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Doteh 26 (7/22 : ; NEW CENTRES OF POWER Beith elon, att canem " Logo fprceat 9 ls the ASEAN Inca, 4k ee et (oa) uctpxtsent the ten south cost Adi on Gurbie —— bownd etc Coat foiendship ond ac. : 2. Discus te Aim of ASEAN Socio-. Eeomowic — Commun 2 vou The elm off ASEAN. Sodio - “Etoromic Communit, Me 1, The ASEAN —Sucedion oso _urhabe Ba Go amuch S™Holl ex econo’ compaxcd te ee athe. EU, ond “Tap tte Oe nee much faiter thon AN “Economic Commun axs. to CO Commen anaxtet powodutiion within ASEAN stot and. te aid soda ond ecomomic dey opm cat ‘nn he ASEAN. bos focused tm creak a Exe Trade. Arco (41a) foe ‘vedo » Lob cur sedan dS .Crdlic Cases Tm eich. apr. — the mer ae of che benefit ite seem) 2016, 9m) sr Le 2 par fm hepa ond suo —Lncomes 1 an the suet ex onal Sov ee ee Co) The acts Se ie. < moti [Sameer ez powgen tate. 1+ Evatuare. apy. oH ‘ - fives bocndyee, patton: e ee eee et a potitical pee cena $6eca? fade .xcaporasb te. oie i ea a Pay clisation. a Sp _Ledctoa. Bike Sorte fopclewtal pod ution rh ease oo oe eS (8 Te Shaxe world tude) 3 tome Lasse thon thet of the Os. 54s De total — expenditure om meilichony ay secmd th the Us. : Bi Mestion plant chegge im 3 Lode ~ china PNA aR a hove ont: plas Atte. the Gold -Waxy - iw ! L.. Tndia - china. bude my oh 8.04)» pO (apes since, 1994, a Mote postive Te om. vulation ait chura om has end. china 199.2, between _Tndia, om {338 ™ildon “in Bade. ‘im cxeoaed. ty mon ton $84 sition tn 26. B+ BotR courte howe “he Gop exste Git each offi “im Yon Ca. Hho Could otfhtrwier crete coptcr between the tre Ladia- ond chime h.oweadoy PAT potidies Sen Simtevenitianol | ec onemic matt ons Wike the Word Tade. Sees oe Yo Gaal atts ecme: bow “ian _dramstite is a = 88: Re pe eS the yafrumi +9 a z ge Ressns +. te 7 mark Cl ord, produdtian within ute ag « S ASEAN hos foot on cxcoilit a eee Trade Asia Yor vavedment , Labotix ond Seuices , +NGa Vision 2020 defined on outward Looking : ; Venls “for ASEAN. ‘in Hie nitexnaienod ents spam ond i eee de ee eg) hat de Sthe x nearen _heNrsbidhe ss 3 : of ASEAN) ni eee meat by. Bepow ond Dutt the Second Woud Wax ond. Cornupition, Sows Gos ceogions of Aira suff exed- economic. ee potiticat Camung teres of snap eatired. Calanialsen na wel of ther ond of wan cit rcanfuant ed wih tA [Sohlenns of mation. pe ofl ch oe Bisd8. oet ASEAN. . ation, J A. Accu He Rab ed dd. Hicts cea et Aas, TE Led ta pot Toil ona fat a ein Mxaties to oppuie Leadon fe Sipreabe ee ae hea at = | Lett Suppoet Te pax Tied es ipowoal eee f 2 ana ae a te eu Rar howe Conblluted te Paketon aides in. ae fab Qe = Baxinanes. of. f Militasy dogy eon ho. Led Jf the z ; —Aeques vice cates of a Oa ee Gonfficr _usith fds ho mode. tte 4 ee Gout mote powerful , ‘extexnational Democuati. ‘im Pakistan hove 4 pencouna fet the. ag +o Continue ite Damsromce « i 4. Globol Tilanie “Texxoxiem 4 the. apprsheniion ae . port fon Ch. that pakistine mudeax asuena) might fatt ‘into the hard of there Fexaint af The malta vege tm Pakietan ~hos heey seen os the protdttsr of Western Intorert im weet Aaiq £ South Agia. lin He cimermstonces that h@d Me eatin of Baryladesh «How did Bargludesh succeed in Eatoblishy apres ete ve ey hosed on Nutt p ten 9 + The peop of