ‫الوذيريّة العا ّهة للتّربية‬
‫دائرة االهتحانات ال ّرسويّة‬
:‫االسن‬ ‫هسابقة في هادّة علىم الحياة واألرض‬
:‫ال ّرقن‬ ‫ ساعة واحذة‬:‫الوذّة‬

Answer the following four exercises.

Exercise 1 (5 points) Cystic Fibrosis

Cystic fibrosis is a serious genetic disease. It is characterized

by respiratory and digestive disorders. The gene responsible for
the disease is carried on chromosome no7. Document 1
represents the pedigree of a family whose certain members are
affected by this disease.
1-1. Specify if the allele responsible for this disease is
dominant or recessive.
1-2. Designate by symbols the corresponding alleles.
2. Indicate the possible genotype(s) of Lama (II4). Justify the

Document 1
Lama, whose certain members of her family are affected by this
disease, is pregnant. The doctor demanded a specific test, for Individuals Lama II4 Fetus
her and her fetus, that reveals the types and the number of
alleles of the studied gene. The obtained results are represented Normal allele 1 0
in document 2.
3. Determine the real genotype of Lama, document 2. Affected allele 1 2
4. Is Lama’s fetus affected by cystic fibrosis? Justify the
answer. Document 2

Exercise 2 (5 points) The Gout

Urea, eliminated by the kidneys in the urine, is a toxic substance. The elevated level of urea in blood
might provoke a disease that affects the kidneys and the joints: The Gout.

1. Pick out, from the text, the effect of the high quantity of urea in blood.

In order to determine the origin of urea in the blood, a study is performed on healthy individuals to
show the relation between the quantity of consumed proteins and the concentration of urea in plasma.
The obtained results are represented in the document below.

Quantity of consumed protein (g/Kg of Body mass) 0.5 1.5 2

Concentration of urea in plasma (g/L) 0.20 0.40 0.45

2. Draw a curve showing the variation in the concentration of urea in the plasma as a function of the
quantity of consumed protein.
3-1. Analyze the obtained results.
3-2. Draw out the origin of urea in plasma.
4. Explain the cause of Gout disease.

Page 1 / 2
Exercise 3 (5 points) Passive Smoking

Passive smoking is when someone involuntarily inhales

cigarette smoke produced by neighboring smokers. Each year,
3000 to 6000 non-smokers die due to passive smoking.

1. Pick out, from the text, the definition of passive smoking.

The adjacent document represents the frequency of the

respiratory troubles in two groups of non-smokers:
- Group A: not exposed to cigarette smoke for long periods of
time in their environment.
- Group B: exposed to cigarette smoke in their environment.

2. Draw a table showing the variation in the frequency of different respiratory troubles in both groups
A and B.
3. Justify the following statement: “Inhibition of smoking in closed public areas is a major action that
protects non-smokers”.

Exercise 4 (5 points) Celiac Disease

The intestinal villi are small finger-like projections that line up the inner intestinal walls of the small
intestine and increase considerably its surface area. Certain individuals who are affected by celiac
disease show symptoms such as fatigue, anemia and diarrhea upon eating food diet rich in gluten.
The document below, shows the difference in the inner walls of the small intestine of a normal
individual and of an individual affected by celiac disease.

1-1. Indicate the role of the intestinal villi.

1-2. List the three characteristics of the intestinal wall which favor this role.
2-1. Compare the aspect of the inner wall of the small intestine in these two individuals.
2-2. Draw out the characteristic(s) of the inner wall in the individual affected by this disease.
3. Justify why this disease can slow down the growth of the infant although he consumes a balanced
food diet.
Page 2 / 2
‫ العاديّـة‬2019 ‫دورة الـعام‬ ‫سطة‬
ّ ‫امتحانات الشّهادة المتو‬ ‫وزارة التّربية والتّعليم العالي‬
2019 ‫ حزيران‬13 ‫الخميس‬ ‫المديريّة العا ّمة للتّربية‬
ّ ‫دائرة االمتحانات‬
‫مسابقة في مادّة علوم الحياة واألرض‬ ‫معيار التصحيح‬

Q Exercise 1 Cystic Fibrosis Mark

1-1. The allele responsible for this disease is recessive because the healthy couple (I1 and I2) gave 1.5
birth to two affected children II1 and II2 who received the allele responsible for the disease
from their parents. This indicates that the allele responsible for the disease is present in the
parents but is masked by the normal allele, and not expressed phenotypically.
1-2. Let "N" be the symbol of the dominant allele that is responsible for the normal phenotype. 0.5
Let "d" be the symbol of the recessive allele that is responsible for the disease cystic fibrosis.
2. The possible genotypes of Lama are N//N or N//d. 0.5
Since Lama is normal, she possesses the normal allele (N) responsible for the normal
phenotype. 1
The parents I1 and I2 are heterozygous (they are normal and have affected children),
She can receive either one normal allele (N) from each parent or a normal allele (N) from one
parent and an allele (d) responsible for the disease from the other parent.
3 Since the results in document 2 show that Lama has two types of alleles: one normal allele 0.75
and one allele responsible for the disease, therefore her genotype is N//d.
4 Yes, the fetus is affected by cystic fibrosis, because he possesses the two alleles responsible 0.75
for the disease.

Q Exercise 2 The Gout Mark

1 The elevated level of urea in blood might provoke a disease that affects the kidneys and 0.5
the joints: The Gout.

1cm= 0.1 g/L

1cm= 0.5g/Kg


Graph showing the variation of the concentration of urea in the plasma as a function of
the quantity of consumed proteins.
3-1 The concentration of urea in plasma increases from 0.2 g / L to 0.45 g / L when the 1
quantity of consumed protein increases from 0.5 in g / Kg to 2 g / Kg of body mass.
3-2 The origin of urea in plasma is the consumed proteins. 0.5

4 Urea is produced by the degradation of proteins. As the quantity of consumed proteins 1.5
increases (from 0.5 g / Kg to 2 g / Kg ), the concentration of urea in the plasma
increases from(0.2 g / L to 0.45 g / L ) . This high concentration of urea provokes the
gout disease.
Q Exercise 3 Passive Smoking Mark
1 Passive smoking is when someone involuntarily inhales cigarette smoke produced by 1
neighboring smokers

Frequency of respiratory troubles (%)
Group Coughing Chronic bronchitis
A 7 4.8
B 10.5 7
A table showing the variation in the frequency of respiratory troubles in two groups A and B

