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1.7 DESIGN OF Swene Conecrions 53 a FUNDAMENTAL PROBLEMS FIX, Rods AC and BE are wed to suspend the 200.8 mass Ifeach rod ismacte of a material for whieh the average normal stress can nol exeeed 15) MPa, determine the ‘iaimum requited diameter of euch fod to the meurest ma ris PILI, The frame supports the leading shown, The pin at A}vis a diameter af 1.25 in. [fit is subjected to double shear, eterminc the average shear stress In the pin 2+ — i +} = rin FI-IS, Determine the maximum average shear steess developed in each 3/4-in diameter boll, Wwkip FI-16 Teach of the three mails has a diameter of 4m andl ean withstand an average shear stress of 60 MEA, determine the maximum allowable force P that ean be applied to the boars Fite IGLT, The strut is plucd 40 the horizontal member st ‘surface AB. tthe stm has 2 thickness of 25 mm and the glue tan withstand un average shear sness of AH KPa, date rmine the maximum force P thet can be applied to the strat 5 nett FI-iK Determine the maximum average shear stress developed in the 30-mn-diameter pin. kN 54 CHAPTER 1 StRESE PI-, Ifthe eycbolt is made of a material having a yield sre of ay = 250 MPa, determine the minimum fequited tdiemeter d ofits shank, Apply a factor of safety FS. = 15 gamit viclding, FI-20, UW the bar assembly is made of « material having 4 yield siress oF ery = 50-Rsi, determine the minimom teiguited dimensions i, and to the nearest 1/8 in. Apply a factor of safety FS. ~ 1S against yielding. Back har has a Aekiness of 15 in iki FI-2L, Determine the maximum force P thet can be ‘applied ta the Fond if it a6 made of material having a yield slress af ory = 250 MPa. Consider the possibly that failure ppccurs in the rod and at section a-a. Apply a factor of safsty wf FS. ~ 2 against yielding, Seetion ast Pi W122, ‘The pin is made of & material having w failure shear ssress of ry 10M) MPa, Determine the minimum required diameter of the pin 1 the ncarest mm. Apply a factor of safety of FS, = 25 against shear feilare. Fizz FIA. Tithe bolt head end the supporting bracket are mud of the same materiel having a failure shear sucss of Tui = 120 MPa, determine the maximum allowable force P that can he applied ta the helt so that it does not pull through the plate. Apply 4 factor of safety of ES. = 25 against shear failane. =) ma Las FIA. ‘Six mails are used ta hold the hanger al A against the column, Determine the minimum required diameter of each mail fo the nearest 1/16in, 1h is made of material having ty = 26 ksi. Apply a factor of safety of FS. against shear failure sgt PJerostems +173, Member # is subjected toa compressive furee of 00 Ib. IEA ancl Hare both made of wood and are # in, thick ietermine to the nearest Fin. the smallest dimension fof the horizontal segment so tt it dacs not fal in shear. The average shear siress for the segment is Taiwe — 34K) psi rob. 1-73 174, The lover is.attaehed to the shaft A using a key that has u width of and! length of 28 mim, I the st is fied and 2 sorties! Cotee of 200 N is applied perpendicular to the harulle, devermine the dimension if the allowable shear stress for the key is Tyioe = 35 MPa. a A | 0) 2u0 cub, 1-74 1-78 The joint is fastened together using 9H bolts Detormine the rexined diameter ef the bes ifthe (allure shear stress for the bolts is Tuy = 351) MPa. Une a factor of safely for sheur af FS, = 2.5 ims, Sk go mm 40, ae 1.7 DESIGN OF Swene Conecrions 55 "1-76. The lapatt assombly is to he subjected! to of 80) N. Determine (a) the required thickness 1 of the helt if the allowable tensile stress for the material is (cain = JOMPa, (b) the rexuired lap length ey {the pluc can sustain an allowable shear sircss of! Gate), ~ O75 MPa, and (¢) the required diameter d, of the pin if the allowable shear stiess for ihe pin iw (an) rub, 1-76 77. The woad specimen is subjected 1 the pull of JEN in a tension testing machine. Ifthe allowable normal sees for the wood 18 (Jae = 12MPa and the allowable shear sttess {8 tyyye = 12 MPa, determine the sequired dimensions fy and !