Bangladesh ented the domsnciti on of Weten Pakivtton ard the eee of Unda hecpyucge « + The peeps the Pokntan gtoxted post cit: ey bad bchaviow om Beng ali * Tm the 1970 cleo _, te Awami L oon ol the seats in East pakwtun and Seasked 0 niga Im thc proposed Conibituant auimbly fer the oe. of Pokictan, . * Bur the gout. vepused fo Comvene te Dus te alich situstedion “in eae of — peopl staxted Cosipy to + The.Indo -Pok Wax of 14H! hed the creation Of Bunglad tah. cs | ite Conatitattion Dedasipy Bt im Seculaxam, s Bessie Socaliom . Tie tule» Ras. Rehman. formed lad sh National Rast and. won 979. 1 He wos & absgediodl cc A Hen. militant okeoven ofottowed oe tand te the Lead tuhi fof. Me Genenat HH, ee MBruhod dic. then es Demo- _eledion feom ould de the pa a ant 2. HO polig mux Uke the Nalionabiuthen of Barks, Mobtion of Bow purse & hed ty Serious diff exonas beT aeen fe and Mowxpi Desa 9 The min cess was the ideatial Election of 1969 when Mu Ganddi Supported Va Gia amd Tad Grdidate as 9 pporsd to. Sody Coy Re Hic. offical Cut candidate. The defeat of the offual Grdidate formalacd 1 the spat of He asthe 3. The con up tol by the Lydicant Game -to be ed dG pautn ond the Gardss came to be Golsed Reytusitiorste . Be Why, did India Repu to cigm te. ‘nucleox NPT ie 2 Lr Am “ta vigpus to sign the nudeax NPT of 1966 Because ~ + TndGa_hos opposed the iNTtexndbicnol teeafien cumed af ron ptolipexibin ance they were ‘ et opplicabis ste He Nen-muchtax poo ts. is be ei the te sparse 2535.00. a. _ ponce st» at ao posed he wrdefincte _siesa of the NET“ 1995 ond ale cxefuscd i. the. _ (els “aes Campxshentire _ Tet Ban “ay ee ee LR rT RERENE —jstaxates. “Talat and ten = Oo maats eesti te. mudeor. De pe sworle . he Dh 1956 chen bsictain . attached Sua Grmt Tutus vndio hed. the toud pouteat we Hi neo —Clonial i nyaiten. — ee _ # TIndiot muchens dotBume of nests niciim ium no foul Uae” ony G. Dewdbe ic eka. ‘ae Bix Bion. Winutex Thitcoxtat Nehru im $eemutal ener —paly- Sia 4. NEHRUS Rowe ~ + foarectves] eae Lib Te preseswe. the. had = Caxned Sever 2. Te pated Tensictotial Try Epil re To. prsmate Rapid Eéonomic. ~ To agmest | mwaded pee _sLettia cid net. oe ‘da Eh ae aie Netifaun k Implementing “haypt ovtx the, = # Amolyin the nudear polity of Tdia * Use of nuclear power Pacofut poxposss * India vwfused tp gym CTBT oad NPT 90 or codes NPT on Qiodmiratow . * Tadia onwone of not uss} nudeox weapom + rdia conduiled “te fiat nudeos tet in AFuin Pekhsan » Ray + Dndia did dite ancond nuclear teat‘in M88 at Hesqme pla . Ths ter wor auccaful- 8. Anolyds the two Guar of Conffict between India | and ~ Pekister hina + Baxdex ists _eaped tm toumachal Exod oh ord Aksoy chim» 0) + Tension over “india pri di mm -to Datislama . + chiral Jos xckitions uit Pakiton end helpiny Nud eax. mmc. por to Pakistan ‘rm. UN» eighty sino ade a ou the Denunanca. Pies Coppei sp wn the fout thx Gental cechons pees inherited He ky of the pe ae Com 2, Of. the block advantaje 0 wool = yeti pol 8. The pasty. haa He meat populax chasiamai. the _foediern fi Am. _ Leader 'n Yadion..