3 By referring to the results in the document, the frequency of coughing is 10.5% in the 2.5
individuals of group B exposed to the cigarette smoke which is greater than that of the
individual of group A that are not exposed to the cigarette smoke which is 7%.Moreover the
frequency of chronic bronchitis is 7% in the individuals of group B that are exposed to
cigarette smoke, which is greater than that of individuals of group A that are not exposed to
the cigarette smoke which is 4.8%. This shows that passive smoking favors the development
of respiratory troubles (coughing and chronic bronchitis). This is why the inhibition of
smoking in closed public areas is a major action that protects non-smokers from passive

Q Exercise 4 Celiac Disease Mark

1-1 The role of the intestinal villi is the intestinal absorption. 0.5

1-2 The characteristics of the intestinal wall are:

-Large surface area 1.5
-very thin wall
-richness in blood vessels
2-1 In the normal individual, the internal wall of the small intestine shows normal villi, while in
the affected individual having celiac disease; the internal intestinal wall shows damaged villi.
In the normal individual, the internal wall of the small intestine shows normal intestinal cells
while in the affected individual having celiac disease shows damaged intestinal cells.
In the normal individual, the internal wall of the small intestine is folded while in the affected
individual having celiac disease is flattened. 1
In the normal individual, the villi are more vascularized than those of the affected individual.

2-2 The characteristic of the internal wall of an affected individual: 1

- Decrease in the surface area of intestinal absorption
- Less vascularized

3 The decrease in the surface area of intestinal villi leads to a decrease in the quantity of 1
absorbed nutrients. The child will be unable to produce energy (by oxidation) and to form a
new molecule (by assimilation) which allows growth. Thus the growth will be slowed down
although his food diet is balanced.
‫ االستثنائية‬2019 ‫دورة الـعام‬ ‫سطة‬
ّ ‫امتحانات الشّهادة المتو‬ ‫وزارة التّربية والتّعليم العالي‬
2019 ‫ تموز‬23 ‫الثالثاء‬ ‫المديريّة العا ّمة للتّربية‬
ّ ‫دائرة االمتحانـات‬
:‫االسم‬ ‫مسابقة في مادّة علوم الحياة واألرض‬
ّ ‫ ساعة واحدة‬:‫المدّة‬

Answer the following four exercises.

Exercise 1 (5 points) Cell Division and Formation of Gametes

A karyotype represents the set of chromosomes in a

cell, arranged according to well defined criteria. It
permits us to determine the sex of the fetus and to
detect the chromosomal abnormalities.
1- Pick out the aims of performing a karyotype.
2- Indicate one criterion to arrange the chromosomes
in a karyotype.

The gametes originate from reproductive mother

cells. Documents 1 and 2 show two karyotypes of two
cells extracted from the same person:
- a gamete G
- a mother cell M of the gametes.

3- Identify the karyotype which corresponds to:

Document 1 Document 2
3-1- the mother cell M
3-2- the gamete G.
4- Specify if the gamete G is male or female.
5- Name the cell division at the origin of the formation of gamete G from the mother cell M. Justify the answer.

Exercise 2 (5 points) Transmission of a Hereditary Trait

The ear lobe can be either free or adherent.

This hereditary trait is due to a gene located on
an autosome. This gene exists in two alleles:
- an allele responsible for the phenotype
“free lobe”
- an allele responsible for the phenotype
“adherent lobe”.
The adjacent document represents the
genealogical tree of a family whose certain
members have “adherent lobes”.

1-1. Show that the allele responsible for the

phenotype “adherent lobe” is recessive.
1-2. Designate by symbols the corresponding
2. Indicate the genotype of Samia and that of Hani. Justify the answer.
3. Make the necessary factorial analysis to verify the phenotypic results of the descendants of Layla and
Exercise 3 (4.5 points) Characteristics of Blood Capillaries

Blood circulates in the body through different types of blood vessels: arteries, veins and blood
capillaries…However, the capillaries that are very numerous and have very thin walls, permit the
exchange of substances between blood and cells.
1- Pick out two characteristics of the blood capillaries which favor this exchange.
2- Name two substances which pass from blood to cells.

The adjacent document shows the Type of blood vessel Average diameter Speed of blood
average diameter of different (cm) circulation
types of blood vessels as well as (cm/sec)
the average speed of the blood Arteries 2.5 40
circulation in each type.
Capillaries 0.1 2
Veins 1.3 17
3- Show, by referring to above document that the blood circulation slows down in the blood vessels with
smaller diameter.
4- Explain, based on all what precedes, that the blood capillaries are structures well adapted for the
exchange between blood and cells.

Exercise 4 (5.5 points) Effect of Mechanical Digestion

In order to study the effect of mechanical digestion

on the chemical digestion, the following experiment
is performed:
5 g of meat in cube and 5 g of minced meat are
put in tubes A & B respectively. Then, the same
amount of pancreatic juice, water and NaOH is
put in both tubes. These experimental conditions
are shown in document 1.

The mass of meat is then measured in both

tubes at different intervals of time.The results
are represented in document 2.

1- Draw out the experimental condition that

Document 1
varied in this experiment.
2- Formulate the hypothesis tested in this
3- Represent in one table the obtained results
shown in document 2.
4-1. Analyze the obtained results, document 2.
4-2. What do you conclude concerning the effect
of the mechanical digestion on the chemical
5- Suggest, based on this experiment, a good
food habit that you can follow while eating Document 2
your meals.
‫ االستثنائية‬2019 ‫دورة الـعام‬ ‫سطة‬
ّ ‫امتحانات الشّهادة المتو‬ ‫وزارة التّربية والتّعليم العالي‬
2019 ‫ تموز‬23 ‫الثالثاء‬ ‫المديريّة العا ّمة للتّربية‬
ّ ‫دائرة االمتحانـات‬
‫مسابقة في مادّة علوم الحياة واألرض‬ ‫أسس التصحيح‬
‫ ساعة واحدة‬:‫المدّة‬