/so that the specimen reaches these stresses simultaneously: The specimen has a wicth of 25mm 56 Cartes 1 1-78, Member is subjectel te a cximpressive force of 600 Th IFA and are both made of woos! and ate 1.3 in. thick, determine to the nearest 1/8in, the smallest dimension «@ of the support so that the averape shear siress along the blue tine does not exceed yi; ~ 30 psi, Negtect friction. Steet th Ny Prob. 1-78 17% The joist is uscd ww wansmit a tomue of T= ¥KN+m, Determine the required minimum dismeter ofthe shear pin A if Wis made from & material having a shea failure stress of Ty) = 150 MPa Apply a factor of safety of ¥ against failure. “1-80, Determine the maximum allowable torque T that can be transmitted by the joint. The hear pt A Mis a diameter of 25 mm, and it (emade from 4 material having a 150) MPa. Apply a lictor of failure shear = safety of 3 ageintt failure 8 of Thal Proin. 1-780 81. The tension member is fasten! together using wer boltsxmne on ean side of the member as shown, Each hott has 2 diameter of 03 in. Determine the maximum loa that ean be applied 6 the member if the allowable shear siress for the bolts 15 tying = 12 KS and the allowable avenge narial stress i cg = 20 ksi. er — » Prob. 1-81 1-82, The three ‘steel wires ate used (6 support the loud. TH the wites have am ullowable tensile stress of = 165 MPa determine the required diameter of each wire if the applied load is P = 6 8 182 The tee steel wites ure used to support the load Tf the wires have an allowable tensile stress of Saige = 165 MPa_and wire AB has x diameter of6 mm. BE has 4 diameter of $ mm, and BD has-u diameter of 7 mm, Hewrmine the greatest force P thal can he-appleel betore bone of the wires fails. robs. 1-828 “1-84, The assembly smnsists of three disks A, B and € Uhat ate uscd tb support the load of 149 KN, Determine the smallest diameter dof the top disk. the diameter d within the support space. andl the ameter dy w€ the hole ia the bottom disk, The allowable hearing stress for the material 350M Pe and allowable shear stress is 125 MPa six = 2481. Determine the grostest loud that can be supported without eausidg the cable to fail when = 30° and = 4S?. Negleet the size of the wineh, 1-48, ‘The boom is supported by the winch cable that hat in allowable normal stress of tray ~ 2¢ksi I iL is required that it beable to slowly lift SOQ by, fromm # = 24" to = 30" determine the smallest ameter of the ewble 19 the nearest im. The boom AB has-u lengih of 20 [Neglect the sizeof the winch Set d ~ 12 8 Probes, 185/86 1.7 DESIGN OF Swene Conecrions 57 the pine Wine. IF the allowable bearing sisesses for these materials ate: ofye = 43 MPaanl Oye = 25 MPa, determine the greatest load # that can be suppor 2 rigid hearing plate is used between these materials, dleterminc its equired area so that the maximum toa can the supported. What is this load? L487, The 60mm 69 mm ouk past is supported on i 1 Prot E87 “1-88. The frames subjected to the fond nf 4 KN which ets on _ member ABD at 1, Determine the requited diameter af the pins at rand Cif the allowable shear stress for the material iS Fujyu ~ 4 MPa, Pin € is subjected to tlouble shear, whereas pin 1) ts subjected to single shan ig Prob, 1-88 58 CHAPTER 1 StRESE 1-82, The eve bolt is used to suppart the load af $ kip. Determine its diameter d to the nearest Zin. and the required thickness 4 1 the neurest Fin. of the support se that the washer will not penetrate or shear through it The allowable