-polities 10. Accept benefice of the Cabtin pout, ten yadda dence 19D ‘i “Amy Se 1+ Th” provide an attenalbe ‘im cote no paty wen chean Maro be 2. Representation Divewe wir. es Regional — parties and ee the opporti. ny te hem Me Unon Gait « onal Eypeatioms and _asAixaitiom co rr tahey take of and _Accensdat ed + i fie ak hae —}Tr-_tindia_ Candids 3 ee Tn iadia— sn _peiiea_Gnteut Fedtion ‘im = ee lity of Lindi. afte Eadepenclena) free Gtalk elediom and hou “te the ene ee Tanoge to um tHe cedon , Ll. Tn chino tthe Domirana of ne porte a Os ensured val Com, eet ere, . 2. Tn Kina the Conittuton psumcte only 0 Single Postfyacto oule the. urbe. 13. How ir da pity +a Soy Har ANue chopter of Peace & Gop cxation nght be envalved im Souk Adio if oU tHe Gurbyts abou free tusde awn He Botou . TR Gu othe Spivdt behind the SAFTA. ~ Ceosimnity of “ASEAN. naitigre Ut _moks Heode economics > hloxs uit become known etatuat elith Hhsding ecoome Relation . Fhe fure name. of He piaciti om Represent His Gxtorn . we Lib exation Agee of Tarik Elam 2) Taplain the. difamena of doilentam Leadexshif “in tying to vaste thin etic emf vit Tr Uo aitticute task to halons dimholae £ Tart gresb beth. + Soi lanka followed the potigy of mayerutoxienien € Tamil poe —aggiarel | (Se A | — a ik cen tet bn men SS eee a- co ae fe, sees. Canttxo) an uate. Pe — ee ain ok ae e T+ ie tae fink conus Geis: Lbenaliaa 5 i. = | 1d Dev odbe apy tess eyes — +hot ens tothe ‘imp pdttion of gm vm_1975 9 Araliee the eee thot you Hirk wore washonit 60a. fm Hie Deol axatvon of Em engeny im 1936.9 toy. The = ceecurreitamces which had to He. pralaimalion of Tin ey engy wee. i 1. Bifox amd Guy axa movereal Cueto on unset im the © situdeck wens ono paste vetoed gyal he. ad oat Gow. im_Hhe eta -ax0od Ho < Fond hear —- pataee (geet co dese, co cue +hem a momentum yun ao alex othe aivitthies gecrnut Gots. arel nate Heoubled the “ott, Nexadite had on rg mexnmes view» Fen howih me. weg = gut cutd met «tof. them . 3. eange Feasandes oo a Ge for nationwids ctihe bs fo. oho te. men. Thi demanda_w Cr. ae : ; eri the Ghutdoum of sucha by ~ lb Past = hase “im Bs — si Patten Ton fete 991. elect “mvoliich Narayan a i feona a bn etn stroca Uk PG 5 ‘ ae Be a Sem clemindly hod shoun My cbatatiefaétion apert euch pruvll 6 e. if argent elie. Saichions ppnaectenc, After she wen im 1967 Clectiom , she put hex 2 — era Emegeny coor dedaned on 25 W Tine 5/975, ge ech e an e cae ene ie es Sage aa bik. -KCom of total vevolition by oF: epsahash Nosevan, ond oneped eu. prepa ae ecm © + TK, hereditary prviikgye wos ayaimat He icleow °b cates ard sotial and economic yuiice , urfich ds embiided im Tadian Constitution . yeep oe Sea SCR es ° 6. Jayapmkah Alargyon_aarourced a natitonddcle 8. Evaluate He impucr of National omexgency L-aalted the akey. dedaxed in “June 1976. Ces __met to obey + dry Tropa of emesgeny declaxed sm Jame 51995 t- ‘ 3 i) Fundamental ie wor Supended... hi) The. powex of Tadic apy toons Limited. Big pune 9 Eratuste +e —Flote played py “Iaelinn Gandhi in the abdion 4, Highijekt tue heetons heasrt py the pes 10g. ea aS 9 Ts 3 of. Tria. om te. -emeygency impesed im (9745 Amdt ht Une of dittoluttim of Binoy cintes, An te tes Atsom of Tet iay se = he oudexs of Bircely tate had Seer amined at ot thet fom would Gt He sight to 4. TRough many observ indi a : t : yesa ure Haught that indi. juan —_ceveim private . property hosed on id Cenwod ee eee hing the Emery cnty hexsdily and gost. but ch paved wrt