Q Exercise 1(5 points) Cellular Division at the Origin of Gametes Mark

Performing karyotype permits to: - determine the sex of the fetus. 0.5
1. - detect the chromosomal abnormalities. 0.5
The criterion used to arrange the chromosomes in a karyotype is:
-size of the chromosome,
or - the position of the centromere, or banding pattern
Or the homologous pairs of chromosomes are arranged in decreasing order of length. 0.5
Since the karyotype shown in document 1 reveals the presence of pairs of homologous
chromosomes (2n = 46), then karyotype 1corresponds to the mother cell M. 1
Since the karyotype shown in document 2 reveals that each chromosome exists in one
copy (n=23), then karyotype 2 corresponds to the gamete G. 1
Gamete G is a female gamete. Since the mother cell M and the gamete G originate
from the same person, and since the karyotype of the mother cell M reveals the
presence of 2 sex chromosomes (XX), this means that the mother cell M belongs to a
female (and eventually the gamete originating from it is a female gamete). 0.75
Meiosis (a reductional division). Since, the number of chromosomes in the mother cell
5. “M” is reduced from 46 chromosomes to 23 chromosomes (half the number) in the
gamete (G). 0.75

Q Exercise 2 (5 points) Transmission of a hereditary trait Mark

Layla and Walid have the phenotype “free lobe”; their son Hani has the phenotype
“adherent lobe”. This indicates that the allele responsible for the phenotype
1-1. “adherent lobe” is present in the parents, but masked by the allele responsible for
the “free lobe”. Thus the allele responsible for phenotype “adherent lobe” is
recessive with respect to the allele responsible for the “free lobe” allele which is
Let “F” be the symbol of the allele that determines the phenotype “free lobe”.
Let “a” be the symbol of the allele that determines the phenotype “adherent lobe”. 0.5
- The genotype of Samia is F // a.
Since she has the phenotype “free lobe”, thus she possesses the dominant allele “F”. And,
since her daughter Carol shows the recessive phenotype “adherent lobe” and recessivity
is a characteristic of purity. Therefore, Carol should have inherited an allele “a” from her 0.75
mother who must be heterozygous.
- The genotype of Hani is a // a. Since recessivity is a characteristic of purity. 0.75
Parent's phenotypes: ♀ [F] X ♂ [F]
Parent's genotypes: ♀ F // a X ♂ F// a
Gametes of the Parents: ½ F ½ a ½ F ½a
Table of cross:
γ♀ F ½ a ½ Phenotypic proportions:
γ♂ 3/4 children having free
F ½ F//F 1/4 F//a 1/4 lobes
a ½ F//a 1/4 a//a 1/4 1/4 children having
adherent lobes
The theoretical results verify the phenotypic results of the descendants of the couple 1.75
Layla and Walid.

Q Exercise 3 (4.5 points) Characteristics of blood capillaries Mark
The characteristics of the blood capillaries favoring the exchange:
1. -They are very numerous. 0.25
- They have very thin walls. 0.25
-Oxygen gas 0.5
-Nutrients: (glucose, mineral salts….) 0.5
By referring to the document, when blood passes through the arteries, having large
diameter (2.5cm), its speed is the highest (40cm/sec). On the contrary, when it
passes through the blood capillaries having the smallest diameter (0.1 cm), blood
circulates at a speed of 2cm/sec, corresponding to the smallest speed. This shows
that, as the diameter of the blood vessel becomes smaller, the blood circulation is
3. slower.
Moreover, when the blood passes through veins, having diameter of 1.3cm
(greater than that of blood capillaries), the blood circulates more rapidly with a
speed of 17 cm/ sec. This confirms that the blood circulation slows down in the 1.5
blood vessels with smaller diameter.
On one hand, the large number of blood capillaries in the organs increases the
surface area of exchange. On the other hand, the very thin wall favors the process of
4. exchange (diffusion) of substances; moreover, slow circulation of blood due to the
small diameter of the capillaries increases the duration of exchange. 1.5
These characteristics render the capillaries structures well adapted for exchange.

Q Exercise 4 ( 5.5 points) Transmission of a Hereditary Trait Mark

1. The size of meat piece. 0.5
Tested hypothesis: The mechanical digestion of food facilitates its chemical
2. digestion. 0.5
Or The mechanical digestion of food may facilitate its chemical digestion.
Title : A table showing the variation in the mass of meat as function of time in tubes
A and B
Time ( in h) 0 1 2 3
Mass of
3. meat (g).
Tube A 5 3 1 0

Tube B 5 2 0 0
The 2 tubes are under the same experimental conditions (same temperature, same
amount of meat (5 g), of pancreatic juice, same pH).
However, in tube A where meat is in cube, the mass of the meat decreases
4-1. 1.5
progressively from 5 g to 0 g during 3 h, while in tube B where meat is minced, the
mass of the meat decreases more rapidly from 5 g to 0 g during 2 hours only (a
shorter period of time).
4-2. Mechanical digestion of food accelerates (facilitates) its chemical digestion. 0.5
The individual is advised to well masticate (grind) the food.
Do not swallow the food before chewing it.. 0.5

‫ الخاصة‬2020 ‫دورة العـام‬ ‫امتحانات الشهادة المتوسطة‬ ‫وزارة التربية والتعليم العالي‬
‫المديرية العامة للتربية‬
‫دائرة االمتحانات الرسمية‬
:‫االسم‬ ‫مسابقة في مادة علوم الحياة واالرض‬
:‫الرقم‬ ‫المدة ساعة واحدة‬

Answer the following four exercises.

Exercise 1 (4.5 points) Mitosis

The document below represents the phases of mitosis in disorder.

Answer the following questions, by referring to the above diagrams.

1. Indicate whether this document represents the mitosis of a plant or an animal cell. Justify the
2. Identify each of the phases represented by the letters a, b, c and d.
3. Make a labeled drawing of a chromosome in each of the phases represented by the letters:
b and d.

A cell containing 2n=12 chromosomes, undergoes a mitotic division.

4. Indicate the number of chromosomes in each of the obtained daughter cells.

Exercise 2 (4.5 points) Chands Syndrome

Chands syndrome is an autosomal disease

characterized by very curly hair, I 1 2
underdeveloped nails, and abnormally shaped
eyelids. The opposite document represents the 1 2 3
genealogical tree of a family whose some
II 04
Ziad Layla
individuals are affected with this syndrome.
1 2 3 0
1. Pick out, from the text, the symptoms of III
Chands syndrome. Female with Male with normal
2. Show, by referring to the document, that normal phenotype phenotype
the allele responsible for Chands Female affected with Male affected with
syndrome is recessive. Chands Syndrome Chands Syndrome
3. Designate, by symbols, the corresponding
4.1. Indicate the genotype of Layla and that of Ziad. Justify the answer.
4.2. What is the risk for this couple to have another child affected with Chands syndrome? Justify
the answer.