normal siress for the bolt is aim ~ 21 kal and the allowable shear siress for the supporting material is Sst ski Prob 1-89 1-90, The softeide suspension system of the mountain bike is pinned a © and supported by the shock absorher BD. If i i€ designed tw Support 4 load P= 151M Ny doserming the required minimum diameter of pias Band C. Use a facturof safety of 2 against Gailure-The pins are made ‘of rnaterial hasing a fallure shear stress of zy = 150 MPa, ‘und each pin is subjected to debe shea 1-91, ‘The softeride suspension system-of the mountain bike Is pinned at € and supported hy the shock absorber ed 10 Up Ay of ping & and C against failure if they ate made of u maicrial having a shear failure stress of rai = LS) MPa. Pin B has a diameter of 75 mm, und pin € has a diameter of 63 mm. Both pins-arc subjected to double shear, Profs, 10001 42, The compound women beam iscennected ingether by aboltat B. Assuming that the connections at lB, C, and P exert only vertical forces on the beam. determine the required digmetet of the bolt at 4 und the requited outer ameter ofits washers ifthe atlowuble tensile stress for the bolt is (uu ~ 15 MPa and the allowable hearing stress for the wood i (riage = 28 MPa. Assume that the hole in the washers tas the sume diameter is the bolt aan ae sts Lskn Prob. 1-92 93, The assembly is used Se support the distributed Aoading of w = 500 hi, Determine the factor of safety with ‘expect to yielding forthe stecl rod BC and ihe pins at # and Cif the yield stfoss for the sicel in tension is a — 36 ksi aaniia shear r, = 18 ksi. The rd has a diameter bf 040 In, and the pins cach have a diameter of 0.0 in, 12-94, 11 the allowable shear stress for each of the 30 incliameter stec! pins at A,B, and ©i8 tyjya = 12.5 ksi, ani the llowable normal siress (or the 044-in-ciumetet foil 18 ange = 22 kel, determine the largest intensity w of ‘tho uniform distituetee! load that ean be suspended from the beam. Probs, ON 1-95, Tf the allowable bearing sitess for the material tinder the supports at A ancl is (slam ~ 1.8 MPay determine the-size of square bearing plutes A’ and & required 10 support the loa Dimension the pilates to the nearest mm, The reactionsat the supporis.are vertical, Take P= 100K "1-96 I the allowable bearing stress for the materia) under the supports at A and B is (ir) — 1.5MPa, determine the manimum load P that gen be anced tw the iveam, The bearing plates ’ und BY have square eross sections of 154mm x 150 mm and 250mm > 250 mm respectively ADR ins re ise Prot, 9896 #1-97 ‘The rods AB and CD are made of steel having & failure tensile sess of oy) = S10MPa, Using a tacios of iy of FS. ~ 1,75 for tension, determine their smallest diameter s0 that they can support the toad shown. The bbeam is assumed to be pin connected at and C 1.7 DESIGN OF Swene Conecrions 59 1-98 ‘The aluminum bracket A is wsed to support the cccnivaly appli nad of & kip. [Fit has x eonstant thickness of 05 im, determine the smallest height A in ender to prevents sheur failure, ‘The failure sheer stress is 23s. Use u factor of safety for shear of FS. = 2:5 Prob, 98 199, ‘The hanger is supported using the rectangular pi. Determine the magnitude of the allowable suspended load P iL the allowable bearing stress is (Fj)aagy = 220 MPa, the allowable tensile stress iy (ain 150 MPa, and the allowable shear stress is tae = 130 MPa, Take 1 = mm, a ~ Sm, and b= 28mm, “1-100, The hanger fs supported using the rectangular pin. Determine the required thickness 1 of the hunger. and dimensions w und b if the suspended load. is ?* = 64 KN, The allowable tensile sures8 16 (sow = 150 MPa, the allowable bearing stress i§ ()atou = 290 MPs, and the allowable shear sLiessi6-7,jyq,™ 125 MPa.

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