and nema. demeoetrc ep hy AE et % oe vaduced “within a shout Sparof time ae in ~ Hie combed dare da said thet dt is Z cbumey dliffiaut fo do arogy with denooe | saan id : Dy, Ermey en yy goad 2 cheb oBesDaid ere ee hs of the cndp tbedtre —. The Guxt tea hove econ enone ' . + A brought out some ambiguictes xgyarting —emexyeny hs uae mann ae Pre © pi — canes ee i tot 9 Can be pxscoimed only on the prouncle 6 : Aine cae i Seo i ge ard, aamed wah sition « 9 “Tentann. a ed ty the. ae (atta targeting th cot axiom potttia wor tary 2. G ae got fe selfoh eo d ere — Se Navemet _bounched noe was aha otf am xocitine and. ecl wirin int afour fadou vusponible Fox the baie “monk + the Janata. Covexnmert 1979, Meare veponi Bla fee the downfalr of tre Tarata eae aed ~ = The tyancta..Po ae not Kego apgethes dus I to iatenol Com > Be iachea dimsdin. and Keadenstip s Tt hacked a commen rome. 4 7 Geld mt briny 0 ftrdamectal chap, e im | petider toleowed tHhe._Coi ca pach 3 aS esate party —dptit ome. bine Gout. feu. + Advice of He Casitdert must be taken by the Union Ghinet . one made eregyen acoore th Ee tn aff the duiclepmext opie 3 Aead Ou of as postion porte. wiexe re A Leantins He davelopmenk that pase odes to the oxxected amd “~palfed s Congr betocen the Unsen pout. and the << a yest ‘m indiq_, Fadeat ee Political Stiens. etch. thi ng | Cosuss of Conftantation between Ye Union (ACen de you horn. $e5m_ the pene we Govt. and. the aint ee Fmpesed. DG i i Ou. Lesson. of ny, tifa impo ae Re | 1) Gratitit ool ‘wtus ob out Phe wamstndment fa the af tis toes alt to. do ae q Fundamedtar Rights . pO enact Cae Sok: aa : (Siar A : i) Hes, FasbomesT nconTsiy rte yee e oe the. Congthit sh. 2 i) eae amesed_andh mplem ext ORS Pu» But the oe Wy) ie “Yn the. Keskvonanda Bhai Case cahen he eat a that the basic fester of- ection Conrat be, amened the. eee. 2 PSS He chiGh puitica. of ay os ue - a Se nthe confumntatties coos He wating of. frvalif) « te of 4 igs ent cask . te. MO ED Gy in. 1940 In oats eae oe. lee: the. me ptt pm “OR. ibike Pes letue. elas us: ie ydicant, ight to. pxo— : ed the Fundy ae Gund “9 the i&tuge po © AG of Aturert and calatance to the Emengeney Fempas ea 1 AVS fe 1) % otitical “POSS exho coexe nat annested im The fit ware , wort pares and fo. ogame poste ayes the . i) Newpopen Uke the inion Gt ond the. censorship heowi stat eons post eitea Blank ¢pace orhere Agws Lhe had been Ccrored. Mopodra ike the Semunax onc the Manian Rie to cose down sather than submit to Con orshifs « in) {Maes J jouxnaliat eer axxcited fee wdibipy ayoinat se » Many und und newat Ehrers igen woe pai to bypase Censorship. Cw) Kannada sieter ace Kaxentf , awarded uth Padre Bhushan , anc Hindi hbate. Fynithwaxnath Crem , awarded with Padma ghxi , faxed thew. awards." postest gganat: the duspention of Dempitantn + Eifeas i= (1). Aften he ii of athe uxbun mdelos - fad C1 exe. go A cer the fact thot Whose — on end ond Aietifline toaa onthe Gu cploy ets 4 ath pstioratination of General Insuronte , cory on urban property ard inceme He Why ia Cmexg erty consid exad fo be one of Phe most sektiberias gpisedes rm Indian polita Phmabe Oy Hime Keane.» Tae 8 Sydicact ‘ak - Ary Ritu to follouipy utanacny the. emepgengy moat (The. i eto indixe Garth. Come mt become