Exercise 3 (5.5 points) Aging and Digestion

The stomach lining secretes gastric juice. This juice consists of water, mucus, hydrochloric acid,
pepsin, and other components. Pepsin is the principal enzyme involved in the digestion of protein.
However, this enzyme is liberated in its inactive form which prevents the stomach from digesting the
proteins in the lining of the digestive tract. Hydrochloric acid plays an essential role in rendering the
medium acidic necessary for pepsin activity.

Document 1
Secretion of HCl (in mg/h)
Pick out from the text, document 1:
200 –
1.1. the components of gastric juice. 190 –
1.2. the importance of the liberation of pepsin in its
150 –
inactive form.
1.3. the role of hydrochloric acid.
100 –
Some studies show the effect of aging on hydrochloric 90 –
acid (HCl) secretion, document 2.
50 –
2. Construct a table showing the results of document 2.
3. Analyze the obtained results. 25 –
4. Indicate one consequence of the variation of the I I I I I I I
(in years)
secretion of hydrochloric acid with age. 15 30 40 50 60 70

Document 2

Exercise 4 (5.5 points) The Double Function of the Kidneys

In the framework of studying the double function of kidneys, scientists performed the following
The concentration of certain constituents of blood
plasma were measured in the two blood vessels of the Constituents of Renal Renal
blood (g/l) artery Vein
kidney: the renal artery (blood entering) and the renal
Proteins 70 70
vein (blood leaving). The results are summarized in
Mineral salts 8 6
the adjacent document.
Urea (waste) 1 0.3
water 920 900
1. Name the structural and functional unit of the
The color of blood in the renal artery is bright red, while it is dark red in the renal vein.
2. Explain the color of the blood, in each of the blood vessels of the kidney.
3.1.Compare the concentration of the needed substances (proteins, water, and mineral salts) in the
blood entering and leaving the kidneys.
3.2.Draw out one renal function.
Out of all the studied substances, urea is an unneeded toxic waste which accumulation in the
organism might have severe consequences on health.

4.1. Indicate a second renal function.

4.2. Justify the answer by referring to the table.
Part of Exercise 1 Mark
the Q 4.5pts
1. This is a mitosis of an animal cell since the cells contain asters and the Telophase 1
ends up by constriction of the cytoplasmic membrane (cytokinesis by cleavage
furrow) optional answer
2 Figure c represents Prophase because the nuclear membrane and nucleolus 0.5
disappear, the asters and the spindle fibers develop, and chromatin condenses into
chromosomes. 0.5
Figure d represents Metaphase because the duplicated chromosomes line up
forming an equatorial plate. 0.5
Figure a represents early anaphase because during this phase the sister chromatids
separate, and move toward the opposite poles of the cell (the polar ascension). 0.5
Figure b represents Telophase because the spindle fibers disappear, a nuclear
membrane forms around the new nuclei in each half of the dividing cell.

4 The number of chromosomes in each of the obtained daughter cells is: 12 0.5

Part of Exercise 2 Mark
the Q Inheritance of Chands Syndrome 4.5 pt
1. The symptoms of Chands syndrome : -very curly hair
-underdeveloped nails 0.75
- abnormally shaped eyelids.
2. Since Ziad and Layla (individuals II1 and II2) have the normal phenotype and gave birth to
individual III1 who has Chands Syndrome, this means that the allele responsible for Chands
Syndrome is recessive and masked, in the parents, by the allele coding for the normal 0.75
3. Let "N" be the symbol of the allele that determines the normal phenotype.
Let "n" be the symbol of the allele that determines the Chands Syndrome 0.5
4-1. The genotype of Layla and that of Ziad is N // n.
- Since they have normal phenotypes, thus, they possess the dominant allele N. 1.5
- The genotype of their affected son (III1) is n // n since he has a recessive phenotype
(Chands Syndrome) and the recessivity is a characteristic of purity. This child inherits an
allele n from each of their hybrid parents and consequently the parents possess the allele n.
4-2. The risk is equal to 1/4
Since both Layla and Ziad are heterozygous (N//n), for the phenotype, and by referring to
the Punnett square, 1/4 of the children will have the genotype (n//n) and the recessive

γ♀ N ½ n ½
N ½ N//N ¼ N//n ¼
n ½ N//n ¼ n//n ¼ 1

Part of Exercise 3 Mark
the Q Aging and Digestion 5.5 pts
1-1. Gastric juice consists of water, mucus, hydrochloric acid, pepsin, and other 0.5
1-2. Pepsin is liberated in its inactive form which prevents the stomach from the 0.5
digestion of proteins in the lining of the digestive tract.
1-3. Hydrochloric acid plays an essential role in rendering the medium acidic 0.5
necessary for pepsin activity.
2. Title: The variation of hydrochloric acid secretion as a function of age
Age (years) 15 30 40 50 60 70
Hydrochloric acid secretion 190 150 90 50 50 25
3. The secretion of hydrochloric acid decreases progressively from 190 mg/h to
25 mg/h as the age increases from 15 to 70 years. 1
4. A decrease in the activity of pepsin / decrease in the capacity to digest protein 1

Part of Exercise 4 Mark

the Q 5.5 pts
The Double Function of the Kidneys
1. The structural and functional unit of the kidney: nephron 0.5
2. The color of blood in the renal artery that carries blood to the kidney is bright
red because, the blood in the artery is rich in oxygen gas which gives 1
hemoglobin its bright red color.
The color of blood in the renal vein that takes blood out of the kidney is dark red
because the blood in the vein is poor in oxygen gas which gives hemoglobin its
dark red color.
3-1. The concentration of proteins in both vessels is constant at 70 g/l. On the other
hand, the concentration of mineral salts and water in the renal vein are 6 g/l and
900 g/l respectively less than those obtained in the renal artery, 8 and 920 g/l 1.5
3-2. The kidney plays a regulatory role. 1

4-1. The kidney plays a purification role. 0.5

4-2 Since the concentration of urea decreases from 1 g/l, in the renal artery, to 0.3
g/l, in the renal vein, thus the kidney eliminates wastes. Therefore; the kidney 1
plays a purification role.

‫ المتىسطة‬:‫الشهادة‬
‫ علىم الحياة واألرض‬:‫مادّة‬ ‫الهيئة األكاديميّة المشتركة‬
-0- ‫نموذج رقم‬ ‫ العلوم‬:‫قسم‬
‫ ساعة واحدة‬: ‫المدة‬

ّ ‫ وحتى صدور المناهج‬6102-6102 ‫نموذج مسابقة (يراعي تعليق الدروس والتوصيف المعدّل للعام الدراسي‬

Exercise 1 (4 pts) Cell division

The adjacent document shows a cell A undergoing cellular division.
For simplicity, only one pair of chromosomes is considered.

