Training Activity (UN-Women)

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Activity: Coaching of model women (with or without disability) leaders from ward,

village/street chairpersons and committee to engage in leadership positions and advocate

for the adoption of gender-responsive reforms at local levels and participation of women in
economic aspects.

 To increase awareness amongst community members.
 To build capacity amongst community ward, village/street leaders on the importance
of women participation in social economic aspects.
 To strengthen the bid by eradicating the gaps between men and women
 To formulate policies that will aid the participation of women in social economic
 Learning more about Gender based violence.
 Creating safe spaces.

The training activity was done at KILUNGULE WARD at into which 11 women and 5 men had
participated joining the movement to end GBV but also to create awareness on the
importance of women (with or without disability) participation in social, economic and
leadership aspects.

As from our trainees’ various techniques were introduced as the group was taught into how
there is a difference between gender (jinsia) and sex (jinsi) into which the two terminologies
were explained showing their differences and how they affect the two groups in the society.

From the explanations that were facilitated by our trainees this made a clear understanding
as the two group were able to distinguish between sex and gender and also they knew the
activities that should be undertaken by women and men especially those of economic and
leadership remembering that it is the role of both sexes in building the Nation by creating
safe investing ways that break up barriers in economic and leadership aspects.
Groups were made as to discuss and come up with ideas concerning the responsibilities of
both sexes.

From the groups and presentations, the two groups had a wide understanding on gender
issues and what roles does each sex play in building up the nation but also on how to end
Gender Violence.

After the focused group discussions and awareness building qutioners were given to
participants as to go in their communities interviewing and filling seeing into what burden
does our community is and most was seen. That our communities lack awareness and that is
due to lack of enough knowledge on gender issues as most believe that violence can only be
done to women forgetting that men are also victims.
We had a role of implementing and fusing knowledge to the community by selecting leaders
who will work as a task force provoking and teaching more about gender-based violence and
how to report in case one has fallen into such a situation.

The following are pictures during the training activity.

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