cartroutuial episede “im Sndian Politics nny the eppasiben but from wittin he. - Gah" ioe oe clea ash i) The Constitutional Simply _meatsinad intexn al ee Seba of povergul. ond disturbance os the vcéyon for Declaring emexy ery Ra fhe fepeaeas oe 199s emexy ery fou. Neves. proclaiIned on und. teas tod playea a eo m_the “ita. tating ae janciki as the, Birsme. nivaicken by encuring ii) People Aad the vdght to poli potest cist eo eae aa heaser of the Partiomentany paity, ti ot a The ree Gy Grant ih on Ce _wwanrtd to _ContsoP_ alten nape = Af pots nancial ota: sho were fo make ber the Bumt mimatex axe cere newer $i ed for oP} ail —Li sea pA Bee was momeed tp _anpencd demovatic. -pundan- Ci mde fom the ae and use ctxaconion measuxes lihe the —4gg ain Ye ground He 196% _ cleetitna . 3 IDs) Hee f arcane agreed t+hak te. amal on bold stato whe of Emesy enc WOKE He ~clexct dibibutron st ay oe ~ of poet india Ricrgas a hig — ee, ty Oa on mens ency “is prodaimed _ oo ue of reitratire, anda Ten dicbabut on of“ potdexs demain. _ pesitico sincludCd Social cotxst of borkis ard ode the. ian im ee fe ive se pa was He. moi ccausn ee nuctterm cleans in 1980.. Sh. Tarta | ot. Aad came. to. power. 'm 19% was : ich Ose by —rateunol.- sfoctionaliscn ond. = Sapien = vival _daimanta fo. the. oy F hea | an caer Ord. ee Singh | a rte om Coch other ~o+ the postion i pot minat ex ACfoygh Movcyy) D ea bern ime minicter. othe “fighting win the; cartinued - When chown onl fe op : jp —tbtelveus _support-s+fe. yanata_ ie ee amma ty gat ok eta et h coos formed Support of. the Co ‘rp cone The yuste.p and i deabpy to hend fhe aie abo Locked @ ytnse of dixecizon arch Taint sBafg try wat thin, oy posved to be disastrous, « The yarta. pody Guld met boing #Re dedixed ee furdamental chopye in the —potiie thar wea. pwuuoel 8 the Congres _ Ths tbe, Tarnto.- nee coo defeated in he md TE eB o; 196.0... Gn my 7 Wloths sfoe prsoy oy the ‘ntexnational Coptich and ty spaalitate “) Coopexdtion omspg memboru SH fis pated koe pos. ea tite a ee CU ond Nom. peunem ent — mer! Counaf rae _ G, Tuatify indiad Gretidatuxe for te pexmonent= — | Gouterta proposed -for heur peunanent and non ~ y E psy StineseaT mem tee copes Heol etusity Giant. ee of He ON Securify Cound. on apy fou soe es ~ thy a Tadia ia big naitron.. in tevm of eb population « ae (eae 3 2. Tndia dis @amdor eeoramic power - 7H re Tonk OWEN... - ~ GB. Tdig de a ray Oe Milt Power. | S.A Substantial centsihutor sho tfc UN buch Ys Tralee cespeas femacy oo human Sight « A Big stim in rex of ute population S.A Ratim that _ocespeate donsoufy! and human 4. Mestion he dix poimipol opin of tHe Unared - — peer ~ td Nation ond Qesoihe the qundbiom of Ory Ho 2 Ce eh of +hem. f A Aaseu_the sole of He United Notas ov the — prs. Sx poundpal eepans of the. Lated Nations + — art impostoxt _"intexnatreo! — Opseninati on. : i) Genet ou “i)__Secnidy Guray— i), Dacheunatismad Courtof Tuatice. Ww) SepeeFuiar VW Feammic & Socal Gumcif Sl Beasts Coureif % - Thea. Gis chet ‘eeues ufick Game Be dante + Fonction of General Acc 4 “wets indi did uo atite . So state, on b)-.Lt electe the. membens. “For He other studies and ws Qs of He UN " Debiberationa and chiscusiions ov ex _ ondy: aes ch

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