Indicate, by referring to the document, the true or false statement(s).

Justify the answer.

1. Cell A undergoes mitosis.

2. Phase 1 corresponds to interphase.
3. The number of chromosomes in cell B is doubled by the end
of phase 2.

Exercise2 (6 pts) The Role of Kidneys

In the framework of studying the role of the kidneys, a normal individual is fed a meal poor in proteins during
one day and a meal rich in proteins during another day. The amount of urea in the blood as well as in the urine
is measured in each case. The results are presented in document 1.

Diet poor in proteins Diet rich in proteins

Amount of urea in blood (g/L) 0.07 0.4
Amount of urea in the urine(g/L) 7 35
Document 1

1. Determine, by referring to document 1, the

origin of urea in blood and urine.
Document 2 shows a longitudinal section of a kidney
as well as the concentration of the constituents of the
blood plasma in blood vessels a and b.
2. Label the structures a, b, and c.
3.1 Compare the concentration of each of the constituents
in blood entering and leaving the kidneys.
3.2 What do you conclude concerning the role of
4. Do you advise a man whose kidneys are not
functioning normally to eat a meal rich in proteins?
Justify the answer.

Exercise 3 (5 pts) Inheritance of Sickle Cell Anemia

Sickle cell anemia is a hereditary disease characterized by the

synthesis of abnormal hemoglobin. It is due to a gene located on the
pair of chromosomes number 11.The adjacent document shows the
genealogical tree of a family which some of its members are
affected with this disease.

1. Specify if the allele which is responsible for this disease is

dominant or recessive.
2. Designate by symbols the corresponding alleles.
3. Indicate the genotypes of each of the individuals, 1and 11.
Justify your answer.

Female 9 marries a homozygous normal male.

4. Show that all children of female 9 will be healthy, not diseased.

Exercise 4 (5 pts) Digestion of Proteins

After ingesting a meal rich in proteins, a probe is introduced into the digestive tube of a mouse. Samples of the
ingested food are extracted from four organs constituting the digestive tube. The concentrations of proteins and
amino acids present in these four samples are measured. The results are shown in the table below.

Digestive Tube
Concentration (%) Mouth Esophagus Stomach Small Intestine
Proteins 100 100 75 0
Amino acids 0 0 0 100

1. Construct a histogram that represents the variation of the concentrations of proteins and amino acids
along digestive tube of a mouse.
2. Determine the organ where the chemical digestion of proteins starts and where it ends.

3.1 Name one protease which is present in the stomach.

3.2 What is the role of this protease?
In the framework of a study that monitors the fate of the ingested proteins, a mouse is fed proteins marked
with radioactive nitrogen. Few days later, radioactive proteins were detected at the level of the muscles and
in other organs.
4. Explain the results of this study.

‫ المتىسطة‬:‫الشهادة‬
‫ علىم الحياة واألرض‬:‫مادّة‬ ‫الهيئة األكاديميّة المشتركة‬
-0- ‫نموذج رقم‬ ‫ العلوم‬:‫قسم‬
‫ ساعة واحدة‬: ‫المدة‬

)‫ وحتى صدور المناهج المط ّىرة‬2017 - 2016 ‫أسس التصحيح ( تراعي تعليق الدروس والتىصيف المعدّل للعام الدراسي‬

Ex part Exercise 1 (4 points) Mark

False. 0.5
Justification: B cell having 2 chromosomes gives, after two successive divisions (phase 2 0.75
1 and phase 3), 4 daughter cells, D cells each having one chromosome. Therefore, the number
of chromosomes is reduced by half, and this corresponds to meiosis.

2 True 0.75
1 Justification: Because the chromosomes each of 1 chromatid in cell A become chromosomes 0.75
each of 2 chromatids in cell B. So, there is a duplication of the chromosomes which is a
characteristic of the S phase of the interphase.

False 0.5
Justification: The 2 homologous chromosomes of the same pair in cell B separate to each of 0.75
3 the daughter cells C. So, there is a reduction in the number of chromosomes and not

Exercise 2 (6 points)

1 The quantity of urea increases from 0.07 g/l to 0.4 g/L in blood and from 7 g/L to 35 g/L in 1
urine upon shifting from a diet poor in proteins to a diet rich in proteins. So, the origin of
urea in blood and urine is the ingested protein.
a: renal artery 0.5
b: renal vein 0.5
2 c: ureter 0.5
The concentration of proteins (70 to 80 g/l), that of lipids (5g/l) and that of glucose (1g/l) stay 1.5
the same in blood entering and leaving the kidney.
2 3.1 The concentration of water (950 g/l) in blood entering the kidney is higher than that in blood
leaving the kidney (905 g/l).
The concentration of mineral ions (12-16g/l) in blood entering the kidney is higher than that
in blood leaving the kidney (9.2 g/l).
Similarly, the concentration of urea in blood entering the kidney (6 to 7 g/l) is much higher
than that in blood leaving the kidney (0.3 g/l)
3.2 The kidney plays a role of purification of blood by eliminating the excess of water, mineral 0.5
ions and urea.
4 No, since a high-protein diet increases the concentration of urea, a toxic substance, in the 0.5
blood; and since the kidneys which are responsible for eliminating excess urea from the 1
blood, are no longer functional in this man, then, urea is no longer eliminated and it
accumulates in blood. This leads to health problems.

Exercise 3 (5 points)

The allele responsible for this disease is recessive because the normal couples 1&2 give birth 0.75
1 to a diseased boy 7. This means that the allele of the disease is present in the parents but it is
masked and not expressed phenotypically.
2 Let N be the symbol of the dominant allele which is responsible for the normal phenotype. 0.5
Let s be the symbol of the allele which is responsible for the disease sickle cell anemia and it
is recessive.
The genotype of individual 1 is Ns. Since individual 1 shows a normal phenotype, he
possesses the dominant allele N and since he has an affected child 7 of recessive phenotype, 1.25
whose genotype is ss. So, he inherits an allele s from each of his parents 1 and 2. Therefore,
father 1 possesses allele s and he is heterozygous.
3 3 The genotype of individual 11 is Ns. Since she is normal, she possesses the dominant allele 1.25
N. Her father 7 is diseased, recessive phenotype, then his genotype is ss. He gives his
children only the allele s. So female 11 possesses also allele s and she is heterozygous.
Female 9 is diseased; this trait is recessive and is only expressed in people who are
homozygous for this trait. This means that her genotype is ss and she gives her children only
the recessive allele s. If this female marries a normal male who is homozygous of genotype
4 NN, this male gives his children only one type of allele N which is dominant. 1.25
Thus all children will be heterozygous, of genotype Nm, and since allele N is only expressed
phenotypically then all the children of this woman will be normal.

Exercise 4 (5 points)
1 Histogram showing the variation of the concentration of proteins and amino acids in different 2
digestive organs

2 The concentration of proteins starts to decrease only at the level of the stomach to reach 75%;
therefore the digestion of proteins starts in the stomach. 1
The amino acids appear only at the level of the small intestine with a concentration of 100%;
However, proteins at this level disappear with a concentration of 0%. This means that the
proteins are completely transformed into amino acids in the small intestine indicating the end
of their digestion. So, digestion of proteins ends at the level of the small intestine.
3.1 Pepsin 0.5
3.2 The role of pepsin is to catalyze the degradation of proteins into peptides. 0.5
The amino acid molecules resulting from the complete digestion of radioactive proteins are
4 absorbed by blood at the level of the small intestine of a mouse. These radioactive amino
acids are distributed to muscles and other body organs where they undergo assimilation. This
results in the production of a new form of proteins specific to mice.

‫ علوم الحياة واالرض‬:‫المادة‬
‫ المتوسطة‬:‫الشهادة‬ ‫الهيئة األكاديم ّية المشتركة‬
-٢- ‫نموذج رقم‬ ‫ العلوم‬: ‫قسم‬
‫ ساعة واحدة‬: ‫المدّة‬

ّ ‫ وحتى صدور المناهج‬6102-6102 ‫نموذج مسابقة (يراعي تعليق الدروس والتوصيف المعدّل للعام الدراسي‬

Answer the following questions:

Exercise 1 (3pts) Cell Division
Choose the correct answer(s), and justify your choice.
1- During anaphase I of meiosis:
a- Homologous chromosomes separate.
b- Sister chromatids of the same chromosome separate.
c- Chromosomes of the same pair of chromosomes separate.

2- The chromosomal formula of a boy with trisomy 21 is:

a- 45, XY,- 21
b- 47, XXY
c- 47, XY ,+21

3- At the end of mitosis, each daughter cell has:

a- Half the number of chromosomes as that of the mother cell.
b- The same number of chromosomes as the mother cell.
c- The same genetic information as the mother cell.

Exercise 2 (6 pts) Malnutrition

Theo, a small African child, is weaned at the 15th month and he is nourished cereals, potato tuber or banana.
Few months later, he showed the following symptoms: frequent vomiting, persistent diarrhea, swollen belly,
significant foot edema, growth and developmental problems, change in skin and hair color (rust color), pale and
fatigue. His parents were worried and consulted a health association.

1. Pick out 4 visible symptoms shown by this child.

The document below represents the variations in the mass of Theo as a function of his age.


Age (in months) 0 6 12 15 24 30 36

Mass (in Kg) 4 5 7 8 6 7 7

2. Draw the curve that represents the variation of the mass of Theo as a function of his age.
3.1 Analyze the obtained results.
3.2 Draw out at what age the growth problem appears.
4. Justify the following statement: “The problem of Theo is due to malnutrition”.
5. Indicate two kinds of food that may help Theo to overcome his problem.

Exercise 3 (6 pts) Autosomal Disease
Sickle cell anemia is a hereditary disease characterized by the synthesis
of abnormal hemoglobin. The gene responsible for this disease is
located on the chromosome pair No. 11. The adjacent pedigree
represents the genealogical tree of a family which some of its members
are affected.

1. Specify if the allele responsible for this disease is dominant or

2. Designate by symbols the corresponding alleles.
3. Determine the genotype of each of the individuals 1, 6, 10 and 11.
4. Show that, if female 9 marries a homozygous normal male, then all
her children will not be diseased.

Exercise 4 (5pts) Asthma

The results of studies performed on Asthma, a chronic disease, which affects the respiratory
airways in the lungs, are presented in documents 1 and 2.

The respiratory airways, or bronchial tubes, allow air to come in and out of the lungs. The airways
of an asthmatic person are always inflamed and constricted. The walls surrounding the airways
become even more swollen and the muscles around them can tighten when an external factor , such
as dust, triggers these reactions. This makes it difficult for air to move in and out of the lungs,
resulting in symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness and muscle
Document 1
1. Pick out from the text 2 symptoms of asthma.

Scheme (a): Normal person Scheme (b): Asthmatic person

Document 2

2. List the characteristics of alveoli that make them an efficient surface of gaseous exchange.
3. Compare, by referring to document 2, the alveolar wall of a normal person to that of an asthmatic one.
4. Explain why in an asthmatic person:
4.1- the circulation of air is difficult.
4.2- the muscles get fatigued.

‫الهيئة األكاديم ّية المشتركة‬
‫ علوم الحياة واالرض‬:‫المادة‬
‫ المتوسطة‬:‫الشهادة‬ ‫ العلوم‬: ‫قسم‬
-٢- ‫نموذج رقم‬
‫ ساعة واحدة‬: ‫المدّة‬

)‫ وحتى صدور المناهج المطورة‬2017 - 2016 ‫أسس التصحيح ( تراعي تعليق الدروس والتوصيف المعدل للعام الدراسي‬

Ex part Exercise 1(3 points) Mark

a- c Correct 0.25
Since during the first meiotic division, there is a reduction in the number of 0.75
1 chromosomes. This happens during anaphase I, when the homologous chromosomes
of the same pair separate and in each pole there will be half number of the
chromosomes of that of the mother cell. This corresponds to a and c.

c- Correct 0.25
Having trisomy 21, this boy has 3 chromosomes 21 instead of 2, and the number of 0.75
1 autosomes becomes 45 instead of 44, which is found in a normal individual. In
addition, since he is a boy then he has two sex chromosomes X and Y. Therefore,
the number of chromosomes becomes 47 instead of 46 and the chromosomal
formula is 47,XY, + 21

b and c - Correct 0.25

3 Since mitosis is a conformed, equational division where the number of chromosomes of 0.75
the mother cell is conserved in each of the two daughter cells, consequently the genetic
information is conserved.
Ex Part Exercise 2 (6 points) Mark
1 Frequent vomiting, persistent diarrhea, swollen belly, significant foot edema, growth and 1
developmental problems, change in skin and hair color (rust color), pale and fatigue.
(4 symptoms only)



3.1 The mass of Theo increases from 4 Kg to 8kg between 0 and 15 months. However, his 1
mass decreases slightly to 6kg at the age of 24 months after being weaned at the 15th
month. On the other hand, his mass increases slightly from 6 to 7 Kg (1 Kg) between 24
months and 30 months, and it remains constant until the 36th month.
3.2 The growth problem appeared at the 24th month. ½
4 The problem of Theo starts to appear 9 months after weaning and feeding on foods poor 1
in proteins such as cereals. Hence, the problem of Theo is due to malnutrition.
5 Meat and fish (food rich in proteins) ½
Ex Part Exercise 3 (6 points) Mark
The allele responsible for this disease is recessive because the normal couple 1 and 2 1
1 gives birth to a sick boy 7. This means that the allele responsible for the disease is
present in the parents but masked and not expressed phenotypically.
Let (N) be the symbol of the dominant allele responsible for the normal phenotype. 0.5
2 Let (d) be the symbol of the recessive allele responsible for the sickle cell anemia
Individual 1, being normal, then he must possess the dominant allele N. He has an
affected child 7, a recessive phenotype that is only expressed in the homozygous state, so
the genotype of child 7 should be dd. This child 7 certainly receives an allele d from
each of his parents. This means that, father 1 possesses allele d. Hence, father 1 is
heterozygote of genotype Nd.
Individual 7 gives certainly allele d to his child 11, so individual 11 possesses allele d.
Since individual 11 is normal, then he possesses the dominant allele N. Therefore,
individual 11 is heterozygote of genotype Nd.
3 3 3
Individual 6, being normal with a dominant phenotype, then she must possess the
dominant allele N. A dominant allele is always expressed phenotypically whether in the
homozygous or in the heterozygous state. This means, the second allele can be either N
or d since each of her parents has the genotype Nd and she can receive from them either
allele N or allele d. Therefore, her genotype can be either NN or Nd.

Individual 10 is diseased with recessive phenotype. A recessive allele is only expressed

phenotypically when it is present in two copies (homozygote). Therefore, the genotype
of individual 10 is dd.
Woman 9 is diseased. Since this disease is recessive and is only expressed 1.5
phenotypically in the homozygous state, then her genotype is certainly dd. She can give
her children only the recessive allele d.
4 If this woman marries a normal homozygote man of genotype NN, this man can give his
children only the dominant allele N. A dominant allele can be expressed phenotypically
either in the homozygous or the heterozygous state. Therefore, all their children will be
normal of genotype Nd.
Ex Part Exercise 4 (5 points) Mark
1 The symptoms of asthma are: coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, chest 1
tightness and muscle fatigue. (any 2 symptoms)
2 Alveoli are characterized by large surface areas, thin wal1s, and they are richly 1
3 The alveolar walls of a normal person are thinner than those of an asthmatic patient. 1
The alveolar walls of a normal person are coated with a thin film of mucus while those
of an asthmatic person are covered with abundant mucus.
4.1 In an asthmatic individual, the airways are constricted and in a state of inflammation, 1
4 and the muscles surrounding them are tightened, and these render the circulation of the
air difficult at this level leading to breathing difficulties.
4.2 In an asthmatic individual, the walls of the alveoli are thick and covered with mucus, 1
which hinders the diffusion of oxygen gas towards the blood. The drop of oxygen gas
decreases the oxidation reactions that provide energy, and this explains muscle fatigue.

‫ لغة إنكليزية‬- ‫ علوم الحياة واالرض‬:‫المادة‬
‫ المتوسطة‬:‫الشهادة‬ ‫الهيئة األكاديميّة المشتركة‬
2019/1 ‫نموذج رقم‬ ‫ العلوم‬: ‫قسم‬
‫ ساعة واحدة‬: ‫المدّة‬

Exercise 1: (5.5 points) Regulation of Body Fluids

Blood and Lymph are two types of body fluids. The lymph bathes the body cells and is present in lymphatic
vessels, while blood is present in the blood vessels. The composition of these fluids is constantly submitted to
variations due to food supply and cellular activities. However, this composition is maintained constant due to
the intervention of regulatory systems.
1. Pick out from the text:
1.1 Two body fluids and their locations.
1.2 The factors that modify the composition of these fluids.
In order to study the role of the kidneys in the regulation of the composition of the body fluids, the following
study is performed.
A normal individual is fed a meal poor in salt for 3 consecutive days followed by a meal rich in salt (10g
NaCl/day) for 3 other consecutive days.
The concentrations of NaCl in the blood leaving the kidneys and that eliminated in the urine are measured in
each case. The results are presented in the adjacent document.
2. Name the blood vessel that carries blood:
2.1 Towards the kidney Meal poor in salt Meal rich in salt
2.2 Away from the kidney.
3. Draw the graph showing the variation of Time (days) 1 2 3 4 5 6
the quantity of salt eliminated in the Concentration of
urine as function of time following the NaCl in the blood
3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.3 3.2
ingestion of the two meals. leaving the kidney
4.1 Analyze the obtained results presented in
the adjacent document. Quantity of salt
4.2 What can you conclude concerning the eliminated in the 50 50 50 75 100 150
role of the kidney? urine (mmol/24 hr)

Exercise 2: (5 points) Achondroplasia, a Genetic Disorder

Achondroplasia is a genetic disorder that results in dwarfism. The gene responsible for this disease is localized
on chromosome 4.
Jad and his brother Fouad, like their parents, are affected with
achondroplasia, but their sister Lara is not and she has a normal
height. Jad marries a normal woman, they give birth to an
unaffected boy.
1. Construct the pedigree of Jad’s family using the legends
shown in the adjacent document.
2. Determine if the allele responsible for achondroplasia is
dominant or recessive.
3. Designate by symbols the corresponding alleles.
4.1 Indicate the genotypes of Jad and his son.
4.2 Schematize the pair of chromosomes 4 of Jad and that of his child with the corresponding alleles.
Jad’s wife is pregnant and they are worried about having an affected child.
5. Determine by factorial analysis, the proportion of obtaining a child with achondroplasia by this couple.
Exercise 3: (5 points) Role of the Small Intestine
The ingested food passes through out different organs
of the digestive tract. Digestive enzymes secreted by Concentration of glucose (g/l)
Organ Blood entering Blood leaving
digested glands allow the food transformation into
the organ the organ
Esophagus 1 0.9
The concentration of glucose is measured in the blood
Stomach 1 0.7
entering and leaving four different organs of the Small intestine 1 2.6
digestive tract, following the ingestion of a meal rich Large intestine 1 0.8
in glucose. The obtained results are shown in Document 1
document 1.
1. Show that the small intestine is the organ where
absorption of glucose takes place.
In order to find out one of the features that makes the
small intestine a structure well adapted for absorption,
the surface areas of the external and the inner walls of a
section of the small intestine are measured. The results
are presented in document 2.
2.1 Compare, by referring to the small intestine
structure in document 2, the aspect of the external wall
and that of the inner wall of the small intestine.
2.2 Compare the surface area of the different structures
presented in document 2.
2.3 What can you draw out?

3. Indicate two other characteristics of the inner wall

of the small intestine.

Exercise 4: (4.5 points) Anemia a Blood Disorder

Blood circulates in blood vessels throughout the body, it delivers oxygen gas and nutrients to the cells and
carries away carbon dioxide and wastes products such as urea. Some persons suffers from anemia which is a
blood disorder, the most common symptoms of this disorder are: shortness of breath, fatigue, pale skin, etc…
1. Pick out from the text:
1.1 The substances consumed by the cells.
1.2 Two symptoms of anemia.
The number of red blood cells and the level Normal Anemic
hemoglobin in the blood are measured in a normal individual individual
individual and in an anemic individual. The results are Number of red blood
shown in the adjacent document. 4.5 3.5
cells x 106/mm3 of blood
2. State the role of hemoglobin. Level of hemoglobin in
13 7
the blood (g/dl)
3.1 Compare the obtained results presented in the
adjacent document.
3.2 Conclude two features of anemia.
4. Explain why anemic persons suffer from fatigue.
‫ لغة إنكليزية‬- ‫ علوم الحياة واالرض‬:‫المادة‬
‫ المتوسطة‬:‫الشهادة‬ ‫الهيئة األكاديميّة المشتركة‬
2019/1 ‫نموذج رقم‬ ‫ العلوم‬: ‫قسم‬
‫ ساعة واحدة‬: ‫المدّة‬

:‫أسس التصحيح‬
Ex Part Exercise 1 (5.5 points)
Regulation of the Body Fluids
1.1 Blood and lymph are two types of body fluids.
The blood is present in the blood vessels.
The lymph bathes the body cells and is present in lymphatic vessel.

1.2 The composition of these fluids is constantly submitted to variations due to food supply
and cellular activities.
2.1 The renal artery. 0.25
2.2 The renal vein. 0.25
3 Title: graph showing the variation of
the quantity of salt eliminated in the
urine as function of time following
the ingestion of the two meals.

1 2

4.1 The concentration of NaCl in the blood leaving the kidney (3.2 g/l) and the quantity of
salt eliminated in the urine (50 mmol/24 hr) are maintained constant during the three
days when the normal individual is supplied with a meal poor in salt. However, when
this individual is supplied with a meal rich in salt for the other three consecutive days, 1
the concentration of NaCl in the blood leaving the kidneys remains nearly constant
(around 3.2 g/l),while the quantity of salt eliminated in the urine increases from 50
mmol/24 hr to 150 mmol/24 hr.
4.2 The kidneys play a regulatory role, they maintain the composition of blood constant by 0.5
eliminating the excess salt in the urine.
Ex Part Exercise 2(5 points) Mark
Achondroplasia, a Genetic Disorder
1 Pedigree of Jad’s family


2 2 The parents of Jad are both affected with achondroplasia but they give birth to an
unaffected girl (Lara); this means that the normal allele is present in both parents but
masked by the allele responsible for achondroplasia and not expressed phenotypically. 0.75
Hence, the allele responsible for achondroplasia is dominant with respect to the normal
3 Let “A” be the symbol of the dominant allele which is responsible for achondroplasia
Let “a” be the symbol of the recessive allele which is responsible for the normal
4.1 The genotype of Jad: A//a The genotype of Jad’s child: a//a 0.5
The representation of chromosomes:

4.2 1

Parent’s Phenotypes: ♂[A] x ♀[a] Punnet square

Genotypes: ♂ A//a x ♀a//a
♂𝛾 ½ A ½ a
5 Gametes: A , a a ♀𝛾 1.5
½ ½ 1 a ½ A//a ½ a//a
½ of the children have the genotype A//a and are of phenotype [A].
Thus, the proportion of obtaining an affected child is ½
Ex Part Exercise 3 (5 points)
Role of the small intestine
1 The concentration of glucose in the blood entering each of the esophagus, stomach,
small intestine and large intestine is 1 g/l. This level decreases to 0.9 g/l, 0.7g/l and
0.8g/l in the blood leaving the esophagus, stomach and large intestine respectively, but 1.5
it increases to 2.6g/l in the blood leaving the small intestine. Therefore, glucose is
absorbed by blood at the level of the small intestine.
2.1 The external wall of the small intestine is smooth however its inner wall is folded into
ridges covered with villi.
3 The external surface area of a section of the small intestine (3300 cm2) is smaller than
that of the inner surface which is covered with ridges (10 000 cm2). This value is 1
considerably 10 times smaller than that covered with villi (100000 cm2).
2.3 The villi provide the inner wall of the small intestine with a large surface area of
3 The inner wall of the small intestine is richly vascularized.
The inner wall of the small intestine is very thin. 1
Ex Part Exercise 4 (4.5 points)
Anemia a Blood Disorder
1.1 Oxygen gas and nutrients are consumed by cells. 0.5
1 1.2 The symptoms of anemia are shortness of breath, fatigue or pale skin. 0.5
2 Hemoglobin transports the respiratory gases, oxygen gas and carbon dioxide. 0.5
Both, the number of red blood cells (4.5 million/mm ) and the level of hemoglobin (13
3.1 g/dl) in the blood of a normal individual are greater than those in an anemic individual 1
which are 3.5 million /mm3of blood and 7 g/dl respectively.
4 Anemia is characterized by deficiency in red blood cells and in hemoglobin.
3.2 0.5
Oxygen gas is carried by hemoglobin molecule present in red blood cells. Anemic
individual has a low number of red blood cells and hemoglobin molecules. As a result
4 less oxygen gas is transported to body cells by blood. Consequently, a little amount of 1.5
oxygen gas is consumed by the cells, resulting in low production of energy by cellular
oxidation reaction. This is why the person suffers from fatigue.

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